It's ALIVE !! IT'S ALIVE !!! Where are the Cops when you need them?" Hello 911??" Yeah, there's some guy..... "SOMe guy'd driving a speed Car on our Road!! It's LOUD !! "It's A FRankensteiN VehicLe". A look right out of 1930 Bulgaria. Way to go. I've been sitting at this computer for 3 weeks straight waiting for you to upload a video. Well Done. Maybe it needs a higher grade of gas. Sounds like a spark miss, actually. Are the plugs ok? Wires? Could be carburator but sounds like ignition cutting out. Keep the videos coming.....You did it and made this thing go!!! What are you going to name her???
@heliarche Жыл бұрын
The Cops out here... Yea I have some Gremlins. I bought this carb really cheap. It was full of sand and dirt. It cleaned up and worked well enough to bench run and it does the job but it might be just plain goofed up as far as idling goes. The points are who knows how old. I just cleaned them up to get spark. I have a used Mopar ballast resistor inline and it might be protesting. I'm pretty sure the coil is from some kind of vehicle and that's about all I can tell you. The plugs only have a few hours on them, the wires are used but decent, same with the cap and rotor. A name? That's hard. I don't even know what it is. Buggy, jitney, hack. jalopy, my Son calls it a Hot Rod. I scratched "Arbitrary" on the door because that's how it was built. If pressed, I guess I'd go with "Cuban". There's a lot of work to do on it still. That worn out tie rod end, the wheel bearing up front, the rear U joint is pretty roached. There's no floor pans, no firewall, no exhaust after the manifolds, front brakes only. I think my next move, I want gauges. I think if it has gauges I'm going to feel like it's really something and that would be motivation for the harder jobs. Does that make any sense?
@EverydayProjects Жыл бұрын
@@heliarche Cops are on their way....Guages are alwaays good, especially temp and oil pressure, although most modern cars just have an idiot light for those, I would look into the carb/spark issue. If t'll runs well, it will motivate you more to get it ready in every way to race it at Indianapolis. Until then crank 'er up and down the back road but watch out for Mrs. Speeddial, she doesn'ty like your contraptions and will have you placed in irons at the first chance or hint of a backfire!!
@heliarche Жыл бұрын
@@EverydayProjects Besides the engine itself, everything is clapped out and old. It's going to be some time. I just had the carb off and cleaned it out as best I can so I think I want to lean more toward ignition. I haven't run it much but it seems it doesn't want to idle when it's warmed up. It's still teething and it's to be expected especially when most of it is garbage. I really like this though. This is problem solving that I can deal with. I'm geared for this type of nonsense. Did you ever have a stickshift with a carb, running downhill, shut the key off for a few seconds, floor it and turn the key back on? That was fun until I blew a muffler apart!
@laid-backgarage4412 Жыл бұрын
Fed-ex guy is like "wut da hail!!"
@1982MCI Жыл бұрын
He was wondering if he was in “Wrong Turn, Reincarnated” lol 😂
@laid-backgarage4412 Жыл бұрын
@@1982MCI 😂😂
@heliarche Жыл бұрын
@@1982MCI I don't mind that. I'd rather the guys from Deliverance instead of most of these city people. It's getting too civilized in here.
@hemibreath Жыл бұрын
😂 that flathead runs good 👍
@heliarche Жыл бұрын
It needs some tuning. It doesn't like idling all that much but it sure pulls nice!