Did the Vatican Excommunicate Archbishop Viganò? w/

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@isaiahdeck8747 28 күн бұрын
Every single Catholic these days almost need to take two hours and read “Uniformity to God’s Will” by St. Alphonsus Liguori. Even better than that, read your bibles. St. Paul tells us that dissension is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit. So if you’re tempted to leave the Church for Orthodoxy or Protestantism, please examine yourself and judge yourself instead of others (i.e. the Pope). Above all, trust in God through all temptations and trials. That includes a Pope you dislike or are scandalized by. I know it’s hard, but draw near to Christ and let Him heal your broken heart from the apparent scandals that take place in the Church.
@Hugo-ox8pk 27 күн бұрын
Amen brother! straying from the Church is straying from God!
@hyeminkwun9523 27 күн бұрын
from Our Lord's 5/31/2020 message to disciple (Julian Soto Ayala): "The hidden weapons of world domination, the enemy forces of Mine, of My church and of My faithful disciples, who follow Me, do violence to us. It is now, My children, that the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth suffers violence (Matt 11:12), it is now that the striving brave will enter it. First it was, the elaboration of a "Master Plan" then... Infiltration, achieving the highest domains, then... Then came manipulation, betrayal and control of the media. From the highest echelons of the Church, Satan worked tirelessly, until introducing a false pastor, who will soon leave his post to make way for "the greatest of abominations." The false shepherd has sold the sheep into total confusion, making them believe that they follow the truth, while he himself, in his person, is full of lies and stubborn pride. He submits, to obedience, all My already polluted and perverted church, and has usurped the power of the primacy of Peter and corrupted the Petrine throne; that is why he does not have the power of the "Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 16:19)". Behind him, the strings of the hands of those, who control everything move, move and order him, force him to make subtle statements that are leading My children to confusion and division. My simple, humble children, who seek to love Me and follow Me. The sects are the works of the devil; falsehood and lie is in the pastors. Romans 1:22, 'boasting of wise men, they became fools.' Priests and bishop theologians are denying My Resurrection, and denying, with infiltrated lies, My Real Presence in the Eucharist. The theology of modernism, the theology of liberation, the theology of humanism are sharp, pointed arrows that wound My Heart. False ecumenism will drive Me out of the Church, out of My altars, because they will embrace false human doctrines that are only commands of wicked men. The union of world religions will no longer accept My Pure and Holy Immaculate Mother as Mother of God, My Mother and Mother of Humanity. Thus they have subdued many of My children, who have anxiety and fear, because they do not want to leave the prostituted Church, it is the feeling of the world. Oh... My disciple continues to write... although doing so costs you a great effort. I the Lord keep speaking... Whoever wants to understand understands… Listen to the Voice of the Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. My prophets announce you and warn you in My Name, because I Jesus have taken you for Me. They will not suffer any harm as long as they fulfill their mission. My Church is now like a boat shaken by waves and storm, the impostor has guided it into troubled waters and lost its way! This time had to come... Do not be surprised that I repeat it again... Religious control is being exercised with the worldwide economic support of the powers of the master of this world, who seem to triumph under the protection of bishops and cardinals, who unduly usurped the command. My children, My power is greater, much greater... than the false power that rules the world. Either you are with Me, or you are against Me! You have heard and read it... that he who claims to be a friend of the world becomes My enemy. The traitor is here... My church has been sold... yet I preserve, with My grace, those, whom I have chosen. I the Lord have spoken."
@jfarris1227 22 күн бұрын
@@isaiahdeck8747 I thank you for this. It’s very simple and concise, and if everybody would take this to heart, we would be a stronger church
@WarIsNoMoreCold 28 күн бұрын
Lol the comment section attracted a lot of schismatics themselves! Beware! Toxicity ahead.
@AdamtheGrey02 27 күн бұрын
Yes, because inviting a pagan god onto Vatican grounds and in the Church isn't toxic right.
@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 27 күн бұрын
​@@AdamtheGrey02Sin doesn't justify sin!
@AdamtheGrey02 27 күн бұрын
@@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 If it leads the faithful away from the teachings of Christ it certainly does. If you're allowing pagan rituals to take place where Christ resides in the tabernacle, that is called blasphemy.
@AdamtheGrey02 27 күн бұрын
@@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 And I wasn't justifying "schism". Most posters here are disapproving of this Pope's handling of issues and thoughts like giving Communion to divorced people who are still "remarried" and living in sin. It's not "toxic" to be upset at things of that nature but what is toxic, is inviting a false pagan god onto Vatican grounds and in a Catholic Church.
@tonyalongi4409 27 күн бұрын
@@AdamtheGrey02 If you're referring to the Amazon Synod, and to what the participants themselves called "Our Lady of the Amazon" (you can hear it in the recording), then I can safely reassure you that no pagan god was involved. All that nonsense started with Taylor Marshall, who seems to get a kick out of gaslighting and outrage-baiting his audience. Even Pope Francis himself said there was no pagan intent there.
@EdwardBray-i1w 27 күн бұрын
Thanks CA, for sharing this and stepping away from previous dissenting positions. Let us all hope EWTN follows suit.
@danielmeadows3712 27 күн бұрын
God bless Pope Francis and the seat of Peter. Instead of criticising the Church we should prayer for unity, as our Lord demands.
@lucky16ization 28 күн бұрын
Thank you for clearing this up!
@dan_m7774 27 күн бұрын
I think Jimmy gets this wrong. The automatic excommunication happened about a year ago, and the Vatican was trying to demonstrate tolerance, that he might repent. After this failed attempt the Vatican doctrinal office found him guilty and formally excommunicated Vigano. This occurred in July
@mussman717word 27 күн бұрын
Jimmy wasn't exactly wrong. He just wasn't as right as he could have been. Viganò has made a habit of committing schismatic acts. It's what schismatics do!
@BeauBeckwith 28 күн бұрын
Thank you for stating things so clearly, Jimmy!
@theticoboy 27 күн бұрын
Why can’t there legitimate concern over both Pope Francis and Vigano? Pope Francis either says concerning things or allows his words to be misleading if that makes sense. And Vigano went too far. I don’t understand why good Catholics have to bend over backwards defending either.
@matthewbroderick6287 27 күн бұрын
Thet, before God, Have you ever read any of the encyclicals of Pope Francis or his Biblical commentaries? Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink!
@Bob.W. 27 күн бұрын
God will sort this out. Thanks.
@msjperkins3653 28 күн бұрын
@CatholicAnswers I’m in the process of converting to the Catholic Church, but I hear so many people speaking ill of the Pope. I was under the understanding that it matters not the man who sits in the seat of Peter, what matters is the seat of Peter. Just as Jesus told the Jews to do as the Pharisees tell them because they sit in the seat of Moses, but not to do as they do. The Holy Spirit moved wicked High Priest Caiphas to prophecy that the death of Christ would save the entire nation, even the world. Doesn’t God control the seat of Peter just as He controlled the seat of Moses? I’m reading The Catholic Controversy right now, and that’s the view I’m getting. Is that wrong?
@SamuelVarg 28 күн бұрын
God is in control. Pope Francis is a true pope. And welcome home soon! I became a Catholic last easter and it is great.
@msjperkins3653 28 күн бұрын
@@SamuelVarg thank you brother!
@mjLes18 28 күн бұрын
You are right. And Francis is an anti pope. He is a heretic preaching against the Teachings of the Church.
@scopilio13 28 күн бұрын
don't worry. i wouldn't think of the pope as Jesus thought of the pharisees. pope francis is genuinely trying to do what is right by Jesus. he just gets duped from time to time by the snakes that are trying to corrupt the church.
@ironymatt 28 күн бұрын
Just as with any other matter in life, we have to be careful about second-hand sources when it comes to where we gather our information. Those who believe themselves worthy of passing judgment on the pope are a lot like armchair quarterbacks - if you'll pardon the sports analogy. Even if they happen to be of the right view, getting the ball in the end zone isn't their doing. I've personally seen many media figures get things far more wrong than right when it comes to reporting on the Papacy, and it's happened frequently enough that it becomes very difficult to simply chalk such errors up to incompetence.
@tenthorder3291 27 күн бұрын
Jimmy is the best- God bless him
@hamie7624 27 күн бұрын
I find him smug.
@rickfilmmaker3934 27 күн бұрын
Frances does the right thing, bless the sinner not the sin as Jesus did. Jesus ate with sinners.
@rogelioortamartin6794 27 күн бұрын
I am all for blessing the sinners, because we all are sinners. He. And his Jesuit comrades are doing way more than that.
@victoriaeinbinder9487 25 күн бұрын
Jesus called sinners to repentance first.
@johncopper5128 28 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@a-zboxing2046 26 күн бұрын
Well said Jimmy Aikin
@joshcruise2657 26 күн бұрын
He is a modern Saint Athanasius.
@marcelw6045 25 күн бұрын
Who on earth or in heaven could side with Bergoglio over Viganò? Get your heads out of the sand and wake up. Be courageous for a change.
@richard-ij2fm 11 күн бұрын
So in 52 seconds of watching this my question is. Has Vigano changed from what the church has done for 1500 years or has the church hierarchy changed?
@germanrapwithenglishlyrics5372 26 күн бұрын
Thank you for clearing this up. “Catholics“ who do not recognize the Pope basically doubt that the Holy Spirit leads the church. They doubt in the infallible God. I think one huge issue is that people see the Pope as infallible. That’s a terrible wrong approach, because the Pope isn’t God and he is a sinner as everyone of us - that’s very important to realize. Saint Peter, who was the first pope, denied Jesus 3 times after he was announced by Jesus as the rock of the Church. Jesus even knew he will deny him, but he didn‘t hold back to choose him as the first holy leader of his holy church. Also understand, that Peter had the privilege to witness all the miracles himself, but he still denied Jesus. What would we think in todays time if the pope has somewhere in the past denied that he believes in Jesus? I’m almost certain that anyone who defends the view points of Vigano, would claim that such a pope isn’t the righteous pope. And my last two cents: I have very conservative views. There is also nothing wrong about criticizing certain actions of pope, which I also do. But it is important to recognize, that he is the true leader of his holy Catholic Church, as he was chosen by the Holy Spirit, God himself.
@anthonyleger7185 24 күн бұрын
First of all, The Pope isn’t the Church. Second, if people can see errors coming from the hierarchy it doesn’t make them “not Catholic” Thirdly, personnel IS policy and a person would have to be willfully blind to not see the homoheritics that Francis promotes to positions of power in the church. YES, pray for the Pope and for the Church but don’t pretend that everything is the way it’s supposed to be. Don’t put your head in the sand. 1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
@LordMazdamundi 27 күн бұрын
Common Jimmy W
@clivejames5058 27 күн бұрын
What if there are wolves in sheep's clothing in the Church? and this time in positions of authority, maybe even right up to the top (as Our Lady warned). How do we choose between blind obedience and discerning the truth?
@J.R2023 26 күн бұрын
@@clivejames5058 its always the same thing with the schismatics, they always think they are right
@carminelombardi9575 28 күн бұрын
Let me weigh in on this if I may, in the end, the ultimate judge on this excommunication is, JESUS!
@vman9347 28 күн бұрын
You kinda said something without saying anything. What does that even mean?
@tafazziReadChannelDescription 28 күн бұрын
"Archbishop Viganò, we think you may be in schism, care to defend yourself?" "No, because I am in schism" "Ok, you are" It's not up for debate
@josephgreenecomposer7046 28 күн бұрын
The Church obviously has the authority to make declarations about this though. St. Paul anathemized people.
@Catholiclady3 28 күн бұрын
Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven.
@Rubicon1776 27 күн бұрын
I all things we must have discernment and fully recognize when apostasy exists in the Church. Roman Catholicism, as the one true Church of Christ, is under constant attack. So it is no surprise to me that the Pope himself could come under unholy influence. I believe you can recognize the authority of a legitimate Pope and but also recognize when a Pope’s words and deeds suggest that he is in grave error. To blindly follow error is heresy and apostasy. That is not to say that one should leave the Church. I will not abandon Jesus because of Judas. So whether it is the issue of Papal abuses or pedophile priests, what we believe in remains unchanged and I will not abandon the Church and all that I believe in because of the actions of a few.
@ImaginatorJoren 27 күн бұрын
@@Rubicon1776 amen 🙏
@genuinetuffguy1854 27 күн бұрын
@@Rubicon1776 I don’t think Pope Francis has done anything so drastic as to be called heresy. What concerns me are those in the Church in high ranks (like Vigano had been) who openly oppose Pope Francis. They are weakening the Church and they are unwittingly doing the work of the anti-christ who will seize the moment to take control and eventually introduce the abomination of desolation where we are denied the True Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are in confusing times where division, suspicion, and accusations are rampant. We must drastically increase our prayers for all the favored sons and daughters of God to lessen the impact of these times of tribulation. We must have faith that the Church of Christ will prevail. Although we should remain concerned, we should never let fear nor despair control us…we should always trust in Jesus.
@matthewbroderick6287 27 күн бұрын
Rub, yet those who claim Pope Francis teaches heresy and error, are themselves ignorant of Catholic teaching and Canon Law and Holy Scripture! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink!
@Rubicon1776 11 сағат бұрын
@@matthewbroderick6287 matt, what bergoglio said on its face is heresy It leads others to continue to believe in false religions and false gods instead of seeking the truth instead of seeking Jesus Christ
@rickfilmmaker3934 28 күн бұрын
Pope Francis is a True Holy man. God Bless Pope Francis.
@AdamtheGrey02 27 күн бұрын
Have you lost your mind? Telling gays they must "continue to fight for your rights" isn't signs of a "Holy" man when we know the context is their "rights" are all about what God rejects.
@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 27 күн бұрын
​@@AdamtheGrey02In some countries, "their rights" to fight include not being executed for their sexual feelings.
@rickfilmmaker3934 27 күн бұрын
@@AdamtheGrey02 Stop making crap up.
@AdamtheGrey02 27 күн бұрын
@@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 OF course, And they're not executed for being gay but these are "sodomy" laws. Now does this Pope care about their bodies more or their eternal souls because I didn't read the part where He told them to repent of their sinful homosexual lifestyle which seems to be the case again and again like with pro Abortion Biden.
@ml48218 27 күн бұрын
it's not holy to confirm your brethren in sin instead of the faith. He affirms sodomy and adultery but he does do it with a smile and denial from time to time
@mdainko 27 күн бұрын
Pope Francis is a terrible Pope. The Catholic church has survived worst though.
@SevereFamine 27 күн бұрын
He’s probably a better pope than you are lay person.
@renjithjoseph7135 27 күн бұрын
​@@SevereFamine that is not a fair comparison. One is evaluation of the fulfilment of a role. Yours is a judgement of OP's holiness.
@jd3jefferson556 27 күн бұрын
​@SevereFamine one of the best answers I've ever heard😅 truly he is a better Pope than most of us are laity
@danielmeadows3712 27 күн бұрын
Can you explain how he has failed in his duties?
@classicalteacher 28 күн бұрын
Francis has excommunicated himself with his own actions and words. This whole thing is tragic.
@vman9347 28 күн бұрын
That Doesn’t mean sense. He’s the Bishop of Rome
@tafazziReadChannelDescription 28 күн бұрын
You're very clearly wrong. Viganò is forbidden from attending mass until he repents, how are you in a different situation from him?
@videonmode8649 28 күн бұрын
God bless the Holy Father, Pope Francis.
@scopilio13 28 күн бұрын
good bye! be sure to stop taking communion in catholic churches until you've examined your conscience and reconciled with the church. it's clear you don't want to be catholic anymore.
@saintmatthew956 28 күн бұрын
@patrickdev8211 28 күн бұрын
That’s an enormously weak answer and to be honest, as a donor to catholic answers I’m seriously considering pulling back. The Vatican excommunicated him by ruling it a schism so yes they excommunicated him as a result of their ruling. It’s silly and evasive to characterize it otherwise. SMH
@GranMaese 28 күн бұрын
Oh, shut up, Rebecca, you are not a donor. And Vigano, aka the plant, excommunicated himself the moment he opened his mouth to state such schismatic claims. Period. Deal with it.
@videonmode8649 28 күн бұрын
Vigano excommunicated himself by his words.
@SpodgeDanish 28 күн бұрын
I know you don't wanna hear it but you're wrong. You can excommunicate yourself from various actions. For example, a priest is automatically excommunicated if he breaks the seal of confession. Vigano said he didn't recognize the Pope. THAT IS SCHISM.
@jamesvandermark9054 27 күн бұрын
1364- § 1. An apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication, without prejudice to the provision of can. This form of excommunication occurs even without the knowledge or decision of the Church authorities. So, by the Code of Canon law, he was excommunicated by himself.
@rogelioortamartin6794 28 күн бұрын
It is becoming harder and harder for those of us in the Catholic church in disagreement with the leftist views of the Pope, to stay in communion with Rome. I have seriously consider joining the Orthodox Church, although I believe the Catholic Church is the true Church of Christ. I pray to the Holy Spirit that our current Pope changes his ways, or that we can have a new Pope soon, for the benefit of the Church.
@ironwillACNH 28 күн бұрын
The church is beyond simple American politics
@ImTiredOfThisChurch 28 күн бұрын
And that’s precisely why the church in Africa and Southeast Asia is booming when it’s dying in the West. American catholics see the Church as a political body with your left and right and red and blue lenses coupled with a tone online Catholic media to choose from which more often than not serve as moral magisteriums. Therefore Catholics in the US judge the Church according to their favorite Catholic podcast! It’s beyond sad.
@kylehammerness8814 28 күн бұрын
Which leftist views?
@classicalteacher 28 күн бұрын
The Eastern Othodox are even more divided than Christ's Catholic Church. What you are saying is based on emotional sensationalism, not logic or reasonable thought.
@rogelioortamartin6794 28 күн бұрын
@@ironwillACNH The Church is beyond all politics, but when the leader of the Church embraces communist dictators, supports (directly or indirectly) movements that go against the traditional moral Christian principles, and attacks those in the Church that want to maintain its eternal principles, it is very hard to stay. I do not know what you wanted to achieve with your oversimplified response, but it didn't work.
@TheTruthsOfOurFaith 27 күн бұрын
@catholiccom The catholic church excommunicated themselves from God by sinning. 1john3:6 sinners don't know God or understand Him. The key is to stop sinning.
@matthewbroderick6287 27 күн бұрын
TheTruth, So then Protestants too excommunicated themselves, as we all sin! As your silly theory goes anyway! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink!
@ImaginatorJoren 28 күн бұрын
We don’t need a schismatic pope or schismatic bishops. The Church in Rome is lost. The institution must be destroyed, and regrow from the Remnant under Jesus Christ himself and Mary His Mother. That they may all be one.
@tafazziReadChannelDescription 28 күн бұрын
Your nonsense is untenable
@edyflak 28 күн бұрын
Destroyed by who? “the gates of hell shall not prevail”
@josephgreenecomposer7046 28 күн бұрын
Bro just admit you're a protestant and don't believe Jesus's words to St. Peter.
@Catholiclady3 28 күн бұрын
The Pope can't be in Schism but you can be.
@ImaginatorJoren 28 күн бұрын
@@Catholiclady3 He can, we have had anti-Popes in the past. He cannot preach error on issues of Faith and Morals from the chair of Peter though, which Francis has avoided doing. Not that I think he would. His behavior otherwise is what causes me to agree with Vìgano in some parts.
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