Do GERMANS Shower LESS? (Germany vs USA)

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Deana and Phil

Deana and Phil

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We've come across this comment and question a lot lately about whether Germans shower or not. We thought it was interesting and hadn't put much thought into it until now. We discuss cultural differences and tendencies in regards to showering and bathing in Germany and the USA. Let us know your thoughts on this topic!
Please Note: These are observations and opinions based on our experiences. These are opinion based statements, not facts. It's very important in today's society that we remind ourselves of the differences. We didn't think it was necessary to put a disclaimer into every single one of our videos; however as some of our videos are reaching an audience who doesn't know us and/or have only seen a few videos, we feel this reminder is necessary. We want this to be a platform where we can share our opinions, observations and differences in a positive way. Differences are NOT a negative thing. It makes things interesting. We honestly feel that the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. Thanks for watching!!
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00:00 - Showering Germany vs USA
00:44 - Do Germans even shower?
01:30 - Daily Showers (Germany vs USA)
06:11 - Do you bathe in the morning or evening (Germany vs USA)
08:43 - Like, Sub, Join, Danke :)
09:26 - Deodorant (Germany vs USA)
11:40 - How often do you shower? Where are you from?

Пікірлер: 571
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
Do you think you should shower daily or not? 😄🚿
@motogpf1fan939 3 жыл бұрын
Im Sommer ja, im Winter nein In Summer yes, in Winter no
@YanYanYamYam 3 жыл бұрын
I shower every morning to wake myself up :)
@robpotatoes6514 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely especially during this pandemic
@SeriouslySeriousGrim 3 жыл бұрын
Hm, I thought that was really bad for hair
@strangeling325 3 жыл бұрын
American here. It depends. I shower on the days I work, so usually 4 days or so. Having a shower in the morning is my normal so I can wake up. We don't have a bathtub, otherwise I would be in there every day, I love relaxing in the bath. For the deodorant question, I use a natural stick. But usually only in summer. In winter I use an essential oil in a little alcohol.
@jostein219 3 жыл бұрын
Children don't need to shower everyday because their body and sweat does not smell so much like adult bodies. This starts with the hormones in puberty. Besides childrens' skin is more sensible and gets irritated more easily from heavy use of soap.
@love4daydreamer 3 жыл бұрын
I put my one year old son in the water about every day to clean the food off him after the day is done but we don't use soap every day.
@JassBo83 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up in Germany. We had bath time once a week. I had friends that didn't even have a shower or tub. To me in depends on activity and weather. Daily is not needed but at least wash up when you don't shower. ....keeps people away from you on the bus. 🤣🤣🤣
@jessicaely2521 3 жыл бұрын
Kids get dirtier than adults though. When ever it rained my brother and I were ALWAYS covered from head to toe in mud. My mom allowed us to play in the backyard by ourselves. This was before neighbors would report parents to police when kids were playing in their own backyard 🙄. I also don't think anyone in their right mind would let their kids go to bed covered in mud.
@jmb1101 Жыл бұрын
You have never been in a closed room with a bunch of 3rd graders who have been running around. OMG, they stink like dirty hair and sweat. I found that out when my daughter did Girls on the Run when she was a kid!
@kessas.489 3 жыл бұрын
Die einen duschen gerne, die anderen baden gerne und wieder andere sitzen morgens im Bus neben mir... 🤢
@christianklich4189 3 жыл бұрын
Ich dusche zwei mal die Woche gründlich. Sonst täglich Füsse waschen. Mit Waschlappen Intimbereich und unter den Armen... Beine oder Rücken täglich zu waschen ist nicht gut für die Haut. Stinken tut man deshalb nicht.
@xwormwood 3 жыл бұрын
Das sind vermutlich die gleiche Mitmenschen, die dann vor mir den Fahrstuhl benutzt haben, sigh.
@Jesse-2531 3 жыл бұрын
@@christianklich4189 meiner haut geht es gut (dusche sehr lange oder liege für stunden in der Badewanne). das mit der haut denke Trift nur zu wen man eine zu starke seife benutzt.
@Kerstinslife82 3 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 wie gut das ich Leone öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel mehr nutzen muss. 🙈
@pascalmerschaudio 3 жыл бұрын
riechst du denn immer gut ? nach rosenduft ? oder so ?
@roxannaramirez929 3 жыл бұрын
From California here. Yes, absolutely shower 365 days a year including hair.
@viv_uriarte 3 жыл бұрын
Can confirm from SJ
@KRAPYBARA84 3 жыл бұрын
Socal gal here: I shower everyday and wash my hair every other day (or a few since I dont want my dye to fade)- my roommate does it twice a day!!!
@MiciFee97 3 жыл бұрын
I am a german female: I learnt to shower every 2nd or 3rd day. Its not healthy to shower everyday. Sometimes in summer i shower every day cuz its too warm and i am sweating. But in winter i shower like twice a week. As a kid you dont sweat as much as adults. We bath like every 3rd day. So 1 day in the week and one ok the weekend. I usually shower in the evening. After partying i go to bed wothout showering and then take a bath in the morning. I like taking baths when i am sick or when i have backpain or heachache. Also i like taking baths to read a book. End when i do that i sometimes wash my hair and somethimes i dont, depends on when i washed my hair last.
@pjschmid2251 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree it is not good for your skin to shower every day. I’m from the US and I don’t shower every day my skin would dry up and fall off practically if I did. It’s one thing if you’re very active and getting super sweaty but if you’re a normal average person that’s moderately to barely active there’s no need to shower every day.
@HeyItsSarah30 3 жыл бұрын
Same. I’m American and I shower every other day. And my skin STILL feels too dry from that even
@r6mt09 3 жыл бұрын
You are fucking gross 🤮 🤮🤮
@tuckercoffin2164 3 жыл бұрын
Been showering daily all my life and I’m still alive
@jack7997 Жыл бұрын
The problem is you THINK it's ok, but as a tourist I totally smell that people don't shower 😂
@SeriouslySeriousGrim 3 жыл бұрын
I thought that showering daily wasn’t good for hair and skin, a natural oil thing
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
Is it not? Maybe it depends on the person? 🤔
@SeriouslySeriousGrim 3 жыл бұрын
@@DeanaandPhil Maybe, that’s just what I heard. I suppose people with thicker hair would have to shower more frequently
@stefanrichter5458 3 жыл бұрын
You're right! It's not healthy to shower daily
@Jesse-2531 3 жыл бұрын
i think 3 days is perfect for the natural oils
@stefanrichter5458 3 жыл бұрын
@@Jesse-2531 Yes, 3 days are much better
@motogpf1fan939 3 жыл бұрын
3 mal täglich duschen ist aber auch unnormal😂😂 Also ich dusche pro Woche so 4 mal oder so😅
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
@seelenwinter6662 3 жыл бұрын
Gesunder Haut macht das tägliche Duschen in der Regel nichts aus. Dermatologen raten jedoch davon ab, mehrmals täglich oder sehr ausgiebig zu duschen, da sonst der natürliche Säureschutzmantel der Haut in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden kann!
@seelenwinter6662 3 жыл бұрын
Regelmäßige Körperhygiene spielt in unserer Gesellschaft eine zentrale Rolle. Dabei kann tägliches Duschen zu Problemen und sogar Erkrankungen der Haut führen. Tägliches Duschen - das ist Stress pur für deine Haut Für viele Deutsche ist tägliches Duschen ein festes Ritual und gehört wie das Zähneputzen zur Körperpflege. Vielleicht ist das auch bei dir so. Dabei ist es für ein frisches, gepflegtes Äußeres gar nicht nötig, Tag für Tag den gesamten Körper einzuseifen und abzubrausen. Im Gegenteil: Häufiges Duschen belastet deine Haut, denn es trocknet aus. Was genau geschieht eigentlich mit unserem größten Körperorgan unter der Brause? Und wie oft sollte man duschen? Dazu haben wir die folgenden Tipps für dich. Du solltest vor allem sehr warmes Wasser meiden, denn es löst Fette aus deiner Haut und schwemmt sie heraus. Diese Fette sind es aber, die deine Haut schön weich und geschmeidig machen. Die Folge: Die Haut wird rau und schuppig. Tägliches Duschen schädigt den natürlichen Schutzschild der Haut, da auch die „guten“ Bakterien abgewaschen werden. Diese schützen unser größtes Organ allerdings vor schädlichen Bakterien, Pilzen und Viren, indem sie ihr Eindringen verhindern. Duscht du täglich, kann deine Haut sogar gesundheitliche Probleme bekommen, die sich in Akne, Pickel oder auch Ekzemen zeigen. Auch Kopfhaut und Haare leiden unter der häufigen Wasseranwendung. Die Kopfhaut kann einerseits ebenfalls austrocknen, andererseits beginnt sie dadurch, mehr Fett als nötig zu produzieren, was du an schnell fettenden, strähnigen Haaren bemerkst. Die Nagelhaut kann durch tägliches Duschen ebenfalls austrocknen und rissig werden. Das schadet deinen schön manikürten Fingernägeln.
@jimb3333 Жыл бұрын
From Texas. My dermatologist says unless workout and perspire or just get dirty from work showering daily robs your body of essential oils. She told me every other day or longer.
@mnossy11 3 жыл бұрын
Showering or washing too much is bad for the body, but everyone is different so some people need to shower once a day or every other day.
@Luebbe90 3 жыл бұрын
The heat ist bad for the body, not the water. Cold water is actually GOOD for skin and hair.
@catonkybord7950 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, Austrian here. I too am an evening shower person. I'm so used to it that it feels extremely weird for me to shower in the morning, like my whole world is upside down, I can't even explain it 😂 I shower mostly every day (if it's necessary) but wash my hair just once a week. And bathing I do once or twice a month. It's more of a wellness thing than simply getting clean. Also, deoderant stick or creme for the win! (Less plastic waste than with roll ons). With the spray I feel like I'm deoderating my bathroom more than my arm pits, and it burns on shaved skin.
@mahdis3606 3 жыл бұрын
Ich komme aus dem Iran 🇮🇷und dusche fast viermal pro Woche. Ich lerne Deutsch und bin einer deiner Fans✌🏻
@ESUSAMEX 3 жыл бұрын
As a kid hated showering, but once I was a teen, I had to shower every day. Sometimes at night but mostly in the morning before school. Once I became an adult, I used to shower every day during the Summer due to the heat. Now I have cutback on showering unless I going out or spending all day in the sun. During the quarantine, I only shower a few times a week because I really can't do anything or go anywhere. I am American originally from NY who now resides in Florida.
@Luis-cu3ut 3 жыл бұрын
The epicness of the video never gets left off, nice job 😉 a deserved like
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
Hehe thanks! 😜
@jloebick 3 жыл бұрын
It's always very interesting to learn about the habits of other cultures. Great topic! I'll comment about bathing kids; we would bath our kids every other day and it would be in a bathtub so that they could play for a bit. I think daily, for kids, is excessive. I used to shower daily, before COVID, but now that I work from home, I sometimes forget when I bathed last!!! (And, yes, I'm single.)
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
Ohhh good to know! There is to learn about kids and raising them! We figured when/if we have them we'll have 9 months to research on "how to not break" them! 😂😅😋 Ahh it's the same for us too! If we don't leave the house it's ok to skip a shower (occasionally Phil too) hehe. It seems like a lot of people who work from home feel that way too!
@Sophie-hp3zi 3 жыл бұрын
I shower daily, because I do sports every day (but hair just every second day). 😂🏃‍♀️
@simonab.242 3 жыл бұрын
In general I do not shower daily (I'm german) I also remember learning at home that lots of times it is enough to use a wash cloth instead of a "whole" shower. Also better for the environment 😜
@lukewalker3 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s got to be a Europe thing I’m in the uk and o don’t as well not every day
@karlhering594 3 жыл бұрын
After working as an auto-mechanic for 30 years I shower each evening before bed- I refuse to go to bed crusted with sweat, grime and oil. I also like fresh clean bedsheets-It makes me feel good to be freshly cleaned in clean sheets. Spray on deodorant used to be almost universal in the 1970's, but concerns about the aerosol spray chemicals made them un-popular. Most people will use a roll-on or stick deodorant. BTW you guys seem like a really fun couple.
@bartolo498 3 жыл бұрын
There was a somewhat famous book a few years ago by a German dermatologist, titled "Haut" or so. There she tells you not to shower too often (she writes something like, if we asked our skin how often, it would say at most once a week and no soap) and if you feel you need to shower daily, use only lukewarm water and no or very little soap/lotion. And don't wash the hair daily. I (male, late forties, German) don't remember all the details as a young kid. We bathed once a week in the tub (3-4 at once) and probably showered twice in between, maybe more in summer maybe less in winter, I think. But prepubescent kids don't stink in the same way. Later on I did sports 3-4- times/week and at that time around 12-13 I probably got to showering everyday. As a kid it was always in the evening but I think I switched to mornings as an older teenager at some stage. Nowadays it's usually mornings. Unless I know I will run/work out later in the day. Then I usually only wash "stinky parts" quickly in the morning and take shower after sports. In winter this might sometimes work out to only 4 showers per week but most of the year it is probably almost daily. I try to avoid taking more than one shower per day. If this seems necessary on some very hot days or otherwise, I use no soap for the second shower. And I only wash my hair about twice a week or less. Much better for my hair and it actually feels and looks better by using only water and washing not so often once one is used to it. I almost never take a tub bath. When I moved about 10 years ago after about 5 years in a flat with only a shower I was happy to have a bathtub in the new flat. I lived there for more than 3 years and I think I took one or two tub baths during the whole time, usually only showers. The US has lots of these broader deodorant sticks (where there is no ball but one rubs the stick directly onto the skin) that are rarer in Germany. I prefer them because they seem less wasteful than most but nowadays I mostly used homemade deodorant (based on sodium bicarbonate/baking soda in water as a pump spray) I don't think many people use no deodorant at all. I am personally not aware of any.
@quwer4931 3 жыл бұрын
I understand exactly what you mean, Phil. My family had a bathing day once a week when we children were put in the tub. When we were little all together at the same time. And our days looked exactly as you described it: cycling, playing soccer, falling from trees, .. When we weren't for example flying upside down into a big pile of cow shit, the pajamas were put on in the evening, which were (if I remember correctly) only fresh out of the closet on bathing day, washed your face, brushed your teeth and go to bed. That changed clearly during puberty, you just started to stink terribly if you didn't shower every day. That's why I always showered in the morning so I would not bother anyone at school with my smell for as long as possible. Now, my hormones are doing their job more or less stable, so I no longer shower every day, rather every 2 days, whereby I only wash my hair every other time. Oh yes, for your statistics: Me, a young woman, born and raised in Berlin, Germany.
@justmeannie1956 3 жыл бұрын
You guys are too cute! I love watching your videos and it’s part of my daily escapism from this damn quarantine. I shower every night to get rid of the day’s sweat and grime but I do love a good bubble bath once in awhile and yes, my rubber ducky keeps me company, too! Warm regards from this SoCalGal! 👧🏻😊
@jameswhitfield6220 Жыл бұрын
Depending on the jobs I've had, I've had to shower twice day. When I was in the Army, I'd shower at night before bed, and then again in the morning after PT/exercising. Whenever we did field training, I'd always bring the means to shower if I needed to, but usually we would go without. We'd use hygiene wipes. Working in landscaping and at a plant nursery, twice a day as well. Once in the morning and as soon as I got home before doing anything else. With our kids, we actually like you guys joked in the video 🤣. We've got 9 altogether, the youngest being 3 toddlers and a brand new first grader. We'll get all four in the tub and wash and each of the older kids helps get them dressed, etc. As far as my personal hygiene habits are concerned, I try to use more natural soaps. I've wanted to do that for years, after being able to, my skin feels better.
@LythaWausW 3 жыл бұрын
After we bought our first house in Germany (2009) we realized we needed to remodel the bathroom from the blue oma/opa tile. We went full out (and will pay for it the next EIGHT years). But we have the nicest bathroom I've ever seen. However, there's no tub. We realized we had never used the bathtub before, so why would we want one now? We left the water outlets (?) in the wall if the next buyer needs a bathtub. We've never missed it. I'm like Sheldon Cooper, "Stewing in a broth of your bodily fluids, no thanks.": ) I do, however, desperately miss hot tubbing with family and friends in America.
@krisa990 3 жыл бұрын
I must ask you,which city did you chose,I watched a few clips about your hunt for a new place to live but which place did you chose? That I missed.
@nataliefromnormandya1135 3 жыл бұрын
Winter: every other day. Summer 1-2x daily. If I’m really sweaty from hiking or working out, I shower after. Southeastern US
@thanhtrinhthi9640 3 жыл бұрын
My parents and I shower every single day all the years, including in the Winter. Winter is so 🥶 From Vietnam 🇻🇳
@heidicolville4961 3 жыл бұрын
Hi I live in Canada. When we were working (we are now retired) I used to shower every morning because I needed the shower to wake up and do my hair and make up for work. Now that I am retired and not needing to do my hair and make up every day I only shower every other day. Also although my hair gets wet in the shower, I quit washing my hair every time I shower . I now only wash my hair about 2 times a week and and find it is a lot less greasy. My hairdresser told me to do that and it has worked.
@tshampoo7762 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting topic!
@Bluesbabesrv 3 жыл бұрын
As an older (70) American who is temporarily out of work, thanks Covid-19 😕, I’m not doing much physically so I don’t shower every day. I also live in a cooler area of the country. I also have dry skin and eczema so showering everyday isn’t good for me.
@kenninast 3 жыл бұрын
I am a German, living in Antwerpen, in Belgium, for virtually my entire life. I used to shower at LEAST daily. Sometimes twice or even thrice. But my skin is kind of ruined, alas. So extremely dry. So I switched to showering twice, maybe thrice a week. And one bath a month. In the beginning I thought I'd be smelly, but it turned out: not at all. But at the end: showing less doesn't feel that different, really. It's just a tad better for your skin, and you gain a bit more time in our stressful society.
@vitoriagoncalvesarrudadeli8224 3 жыл бұрын
Hi from Brazil! I found really interesting, because in Brazil, it is normal to shower at least once in a day, but here you can find people that shower when they wake up and then when they are going to sleep. And for kids, we shower! It's like we have to, I remember when I was a lil kid my mom saying like it's shower time, before sleep. So, we shower a lot I think, like one shower is almost mandatoring. Even when it's winter here, we shower, I can't go to bed feeling dirty :D
@anap.a 3 жыл бұрын
It's because of your humid climate. Not comparable to Europe.
@noelvalencia4025 3 жыл бұрын
Here in the Philippines, I believe most of us shower everyday because the climate is moderately hot
@danielheartsill4269 3 жыл бұрын
Dallas Texas area and I shower every day. In the summer when I work outside I shower before I go to bed. The next morning I shower because I feel dirty all day without a morning shower. Bear in mind that here we are in hot weather from May until October so we do sweat a lot.
@moose4957 Жыл бұрын
In Africa we are taught to shower twice daily. In the day and before you go to bed
@jojostag 3 жыл бұрын
German here: I shower every morning just to start fresh into the day. But I do not think that you have to shower on a daily basis if you do not workout and at least to a "cat wash" in the morning.
@juricarmichel5864 3 жыл бұрын
Does the "Schauer" running down my back count, or not? Every day. Head only every 2nd or 3rd with shampoo otherwise clear water (flaking). In wintertime after hard work: a hot bath, NO candles, music and two icy beers or single malt to relax. But, and that might be unusual, first showering to clean myself. Germanman.
@Cloudlife12 3 жыл бұрын
Not showering doesn’t mean not getting cleaned up though.I don’t shower daily but I do quickly wash myself daily under the arms e.g 😄
@claramouawad 3 жыл бұрын
In summer i shower everyday. In winter every other day (so one day yea one day no) just bcz we dont have a heater in the house and it gets pretty cold. I prefer showering in the evening but im finding myself showering in the morning in quarantine since i dont have to go anywhere and im in no rush in the morning. We have a bathtub but i just shower in it. I don't like baths.
@claramouawad 3 жыл бұрын
I use spray (im from lebanon) i don't like the roll-on.
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
Ahhh interesting! Yeah we have been showering at slightly different times since quarentine started too!
@louisebiz398 3 жыл бұрын
I love you guys and I learned a lot through yr video
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
🤗💜 Thank you! We learn a lot from you guys in the comments too!
@PanBiro666 3 жыл бұрын
Hi guys and galls! Im from Poland and living in Germany for 9 years. Im a metalworker (Metallbauer). In this job you can get very dirty or almost not at all. For example: if Im in the workshop (werkstatt) doing welding (schweissen), grinding (schleifen) I do get very dirty so I need a shower immiedietly comming home. BUT if Im on a montage job and the construction (baustelle) is not demending I only "wash up" before going to bed (armpits, balls and such :D ). I live alone so there is no one to smell me :). The next day I just wash up, put deodorant (roll-on - because it keeps me fresh longer) and go to work. Of course every day its new T-Shirt, underwere and socks! PS. No one have ever complaied to my hygiene.
@jacquelinehenseleit5995 3 жыл бұрын
I bathed once a week as a child. I shower every day. When I lived in Germany alot of people only had a bathtub. I also noticed that alot of German ladies didn't shave their legs or underarms. Also noticed wearing anti persperant. I am a Canadian
@bl4d3runn3rX 3 жыл бұрын
I shower every day! Sometimes even twice. I'm german.
@motogpf1fan939 3 жыл бұрын
Ich dusche im Sommer jeden Tag im Winter aber nur alle 2 bis 3 Tage
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
Noiceee!! 😄👍
@matekochkoch 3 жыл бұрын
Twice a year, regardless whether necessary or not. It's daily, sometimes in summer twice per day. But I have to admid during lockdown I skipped sometimes. I am German.
@bl4d3runn3rX 3 жыл бұрын
@@motogpf1fan939 stinky balls
@schneeschieber100 3 жыл бұрын
@@bl4d3runn3rX Wahre Liebe!!!🤢🤮😇
@shannonbradley4699 3 жыл бұрын
When I was younger I showered daily but I soon found that my skin and hair were getting uber dry so now it's every other day.
@SpeakUpWorld 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an early morning shower person, it's helps me get my day started
@thirdefying 3 жыл бұрын
I personally think that every individual, every person must shower on a daily basis. This goes to show that one's hygiene and cleanliness shall be observed everyday regardless of what weather you have now or if you have done strenuous activities. :)
@amitgarg66photography 3 жыл бұрын
I am born in India but living in Canada since I was young. The Indian Hindu culture is to shower/bathe daily. I never leave the house without showering...shower/bathe daily as habit. As kid going to school i would shower daily..even when we had to walk to school in the severe cold snowy weather conditions. In India even the poorest will have some water to bathe daily..its part of the culture. If you travel to India , you can go onto a crowded bus or the local Metro train in Delhi and there will be no body odour. However, when I am on a bus or local train in Canada, I can smell offensive body odour coming from people around me..even though they may look well dressed
@MandalaBunnyhome 2 жыл бұрын
I only wash my 2.5 year old maybe twice a week but she takes baths almost everyday because she likes playing in the water (no soap for those just water)
@retromoviefan944 3 жыл бұрын
I am American, and my grandparents who were born at the turn of the century and were farmers, took a weekly bath. The weekly bath was very much the tradition in the U.S. Most homes up until the 1950's in the US didn't even HAVE showers. It was a tub. Often times, farm families shared the same bath water. Yes, I know, younger people of today are creeped out by this, but not very long ago, in the 1940's USA especially in small farming communities and small towns, that was the norm. My mom grew up taking one bath per week. That was her normal routine during all my adult life also. She never smelled bad, nor did my grandparents. I was not raised to shower daily. I think around the 1960's USA, the advertising on television began to push the nonsense of "you smell bad" if you aren't in the shower on a daily basis. (keep in mind, a lot of homes still in the 1960's didn't have tub/shower combos, only bath tubs). This advertising push was done to sell more deodorants and more "personal hygiene" stuff and push a lot of guilt onto people who didn't smell bad, nor were they dirty. So, hopefully that gives you some perspective on this "daily shower" stuff. And of course, younger people today think it's the "norm" to shower every day. Um....NO, it isn't. It's a psychological head trip more than anything, fed by a lot of fake needs.
@brentg3707 3 жыл бұрын
i am from st augustine fla so shower 4 or 5 times a week depending how warm weather or excercise morning showers
@ericlagescalca6191 3 жыл бұрын
In Brazil, because of the climate, it's quite common to shower multiple (2-3+) times a day in some areas. Once a day is nearly "mandatory" (or at least socially considerate). Myself, twice a day at least (just before and after bed). But this is cultural and personal to some extent. We Brazilians also brush our teeth after every meal, flossing includded (very common to see people brushing their teeth and flossing at work, some restrooms even carry floss and listerine dispensers as well).
@silkedavid8876 3 жыл бұрын
I cannot remember what I did as a child, a bath was usually a luxury, although we had more baths than my friend. She always wanted to have an bath on a sleep over. I shower about every second day, and it depends on my shifts if morning or evening. In England having a bath every day is still quite common, and even a lot of new builds sometimes only have a bath tub! Than one needs to fit one later. I do not think one needs to have a shower or bath every day, I guess it does depend on every one's body. Same with deodorant, I gave up deodorant a long time ago. I used one of these crystals for along time, and as I got older I kind of stopped sweating. I only use something when I know I will get hot. And as a waitress it is recommended, as I sometimes have to come very close to peoples heads and noses to put plates down.
@windwatcher11 Жыл бұрын
I'm a 60 y.o. American female. We were farm kids raised on a few showers a week, and a bath on Saturday nights. Since i was about 12, I have showered more or less daily; I also used to wear roll-on. Presently, I kill the germs under my pits with rubbing alcohol or witch hazel if i feel too ripe at work. I figure it's not as bad as smearing aluminum / chemicals on myself, and it's refreshing & cooling.
@julieenglert3371 3 жыл бұрын
I live in Australia, and here I think it‘s normal and expected that you should have a shower once a day. Most people have a shower in the morning, but I prefer my shower before I go to bed. I have a question for you guys. Last year I attended a language school in Germany for 6 weeks and I stayed with a lady who was almost 70. (I am in my mid fifties however.) When I had a shower, she insisted that I quickly wet myself with the water first. Then switch the shower off. Then I soap myself. Then I turn the shower water on again and quickly rinse the soap off. Is that normal to do that in Germany? In Australia I always leave the shower running the whole time when I have a shower and I think that’s what everyone else does too. 🤔
@Kitten9011 3 жыл бұрын
Yesh that is totally normal with kids 😁. Especially if you have been raised playing outside until late evenings. As a kid I guess you don’t care if you’re gross, all you want is win some time outside by any cost, even if it means skipping a bath 😁. Cheers! You two are awesome 👏
@rureal7742 3 жыл бұрын
🤣 The beginning switcheroo was funny. I used to shower daily when I was younger but as I get older, definitely not since need the body oil to keep skin moisture. And during Covid? Am not washing nearly as often since not doing much.
@fantasticmio 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up around the Great Lakes in Ontario and I needed to shower daily - it was quite humid and I felt kind of gross if I missed a day. I now live in Alberta, which is very, very dry, and I can't shower every day - if I do, my skin will all flake off and my hair will break from drying out.
@MarkWhiley 3 жыл бұрын
British, shower daily in the morning and I really don't like going a day without one. I just feel gross and unable to be productive until I've had one. When I was younger we only had a bath and it was very infrequent, once and maybe twice a week. In the evening I'll occasionally take a bath as more of a de-stress activity, but only for like half an hour max.
@manub.3847 3 жыл бұрын
Many of the younger generations in Germany can no longer imagine what it is like to live without a real bathroom with a shower. The men (crafts etc.) often showered after work in the company because many old apartments / houses were not upgraded with bathrooms until the 1970 to 1980 years. Newer houses have already been built with their own bathrooms. You then just soaped yourself off thoroughly with a washcloth and possibly used the weekly trip to the public swimming pool to shower and children actually used the showers in the sports halls of the schools or sports clubs.
@loki200 3 жыл бұрын
Hey ho, I'm from Germany, south Hessen, and I shower about 5 times a week and taking a bath is for me a wellness kind of thing, with a good podcast and some herbel ingeredients in the water. Deodorant is a daylie use for me, in my teens I used to use the calssic Axe Alaska and now I'm using Speik Deo for men. I like to not smell, so the deo I use is also a neutral smell and it works fine :) Thanks for your Videos!
@amywhitbread7982 3 жыл бұрын
Brit here living in Germany with a German boyfriend 🙌 we both shower everyday, typically .. on the evening. But in England I shower everyday in the morning or before going out. We both wear deodrant, roll on at night after the shower and then spray top up in the morning 💪 love your channel, both me and my boyfriend watch it together all of the time 🥰
@myxochi 3 жыл бұрын
Canadian (Indigenous/British/German mix) - I shower after workouts and Sundays or special visiting days (pre-COVID) = ~ 4x/week. Solid deodorant daily except when doing back country camping. Then, I go all out natural without deodorant and no smelly soaps. My husband (British heritage - in case it matters) showers every day. Daily solid deodorant. All the kids were bathed each night to calm them down. They switched to showering when they were about 10. Now they are your age. Two of them shower daily (1 in morning: the other at night - they share an apartment). The third nearly never showers unless she works out or has something special to do. All 3 are solid deodorant users daily.
@kevinheinen 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an Australian working in the Gas & Oil industry (FIFO work). My 2 weeks on shift i shower twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before bed. On my 2 weeks off work (at home) i shower in the evening roughly 4 or 5 times a week.
@jennyrud1984 3 жыл бұрын
I take a shower every day, coming originally from Israel where climate is super hot. Living now in Germany and having two kids, I bath them every second day most of the year and almost every day during the summer, I still shower everyday.
@jerrihadding2534 2 жыл бұрын
When I lived in the US (I’m an American) I showered or took a bath twice every day. As a child, we took baths every day. In the bathtub. Now I am in Sweden and we only have a bathtub. I usually bathe every two days.
@niwa_s 3 жыл бұрын
I took a bath every Sunday as a kid. These days I shower once per day, generally after coming home. Some days also in the morning if I have really bad bedhead.
@arhodsden 3 жыл бұрын
Kids don't tend to bathe daily where I live (Vermont, USA) until they start to hit puberty (4th grade and up). I'm a preschool teacher, and do tend to ask parents to do tick checks or baths if we've had a particularly adventurous day outside. I also think it is easier to manage a child in the bath rather than shower because they aren't as stable on their feet and many kids like to play while in the tub. I shower every morning in warm weather, but when it's cold outside I don't like to start my morning with wet hair. I shower everyday when I get home from work, sometimes I take a bath first, but always shower after a bath because soaking in your filth is kind of gross when you think about it. However, it's very relaxing. I do find showers help me relax. In the summer, I will shower in the morning and evening and sometimes mid-day too if we've done yard work. Again we have ticks and they don't have a chance to attack if you shower promptly. As far as deodorant, I use a roll-on? I think they call it 'stick' and only use it on work days. I don't see the point if I'm not going out. It's really unhealthy for you and has been directly linked to the increase in breast cancer, but society seems to pressure people to wear it. I know for me, I can go a few days without needing to shower, like Deana, I don't really smell (maybe a female/hormone thing?) but my husband NEEDS to shower daily when he comes home from work and sometimes in the morning too if it's hot. Research does say that there is a thing as being too clean and showering/bathing too much, but I hate feeling grungy, so shower whenever I feel the need. Nice for us to live in First World countries, huh?
@benburns5995 3 жыл бұрын
As and adult I shower daily and have been since High School. During my childhood I usually took a bath about every other day. I reside in Northwest Indiana (USA)
@ekobudisantoso9972 3 жыл бұрын
I live in indonesia and I shower 2 times in a day is it not normal?
@brucekrygier5842 3 жыл бұрын
Love u guys
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
@gamergirlginaja 3 жыл бұрын
Hi I'm a Jamaican living in Jamaica ans we shower everyday most of the time to times a day once In the morning and once at night either after work or before bed
@nixstajr2555 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Anything outside of this is so weird!
@gamergirlginaja 3 жыл бұрын
Yup so so weird
@zhenli2345 3 жыл бұрын
I'm originally from China and currently live in the U.S. In southern China, where I lived for the last 12 years of my stay there, I would shower more than 3x a day in summer because of the gross heat and humidity and general lack of AC (back then). In winter, I would still shower once a day and that was always before bedtime. Now I shower and shampoo my hair every day in the morning, more as a wakeup routine. Surprisingly, my hair does not dry up or show any sign of damage, contrary to my original belief. I used to shampoo every other day but my husband said I should do it every day. Also as an Asian, I don't think BO is a thing with us. As a result, I've never used any deodorant. My husband claims I do not smell.
@sofiamet3567 3 жыл бұрын
During summer I usually shower everyday because it's so hot in Greece, but normally I shower around 4 times per week. I noticed that when showering daily my scalp gets dry and itchy and it's not that good for the pH of the skin. I have taken a handful of baths in my life mainly because I dont have a bathtub and also it feels kind of uncomfortable and it takes up a lot of time. Also, roll on because the sprays I used don't really work on me. For more info dm me hahah (Btw I took part in that pole xD)
@brentg3707 3 жыл бұрын
i forgoti have a pool and ocen near by does that count as showering
@82mabli 3 жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: The wrinkle fingers are the nerves on your fingers that cramp together that you have a better grip "underwater".
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting! I'm ready for some gills so I can live under water!
@Colaholiker 3 жыл бұрын
Nope, it is just the outer layer of skin expanding as it soaks up the water. Since the lower layers don't expand, you get those wrinkles. If it was a nerve based reaction, it would happen much quicker.
@82mabli 3 жыл бұрын
@arhodsden 3 жыл бұрын
@@82mabli my gramma used to tell me I was spoiling HAHA! "You need to get out of the tub. You've been in too long. Your skin is spoiling!"
@stephaniea.7527 3 жыл бұрын
American here. When I first hit puberty I used roll-on deodorant but hated the wet stickiness, so switched to solid stick deodorant. Now at 24 I decided I wanted to get away from chemicals and switched to a natural deodorant (Myro) and although it is similar to that roll-on style I don’t love, I do like knowing it’s paraben-free and no other chemicals I can’t pronounce 😄 been using it for about 10 months and overall really happy!
@robertzander9723 3 жыл бұрын
Good evening I'm showering everyday, usually in the morning or an hour before i leave my apartment. Sometimes I'm showering in the evening after a very long shift at the hotel I'm working for and we had to set up a lot and i sweat so much. But usually i take the shower for just a few minutes, mostly 3 or 4 in the average. As a kid we also showered everyday, sometimes mostly on Sunday we took a bath 🛀 but kids before the puberty doesn't smell that much.
@00Mrsx00 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Portuguese and I shower pretty much every day, even though I feel that I had to change my shampoo and shower gel because German water is so hard that it took a toll on my skin and hair (even with filters - probably they suck). I'm a morning shower person but if I feel dirty in the evening I have another shower. And in the summer I can have 2, 3 or more showers. It depends if I go to the beach, sweat, etc. And I never take a bath. Regarding deodorant, I use spray.
@DLCA13 Жыл бұрын
Im from Brazil and I do same. Shower every day once or twice! I dont understand what’s the problem with the shower and deo in germany. Its so uncomfortable the smell of who doesn’t take shower…
@adrianafernandes998 3 жыл бұрын
Being a Brazilian from the northeast region (known for being hot all year round) I shower every single day at least twice, but only wash my hair once a week due to my hair being extremely dry. If it's summer (aka hell season) I could even take 3 or more showers. Also, it's worth mentioning that I go to the gym 6x a week so I must take a very thorough shower after that, while the others might be just a quick, only-the-private-parts-plus-armpits shower.
@danielheartsill4269 3 жыл бұрын
You have hell season. In Texas USA we say, spring has sprung, fall has fell, summer is here and it's hotter than hell.
@anhurtjv 3 жыл бұрын
Here in the Caribbean, if you don’t take showers at least twice a day, humidity and heat kills you.
@Christina-Maria_von_Gusinski 3 жыл бұрын
Ich dusche ein- bis zweimal pro Woche und zwischendurch kommt der Waschlappen zum Einsatz. Was das Deo angeht, nutze ich derzeit am liebsten Creme-Deostifte und manchmal auch Cremedeos aus der Dose. Sprühdeos sind immer so schnell alle und Deoroller sind mir zu nass unter der Achsel. Einen Deokristall habe ich auch mal ausprobiert, aber der hat nicht wirklich was gebracht und irgendwann ist er mir aus der Hand geglubscht und in tausend Teile zerbrochen. :)
@gigih.hammer306 2 жыл бұрын
I'm German but I live for years now in Texas. My American husband and I showered every evening. In Germany I didn't do that. I showered 3 times a week. Every American I know shower every day. Years ago I went home for a visit. My daughter came one day after me. She met my brother-in-laws son. He always had a heavy smelling body. He didn't bath or shower for days. My daughter was quite offended by his body odor and asked him why he didn't shower every day. He looked at her in amazement. Like if to say what's wrong with that. He got quite a crush for my daughter. She had to go back to the States 2 weeks before I did. When my in laws took me to the air port, the son came with us. He told me that he wanted to see my daughter again. I told him if you have the money, buy a ticket and go visit her. 2 weeks later he came. He stayed at my daughters house. She took him to many places in Texas. When the got to her house my daughter showered right away. He didn't. My daughter told him he had to shower, because he smelled of sweat. She told him that people in America shower every day and if he wanted to stay with her he had to shower or find another place to stay. He was quite perplexed about that, but he wanted to be with her so he showered every day. My daughter didn't feel about him the we he did her. 3 weeks later he returned to Germany and went right back to his usual behavior. He wrote many letters to her. Told her how he felled about her. She was not interested at all. I knew that would happen and had warned her not to start something with him. This is family and I didn't wanted this to happen. I made her write him a letter telling him she had no such feelings for him. He was so hurt and heart broken about that. My sister called me and told me that he actually cried every day for weeks. What was I to do about that. Not one damn thing. You can not tell a heart to love some one if you don't feel the same way. I was the one who had to hear all about his broken heart. Boy I got so sick hearing hearing it all the time. I told my sister that I didn't want to hear about it any more. I can not make my daughter love him. This crap lasted for 2 years. Finally he gave up. I was so relieved about not hearing anymore about his broken heart. He actually wanted to come here again, thinking he could change her mind. I was so glad that my sister talked him out of it. What a drama queen he turned out to be.
@cristianc.6302 3 жыл бұрын
From mid-spring to mid-autumn I usually take a shower once a day. Except for the 2-3 week period in the middle of summer when the heat wave hits, then I take a shower both in the morning and in the evening. During the cold season I take a shower once every 2 or even 3 days. And the higher the outside temperature is, the lower the seted water temperature is, and vice versa. But no rules apply when I'm drunk no matter what, then my filthy radar is broken :)) Greetings, from Transylvania, Romania!
@Volver888 Жыл бұрын
As a kid, i was taught to preserve the bed. That was the main thing. "Do not go to bed unfresh and dirty the bed... then you have to lay in it everyday." So it didn't matter if one showered in the morning or twice that day if you were soiled before bed. We (my siblings and I) were also told very blunty "You sh*t, you shower." Regarding deodorant, it helps prevent the funk... but only shower/bath gets rid of the funk. We were a house of athletes and no one wanted the issues of not showering adequately.
@Volver888 Жыл бұрын
Grew up in US. Live in Germany.
@resellersdictionary5616 3 жыл бұрын
From Boston...absolutely shower every single day no matter what. My kids are 11 and 14 and shower every single day--in fact, they shower immediately upon arriving home from school
@EnolaElorie 3 жыл бұрын
"it's like washing dishes - just soak'em for a little while and rinse them off" !!!!XD for me bathing is a relaxation and wellness thing, while showering makes me feel clean and fresh. in a past relationship the parents of my partner were like: "bath time" and everyone jumped in one after the other...the sheer thought of it made me so sick. I just couldn't. x'D
@hiddenname9809 10 ай бұрын
As an American who work from home, I only shower if I know I got dirty or I want to feel refreshed. For example, I went out shopping, or I've been working around the house and got sweaty/dusty. Otherwise, I shower at least every other day because if I don't I can feel my skin starting to be rough. I think that might be dead skin cells that needs to be scrubbed away.
@Justme1714 3 жыл бұрын
As I grew up in Germany I had a bath once a week but in that week we had sponge baths daily. As I got older and live in the USA especially in the summertime, I take showers daily, wintertime every other day.I also like to shower before bedtime, there are times where I take a shower in the morning but not very often.
@HeyItsSarah30 3 жыл бұрын
I’m American and I use the spray deodorant. I can’t use the roll ons they make me smell for some reason it’s weird but the spray keeps me fresh ☺️
@potatophil8432 3 жыл бұрын
Sunday! Sunday is shower day!! 😁
@DeanaandPhil 3 жыл бұрын
You smelllll! 😋
@emeraldcordova8539 3 жыл бұрын
You are the kindest german guy I know Lol love this channel
@helloweener2007 3 жыл бұрын
I shower usually every day in the morning. Sometimes more, of you are very sweaty in the summer or when you go to an indoor swimming pool. Then you have to before you get into the water and when coming out to wash the chlorine water away. During this Corno lockdown I had some days when I did not shower. O was not even changing into propper clothes. I rarely use deodorant. I got problemes with using it and I found any that were OK, so I stopped using them on a daily basis. So when I go into the public I have to shower and wash my arm pits to save other people from the smell.
@love4daydreamer 3 жыл бұрын
From the US and when I'm apartment living and not having to pay for my water I'll shower every day maybe twice. When I'm camping living, like camping all summer. It's easy to shower every day if you have a gym membership pre-covid but a lot of camp grounds have them. With that type of living just shower in the morning because I'll sweat in the tent.
@maryannebryce5210 3 жыл бұрын
Shower when I need to, every other day or every day if I work out or so the sauna. I used to wash hair once a week, but now that I do the sauna almost daily I can’t get away with that. I did notice when I lived in El Salvador people showered all the time because it was hot and muggy and the shower was a relief from that.
@HalfEye79 3 жыл бұрын
Ich dusche, wenn ich meine Wohnung verlassen muss oder Besuch bekomme. Aber nur einmal am Tag morgens. (Das kann also täglich sein. Bis runter zu 3x die Woche.) Wenn ich aber bei meinen Eltern zu Besuch bin, bade ich abends. Allerdings benutze ich kein Deo. Auch weil ich so gut wie garnicht schwitze. Da kann ich übrigens eine Geschichte erzählen: In meiner Kindheit bin ich oftmals nach dem Frühstück ins Badezimmer gegangen, nachdem sich mein Vater für die Arbeit fertig gemacht hatte. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, er hatte ein Deo-Spray benutzt (Gab es überhaupt schon Roll-ons?), denn es hatte im Bad massiv gestunken, so sehr hat er sich damit eingesprüht. Er hat nämlich ziemlich geschwitzt und es sollte auch am Ende des Arbeitstags reichen. Ich denke mal, das hat mich ein wenig geprägt.
@meredith18352 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Australian and I shower every morning after I walk the dogs. If I do something during the day to get dirty or exercise I will shower again in the evening. I now use Ethique deodorant which is in bar form (zero waste) and aluminium free, seems to work just fine but used to use roll on.
@kristinachandler3403 3 жыл бұрын
I shower 2 to 3 times a week to wash my hair, and take a bath probably 4 times a week at night. Basically unless I just dont leave the apt I either shower or take a bath a day. Texas here.
@divarachelenvy 3 жыл бұрын
with me it's usually seasonal, in Summer I shower more often because I do get smelly and of course feel better after showering, hello from Brisbane Australia..
@cleomarjr 3 жыл бұрын
depends on the climate you are in. In Brasil everyday 30°C in almost every place throughout the year, you need to clean your body 3 times per day. But in the winter of southern Brasil, with 0°C or negatives 4 per week it's enough.
@imrehundertwasser7094 3 жыл бұрын
Depends on your skin type. If you have rather dry skin, you should probably shower less or if you do shower often, use some moisturizing skin care afterwards. If you have oily skin, showering often should not be a problem.
@lienbijs1205 3 жыл бұрын
Netherlands here: As a kid I showered every other day and the no shower day was a day that we had to wash with a wash cloth also our private parts. Since showering is more easy than washing with a cloth I shower every day and on hot days in summer twice a day because I hate the feeling of sweat on my skin.
@sirvanhinten9705 3 жыл бұрын
I only shower daily when I am working or I am sweating but at weekends when I am just chilling at home then I shower every second day but for the pH value off the skin it's not good to shower every day because the value shouldn't be too high (Idk if I did write that right xd)and I am from Austria ✌️ BTW for the acid one the skin (we have a Lil amount on our skin), that's fighting whit bacteria, it's not good because it's washing that lil amount off acid away and after that we are getting faster ill
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