Digimon TCG | BT16-EX6 Meta | Tribal Greymon, Raid? Blackwargreymon X? Meta Counters & Discussion

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After testing so many different variants of Greymon, this is ultimately where I'm going to hedge my bets on what'll play. I've tried ultra aggro but when you have no back up game plan it is extremely rough. With that in mind, this deck's looking at facing off against two of the biggest contenders. Afterall, Numemon is basically staving off Magnamon X and Magnamon X is gatekeeping everyone else.

Пікірлер: 52
@StarkMaximum Ай бұрын
Most people: Who could possibly be excited to hear about Greymon _again?_ Me, smashing the "Notify Me" button: I love Greymon, Charlie! I LOVE GREYMONNNN!
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
I went back and forth a lot on this and this is ultimately where I landed. There's still tons of rooms to grow or change!
@BboyStunna Ай бұрын
I enjoyed the video DigiPanda! For my build nowadays i still like running St1 Greymon as my main Lv4 raising. Having Bt12 WGM hit for 2 checks (or 4 is they leave a raiding target is so good especially when you trash their last sec with the Bt11 MGX under when you reboot on their turn) so even if you didnt have a raid target you still clear at minimum 3 sec. If its paired with Yuuya that makes it even more valuable. Although when i decide on my lv6 choice it usually comes down to my opponentts board state. If they have a raid target Bt12 WGM is where i obviously go especially if i have Offense Trainings and a memory setter (or RMB to pop). But if theres no raid target i always go for MGX evo onto BlackWarGreyX to pass turn, attack for 2(trash 1 on reboot/pop lowest playcost digi) and have that redirecter/blocker with the Dp boosts from Yuuya and/or Bt12 Tai. Essentially against suspension decks like Imperialdramon BWGX still is a threat to redirect even when locked down with suspension due to having the guaranteed Redirect. Yuuya getting played down by Bt12 MGM Raid then after evo into MGX, tap Yuuya for protection then evo into BWGX is nasty. On the kickback turn swing your Lv6 for the remaining 2 checks and Omni for game (i run the 2x Bt5 Omni still) for that reason exactly.
@BboyStunna Ай бұрын
My current list if interested: 2x Bt14 Agumon 4x Bt12 Agumon 4x Bt9 Agumon X 4x St1 Greymon 3x Bt9 Greymon X 1x Bt11 Greymon X 4x Bt12 MetalGreymon 4x Bt11 MetalGreymon X 3x Bt12 WarGreymon 3x Bt11 BlackWarGreyX 2x Bt5 Omnimon 3x X Antibody 1x Bt8 Dark Gaia Force 3x Offense Training 2x Red Memory Boost 2x Bt11 Hades Force 2x Bt11 Yuuya Kuga 3x Bt12 Tai Kamiya
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Yooo our builds are very similar in some ways, and other techs in others. Love it dude!
@flclfan85 Ай бұрын
As a WarGreymon/BWGX player, I kinda feel like the deck just isn't meta relevant anymore. BT11 Greymon X getting hit to 1 took the speed away, and it seems like most decks just blow it out of the water.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
With mulligans it kind of helps. But overall I do tend to agree that speedwise it just doesn't keep up.
@Vanon35435 Ай бұрын
Yea same always been a Greymon tool box main, but it's just not relevant anymore....you can't keep up and sometime the deck lose by itself.
@TaoRodBRodel Ай бұрын
Setting free Greymon X antibody would help..
@bobakitty6575 Ай бұрын
My husband will love this list. Thank you!
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
You're very welcome!
@Leonardovideogoes Ай бұрын
the franchise mascot
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
He'll always return for another appearance.
@Leonardovideogoes Ай бұрын
ygdrasill managed to make his evil plan come true, the correct evolution
@sagegntalex3765 Ай бұрын
Nice megaman x4 music brah
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Arguably one of my favorite games from PS1. What an era.
@hxllxw6800 Ай бұрын
I found myself not gettin too much value out of 4 BT14 Agumons. So I cut them down to 2. I added two more removal instead, with crimson blaze and trident gaia. Also, I prefer the use of the black and red blackwargreymon, as popping tamers is incredibly vaulable in the meta, and it can block twice if you need it.
@BboyStunna Ай бұрын
Same, I went with the 2 Bt14 Agumon myself due to it being a dead card after you initially see it for raising and it you use bt12 Agu in back he's even more of a dead card. Replacing the 2 bt14 Agus him with Red Memory Boost to pair with Offense Training to help speed up plays in your turn and find much needed pieces.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Part of me is tempted to run Analog Youth as a way to promote up another raise if my initial stack is gone. Still, it becomes an issue though.
@abdullahali2184 Ай бұрын
As much as all of this sounds nice in theory, the deck itself will never have the speed and consistency to keep up with everything else in this meta and the upcoming ones until proper support or it gets a full rework. Even the old "build a stack with a bunch of sec+ and big DP" in red as a whole will not work anymore with Ace cards being much stronger at shutting it down, permanently pushing the color to irrelevance.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Unrestriction of BT11 Greymon X perhaps? Speed is a huge determining factor right now and Greymon is definitely missing it. With tournament results, I do think Numemon X could keep getting more and more representation meaning if it doesn't see any faltering which means this current list could be the play with the de-digivolve elements and adding more Ultimate Flare.
@abdullahali2184 Ай бұрын
Even I'm not sure about that, still the same problem red decks suffer from. Could help black base though.
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
@@abdullahali2184 Definitely think black base would get a huuuuuuuuuge boost. But I do think our dependency on tower stacking is already too much. At least with black base, this does give us a more streamlined process with BT11 Agumon X and finding our Tai Kamiya's with the Defense Trainings.
@StarkMaximum Ай бұрын
I mean, it's worth a shot to try, otherwise we're all just playing Magnamon and Numemon again. That's how metas stagnate, people just give up on decks because "well it just won't work so I won't even try".
@abdullahali2184 Ай бұрын
@@StarkMaximum The deck still failed to do anything notable even during BT14 with the support it got at that time. Wargreymon was the most played deck at EU nats yet none of them made top 32, which speaks of the deck's actual performance. It also doesn't help that the deck got no proper support since then, not even SEC Greymon helps at all. As for the double raid play people are coping for with BT12 WG against MagnaX, you still fail to outright kill the stack which they can easily climb back to, thus wasting resources and your WG stack gets outed. So no it's not just doomer talk without a reason.
@digiwatchtcg7625 Ай бұрын
Just a consideration but black base may be better. Bt bwg with bt8 metalgrey
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
I tried this route as well. One issue also came down to not wanting to proc Numemon X and with the high costs associated with BT8 BWG and Metalgreymon, I wanted something that wouldn't give too much advantage to Magnamon X. I do see the justification though with the wider building boards!
@digiwatchtcg7625 Ай бұрын
​@@DIGI-PANDA right. But here is how i see this. You build in back to metal. Digi into metalX use yuuya and tamers, etc...go into bt2 bwg. Eff attacks entire board. And they cannot valk ace you. If they etemon you. Make sure x anti is under to attack and digi to bwgX
@StarkMaximum Ай бұрын
@@digiwatchtcg7625 All of these posts that are saying "no no here's how you build Greymon" always operate under the assumption that everything goes right. Bro just evolve all the way up into an X Antibody. Bro just always have this one specific tamer out. Bro just draw everything in exactly the right order. Like bro in the time you've tried to set this up Magnamon X has already evolved and hit you twice because your boss Digimon requires like eight full evolutions and he's online in three. It's fucking over. Everyone thinks they have the One Answer but this deck has so many different ways to build it and most of them just aren't _that_ good. "If they Etemon you just make sure X Antibody is in your sources" okay but _what if it isn't, my man._ What if they're all at the bottom when the Etemon hits, what if they're in your security, what _then._ It doesn't work to just say "you can beat the meta if you just draw the cards good". The fact that you have to dedicate so many cards in your deck just to keeping up with a deck that barely even needs half of its deck for its engine is not a good sign!
@wugglesbobuggles233 Ай бұрын
can't imagine not running hades force with all the wide boards running around
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
While true, one issue I find with this card is the requirement of a Greymon in play. And in a setting where it would be difficult to maintain a body on board sometimes due to removal, that in itself was a problem. I like Ultimate Flare most because with your tamers you automatically have all colors to get the job done.
@BboyStunna Ай бұрын
Dark Gaia Force is more relevant then ever now wirh low cost aces and wide boards (minus partition in Imperialdramon and Nume on deletion body spawn)
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
@@BboyStunna I'd prefer Dark Gaia Force over Hades Force in all honesty ha ha. The dual color is another element I'm just not a fan of. But it's usually possible to have the colors.
@BboyStunna Ай бұрын
Agreed, with tamer heavy decks popping up im just use to needing Hades for Red Hybrid and getting rid of pesky Davis/Kens ect. I flucuate my Crimson Blaze with Dark Gaia Force so my removal options tend to either bt 2x Hades and 1x Dark Gaia or 2x Hades and 1x Crimson depending on how locals/meta is looking ​@@DIGI-PANDA
@stratovarius996 Ай бұрын
@@BboyStunna Dark Gaia is invaluable this format
@siccempowehi8664 Ай бұрын
I was trying a build with sheepmon to keep magnax from attacking security
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Now you're cooking! I think I just looked at all the basic ingredients and didn't add anything spicy.
@nycboi6720 Ай бұрын
I’m thinking of going back to Anubis with the bt15 cerb and dober, combined with merva and a lil spice of belphe and asta it could do something or at least I hope it will
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
EX6 going to introduce more ways to stop attacks too!
@firebender9010 Ай бұрын
Why Ultimate Flare over DG Dimension? I've seen that used in some lists
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
With the top two contending decks right now being Numemon and Magnamon X, if this card is hit in security, it is soul crushing against Magnamon X because they go back down to armor, then level 3 and the board is wiped. Likewise, Numemon tends to build wide, and you can de-digivolve one of their stacks and potentially nuke the entire board considering Ukkomon, Numemon, Numemon X, and Geremon are all 3 cost
@raikaria3090 Ай бұрын
I think this might actually be the longest period without Wargreymon support. From ST15 to... now. No Wargreymon support. There's been Agurush; Agubond and Omnimon, but not Wargreymon. [BT17 Wargrey is strictly a Omni card]
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Honestly. I'm kind of ok about it ha ha. In some ways, I feel like BT16 was testing the waters on DNA decks to see how feasible it would be to do it for Omnimon. Although Omnimon has largely been argued to not be a true DNA Digimon? Still.. interesting.
@raikaria3090 Ай бұрын
@@DIGI-PANDA "Jogress" means "Join and Progress". Paildramon is Champion + Champion = Ultimate. Omnimon is still a Mega, so it's classed as a "Gattai" or "fusion". This is said in Hunters by Tentomon. This is also why we've never had: Wargreymon; MetalGarurumon; Jogress Shinka! in any media. Because it's not Jogress. Of course; in the dub; it's DNA Digivolution; which is fine. BT17 Omni is a DNA deck anyway.
@stratovarius996 Ай бұрын
Trident arm maybe over Ultimate Flare?
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Trident Arm has multiple means of removal for the Numemon match up at least.
@palls60 Ай бұрын
Garurumon list PLZ 🫰🏻
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
This one's a work in progress. I have a few shorter lists that I wanna get out because there aren't any changes with EX6.
@Leonardovideogoes Ай бұрын
Wargreymon is a weak level 6, since it is from the original tai
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
That's why we have to choose the path of darkness and go Blackwargreymon X
@TheMatchaDen Ай бұрын
bt15???? 🤨
@DIGI-PANDA Ай бұрын
Fixed! When you upload videos you can copy titles, keywords and description from a previous one. With fan favorites, I tend to pull from the most recent video I did on the topic.
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