Different Types Of CO’s.

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JD Delay

JD Delay

Күн бұрын

Look, I am not in any way shape or form suggesting that you should continue illegal activity once you’re already in prison.
If you get caught with outside contraband, particularly illegal substances, it will just add time to your set. But when I was down, this was my mindset.
This is for entertainment purposes, not a how to guide. 😂😂😂

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@cpclowner11Bravo Жыл бұрын
As a former CO there definitely needs to be a part 2 There is the CO who is cool but knows there is a line that you don’t cross
@oldArmyVet Жыл бұрын
And that was me. 30 years as a co
@timesthree5757 Жыл бұрын
Then their is the don’t give a shit co and the lazy co.
@jasonneely598 Жыл бұрын
Definitely needs to be a part two. Use to work with half those type of shitbags. Funny how eye opening it was
@FallenMuse81 Жыл бұрын
I agree
@jessecovey1778 Жыл бұрын
I love this! As a forensic mental health worker who worked in the cell blocks, this is on point!
@errolmcinnes7938 Жыл бұрын
half these actually described my career in corrections. Everyone starts off "scared rookie" I had the advantage in that I had both come off street partrol as an MP, and did DS school. I reported to my first correction duty (which was my only duty on a range) so I went through the "Drill Sargeant". Having lost my sister to a pedo, if someone approached me right, and with a mission, I could see my way to make a cell door or two pop. Three decades later, I gotta say I don't miss the corrections life. I refused to become the "terminal burn out" CO, as I knew what was at stake, and I had to keep my edge to the last day on the range. Never did any "pocket CO" though. too much at stake playing that game. I just lived within my means and stayed sober while on the range.
@mitchellmoon6083 Жыл бұрын
I was a C.O. at Fort Pillow, I would turn my head on small infractions, like pot, porn. And any small comfort that made life a little easier for them. a happy con is a less troubled con. I never brought anything into the system, that will wind up getting you some jail time and it is harder on an ex co, the worse crooks were the ones i stood roll call with. my job was not to punish the prisoners, it was to make sure they followed the rules and procedures also to make sure they stayed in the prison and not get out before his time. I finally left when i lost my 8 year old daughter to a sick son of a bitch, he later died at Turney center in the yard. and to think a good friend ( I thought) tried his best to tie myself into his death., most cops and anyone in law enforcement, are Lesse trust worthy than most felons. it is just a power trip to them.
@rustyshackleford5269 Жыл бұрын
Wish I could say the same. I've been doing it for 11 years and want out. I hate dragging myself in everyday. Only proud thing I can say is I have never done anything dirty. Never laid hands on anyone that hasn't earned it.
@PatriotMagus Жыл бұрын
@@rustyshackleford5269 Hey brother. The job will kill you if you stay beyond the point that you’ve had ENOUGH. There’s no shame in getting the hell out early. The good news is that if you can do that, you can do anything. Whatever state or county you work for probably has other jobs you can transfer into too.
@PatrickAyotte Жыл бұрын
The longer we worked the more we liked the inmates over our fellow officers
@dantrow5459 Жыл бұрын
​@@mitchellmoon6083 your a good man, sorry for your lost bro, I hope you find some closure
@JJShaw1210 Жыл бұрын
My ex-husband was the Disgruntled CO. HE HATED LIFE IN GENERAL 😂😂😂😂. Your display is right on the mark. He walked out those gates the last day at exactly 25yrs a 1 day. He didnt care if that building blew up as long as he never had to go back. 😂😂😂😂 Perfectly Portrayed!!!!!
@sethclayton-gf5fi Жыл бұрын
As a marine combat veteran being targeted by a corrupt justice system, I know this will help. Ty
@ImNotCreativeEnoughToMakeUser Жыл бұрын
How's it going?
@Cincy32 10 ай бұрын
Prayers for you.
@Zyryne1 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your service. Big ups and hope for your case. 😊❤
@N0Sheeple 3 ай бұрын
Oh christ man. What a kick in the.... I can't even say thanks as I should because fukkk. Glad you were a marine? My grandma was a WWII RN. She even learned German to talk to her pows. (Her... in her care.)
@HonorLoyaltyRespect Жыл бұрын
I worked in corrections for nearly six years, and I left as a Sgt. I’m also ex-military. I went to work every day with a clean shave, pressed uniform, and spit-shined boots. I had the appearance of the Drill Instructor. However, I also had a degree in Psychology. I showed respect and was able to establish rapport with inmates rather quickly and easily. My communication skills were leaps and bounds ahead of other staff. I despised dirty and lazy officers and avoided them whenever possible. The administration didn’t particularly like my type because I couldn’t be dragged into corruption, and I questioned all the bullshit. I’m also a recovering speed addict, but I never disclosed that for obvious reasons. I helped several inmates get into programs that would help them to find stability upon release, and, apparently, the administration didn’t like that. I’m currently working as a counselor in probation and parole, and I’m more satisfied in this position. My experiences working in the system and my past issues with addiction have helped me a lot in my current position. Empathy and compassion are both vital when working in recovery, especially with those who have very little to no faith in the system or society.
@Terrygebhard-bf7gf 5 ай бұрын
Man that is EXACTLY what the system needs, more cops with that attitude..., I've done tons of bits over the years & your kind is rare, but very respected.
@davestrange3718 Жыл бұрын
I just love how actual CO's cops, watch and comment. You have tapped into the jail story market as one of the best.
@davidponseigo8811 Жыл бұрын
I am retired law enforcement and corrections officer and made a point to treat every inmate with respect right up until they didn't deserve it and I rarely ever had issues. To be honest I'm don't really care for police nowadays.
@Zyryne1 6 ай бұрын
And that tells us you have a brain and a heart. 😊❤
@Misaio Жыл бұрын
My dad was the Disgruntled CO, full stop. He wouldn't want anyone around him. And he always knew to open doors for the chomos and forget the papers, mail, or something to wander off. I love him so much.
@Dad3xyplusx2 Жыл бұрын
I already know I don't have the temperament to be a CO. I had a friend go through the selection process to be a CO and sailed right through until the Psych eval. They gave him a written explanation for dismissing him from the selection pool. He needed me to translate the technical jargon and it came down to the fact that he was too nice. I explained to him that they were looking for someone with the "right amount of assholity" You don't want Robocop, but he was too close to the Mr. Rogers end of the curve.
@sammhyde7589 11 ай бұрын
You forgot the most bombastic and stereotypical one. The "Super cop", man.
@michaelhudak5746 Жыл бұрын
We had these 2 C.O.'s named Faust & Grascha when I was in L.C.I. waiting to go to Marion ( in Ohio). They were pretty cool to me because we were of Slavic origin. When they saw me on the phone crying over my deceased grandmother whom I couldn't attend the funeral, they gave me free reign of the pod. That is one thing I will always remember. They tried to turn my bad situation into a good one the best way they could. I mean, I was cool with them to begin with. But as a free man, I still stay in touch with them. The little things ya know.
@Zyryne1 6 ай бұрын
Condolences. That's aight of them. 😊❤
@keepitsimple610 Жыл бұрын
You should see the prison by me. One guard got caught screwing an inmate. His wife was also a guard and happened to be in charge of the women's block where he did it. The nurse is pregnant by her fifth baby daddy, who is also a co at the jail. The warden got fired like 10 years ago for embezzlement, and they couldn't hire anybody else because everybody else in the county is corrupt, so they made the guy who just got caught embezzling money acting warden again until they found a replacement. That was like a decade ago, and he's still the warden . It's like a big ass episode of Jerry Springer in the 90s.
@nomadictow3011 Жыл бұрын
yeah that was the prison experience where I worked, that's why I hated the people I worked with 70 percent of the time, It's like working in a trailer park, imagine dealing with the most short term thinking, red neck, disrespectful people you can deal with, that's all the prisons can get to work for them.
@ThomasBoyce5000 7 ай бұрын
C-Block Days of Our Lives As the D-Block Turns The Convicted and the Restless
@ThomasBoyce5000 7 ай бұрын
​@@nomadictow3011So it's like being on Twitter. Noted.
@raystevens3527 7 ай бұрын
I wonder if it's Lake Butler Florida?
@Zyryne1 6 ай бұрын
That's bananas. 😊❤
@jeremybrown1443 Жыл бұрын
@djdelay I am a former CO both military and state Happy to see that you have turned your life around and are working to make a positive impact on the community. Just wanted to let you know I never miss a single one of your videos
@douglaswitt4581 Жыл бұрын
Dang bro I was a co for 12 yrs (11 in Oklahoma unfortunate 1 year at an oregon minimum) you were pretty spot on I was very respected on both sides of the fence. I am also a marine vet so yes I was that by the book dude but I also understood what made my unit run smoothly and did things with in the law to see fit to make it so. Hey I would love too chat with you tons of experience. There is one issue that troubles me and no one wants to address and that is PTSD for both officers/staff and convicts.
@N0Sheeple 3 ай бұрын
You are the one. No one cares about the cons
@BroganWF Жыл бұрын
“Their Xbox live subscription is due” 🤣🤣🤣
@OokamiKageGinGetsu Жыл бұрын
I've been a county jail CO for about 7 mos now and it's my first time, but I knew right away that not making eye contact or showing weakness would be detrimental. But I also knew that coming in like a hard ass would get me no where.
@tinnusad Жыл бұрын
You come in hard and dial it back, you cant do it the other way.
@niksatt4843 Жыл бұрын
Basically be respectful and chill but carry yourself in a way that shows people you will to throw down if you have to.
@thegerb5417 Жыл бұрын
Yup, I started out as the newb, and before I left I was the disgruntled dude. You hit the nail on the head with the descriptions.
@stevebiggers1028 Жыл бұрын
I went from scared, to the cool, and finally finished my Co career as a disgruntled one. I treated the inmates as what they were grown up that made a mistake. I was tried several times but I can say I stayed out of the hustle game
@uttchris Жыл бұрын
As a CO I think this shit is hilarious.
@samanthahenson382 Жыл бұрын
The DI CO sounds like my father. Definitely do a part 2.
@JdDelay5150 Жыл бұрын
@lloydkeith3061 Жыл бұрын
​@@JdDelay5150 yeah, a part 2 would rock
@ericeastmead7770 Жыл бұрын
as an ex Sgt at at max State prison you are accurate as fuck. I let the dorm run it's self as long as I passed inspection and I didn't have to call CERT. I wasn't against dusting up some boots myself on the smoke yard. onetime I had a inmate jacking on a counselor in the dayroom so I had to send him out, but on the way out he threatened me and my family, so he did his time in iso/seg and made it back to my dorm, I waited until he was asleep, used my keys to open the cell and flipped him and his matriss to the floor and got me a few good kidney shots in. and all the convicts I was cool with warned him what would happen if he flew a kite
@SarafinaSummers Жыл бұрын
So you abused your power, over some words. You should have left the job long before it came to that. You should've been thrown in coufnty like any other person who assaults another human being. Chomos are one thing. An incarsarated individual is another. Go duck your "high" moral horse. You are no better than those you stood watch over.
@niksatt4843 Жыл бұрын
Damn someone threaten my family id have em shanked. You really held back
@embracethenight3501 Жыл бұрын
I am honestly more surprised by the fact that veterans arent the disgruntled co's since we are all disgruntled while we are in the service
@davidwright9703 5 ай бұрын
Manmake a part 2
@Zero0806 Жыл бұрын
You forgot the CO that realizes everyone there is still a person and deserves to be treated as such. Doesn’t have to yell at the inmates to get them to do what’s needed, and does his job without crossing the line.
@patriotprepper3878 Жыл бұрын
That is who I am as a CO I treat them with respect so long as they show me respect. There have been some cross the line and they got to see the other side of me. One told me "You treat us like were Humans." I said "How else would I treat you because you are humans who made mistakes and are paying for them now. It's not in my Job Description to Punish or Judge you." I was told "Some other the other CO treat us like animals." I said if you act like humans I will treat you as such if you act like a animal I will treat you as such as well. I will laugh and joke with them but they know there is a line that is never to be crossed by either of us. That in its self seems to get a lot of respect from them toward me and me toward them. There is never a time I lower my guard around them no even for a Nanosecond.
@theozank853 Жыл бұрын
I worked as a CO in California, I was the same way. I ran a Kitchen and four dining halls. One of my guys went to a lower custody yard, but before leaving he shook my hand and thanked me. He said it was like working on the streets just a supervisor and their subordinates. I always said they are being punished by the state, not me. I would look at the things someone on the outside could do vs. what they couldn't do knowing that their punishment was enough in most cases.
@Beer_Me Жыл бұрын
I was a mix of the cool guy and the disgruntled, i wouldn't bring my trustees any contraband though. They tried to get me to stick smokes under the kitchen door from outside several times. I just told them i didn't want to end up locked up with them. A buddy of mine ended up locked up where i worked after i quit and he told me the inmates classified me as a "medium officer"
@charytart36 Жыл бұрын
Great video JD! Your advice is dead on and applies to all of life's avenues (i.e. what teacher you can ask for an extension; who will give constructive feedback and who to avoid for advice).
@97jamieleigh Жыл бұрын
It would be interesting to hear your take on the treatment/therapy/psych staff at the institutions vs the jails. As a therapist who has worked in both prison and jail settings and then even in community corrections the perception of convicts vs inmates is always crazy interesting to me.
@palmocorbus9839 Жыл бұрын
New to the channel. I hope there is a part 2 lurking somewhere. 😆 Best part of this is that it is relatable across the board in working situations, esp teachers.
@crae1972 Жыл бұрын
We had a CO making Shanks at home out 1 inch thick acrylic and bringing them in to Inmates, she was eventually caught because a inmate snitched on her to get out of a Hooch charge.
@lifeintornadoalley 22 күн бұрын
My co was an active la raza member. He almost got his neck wet a few times with the bloods. Just because he was black in the Mexican gang. Our pod fought his homie, and the sheriff came in and decided to beanbag everything. The jail administrator was too scared to come in our pod as we ran it how we wanted. I'm white, but was placed in the killers and gorillas cell with the bloods. Didn't pay for protection or anything. Just was the puppet master with the most money, and ran the other stores out of business. Chips was 1 for 4 due to inflation. And it being $3 for a 1oz bag of chips.
@bvabky Жыл бұрын
JD, you are Gem.....Keep preaching bro
@DaneResell Күн бұрын
I like how JD has that arrest mugshot height thing in the back just to remind us that he is in fact one big Irish convict.
@johndoe39322 28 күн бұрын
My grandfather was a CO for a couple years in the 80s at our local jail. And from what I’ve heard from people who were there with him, he was along the lines of a cool CO. This was only a county jail so these weren’t hardened criminals but he would treat them with respect like they were humans and if they didn’t do anything to bad he would sneak them cigarettes when he got the chance
@teddystaples3704 11 ай бұрын
Lol I did 8 years in juvie lockup and I can agree 100% with this video! The one's that were disgruntled were the best cuz once you got good with them you were able to do just about anything
@idealyoulose Жыл бұрын
MORE! I hate from time to time, but quickly became my favorite channel. I just don't fuck with tweekers, grew up with too many, and do not sympathize. I'm glad you made it out, where there's a will... keep bringing these videos, entertaining AF!
@tomothanrahan4467 Жыл бұрын
Honestly love the acting clips just as good as Chappell show keep it up man. Gonna post this on every one yard gotta get more engagement.
@theflyingsmiley01 24 күн бұрын
I noticed that about 3/4 of the COs will pop the locks for the other inmates to get at Chomos! ha ha
@tickledpickle98 Жыл бұрын
Its the "their dodge charger payment is due" for me lmao 🤣 😂 😆
@user-wp1yq1gl5x 4 ай бұрын
When I was down I wish I would have recognized this but I did witness all the different cos
@RyanLMeister 3 ай бұрын
Definitely needs to be a part 2! 💯👌🔥
@patr6838 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, definitely need a part 2.
@dagby1303 Жыл бұрын
When I walked the run, the toilets started flushing and hearing "MAN ON THE RUN!"
@Mr_Q-s2c 5 ай бұрын
In the twenty six and half years I spent in corrections, I could break down the percentage of what inmates want. Eighty five percent want to just do their time in peace, so they want COs to do their jobs of enforcing rules and searching. Ten percent want to do their hustle and want COs to look the other way. Five percent if given the chance and can get away with it, will take off the head of CO.
@davejones122 3 ай бұрын
I think I can listen to you, you don't sound stupid. I've gone around the block, from max to min.restrictive,I love your posts.
@thehermitthetower1126 Жыл бұрын
I really dig the "be good or be good at it" phrase Haha
@kennethgoode-bp7yz Жыл бұрын
I am an Iraqi Vet and most Definitely was a number 1 to an extent. Take no shit but play no bullshit games. Give respect and 99% chance respect is given.
@AmericansWillRise Жыл бұрын
"The Drill Instructor", is probably drawing a solid pension, and/or a medical pension, from the military, so they aren't there for the money.
@theguardian000 Жыл бұрын
Holy shit 🤣 the similarities between the military and prison 🤣🤣🤣. My training instructor in basic once said "Welcome to Alcatraz. This is essentially prison. The only difference is your beds move and convicts get more yard time. Don't fuck up, because I will FUCK. YOU. UP."
@hippiesnorthwoods 9 ай бұрын
@kanethepork4489 Жыл бұрын
Love the videos bro. I have been watching them for a week straight. I got a serious question though. I live 2 hrs north of Philly and wonder what your thoughts are on Kensington (K/A)? What do you think the best approach would be to help the people there?
@poopenshnapples7160 2 ай бұрын
The "Someone else's fault" is the worst of them all #FingerRespect
@410Sterlo Жыл бұрын
i did 6 years in prison. i can tell you really did time cuz everything you said was spot on. the drill instructor CO are assholes. but one thing you know for certain is that they gonna be THE SAME WAY EVERY SINGLE DAY. so now you know how to operate around them. and the scared rookie was the funniest one.
@410Sterlo Жыл бұрын
the disgruntled CO character is funny as hell too....the thing with them they will let you do whatever you want as long as you dont make their job hard. for example, he may know that everyone is gambling, drinking, and smoking. but as long as guys arent fighting and stabbing eachother he dont give a fuck
@amandarhoads4640 Жыл бұрын
Part 2, for sure! Also, I'm really curious about how you set up for somebody on the outside to get stuff to a CO to bring in for you! Aren't all of the phone calls and mail and communications monitored? How do you set up something with someone on the outside without getting caught setting it up?
@JdDelay5150 Жыл бұрын
Hey Sis! So even though cell phones weren’t as prominent in the prison scene back in the late 2000s, there were still a few. And if you were somebody in there, you could definitely get access and make on monitored calls. If you didn’t have access to a cell phone, you would have to get set up thru visits. If there’s one thing that convex all have in common, it’s that we are resourceful! 😂😂😂
@amandarhoads4640 Жыл бұрын
@@JdDelay5150 that makes perfect sense! Thanks for explanation! If there's one thing I've learned from people like you and Jess, it's that this country has far, far too many intelligent, resourceful people locked up and allowing their lives and potential to be wasted. People who would benefit exponentially more from real, actual help and resources and support, not jail/prison time.
@joebruce5344 Жыл бұрын
@tinnusad Жыл бұрын
@@JdDelay5150 What protection is in place for the CO's muleing shit in? I mean once they do it, the Convict has the upper hand and has you at will, they are now your bitch? What's a way to protect both the CO/Convict in these business transactions? I use to be a Fed C/O and always wondered about how that would have worked?
@niksatt4843 Жыл бұрын
​@@tinnusadno one likes or respects a snitch thats how. Also be smart in who you work with. Sounds like you are fishing bud. Im not in the business on either side of the fense i just use common sense.
@OversizedDetour1341 Жыл бұрын
My cousins were both in the prison system in Cali. One is a CO, the other was an inmate. They had to move the CO to an entirely different part of the state because of the conflict of interest. And then there's me who was a CO in Texas. Crazy shit.
@oldArmyVet Жыл бұрын
That's sounds like comie fornia , move the officer instead of the inmate. Smdh
@mediocremodeler5174 Жыл бұрын
No. I was a c/o in Cali and had family that got locked up (had it coming). They got transferred to where I was at. As soon as I saw it on SOMS I notified Lt and -THEY- got moved. No way staff would get moved. The union would have ate the wardens lunch.
@OversizedDetour1341 Жыл бұрын
@@mediocremodeler5174 Yeah. Pelican Bay to San Diego. Had a hit out on him.
@kevinhollis603 Жыл бұрын
yes, id like a part 2 of this video. just by watching a few of your videos, i see that you have a great character, we definitely need more like that in this world, and hope you stay safe bro, appreciated, your compassion helps me get through, i love the positive energy, keep going with the success, bro, oh yeah
@carlosdonestevez7532 Жыл бұрын
Here is the reality on crime you can beat thepolice every day but the next day the game starts over. The one time they win the game is over.
@jstud999 Жыл бұрын
2:24 as a veteran, you missed the mark on this one. You want that clean cut “never break the rules” guy on your side. The military is literally a career of breaking rules and not getting caught
@brookegeary8209 6 күн бұрын
I love being a prison officer! I run a tight ship! Form but fair! A bit of banter with them lightens shit up to.
@alexgutierrez2783 Жыл бұрын
Former CO, Ill edit it if it comes up, i was "No paper work". I know they gonna run their game in there. As long as i dont see it, i aint gonna look for it. Dont give me paper work, and ill do my 8 out the gate. I will say never brought anything in, but definitely let the inmates check each other.
@raystevens3527 7 ай бұрын
We had a Sgt. at Okaloosa Florida we called "drunk sarge" im convinced he had vodka or something in the coffee cup he always had in his hand. He was chill as hell as long as nobody bothered him or made waves dudes could tattoo or make ink on his shift or whatever,he was our favorite
@PaJammies1025 4 ай бұрын
Definitely do a part 2. PLEASE do a part 2.
@kenpedersen9408 Жыл бұрын
Retired CO here. Definitely need a part 2! Havn't seen my type yet!
@joshgardner8634 Жыл бұрын
Part 2 but can u do a video on tattoo storys
@JdDelay5150 Жыл бұрын
Oh bet that shit up, homeboy!!!
@lizardchadillidan 5 ай бұрын
i had a CO that was known as the crazy guy of the compound, even his coworkers thought he was fucked mentally from drugs and war PTSD. I was the only inmate this man liked, and all he did was fuck with people ALLLLL day like youve never seen. turned out all he wanted was someone who would sit up at the desk and curse him out in return. he just wanted to argue and curse for a few hours a day and he would be chill after that. weirdest shit, people used to look at me up there cursing the worse co of the compound out like i was about to die
@Anebrd 4 ай бұрын
Part two please. Also I like your shirt with the stabby cat.
@jhsultery6386 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I was in county a guy thought he was heading home giving away is stuff to everyone, then 45 min later he was back in and passed off it was hard not laughing but I saw it as respect to outhers
@deadlight2002 Жыл бұрын
20 years as a CO and i was told by a swamper "Hey Sgt. you're an asshole but you're an asshole everyday" HA HA I wasn't cruel but I told guys hey these are the rules don't do dumb shit in front of me or I'm gonna have to do my job. I know there was side hustles but damn be respectful and I wouldn't be an asshole.
@nottenaciousjoel1 Жыл бұрын
My post every day is the guard tower. I just sit up there with my rifle, a book, and usually also a pillow because the admin overwork the shit out of us and i need my beauty sleep. You wont catch me bringing anything in but i dont want to deal with the bs of extra paperwork and other COs (typically the drill sergeant type). I just want to get my paycheck and leave. Ill treat an inmate like a person and bs with them about the weather or the game theyre watching but if they act up they know i put my foot down.
@Bearkat-uq9kf Жыл бұрын
Going with the storm that is approaching, how does the prison deal with storms or major emergencies if people have to be relocated? Do the PC inmates get put with the General pop and are the gangs separated?
@daniellemeeks3862 Жыл бұрын
I was a c/o for six years. You are pretty spot on.
@teddybear-cb3kc Жыл бұрын
Stay safe over there brother I’m on the other side of the state
@strellnakov 6 ай бұрын
Part 2 needed for this and the inmate vid, for comprehensiveness.
@dannunez671 6 ай бұрын
Love the video. Those personality types don’t pertain just to CO’s. I think you describe my personality spot on ,when you described the disgruntled CO 😂. On a sidenote, my pops did some time in the fed’s. I enjoy listening to his stories and yours as well. Some of the stories he told me about making hooch,the pranks that they pulled are funny. If you haven’t done a video on pranks, I think you should do that. Good shit though.
@justshroom2grow Жыл бұрын
We had the CEOs running tax rackets
@PinoyWhiteBoy707 3 ай бұрын
The D.I. was on fucking point! They're way better than the ones that go on random power trips or try to show out for another C.O. , especially ' a female one. You know the interior decarators...." you're right officer. The cell is way better with all my shit on the floor."
@edhendrickson6534 Жыл бұрын
Yes big bro gotta know about all of them
@the.future.urchin Жыл бұрын
Here's an idea that I think Could be worth covering , Maybe the help Someone catch a bad rap or some negative light . I have only done County time (about 6mos.) so Maybe it's not the same at the state level... what's the policy about what to do with items and stuff from canteen when you're about to be released. My first time down I was very naive and lucky enough to have my dad putting money on my books but also lucky enough to not have been extorted at all. And when I finally got released it was a What earlier then expected. I had stockpiled a bunch of canteen, hygiene snacks Etc, Because I thought I was going to be down for a lot longer. So when I was released I kind of just didn't think about leaving The stuff that I had, I was very not even it was a completely different world than anything close to what I'm used to. We were in a minimum-security housing unit so I was in a little room with three other inmates, and one of them saw me like packing up my stuff asked me what was going on and I said I was going to be released. And then another one of my roommates walked in. So I was this nineteen-year-old chubby socially awkward white boy, And these two dudes were In their late 20s and real good shape, with some of those squishy spider tattoos, and definitely could have given me a harsher education if they had wanted. But luckily I had shared some of the things I was lucky enough to have in there, so they broke it down to me like this... I'm on my way out, and it's not a good look for me to be getting my freedom and taking my soups with me. They definitely laid out the opportunity for me to walk out of there with all my things, Kind of like a test to see who I really was. At this point I thought they were just trying to come up on my things and I figured it was probably best to just get out of there cuz I had no plan of coming back into any Institution for the rest of my life, I said "you know what you guys are right I can't believe I was so dumb and selfish to do that. You guys can have all of these things." One dude just saw the bag that I had full of salt and pepper packets and said that's all he wanted, and the other dude asked me about a deodorant, and toothpaste. Then they let me know who I should go offer the rest of the stuff 2. They said they also go talk to the key holder first, who said it was really up to me how I split it up or whatever. It all worked out good and I was able to leave their not only feeling good about being released but feeling like I maybe made someone else's time just a little bit better which meant a lot to me. And it turns out that it would end up benefiting me because my dumbass got caught nodding out out front of my dealer's apartment complex, and because I was on probation the sheriff searched me and found the teener in my altoids... so when I ended up making it back to the Stanislaus County system, and was recognized by one of my previous roommates, I had a little bit of good words on my name, so I didn't have to wait the six days for commissary to be delivered to get some hygiene and snacks and soups in my drawer. And within 30 minutes of getting there I was on a smoking rotation, and my people make sure that I was comfortable until I could get my own thing going. I have a feeling that the way I left the first time played a role in my comfort level during my second stay. Sorry for the short essay, just wanted to a little story.m but is their official ruling at the state level about what to do with your stuff when you leave? I'm not really sure, but considering that there's a lot of people that get released all the time and a lot of people that aren't ever going to get released, I figured that there's probably some sort of ruling about it. I really love your content brother, and it's cool to see that you're doing something good for the world, the world needs more of that. Keep doing what you're doing my dude.
@con6lex Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story!
@justuscrusade5263 Жыл бұрын
If you are 6'5" you are an absolute unit.
@kyledamron Жыл бұрын
As a fellow convict, felon, and musician I would love to know how you started making music. I have been loving your music
@phantomnus Жыл бұрын
The cool CO but no, I wouldn’t bring shit in, but when it came to kiddie diddlers, I had a blind eye maybe disgruntled, I still wouldn’t bring in shit, if a inmate asked me to bring in shit for them, we would discuss it in my “office”
@LilSt3fwithNumb3rs13 Жыл бұрын
Subbed… Lil Feller sent me💪😎💜
@andilindsay6629 Жыл бұрын
Defo need a part 2
@JdDelay5150 Жыл бұрын
Yes sirrr!!!
@zackracht6696 10 ай бұрын
Yo JD I wish I knew that you had music on Apple earlier. That shit is fire man. Keep up being Inspirational I love the content homie.
@lizardchadillidan 5 ай бұрын
"You have just created a criminal" seen it 100x
@bryanworking6133 Жыл бұрын
Hey man, good shit on the vids. Props to you homie.
@JdDelay5150 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Bro!
@mikomistar1423 6 ай бұрын
That shirt tho❤❤❤ I love you so much… real dude
@ogriot313 Жыл бұрын
I served 2 sentences at Oakland County Jail in Pontiac Michigan I can relate there was definitely some deputies/Co's who matched these 4 types you should definitely do a part 2
@justinrzegocki1858 3 ай бұрын
Funny improv😅
@bjt-lz1jl Жыл бұрын
When I worked as a CO I got along fairly well. I more or less had the understanding with my pod that as long as they aren't doing anything that'll get me in trouble, I'm not going out of my way to come after them. If you do or have something right out in the open, that's on you though.
@BuffaloGill Жыл бұрын
That's me "The disgruntled C.O." been like that since Narch of 2023. It's not my cage as long as I didn't see it it didn't happen. NOTE no illegal activity I just know the game.
@JohnMarkDoethe1st 24 күн бұрын
I was the disgruntled Co. Never turned dark though. Just stayed disgruntled 4 life🎉
@ryanleblanc6817 Жыл бұрын
Some COs really are in it for the money. More specifically, the retirement after 20 years. Some of them already have fulk retirement after 20yrs in the military. Which is the young age of 38. So boom they do another 20 yrs as a CO and get double retirement and gusrsnteed cushy ride off into the sunset living next to a golf course in their 60s. I've seen married couples who both had double retirement. BIG ballin.
@wallybonejengles5595 7 ай бұрын
Genuinely thought about becoming a CO for a minute. I have no experience in law enforcement, and I guess things are so bad it didn't matter. It didn't matter I got no highschool diploma either. Just that my records clean. Passed on that. But I wonder sometime how it would have gone
@fuqit88 9 ай бұрын
Hon, I was a combo of your first C/O adaptation and me. I didn't go against the rules, but did tell my inmates or convicts "if I catch you slipping, when I have noisy ass keys as I do my checks, u deserve to get the consequences for your stupid actions! I was the Sgt in a women's prison in las Vegas nv, a mens yard, and did part time Juvie too!!!! I have gone after dirty C/O's and let them know their piece of shit ass deserves to be fired, and charges brought against them! I couldn't stand dirty cops!!! I was one Sgt who stood by the rules to the effect that they were reasonable!! I did not let my officers do bullshit harassment
@fuqit88 9 ай бұрын
I also righted a wrong if I saw it! My job wasn't to hem up inmates or convicts!! (Yes there is a difference)!! Inmates will fuck up without any digging or causing by causing a very stupid infraction to make your job easier. When I had 2 17yr old lifers, I had to not only realize their age, but that their crime of murder of their friends step bro, meant something, and people were hurting!! It is very hard to look at 15 and 16 yr olds as hardened criminals!! But, you have to if that's what they did! I had a very tough time with the youngsters!! I feel they wouldn't have done what they did under real world actions!! If their parents had been ACTIVE Parents!! I prayed for them. I was Fair, Firm, and consistent!!! I also directed my C/O's to only take or make right any cell we tossed up!! I said " how would u like it if I came into your cell and fucked it up? Same as I feel u sending your goons to fuck up my shit!!!
@fuqit88 9 ай бұрын
The State of nv don't play!! But, the State of Idaho is on a whole other level!! No good time, the judge will make you serve out your whole sentence, plus your
@fuqit88 9 ай бұрын
Going to get no good time or any relief from serving your four years!! Then, u still have PROBATION! What kinda bullshit is this??? Once you do your 4 years, u are on probation/ parole for the 2 yrs you had at last!! This is crap!!! Once u do your 4yrs of your original sentence, you should be done!!! No more breathing shallow, and worrying about the problems coming back!! I will show you the light!! Please follow me to the Armistice!! We will fly high again!!!
@harrywilson3464 Ай бұрын
We had a few C/O's we worked with labled "Percy", (from the Green Mile) always talking shit, but whenever we had to break up a fight they were somehow always the last to respond, even if they were closest. Or they would take the cheap shot after we had restrained the inmates.
@EmunahFL 6 ай бұрын
When friends and family accidentally send a prisoner contraband without realizing it's contraband (ie: coloring books, pens, coloring pencils, etc.)
@acj5409 Жыл бұрын
Man definitely bro and also I love the longer videos
@andrewcampbell3314 Ай бұрын
You should do one where hojnacki meets the AB or some hell's angels that would be interesting to see
@warrengoguen4835 Жыл бұрын
Affirmative on the continuation . Do it. Lol. LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOoooooo!!!!!
@alexanderkreczkevich8100 Жыл бұрын
Hands down coolest CO I met in my short stint was Sanjay, a 5' nothing, middle aged hindu dude. He was willing to bend the rules a bit if you were cool, needed 5 more min to finish up game/hand,, as long as it wasn't count no problem. Brought back some food for the kitchen? Toss em a couple of cookies. Sport team in playoff, bet he would roll the TV in. Laughed off every threat to him, and which passed off this 6' 3" self described ex-marine. Tried to attack Sanjay from behind and was on the floor in less then a second.
@rocirish76 Жыл бұрын
The Snake STG cops, that aren't high grade Sgts and Capts and shit, were my favorite cops. I won't name names in case they still work there, but there were a couple back in the early 2000s that were pretty straight with me and the Micks... One of them even told the homeboy Lil Kev, 'don't be getting ink from that homeboy in your cell...' Kev didn't listen, just thinking the cop was warning him about STG tattoo write ups or whatever. Then it came out that that particular 'homeboy' had some out of state shit we didn't know about. That cop let me and a couple of brothers take that 'homeboy' to the gym, and distracted the guard that was on gym duty while we handled the dude.
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