Doctor Who: 10 Best Dalek Stories

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@beezig 4 жыл бұрын
Of course Ace beating a Dalek with a baseball bat never gets old.
@DrakeAurum 4 жыл бұрын
Likewise Ace one-shotting a Dalek with an anti-tank missile. "I aimed for the eyestalk."
@jakechat2716 4 жыл бұрын
Thats so true, I actually just watched 'Remembrance of the Daleks'!
@jeffgalus8454 4 жыл бұрын
@@jakechat2716 That Dalek story never get old
@Jedi_Spartan 4 жыл бұрын
My head canon is that she got another Hand of Omega enhanced baseball bat and used it against them during the Dalek invasion from The Stolen Earth/Journey's End.
@evafan84 4 жыл бұрын
"Oi! Who you calling short?!"
@elonmusket5676 4 жыл бұрын
Parting of the ways should be here the daleks are a massive threat and the emperor Dalek is amazing
@tommunism8778 4 жыл бұрын
The parting of the ways is not just my favourite dalek story but is actually one of my favourite doctor who stories ever
@elonmusket5676 4 жыл бұрын
@@tommunism8778 I agree definitely by far the best finally of the new series
@livingdeadgirlss 4 жыл бұрын
Yes and my lord captain jack takes centre stage here
@darudesandstrom1067 3 жыл бұрын
God how is that no on here. That’s the scariest the daleks have ever been and it’s still my favourite finale to date
@whocrusader5179 2 жыл бұрын
@Irrev77 4 жыл бұрын
"Dalek" is definitely my favorite. The sheer power of just one Dalek is so intense and terrifying. Plus, for the first time, they make you sympathize with a Dalek. It's looking for purpose and it's race and feels as though all hope is lost. It changes and starts to feel, something Daleks are invented not to do. Due to this, it literally exterminates itself. It's so dark, but it's so good.
@hyweljones718 4 жыл бұрын
Bad Wolf and Parting of the Ways should've been on there, otherwise great list. I like this new channel!
@them1ghtyalex 4 жыл бұрын
Easily in the top 3 let alone on the list, and yet the Magician's Apprentice makes it here instead? Not to mention... Resolution, above that... I mean that's not even an episode of Doctor Who!
@impalafilms2769 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely Bad Wolf and Parting of the Ways should have been on the list. I am biased as Ecclestone was my first ever Doctor but that finale is honestly still one of my all time favourite episodes of TV ever
@stevenhale2935 4 жыл бұрын
To be fair, as much as I love those stories, from a dalek point of view the story is fairly tame and straightforward. Big invasion force with an emperor want to take down earth. I think the most interesting part of that story is the way the people on the station fight back, the doctor's dilemma and Rose's turmoil of being trapped 200000 years in the past whilst the battle was raging 'simultaneously '. Whilst I don't necessarily think the episode would have worked nearly as well with any other villain, I think the dalek are kind of catalytic to the plot instead of being core to it.
@calumbishop7082 4 жыл бұрын
​@@them1ghtyalex Look I get it that its fun to jump aboard the Whittaker hate train. But Resolution probably is the best episode across her entire run (not saying much I know, and even I mean it has a Dalek singlehandedly take out at least 50 soldiers and a tank. By contrast, the Witch's familiar has the Daleks taken out by sewage water. (Yes I know its more complicated than that, but still, they call it sewers in the story and the Daleks are taken out by there sewage) Although Bad Wolf/Parting of Ways definitely should have been on here, arguably better than Doomsday at least. Also nothing from Big Finish, I mean 'Jubilee' is free on Spotify (hell so is 'Davros' if you want to cheat a little with a story which focuses on the Dalek leader).
@nomar8770 4 жыл бұрын
Glad to see magicians apprentice /witches familiar getting some love! It seems like the most polarizing story in doctor who
@beezig 4 жыл бұрын
For me Dalek is the best, stripping it back to a singular Dalek to emphasise how deadly they are and the 9th Doctor showing fear and anger when he sees it was one of the best scenes in Who History.
@baggieboydan82 4 жыл бұрын
And the almost joy when he saw it helpless it was played fantastically showing the doctor who thought he had just wiped out his own species because of the Daleks
@CyborgCharlotte 4 жыл бұрын
For me “Into The Dalek” is my favourite. Probably because of Rusty.
@garold8222 4 жыл бұрын
It was great but not original unfortunately
@humanmetacrisis9084 4 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you for Resolution. The Dalek was genuinely clever and his junk-made tank, absolutely gorgeous.
@eddiecoolbeans6901 3 жыл бұрын
I think that it still has the bad characters and Chris Chibnall completely misses the point of what a dalek is
@eddiecoolbeans6901 3 жыл бұрын
The dalek can climb onto people’s backs to ratatouille them!!!!??? And, it is sadistic, which is not something that a dalek should be
@garyhull5490 4 жыл бұрын
My favourite dalek story is revelation of the daleks, it was very dark and in my opinion Davros at his best since Genesis of the Daleks.
@jbear4433 4 жыл бұрын
I'd hesitate to even call that a Dalek story but yes it is great. It's more of a Davros story and Terry Molloy is brilliant as Davros (although those Dalek voices are horrible).
@garyhull5490 4 жыл бұрын
@@jbear4433 if you listen closely to the dalek voices its zippy from rainbow lol
@johnIZaUWL 4 жыл бұрын
DEFINITELY and don’t forget that DJ (who shoulda been a companion dammit) killing Daleks with beams of HIGH INTENSITY ROCK & ROLL 🤘⚡️🤘❤️
@s0n0fm4n3 4 жыл бұрын
My favourite Dalek story of all time is "Dalek", series 1 (2005) Only because, great dialogue aside and an in depth look on the 9th doctors character, the danger was ONE dalek and the threat it had was scary, showing how only one dalek could just destroy n kill everything
@mrsynth2643 4 жыл бұрын
Remembrance is amazing
@frankrappa4765 3 жыл бұрын
The Doctor Who episode "Dalek" with Christopher Eccleston as The 9th Doctor has to be on this list. The 9th Doctor's talking to the "last Dalek in the universe" and I loved when the Dalek says to 9 "You would make a good Dalek". Just thinking about it gives me chills in a good way. 😁
@rustedbeetle 4 жыл бұрын
Happy to be part of the new channel! Genesis is the only correct answer for Number 1. The Special Weapons Dalek is my favorite model, and I was more than excited when I first saw it roll out in 88. This was the same episode that had Daleks going up stairs. But to see a modified Dalek toting a cannon, that was something that made such an impression that carries through to today.
@dannymccrea9642 4 жыл бұрын
Nah, my fav will always be journeys end. I grew up watching 10 so having all the characters show up and fight the Daleks was amazing.
@Mr007reviews 4 жыл бұрын
10) Power of the Daleks 9) Day of the Daleks 8) Genesis of the Daleks 7) The Daleks Masterplan 6) Evil of the Daleks 5)Dalek 4) Rememberance of the Daleks 3) Resurrection of the Daleks 2) Bad Wolf /Parting of the Ways 1) Revelation of the Daleks
@herrerasaurstudios7028 3 жыл бұрын
These are my top 6 dalek stories. 6- Evil of the daleks. There's a lot to love about this one. The dalek emporer, Troughton being amazing, the final end, Victoria's first appearance, I'd be here all day. 5- Dalek. Sometimes you only need one dalek for an awesome story. The metal tron is a great threat and overall character, especially when it's with 9 and rose. It's also expertly directed and shot. 4- Genesis of the daleks Yeaahhh... this isn't number 1. I still love it though, the daleks actually don't show up much in this story. But that's kind of a good thing as we get more focus on davros, played magnificently by Michael Wischer. This is a dark story too, with fascism, attempted genocide, nuclear war,, definitely a Terry Nation script. 3- The Daleks Yeah I like their first appearance a bit more than genesis. The daleks are just so creepy and evil and keniving. While the thals aren't that interesting (the daleks more than make up for that) I can't watch that scene where their leader gets killed without getting chills. 2- Power of the daleks. It's a shame this one's missing, but the animation does it justice in my opinion. Like in their first story the daleks are just so creepy and manipulative. That "I am your servant" scene is just amazingly done. It's also amazing that this is Patrick Troughtons debut story! I don't think any doctor has had a debut story this good! (Apart from Collin Baker, obviously!) 1- Remembrance of the Daleks Everything about this story I love! From the electric chemistry the seventh doctor and Ace, the dalek Civil War, and Terry Malloy (correct me if I spelled that wrong) as davros. Coming from a time where there wasn't a lot of respect for Doctor who (it was canceled a year after this) this is one of the shows greatest stories!
@thomaskirkness-little5809 3 жыл бұрын
Barbara ramming Daleks with a lorry is still one of my favourite Dalek story moments ever.
@jswell886 4 жыл бұрын
The big hole in Journey’s End is that the reality bomb is supposedly capable of taking out every parallel world. Surely at least one alternate Davros succeeded meaning he could wipe out the main Doctor Who timeline.
@Overlord7135 4 жыл бұрын
Parallel worlds aren't the same things as alternate timelines.
@elywahl9520 3 жыл бұрын
I love how closed captions makes Daleks capital because it thinks its a name and not a species lol
@VintageBeauty1313 4 жыл бұрын
“The Chase” will always be one of my favorite Dalek stories. Not only do we get the Daleks, we also get the freaking awesome Mechanoids! But, where else are you going to see Frankenstein’s monster throwing a Dalek!
@crimsondynamo615 4 жыл бұрын
We almost got a Cushing movie based on The Chase, but Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 AD didn’t do so good so we didn’t get it. I would have loved to see Christopher Lee as Dracula yelling at a Dalek.
@chrislupton7521 4 жыл бұрын
*Hits pause to comment* Remembrance of the Daleks being the best Dalek/Doctor Who story ever - could not agree more. You've got 100% Who style.
@coykeaton2284 3 жыл бұрын
I know it's not popular, but there is a soft spot in my heart for Evolution of the Daleks and Dalek Sec.
@Argythecorgi 4 жыл бұрын
FINALLY! Some love for the magician's apprentice and the witches familiar
@JoeSiegler 4 жыл бұрын
I love that story too. I would have put that higher on the list. Perhaps not up the top, but not 10, either.
@brianartillery 4 жыл бұрын
The Doctor saving the young Davros at the start, is a clever actualisation of Sarah Jane's speech to The Doctor in 'Genesis Of The Daleks', about being able to kill a child, if you knew that child would grow up to be completely evil. The wonderful conceit of it, brought me out in goosebumps on first viewing it.
@cowbearcreations9513 4 жыл бұрын
I'd say that list was pretty much bang on. My only tweak would be to rate Resolution higher than Stolen Earth. Thanks for including Magician's Appreciate, it's so underrated and I just love it.
@speedy316uk 4 жыл бұрын
The reason the Daleks are so overused is because of a clause in the contract between the Nation estate and the BBC that allows the BBC to use the Daleks. Allegedly the Daleks HAVE to be used at least 1 time per season, the only reason for that i can think so is so that the Nation Estate can get a nice royalty check at least 1 time a year.
@pwpresents5660 3 жыл бұрын
"Each doctor got 1 Daley story during the classic era?" They should really carry that philosophy with most of the classic villains going forward. The master, cybermen, daleks, weeping angels, you only get one appearance of each monster per doctor incarnation. It’ll make each of their appearances special.
@brettbrooks5511 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with the Daleks and Cybermen but the Master is the type of villian that works best with build up and tension. And with the Angels they should be left alone for the most part, they work best in small doses. Personally I'd like to see the underused classic villains more such as the Sontarans, Zygons, Silurians, etc. Also some more stories about other Time Lords like The Rani
@TheWhovinerd-1963 2 жыл бұрын
For my ranking I like to separate them into two categories classic and new who. So my ranking is. New who 1. Stolen Earth/journeys end 2. Bad Wolf/ Parting of the ways 3. Resolution 4. Dalek 5. Eve of the Daleks 6. Daleks in Manhattan/evolution of 7. the Daleks 7. Victory of the Daleks 8. Army of Ghosts/doomsday 9. Revolution of the Daleks 10. Asylum of the Daleks 11. Magicians apprentice/the witches familiar 12. Into the dalek Classic who 1. Power of the Daleks 2. Remembrance of the Daleks 3. Genesis of the Daleks 4. Resurrection of the Daleks. 5. The Daleks (planet of the dead) 6. Planet of the Daleks 7. Evil of the Daleks 8. Death to the Daleks 9. Dalek invasion of earth 10. Day of the Daleks 11. Revelation of the Daleks 12. Destiny of the Daleks Honourable mentions Daleks master plan The chase Because I haven’t seen them so it’s unfair to put them on the ranking
@Rednova08 4 жыл бұрын
The daleks are both epic and terrifying and when they emerged from the void ship to fight the cybermen was amazing
@brianartillery 4 жыл бұрын
I was never scared of Daleks - they can't lurk under your bed like a Cyberman. And I'd rather be blasted by a Dalek, than converted into a Cyberman. The greatest Dalek story doesn't exist anymore: 1967's 'The Evil Of The Daleks'. The Daleks at their most, well, evil, and The Doctor, in his second incarnation, actually terrified of the Daleks' monstrous plan, and also at his most unknowable, and callous - a disgusted Jamie actually thinks about leaving him to the Daleks. This was the story that started possibly the greatest run of stories in the entire history of Doctor Who.
@theevildalek5425 4 жыл бұрын
My list: 25). Asylum of the Daleks (2012) 24). The Magicians Apprentice / The Witches Familiar (2015) 23). Resolution (2019) 22). Destiny of the Daleks (1979) 21). Victory of the Daleks (2010) 20). Into the Dalek (2014) 19). Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks (2007) 18). The Chase (1965) 17). Day of the Daleks (1972) 16). Frontier in Space / Planet of the Daleks (1973) 15). Death to the Daleks (1974) 14). Army’s of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) 13). The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End (2008) 12). Resurrection of the Daleks (1984) 11). The Daleks’ Master Plan (1965 - 1966) 10). Revelation of the Daleks (1985) 9). Mission to the Unknown (1965) 8). The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964) 7). The Daleks (1963 - 1964) 6). Bad Wolf / The Partings of the Ways (2005) 5). Evil of the Daleks (1967) 4). Dalek (2005) 3). Remembrance of the Daleks (1988) 2). Genesis of the Daleks (1975) 1). Power of the Daleks (1966) Those last 3 are constantly against each other and are always swapping around with each other but as for now, that is where they are at
@pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 4 жыл бұрын
I have ordered your top 3 on DVD... I will find out if you are
@theevildalek5425 4 жыл бұрын
Pincho Paxton Believe me, those three are truly fantastic. If you want creepiness & tension, then Power is for you. If you want spectacle, then Genesis is for you. If you want action, then Remembrance is for you (P.S, you did get the Special Editions of Power & Remembrance right?)
@pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 4 жыл бұрын
@@theevildalek5425 Yes special edition, and the new cartoon re-release of Power of the Daleks. I always wanted to write my own Dalek movie script. I wanted a dark Doctor that goes back to the Daleks being built to stop them there. I have an opening sequence in a factory like a Ford car factory with Dalek parts being conveyed along. My version would be more adult themed like BSG 2004.
@theevildalek5425 4 жыл бұрын
Pincho Paxton Well, McCoy is a dark Doctor (especially in Remembrance), Genesis sees the...Genesis of the Daleks and Power has a very famous scene which could be very interesting for you When you have seen them, please tell me what you thought of them. I would love to see what you think of my three favourite Daleks stories
@pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 4 жыл бұрын
@@theevildalek5425 Yes. I did see Genesis when it came out, but can't remember it. That's a long time ago. Also I tended to build Airfix kits whilst watching them, so multitasking. I remember the glue was so strong that as a child I though that our B/W tv was in colour. I actually watched the programs in colour because of the fumes.
@Michelle_Schu-blacka 4 жыл бұрын
It's what the Daleks represent. On paper, they're not scary. Pepperpots with whisks and plungers isn't a recipe for fear, yet when they appear, there is a bit of fear that washes over you.
@charlesfranze3571 4 жыл бұрын
My top 10 dalek episode no.10 the dalek invasion of earth no. 9 into the dalek no. 8 resurrection of the dalek no. 7 remembrance of the dalek no. 6 the daleks no.5 dalek in Manhattan/ evolution of the daleks no. 4 resolution no. 3 dalek no. 2 Genesis of the dalek no. 1 Bad Wolf/ the parting of the ways
@Michelle_Schu-blacka 4 жыл бұрын
Journey's End had one of the most memorable and underrated scenes. The part where 'The Doctor's soul is revealed' was masterful because Davros was right, a *_LOT_* of people have died _because of_ The Doctor... People who wouldn't have died if he didn't constantly feed his ego 'saving' everyone. During Midnight The Doctor goes on and on about how he can save them and how clever he is. Obviously it wouldn't be a very good show if he didn't save the day, but... You know... #CancelTheDoctor
@someonecool766 4 жыл бұрын
i really liked Daleks in Manhattan and the Cult of Skaro in general
@theevildalek5425 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve noticed a certain LACK of a FEW stories. Stories like: . The Daleks’ Master Plan (+ Mission to the Unknown) . Power of the Daleks . Evil of the Daleks . Revelation of the Daleks I mean come on! How can you not talk about the first Post Regeneration Story, the first 2nd Dr story and just a fantastic Story
@dragonmaster1976z 4 жыл бұрын
Perhaps because Daleks' Master Plan has missing episodes? It's also memorable for having the first death of a companion (I don't know where they intended to go with Katarina) and then, to up the shock value, they kill another badass companion. RIP Sara.
@guyakerstimelord 4 жыл бұрын
exactly instead they put on the list the unit destroying pile of shit that was resolution.
@lttrickster5643 4 жыл бұрын
Who els is excited for the Daleks coming back this year
@Sunprism Жыл бұрын
That was not a Battle, It was Pest Control!
@Pulsarnix 4 жыл бұрын
Remembrance of the Daleks should have been at number one. The white and gold Daleks should definitely be seen again.
@TheCrow938 3 жыл бұрын
I know it is one that people don't like but I loved it as a guilty pleasure was Asylum of the Daleks. It had a lot of interesting things going on and the Intro to Clara was confusing and intriguing.
@10thdoctor15 4 жыл бұрын
"Don't see again until Into the Dalek"? We see the Daleks' hatred for impurity in Dalek, The Parting of the Ways, Evolution of the Daleks and Victory of the Daleks.
@isaacsatar9304 3 жыл бұрын
One of my favourites was the series one finale two parter and it suprised Me that it didn't show up on the list.
@animelovers000 4 жыл бұрын
No love for revelation of the Daleks? That one is a cracking story. It's dark and gritty, really tapped into to that gothic horror tone.
@cameronjosephvideos5942 4 жыл бұрын
Well for one thing its got that DJ in it. On the bright side it has that badass Assassin.
@CanUNotTalk 4 жыл бұрын
Personal favourite story is Genesis Of The Daleks also love the fact What Culture now have a Doctor Who channel being a fan for over 30 years it's always been my favourite show :)
@OakholdC 3 жыл бұрын
I somewhat really like the 3rd Doctor Story 'Death to the Daleks'. It's also worth noting that Terry Nation, the creator of the menacing menaces of the Universe, wrote this story. For as mozzarella-level cheesy as it is, This is one of the _few_ instances where the Doctor would _sort of_ get along with some group of spatial tin cans he knows are his familiar foe.
@SamWilsonMusician 4 жыл бұрын
This new channel is the only whatculture channel I don’t see myself getting sick of. Keep it up!
@rin6256 4 жыл бұрын
If this doesn't have the one where Vicky finds a dalek shell in a museum and proceeds to troll the frick out of the doctor, I will be disappointed.
@raymondnewby3323 4 жыл бұрын
The daleks masterplan should be here. Epic 13 episodes and 2 assistants killed. Awesome story
@cameronthomas4946 4 жыл бұрын
Would definitely have Power / Evil of the Daleks on my list
@them1ghtyalex 4 жыл бұрын
Something everyone gets wrong about Genesis of the Daleks is the "Do I have the right?" scene, he never makes the decision not to do it. An ally Kaled character (I forget his name) comes in informing the Doctor, Sarah and Harry that they've succeeded in other plans to shut down the Dalek project and stop Davros and the Doctor expresses gratitude to him and relief that he didn't have to make the decision, suggesting it could have gone either way whether or not he wanted to put the wires down and was deliberately left ambiguous I think. It also wasn't as clear cut as not being able to commit genocide to prevent all the Daleks' future evil and murder, as he noted that their evil might have brought about a lot of good as well, peace and alliances etc "in fear of them" [the Daleks] so preventing them might not be such a good thing anyway. He was caught in a Dilemma (not even the worst one he's been in) and I don't think we really know what he'd have done for sure.
@them1ghtyalex 4 жыл бұрын
And I forgot he actually does return later with the reinvigorated resolve to do it once Gharman (that was his name!) and his supporters had been exterminated and Sarah and Harry had left with Sevrin and the Thals ready to blow up the tunnels! He admittedly doesn't get long enough to hesitate before the Dalek comes and does the job for him, but I think it definitely leans towards him doing it, especially considering how he reaches for the wires with the Dalek there. Still he didn't actually do it himself so can't say for sure which way he would have gone without the Dalek interuppting and keeping his hands sort of clean (as he reveals it only delayed them by a thousand years - by that point there were already Daleks out and about across the bunker - so it was probably just fulfilling Skaro's history as it already was)!
@them1ghtyalex 4 жыл бұрын
Plus the Thals are not shown to be much better than the Kaleds throughout this story and the Doctor at one point even describes their actions with the rocket (which Davros & Nyder help them to be able to do but that makes little difference) as a "holocaust". Just putting that out there for those who like to pretend Doctor Who was always some one-sided political messaging tripe, often referencing the Daleks being "literal Nazis" as if that is in any way a defence for Chibnall! Using Nazis as influence for villains isn't exactly divisive anyway! Regardless there is a huge difference between drawing inspiration for your stories or a faction or your characters from anywhere - and revolving the production, casting, hiring, scripts and (lack of) characters of your show around making biased political points! Not something the guy who did this video ever likes to admit though!
@grahamcann1761 4 жыл бұрын
Living with my parents while my father worked in England in the 60's, (I was a native born Californian,) I remember The Doctor and the Dalek's, and I can attest to the popularity of the Dalek's back then. I still think of them fondly, and I think (in my opinion - other opinions welcome, and not wrong,) they've been over-used and thus been made less of a threat. I'd like to see Dalek's take on, and defeat several of the newer villains to remind us how awesome they are. (Weeping Angels? No worries, Dalek's don't blink.) Thank you so very much for your video.
@chrisbeggs4061 4 жыл бұрын
Evil of the Daleks, the only story to be repeated as part of the continuity of the series (when Zoe joined the team, the Doctor [Troughton] warns her about what they might meet...)
@DoctorWhoFanAudioAdventures 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I've always enjoyed a good Dalek story. I think each have really added to their story. But my guilty pleasure is Destiny of the Daleks....I know..I know...people don't like it, but I've always had a soft spot for it. Romana is incredible. The Doctor is great. The supporting cast is awesome. The Movellans are a great addition of the list of villains. I just love it.
@danthemeegs8751 4 жыл бұрын
I'm probably the only person who has a soft spot for Victory of the Daleks. especially the first half when the Daleks are just driving the Doctor mad. WOULD YOU CARE FOR SOME TEEEEAAAA???
@disneyboy3030 3 жыл бұрын
Here is a video idea. "Why is the 13th Doctor's Era So Controversial".
@elfont-caradonnafamilyacco2518 4 жыл бұрын
Dalek was amazing . . . probably my personal favorite Dalek TV story . . . I just love how it could take out a ton of soldiers but when it came to one girl it was like 'Okay let's be friends'
@Aelkassed 3 жыл бұрын
My top 10 (I'm also including Big Finish plays): 1. Genesis of the Daleks 2. Dalek 3. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar 4. Jubilee 5. The Stolen Earth/Journey's End 6. The Dalek Invasion of Earth 7. Remembrance of the Daleks 8. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday 9. The Apocalypse Element 10. Into the Dalek
@robocopx1056 4 жыл бұрын
I loved asylum of the daleks or whatever its called
@TF2Scout.. 3 жыл бұрын
Well I like the twelfth dalek adventures the 2 parts of apprentice. And all 10th doctor's dalek stories. And 9th dalek. My favorite is dalek in Manhattan
@jaydentroeger980 3 жыл бұрын
Dalek (2005) the daleks(1963) and genesis of the daleks(1975)
@johnblythe6261 4 жыл бұрын
Although the Progenitor Daleks from Matt Smith era were visually a bit silly and the story not very good, they were imposing and scary. Their voices booming, deep and menacing, their sheer size was scary and their utter contempt for even normal Daleks, seeing them as inferior and therefore must be destroyed. I think if their design where tweaked and the colours a little more toned down, I think they would be awesome ultimate Daleks.
@marcoludema8876 4 жыл бұрын
Hot take: Asylum of the Daleks is my favorite Dalek story. Great list!
@dannymccrea9642 4 жыл бұрын
I mean, it’s the best Clara appearance ever😂
@kanashimi4356 4 жыл бұрын
Its not terrible but it shouldn't be a Dalek story, it should be a Cyberman one (A Parliament for a race that all think the same makes no sense and as prior stories like Victory have taught us Daleks just destroy "Impure" Daleks), do that and remove the pointless divorce subplot that goes nowhere and everything from Oswin to conversion via the air makes way more sense (hell it something the Cybermen have done in the comics). In fact if they hadn't forced Daleks into a Cyberman story the same way chibnall forces Cybermen into a Dalek story and it could've been the best Cyberman story of all time.
@danthemeegs8751 4 жыл бұрын
Asylum is fun. The human/Dalek monsters were a cool idea too
@veclingathmerlon7432 4 жыл бұрын
asylum of the daleks is the best, daleks in manhattan is the worst
@johnlittleton8117 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure why I haven't noticed WhoCulture before today. Please continue, this is wonderful.
@astrosleep9625 4 жыл бұрын
Whoculture the daleks as an iconic villain yes. Arch nemesis no. That role goes to Michael grade and Christmas
@johnIZaUWL 4 жыл бұрын
@astrosleep9625 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnIZaUWL thanks
@Tlotoxl 4 жыл бұрын
Arch nemesis: Chris Chibnall.
@TheWiseCollector 4 жыл бұрын
actually in genasis of the daleks, the daleks "killed" davros becuase he had a button that wold wipe out there speicies he was about to press it but they extermitanted him before his hand could touch the button
@jimfarrell5004 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with you wholeheartedly on this list. An "eleventh" item on this list or as an item in a "Part II" of this list would be Pyramid of Mars where The Doctor uses logic to free Sara Jane Smith from a death trap.
@GranmargYGO Жыл бұрын
it's not a dalek story?
@robertday5243 4 жыл бұрын
The chase would be in my top 5. Great story with a touch of comedy. A doppelganger doctor the the farewell of Barbara and Ian... Magnificent...
@GLBizzie 4 жыл бұрын
And Daleks from 1963... The introduction of the Daleks was so well done for 60‘s standards.. And Daleks Masterplan is so underrated
@geoffpulham5032 4 жыл бұрын
I have a soft spot for Day of the Daleks, but I must admit the revamp a few years ago did help!
@ade1665 4 жыл бұрын
Evil of the daleks should be up there- Troughton is fantastic, & "the final end....."
@deathrider7 4 жыл бұрын
When The Doctor tells Van Staten that the Dalek is reading the internet, just how much pornography went into the Dalek's mind. Staggering.
@jeremybiwer8756 4 жыл бұрын
Remembrance of the Daleks is also my favorite Dalek episode. I mean they solved the stairs issue.
@AnubisX1 4 жыл бұрын
I would of thought power of the daleks would of been on there, as it shows how deadly and devious an unarmed daleks can be. My fav daleks stories are remembrance of the daleks, blood of the dalek, Lucie Miller and to the death. Yes I know they are audio but they are so epic, to the death makes me cry everytime. That is now you do season finale!
@Pastorisrealwalkgodspath 4 жыл бұрын
Bad Wolf and Parting of the ways was amazing and so is Daleks in manhatten and the other ones in season 3 but I can see why this list is what it is it makes sense
@jbear4433 4 жыл бұрын
Those stories deserve to be there more than the first 2 mentioned on the list
@eddherring3088 3 жыл бұрын
I rank the Daleks as my favourite Dr Who monster, not particularly imaginative of me I know. I also think that Davros is a superb character. However when it comes to great Dalek stories they are extremely thin on the ground. Obviously the Pat Troughton era was Dalek mania in its prime, since then we only have a top 3 which are Remembrance, Dalek and the remastered Day Of The Daleks. I'm not saying that the rest are rubbish or hopeless I enjoy rewatching Resurrection and Revelation. New Who I like the actual props but the Daleks are never more threatening than when there is only one to fill a whole episode, otherwise they are easy dispatched en masse, gone in the blink of an eye stalk.
@buckyball2003 4 жыл бұрын
Personally I think Victory of the Daleks is underrated but maybe that’s just me🤷‍♂️
@ihateunicorns867 4 жыл бұрын
In light of all the recent heated discussion about DW lore, it's worth remembering that Genesis of the Daleks was a change to the original origin story of a the Daleks, and one met with hostility by the fans at the time. People were upset that it contradicted the origin story set out in The Daleks.
@benmcgill2018 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but that didn’t ruin the story of the Doctor.
@ihateunicorns867 4 жыл бұрын
@@benmcgill2018 Remember when the Doctor was a human from the future who built the TARDIS (and his granddaughter named it)? This was Hartnell's legacy. Then Jon Pertwee's era ruined it by making him an alien with two hearts. Totally ruined.
@benmcgill2018 4 жыл бұрын
I Hate Unicorns I mean, you are wrong though, being the Timelord’s Jesus ruins the story of the Doctor, they are no longer someone that is doing the right thing because they can, they are the Chosen One.
@ihateunicorns867 4 жыл бұрын
@@benmcgill2018 And don't forget she's half human.
@benmcgill2018 4 жыл бұрын
I Hate Unicorns the Doctor is just a random Timelord who decided to do good with his abilities, he’s not the Messiah of the Timelords.
@chelsea1062 4 жыл бұрын
I think the cult of skaro are my favorite Daleks
@doinkadect7395 4 жыл бұрын
How could you not include The Dalek’s Master Plan, The Power of the Daleks, The Evil of the Daleks or The Parting of the Ways, yet you have The Magicians Apprentice
@MrPaulmorris7777 4 жыл бұрын
Only 4 episode exist from Master, Power and Evil.
@eddiecoolbeans6901 3 жыл бұрын
What’s more egregious in my opinion is that he has Resolution on this list, despite the villain in it not being a dalek outside of name and aesthetics
@No1ShalkaFan 4 жыл бұрын
Mine: 10) The Daleks 09) The Daleks' Master Plan 08) The Dalek Invasion of Earth 07) Resolution 06) Day of the Daleks 05) Rememberance of the Daleks 04) Dalek 03) Genesis of the Daleks 02) Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways 01) Resurrection of the Daleks
@10thdoctor15 4 жыл бұрын
What you said about the Moffat era Dalek stories is true, but that includes The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar, which is not in the top 10. There have been 24 Dalek stories to date, and the Moffat era's are right at the bottom (story-wise) with Revelation of the Daleks - even Day, Destiny and Resurrection of the Daleks are better. You have to put Power of the Daleks, Evil of the Daleks, Genesis of the Daleks, Dalek, The Parting of the Ways and The Stolen Earth/Journey's End as the top 6.
@dizziebonkers326 4 жыл бұрын
No Parting of The Ways ? I agree with the rest of the list but i thought number 1 would be the series 1 finale mainly because it wasnt mentioned yet and its probably the fan favourite Dalek Story. Mine personally is Stolen Eath/ Journeys End. But i can appreciate it being number 4. Im more of a nu who fan but i have seen most of the classic who Dalek stories so idk if im biased but yeah. Love the vid.
@jenb7756 4 жыл бұрын
I liked Asylum. The eye stalks popping out of people's heads. Brrr!
@ther0n1nnamed47 4 жыл бұрын
My three favorite Dalek Stories, Genesis of the daleks and Rememberance of the daleks, and dalek invasion of earth.
@alfiedodman5231 4 жыл бұрын
Can you please make a playlist of the other ups and downs you made please. Love this channel
@ezravanmelle4333 4 жыл бұрын
My list would've included Revelation of the Daleks and Into the Dalek.
@williamrobertson2456 4 жыл бұрын
Great list. Best Cybermen stories next please ☺️
@itsallrigged7295 4 жыл бұрын
I wasn't a fan of series 11 either but I'd have put Resolution a bit higher
@feekau42 4 жыл бұрын
good list, but i would replace Resolution with either Power of The Daleks or Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways
@guswebb1781 4 жыл бұрын
I know you're not including big finish, but Terra Firma and Lucie Miller/To The Death have to some of my all time favourites, but I'm always a sucker for McGann.
@p.j.w7564 3 жыл бұрын
Totally love Doomsday & army of ghosts!!👻 Daleks & Cybermen, Yeesss!! 👍🏻😎
@Bob-od9oe 2 жыл бұрын
Power of the daleks is my favourite episode of doctor who! I just find the daleks really smart and evil and it’s just the best!
@Bob-od9oe 2 жыл бұрын
OMG same !
@Alistair20000 4 жыл бұрын
Would have had Power of the Daleks on the list over Resolution. It was Patrick Troughton first episode and was a great first story for the Doctor. Love the daleks manipulation in the episode and it shows there brilliant intelligence. Could even add Evil of the Daleks as well for the civil war at the end.
@BlockyVortex 4 жыл бұрын
Love how you’ve got the nerf modulus in the background! Have it myself!
@almyvannucci392 4 жыл бұрын
Genesis is my favourite Daleks story and one of my favourite stories over all.
@1986sidewinder1986 4 жыл бұрын
One of your lists (which I’m hoping is coming soon) are the best stories involving The Master/Missy!
@frankmacaw6717 3 жыл бұрын
dalek master plan should be on and also power of the daleks
@MrPaulmorris7777 4 жыл бұрын
Best 10 episodes - Best Genesis The Daleks Power of the Daleks audio Evil of the Daleks audio Dalek Invasion of Earth Day of the Daleks Dalek Masterplan audio Planet of the Daleks Death to the Daleks Revelation.
@darudesandstrom1067 3 жыл бұрын
The Witch’s familiar is on here but no parting of the ways? How can you get away with this
@mattthesilent777RED 3 жыл бұрын
OK, the 14th Doctor must be female. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine
@BennieDuck 4 жыл бұрын
@leogavitt8162 4 жыл бұрын
Unpopular opinion: I freaking love Victory of the Daleks.
@possessedgamer1376 4 жыл бұрын
@eddiecoolbeans6901 3 жыл бұрын
I like it to. I don’t understand why it has had such a bad reception.
@KirbySans 4 жыл бұрын
Make a video on the best Dalek variants, like the special weapons dalek.
@KirbySans 4 жыл бұрын
Lol then I'll sub.
@frazzlesreviews5379 4 жыл бұрын
I have to disagree with the magicians apprentice/witches familiar personally I don’t just find that one of the worst Dalek stories but one of the worst doctor who stories ever made. My list would be: 10. The stolen earth/Journeys end 9. Daleks In Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks 8. The Daleks 7. Remembrance of the Daleks 6. Revelation of the Daleks 5. Power of the Daleks 4. Evil of the Daleks 3. Dalek 2. Genesis of the Daleks 1. Bad Wolf/Parting of the ways Honourable mention: Jubilee
@IconicShadows 4 жыл бұрын
I don't feel like What Culture needs this many channels lol. I appreciate majority of the content.
@Oliver-fu1go Жыл бұрын
Take a shot every time they say “pepper pots”
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