Doflamingo Donquixote vs Charlotte Cracker (Rant)- One Piece

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D. Strawhat

D. Strawhat

Күн бұрын

Doffy vs Cracker is one of the most talked about debates in the one piece community and I think it is very one sided. Doflamingo is a fan favorite and many fans will die on a hill to prove his strength, but I think cracker might be strong enough to give him a run for his money.

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@D.Strawhat Жыл бұрын
The birdcage is debatable idk how cracker would win against that but luffy would’ve lose to that as well. So i still gave it to cracker but the bird cage is a good argument for doffy but tbh if that was the case he could’ve just done that against luffy but he didnt so i didnt consider it for the video for the strength category i should've labeled it 'attack power", For those who keep saying "cracker has a sword" u still need the AP to cut luffy. In dressrosa rebecca swung her sword on his head and he tanked it. Because rebecca is too weak, in the case of cracker and doffy, doffys AP is not as good as cracker. His armament haki is the main reason, luffy explained even the biscuits haki was strong
@zdgilgamesh9646 Жыл бұрын
Yea but main reason doffy didnt use it against luffy is because he was using it so on whole island so no one can escape. That is also a big point because it would use alot of stamina to make something that big and to maintain it because no one could break out their was zoro and fuji was their trying to stop it but all they could do is slow it down , it only broke when doffy was defeated. Doffy was also using it to put mental pressure on luffy because he only hand 30 min to beat him or everyone dies
@yoshter135 Жыл бұрын
Eh, while im pretty sure Cracker can’t stop the bird cage, what’s the birdcage gonna do to cracker? We know that the bird cage wasn’t even cutting up the swords of a basic marine if they were using haki and Cracker’s armour is wayyyy stronger than a basic marine sword. Cracker can probably make biscuit soldiers outside of the cage too as the biscuits aren’t touching him when he summons them. I really don’t think the birdcage is an end all be all type of move or else Kaido and Big mom would fear Doffy
@zdgilgamesh9646 Жыл бұрын
@@yoshter135 Well things is that birdcage is a no one leaves the area and now ur fighting on time limits type of move. It never slash up No basic marine not because one was running into it but it implies that every one that was there dies if luffy doesn’t beat doffy luffy cuz it closing. Now know that fujitora sabo and zoro is all till there now it debate to say fujitora can break it or not but at face value a admiral did not break the birdcage while using haki or stop it on it own he could only slow it down w help. That also was a island size cage and could be stronger if it was smaller but oda said himself that doffy if was at the raid like originally planned would cause alot of trouble. Utility wise if doffy birdcage the roof wen it was 2 Y vs 5 S they wouldn’t be able to separate bm from kaido like they did. But the goal would be locking down cracker in birdcage then all solider already summoned would get immediately hit by parasite strings only person that dodge it was fuji and doffy would just flying around out of cracker reach and using awakening
@d.j4732 Жыл бұрын
Birdcage was just plot unless it’s somehow stronger than kaidos durability
@TheGamehouse_YT Жыл бұрын
D. Strawhat nice take but I believe, and can prove, that the fight can go either way and doflammingo has a higher chance of winning than you think. Firstly, birdcage isn't really a factor in this fight. Everytime doflammingo used birdcage he was in the cage as well so you don't need to break the cage just fight doffy since he's in the cage with you. Also using birdcages will be disadvantageous for doffy as he'll just end up getting crowded by biscuit soldiers so it'll be better for doffy to use space advantage and fight long range not in a cage. The only reason I could imagine this battle being clear cut in cracker's favor is the statement bigmom made claiming cracker is stronger. Apart from that, I can see a very intense fight. Cracker definitely has better armament than doffy but you made a false statement in the video concerning Luffy. Cracker doesn't have stronger armament than luffy and he didn't almost cut Luffy's arm off. Luffy's boundman was shattering cracker's biscuits too easily and Luffy's boundman was overpowering katakuri's block mochi, katakuri obviously having stronger armament than cracker. So that point is settled. Cracker succeeded to go that far into Luffy's arm because Luffy's arm was stretched out so his haki was stretched a little thinner also the wound was not that deep and cracker couldn't even go any further into Luffy's arm because if he could he would've done so since it was a perfect opportunity. So yeah cracker was no where near cutting Luffy's arm in one single swipe. Proof of Luffy's haki being stretched thin in that moment is that Luffy was later fighting and blocking cracker's haki coated sword with his hands and receiving absolutely no damage. Next point is that one of cracker's biscuits >= base + gear 2 + gear 3 Luffy in strength as we saw in WCI (not speed since luffy evaded almost all the attacks of the biscuits while in base). So during doflammingo Vs cracker, doflammingo will have to fight an army of never ending gear 2+3 luffys. In dressrosa luffy without gear 4 was dealing substantial damage and was on par with doffy. An army of luffys and doffy will be in big trouble. The only advantage of doffy will be the fact that he's faster and he can fly so he can try and avoid the biscuits. Luffy needed Kong gun to break the biscuits and doffy has only one attack which is close to kong gun - 16 holy bullets. So doffy will happen to use it to destroy ONE biscuit and then he'll have to keep doing it over and over for the rest. Given that this technique is only used when he's awakened, and awakening uses a ton of energy, it'll be stupid for him to keep spamming it on never ending biscuits so best option for doffy will be to evade. Cracker (not his biscuits) was fast enough to keep up with boundman so he'll be faster than doffy and can outspeed doffy if he gets in close. Cracker's armament coated sword was clashing with Luffy's kong gun so cracker can definitely deal heavy damage on doffy with his sword and given his speed advantage, cracker is sure to land a devastating hit on doffy. But we remember that doffy took a kong gun in dressrosa and kept fighting so even if cracker lands a hit or two, doffy will be heavily damaged but he'll keep going since cracker's attacks are ranked to Luffy's kong gun. Doffy has awakening and can turn the surrounding into strings. We don't know if doffy can turn cracker's biscuits into strings but I'll assume he cannot. However doffy can definitely mess up the movements and balance of the biscuits with his awakening and can even use his 16 holy bullets to attack and destroy them. Given that the whole ground will be string, I don't see how cracker will be able to evade doffy and doffy can easily capture cracker since unlike Luffy, cracker can't fly. Even if cracker creates like a mountain of biscuits to give him footing, doflammingo will still have opportunities to attack upwards with his huge string tentacles and if doflammingo succeeds to hit cracker with 16 holy bullets, cracker is KOd. You said in the video that doffy doesn't have any moves which can one shot cracker, well that's also a false statement cause 16 holy bullets can definitely do the job (it's doffys strongest attack so I'm definitely not downplaying cracker here). Doffys 16 bullets was strong enough to pierce Luffy's hand when he was doing king Kong gun and even held the attack for a while so it's reason to rank 16 holy bullets as on par with kong gun atleast even if lower than crackers basic haki coated sword attacks which are all in the same tier with kong gun. Many people have a misconception about how tankman defeated Cracker. Cracker was knocked out when tankman projected him towards his own biscuits, shattering and breaking through them (it looked like a total of three biscuits) and proceeded to fly into several hill structures and finally bigmoms castle. Tank man did NOT knock cracker out, he just projected cracker with so much force that he turned into a canon ball. Luffy told nami to not wet the biscuits because he planned to blast cracker into them. If the biscuits were not there, cracker would've flown a great distance and still crashed into bigmoms castle but he would've gotten back up and would've continued fighting after returning to where luffy was of course (or would he 😈? Maybe cracker would've passed out from just crashing into bigmoms castle or into the hills he crashed into 🤷🏻‍♂️ was his durability that low? Is cracker the literal definition of durability/AP inequality? Well we'll never know). Bottom line is that cracker collapsed after getting rocketed into his own biscuits 😂 so that means crackers durability is lower than that of his biscuits cause he passed out after colliding with them. It's true that he crashed through them but that was mainly because of tankmans projectile force because we could already see crackers eyes go white, hence Kong gun will equally obliterate cracker and so will doffys 16 bullets. Like I said in the long bracket above, maybe cracker would've been Knocked out by something even weaker than his biscuits like just the hills he crashed into or maybe just a tree 😂 but we'll never know so let's assume he needed to crash into something as strong as his biscuits to get Knocked out. So we can see crackers sword attacks rank to luffys Kong gun, Luffy's kong gun being needed to destroy crackers biscuits, cracker getting bodied by crashing into his biscuits. Which basically means crackers own sword attacks would've bodied him 😂. When your own attacks can take you out then that's a red flag indicating low durability to Ap ratio. I'm pretty sure luffy can take his own king Kong gun to the face and remain standing, hell he can even tank bajrang gun 😂 Okay that's a bit of a stretch. So basically cracker has better ap than doffy because his basic attacks (which is all he really used in the fight against Luffy. I don't even know if cracker has named attacks) are equal or even stronger than doffys strongest attack plus cracker has gear 2 + 3 power leveled biscuits running around doffy so that's a lot of Ap for cracker. So any attack cracker or his biscuits does will hurt doffy but doffy will keep fighting since his durability is greater than his Ap (exact opposite of cracker). Doffy can only hurt crackers biscuits with his strongest attack and allegedly cracker too, but the difference is that if doffy lands the attack on cracker, cracker will not be fighting any longer. So at match start, cracker can spam biscuits and even get in close to land attacks on doffy. If the fight continues that way, doffy will definitely lose as the combined damage from cracker and his biscuits will wear him out. However, if doffy starts off with awakening, he'll create opportunities for himself and he'll be able to use his 16 holy bullets too which will give him a great chance to single out cracker and take him down. So yeah from what we have seen in the anime up until now, the fight can go either way really. Personally, I like cracker a tat more than doffy because doffy gained negative points for being utterly heartless and cracker gained positive points for having the most spirit breaking devil fruit (😂 bros df can make you lose hope and run) and one of the best outfits in my perspective ( crackers gladiator-like, bright coloured 😂 outfit is so cool and then his cocky behaviour just tops it off). 😂 Honestly I could see cracker being a good guy and I hope he comes back in future episodes. Yeah so cracker is normally supposed to be able to beat doflammingo with atleast mid difficulty (😂 despite his low durability) but the problem is that cracker refused to use his df to the full capacity. His devil fruit gives him the ability to create anything - ANYTHING, with biscuits but he chose to create a bunch of foot soldiers 😂. Okay the foot soldiers are not that bad but he would've atleast added a flying battalion to the mix. If cracker created biscuits that could fly, which he should be able to, he can easily get away from doffys awakening and can attack doffy from the sky. Imagine biscuits soldiers dropping on doffy from the air like rain. Doffy would be overwhelmed faster and easily defeated. So yeah since cracker refused to be truly creative with his fruit, he's stuck in the same bracket with doffy. Sorry. 😂 I have this strange feeling I've been writing for more than 30 mins but it's probably just a feeling
@alfredovazquez7917 Жыл бұрын
Dang I had no idea people actually thought cracker is weaker than doffy, also it doesn't make sense narratively why would oda have Luffy fight someone weaker than doffy for such a long time
@D.Strawhat Жыл бұрын
exactly 😂😂 Жыл бұрын
There are many types of strength, He's right that cracker is physically far stronger, So he was a good challenge for loofy, But if physical strength was the only thing that we relied on in this world humans would not have brains, Dofi is a perfect example of using one's brain to manipulate, to ensnare, to control. Skimming doesn't always work, Which is why dofi was the throat, But if dofi has a chance to get in your head, You're as good as his slave.
@anuragbhattrai7444 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo was controlling Jozu in the Marineford War implying he could defeat Jozu perhaps even easily. How does Cracker compare to Jozu? Do you think the Cracker matchup for Luffy was just poor for Luffy and string control for Doflamingo would enable him to have a better showing against Cracker?
@isaacmybro9570 Жыл бұрын
@@anuragbhattrai7444 he was of guard
@SolaireOfToast 11 ай бұрын
Cracker had still worse feats then Doffy. AND didnt put a real fight. His Devil Fruit Defense was protecting him all the time, after it "Cracked" he was done for really easy and had no Endurance at all. He wouldn't even take one single Leo Bazooka.
@defish1239 Жыл бұрын
The only reason people could even think that doffy is stronger is because he such a good villain
@anuragbhattrai7444 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo was controlling Jozu in the Marineford War implying he could defeat Jozu perhaps even easily. How does Cracker compare to Jozu? Do you think the Cracker matchup for Luffy was just poor for Luffy and string control for Doflamingo would enable him to have a better showing against Cracker?
@madlad7323 Жыл бұрын
@@anuragbhattrai7444 bro Jozu might just be ass to, he only got a offguard aokiji and he did not get controlled by doffy for that long if i remember correctly
@renzaldrinviray5595 Жыл бұрын
@@anuragbhattrai7444 u again watching 3 peace?
@duncan3998 Жыл бұрын
Same sht with him against Katakuri
@alifputrawan9565 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! There is a reason why Big Mom with crew of one of the best intel in the series sent Cracker to a guy who beat Doffy.
@Paivren 9 ай бұрын
Yes, and the reason is arrogance and the fact that Big Mom knew Luffy was aided by Law against Doffy. She never thought Luffy solo'd Doffy lol.
@seanchristian7677 9 ай бұрын
@@Paivrenluffy didn’t solo he had nami
@rodthedigger2902 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Cracker is low key underrated.
@tonitok7074 9 ай бұрын
Imagine Cracker building his army of Buscuits Soldiers and Doffy simply controlling them with his strings and make them attack Cracker
@brleise2942 9 ай бұрын
I really don't that would work. The biscuits are already puppets to Cracker, most likely Doflamigo would have no effect on them this way, even if he could control them Cracker would just as easily pop them out of existence.
@TheLastYonko Жыл бұрын
I believe cracker is stronger no doubt… but a lot of people give Doffy the crocodile treatment where they consider the fact that he was imprisoned a few arcs ago mean that he’s gotten much stronger somehow. That he had a haki bloom or power boost after his fight with luffy…. If it were Crocodile vs Cracker what do you think the outcome would be? Loved your video btw and I agree completely but I am curious of your thoughts on this
@Rich-je9fy Жыл бұрын
Crocoboy has been in the new world for 2 years while doffy has only been imprisoned for a couple of weeks
@TheLastYonko Жыл бұрын
@@Rich-je9fy trueee
@Snoozy96 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo has been living comfortably without doing anything as Law mentioned. He got comfy and made no progress as the rest of the world did. Him and luffy broke the gear putting things in motion. So everyone that they defeat much get stronger, or will get stronger after facing them. Thats just how it works for every character. Doflamingo definitely got stronger after facing luffy especially with haki as rayleigh even said, you need to fight to improve and increase your haki.
@Rich-je9fy Жыл бұрын
@@Snoozy96 Except you need to actually develop your haki during the fight, like how Luffy improved during his fight with Katakuri and Kaido, or how Zoro improved during his fight vs King. Doffy just got beaten up, no haki bloom there lol
@cloudy8894 Жыл бұрын
@@Rich-je9fy Well Doflamingo still would have to break out of Impel Down and could power up during his escape. Again it's a bit of leap but Crocodile did the same thing from Alabasta to Marineford and held up just fine. I genuinely doubt that Doflamingo would be completely written out of the story in its conclusion after being such an important character for so long. A character who's more connected to the world government and the celestial dragons. With the secret of Mariejois no less. From a narrative perspective it has to happen
@hustlerisland1606 Жыл бұрын
Goated explanation 🔥
@marlonhutchinson3474 Жыл бұрын
I respect your power scaling. You are one of, if not the best one piece power scaler. Please make a top 30 video or live stream it
@bass5571 Жыл бұрын
a top 30 vid would be fireeee
@LeelosAdventure Жыл бұрын
This is straight up fr the most inspirational comment I’ve seen in a long time. Screen shot this and I’m using it as motivation in 2023. Thanks bro
@3to4characters Жыл бұрын
@@LeelosAdventure wtf
@anuragbhattrai7444 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo was controlling Jozu in the Marineford War implying he could defeat Jozu perhaps even easily. How does Cracker compare to Jozu? Do you think the Cracker matchup for Luffy was just poor for Luffy and string control for Doflamingo would enable him to have a better showing against Cracker?
@classical7370 Жыл бұрын
@@anuragbhattrai7444 marineford power scaling is broken, anyways mingo just held hozu for some seconds
@andythesaladgod4578 Жыл бұрын
Pretty spot on analysis I’d say that Doflamingo is the weakest of the strong as he’s one of the weakest yonko commander level characters imo. A lot of people like to say Luffy had plot armor during his loss of Haki control after using Gear 4 but I feel like you could argue that his Haki running and being unusable for 10 minutes is just plot armor to keep Doflamingo in a fight that he has 0 hope in winning otherwise.
@mgeezylaslo7054 Жыл бұрын
Many people forget to account Luffy was never 100% against doffy he fought a few battles before and still almost defeated Doffy.
@Cyanduck485 Жыл бұрын
He ain’t yonko commander level
@WindowsMEBa Жыл бұрын
been waiting for this
@tbhgodrick6120 Жыл бұрын
Yep. Cracker >> Doffy. This is why I say Doffy is low YC3 at best.
@andythesaladgod4578 Жыл бұрын
Just goes to show how important Haki is as Doffy has mastered what is a pretty strong devil fruit and would still get mid-high diffed by someone like cracker
@Khaled68335 Жыл бұрын
@@andythesaladgod4578 and we have Katakuri who has significantly better haki than cracker in all aspects
@anuragbhattrai7444 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo was controlling Jozu in the Marineford War implying he could defeat Jozu perhaps even easily. How does Cracker compare to Jozu? Do you think the Cracker matchup for Luffy was just poor for Luffy and string control for Doflamingo would enable him to have a better showing against Cracker?
@tbhgodrick6120 Жыл бұрын
@@anuragbhattrai7444 I disagree with the assessment that he could defeat Jozu easily. I do think he could win if he made it a war of attrition because Jozu doesn’t have range and Doffy is extremely mobile. Oda hadn’t fully developed the rules of Haki yet, and Dressrosa Luffy had enough Haki to break control. Id think Jozu at least has as much Haki as Dressrosa Luffy because Jozu should be YC3 as Doffy should be. If Doffy was on Kaido’s crew he’d be a Tobi Roppo.
@isaacmybro9570 Жыл бұрын
@lilprod1 Жыл бұрын
Your videos are so good that I bet someone who has never watched one piece could understand 100% of what you're talking about, keep up the good work
@Relax_Rombey Жыл бұрын
i was just thinking about this nice video
@SecondSoulo Жыл бұрын
Fire video 🔥
@XRaider35 Жыл бұрын
A video I’d love to see is Katakuri Vs Sanji (current level, or at the level he unlocked Ifrit Jambe at)
@user-fr7vq7xh2i 11 ай бұрын
Sanji would just speed blitz him
@Theyhateyamato Жыл бұрын
Nice love this channel
@unoreversecard8590 Жыл бұрын
Thank you I've been saying this for so long
@sappoko2941 Жыл бұрын
My new favorite KZbinr I been watching your channel for the last like 2 days nothing but interesting
@Theyhateyamato Жыл бұрын
Nice love ur vids
@AlanOnePiece Жыл бұрын
great vid man, ive seen people wank doffy way too hard (saying he beats queen zz) looking at it by pure stats, besides outright versatility and iq, i dont see where doffy comes up stronger
@DIVER_ Жыл бұрын
Very good video ! finally a coherent analysis of Cracker vs Doffy. i've just seen your Katakuri video if he was at Wano, which was alsog reat ! I would even add few things : - People say that Doffy is stronger than Cracker because of his df awakening cuz Cracker doesn't have one, thar's wrong, I've recently seen a video explaining Cracker's df awekening which was shown during his fight against Luffy. Search up for " Cracker's awekening explained ", it's a short video. We even see that 11 hours later, Cracker has completely changed the ground of the forest, it went from being stone to biscuit, and Oda insists on this by showing the biscuit ground multiple times even after Cracker was defeated. Also, Productive Paramecia users only control the shape and movement of their substances when they are in direct contact with it. However, Cracker can control his biscuit soldiers without being in contact with them, just like how Katakuri can control his floating Mochi fists without them being in contact with his body + just like katakuri, Cracker's biscuit have been seen popping out of the ground just like when Katakuri creates mochi donuts to send his mochi fists. To talk a bit about your Katakuri video, I totally agree with what you've said, only King is the real deal for him but it would be an extreme-diff fight either way. I would also add that Katakuri has the AP to damage King cuz he masters Advanced Armament Haki in its best form which is the Internal Destruction. The 1s form of Adv Armament Haki is the Emission which consists in letting your Haki flow to hit without touching your enemy but the 2nd form ( which is the strongest that only few character have ), is the Internal Destruction, Luffy used it while using his Red Rok attack against Kaido. So by bypassing his Ancient Zoan + Lunarian defenses, Internal Destruction Haki attacks will damage King,. Imagine Katakuri creating dozens of giant mochi fists and punching King with them coated with that type of Haki, it would be very devastating for him. Now I wonder what's your opinion about the Commanders vs the Admirals. I know for a fact that absolutely everyone overestimate the Admirals by putting them " way above " any YC, do you also think the same ?
@mattc4266 Жыл бұрын
I agree doffy is no longer top 30 lol I remember when everyone thought he was second strongest warlords now all the other warlords stocks are rising while doffy sitting in impel down
@sigmadleo8943 Жыл бұрын
I am not gonna lie brother this is a goodass video. I was always of the thought Doflamingo is the strongest but this video seriously made me want to re evaluate
@thestrongestman1008 Жыл бұрын
I've been saying this for year, I'm glad someone else agrees with me, I was confused to why people thought Doffy was stronger, it made no sense to me.
@jeanno89 Жыл бұрын
great vid you should do sanji vs captain kidd
@jimmyolive8185 Жыл бұрын
This video was good. Can we get a sanji vs jinbei video?
@daryussamuel4807 Жыл бұрын
Damn you cooked the shit outta this one bro😂. Doffy wank be mad strong. Been seeing list with doffy as high as 23 over people like Yamato and sanji,kid etc
@mightguy3118 Жыл бұрын
Ain't no way people actually think doffy beats Yamato 😭 the same person with advanced coc Haki who was fighting equally with and landing blows on hybrid kaido for 11 chapters.One piece fans can fr be slow asl
@daryussamuel4807 Жыл бұрын
@@mightguy3118 yeahhh bro I swear that’s what I been seeing. Some list still had him over law too. Drop your 30 bro, curious to see what you think, I’d drop mine as well
@almightylambo9540 Жыл бұрын
Yeah when powerscaling everyone usually bases it on how much they like a character, rather than actually using logic
@anuragbhattrai7444 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo was controlling Jozu in the Marineford War implying he could defeat Jozu perhaps even easily. How does Cracker compare to Jozu? Do you think the Cracker matchup for Luffy was just poor for Luffy and string control for Doflamingo would enable him to have a better showing against Cracker?
@peculiarityenjoyer2053 Жыл бұрын
I guess the only thing Doffy can have over Cracker is Durability, cause I still think taking so many gear 4 attacks is pretty impressive, ...tho maybe that would go under Endurance since is not that he is difficult to damage but more like he doesn't lose consciousness even when taking a lot of damage. Also I think the comparison between Doffy's kick and Cracker's cut isn't really fair, since cutting attacks have always been luffy's weakness, but then again Doffy's does use cutting attacks and those don't work that much either. (btw I love Cracker, I wish more people had him in debates, but idk it seems like he is just not popular enough)
@netero1682 Жыл бұрын
You need to add other details to the analysis. For example, Cracker's tolerance for pain, the character himself recognizes that he is lazy there, that's why he uses so many cookie soldiers. Cracker has better haki, maybe more physical strength and good speed, but Doffy has more pain tolerance than Cracer can withstand much more, I see him as more agile, Doffy withstood attacks from Law and Luffy, denying that doesn't make sense. Also, Cracker's cookie soldiers were counters to Luffy's G4. In a hypothetical fight, I think that Doffy's threads can destroy Cracker's cookies, the problem would be to break the cookies that have armor hai, that is, Cracker's personal armor. But if we include awakening, using it properly it could prevail against so many cookie soldiers. I am more inclined to a draw, because either of them could win, I see them in the same league.
@Boargryllz 11 ай бұрын
Doffy's only win conditions are birdcage or using his awakening to his advantage. He could turn the ground into string making the cracker soldiers sink into it, durability wise I think Cracker himself is weaker and if hit with anything strong from Doffy would probably go down. I don't remember the extent to which Doffy could transform his environment but if he can immobilize the soldiers I think its a pretty easy win for him, Cracker didn't have any long range attacks and Doffy could impale him from a safe distance. Of course all hypothetical.
@zonessbm 10 ай бұрын
i mean doffy could just hang from a cloud and just attack with string from a distance
@emsa7esm203 Жыл бұрын
One of the things I think about in this 1v1 is how the DF play against eachother. I do think cracker is over-all stronger, however doffy's DF, especially God thread is a counter in a way. It is a pointy penetration based attack which in theory is really good vs cracker abilities. Thoughts?
@AkainuR Жыл бұрын
@user-fr7vq7xh2i 8 ай бұрын
True but that's the only thing he has and cracker could just overwhelm doffy with the amount of cracker warriors that he could spawn and with how hard it would be for doffy to destroy them. Also doffy would most likely not have time to set up a bird cage
@gerardocovarrubias3058 Жыл бұрын
Or what about sabo vs Rob Lucci vs jinbei who is the best martial artist fighter 🤔 👌
@big3fanboy19 Жыл бұрын
What are you views on Jack vs Doffy in my opinion I think it is closer than people think. What do you think about Zoro vs Sabo
@gdp4467 Жыл бұрын
Good ass arguments
@wassup5946 Жыл бұрын
Bro do a video on zoro vs Marco rant (some people still think Marco is stronger which really dissapointing) or a sanji vs king video if you want to do a close one. (I think king wins but it would be extreme diff. But sanji can defeat Marco and kat according to me).
@mms_delta8504 Жыл бұрын
Tysm. I've seen some ppl say doffy is top 30 Жыл бұрын
The Matador does not overpower the bowl but controls and tames it, And in some tradition tortures it to death.
@youngpressure1450 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo vs Luffy rematch video?
@jadenstruth Жыл бұрын
off topic but how do u compare law breaking big moms bones to zoro cutting kings wings (king has the greatest durability) in terms of AP
@iseeyou7883 Жыл бұрын
about to watch this debate rn, just to debunk it all
@chardeelives4703 Жыл бұрын
Cracker mid diffs
@iseeyou7883 Жыл бұрын
@@chardeelives4703 respond to my comment where i debunked the arguement
@bg.dragon1419 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree. However you forgot few points. Take for example Zoro vs king. King had the advantage of fly so is doffy Al tho Zoro is leagues stronger. Also doffy have his controlling strings and also can make clones . Like I get is, cracker wins but it won't be as easy as you imply
@AkainuR Жыл бұрын
Why did you not mention bird cage or any of doflamingos abilities? Жыл бұрын
Your points token individually I agree with, Your conclusion on the other hand, 1st off you only mentioned the methods of Combat that cracker excels in, Not once did you mention any form of that but isn't dophy's favor, For example the bird cage I don't see cracker getting out, Second Dofi is a master manipulator and an expert at getting under people's skin even literally at times Dofi would be able to fis sprouts crackers extreme fear of pain among other things & and would use this against him. Dofi isn't nearly a physical combatant as he likes to make himself out to be, Yes if you tricks and have sleeve, But The most potent of his tactics is to trap and to ensnare and a tangle you up in his webs, the spider losses to the beetle when the spider has left its Web or trap hole but when the spider has a chance to spin its Web the beetle never stood a chance. Жыл бұрын
And this is how these debates tend to be, Over half the points tend to get ignored, And they only focus on the strength of one character, I wonder if this person will ever update their video or we'll just keep it as a blatant biased and uneducated Rant.
@gerardocovarrubias3058 Жыл бұрын
Make more versus battles mihawk vs big mom or prime Whitebeard versus big mom and kaido combined
@96montecarlo1 Жыл бұрын
Prime Whitebeard is a beast, but i don't see him beating Kaido and Big Mom at the same time
@gerardocovarrubias3058 Жыл бұрын
Why not
@daeronmcclain3137 Жыл бұрын
@@gerardocovarrubias3058 One of them is already extremely diff but imagine two at the same time
@guardiantree8879 Жыл бұрын
Great video & I agree. Though there’s an issue in the beginning. You’re comparing Doffy’s kick to Luffy being attacked by a sword. Not really a fair comparison. I do agree Cracker probably has higher attack power, but the comparison used to prove such isn’t a great example. At any rate, Big Mom vs Akainu.
@D.Strawhat Жыл бұрын
cracker used a sword, doffys kicks, punches and uses strings. Its like the only way to compare it. cracker is a swordsman
@guardiantree8879 Жыл бұрын
@@D.Strawhat Could use Doffy’s strings instead, a little bit more fair comparison.
@cookieelement3467 Жыл бұрын
Well it doesn't change much Even Doffy's awakened string attacks with the massive spikes couldn't puncture Luffy So Cracker cutting gear 4's armament just puts him inherently above the ap of Doffy he couldn't do anything comparable
@yoshter135 Жыл бұрын
I just want you all to know that using a sword doesn’t automatically make your AP higher than someone who doesn’t, unless you actually believe that Zoro and Law have a Higher AP than Luffy
@guardiantree8879 Жыл бұрын
@@yoshter135 Somewhat disagree, using a weapon comes with certain advantages. That’s what makes Garp so impressive, he does what he does with just his fists, and his don’t even stretch. As for Luffy though, using a sword against him makes a big difference. Cutting attacks do better against him than blunt attacks. I’d argue that’s true even if they’re coated in Haki. Against Kaido he gets knocked back if hit, against Mihawk he might loose a limb if hit.
@whatistime5768 Жыл бұрын
My man really debunked everything in this video, well said.
@QuandaleDingle-mm2rc Жыл бұрын
Next could you do prime garp vs prime sengoku?
@adeliooperti5526 Жыл бұрын
I think that you underestimate the awakening of the fruit, with that crackers biscuits would be completely useless against doffy because they are material like the terrain so they can be used by doffy against cracker. That being sad the battle would be much closer than how you are saying it would be in my opinion. Overall biscuit would win. The strength of doffy is not his fisical strength, but the ability to manipulate others.
@yoshter135 Жыл бұрын
That’s not how that works. Assuming Doffy could turn Cracker’s biscuits to string, Doffy would have to have stronger Haki than Cracker (which he doesn’t proved by SuperiorIQ in the video) and he would have to touch the soldiers, which if Doffy tried, he would get pieced up by the soldiers
@charlottekatakuri4001 Жыл бұрын
Fax as always
@zairea.4605 Жыл бұрын
Please make a kidd vs law video
@GUTS.40 Жыл бұрын
Did it by the end of one episode. It was stated that luffy is now gonna face a strong enemy. Probably stronger than anyone he have fought yet. And that enemy was cracker means cracker was stronger than doffy. Since doffy is one of luffys old enemies.
@SphepheloCyrilQwabe-ud9mv 8 ай бұрын
Cracker also has Conquerers Haki and I don't understand how the entire Fandom overlooks this 😧🤷🏿‍♂️
@kimitachi22 Жыл бұрын
for me, there is not even a debate cracker himself said that big mum ordered him to kill luffy the man who beat doflamingo that's enough to make him far superior and if we add the fact that luffy with his different gear 4 forms couldn't beat cracker without nami's help while against doflamingo a weaker luffy in gear 4 outperformed doflamingo on all levels so the result is obvious
@mkchable Жыл бұрын
Big problem here. I know that basically all of Cracker's feats are with Luffy this wasn't a great scaling video.. Yes Luffy did need assistance to beat cracker, but using Luffy's experience with two different combatants isn't good in this scenario. Cracker vs Luffy is a huge mismatch. 1. Luffy basically one shot Cracker once he got to his real body. Cracker was purposely wearing Luffy out to win. He wasn't overpowering him. 2. Doflamingo's abilities are better fitted for Cracker's abilities. They don't really on brute force or strenuous close combat.
@D.Strawhat Жыл бұрын
yea doffys abilites would matter if he was even in the same league. His strings are too weak. Birdcage is his only hope
@D.Strawhat Жыл бұрын
and tankman would one shot doffy too if he got hit directly
@mkchable Жыл бұрын
@@D.Strawhat After all those hits he took from boundman after a red hawk and Gamma knife? There's no way he'd get one shot by Tankman. Face it. Cracker has the same problem Ace did. He's frail because he doesn't normally take hits and can't handle taking real damage. Doffy proved that he has far more durability and endurance than Cracker's real body. Birdcage isn't his only hope. G4 Luffy was able to destroy biscuit soldiers meaning doffy with armament on his strings or awakening could too. Don't forget he managed to use parasite on Diamond jozu at marineford and that he's capable of spreading his ability far enough to control a country. He can manipulate Cracker's biscuit army, practically fly, has more hax, speed, versatility, endurance, and durability. Cracker isn't that great without the ability to stall his opponent. Luffy's just a brute force bruiser which is what Cracker specializes in beating. Why do you think his main Ws are against people like Luffy and Mad Monk?
@michaeldorsey9231 Жыл бұрын
“Doffy proved that he has far more durability and endurance than Cracker's real body.” Doffy was getting downed by regular hits from Gear 4 Luffy and would have been put down by one last his if it weren’t for Luffy’s stamina running out, do you really think that his body could withstand being crushed on all sides and then launched by a stronger version of Gear 4?
@michaeldorsey9231 Жыл бұрын
“G4 Luffy was able to destroy biscuit soldiers meaning doffy with armament on his strings or awakening could too.” Luffy’s armament Haki is much stronger than Doffy’s by Whole Cake (he was able to fracture Doffy’s 16 Holy Bullets despite them being covered in Doffy’s Haki), and he was struggling with Crackers Haki. Top this off with Cracker actually being able to cut Gear 4 Luffy, whereas none of Doffy’s slashing/pointed attacks could break Luffy’s skin, and it’s dubious to think that Doffy’s Haki would help against Cracker.
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Who is stronger ochaco vs shinki
@SamuelRondreigz4720 Жыл бұрын
This seems like a no brainer, but some people love just riding. (I mean Cracker is blatantly stronger than Doffy in like almost all categories). Edit: Cracker is gonna be cracking Doffy nuts damn near every time they'll fight.
@mindfulselfindulgence Жыл бұрын
Agree that cracker’s stronger. However, I think the attack power comparison was misdone- Cracker was attacking Luffy with a sword, while Doflamingo was attacking him with blunt impact. Luffy is way better at dealing with impacts than he is dealing with cutting attacks, at least without Haki in the equation. And we know Doffy wasn’t using Haki because he comments on the fact that Luffy’s body was still rubbery, so the rubber thing did matter in that situation.
@yoshter135 Жыл бұрын
You can literally see in the panel that Doflamingo’s foot is coloured black. Haki is definitely being used, my friend.
@mindfulselfindulgence Жыл бұрын
@@yoshter135 idk, based on what we know armament disregards luffy’s rubber properties. If he is using haki, he wouldn’t have felt that luffy was still rubbery. Unless it works like Law’s Chambers, which (I think) works depending on how the target’s haki compares to his. I.E., the gomu-gomu no mi would only fail to neutralize blunt force if the haki attacking him was stronger than his own. In either case, Luffy’s DF would still matter, making this attack power comparison inconclusive. Either that, or Oda just kinda forgot that Haki let blunt force attacks act normally on him.
@yoshter135 Жыл бұрын
@@mindfulselfindulgence It’s still rubbery because Luffy’s haki is stronger than Doffy’s thus his Haki isn’t negating Luffy’s df abilities. As you said it works how Law’s abilities work because that’s the DF vs Haki interaction. The reason it still matters is because Doffy still couldn’t hurt g4 Luffy with strings which are cutting damage, plus it also shows that Cracker’s haki is stronger than doffy’s Жыл бұрын
Tell the scientist that knows how to make a nook to get into the boxing ring, They'll lose the fight, But that doesn't mean what they have isn't incredibly overpowering strength, Because they could press the button... Then a lot of people are gonna die. Yes cracker can hit harder and can take harder hits, This doesn't mean cracker is a more dangerous threat, This doesn't mean cracker is mentally able to deal with dofi's tactics, And that's without using his fruit. If dofi wants to use his fruit to win he can take over your body or trap you in a cage that you can never escape and that shrinks until you're dead.
@gdp4467 Жыл бұрын
Sanji vs king or katakuri
@mohammedmahfuz6363 Жыл бұрын
Can you do doffy vs jack
@teddysama5745 Жыл бұрын
Do u post at Quora under the same nick?
@teddysama5745 Жыл бұрын
Nice video. I will give you a follow there too
@jcfrostycheesebugga8681 Жыл бұрын
Doffy ever could have cut or pierced gear 4 luffy but since cracker isnt a arc antagonist people dont rate cracker, doffy has an awakened fruit, all three flavors of haki but none advanced, however cracker has only two no awakened fruit and is a glass cannon once u hit his real body but considering it took luffy and nami literal hours to break him id give it to cracker if he can make doffy tired enough with his biscuit guys but if doffys strings can cut through the armor id give to doffy if he can rapidly cut through the all the army
@samjohnson609 Жыл бұрын
his strings cant cut cracker man. his strings were able to blocked directly by luffys fist many times in gear 4. A STRONGER luffy was struggling to damage biscuit soldiers with an improved gear 4. No contest.
@zdgilgamesh9646 Жыл бұрын
​@@samjohnson609 Luffy G4 is not improved it legit the same luffy that fought doffy all he does is use another form that best fit the situation but he had tankman and snake man in dressrosa but it not useful for fighting doffy. Go to chapter 838 G4 luffy breaks easily biscuit soldiers and doffy string in g4 luffy any needed nami because eating the biscuit regen his stamina and cracker keep spaming soldiers. Doflamingo endurance is also better than cracker, cracker is a glass cannon. Best we can say is Cracker AP is better than doffy but the Main thing is ppl ignore is doffy utility that his main strength not physical strength, He would just parasite string all the soldier (Jozu a white beard 3rd commander couldn't break out ) What cracker gonna do , doffy can fly keep cracker away with his awakening and destroy biscuit soldier with parasite string
@SphepheloCyrilQwabe-ud9mv 8 ай бұрын
Cracker also has Conquerers Haki, re-watch his fight against luffy you will see even luffy confirms that he uses Conquerers Haki
@adhesive_dusk2563 Жыл бұрын
finally someone who watch one piece, not two piece shippuden
@mcpyronite5830 Жыл бұрын
Why are people keep saying law's help was useless bro really destroyed his inside and doffy only stiched it back not regenerate it while cracker hmmm will he be able to fight luffy if he have that injury?
@ramennoodles4052 Жыл бұрын
Make your VS rants in a playlist
@josephmarshall2295 11 ай бұрын
Being a tank doesn't mean you cant get damaged. Its how well you can take said damage. Doffy definitely is a tank
@anuragbhattrai7444 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo was controlling Jozu in the Marineford War implying he could defeat Jozu perhaps even easily. How does Cracker compare to Jozu? Do you think the Cracker matchup for Luffy was just poor for Luffy and string control for Doflamingo would enable him to have a better showing against Cracker?
@D.Strawhat Жыл бұрын
doffy has a much better fighting style for cracker than jozu, jozu might not even win simply cuz of how he fights
@kingfullrecoverysologreenb3064 Жыл бұрын
jozu was not scared at all in the manga he was about to smack doffy head like he did with crocodile, bro im 100 % sure that if he can take aokiji in offscreen for quite a while and he didn't even lose face to face to aokiji , he waited him to look at marco who got shoot by kizaru, he smack doffy.
@MementoDespair Жыл бұрын
Personally I strongly disagree with this video but I also completely understand. maybe its because Doffy had so many fights abilites and versatility that he seems above like low commander level people like the Tobi Roppo and Big Moms Officers.
@Jaafar_Alkhalifa Жыл бұрын
2:28 This is extremely biased I had to comment bro Luffy never landed a hit on doflamingo before the gama knife. The panels you showed on screen where right after gama knife. It was shocking when we read it weekly, because how Luffy can damage doffy was a big discussion back then. That chapter was the strongest proof that gama knife did weaken Doffy significantly, and allowed luffy to land hits on him. Gear 2nd and 3rd were completely useless against doffy. He easily blocked and dodged them. If weakened doffy could tank gear 4th for an entire round, what makes you say that he can't tank crackers attacks?? Luffy was forced to change his style because cracker was a hard counter to his fighting style. Doflamingo is a lot more versatile and tactical compared to luffy.
@TrueReverse74 Жыл бұрын
Can you please rant on enel, that is the most overrated one piece character, people think he's yonko commander level, and that's just stupid.
@jeyem3227 10 ай бұрын
doffy couldn't handle the regular variant of gear 4 while cracker made it look weak.
@xlClampy Жыл бұрын
I thought cracker had conquerors haki?
@nicholaspowell672 Жыл бұрын
I am big fan I love here video
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Byrndi world vs Zephyr
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
law vs green lantern
@Apwolsopcjrhei Жыл бұрын
Blackbeard vs Akainu, Gear 5 Luffy vs Akainu or Blackbeard vs Gear 5 Luffy?
@wpower7435 Жыл бұрын
Just saying imagine if Doffy trained his haki more seriously like reaching the level of let's say the likes of Katakuri he'll be more terrifying as a villain combine with his intelligence the problem is Doffy's arrogance is too much from his background as a celestial dragon
@cincameron Жыл бұрын
Doffy's Haki was still quite impressive. He didn't have any advanced abilities, but he could imbue his devil fruit with Armament and Conqueror's Haki, and the fact he can use Conqueror's Haki in physical strikes is notable (obviously not the same level as what Luffy and Kaido did). All around, there wasn't anything weak about his Haki feats.
@wpower7435 9 ай бұрын
@@cincameron Good point I agree
@gambiteditz Жыл бұрын
Stragith Fax, Cracker slams so hard its not funny. I suggest Killer vs Novel Ace for the next vid cuz I think both are extremely underrated.
@user-ig4um6zh5q 7 ай бұрын
Día 1 Cracker vs Law
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Jay Garrick vs kizaru
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Fish tiger vs Boa Hancock
@TheLastYonko Жыл бұрын
I actually did a power scaling video recently and you make me wanna redo the whole thing 😂 if you ever wanna collab I’d be super down. I’m a very new channel.
@josephmarshall2295 11 ай бұрын
Also let's not be disingenuous. Law using gamma knife on doffy isn't something to just gloss over as while doffy was fighting Luffy he was repairing his organs at the same time all while fighting and taking Gear 4 attacks
@dsw-2898 Жыл бұрын
Man didn't just say cracker was one of the most durable characters in the verse 💀
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Mereoleona vermilion vs Akainu
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Gecko Moria vs shino
@cincameron Жыл бұрын
Yes, Luffy was also damaged and fatigued, but if you want to argue Luffy fighting since Block C of the Colosseum, Doflamingo fought Law twice since Greenbit and had a brief encounter with Sanji. When both Luffy and Doflamingo encountered eachother the first time, Doflamingo easily bested Luffy, and the same thing happened when they fought again in the initial 2v2 round. Luffy couldn't do anything to Doflamingo 1v1 and only landed attacks thanks to Law (Shambles + Red Hawk, Gamma Knife). While I acknowledge Power-Creep being a thing, Luffy had no evidence of a power-up until Round 2 against Katakuri in Whole Cake when he started developing his Haki. Now for the other Arguments: 1) Cracker used a blade on Luffy's rubbery arm. Doflamingo used an enhanced kick. The sword is going to win here no matter what. That's not a fair argument to make against Doflamingo. Doflamingo even notes that Luffy, despite being armored, is still rubbery. I do not like how people ignore this key point. Luffy has always been weaker against cutting and piercing attacks specifically because of his body being the way it is. 2) You say Cracker is faster than Doflamingo, but you seem to forget Doflamingo dodged Luffy's Culverin initially and landed a counter attack before Luffy could move. Doflamingo was blitzed once, but then he managed to press Luffy into a corner during the entire fight. 3) "Luffy was not as good with Gear 4th in Dressrosa" Based on what? The fact he didn't reveal his other forms back then? There was 0 reason to. Tankman, as far as we can tell, is far less mobile despite holding arguably more power, and Snake-man is less powerful despite having more speed. Luffy straight up acknowledged that Doflamingo was too strong to take down with his Kong Gun, which is why he enhanced his strength further to use King Kong Gun despite the consequences. 4) "Cracker was against a stronger version of Luffy" Based on what? Even if we are acknowledging Power-Creep, there's nothing here to determine the amount of power increase Luffy had. It was clear he had the same limitations with his Haki and Gear 4th in WCI as compared to Dressrosa as he could only maintain the form for 25 or so minutes before deflating. This theme is still relevant even against Kaido. 5) Luffy in base could hurt Doflamingo, but we only see this with Red-Hawk and after Doflamingo had already suffered damage from Gamma Knife, and Luffy landing 2 kicks on the affected location. Doflamingo before Gamma Knife was casually overpowering Luffy, and afterwards, Luffy momentarily overpowered him in their clash. And to debunk your point that the Biscuit Soldiers are more durable--Luffy two-shots them with Gear 4th while he acknowledges Doflamingo to be too resilient to be taken down by the attacks he was unleashing before KKG (not to mention he took 4 attacks on-panel and this was while he was debilitated from Gamma Knife). - "Brushing off Gear 3rd Luffy attacks like nothing" Doflamingo did the same with his ability. I fail to see how Cracker gets the edge here when both of them basically perform the same feat of casually stopping an Elephant Gun. 6) While Doflamingo doesn't have Advanced Conqueror's Haki, we see that he and Luffy were capable of using Conqueror's in conjunction with physical strikes and that is a factor. Sadly, just like Big Mom, they only use it a couple times, then never again in the manga. 7) Disregarding the anime, which gives very awkward points for both characters, it's not exactly logical to determine Cracker vs Doflamingo by looking at their fights with Luffy--an entirely different type of fighter for both. Yes, Luffy fought Cracker for 11 hours, but all Cracker was doing (that we know of), was putting up walls of crackers to take Luffy's attacks, then countering with his blade whenever he saw an opening... and unlike against Doflamingo, there was no timer in play. And unlike Doflamingo, Cracker wasn't taking damage from the character supporting Luffy at the time. - So in essence, Cracker and Luffy were at a stalemate while all Nami was doing was rendering the Biscuit Soldiers more vulnerable to Luffy's attacks. Cracker's own physical capabilities are unaffected, so him being unable to personally defeat Luffy during those 11 hours should be taken into account. Doflamingo was in a 20-25 minute stalemate with Luffy after having already suffered plenty of damage from Law, and was still able to keep fighting despite taking a few heavy blows from Gear 4th Luffy. He was only defeated after Luffy used a more powerful technique. I don't see how Cracker gets a point here. 8) "Luffy had to change styles against Cracker" - He literally does this against Doflamingo via King Kong Gun because he acknowledged Doflamingo being too strong to defeat with something like Kong Gun. 9) "Luffy effortlessly got through Doflamingo's Awakening" - He was locked in a stalemate for 20 minutes + Riku's Speech, and Doflamingo was not ever shown using Armament Haki on his Awakened threads until after he took the Leo Bazooka. He was desperate cuz his timer was running out, and it still wasn't enough to defeat Doflamingo. Point is, comparing Cracker/Doflamingo's performances against a completely different opponent is not reliable in determining who would win in a fight between them. Doflamingo doesn't try to muscle his way through his opponents (unless it's Luffy, because for some reason he decided to fight him almost exclusively with kicks until Gear 4th happened), and has many abilities to work with. The reason Doflamingo is so deadly is because of his deceptive nature, and even then, he's still stronger than Gear 2nd/3rd Luffy, even after Gamma Knife. Bounce Man Luffy easily overpowered Katakuri in a physical contest. So are you going to say Cracker is stronger than someone stated multiple times to be stronger than him?
@cincameron Жыл бұрын
That being said, you could still argue Cracker has more physical strength specifically because of the anime depicting him being able to fend off Luffy's attacks and pressure him in a melee... but the anime is extremely unreliable as Toei is notorious for adding filler that contradicts facts established literally minutes prior in the canon scenes. Luffy doesn't fight a stronger character immediately following the one he just defeated. I believe Doflamingo, Cracker and Katakuri were each used to set a standard for the level of opponents Luffy needed to surpass before he could ever hope to defeat a Yonko. He could not defeat Doflamingo or Cracker on his own and required assistance and a very situational technique (King Kong Gun and Tankman Full Version) to defeat them. Meanwhile, instead of receiving help or pushing beyond his limitations to momentarily surpass his opponent, he used his fight against Katakuri to better his Haki, and eventually caught up to the point where he could fairly contend with and defeat characters on that level... only for Kaido to later one-shot him
@andrekhandelespacio9829 5 ай бұрын
Gear 4 was weaker during doflamingo arc and less lasting. While during whole cake arc Luffy had full control of Gear 4. And Cracker was superior than Gear 4 Luffy. Doflamingo only had a chance against weaker Gear 4 when Luffy ran out of stamina. Law help is useless because Doflamingo heals himself from inside easily. Doflamingo hard counters Law.
@lazyscholar7932 Жыл бұрын
Cracker was underrated by the community in general.
@pzychosaiyan_productions Жыл бұрын
W video 😂
@youngknowledgeseeker Жыл бұрын
1:34 even though I like your videos how are you comparing a sword attack to a kick... like of course a sword will hit harder and do more damage than a kick? What kind of logic??? Besides that, good breakdown. I still would give Doffy a 3rd Commander rank. And I still think we don't know what a full health, going all out from the start Doffy is like because Doffy toyed around for a while. Full health, awakened, full haki, all devil fruit powers Doffy would at least put up a great fight against Cracker. String clones, bird cage, parasite string, awakening. I'm not 100% confident doffys strings couldn't cut crackers crackers. Slice and piercing damage is different than blunt force damage. All the stress and energy used for birdcage, imagine if Doffy used all those strings for an attack on one person while full health and stamina...
@D.Strawhat Жыл бұрын
thats not necessarily true, its not like rebecca can hurt g4 just cuz she uses a sword lmao. Cracker would still have to be strong enough to hurt g4
@yoshter135 Жыл бұрын
Not only that, but Doffy couldn’t hurt G4 Luffy with his strings either
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Bartolomeo vs crocodile
@twintale 9 ай бұрын
i do not even believe doffy can beat perospero.
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Doflamingo vs ROB LUCCI
@questionking3553 Жыл бұрын
Fujitora vs meta knight
@Aj-py8en Жыл бұрын
1:24 Isnt this because cracker used a sword while doffy only used his foot? Luffy's devil fruit makes him resistant to blunt attacks while he's still weak to sword. Not saying cracker isn't strong, just think that this is a poor comparison.
@D.Strawhat Жыл бұрын
Katakuri was folding luffy with blunt attacks, doffy is just weak
@FailsFunnyVideo Жыл бұрын
@@D.Strawhat no katakuri had never injured gear 4 with his fist or kicks attacks He had to use his awakening attacks to do so
@pokeballblaze9835 3 ай бұрын
COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
@jeyem3227 10 ай бұрын
the bysicuit warriors feels like prototype pacifista or even higer. Regylar haki coudnt break it.
@vegeta6917 Жыл бұрын
1. Doffy's awakening can turn the Biscuit soldiers into strings even the one Cracker is inside of, and Cracker CAN'T stop Doffy turning his bisciut soldiers into strings. 2. If Doffy realizes he's outmatched he can just attach his strings to a cloud, and stay in the sky. Cracker DOES NOT have any long range attacks therefore Doffy can stay airborne out of his range and spam awakening attacks until he wins. Cracker has no answer to get Doffy out of the sky. Yes that's boring, but it's definately something Doffy would do LOL. 3. Once Doffy goes into the sky he can just use the Birdcage as Cracker has less of a chance of stopping it than everyone on Dressrossa did.
@djames9695 Жыл бұрын
He would have to touch Cracker to do that.
@vegeta6917 Жыл бұрын
@@djames9695 Doffy used his parasite strings on Diamond Jozu, and all of Dressrossa without even touching anybody. Doffy with his awakening was able to turn the buildings and the ground into strings without touching them while in the air.
@seanchristian7677 9 ай бұрын
⁠u do realize he caught Jozu off guard jozu was fighting someone else and doffy was just tryna 3rd party
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