Do you still need a mixing console?

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Episode 94: Hmmmmmmmmm.. please leave your thoughts in the comments!
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@idea_farm Күн бұрын
Wow, thanks everyone for all the comments, lots of food for thought.. gonna nibble my way through em all gradually!
@PresentDayProduction Күн бұрын
If I’m booking your studio I’m booking it because of the most valuable asset - and that’s you! I’ve bought and then sold a lot of consoles over the years, and none of them really made any difference to the clients we attracted. I’d invest that money in instruments, especially non-portable ones. Get a really nice piano, a really nice Hammond B3/C3/A100 etc etc. But, having said that, walking in to your control room and seeing a big console can put a smile on your face every day! And that can be equally as important. See how it goes. If you find yourself apologising to clients for not having a console then it might make sense to get one?
@idea_farm Күн бұрын
That’s very kind of you! I do actually have a pretty great collection of keyboards/organs etc.. haven’t put them in the videos yet
@sl3102 2 күн бұрын
My philosophy has always been to stay out of debt for as long as possible. I think you should get to know your own place and fine tune it before choosing a direction. Maybe some other idea will take shape in the meantime.
@TwangThang57 2 күн бұрын
Sound advice!
@JAMIEPHILLIPS-g3j Күн бұрын
Don't rush out and buy a Desk,, but I feel you are already looking. Keep looking, Wait,, and when a good deal comes about,,, Jump onit!
@DavidParker Күн бұрын
I don’t think you need a big desk to be able to get other engineers etc in. Your pitch to getting bands in would be the amazing location, accommodation, the huge room and cool vibe.
@DavidParker Күн бұрын
When I’ve been in studios with big desks it’s always been for tracking and then mixed in a bedroom somewhere and the big desk has been used for a couple of preamps maybe and a volume control for the monitors 😅
@Emillionbuxify Күн бұрын
Debt free is a good way to go! Had the pleasure to work with a neve desk and that was a nice experience. The preamps made everything just fit and sound like a charm. I really get your point but no need to rush. Make it happen slowly and you will come out on the other side as a happy person.
@LaurenPassarelli Күн бұрын
Well, there are as many opinions as there are people and the only real answer is what you and your wife want. In a perfect world there is little debt but you could always sell a big console if it didn’t work out. You’d never be stuck with anything. There’s something to be said for enjoying the desk for more years while you pay it off. I am glad I took risks and invested in myself all along and didn’t wait till I was richer. You’ve built another masterpiece, Robbie and it will be a dream come true for you both no matter what. Bravissimo! I too, have an Audient 4816, hardly any power cost, doesn’t break down, no noisy power supply, incredible connectivity, and super low noise floor. No where near the prestige, sound and reputation but very cool for the price, and I bought it used. Keep the Studer for color.
@thestevemiller Күн бұрын
Rhetorical questions all, but I'll play along. You already decided before, back when you lept, you're just coming to grips with it now. I mean, how amazing. You can work in either mode AND others can partake in all the work y'all have done. And then you're part of more than just what you do, and what you built is bigger than you. And maybe that helps fund and feed the vision you had when you jumped. Go for it. God speed. (NB, I'm not your accountant.)
@wessel7076 Күн бұрын
I could not live without my "big desk" bought my SSL AWS cheap from my recording school, always loved the workflow for tracking and mixing, I have dragged the SSL from my parents house (was mixing in the living room) to my first small house, and now I rent a building for actually making music, it does make selling the place to artists easier but the desk is for me, not for them. Look at Eric Valentine always had big desks (even made his own) and has now for his new studio switched to external hardware and no desk. Its your workflow/studio, but having a great desk does make somethings way easier.
@tobitweaks Күн бұрын
Wow usually this question is clickbait and ends in „you don‘t need a mixing console“ and I‘d say no mixing console but a wall of good pre‘s beats every studio with a mediocre sounding board - especially as the younger generations of engineers are not as dependent on fancy console anymore (even tho they look cool). If you care I have a 35 channel ADT Console for sale in Berlin with automation and an external input Transformer option for a good price. Best of every world with SSL Style EQs nice routing capabilities and just that sweet bit of color from the input transformers. Just leaving that here if you care for a solution that is not immediately breaking the bank. It‘s a compact board but still 2,54m wide. On the other hand I‘d love to see an API there as It‘s even more compact and has undeniable character. Love your studio build and would love to record there as an engineer some day :) All the best, Tobi
@lelandbobpalmer 2 күн бұрын
"the sound was coming out of my head or something" LOOOOL Organic growth, dude. That's my take. Let things evolve with the natural flow of things. Do a lot of awesome sessions and when the time is right you will know exactly what console is needed and perfect for your studio. Get the money in through sessions and put those money back into the studio. Best of luck - you are building a heaven there!
@markham56 Күн бұрын
I’m having the same thoughts. I am breaking ground on free standing building on my property for recording studio which I originally intended to use personally and do projects that interested me without charging anyone. I am beginning to see that I might actually want to take it further and thoughts went straight to: “Well, I guess I need mixing console”. This happened when a friend was investigating for-hire studios and was impressed by their console which turned out to be an old Avid Control 24. The fact he saw a big piece of gear with faders impressed him. Silly, but that is reality.
@eddiearter Күн бұрын
Stay unique. That's what will get them to come. The vibe is what sells. But, if you still feel the need for console; look at the new Harrison. Keeps the vibe and uniqueness. Luv ya!!
I relate on many levels to your entire journey… For me, the “obstacle” as I see it to being a place I could just hand somebody the keys to, and let the place pay for itself… is silly enough, my preferred DAW. Everytime I find myself having the conversation(with myself lol) about just biting the bullet and buying pro tools (which I used for a long time, and left because well.. we all know that you don’t own it… you rent it…) The voice that always wins in my head when I consider going into debt for a large gear purchase… is that I’ve been able to build my (idiosyncratic) laboratory of quirk… and have the freedom and luxury to chase all manner of self-indulgent gear obsessions… because I have kept the overhead low. You don’t have to make back what you don’t spend. But man, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Good luck to you, I’m positive however you end up going, it’ll work out! Just make sure you keep recording it so we can live vicariously through it! Marty!!
@michaelhudson145 Күн бұрын
Been watching from the beginning and you have done a great job. I think by updating your mixing board to one that most are accustomed to would bring you more musicians, therefore bring in more revenue to pay for the new mixer. Love your channel and format!😊
@stevedoesnt Күн бұрын
I don’t need one, but I sure do *neeeeeed* one.
@maridorl Күн бұрын
I think the huge selling point is the location, it already looks stunning! And about the gear… a mixing desk is a pretty big investment, and after that the next thing you want is is some nice vintage u47,u67 or m49…. It will never stop. Then again I can see the reason of being hesitant..
@MixedByDotRob Күн бұрын
I think you're 100% right: you're either a producer who gets booked for the result (= gear doesn't matter). Or you're a studio that provides people with tools to make a record (= enabling people ... then gear does matter). If you rent out your studio, then IMHO the phrase ‘it's not about the gear, it's about the ears’ is utter nonsense. If you book an appointment with a dentist, you also expect the dentist to have top equipment and not come with a DIY drill and the phrase ‘It's the creative drilling, not the gear’. There are a lot of used consoles that are actually cheaper than buying a lot of preamps ;)
@baptistec.4546 Күн бұрын
Hi Robbie. I've finally watched the video and can answer a little more seriously than in my first comment above 😅 I think I'd take option 1 because it seems to fit more with the philosophy of this place. Growing with people. I think you've built a place of spirituality, sharing and creativity rather than a place of technology and consumerism. At least, that's what Idea Farm evokes for me, and that's what I love about it. Getting more connections with people and nature. There’s a hard line between philanthropy and reality. Making money or following our vision step by step ? Hmmm.. what comes first. Let’s ask the banker what he thinks 😅 Whatever, I wish a big success to Idea Farm ❤
@Chaos-Dynamics 2 күн бұрын
I bought an analog mixing desk two years ago and bought it because of zero latency monitoring when tracking. I ended up using it for mixing and now I only use it for mixing because I loved the hands on fast workflow and of course the analog sound which is definitely different than in the box mixes. If my mixing desk would fail I would buy an other desk tomorrow, I’m even thinking about getting a second desk so I can swap them out if repairs are needed. For me my mixing desk is the hart of my studio and it’s a dream come true. People buy expensive cars and it’s a bad investment but totally okay, I don’t need an expensive car, I need a nice mixing desk 😊
@MartinFellerMusic Күн бұрын
What desk/mixer are you using?
@Chaos-Dynamics Күн бұрын
@@MartinFellerMusic Just a A&H GL2400, really cheap but sounds good for my use case.
@MartinFellerMusic Күн бұрын
@@Chaos-Dynamics nice thanks! Looking for something cheap as well to start out with
@Chaos-Dynamics Күн бұрын
@@MartinFellerMusic The A&H GL2400 are creat and compact with a lot of i/o and they are pretty reliable. You can find one used for 300 bucks. Also a Soundcraft or a Midas could be a good option.
@kevinwalker6281 8 сағат бұрын
I’ve been following your journey from the beginning, and you’ve done a fantastic job building your dream studio. It’s gone beyond a private room and does open up the possibility of being a full on commercial facility. So I think offering a larger format console would make sense, BUT it would need to be a desk that outside engineers etc would want and more importantly be familiar with such as an SSL or Neve. The downside is neither options are cheap. Putting in an obscure large format desk may tick all the boxes like sound quality, flexibility etc , but if it’s an unknown for engineers that could really put them off… a difficult decision to make mate…
@piggycity Күн бұрын
Wow! What a turn of events! Just when I thought the end of the build videos were near. I would say if you can borrow money with out impacting the farm in anyway you should go after all you want right now as it sounds like you are thinking about this and you have the facility for it. If you are not sure or able to find the ideal console, then wait and carry on with the original plan and save to get the exact console that will emote your sonic taste, personality, and general style. SSL or Sound Techniques?
@Glasside Күн бұрын
I’m a freelance engineer- (fortunately quite busy). When I look at a prospective studio to record in, the console, if there is one, is fairly far down on my list of prerequisites. Pres, dynamics, microphones and monitoring are most important. After that interesting sound machines - effects, instruments, pedals and the like are the next most valuable. I prefer doing headphones mixes direct from pro tools. Consoles become interesting when it’s something like an old neve, api etc, mainly for the pres and eq. I find a console is nice for doing rough mixes, but that’s about it. Oddly it’s been my experience that the shorter the session the more I’m likely to use a board. The more elaborate a session becomes the more I find it easier to hop between songs using two or a few outputs. But I’m a sample size of one! Sounds like you might fancy a big one though!
@ceounicom Күн бұрын
There's probably someone (surprisingly more-nearby than you imagine) who has a desk that needs a home and you could prob come to some mutually beneficial agreement.
@BlackNoteStudios Күн бұрын
110% Yes. This is a new level of studio. And once the rest of the property is finished with all the workshops and art, it will be a destination, for sure. Having said that, I would build it slowly. You have more than enough inputs and as it is, there are no real limits. Anyone who would want to record there, can. A big desk is quiet an investment, not to mention the upkeep, the downtime when modules break down, and depending what console you go with (digital or analogue) you would need a machine room for noise and heat. If you are sentimentally attached to any of your equipment, having outside entities come in and breaking a piece of gear (it will most definitely happen) absolutely sucks. Especially if it is a rare piece. The income is plentiful but so is the stress of keeping it going. Enjoy the process and make sure you plan out a balance of "you" time where you enjoy the fruits of your labor vs. bringing in clients. It can very easily become a "job" and not something you enjoy so much. It can be soul sucking at times. If this is indeed the route you are going down, you will be wearing the boss/manager/booking/etc. hat A LOT more often which is VERY different from the day to day you are in now. A lot less time for making music and being free to explore ideas and a ton more daily energy into the "business" side of things. The other thing that waiting will allow you to do is find out what the demand is. As I'm sure you're aware, recording studios are a dying breed. Bedroom recording artists completely changed the landscape. Filling out each year with recording a handful of trusted and reliable artists, Live recording events (looking forward to the stage ✅), listening parties, new release parties, etc. will all help. Diversity in income is key. Play in the sandbox for a bit before you dive in. And make sure every client pays up front! You do not want to be chasing $$$. Playing debt collector is not something you want to do. As always, you're doing great work. Can't wait to hear what comes out of the studio! Oh, and might I suggest while you are still in building phase that if you are considering renting out, that you also run streaming services for bands that want to stream live. Having several cameras hardwired throughout the studio will also be a good selling point. Not to mention you will need security cameras pretty much everywhere with a facility that valuable. Cheers again.
@clausdate8142 2 күн бұрын
You got the space for it,,,,,,,get a Trident 80-Series, it sounds amazing ! 😎👌🎶
@clausdate8142 2 күн бұрын
The 32-24-2 version with intregrated patchbay 😎👍
@AdeBarwickCaterham 2 күн бұрын
People will come because of you and your history. If you think a desk will improve your workflow then get one. I did and haven't looked back ( Neve Genesys and it's incredible- a DAW controller as well)
@yodamandala Күн бұрын
Neve genysys is a great desk and suggestion
@VarionJimmy 18 сағат бұрын
One idea is to get to know the place first and see what this studio wants to be? Perhaps buy a nice console now and wait to see if you need “The console” later? I have three large (not the fanciest in the world but DDA, older Soundcraft and such) and at least 5-6 smaller once and two of the smaller once gets the most use. So it depends.. Now I’m thinking of building another mixing room and things will probably change again. 😊
@CallumBarnham Күн бұрын
Arguably, the only things we actually need are 8 half-decent microphones for the ability to mic up a full drum kit and whatever other elements we need after that, a space big enough to record in, 8 inputs, some good monitoring, and a DAW. That’d cover pretty much every ground most of us need, even if it might not be able to run sessions in any way other than just one. I love mixing consoles because I gel with the workflow and I think that makes me faster. Plus, I don’t mind the excuse to get away from screens for a bit. They’re cool and inspiring, but they’ve not been a necessity since the dawn of digital recording. I haven’t touched one in about 5 years now and that hasn’t stopped me from working. But I’d still get one in a heartbeat given the space and money I’d need to make it work with my setup. We all like and want things that we don’t necessarily need. If we all went only for what we needed we’d end up with a lot of sparse and uninspiring studios. It’s just about how we want to go about creating a cool space and working in it, and the things we want but don’t need play a role in that.
@baptistec.4546 2 күн бұрын
A good old 80’s series Neve console would be a great addition 😅 💵 💵 💵
@BlackNoteStudios Күн бұрын
Your comment is from 8 hours ago yet the vid was released 1 hour ago??? Interesting.
@baptistec.4546 Күн бұрын
⁠@@BlackNoteStudios Robbie scheduled the video this morning ;)
@MichaelMaughanAudio Күн бұрын
Great question. In a tracking situation I love having a console. It helps with routing headphone mixes etc... It hasn't been completely necessary to me, for a while to have a big desk. Yes I use them when they are around. But I mainly just need to deal with what the talent is hearing in an easy and efficient manner. So it that is easily laid out in your set up then the desk is really only for Promo photos. Don't get me wrong. I work on a Neve Genesys and it is amazing. I mix with it as well because of the digital control of most of the desk. If I am not at that studio then I mix in the box and it works great. I prefer to stay out of debt in general. But if from a business standpoint it made sense and could easily be paid off. I would consider it. Good luck in the continued journey. I just found the content. Keep it up.
@Theory-b5y Күн бұрын
Depending on your specific track needs an Audient Console is a really good choice. Best bang for the buck it seems. I have the 4816-HE version in my small project studio love it!
@rytmigo Күн бұрын
A guy in Denmark whos owns a big studio once told me "Don't buy a conole. It will only hold you down when it is broken. Get great gear and use a controller". It has stuck with me. Downtime means no income
@Chaos-Dynamics Күн бұрын
Fair enough an older console needs maintenance so you need extra channels so you can swap them out fast and go on with it. A modern console however doesn’t need much maintenance and isn’t that power consuming either.
@rytmigo Күн бұрын
@@Chaos-Dynamics I do not have any experience With the newer consoles. But I hope and Think you are right. Which new ones would you recommend? I like the audient 2416 and the neve by the looks and specs. Pretty good midsize for my little studio. Been looking and trying out the box 2 from api also.
@Chaos-Dynamics 22 сағат бұрын
@@rytmigo I can’t recommend you out of experience but it depends on your use case. For mixing a SSL Origin is nice but I wouldn’t record with it. API is definitely great for tracking but also a Trident will be very nice. It also depends if you want automation because that’s a totally different price tag. If money was no issue I probably would go for a SSL Duality for mixing but for tracking I would definitely go for a API Legacy or Vision. The API Box is nice with the summing option and the 500 modules, definitely nice when working hybrid. For a lower budget a Trident would be my choice. Audient isn’t my cup of tea but I don’t have a specific reason for that, just personal preference.
@palsheldon6520 2 күн бұрын
Don't Borrow straight up... Maybe find a project that says... if it had a " Name Brand Console" We would come for a month or 3 and record... then you have a booking.. Then.. maybe borrow...Organic growth...
@mickgentry8128 Күн бұрын
A big flashy desk does impress, also if you or anyone wants to record any big orchestral type set ups, it will make it much easier to record and keep track of. It is already impressive as it stands, however I do see the conundrum you face, big decision! good luck all the best
@arendleejessurun Күн бұрын
I'd recommend the first approach you shared: gradual growth until you can afford a mixing desk. If you still feel at all on the fence about what kind of studio you've built (and what kind of studio you want), it would be a shame to have spent borrowed money on something that you later realize is not what you truly, deeply wanted.
@korp-ljud59 Күн бұрын
With good preamps and a proper patchbay layout that everyone could understand you don’t need to go to the bank and buy a massive desk. People Will come to you for the room. But invite some producers to your place to discuss what they think is important. I would love an invitation❤
@idea_farm Күн бұрын
You just got one!
@paulbishop2161 2 күн бұрын
I am selling up my entire collection of gear as I'm relocating to another country - I have a Trident 80C that needs a fair bit of work, so I'm selling it off very cheap. I also have a huge DDA AMR24 which is perfect that I'm selling. Let me know if either of those pique your interest - they're in the UK. Also have a load of ex BBC vortexion mic pres, and some PYE pres as well - they'd go very well in your place.
@yodamandala Күн бұрын
interesting PYE Pres ooooohhhh what you got
@seitsen Күн бұрын
It's a big studio, a desk would LOOK cool and fitting in there, it definitely would create some more "vibe" to the place. But I'd say take your time finding a good deal, borrowing money just to get one sounds bad.
@NielsNielsen-q3g Күн бұрын
I’d book the place for the place itself and the studer. And you! And if you get a big nice desk, I’d book it even more happily. It makes sense to offer premium. People tend to spend more money if they can rely on name brands and fancy stuff. But it can scare away people if the price gets to high just because you had to borrow money and feel stressed about it and need to charge more… but a Neve is a Neve is a Neve…
@BrettRader 2 күн бұрын
But there's more involved. You'll need microphones, a studio assistant, monitoring, and some kind of maintenance staff. And don't forget, while its rented, you cant use it.
@yodamandala 2 күн бұрын
HELL YES keep the sidecar its a beauty...Get a big Daw Control buddy....if you want more pres and daw control go for a hybrid desk like SSL API or Neve ...
@AnodyneHipsterInfluencer Күн бұрын
A desk would and will be great, sure but I'd start with what you've got. The location, the room, that's going to bring clients. Just start working _BUT_ with your eye on consoles. Start looking, start talking, start pricing, start learning. Eventually the _right_ console for the right _price_ will materialize and _then_ you can borrow some dough and install it. For now you can start to think about vintage verses new. If you want one purely for tracking or something to mix on. Think about if you have access to reliable technicians who can service a big, posh desk and let that dictate if it's worth it to go after something funky and vintage like an EMI, Calrec, Spectre, Cadac or vintage ($$)API or even Neve($$). Or, if you're better suited looking at something like the modern API 1608's or 2448's oven cooler but far more expensive, a console from Wunder. Regardless, you can make money and good music now. Personally, I'd want a pair of m49's a u67 and a 251 or c12 before a big, posh console.
@DanyLeeRoth 12 сағат бұрын
We are in this times built up our new studio in Germany and we buy a well conservated and maintened SSL 4000G 40 channel console no automation silent switching PSU direct placed under the console with low power consumtion and we look for a 24 Track 2" machine
@jimrogers7425 Күн бұрын
While one does not necessarily NEED a mixing console, one would be best served to have a very solid TRACKING console for many reasons. With the consoles available today, one need not spend a lot of money to get a really great tracking console that one can also put their mixes through. Audient 4816, API 1608II with the expansion chassis (4X the Audient, but wonderful), or a used SSL 4K 4048, or something.
@nickking8317 Күн бұрын
Big consoles be prepared to fork out big $$$$$$ I run an old vintage vintage peavey mc16 from the 70/80's
@paulmccormack2843 Күн бұрын
If you build it they will come . Fields of dreams 😂
@neltom50 3 сағат бұрын
If you have a nice collection of mic preamps, I would suggest a NEVE 8424.
@iengineer_247 2 күн бұрын
Part of me wanted a console but I'm like for the sake of space and mobility I want to use an all 500 series setup with a faderport instead!!! Some guys mentioned awhile ago about consoles being good but having to be careful and mindful of the repairs and cost of them etc.
@revmutt Күн бұрын
I’ve had this debate over the years. I do agree that an impressive console will bring other types of business so the question for me if I was building something that big is would it be possible yo have both a large console room that can be rented and a smaller room that is based on the studer and your personal approach?
@bfaudio 2 күн бұрын
I’m sure you’ve business planned everything to this point, do another one with a risk analysis and see what it says. As you say, you have inadvertently built a ‘destination’ studio so depends whether a big desk and byo engineer is part of that
@jimc2384 Күн бұрын
Go out and take a look at an API 1608 or 2408 or a Neve 5088. Love my Neve 5088 16 channel. Easy to expand and service and sounds great. Bought it used during covid.
@jimc2384 Күн бұрын
To add to this.. I had had little or minor issues with the 5088 and the tech support has been fantastic. All of the modules have thumb screws and are easy to remove and have serviced if need be. You also do not have to power down the console if a module needs to come out either. I would stick to Rupert, SSL or API. All three are well respected and are not going anywhere. All three should bring in clientele as well as traveling engineers and producers. Cheers- James.
@koenraadfoesters 2 күн бұрын
As a studio owner myself, I think a console is really what makes a studio great. At least a console with a sound to it (aka not a SSL desk). There are two ways to do it, I think. One is to get a inline desk which is the “corporate way” to do it, like the big studio’s always had. Or you get a desk with great sounding channel strips that have post fader direct outs (like your studer or something like a cadac, api 1608) but with at least 24 channels but with a bunch auxes and busses, so every routing possibility is possible to capture in your DAW. All the headphone routing and mixing you do in protools, but the front-end of the studio has a workflow that’s solid (not a random collection of 500 series or rack gear that all need to be patched in before a session).
@Chaos-Dynamics Күн бұрын
That’s also something I really like about my mixing desk, everything is routed into the same channels and very easy to navigate 😊
@jesusmachado9087 5 сағат бұрын
Is there mountain biking in or around that property? The nutrition thing plus mountain biking plus music is a nice package
@idea_farm Сағат бұрын
Hey yes there’s lots of mountain biking in soderasen
@thetruevineproductions Күн бұрын
I'm not sure how many preamps you guys are running (when you were wiring up the patchbays you mentioned 32 I/O, so, guessing 32?), but, I suspect you have no problem recording a larger ensemble. 32 active mic preamps is plenty enough for a live recording of a large ensemble (I have 32 in my studio, and, have never used them all at once, even with bigger bands; I have a 24 channel console too). So, you definitely don't need a large console; they are truly becoming superfluous in the current recording environments (I've been considering selling mine for a while now). For me, if I was hiring your space, it would be for the big live room, the quirky instruments and, a bunch of good outboard. Oh, also, most important for me is a good controlled mixing environment that I can trust with erxcellent monitoring. Anyway, you'll land on what you should do; I'd avoid going into debt, personally. Keep up the great work! Hugs from Australia!
@thetruevineproductions Күн бұрын
Oh, also, the vibe! The vibe is key; you have that in spades, and, I can see, you always have. That's what brings people back. Just look out the window; vibe for days.
@larrytan73 Күн бұрын
There is no right answer e to this question. Its whatever inspires you! If it feels good to you then do it. F everyone!
@TwangThang57 2 күн бұрын
I would love to record a project there!
@mrm1dn1ght53 Күн бұрын
Plugin alliance has console channel strip plugins that put all over my tracks. A console is not very needed. That's a luxury for someone that's higher up in the industry. Me who's makes music from my bedroom couldn't make it there in a million years probably.
@moneeo 2 күн бұрын
It will be difficult to make a return on an investment if buying a flashy Neve or SSL just for the gear list. But there are other large scale consoles out there that doing an amazing work and wont kill your economy. We are in the middle of restoring a beautiful Soundtracs Jade for our own studio here in Gävle in Sweden. We document the restoration process on our channel if it would be of interest.😊
@paulmccormack2843 Күн бұрын
Man just get the money together and go for it .. nice big neve or ssl ..
@jhardy0786 Күн бұрын
You need a nice Neve 8028
@JohnLysonmusic 2 күн бұрын
Console is the only way to do a proper recording studio..Built in patch bay's. Mic preamps all you need,headphone aux's etc...Why dick around???
@andYz00m 17 сағат бұрын
I vote for debt and an API 1608, buy one used.
@benjamon4922 2 күн бұрын
Of course you NEED a console 😜!! Why don‘t you stay in the Studer tradtion and take the gorgeous Studer 903 which is for sale in Denmark. Of course you‘ll have to recap it but as you already soldered your patchbays you are good to go.
@martenthielges1179 Күн бұрын
there's also a super nice and impressive 32 Channel Studer 904 for sale in Uppsala that I know of!
@benjamon4922 Күн бұрын
@@martenthielges1179even better! These are absolute gems and more affordable than the usual suspects. Couln‘t be happier with mine
@benjamon4922 Күн бұрын
…and you need a tape machine ☝️. How can one live without a tape machine! Studer a820 MCH for example 🤷‍♂️
@jhonesreece4946 21 сағат бұрын
Please you Can make a tutorial on the mixing vocal in DaVinci resolve please 🎉🎉🎉🎉
@gojdartamas34 Күн бұрын
This place is shouting for a 40 channel SSL Board…
@niekdriesschen3376 Күн бұрын
I'd see what comes on your path, you'll find a cool affordable console with great workflow and great sound. Neotek, studer 900 series, MCI, Trident, something in that ballpark? I love working on a desk especially for routing things and monitoring / headphone mixes, zero latency, etc. You don't ''need'' it, but, could make a really nice workflow. Just see what you can find and afford, you'll find it!
@JAMIEPHILLIPS-g3j Күн бұрын
Muswell Hill?
@jimmineweaser3300 2 күн бұрын
As someone who is also afflicted with GAS, (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) would it be reasonable to selll some old gear to fund for new?
@idea_farm 2 күн бұрын
I’d sell the Studer at least ;)
@yodamandala Күн бұрын
@@idea_farm that would generate revenue as its a rare beast....Reverb is great for selling gear but i always end up buying something hahahaha
@jimmineweaser3300 Күн бұрын
@@idea_farm It wouldn't even have to be a sacrifice, just extra gear. What ever that is.😜
@santiagoramos9874 Күн бұрын
@frankensteindrumco.1927 Күн бұрын
I’m moving to southern Sweden. America is going to hell thanks to DC politicians
@kennethhymes9734 10 сағат бұрын
clearly not.
@yodamandala Күн бұрын
In reality id advise Getting a Second hand Digidesign Control 24 (£750/£1000) you have great pres in the rack and sidecar so yeah get a old school Digidesign c24 or Avid
@fredstgelais Күн бұрын
Stay out of dept. How long before you make your money back just by renting your studio to other producers, in this day and age of most producers working from home in their own studios? The future, or the present, really, belongs to producers with fast, flexible, portable and cost effective workflows. That's my two cents. That Rupert Neve 5088 has been calling my name, too, but nope. Haha!
@donovanfisher6945 Күн бұрын
You know you are going to buy the desk so stop F’’’’ing around with KZbin videos
@G_handle Күн бұрын
A) I don't think one goes this far to simply Make Money. You want to Make Music. B) While getting more clients / money in the door is obviously a concern, especially when investing as heavily as you are, you made the decision to leap without considering this. So I'd suggest you disregard whether spending another six-figures will improve your ROI. C) I suggest you ask yourself this: Do I, Me, Myself like the idea of making music on a Large Format Console, at this stage of my life? If the answer to that is Yes, you can easily justify buying whatever you want. You already have rationalized it or you wouldn't have posted the video. Now... Which console is a whole different story. Do you go Transparent & Workflow, like SSL or Audient? Or Colored like......?
@connerscorner7034 2 күн бұрын
I don't. But I'm curious to hear your take.
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