Does The New Salvage Suck?! | Citizen Talk w/

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Berks Reacts

Berks Reacts

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@grimhizzer 9 ай бұрын
Progress is progress. Tier 0 stuff is always weird lol
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
New =/= Good Loads of T0 features have rolled out and NOT sucked. This just sucks. Back to the drawing board CIG.
@AlbertoMartinez765 9 ай бұрын
@aumaar 9 ай бұрын
Tier 0 stuff - just happy they brought it in. These type of changes seem to be a streamers wet dream which drives lots of negative videos.
@tiersei 9 ай бұрын
I'm glad they're releasing structural salvage, even with these placeholder mechanics/visuals. Some of these people are forgetting their own favorite mantra - "It's an alpha and all of this is subject to change/improvement".
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
And some people forget its in active dev and CIG explicitly ask for player feedback....
@phoenixsui 9 ай бұрын
People need to calm down seriously and apreciate that they make it before christmas so we have somethign new to do. Its annoying how ungratefull some people are. Always just nagging and beeing unsatisfyed. I love the visuals and sounds. of course its totally unbalanced and for now pretty easy. But how doe people by now not know its going to change. Most people i play with are super happy with the new gameplay. But they all dont go to spectrum and tell everybody ;D. Also the models are not yet prepared for fracturing so for example a hammerhead is mostly just still one peace to salvage after breaking it ;D. I also like the that the salvage ships use some sort of waves that propabbly are using the materials own frequence to brake it. Its not eeven to unrealistic in a sense. Using a laser to cut where ever you want is propabbly super hard to implement.
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
It's annoying how sycophantic some people are. CIG ask for feedback, and they get feedback. Stay coping though I guess.
@runeguardorg 9 ай бұрын
many in our org were disappointed. But, once they found out it was Tier 0. They were totally good with it and confident in CIGs ability to bring something better down the line.
@darkstar0000000000 9 ай бұрын
Found out? You mean these people are in an org for SC and dont understand what tier 0 means?
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
And when it stays a space magic shopvac for months/years what then?
@darkstar0000000000 9 ай бұрын
@@CitizenScott *Yaaaaaaawn* How droll, yet another one.
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
@@darkstar0000000000 Go ahead and list the t0 beam “placeholders” that are no longer beams. I’ll wait.
@darkstar0000000000 9 ай бұрын
@@CitizenScott *Yaaawwn* Oh look, it's still making noise. Boring.
@Woobieeee 9 ай бұрын
What surprises me is people thought salvage was going to be more than this lol.
@THEDARKILLERS46 9 ай бұрын
It's definitely gonna be
@AlbertoMartinez765 9 ай бұрын
It is going to be more than this , there will be different materials, and a bunch of other systems like having to chop out expensive parts by Hand in EVA before munching it up. People need to learn to be patient this is what YOU ALL signed up for to see thinsg start at tier ZERO and then Over Time change and improve with our input.
@relint12 9 ай бұрын
Hey it’s something. Would we be happier not to have something before maelstrom? I guess they could have put a giant red ‘PLACEHOLDER’ ball around the entire ship instead of the disintegration effect, but I’m cool with this for now.
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
Yeah new crap is better than nothing right? We shouldn't have higher expectations for a game that's pitched as being ultra-immersive no way. Just give more beams 100%.
@durtyred86 9 ай бұрын
Agreed. Alot of these "fans" are freaking insufferable....
@lesliescottw 9 ай бұрын
and this comment also
@durtyred86 9 ай бұрын
@@lesliescottw it's T-0. Not T-5......If you can't understand that, then you are part of the problem as well.. But looking at your response, I think that's the whole point for you.
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
Fans? You mean backers? Testers? Players? It's a game in alpha purportedly seeking feedback from us "fans," so what's wrong with giving feedback? And T0 has nothing to do with the backlash. Plenty of T0 features come in basic but clearly a solid foundation, like mining and scraping. That's not even what most people are upset about.
@durtyred86 9 ай бұрын
@@CitizenScott do tell, what is the backlash about if not the implementation of the next step in salvage. I'm going to try and ignore you acting like the players of this alpha aren't fans for the sake of taking you seriously. What exactly do you think everyone is angry about? I think it's the claw and the buffer? Do tell your opinion.
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
It's not my opinion amigo. Most of us don't want the space magic shopvac beam. Simple as. Anyone actually upset about the lack of depth in a T0 feature is not a serious person and should be ignored. When you take a step back and see big picture then it's another clear step in a lazy direction where beams are the "placeholder" but then stay beams forever. Again, not opinion. Just facts. Now the opinion part, which is shared by myself and most serious people I've seen/heard/talked to about this, is that the Reclaimer claw specifically is the last straw, since it is literally a straw now not a claw. We want immersive, physicalized, analog tactility, as CIG have always pitched, not more space magic and beams as perpetual "placeholders." Also, sidenote: When you use the word "fans" a you did in your OP, you ignore the vital context of the community as financial backers, and playtesters, whom CIG explicitly ask for feedback. It's an insufficient, and inaccurate term. You also seem to imply that if one is a "fan" then they must never dissent, question, or express any feedback, which is ridiculous as I've alwady pointed out CIG want feedback so... Stay insufferable, bud.
@LORDV4DERONP1LLS 9 ай бұрын
I am grateful that they implemented hull munching or structural salvage even in this simplified version. I still enjoy to play it specially because of adding a buffer to Reclaimer and Vulture which makes salvaging way more fun now. Let's be grateful that we have this. We all know that this will be improved greatly with next iteration. People will complain whatever they do. If it's simple, then it is too simple, If they add complexity to any mechanic, then the problem is that they do everything with too much detail and development will last like 30 years...people are never satisfied! I like it because I now this will be upgraded for sure.
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
Yes, yes, let's all get down on our knees and open our mouths and just swallow whatever's put in them by our lord and savior Christ Roberts and his holy acolytes. Under no circumstance should we, the backers/players/testers, give any feedback that CIG explicitly ask for. Just bow and say "Thank you, Sir. May I please have another?" SMH...
@LORDV4DERONP1LLS 9 ай бұрын
@@CitizenScott I don't have anything against backer/players/testers to give a needed feedback, that is why we are here in a first place. What I am against is a non-constructive rant where people use words like "scam", "this is what we get after 10 years", "CIG can't do better then magic beams", "why do they pay developers" and such comments which don't have anything with constructive statement of what we have and what we expect. That kind of people are the ones which are never satisfied with anything CIG does. Constant ranting and hate towards developers is only thing they now instead leaving Star Citizen. It is totally ok to make an opinion about salvage mechanic until it is in decent manner with explanation what we don't like and a constructive suggestions of what do we expect or would love to see. Salte-Mike is a good example, he is not satisfied with what he gets, but he is explained what he would want from structural salvage and how it can be improved! And guess what, one of the thing he said is already implemented!! That is the proper way how we need to communicate! I am certain that they will improve structural salvage greatly as they already stated! That is why I am not concerned at all and trying to enjoy what I currently have while improved salvage is ready! Stay safe in the Verse and have a nice day!
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
@@LORDV4DERONP1LLS Sure it would be nice if everyone was nice but snarky feedback is still valuable feedback. If everyone kicks and screams like little children it still counts as feedback and sends a signal just as sensible, logical arguments do. Personally I think it’s entirely reasonable to mention the “beam citizen” and “10 years” aspects since they are objectively accurate. I don’t like people actually attacking devs though that’s not cool I agree.
@justhere2travel 9 ай бұрын
Just can't please some people. They gave their reasons and people reacted like children.
@MountainSnowInc 9 ай бұрын
"Oh the feature isnt exactly how I envisioned it to be!, im gonna be a troll and anger everyone as much as I am, becuase Im too invested into a VIDEO GAME, and missed out on the imprtant shit I should be getting upset about in real life. I hope these complainers hear themselves, but they never do.
@Skyrat12 9 ай бұрын
MAIL STORM!!!! That's what the Post Office is expecting this Christmas!
@Cheesebread42 9 ай бұрын
@32:00 HOly shit, that's a GREAT IDEA, especially because the Vulture is already a flying TUNING FORK. CIG should implement that. "Scrolling gameplay" is what cracking a quantanium rock is -- and the margins are tight and the risk of death is there.
@GarMcGregor 9 ай бұрын
Dobra's idea is the same as what GrumpyEye just talked about. I like the resonant frequency idea, though it obviously wouldn't be sound waves, it would have to be an electromagnetic effect.
@ODSTGeneralYT 9 ай бұрын
I think part of the issue might have stem from past comments about holding off on other tech until it was in a more polished state. I personally like the idea of getting it into players hands a bit sooner. The feedback might lead to a longer development cycle overall, but potentially allows for a better gameplay experience based on feedback when all is said and done.
@lukegloedeus9665 9 ай бұрын
Its good enough for now. You tubers have power, love it when you keep them accountable but if its good for now lets go forwards!
@Clockwerk0_0 9 ай бұрын
Hopefully y’all’s ideas come to fruition. I would love to volunteer for the salvage “diver” role on a reclaimer crew.
@timteeling7348 9 ай бұрын
I own a Reclaimer and love the game play it provides. I completely understand and expect the baby steps to get to a final state. The videos showing the claw in action to me was a final step. I have watched this game from its second year and stated this game has great potential but it will need to grow and CIG will need to get focused. 9 or 10 years later I took another look and saw the improvements so I started playing the game at v3.17. The thing that I see CIG abusing is their P.R. schemes. So then take the game as an investment prospect. Prep an account then sell it when the time is right. Hell prep more than one account etc. In short the game is evolving as it grows.
@j.d.4697 9 ай бұрын
A) Compared to what was promised it sucks. B) On its own, it's sweet. C) As a transitional feature it seems fine. The problem is, most people don't know how to have a nuanced opinion that isn't just black or white.
@ROrneli 9 ай бұрын
people complain about things take too long. but want fracturing to take a whole year .. it is fine, lets move along.
@koriikoritnaciino9989 9 ай бұрын
I have completly different imagination about salvaging. There should be much more materials. Like titaium, iron, aluminuim etc. and this materials will have something like stability and you will have to be carefull when you salvaging. Different modules can change stabilitiy, faster salvaging etc. and this materials will be able to create different items or should be used for bulding constructiin later.
@Billy-bc8pk 9 ай бұрын
That's exactly what they are planning to do, but they need Maelstrom for that.
@AlbertoMartinez765 9 ай бұрын
That what they are doing ..eventually. Just Look at what Mining was when it came out and How they Keep adding to it even Now.
@HeyyItsNick 9 ай бұрын
I don’t want a Hold E untill the Radial Icon fills to collect everything.
@evictor99 9 ай бұрын
At some point we just need something to complain about. The new ground vehicle detection range makes them extremely easy to take out now.
@lostnwalmart9110 9 ай бұрын
I would love for us to need to do some hull scraping before being able to munching. Even if it was only like 60% on the fracture points already in game. I think the buffer storage is awesome for the vulture, but the reclaimer the amount of storage is a bit broken and needs some balance. I do believe that for wave 1 ptu I think they are in a good starting point.
@isaaccunha6047 9 ай бұрын
i mean you do have to haul scrap, cause if you don't haul scrap you wont get recycled material, only the construction material you get from the haul so money wise you are shorting yourself
@Prof4z 9 ай бұрын
There is a component problem to salvage, there are so many ships like the redeemer where the components cannot be maneuvered though the ship after removal.
@ch_boki 9 ай бұрын
Wait till exploration is out. Wait, it's already out it's called flying...
@sylvaincuerrier6054 9 ай бұрын
@Bronwyn031 9 ай бұрын
This is what people are complaining about? I am uber critical of CIG and their antics but this is fine. I never imagined thrusting my Reclaimer's claw into a wreck and pulling pieces out to feed its maw like a giant crustacean. I suppose some out there actually thought that would be possible. I'm just glad another game play loop is in the game finally. I kinda want to play this game before you know, ... I die.
@yashik 9 ай бұрын
I love they are putting new content and as long as they say it's a temporary gameplay no need to panic :) but my first thought when I've seen salvage/munching was not like wow I want to play it but how do I turn it into a BOT-Farming... what ii'm trying to say hopefully CIG is aware of the fact any game have a bot problem and if they make gameplay boring and bot-friendly it will be infested to the point normal people won't even bother try it
@JamestheKilljoy 9 ай бұрын
I can now fill my Vulture up with material and then make the boxes all at once. Im happy. Vulture ftw. Dont care about the space bucks as much, i waited years for my Vulture and i love it
@AcheliusDecimus 9 ай бұрын
They literally said in an ISC that they would implement it simple then make it a little more complex over time. Why bother build on tech that will be depreciated soon. Wait on Maelstrom simple. I like your suggestion Berks.
@Cadehighhill 9 ай бұрын
Rather have something rather than nothing for salvage. SOO Was pretty rough. Never got a full run of it. Various issues each time
@ilyich333 9 ай бұрын
Modeling ships is a big deal. The whole success of Star Citizen holds on attention to details. Fidelity.
@xxxmina 9 ай бұрын
I like the new Salvage Mechanics... I would maybe add a mini game where you look for best frequency to destroy the ship/structure... maybe find a weak point to ships and destroy them..... anyway, the gameplay is good.... people want it to be like mining ... However with mining you don't have to manage cargo.... This game involves allot of cargo management . I take the cargo management (playing Tetris) as the main gameplay of salvaging. To make it as difficult as it was before was not fun... you also want a balance between needing 1-2 people or an army of people to salvage. Mina
@MidnightWolfSDJ 9 ай бұрын
What did people expect with munching/structural salvage? I mean you can’t look at munching independently. You have to look at salvaging as a whole. When you are a salvager, you go after what is most valuable to you or the economy. If that means getting a few extra bits of money by breaking down a ship into small pieces for sale, on top of the salvaging mechanics we already have, it is fine. You take munching and isolate it. Of course it is going to be boring. You literally let the machine break it down for you. lol. I say it’s a win simply for having ways to clean up servers.
@sylvaincuerrier6054 9 ай бұрын
Who is Star Citizen for? Apex Legend players? Elite Dangerous players? Or have players looking for spatial realism, to live as faithfully as possible what our lives could be like in 500 years? Ask Christ Robert... There is a strong vision that inspires that makes us dream and that invites us to spend thousands of dollars to make this game come to fruition one day. So yes, when we see “simplistic” game mechanics without much depth it SCARES us! We don't want to see CIG take the path of ease and Arcade gaming! I would ask everyone who thinks we are stupid to complain about how much they invested in the game in monetary terms!? We must not forget that Star Citizen is what it is today thanks to players who have often invested a lot of money and I believe they have the right to express their dissatisfaction loud and clear. Thank you and hope that the fanatics of games without depth do not influence the developers to tend towards ease!
@TheThunderbladee 9 ай бұрын
This is not the claw we have been shown from before (the one that got us all excited), this is a new beam claw, and it is super lame and lazy, it's not even a claw anymore except in name. They aren't going to put all this effort to redesign into a beam claw unless they are changing direction completely.
@ShawnHamm 9 ай бұрын
Completely disagree with needing to remove weapons/components before doing structural salvage. It is WAY to complex.
@LordCritish 9 ай бұрын
Somehow whole Star Citizen feels like "placeholder gameplay". It's almost all still tier 0.
@mooonman454 9 ай бұрын
if you have to remove all components. some ships you cant get all components off the ships. Some components are too big remove from the ships
@citizenzero5437 9 ай бұрын
Not a salvager but i dont mind if there is a very low skill career path if it is something that people with physical disabilities can participate in. .
@Sarsour_ 9 ай бұрын
@arcadealchemist 9 ай бұрын
"people" like 0.0000001% of the community first you use your sonic screw driver to vibrate all the screws loose then you liquify the hull in to a resource cargo no one buys and has no use at this time. but hey reclaimer solo is SUPER viable now.
@sennemaa5976 9 ай бұрын
I realy like it ❤
@josephmurray9585 9 ай бұрын
Everything is either " too tedious and boring " or " shortcut beam citizen " .........
@MDoomhammer 9 ай бұрын
honestly, all those spoiled brats crying about a stopgap measure can shove it... i am happy we have at least some kind of structural salvage before the holiday break.... if they don't like it, they dont have to play it , geeez.
@beeleaveme 9 ай бұрын
Does anyone have a promise of $40 to give me? In my country it is very expensive
@darkdodger137 9 ай бұрын
People whining about gamified salvage should be careful what they wish for. If CIG goes the realism route they will really hate salvage. Real life vessel salvage is tedious, dangerous, time consuming and would never be described as fun by the people that do it.
@kevinm3751 9 ай бұрын
Mind blowing! People are pissing and moaning about not getting features. So the team is doing what they can to give us more features but then the same losers complaining about not getting the features want absurd level of detail out of the gate! This is just proof that you will never satisfy a loser so dont even bother trying!
@bimmerthing 9 ай бұрын
Same, I'm cool with more stuff faster and updated as they go, haters always gonna hate. People feel so entitled its insane these days. keyboard warriors.
@SpaceBound-1 9 ай бұрын
Progress is too slow. They should have added a ton of gameplay by now.
@DawnstealerGaming 9 ай бұрын
Seems like folks are overreacting juuuuuust a tad
@greatlakes_organicsnectarf7787 9 ай бұрын
If we didn't have people like salty Mike complaining to hundreds of people almost every morning I think almost nobody would be upset. He's horrible for the sc community.
@trikkimick 9 ай бұрын
Please people, learn to speak without the word Like
@Karagee2 9 ай бұрын
it's better than nothing tho
@nosir5596 9 ай бұрын
People have every right to give negative feedback about this feature. I'll never understand the devs putting something into a public test build, posting a public feedback thread, and then backers getting mad that anyone gives negative feedback. The feature sucks, the 'corners' that got cut on hull munching is essentially everything gameplay, and as-implemented it was going to completely break the game in the same way salvage cargo has. And might still do so, we don't know how the balance is going to shake out. If the feature is bad, they need to hear about it so they can improve it. It's also annoying because all of this "people should chill, people shouldn't complain" is so situational, lol. We're all supposed to mellow out and be fine with a hacked in barely-interactive mechanic that might fuck up the entire game loop but Berks can talk about how scuffed and shitty SoO is. So much of the community back and forth is just "you shouldn't complain about your game loop that I don't care about, because it's more important that they fix the game loop I do care about." I'm not gonna tell the FPS players to just be happy they got something when Siege is a busted mess, why do I have to deal with combat players telling me to just be happy with the wet turd EUPU handed over to salvage players? Idk. After the whole "mining is too hard, I don't mine for a reason because it's complicated," these are supposed to be fully fledged game loops you can specialize in. I'm tired of the direction be steered by people who don't even want to engage in the game loops, lol.
@SgtHack802 9 ай бұрын
Put all of the mechanics in and get 8 frames per second. Plus it will take another 8 yrs.
@rooster1012 9 ай бұрын
I'm sorry but we have been waiting 8 years for this and they gave us something that could have been done back when mining came out. All the fanboys calling this great are the anti-social players that want to play alone because they are afraid to speak to another human being and running a Reclaimer solo and making 5 million every 30 minutes is horrible and lazy game design. And let's be clear Gerad himself said they would release this and see what people thought of the changes they were making to selvage so this is exactly what they were going for and now they heard what we think and it is damage control time.
@JayTeeStealth 9 ай бұрын
@info_fox 9 ай бұрын
No one will ever care. Remember that.
@JayTeeStealth 9 ай бұрын
@CitizenScott 9 ай бұрын
Nobody serious is complaining that it's basic. We just don't like it. The Reclaimer claw is now a space magic shopvac beam. Like it has to be a joke.
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