Dragon Age 4 | 10 Things I Want To See

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@chrisb4206 3 жыл бұрын
Dagna and bianca building the inquisitor a magic robot arm.
@leojamesiii7938 3 жыл бұрын
Or an arm created of the veil... an "energy arm" that can be "activated", that can reach and manipulate... a "fade" arm!
@ZatriaKnightfell 3 жыл бұрын
@@leojamesiii7938 kinda like the knight enchanter sword? So it's like a semi corporeal arm, powered by either lyrium, an enchantment or even (if the inquisitor was a mage) magic/mana.
@interestedincphpsqlmysql4222 3 жыл бұрын
@@ZatriaKnightfell It is Bioware's version on Arcane Warrior.. Original class using telekinesis for manipulating metal weapon and armor they don't summon any magical sword but use a physical sword and armor with telekinesis. So magic robot arm makes more sense with telekinesis. My personal opinion don't do anything with Inquisitor :) I am done with "puppet hero" aka Inquisitor.
@femalegays 2 жыл бұрын
no, i think the inquisitor being disabled is more interesting. what's the point of cutting the arm off if you get something better from the inquisitor's side of their story?
@txbzzerl 2 жыл бұрын
PLEASE, I need the Inquisitor to come back frfr
@waywardson911 3 жыл бұрын
I want the desire demons to be desirable again. DA:O FTW
@aidanshackleton5 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, but adding some variety would be ideal too. Sexual half naked demons, with chains and piercings and skin, but vary the models. Some female, and some male, with some impossible to tell one way or another, but all desirable. Since we all desire different things
@waywardson911 3 жыл бұрын
@@aidanshackleton5 Exactly
@IzzyAndAndy 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah they need way more diversity in the enemies. They’re so boring rn
@biowarebabbling7175 3 жыл бұрын
While it's tempting to say more comics and book characters in the game out of self interest, I think what I really want is more Dwarven stuff. We have had for awhile now so much of a focus on elven culture that I want to focus more on the mysteries of rhe dwarves and their culture.
@emmagrace3302 3 жыл бұрын
A fully playable, interesting, entertaining, and fulfilling dwarf romance!
@flumpet38 3 жыл бұрын
Why Bioware doesn't use a ME2-style ending in every game, I'll never know. It's just so rewarding to build up this team of people and get to learn and know them, and then have them come together as a team at the finale. Instead, we still have to pick two or three to come with us at the end. You already covered my #1 wish - which is better combat, so I'll throw this out instead - I'd love to see better MOVEMENT. Inquisition just...doesn't feel good to run around in and navigate the world. It's laborious, it's slow...summoning a mount takes a long time and you don't get so great a benefit speed-wise anyway. I think this is one thing Anthem really nailed, which is that moving through the world in that game is just flat-out fun. Bring that level of energy to DA4 please! Let me run, let me jump, let me climb, dodge, use magic to teleport, etc. Also, auto-pathing on horseback like Witcher 3 or the more recent Assassin's Creed games would make using mounts feel a lot better if they do stick with a more open-world design.
@mintseokjin 3 жыл бұрын
The main thing I want is better romances like Origin style; inquisition really didn’t feel like the romances were so in depth, it highlighted what to say and it didn’t feel like you were genuinely building a relationship with the character of your choice. In Origina, you build up your friendship first before even having the option to flirt and you never know what you might say that could hurt the character’s feelings (like Zevran’s romance was amazing for this because the options you pick that you think would work end up damaging your relationship, i.e, accepting the earring first time around). I want that kind of romance again in Dragon Age, to talk with your love interest, to joke, argue, say the right thing, say the wrong thing, not knowing what to say. With inquisition, the romances really did feel surface level for me personally. I wouldnt mind if they abandoned the voiced protag altogether if it meant bringing back the amazing branch system in Origins; so many choices and responses that seemed endless, there’s still so many choices that i haven’t made even on my nth play through of the game. It was just so amazing to be given so much choice and you really have to think about what you say as in real life because you don’t know the affect it will have.
@Kathychis 3 жыл бұрын
Something that I kinda want to see is NPCs in different countries have different cultural personalities. Its one thing to read about Nevarra or Antiva in a codex, but since we will actually be going to to those places, I'd like to be able to get a feeling that these are all different people from a different nation and its not just that their clothes and accent are different. Maybe the Anders could all be stoic, the Antivans could all be incorrigible flirts, etc. I want to feel like you could pick up a random NPC from Rivain, drop them in the Anderfels and see that they act differently to how the Anders NPCs act. Its kinda an abstract thing to want to see, but I feel it would make the game feel more real to me.
@АрлисХобнэйл 2 жыл бұрын
This answer is probably too late. But still. I want to see a mage who has gone through the reverse tranquility ritual. In my mind, it is inextricably linked to the fact that, as it was said in the Inquisition, mages are under the pressure of all the emotions and powers of the Fade after the conversion. Too loud, too strong, too scary. And I can't help but think of this mage having enough willpower to escape into the woods. Becoming a hermit. Watching the animals away from human society to find peace. And becomes one who revives the art of shape-shifter mages. Because that's what helps him. Can you imagine this magician and Cole meeting? Two entities trying to become/revert back to what they were?
@saisgirlfriend 3 жыл бұрын
My big thing is if we play as a Qunari, I would like if the horn and hair options were separate.
@sarahsullivan5270 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! I remember playing DAI for the first time and being like “omg I can play as a Qunari and look as cool as the Arishok in DA2” and then that just didn’t happen and the disappointment was real
@curses0206 3 жыл бұрын
Yes !!
@zombiedrool5437 3 жыл бұрын
Yes and yes-!
@joemccarley5713 3 жыл бұрын
I can't like this more than once for some reason.
@rebellyanmagic6409 3 жыл бұрын
Aren't hornless Qunari considered destined or something? Imagine playing as a naturally hornless Qunari Mage. Heads would explode
@quintyss1290 3 жыл бұрын
If the game is rated 'Mature', I want a game that reflects that with grit in spades. Morally grey decision-making with gut-wrenching consequences. During exploration, I'd like to have companions comment on things when it reminds them of something in their past. Silly stuff like, "My grandmother had a vase like that. It broke when I tried to levitate it. Who knew it had aunt Haddry's ashes in it?" I want steamier, slow brewing romances. Thank you Jackdaw for another well-thought-out video!
@Just-A-Gamer1524 3 жыл бұрын
Basically back to the roots of Origins :)
@pac2718 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed. It would be nice that our loved-one start living with us and that there are more intimate moments after the "night". More talks generally with companions that unlock as you progress in the story and as your relationships evolve. During banter, it would nice to hear your companions connecting with each other. This was great in DAO and DA2, remember Zevran teasing Wynne, Wynne teasing Alistair, Varric and Isabela constant sexual allusions, Isabela and Aveline bit**ing at each other. DAI felt stale in comparison on that particular front.
@sinsinsinat5377 3 жыл бұрын
companion conversations was already great in dragon age series! I hope they keep it up!
@d.o.p.echart9483 3 жыл бұрын
I would like to play a pro Tevinter patriot who is willing to turn a blind eye to slavery.
@pac2718 3 жыл бұрын
@@sinsinsinat5377 In DAI the banter was occurring too rarely. It felt disconnected. I listened to the full banter collection and it is actually really good. Yet, in game, it was so rare that I did not even remember a single good line from my playthroughs, unlike DA2. It is almost impossible to hear it all in one playthrough because of that. A shame. Basically it should occur at least every 5 minutes with characters making general comments/observations in between. Not those half hour of dead silence.
@MrTeniguafez 3 жыл бұрын
Dwarf-specific specs to compensate for not being able to be mages. Something taking advantage of their natural lyrium resistance.
@vclentini 3 жыл бұрын
I can't wait to experience the ACTUAL consequences of the Dark Ritual and the Well of Sorrows. I'm also convinced that Mythal/Flemeth saved Hawke so they could discover the Red Lyrium Idol. The fact that Solas awakened right after cannot be a coincidence.
@mysticonthehill 3 жыл бұрын
I do hope they make our past experiences purposeful
@alyjahandujar1402 3 жыл бұрын
It would be fun to have a cameo from HOF/Morrigan with Kieren if they will have consequences with the dark ritual. #BringHOFBack
@caitlinbrewer4843 Жыл бұрын
There has to be a pay-off to Flemeth's prophecy to Hawke about jumping into the abyss. There has to be!
@darriantabris1252 3 жыл бұрын
I saw this idea on twitter, I think DA4 MC wounded, barley standing in front of Solas: Why are you doing this?! Dramatic zoom on Solas face Left side of the screen: Solas slightly approves
@vamps_org 3 жыл бұрын
Hahah yesssss
@thejohnhopkinscompany9599 3 жыл бұрын
Oghren was just trying to complete the Bottles of Thedas quest and it took him to Tevinter.
@GoldPoptart 9 күн бұрын
This made me laugh way too hard
@FaithandPhoebe 3 жыл бұрын
I want our characters to be able to swim. 🌊
@RaRmAn 3 жыл бұрын
well they gave us swimming in Anthem after years of games without it, so it's possible it will be there, there is also concept art that shows characters swiming under water, so you might be getting your wish
@deansheets 3 жыл бұрын
Woah woah woah don't push your luck lol 🤣
@stronk8107 3 жыл бұрын
@@RaRmAn There's a possibility that wouldn't be the case since they mentioned that it is just a concept art and the story board will be scrapped numeral times but here's to hoping 🥃
@zombiedrool5437 3 жыл бұрын
Oooh-! I hope so-!
@rebellyanmagic6409 3 жыл бұрын
Counter point: underwater dungeons
@afonsocampos5265 3 жыл бұрын
I want rivalry back. I want to be able to be at odds and disagree with the companions that just wouldn’t be friends with my PC without feeling that I’m missing game content. There should be as much content for rivalry as there is for friendship, and you shouldn’t be locked out of a companion’s character progression just because you two don’t get along! Ideally, the companion progresses differently based on how you treat them and the decisions you’ve made.
@happythoughts4553 3 жыл бұрын
YES! This was such an underappreciated mechanic!
@WatchMan283 3 жыл бұрын
THIS. I loved the fact that you could disagree completely with a character and still form a bond with them despite your differences. Having full rivalry didn't mean "I hate you." There was still respect there and it created an interesting dynamic. Fenris rivalry romance was the best imo. 🤣 At times during Inquisition, it felt like I was punished for not validating certain companions.
@zliani3991 3 жыл бұрын
I would like the developers to focus more on the main character. What I mean here is that I was utterly annoyed when I had to ask all the companions a gazillion questions in order to get their approval when practically none of them was interested in MY hero (which is truly a hero and an interesting person - that could be a very interesting way to tell his/her story and get some response from the companions). Only Cassandra once tried to ask a question but in vain. This felt unnatural as EVERYONE demanded different stuff to be accomplished and made ZERO efforts to get closer to you. I believe that this would change the perception of the game.... Otherwise it feels so common in all BioWare games: ok, talk to him/her, do his/her mission, become friends. I feel that this line could be changed
@mugginsttp1396 3 жыл бұрын
What if... what if _we_ had a companion quest? Like something tied to our origin story that we choose who our right-hand-man is that assists us with it, and then we get a major boost in approval or special plot progression that's specifically tied to them, like the inquisition perks secrets and noble knowledge were for judgments and things
@pixiepunchpiettv3840 3 жыл бұрын
One Hundred Million Percent This!!! In every Bioware game it seems like you're getting to know the companions but don't really get to spend a ton of time developing your own character (aside from mechanics stuff). I wish they would combine the Origin Story from DA:O with the personality slider from DA2 and integrate information given from your companions asking you things.
@mugginsttp1396 3 жыл бұрын
@@pixiepunchpiettv3840 I also wish our specialization was part of our character. They almost did it in inquisition but like you can be a blood mage in both origins and II but no one talks about it. In origins you actually have to unlock it from a demon, and it locks Connor into being possessed, but no one says anything. Let me be a blood mage with consequences damn it!
@alexissandren1884 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Still have such fond memories of my first start of Origins as a city elf. The "you're getting married" immediately threw me into "I don't want to get married!" and suddenly I had a character with some motivations and story. Including happily being drafted into the Grey Wardens since he would rather face down the darkspawns than his bride at the wedding night. Which also made his romance with Zevran so much sweeter.
@ZatriaKnightfell 3 жыл бұрын
I was missing this so much in inquisition, especially since we don't get all that much of a backstory. It would have made the inquisitor so much more real, if you got more questions like the one cassandra asks you in haven, since it kinda allows the player to decide their own past and relation to their past based on their responses to said questions.
@donti338 3 жыл бұрын
I wrote about this in the Dragon age subreddit and it did get a mostly positive response so here I go: What I'd like to see in the next Dragon age game is a system like i Final Fantasy XV where your party would go off and interact with the environment whenever they're in a city or town. Like imagine if once you went to Val Royeaux Varric would walk off and play wicked grace at the Inn while Cassandra would talk to the Chantry sisters about the Maker. A small system like that would bring a whole new type of immersion to the game since it makes the characters feel like living breathing people with their own hobbies. Like imagine if you could buy drinks at the inquisition pub and you could have a small animation where you're drinking with a few of your party members and cracking jokes, maybe Iron Bull would walk off and flirt with someone while you're watching Varric is gambling with some spoiled nobleman. Anyway this is what I would want, I know a lot of people want more hair and body weight sliders but for me after playing Final Fantasy XV I fell in love with that little system of animations and now I want to see it in more games.
@lykegenes5867 3 жыл бұрын
I agree! Even in the hub space I'd love to see companions just doing their own things and not just stand in the same spot. Inquisition kind of attempted it, Cassandra training at Skyhold comes to mind, but I feel like pushing it more would be beneficial. I do love the dynamic feel of the group in FFXV :)
@chumrocket 2 жыл бұрын
i want them to start looting as well when my main character starts looting like in dragon's dogma
@EscritaComPedro 3 жыл бұрын
One thing I want to see in DA4 is maps that are more reactive: different enemies depending on your choices, different characters to talk depeding on your dialogues, new areas of the map depending on how you behave in certain places, like a villager letting you explore his/her mine if he likes you. So that's an ideia I would love to see, not an open map that doesn't change.
@JustMike_Official 3 жыл бұрын
One thing I have always said DA4 needs is for BioWare to finally decide whether they want to make a tactical rpg or an action rpg and just go for it instead of trying to find a balance between the two.
@alyjahandujar1402 3 жыл бұрын
Which one would you prefer?
@JustMike_Official 3 жыл бұрын
​@@alyjahandujar1402I'd be happy with either one, provided that Bioware actually commited to one and only one.​
@bongchoof 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree and think the hybrid they've made is fun. It has the best combat in any wrpg by quite a bit whether you consider that a low bar or now. The only thing tactical is being able to pause the action or have better view of your environment. Both of which are a boon and there would be no benefit to removing. It reminds be quite a bit of FF7Remake's combat. But I think I like Inquisitions more because there is more feedback based on how you make your character. They have the tactical rpg with DAO and the action with DA2 and the hybrid with DAI. I like all the 3 but 2 has the worst combat of the 3 and that's the action one. You can play DAI without using the tactical options anyways and it nearly feels like an action rpg besides.
@Soutar3DG 3 жыл бұрын
Multiple origin stories to our possible protagonist, similar to DA:O but with more variety, with the whole first act dedicated to setting up our player controlled protagonist as the character we wish them to be within the story before they're probably recruited by the Inquisitor moving onto the second act of the game.
@alyjahandujar1402 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah the Origins system was so cool
@Felandaria 3 жыл бұрын
I would be happy if the eyebrows would look better :D But yeah - we need more hair! And more different hair colors! Honestly I was kinda shocked that you have a huge range of colors for lashes (!) but not hair?! And gifts where cool too :D When it comes to returning characters I totally agree with you! It has to make sense! - If I would see Shale in DA4 ... no thats impossible even though I love her. I'm still curious if Cullen will appear. Many people in the fandom say yes but honestly - I think he will only get an kodex entry. Same goes to Leliana. Some characters even need a well deserved rest. But no matter what - I can't wait to finally play this game!
@Just-A-Gamer1524 3 жыл бұрын
I felt attacked with the eyebrows XD LOL
@malushapolotskaya7322 3 жыл бұрын
Shale said she would be in Tevinter.
@ldoc3988 3 жыл бұрын
Oof, the list is massive tbh but above all - please give me a ragtag group of weirdos, and a good ol found family story. More games of wicked grace, more deep talks on the battlements kind of stuff. Please bioware I live for this
@isabellp.5730 3 жыл бұрын
I agree! Besides the lore, that’s the one of the main reasons I play DA!
@lykegenes5867 3 жыл бұрын
i feel like the premise of a ragtag group of weirdos in an endearing found family would lend well to the whole "no anchor, no prophesy" kind of thing they seem to be going for. Of course Solas wouldn't see those weirdos coming. Found family stories also just give me so much life
@Hyris921 3 жыл бұрын
Oh boy this is going to take a while... *opens her word document list*
@oghren6617 3 жыл бұрын
Two things- Dwarven women 😍
@SeventhheavenDK 3 жыл бұрын
@peterl.104 3 жыл бұрын
@Oghren this video says there are pubs in Tevinter. How about you meet us there in the next game, just for the heck of it? There might be Dwarven women there. No guarantees.
@dawn2891 3 жыл бұрын
Please be in dragon age 4
@therockingvolbeat3630 3 жыл бұрын
The lack of dwarvern romances is appalling
@oghren6617 3 жыл бұрын
@ Peter L- if there are pubs, you can bet your left nug I’ll be there
@chappierulez 3 жыл бұрын
The magic spell from origins back. Way more divers then in inquisition.
@nicolecalton8780 3 жыл бұрын
Man, agreed. Or even the DA2 magic. There were so many different strategic options, and it’s why I can hardly stand playing any other class, lol. Mage is just too fun! Though I think that some of the spells in Origins were a little bit too op (like force field or virulent walking bomb), so they’d have to be adjusted, but I love the idea of bringing back DAO-style magic.
@pac2718 3 жыл бұрын
@@nicolecalton8780 And I want my huge spell bar at the bottom. Not eight measly options. I understand they want to sell for consoles, then they should have two interfaces. I am playing on a PC, so no lack of keys there.
@rebellyanmagic6409 3 жыл бұрын
I'd like Haste to be a permanent buff again like it was in the first game
@tmerchead1 3 жыл бұрын
Bring back craftable potions like.
@cinuzuka 3 жыл бұрын
@@tmerchead1 i second this.
3 жыл бұрын
Also, this is kinda weird but if we get to see our Inquisitor again in DA4 and it was a mage, I'd like he or she to have a sort of magical, veil-like arm or a dwarven mechanical arm (like we saw on the Trespasser epilogue) for every other class of Inquisitor
@leojamesiii7938 3 жыл бұрын
@thejohnhopkinscompany9599 3 жыл бұрын
I'm like 85% that Flemeth/Mythal is going to be the final boss of the series. She's an incredibly shades of grey individual who has directly affected the lives of every protagonist. She always seems to be behind the scenes pulling the strings and has a thousand contingency plans.
@Snailirific 3 жыл бұрын
I just hope she shows up again in some form. If I recall correctly Flemeth's voice actor was not sure she wanted to return in the role so either they would have to find someone else or scrap Flemeth and perhaps only focus on Mythal.
@Snailirific 3 жыл бұрын
@Captain Cosmonaut That's good to hear. I hope she does. She is one of my favourite characters in the series.
@chaitea3421 3 жыл бұрын
One thing I want in the next game is to genuinely be defeated at some point in the story. Not just in the very very beginning, but somewhere deep enough in the story where it’s gut wrenching. Constantly coming out on top gets old, I’d love an Infinity War style defeat where Solas wins at some point, and we have to truly beat the odds to kill him.
@Daanii9407 3 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Priority: Thessia from ME3, that shit hurt.
@jessicatate3162 3 жыл бұрын
I like this idea a lot.
@OfficiallyJewls 3 жыл бұрын
THIS! I believe THIS is what makes a story good. Getting totally defeated and coming back, stronger and more determined than ever.
@ragnarose12 3 жыл бұрын
Oh damn this... wow this would be great story telling.
@curses0206 3 жыл бұрын
@@Daanii9407 bro 😭
@paperbinder356 3 жыл бұрын
I’d like to see more of the fantasy elements that were in Origins, Like the Sylvans. I loved inquisition, but it didn’t carry the same feeling of a magical nature, instead honing in on lyrium
@eliesaad 3 жыл бұрын
THIS ^^^^
@nathanchabotarstarkey5014 3 жыл бұрын
Being able to get defeated and taken hostage if you lose a battle not just restart because I would be so cool to get taken hostage by another faction or like a group of bandits
@mysticonthehill 3 жыл бұрын
Some of the best stories and games make failure a plot and story drive rather than success alone
@calebsmall1774 3 жыл бұрын
Things I want: 1. Less Fetch quests. I know it’s a way to level up and get resources but I would enjoy a more “stay on track with storyline” Dragon Age 2. I want the decisions that the new protagonist makes more weighted. In a sense where the decisions would have a dynamic change to the world around them and the people they interact or haven’t interacted with yet (Kind of like DAO) 3. A more overall dark fantasy game. I miss seeing the broodmothers and other ghastly looking enemies as well as a darker tone with characters, maybe spells or even storylines they have 4. #SaveFelassan
@eliesaad 3 жыл бұрын
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I went more in depth in my comment and I totally agree with this.
@micheledesfontaine6057 3 жыл бұрын
Especially number 3! I'm pretty sure in DAI the darkspawn are literally regular AI's with darkspawn sound effects. like if you took a picture of them I could barely tell Avaar/big darkspawn, rogue/archer darkspawn, etc... I know they have specific names but it's 1 am
@collinbooth7689 3 жыл бұрын
Having real time hair and beard growth like in red dead 2 would be pretty cool to have.
@OfficiallyJewls 3 жыл бұрын
Oh this would be really cool to have!
@madhouse2594 3 жыл бұрын
If the Frostbite engine allows it.
@ChloesDragons 3 жыл бұрын
@whiteraven562 3 жыл бұрын
It would be, but I don't want to subject the people working on DA4 to the kind of crunch time the Red Dead 2 people had to deal with
@OfficiallyJewls 3 жыл бұрын
@@whiteraven562 Yeah, I wouldn't want them to do any crunch time just for that. As long as the story is good as well as the characters, I think we're set.
@LVCC13- 3 жыл бұрын
Something I would really like to see is a more customizable appearance for our protagonist this time around. The protagonist should have different hair styles and clothes depending on the mission we're going on, vs what they wear during casual or romantic events. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have my hair down during combat, just like I wouldn't have it up in the same braid, ponytail, or bun all the time. Giving us different options for how our characters look going into different situations would make the next game even more immersive.
@WatchMan283 3 жыл бұрын
I usually just made some minor changes in the black emporium as time passed. Different hair, adding scars, things like that. Made for a much more immersive experience imo.
@Asa2705 3 жыл бұрын
I personally want an opportunity to explore a pre-veil Elvhenan and fade in the form it was back then, to see all these scenes that were described in the codex entries from Vir Dirthara.
@amandamachado9500 3 жыл бұрын
That would be so cool!😍 it would be amazing seeing how they lived with magic all around them and how breathtaking they're cities were.
@rolandorodriguez3042 3 жыл бұрын
if they show that world then i am 100% with the wolf, FUCK THE TRANQUIL WORLD
@amyslowikgrossman835 3 жыл бұрын
YES! We don’t need seven flavors of “bald”. I LOVE the enhanced makeup options idea. IRL, I’m a makeup junkie and am picky about colors and styles. For example, it’s distracting if they give me an option for a pretty dark green eyeliner wing in the creator, then in game it doesn’t show up or look the same. I really, really want to play an Antivan Crow with long hair, a flowy skirt, and a sharp graphic eyeliner.
@MarkDarrah 3 жыл бұрын
Hair isn't easy but I know the team is trying to up their game.
@ragnarose12 3 жыл бұрын
But on a real note: Closure between Solas and the past Inquisitor, especially if it could be a happy ending for a romanced inquisitor. That’s my #1 fan-wish.
@DaPup 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like with all the world building set up in DA:I, there’s is such a huge potential for a revamped origin story system. Honestly I really want a huge character creation system for DA4 with this whole ‘you are the hero’ vibe. I’m excited.
@lucybennett9054 3 жыл бұрын
I'm obsessed with the ship and Captain Isabela idea
@CoasterRPG 3 жыл бұрын
Playable Wicked Grace :)
@XxX-vi9if 3 жыл бұрын
Ooh, like gwent from the witcher! Nice!
@w3ndigogames 3 жыл бұрын
1. I’d love the ability to play instruments, a little like Zither in Dragon Age Inquisition MP. 2. I’d rather like to see the death of the Inquisitor (yes, I know nobody else wants this) but ending the Inquisitor’s story in DA4 would work well. 3. I want the Grey Wardens to feel powerful and important again because in DAI the game treated the faction like villains. 4. I want to see Anders and Fenris again, I want to know how Anders is holding up with Justice/Vengeance and I’d love to see Fenris as the Blue Wraith (however unlikely that is). 5. Finally, I really want the ability to romance and maybe get possessed by a spirit. It’s a strange thing to want but possession is something that has always intrigued me.
@happythoughts4553 3 жыл бұрын
I would like to play your version of DA4, please
@maesde 3 жыл бұрын
3 in particular, please.
@wesleyahearn8199 3 жыл бұрын
Two things I want A stealth system. Like being able to sneak past enemy or sneak up behind and perform a stealth takedown I would like to see finishers return like from origins but improved
@wesleyahearn8199 3 жыл бұрын
Another thing I would like to see a new form of the war table. I enjoyed but I know people hated it but they could improve it to be better.
@abhishekdas2352 3 жыл бұрын
If Bioware turns Solas into a completely evil character then I will be very disappointed. Solas is a spirit of wisdom if Mythal's vengeance completely alters Solas's nature then that will be a very sad outcome. I hope Bioware give the new protagonist/Inqusitor a chance to persuade Solas.
@litheq 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with this, it's my greatest fear about the next game. I've put my faith in Patrick Weekes. Hopefully, we won't be disappointed.
@aislinlindsay3950 3 жыл бұрын
My greatest fear is that the inquisitor will be another shitty cameo and we won’t get to complete their story (or their romance) with Solas, a lot of people will disagree but Solas and the inquisitors story whether you romanced him or hated him isn’t finished yet
@abhishekdas2352 3 жыл бұрын
@@aislinlindsay3950 I agree with you. I have a felling that Bioware will treat Inquisitor as side character who will appear in a main quest and about the romance I think Bioware will give an excuse like Solas is 10000+ years old how can a mortal levellan romantic entanglement with a god. Solas had maybe 100 of girlfriends like Inquisitor 😂 or something like that. I hope Patrick weeks read Aphrodite-Adonis tale before creating DA4.
@aislinlindsay3950 3 жыл бұрын
@@abhishekdas2352 I hope he actually takes into consideration just how many of us value the Solas romance, I hope they don’t make the inquisitor just some shitty cameo who comes in and kills him last minute or something
@cyanwool6449 3 жыл бұрын
I want the devs to be as creative as possible with the locations we are visiting, especially places like the Grand Necropolis and the Arlathan Forest. We know from Tevinter Nights and the "Ruins of Reality" short story that these places are very... Unique and I hope that this uniqueness is translated into gameplay. Furthermore, I really want quests where we can fail while still having a way of succeeding. It would be DA4's Haven but more impactful since it is a direct result of your choices. For this to work, failure must have as many interesting consequences as being victorius. Also, a darkspawn companion. C'mon Bioware, that would be so cool!
@oopsgingermoment 3 жыл бұрын
If there isn't an option for a romanced Solas to be dragged home by a very pissed Lavellan, I'm rioting.
@TI3RU 3 жыл бұрын
Curly and coily hair PLEASE!! As someone with curly hair I’m so tired of the curliest in almost every game being the “soft beach waves” and not genuinely curly... There are so many cool possible hairstyles too, not just the same tight crop for all coily hair! I’m always sad I never see anyone with hair like me *especially* in fantasy games :( also it makes me sad that there’s like only one major/popular curly hair mod and it’s only for inquisition so getting curly hair as part of the base game would be such a blessing 😭
@TI3RU 3 жыл бұрын
Bonus bc someone reminded me of it: I want male/butch/masc coded desire demons!! I wanna see desire demons that appeal to the aesthetic desires of literally anyone besides just the straight men who like femme women 😂
@blankflank3488 3 жыл бұрын
As someone with very straight hair irl, YES. PLEASE GIVE ME CURLY HAIR. My canon Hawke neeeeeeeds her beautiful curls.
@ryanreebenacker8702 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent as always Jack. A few things: 1. Change harder difficulties from simply making enemies do more and take less damage. Give them more unique abilities at higher difficulties and better tactical AI to make harder difficulties require more strategy, not patience. 2. Like I have said before, we need more lore and exploration into the titans. I would love for this story to be one of the supplementary ones in the next game, because I find dwarven lore some of the most interesting and least explored in the whole game. Make me ACTUALLY want to play a dwarf. 3. Crossbows? This is a specific note on what we all want: more dynamic classes/subclasses. But I love the rogue life, and a crossbow wielding ability would be so cool. 4. Character-specifc origin stories. Obviously. It's one of the best parts of DA:O and I am stunned to this day they never truly attempted it since. It's low-hanging fruit, and you nailed it here. 5. Bring back Arcane Warrior as a subclass in this game. It was so cool in Origins. That is all.
@disgustedcharlie6679 3 жыл бұрын
_"One our new hero can grab by the horns and ride."_ Jesus Jack 💀 But in all seriousness I want to see more unique armor and weapons, Inquisition had far too little of that as most armor and weapons looked pretty much the same just with a different armor rating or weapon dps. I'd walk around the world and see the NPCs and be like, "Damn, why is a background character better dressed then the main character/hero?" So, yeah, that needs to be a thing lol.
@Lupus-iv7jp 3 жыл бұрын
So...Jack wants to ride the iron bull
@annmoore321 3 жыл бұрын
Keep the world OPEN! I want to choose when to do things, and how to approach a quest! Boxing me in and forcing a linear story line is boring. On that note, make consequences for choosing not to handle main quest related items in a timely manner. No realistic villain would wait for the hero to get their act together. Make failure a genuine possibility, and make the consequences high for it!
@mordinchemist 3 жыл бұрын
One thing I would like to see in DA4 is dancing...just like in ME. You know what I'm talking about.
@eastbow6053 3 жыл бұрын
I should go
@carriegregg5348 3 жыл бұрын
Environmental armor/clothing. Such as in Red Dead Redemption 2, I really liked that the weather/temperature of an area would affect your character's well being. Wintery environments, for instance, would drop your health over time unless you equipped a coat and hat. Same would be for hotter Temps (stamina would drop). Ive always hated it that no matter what environmental place a character would be, they would be in the same armor/clothing (its like, aren't you freezing your ass off in that flimsy robe?) I think it would add an extra immersive accent to the game. Craft winter and hotter temperature clothing/armor. Also food/drink crafting would be nice for added bonuses.
@carriegregg5348 3 жыл бұрын
Oh. And to be able to run. And not walk at a snail pace.
@tineshboopathy9819 3 жыл бұрын
1) Body height and weight sliders for both player and NPCs. 2) More Dwarven and Kossith lore. 3) Harley Qun love interest.
@TI3RU 3 жыл бұрын
yes please ESPECIALLY that first one! i wanna play as a chubby character/see chubby characters in game 😭🙏
@lawrenhunter8616 3 жыл бұрын
Storyline with Morrigan's child.
@apollodraconis4853 3 жыл бұрын
A protagonist that knows their people’s history and lore. Meaning a Dalish Elf that knows all about the Elven gods and the history of the Dalish rather than not (looking at you, Lavellan). A Dwarf from Orzammar or Kal’Sharok that can tell someone the history and culture of the dwarves. A Qunari who knows about the Qun and how it works (looking at you, Adaar). A human noble that can tell you all about other nobles. A human commoner that can tell you about how being poor affects them and only knowing about the world they grew up around. A city elf that has evident disdain for humans and can tell you all about the culture of city elves and elves that are slaves and exactly how hard their lives are.
@dupreymci 2 жыл бұрын
Adaar grew up outside the Qun as a Vashoth so they never learned about the Qun. Since their parents ran away from Par Vollen and the Qun's rules they wouldn't have tought it to their child. Also Qunari roughly means follower of the Qun (I forget the real definition) so it's not actually the race. But I do agree with you having a player character not know the commen knowledge of the people or group they grew with is pretty stupid. However that is usually done for a players own benefit as a way to learn about the games world and it's people. All in all I like your Idea.☺
@KSandra147 3 жыл бұрын
In the south of Thedas, especially in Ferelden, we have Mabari... 🐶 I need a familiar in Tevinter! A snake or a dragon! 🐲 Well... A pocket one... 🤔
@TheRoguePrince0 3 жыл бұрын
I want weapon stances. Dual wielding for warriors. Better looking weapons no big dumb looking swords. A one hundred skill line like in kotor. A parry system like in dark souls/demon souls. A three way Romance maybe even a secret orgy with all companions. Combat finishes like what origins had.
@masterch33fII7 3 жыл бұрын
Image dragon age with the complex, smooth af swordplay of ghosts of Tsushima. Good god that would be so much fun
@TheRoguePrince0 3 жыл бұрын
@@masterch33fII7 that would be awesome
@shylapope2323 3 жыл бұрын
I want to make a healer. That's it. Like sometimes I love to destroy everything in sight but others I'd like to support my companions through healing spells rather than reviving them over and over. I really just want to make a healing mage that's it.
@ericabestia 3 жыл бұрын
I want to see all my characters from the previous games!
@juu2984 3 жыл бұрын
Warden can’t actually make an appearance though. Simply because if they died how would the story change for players that kept there warden alive. Then you add the fact that they don’t talk so you wouldn’t be able to make dialogue choices for them.
@SeventhheavenDK 3 жыл бұрын
@@juu2984 . Well, for those who sacrificed the Warden, there is the Warden commander (not HoF) of Awakening, he/she is alive no matter what. Precisely, that's the point, that they make your decisions to have weight, if someone sacrificed the Warden, then have that person to live with the consequences in the next games of doing so (even if it means losing a potential companion, and I am not talking specifically of the Warden here, but about other characters like Feynriel for instance). About the voice, the Warden is not mute, they have a voice in Origins, and they can easily give them an official voice for DA4 even if its none of the actors who voiced them in Origins, the Warden wouldn't be the first character to change VA, anyway, Isabella and Anders already went through that.
@juu2984 3 жыл бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK true but they’ve already said multiple times that they won’t bring back the warden
@TyrbeTrost 3 жыл бұрын
@@juu2984 technically true, but the same people who said that are no longer in charge, they've left Bioware. I have high hopes for a Warden return, make it clear that you'll see the Warden from trailers and whatnot and people will go insane. If they don't, it would be such a wasted opportunity. With Bioware's track records nowadays, this is an opportunity they have to grab.
@zombiedrool5437 3 жыл бұрын
It’s been confirmed that we won’t see more of our hero of ferelden :/
@jerekheadrick3379 3 жыл бұрын
I just want a return to the dialogue system of Dragon Age: Origins. I want to know exactly what my character is saying and have more options as to what to say or do in situations.
@louisepope9853 3 жыл бұрын
I want a game where people object when you walk into their house and loot their boxes. It always feels odd when I do this and no one objects. Also, the ability to be an arcane warrior again. I liked my mage wielding a sword and shield
@cleveranonym74 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to have a scene where all of the previous games' companions (who are still alive) unite and fight Solas.... or fight something.
@lennynull-funf-zehn5416 3 жыл бұрын
Alright I am asking a lot here but hear me out: I sincerely wish that the Inquisitor isn't going to be some NPC, but a player character. What I mean by that is simply that in a Dialogue with solas for example, you should have the ability to decide what he/she says, considering how complex of a character the Inquisitor can become in Inquisition. This is what I hope What I dream is that you can have at least one mission with all four protagonists in your party, ending with an epic avengers style fighting cutscene. To quote Iron Bull: "It could happen. It won't, but it *could.*
@SeventhheavenDK 3 жыл бұрын
As long as the Inquisitor is NOT the protagonist again (sorry, I just didn't like him/her. Warden and Hawke FTW), I have not problem to have him/her in the party, tho I definitely prefer Inqui as an advisor and no more.
@oliviadewaele4816 3 жыл бұрын
I would love for us to switch between our new protagonist and our inquisitor. Where they both pursue Solas in their own way. Kinda like the witcher 3 with Gerald and Ciri.
@SeventhheavenDK 3 жыл бұрын
The Inquisitor is the one who will hire the new protagonist, tho. So it is a very different situation as with Geralt and Ciri. It would make no sense for the Inquisitor track Solas his own way, precisely that is the problem, Solas knows them too well, and that is why a new person is needed, hence the new protagonist.
@zombiedrool5437 3 жыл бұрын
I would love that-!
@happythoughts4553 3 жыл бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK that's part of The Game; Solas has to believe that the Inquisitor is still pursuing him, or he'll suspect something. Besides ME:Andromeda had a mission with the other Ryder twin, so it's at least possible for Bioware to incorporate a different PC for some missions
@Ammy-q4w 2 жыл бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK I think the protagonist might be a member of the Antivan Crows since they have been featured a lot in Dreadwolf official art, and they are known for working in the shadows as spies, thieves, and assassins, so this would bring new meaning to what Varric said "a hero no one sees coming" in the trailer since the Warden, Hawke, and the Inquisitor were all close up and personal with their heroism, so they would truly be a unique kind of hero nobody would expect or possibly even realize exists until the moment they make their mark on history.
@97Jarjarbinks 3 жыл бұрын
I'd like to have character origins, and that those origins really matter in the story. For example it was pretty weird for a dalish elf inquisitor to not know anything about the temple of Mythal, and have Morrigan explain it to them.
@NightIceWolf12 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Tired of things my character should know not being known by them. I did like that in the Solas romance the two (female Lavellan) will speech elvish towards one another.
@annrosee 3 жыл бұрын
Here for that backstory about Sandal's rise to villainy
@draiad645 3 жыл бұрын
Aside from wanting better character creation and body sliders. (Would love to not be locked into a character whose body is determined by their race. maybe I don't WANT a twig for an elf or a buff man human. Let me be short and stout without being a dwarf.) I want a more tactical thought based system for this game. I would love to have companions that could make or break certain story quests. Let us play into our companions personalities more, their strengths, convictions and weaknesses. Let us build parties that make sense for the part of the story we're playing. I love having fave characters, and preferred party members but for once I would like to be forced into choosing different people for different events. To the point where if you bring along the wrong team the quest just goes bad. This could also very much play into the our choices have consequences. Because I would love for our choices to have a larger impact. I'm not against a bad end for a game. Its something I felt Inquisition could have used, especially if a person chose to play their quizzy as a power hungry arse. No team? A lack of loyalty? Bad end. Good team, loyal companions. Good End.
@Sampson-9091 3 жыл бұрын
Something I'd like to see would be to have options for different accents, like it could give us the opportunity to create our characters to be from Orlais or Starkhaven, and build more unique protagonists with distinct voices
@laurinkeller8114 3 жыл бұрын
I want to read. Like a lot. I love taking my time and finding hidden books or scrolls or notes that give me little snippets into the daily lives and beliefs of the people in the game. Finding the songs in DAI was delightful! But there’s also notes on bodies that lead me to treasure or a hidden boss. If these games are going to live in my head I want to keep feeding it to flesh out the imagination space while I sit and daydream! Gimme the lore!!!!!
@quintyss1290 3 жыл бұрын
^_^ And I want a bookshelf in my home where I put all of that reading material. Also, a rocking chair to sit in while I re-read them while smoking my red lyrium pipe and absently scratching my cat's head.
@NGU7754 3 жыл бұрын
I want returning characters, I want a lot of familiarity, i don't want to feel like I'm playing a new franchise, i want to feel like I'm playing Dragon Age.
@EscritaComPedro 3 жыл бұрын
I disagee with the linear world with smaller areas, maybe because I started my DA playthrough with Inquisition. I like to explore, solve problems in different areas, so I'm a fan of an open world DA4.
@LilLemonGames 3 жыл бұрын
I want Anders to make another appearance, even though you have the option to kill him I still believe there should be more character cameos from previous games. For instance in da2 when you could see Nathaniel and Zevran if you didnt kill them. It adds more to the world and makes it seem like your choices matter.
@CarlaWay 3 жыл бұрын
I wish I could see Fenris though. He doesn't have to be a companion again, but since he's from Tevinter, it would be nice to have a mission with him or something :D
@lykegenes5867 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like Fenris, notorious mage disliker, would have some things to say about some elven mage deciding the world should die. I doubt they'd make him a party member, but I think it would be cool if he was an ally that helps out apart from the main group and had some quests maybe :)
@Lissy124 3 жыл бұрын
@@lykegenes5867 hell I’d be happy to see fenris as a bad cameo tho that’s probably my obsession with brooding elves talking lol
@sarawawa8984 3 жыл бұрын
A pet! I’d love to have another mabari but I’ll settle for a griffin. I miss my mabari buddy. I’d prefer it as a straight up companion but I would also be super happy to have the mabari companion the way it was set up in da2
@ChloesDragons 3 жыл бұрын
I would like the continuation of companions having their own life and love story. Like Josephine and Blackwalls, or Fenris and Isabella. I would like other characters to get into relationships, and there be rival romance scenes. Also.. an enemies to lovers romance would be 👌
@hunterghost1154 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder l like to like have more heart to heart moments for the characters
@thejohnhopkinscompany9599 3 жыл бұрын
I want the return of The Architect and the Disciple Darkspawn. With the lore developed for Corypheus, we know the Architect is probably still alive regardless of your choice in Awakening, and the concept of self-aware darkspawn willing to work with humanity is an incredibly interesting concept that the games just sort of forgot about.
@happythoughts4553 3 жыл бұрын
If the Architect isn't the root of the "unrest" at Weisshopt, I'll be severely disappointed. It would be neat if we got some of the other 5 Magisters as well, like say in Kal Sharaok keeping this isolated Thaig alive? Or in the Archon's dungeon? There are so many options
@datboii_sean5586 3 жыл бұрын
Y’all forgot about HOF, we need a closure to his story, there are still 2 more blights left. It would make sense to bring back HOF or the orlesian warden in awakening (for people who’s warden died)
@oscarlovesthesea 3 жыл бұрын
hey, while I understand what your beef with the tactical mode is, I feel like it's important to bring up that tactical mode makes ALL the difference for disabled players like myself. some of us just don't have the hand dexterity to properly keysmash non-stop during combat, but we still want the excitement of full blown combat, and tactical mode allows us to balance between the two. Bioware has won accessibility in gaming awards thanks to tactical mode (and other accomodations that they have in their games), so getting rid of that would feel a lot like deciding that they don't care about their disabled players. I'm just pointing this out because I know a lot of abled folks don't realise how much of a difference tactical combat can make for disabled players!
@JackdawYT 3 жыл бұрын
That's an incredible point that I didn't realise myself. Thank you for sharing that insight!
@chrissyce5613 3 жыл бұрын
I liked how tactical combat was in Origins much better than dai. It was more robust and easier to use. I find 1st person more playable with my disability. I have never understood why they don't give you that option. I don't need to see my character's backside.
@oscarlovesthesea 3 жыл бұрын
@@JackdawYT ​no problem! it's the kind of thing that's easy to miss if it doesn't affect you, so I think it's important to try and spread awareness!
@oscarlovesthesea 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrissyce5613 I feel that, I think tactical worked a lot better in Origins and DA2 than it does in DAI, for some reason. that said I still would like them to fix it and make it more practical again rather than just get rid of it altogether lmao
@quintyss1290 3 жыл бұрын
^_^ I had a blast with DAO and its combat system. But I also enjoy button-mashing games like Black Desert. I'm also 63 and not getting any younger... I definitely don't have the dexterity and fast muscle twitch I used to have.
@saisgirlfriend 3 жыл бұрын
If we get to play a Qunari, I would like it if the hair and horn options are separate. Another would be if the player character had a unique combat tree options, like DA2 with Hawke.
@elizabethunangst4102 3 жыл бұрын
I would really like to see more hairstyles, more variety of w/w romances, origin stories, blood magic, and a small and customizable hub. But more on the w/w romances, i would really like to see a tough and angsty female romance option with a sensitive side (harley qun??) with lots of content and drama.
@elizabethunangst4102 3 жыл бұрын
Id be so sad if harley qun was a companion and romance option but only for the male protags
@stoneweddings7103 3 жыл бұрын
i need more mlm romances
@elizabethunangst4102 3 жыл бұрын
@@stoneweddings7103 exactly! more mlm romances as well with more variety.
@carriejones7163 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly, i want closure with the warden, they went off to find a cure, to end the calling, what happened with that ? I know it alluded to depending if the warden is female and romanced Alister that contacting them has been rather difficult. And the red lyrium having the connection with the blight, cause of the simular effects it has on the psyche.
@indiaashby654 3 жыл бұрын
I really want a story/ending where you can side with solas, I think it would be super interesting to see the rise of the elven empire and see the beauty of it, minus the slavery and wannabe gods. Or at least I would love a happy ending for him as I don't believe he or his plan cannot be changed and redeemed.
@TheLazyman555 3 жыл бұрын
I want to to see Kal Sharok and even something along the lines of a quest were you help a bunch of surface dwarves set up a permanent settlement back in the deep roads. It would be cool to set up with an exiled clan and help them retake their ancestral home and stop it from getting taken over again by providing them help in return you get a cut gold or whatever from their mines.
@bohboh5220 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to see hybrid classes like in Dragon's Dogma
@deansheets 3 жыл бұрын
@chrissyce5613 3 жыл бұрын
I always refer to Dragon's Dogma for the character creation but I agree with the hybrid classes. It has always made me angry that a mage character is too dumb to pick a lock.
@bohboh5220 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrissyce5613 I liked character creation as well, although sometimes limited on certain things, but I can't pretend too much from a 2012 videogame I guess!
@seiriii 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to see that Solas's Dread Wolf form finally gets animated.
@annmoore321 3 жыл бұрын
I would like to be able to change hair styles and makeup in the middle of the game. I would also like clothing options that the characters can change when they don’t need armor. It would also be nice if some of the characters within the game changed clothes/hair/makeup. I would like to see changes in the way the people of Thedas react to the protagonist based upon their reputation and choices. (Ie. reacting fearfully or antagonistic toward a more violent/ evil character) Blur class lines. Allow warriors to pick locks. Allow mages to knife fight. Allow rogues to be strong enough to bowl someone over. That kind of thing. Skyrim allows you to fully customize your character’s skills based on personal preference, and that game came out like 12 years ago. It shouldn’t be that hard to do. I actually would like to see more side quests. Make them engaging subplots that would have consequences in the main story line. I think the biggest problem with the side quests in Inquisition is that the side quests’ only purpose was for grinding. That gets boring after a while. You lose tension and the stakes don’t feel high. Think how different it would have been if you had triple the difficulty fighting the red templars until you dealt with the red lyrium mines, or if it was impossible to gain influence and respect until the fight between the mages and templars in the Hinterlands was handled. All of a sudden the stakes are higher and you feel incentive to engage in side quests. I want to see more positive consequences for choosing to be a decent person. I mention this because some people have expressed a desire for the game to be as dark as DA:O. I don’t necessarily disagree, but my biggest beef with that is (generally) good choices are punished while evil choices are rewarded. I’m not saying they should take away the perks that come from taking the low road, but when you go out of your way to do good things, it would be nice to have a reward for going to all that trouble like an unexpected ally, winning a powerful artifact, etc. More developed friendships would also be nice. To be able to become BFFs with one or more companions and have more cut scenes related to that would be amazing!
@christineherrmann205 3 жыл бұрын
First, amazing idea for a video. Second, I agree with all your (DA 4) desires, especially better character creation, more player choice, and factions or origins. For me?, I _want_ cameos. I feel it would be amazing to see the results of our earlier choices made corporeal in small voice-acted parts from earlier series. Fenris, Zevran, Dorian, etc - I want to run into Antivans and Vints we know or might know. A new protagonist might have an entirely new view of the cameo character, it ties the world together, and it would be beyond cool.
@asentoni 3 жыл бұрын
It's probably impossible, I know, but it'd be really neat to have a day/night cycle with dynamic weather. Quests that could only be done at certain times of day/night, and tasks that could be handled differently, depending on the weather -- kind of like, multiple ways to accomplish a goal.
@THEFLIGHTCREW5 3 жыл бұрын
I’d love to see the warden, hawke, and the inquisitor together; maybe something to do with weisshaupt?
@JannikNB1308 3 жыл бұрын
The One thing that I missed in Dragon age Inquisition was the use of Blood Magic or being a Blood Mage in general. I would find it interesting to have more options for the use of Blood Magic. (Especially since I 100% always choose the mage class) I would want a Blood Mage Specialistion that would improve on both Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2. Maybe they could reuse and improve on the original blood magic spells, while also adding new and unique spells too.
@user-ly1di7cq1q 3 жыл бұрын
I want my inquisitor and scout Harding romance have a lil more umph lol or like have her bring it up saying how they’re happy together or something; I felt betrayed that my one dwarf romance was barely even anything
@cowanderer8307 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely more conversation options with LI, I don't know how many times I'd go running to my LI after a mission to see if they had anything new to say. I'd love to have random and fresh LI content more frequently. Cute LI content outside of the main hub - If you're travelling with LI you should be able to have cute moments while out and about. Whether it banter, or a short scene. OOh like if you're exploring some mystic cave, and your LI pulls you aside and gives a kiss!
@chickenwn7 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jackdaw thank you for your video as always! ^^ Personally, I would love to have multiple branches of dialogue like persuade, lie, intimidate, etc... Just like origins! the ones in inquisition felt to empty and meaningless compare to the ones in the first game. I want my character to have a personnality :)
@killercarzilla 3 жыл бұрын
Factions and Fenris are at the top of my wishlist
@nathanchabotarstarkey5014 3 жыл бұрын
Add a personality to the main character like a brash dwarf, shy human, bold qunari or a flirty elf I would love to see that in the next game also to have it in the romance with other characters
@allllyyyy 3 жыл бұрын
I’d love to be able to choose from more options of backstories for the protagonist that don’t solely rely on the class you choose. edit: i’d also like to have a protagonist who can be “evil”. oh and some form of closure for solas and lavellan.
@nachoyoutube2732 3 жыл бұрын
One of the characters I want back is the freakin Hero of Ferelden, like they did with Hawke. I know we've had information about them, but arent you curious about what's about our first player-controlled main character's life?
@chongwillson972 Жыл бұрын
@Nacho KZbin they can die , so i doubt they will play a big role.
@mos4396 3 жыл бұрын
I want blood magic and templar specializations to be more powerful in the next Dragon Age.
@Kibriana 3 жыл бұрын
A closure for HoF. They went on a quest to find the cure for the Calling. Did they succeed? Can we have a happy ending there? That'd be nice.
@Rhys_Jones04 3 жыл бұрын
one thing that would be interesting and this probably ties in with the impactful decisions is to choose between the imperium or the qunari and each side would have pros and cons to choosing them like if we choose the imperium we loose qunari support and gain support from other nations but if we choose the qunari our popularity with thedas with lessen but we get the intelligence of the benhassrad (probably not spelled right) and lose one friend from each side for example we loose dorian if we side with the qunari or if we chose the imperium we loose sten (if he appears in the game) it would be and interesting path to take
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