Speculations and Wishlist for the Next Dragon Age Villain in Dragon Age 4

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@ItsRainingHippos 3 жыл бұрын
“Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty”. That to me was such a great hook for Corypheus to be a great villain, but he just kinda fizzled.
@Winter-The-Masquerade 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly Corypheus has a LOT of great quotes so even though he falls short he's at least memorable as a villain. Let's hope that the next villain, in addition to be a great antagonist in their own right, is just as memorable as Corypheus for we have seen the villain Mass Effect: Andromeda and he was empty!
@StonedHunter 3 жыл бұрын
Right!? I wish they had done more with that! You can't tell me that quote wouldn't have found its way all across Thedas. And the fallout for both Chantries!
@Delsanar 3 жыл бұрын
@@Winter-The-Masquerade MEA had every issue that DAI did but was prettier and had shooting.
@Winter-The-Masquerade 3 жыл бұрын
@@Delsanar I can't agree, while DAI has it's issues I think it's a really good game that has more positives then negatives. For example, the Inquisitor is, IMO, one of the best Protagonists in the BioWare Canon. To date the Inquisitor is the only time I've play as a villain, slowly manipulating everyone around me by presenting myself as a reasonable authority figure who was in actuality a slathering monster who ruined lives it it meant gaining more power. The Ryder's a two doormats in human skin-suits who everyone walks all over and the game expects you to be happy about it. Try to have your character grow a spin and the game gets all bent out of shape for trying to actually play the character as you see fit. I also feel that DAI's characters are a LOT better then MEA's. For example I hate both Liam and Vivienne but the former is because he's an idiot who nearly endangers everyone trying to play diplomat to prove he can (which he can't because he's an idiot). He's such a bad character that for the first time I was disappointed that there wasn't an option to either kick him off the team or to get him killed. I didn't even want to kill Lohgain who betrayed me. But Vivienne I hate her because of what she stands for. I hate her because she wants to restore the circles just to gain power when even my Inquisitor saw them for what they are, a time bomb that is going to do more harm then good. And please note I ruined Cullen's life and worked to keep the Templars addicted to Lyrium to keep them under my control and I still worked to get rid of the Circles. And yet, I kept bringing Vivienne with me because she was such a fascinating character who was really fun to listen to. I honestly wanted to hear what BS would come out of her mouth because hearing her spin horrible ideas to make them sound like good ones along with her bottomless amount of snark made her a must have companion for me. DAI also has SOME consequences for your actions, unlike MEA which sees player choice as more of a suggestion that it doesn't really need to listen to. In DAI almost every companion can leave the Inquisition if they disapprove of your actions enough. In MEA, going back to Liam, if you lock up one of his "friends" and point out what an idiot he is, he walks off saying how your no real hero... And then the game lets you know you've won his loyalty and when you go to talk to him he acts as if nothing is wrong. I'm not denying that DAI has its flaws (the open world is just a collectathon, and needs more story and less... nothing) but for me it honestly a really good game. One that I've played a replayed many times since its release. While MEA is a game I've played once and have no interest to play it again. But that's just me and I'm just a gamer with an opinion.
@ItsRainingHippos 3 жыл бұрын
@@StonedHunter I really wish they went deeper into the potential disillusion with Thedas, Corypheus, and the Maker. It would have been interesting to see how Corypheus could have spread a sort of nihilism throughout the world, rather than just being a 2D villain.
@cleveranonym74 3 жыл бұрын
I'm expecting something of a "multi-villain" theme in 4. One big bad leader from the Qun and one big bad magister from Tevinter. In good old BioWare style, you will be able to stop one, but won't be able to stop the other from doing something horrible.
@nonbinarybeauty 2 жыл бұрын
I believe that as well!! As far as you can stop one but not the other and it's going to be unexpected too as when it's thrown in least for me
@lucionelven3774 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for these videos to occupy and entertain us while we wait. Jackdaw you are amazing 🔥
@JackdawYT 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time and watching! It means so much to me!
@rabbitishJKR 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to have my personal archnemesis, that is always there hating my guts and scheming how to defeat me and destroy my plans, or at least to mess with me, and if it were in sillier manner that would be awesome. What I mean is they hate me because I ate their apple or something like that, and if they were just clumsy in their attempts that would be even better. Perfect comic relief. :D
@say2135 3 жыл бұрын
I subscribe to the two villain theory. It would be really cool of in the first act we faced Solas, only for another villain to rise in the second act, and they are so powerful that Solas himself must help us defeat them. This new villain would be a mirror reflection of Solas (someone who wants to destroy the world to remake it to their liking), prompting him to realize the error of his ways. After defeating this big bad, Solas decides to no longer go forward with his plan, but it has already been set in motion and can't be stopped. The third act would focus on Solas and us working together to try to stop whatever he did, and at the end it would require him to sacrifice himself. idk I just think it would be a neat conclusion to his narrative arc
@huanhoundofthevailinor2374 2 жыл бұрын
Something ive always wondered if humans werent around when the elves were at there most powerful where did they come from and if solas tears down the veil does thst mean humans never existed
@Dirge1981Cloud 3 жыл бұрын
Dragon age two was a terrible and so was Corypheus. Anything along that story line should be ultimately left out of any new game. I think they should do a prequel where they explore the first Grey Wardens and how they came to be. The figuring out of the ritual to make people Grey Wardens and some lost lore from that time. I think they could do almost anything with that kind of a story line. I think they need to go back to the style of Dragon age origins Spells and game play. The way that they played in Dragon age two was absolutely terrible, part three wasn't too bad but over all I prefer the origins game.
@laurel3420 3 жыл бұрын
I would like more villains that must be defeated through careful persuasion and gathering intel rather than a physical fight. Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts was my favorite quest in DA:I. I would love to see more quests like that alongside classic boss fight quests in DA4.
@channel45853 Жыл бұрын
Eh, I would like to see less of those. Maybe more if they follow the Landmeet's design, but Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts was not it. Dragon Age's design makes that level feel like a stealth level in a Call of Duty game. It just doesn't work.
@marshallm0992 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like beating solas is only possible in a philosophical debate. Like imagine you go to fight you but if you chose the right dialogue and have made the right choices, you can just debate him and talk him down. it seems in character for him imo.
@julianreviews8102 2 жыл бұрын
Kind of like in dragon age 2 where you can get the arishok to respect you
@jasonjin5253 2 жыл бұрын
Hersey , death to the heretics death to the xenos!
@JustMike_Official 3 жыл бұрын
In Solas' case, I just want him to fulfill his massive potential, as he can become one of the best video game antagonists out there. In regards to every other threat, I just want them to be the type of villains you love to hate.
@vclentini 3 жыл бұрын
In Inquisition the war between Mages and Templars was peraphs... too short? Except for Mage Trevelyan, the Inquisitor never suffered the consequences of the war and it never felt personal. It almost felt like the Inquisitor was hardly involved in the mages-templar conflict. That's why I disagree about Solas being the main villain for the first act. I hope that, like Loghain, Solas is a major threat for almost the entirety of the game. In my opinion it would be really underwhelming if the new hero defeats Solas at Level 10. I also hope they don't victimize him too much. However, Bioware knows how to write complex characters with grey morality and knows how to demonize their evil actions, when needed. Even if Loghain or Samson had their reasons, Bioware showed the horrors and the consequences of their insanity. I hope they acknowledge Solas' delusions as well. I 💯 agree about Corypheus. Solas and even Corypheus' allies (especially Alexius, Lucius, Calpernia and Samson) were definitely more interesting than him. Another reason Corypheus was weak is that he never gave the Inquisitor a personal reason to begin with. I had to fill the blanks with headcanons.
@channel45853 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree, the mage-templar war wasn't that well done in Inquisition. It just kinda..... happened.
@dawidzegota. 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think anyone wrote it, but maybe based of our decisions, we can redeem one of the minor villains and maybe make them our companion (maybe even a romanceable one ). Besides that, I would like to see some non-humanoid side bosses, i.e. Blighted Sylvan in Corrupted part of Arlathan Forest or one of Ghilan'nain's creations
@Vespiria67 3 жыл бұрын
The true villain of DA4 will be Sandel after he defeats Solas and reveals himself as The Maker!
@yc_knight6370 3 жыл бұрын
How will Sandal be the true villain?
@szekhar7602 3 жыл бұрын
@@yc_knight6370 he will make enchantments out of everything and EVERYONE
@SeventhheavenDK 3 жыл бұрын
@hojosconsal9913 2 жыл бұрын
@@yc_knight6370 ENCHANTMENT
@antonioscafuri756 Жыл бұрын
But if sandal is the main villain we stand no chance and we will all die regardless of what we choose ☹️.
@OfficiallyJewls 3 жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this! I agree with a lot of what you said, primarily about not wanting Solas to be the main villain and to actually lose, but what I really want to see is our character literally getting the shit knocked out of them. They get beat down, even after everything we've done thus far. Hell, kidnap the main character and make us play through the level all alone to escape wherever we're being held! I feel like people who write villains are sometimes scared to not go over the top or even touch the main characters, but there's just so much opportunity there to make the person playing the game hooked. There would be an emotional reason for us to continue playing, to see the villain who did all of this to us and our friends to pay for what they've done. That's why Loghain and Meredith, even Orsino, are great villains. They threaten us and hurt us in some way, whether it be emotionally or physically. I could go on a whole discussion about villains, but there's my 2 cents, an amazing video as always, Jack!
@AzuraBlackHeart 3 жыл бұрын
I'm replaying the mass effect trilogy Atm and there's certain parts that are getting me so hyped up for the darker toned return of dragon age, reminiscent of parts of origins. Take the omega dlc, getting introduced to the adgetents for the first time, you only have a flash light, they take all the music out of the game for a moment. You don't know what your facing even though you've seen a brief picture of them. You're just finding your way round in the dark, with only the noise of your footsteps and some growling. It actually feels like there's something at stake. I hope dragon age is able to recreate that tension, that feeling of threat. Both in the 'in moment mission' sense, and on the bigger scale of the main antagonist.
@materla4102 3 жыл бұрын
I must say I felt this same feeling in the The Descent DA dlc in the lower levels where you are walking in the complete dark through the narrow path and you can see the blue eyes everywhere. It's more intense in the closer shooter style as in ME but I think it was also really great at making me nervous (especially because I went there with way lower level than I should have).
@bigSwigsofGuinness 3 жыл бұрын
Playing the descent and playing Mass effect legendary edition reminds me how open world isn’t needed for RPGs. Dragon Age Inquisition is a great game, with some serious issues. The maps are too many and too large. They could have halved the map sizes or just reduced the number of them to 5. Had more going on in them and less fetch quests.... I hope Dragon Age 4 goes for quality over quantity..
@Fairybongmother 3 жыл бұрын
I just replayed the trilogy and yes the first few times had me sitting up trying to see more clearly. That would be nice to see something like that in the next Dragon Age.
@Fairybongmother 3 жыл бұрын
@@materla4102 I went there way too early as well. I also went to the Frostbacks way too early.
@mangostensy 3 жыл бұрын
@@bigSwigsofGuinness oh no, no more linear dungeons. open world pls, the bigger the better
@BelieveIt1051 3 жыл бұрын
If Solas can reach the new protag in dreams, then he can kill us at any time. It wouldn't work. If you want an antagonist to communicate with the new protag, I would point to the Formless One. It's the last of the four, and this interaction itself would lead up to a possible fight with it. And I would say have it disguised as a member of the Magisterium. We could have a mission where we investigate to uncover which Magister is the Formless One, with dire consequences for being wrong in whom we accuse. I agree that Solas shouldn't be the main villain, but I would say make him the main antagonist for 95% of the game, with the remaining 5% being the introduction of the released evanuris, who will be the major threats in the next game or DLCs. As for side villains, I agree that we should fight some of Solas' generals. Also, certain Magisters of the Magisterium, one or two of the Magisters Sidereal, and plenty of fully armored Qunari. We might also get some Venatori factions, though I would think Calpernia would have brought most of them under her own guidance, and I think Calpernia should be a party companion. We also need to find Halward Pavus' assassin(s). This could be a drawn out and involved case that requires careful attention to detail and planning, and it should involve dead ends as well as false conclusions. The correct answer should also allow for various choices on how the player wishes to resolve it. Personally, I think masterful play of this storyline would result in us finding the real culprit being Magister Tilani. Perhaps Tilani thought eliminating Halward and elevating Dorian would benefit the Lucerni, and perhaps Tilani believed killing Halward would be doing Dorian something of a favor, seeing Halward's actions against Dorian as being cruel and unforgivable. But since this revelation might devastate Dorian regardless, it should be up to the new protag to reveal the truth or not. The consequences of this should be severe. Revealing the truth could condemn Tilani and the Lucerni to certain destruction, but also make a strong ally of Dorian. He could then be won over to a different cause, such as supporting Calpernia or even our own protag's agenda for the Magisterium. Conversely, the protag could cover it up, thus winning favor with Tilani. Another option is to pin the assassination on a rival Magister within the Magisterium, thus taking down a major opponent and covering up for Tilani. Of course, if this fails, the results would be disastrous but equally entertaining. Also, we might be able to successfully frame a Magister, but also fail to deceive Dorian about it, or even drop a clue on him that will spur him to keep investigating on his own. Otherwise, you're basically just doing Tilani's bidding, which should also be an option. This would also make Tilani a morally grey character, and thus a bit more interesting and well-written. You could even have Tilani explain the motives behind the plot, and how it was done with the best of intentions. We could then either encourage Dorian to make peace with Tilani and try to save their friendship, or not, or even actively sabotage it. Another antagonist we should be able to meet is Razikale. If we are to defeat Solas we will need knowledge and power enough to rival his. So meeting Razikale, Dragon of Mysteries, is a must. We've never met an old god that was not corrupted, aside from what little we might see through Kieran. So dealing with Razikale as an enemy would be interesting. Maybe we fight it inside it's underground prison, and winning the fight will compel it to answer our questions. An alternative could be to threaten it with the Darkspawn corruption. An easy threat to make, but perhaps difficult to back up without proper coercion ability. Or, if a Grey Warden ally is present, the threat could be much stronger, since the Grey Warden would be able to slay Razikale once corrupted. Again, multiple outcomes. Maybe we corrupt Razikale on purpose regardless of how cooperative it is. Maybe that leads to a new Blight and widespread devastation on our side. Or maybe we can somehow redirect the Darkspawn and use them against Solas so that he must waste energy and resources destroying the corrupted old god. This could also result in another old god vessel. If the (ex-)Inquisitor drank from the Well of Sorrows, he or she might know the Dark Ritual. Thus that too could be used to capture Razikale, though it would not benefit our side in the immediate future. Conversely, Solas might know of the Dark Ritual as well, and might be able to drain the old god soul after it enters the vessel. And a completely different option would be to release Razikale in the flesh and ally with it. Then we could ride around on a flying Great Dragon, among other things. The return of the Darkspawn Disciples is a must. As is Seranni's. Though I think she and her Disciples should be allies, other Disciples who were loyal to The Mother would be enemies. We could also see their involvement with the Darkspawn that have appeared to have incorporated red lyrium into their bodies. Maybe the Disciples have found a way to control it, like Corypheus did. I think this plot would also play nicely into the Hero of Ferelden's quest for the cure. After finding the cure and returning to Weisshaupt to sort out those Grey Warden problems, the Hero would logically wish to spread the cure to parts of Thedas that have been polluted with red lyrium. So the Hero would need to make more of the cure, or replicate the process of cleansing the taint, and then administer it to the proper places. This would give the Hero a GOOD reason to not be directly involved in the fight against Solas, but will also give indirect involvement in his defeat, if Solas is using red lyrium to his own benefit, which he seems to be doing by seeking the Red Lyrium Idol. So having the Hero run into these Disciples and red lyrium darkspawn would give our new protag another opportunity to work with our old protag (the first being at Weisshaupt). And it would tie up the possible loose end with Seranni and Velanna. The Hero cures the sisters both, and all is made right. I think Hawke should also obtain the methods of the cure from the Hero and split up to help cleanse Kirkwall of red lyrium. And regarding Kirkwall, we never found out what was at the bottom of the city's madness. If Hawke and the new protag investigate the lowest depths and find the drains the ancient Tevinters used to collect the blood of slaves, we might finally find out why the city seems to breed such madness. This might even be Varric's chance to make the ultimate sacrifice, which was rumored to have been planned for Inquisition, or the cancelled DA2 DLC. So even a place or location can act as an antagonist.
@ericparker1393 3 жыл бұрын
The Nug King leads a Exalted March on the surface to reclaim their land. No nation or faction stands a chance.
@SquishyEggo 3 жыл бұрын
A new Dragon Age villain? My mind goes to Inquisition: Trespasser where the "villain" is just a coalescence of circumstance and it was so well done. More of that, please.
@mangostensy 3 жыл бұрын
@Lopsidedlollipops 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to see a Blighted Titan. What a huge, terrifying enemy it would be.
@JackdawYT 3 жыл бұрын
So, now it is your turn, let me know down below what you’d like to see for the next villain and you may be featured in the follow-up video. Apologies for the shameless plug, but I've been posting a lot more on my Insta, if you'd like more wholesome content from myself during your week, why not give it a follow: instagram.com/jackdawyt/?hl=en
@joaquinacosta4312 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Lord Jackdaw from Tea Baron. For me the real enemy is not Solas but Mythal who is subconsciously influencing Solas. What do I mean by this? Well if we remember the end of Dragon Age Inquisition Solas absorbs Mythal's power from Flemeth and they "die" but for sure it's part of Mythal's plan. What I think is that Flemeth is parasitizing the Dread Wolf and then having enough power to use it as a catalyst and materialize in a new body even more powerful leaving Solas as an ordinary elf...then we would defeat her and the energy released would be so Great that would unleash the last two Blights together to awaken the two remaining Old Gods.... since Dragon Age would be a pentalogy or so it was planned (supposedly this has not changed) this would be something logical to have a last game to finish in an epic way the initial plot of Origins of the Blights that is still unfinished closing in the previous one the one of the elves. Thanks for your videos and quality content, greetings from Uruguay 🇺🇾.
@xSolhyx 3 жыл бұрын
I'm currently playing Dishonored again and think the idea of different ways of dealing with the villains would be pretty neat. Like - in Dishonored you can just kill your targets or spare them in quite unique ways, which require some preparations before the confrontation. I know Inquisition had something like that with trials - ie. to kill or make use of Alexius's knowledge - but these happened after the battle... and didn't really mattered that much later. I want to choose the fate of some villains during the battle. At least the side villains. And make the options more creative, so it won't be just like "okay, I spare you, you are a court jester, now get off my sight!"
@oopsgingermoment 3 жыл бұрын
I ADORE the way Dishonored handled the players' choices and how it affects the game's ending. I would love for something similar for DA4. With so much build-up over the last three games, we need a variety of story-altering choices. Hopefully BioWare is paying attention.
@darthportus 2 жыл бұрын
@@oopsgingermoment I don't want good endings be locked behind stealth.
@alyssa.jay. 3 жыл бұрын
I think a villain's victory even later in the game like Thessia in me3 would be perfect.
@ivanhunter6492 3 жыл бұрын
what about the returning Eveanurus where they tell their side of things and challenge the main heroes perception of Solas and his plan
@xhosagibran370 3 жыл бұрын
I hope the next game the decision making is gray.
@strangestblossom8060 3 жыл бұрын
I’d love to see Solas actually complete his plan. Maybe not right in the beginning, but in Act Two of the game. Kinda like the attack on Haven. Then we work with him to defeat the other elven gods. Solas being a terrifying force to deal with that makes the title of Dread Wolf very appropriate is also acceptable. I want to see him devastated at his own actions but continuing to do them for the people. And I wanna watch him mope about breaking up with my Inquisitor. Still not over it.
@Winter-The-Masquerade 3 жыл бұрын
In terms of having a villain win against the hero, check out Assassin's Creed 3's DLC The Tyranny of King Washington. One of the issues with writing a situation where the hero is either at a draw or losing against a villain in the game is that it often feels like a contrivance when we've been winning the rest of the time. Tyranny gets around this issue BRILLIANTLY by giving the villain victories that are disconnected to the heroes victories. After the DLC's prologue you spend most of your time building up your skills with the help of a few allies BUT while your off getting new powers or a McGuffin Washington is sending his forces to kill your allies while your away and the DLC sets this up perfectly with hints and clues that your allies are either going to be found or a walking into a trap but because what you are doing doesn't connect to that you have no way of helping your allies. And to add to this Tyranny has its own Haven in the prologue. The first half hour is a fight against Washington's forces and while we push him back at first the damage his army does makes it clear that this isn't a victory only a set back. And then Washington comers back and attacks again and this time all you can do is fight to buy everyone time to retreat which is then followed up by Washington killing your mother right in front of you and then, in gameplay NOT a cutscene, he wipes the floor with you in a fight where you cannot cause him any harm, you can't retreat and all of his attacks can't be dodged or blocked. This is a one sided fight that shows WHY you need the power of a Great Willow Tree to fight him. So, as odd as this may sound, King George Washington is one of the best villains in video game history and a large part of that is how he manages to be one step ahead of us WITHOUT undercutting our victories and his success is NOT a result of the writers giving him success. And just for an example of how NOT to have a villain with look at Mass Effect 3. You lose to the villains a handful of times and each time it's not because the villains are outsmarting you or are harder to beat in game but because the game Says you lose this fight. I was kicking Kai Lang's ass in Thessia ON INSANITY and then the game went, "Okay, now it's time for you to lose the fight" and then in a cutscene Lang kicked my but and everyone else with everyone forgetting they had A) GUNS and B) Powers. If we must lose in fight in a game DON'T have it be a result of the developers giving us the middle finger have the villains win because of skills they posses in game or have victories against us elsewhere.
@phyreblade 3 жыл бұрын
When I saw your video pop up in my notifications, my first thought of "wishlist for the next villain" was simple enough -- that it wasn't Solas. And then I begin watching the video and I start laughing when I see that the FIRST thing you are hoping for is that the big villain is NOT Solas! Yay! We're thinking alike! You're wishing for precisely what I have been wishing for FOREVER!
@kwstasdelipeleas762 3 жыл бұрын
I believe the reamaining 2 Old Gods would be kinda of a perfect suit as the big last vilains whitch that would kinda give the chance solas to be a ally but I definetely want him as a vilain in the first act and maybe Architect involved
@mastery7901 2 жыл бұрын
If thats true, it means a trip to the Anderfels and possibly a meeting with Anders or Merril(if romanced). Weisshaupt fortress as well and a meeting with Hawke.
@TyrbeTrost 3 жыл бұрын
I just want to meet and speak with the Warden again. The main villain can be Solas or anyone else as long as I get to meet the Warden again.
@NimbleToesPlay 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would be really interesting if the next hero failed in stopping the veil from being torn, or if the hero does decide to help Solas they succeed in tearing the veil down in a set up for the next game. Or at the beginning of the game, is when the veil tears. kind of like in inquisition how nothing went right from the very first part, except this time it does.
@NightIceWolf12 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with the multiple villains point. I would love it if each villain was fleshed out and had an actual personality instead of being a caricature of some architype. I also agree with you and others that I want to lose at least once and for there to be consequences of that lost. I wouldn't mind that through the whole game that there was this constant tug of war between us and the several villains. Where we could win some major battle somewhere but later we would learn that another area was taken over or something equally as bad happened. Another example would be that we spent all this time and resources fighting for this 1 major battle but lost due to the arrival of something we weren't prepared for like the veil failing or a new blight being unleashed.
@szekhar7602 3 жыл бұрын
How about the inquisitor? Since hes not the protagonist, maybe in his quest to stop solas he gets entangled with the titans or forbidden ones in a warcraftian "we are one" Arthas like plot. Altering his appearance and free will but keeping his memories.
@alanstewart7510 3 жыл бұрын
Man are vids are amazing I've been watching you ever since i started playing dragon age when it first came out and i still play it now , I've been waiting for Dragon age 4 , for so long now
@oghren6617 3 жыл бұрын
Hopefully they don’t bring my wife back, they can have her
@rususumi 3 жыл бұрын
You want to kiss a villain? So like Aria?
@the_yeehaw_way 3 жыл бұрын
as much as this pains me to say, i want hawke/the warden to be a 'villain' of sorts. it's most likely not going to happen, but it would be heartbreaking if the person who was left in the fade came back blighted by red lyrium (for example). even though a hawke left in the fade's most likely outcome is something to do with the mythal abyss quote, having them become this blighted being would be fittingly bittersweet. but, yeah, even though i hope we get a happy ending for them both, having to fight hawke or alistair would be one of the most heart wrenching moments in gaming in my opinion
@ignazthesecond7231 3 жыл бұрын
i really would like to see the Harvester again, and maybe also those weird elves of the Tirashan
@Levaaah09 3 жыл бұрын
I would like for Flemythal to be the actual BBEG, using Solas to release those who betrayed her to get her ultimate revenge. She's been plotting for thousands of years right? It would be so epic if she was behind it all. Like she says in Inquisition. "I nudge history, when it's required. Other times, a shove is needed."
@joanhammond7261 3 жыл бұрын
Hope dragon 4 have different boss not repeated boss
@TheSirStrazzen 2 жыл бұрын
Man you and I have some very similar if not Identical thoughts on what makes a good/great Villain and how to use them. In my IRL TTRPG game based in a realm/world called "Terrinoth", our party has/had a set of villains that were a Lord & Lady within the human society that exists. He was just a human Mage who we did end up killing off and his Lady is a Vampire of some sort with most of the classic abilities from Myth-- Turns into Mist when she loses all her health/HP, can Dominate the will of mortals / Charm others and so on. During our last session we had to attend a "High Summers Feast" where we saw our BBEG's and I immediately bee-lined it over to her with glasses of wine in my hands as she, he and some other random noble were there. I handed him and the other Guy the wine and said "If you don't mind Mi'Lord I'm borrowing your Lady for the next few dances, Ok ? Good." , and then proceeded to take her hand and lead her out to the dance floor where we chatted and bantered back and forth since from the artwork the Game Master has for her she is smokin Hawt with features like a young Farrah Fawcett or maybe older 20's Anna Kournikova ? And I ask questions like "What do you see in him ? I'm far better looking and much more charming." , etc... . I was going to try and kiss her but the way the RP went she was able to gain some knowledge / ween away some information from me that I did not intend to reveal so I made my Guy get nervous, afraid , fearful of her and her powers. I too would love more games , more Story writers write Villains that you can relate to and even desire / fall in love with. It seems to be a lost Artform in RPG Story Writing these days .
@Bloodletter8 3 жыл бұрын
I'm still hoping that Evil Alistair will show up from a parallel universe, stroking his goatee with nefarious intent.
@Drums_of_Liberation 2 жыл бұрын
Ah, but what if our Alistair IS evil Alistair considering Alistair already had a goatee
@mangostensy 3 жыл бұрын
Wholeheartedly agree that Solas won't be the main antagonist, neither he's a villain in general. He was the biggest SJW of the past and he still is. He probably will reveal that something that he's hiding about titans as in the room in the Trespasser and rather join us ( and maybe die sacrificing, but hopefully not). My bet is on Mythal. That will also be a punch for Solas (I ship them, yes), she summoned him and used him to revenge under the pretences of fighting against slavery. Also Cory was great and it was clear that he wasn't the main villain either as he was constantly wrong. He was a puppet but a great one! Cory was involved, YOU stole his ancor. Cory was coming for you, not trying to destroy Thedas. Pretty much for the motivation. Disagree on ME2 suicide mission. It reduces everyone to pointless pawns. And instead of tactics you just try to save everyone. Wasn't impressed by ME2 in general.
@ravenfal1496 2 жыл бұрын
Here's what I would love: The hero actually has to pick between Solas and the Inquisitor. Whoever the next hero sides against becomes the main villain, which could be heartbreaking for the player to have to make that choice. Now, unless this is the last dragon age game, Solas's plan would still have to succeed/fail regardless of your choice (kind of like how Orsino dies no matter who you side with).
@adamroot7241 2 жыл бұрын
I always hoped for a 3 way struggle. Like the main character, solas, and the forgotten ones or something. (That was just an example.) Also bring back maleficarum.
@joaquinacosta4312 3 жыл бұрын
For me the real enemy is not Solas but Mythal who is subconsciously influencing Solas. What do I mean by this? Well if we remember the end of Dragon Age Inquisition Solas absorbs Mythal's power from Flemeth and they "die" but for sure it's part of Mythal's plan. What I think is that Flemeth is parasitizing the Dread Wolf and then having enough power to use it as a catalyst and materialize in a new body even more powerful leaving Solas as an ordinary elf...then we would defeat her and the energy released would be so Great that would unleash the last two Blights together to awaken the two remaining Old Gods.... since Dragon Age would be a pentalogy or so it was planned (supposedly this has not changed) this would be something logical to have a last game to finish in an epic way the initial plot of Origins of the Blights that is still unfinished closing in the previous one (the elves)
@tinaswafford1985 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, @Jackdaw, watch out for Andruil if she wants to have a romantic relationship! Fen'Harel and the Tree "In the story, Fen'Harel was captured by the hunting goddess, Andruil. He had angered her by hunting the halla without her blessing, and she tied him to a tree and declared that he would have to serve in her bed for a year and a day to pay her back. But as she made camp that night, the dark god Anaris found them, and Anaris swore that he would kill Fen'Harel for crimes against the Forgotten Ones. Andruil and Anaris decided that they would duel for the right to claim Fen'Harel. He called out to Anaris during the fight and told him of a flaw in Andruil's armor just above the hip, and Anaris stabbed Andruil in the side, and she fell. Then Fen'Harel told Anaris that he owed the Dread Wolf for the victory and ought to get his freedom. Anaris was so affronted by Fen'Harel's audacity that he turned and shouted insults at the prisoner, and so he did not see Andruil, injured but alive, rise behind him and attack with her great bow. Anaris fell with a golden arrow in his back, badly injured, and while both gods slumbered to heal their wounds, Fen'Harel chewed through his ropes and escaped." -Felassan, to Briala
@joeallen781 3 жыл бұрын
Also - a lot of talk about bringing back Fenris - BRING BACK MERRILL! Let her die at the hands of Solas if he is assumed to be the big bad and have it come around somehow in that to save his people, he will kill his people.
@Nagram_ 3 жыл бұрын
Because DA4 will have multiple conflicts I'm expecting minor villains for each of them trouought the game, Qunaris for the Invasion on Antiva and Tevinter, maybe some tyrant Warden for the Civil War they are having in Weisshaupt, an intelligent Darkspawn, corrupted Mortalitasi in Nevarra and such. But I believe Solas NEEDS to be the overarching villain of the story, with multiple important agents that will act against us in his name, and eventually he will personally step in to stops us. He does want to destroy the world and the new protagonist doesn't have the potential relation with him that the Inqisitor could, besides we onlynow part of who he is, Solas was careful to what he said and how he acted since the beggining of Inquisition, we don't know the cruel and the furious part of his personality, the one that swore vengeance to the Evanuris and waged war against them in the past.
@Telaara 3 жыл бұрын
I want at least a quest with the creatures from Tevinter Night's "The Horror of Hormak". I guess, it will be similar horrendous, maybe more, than Origins Broodmother plot.
@RamenNumerals676 3 жыл бұрын
If we see the Evanuris in DA4, I want them to be terrifying creatures. There is that picture from DA2 where a group of people stare at a tall spindly creature while in the Deep Roads and I hope the Evanuris are monstrous. All the statues of the Elven Pantheon in Origins are strange looking, so I am hoping the "Gods" are equally unsettling in the flesh. They don't have to be all one dimensional evil, give us twisted forms of the Evanuris but also flesh out the characters.
@over30gamingthewolfsden88 3 жыл бұрын
I Agree about how are decisions from previous Dragon age games should be more emotionally heavy. Are new hero as well as our inquisitor should feel the weight of our pass decisions and inturn should shape our new enemies. For example what the decision of either leave Hawke or one of the grey wardens you choses in the fade comes back to hunt in the form of Hawke possessed by a demon or the grey warden become a full darkspawn like Utha from dragon age origins. Solas lives in the Fade pretty sure very easy to traverse the fade a find them. Using it to break the inquisitor or distracting him, think about I how heartbreaking it would be for Varic to see his thought to be dead friend come out of the fade as a abomination. I definitely agree I would love to see Solas have thanos moment, telling the new hero "you should have went for the head" and poof!! just destroy the veil.
@anthonyweber8311 3 жыл бұрын
Kind of a soap opera-type twist villain but... what if Dorian's father isn't actually dead? They were very vague on the details and having him fake his death for some nefarious reason would be fuuuun.
@1Drakorn 2 жыл бұрын
While I'm personally more than okay with Solas being the actual big bad, there is one other idea I would find intriguing. Running with the theory that the Old Gods and the Evanuris are connected, I would love for them to whisper to you throughout the course of the game, like they did with the Magisters of old. This entity would sort of be like a spirit guide in the Fade, maybe a spirit that doesn't agree with Solas' plan and seemingly gives you all this knowledge you would need to stop him. Following this, I would like the game to absolutely sell the idea that Solas *is* the big bad. All side missions, done, you have the best equipment, only the boss fight with Solas remains. However, you fail at stopping him. The Veil is torn down. But, as it turns out, all this helpful advice you've received from the spirit over the course of the game were actually instructions on how to sabotage Solas just enough so that he couldn't act against the Evanuris once the Veil is down. So you and Solas both hold responsibility over the new evil that would now befall Thedas. Then we get into the second part of the game, which none of us saw coming. Since you and Solas both brought about this mess, you can now team up to figure out how to deal with the Evanuris together.
@luizpaulonm 2 жыл бұрын
You and your clairvoyant ability to wish what we all want or didn't know we wanted. I second everything you said. I would also like more Flemmeth.
@tinaswafford1985 3 жыл бұрын
Great video once again, Jackdaw! Thank you! You help us so much by putting these out. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. (I had more detail to each one but KZbin gave me 'Return Error'. Cheers.) Dragon Age 4 | The Next Villain 1.) Possible Villain: The Forgotten Ones 2.) Possible Villain: Andruil 3.) Possible Villain: Ghilan'nain 4.) Possible Villain: Any other surviving Evanuris 5.) Possible Villain (or hostile creature): Ghilan'nain Creation(s) 6.) Possible Villain: Remaining Magisters Sidereal 7.) Possible Villain: Remaining Old Gods (that could also become Arch-demons if tainted) REMAINING: Razikale, the Dragon of Mystery REMAINING: Lusacan, the Dragon of Night REMAINING: (?) A Chantry scholar conjectured that there might have been an unknown eighth Old God represented by constellation "Draconis" that was stricken from historical record. 8.) Possible Villain: BLIGHT and Arch-demon(s) plus Horde of Darkspawn (See #7 Possible Villain) 9.) Possible Villain (or problem): Qunari - Tevinter War 10.) Possible Villain (or problem): The Veil Destroyed (Fade everywhere) 11.) Possible Villain (or problem): Unbound Spirits Everywhere (due to Dread Wolf edict) - (Nevarra is covered in loose spirits) 12.) Possible Villain: Executors and "Powers across the sea" (Unknown problems) 13.) Possible Villain (or problem): Tevinter Slave Rebellion 14.) Possible Villain (or problem): Grey Warden Civil War 15.) Possible Villain (or problem): Red Lyrium Idol 16.) Possible Villain (or problem): End of Thedas, Time-Travel to Ancient Elvhenan 17.) Solas aka Fen'Harel aka The Dread Wolf
@garmrbanalras2579 3 жыл бұрын
i wouldnt mind if DA4 started with solas tearing down the veil, or if that was like the haven moment for DA4. then maybe the player will have to decide if they are going to try to kill solas for doing it, or allying with him against the other elven gods
@alenamerin8090 2 жыл бұрын
Since the games are called "Dragon Age" I want Dragons - or better *one single* Dragon - to matter more in the narrative. In Origins you had that Dragon I think at the temple and then you had the archdemon as the final boss, which made sense. In DA II there was no High Dragon in the main story at all. And in Inquisition you had Dragons behind every corner, which made them meaningless. Corypheus' Pet Dragon therefore became just another of these foes which we've already killed a dozen times. Nevertheless you could explain it by the lore as it was explained in the books (I think in stolen throne) that there hadn't been dragons for a very long time and suddenly they started to reappear. But in DA 4 I don't want to meet several dragons again. Instead I want one or two big fights against a Dragon that is a major thread to the people of thedas. I want to see how it is burning villages and fields, causing death and famine. While writing this, I wonder if a Dragon could be THE main villain in the next DA. The "High Dragons" we met were huge and (more or less) dangerous beasts - but they were beasts. What if we had a more intelligent dragon? A dragon who can talk to us, maybe even in our dreams. A dragon who has ambitions and states that the protagonist and the people of thedas stand between it and its aims? A dragon who gathers other beasts and fractions (like dragon worshipping Qunari cults?) around him? It could be either similar to the intelligent dark spawns that they are ordinary dragons which just differ by their intelligence OR its one of the old gods that got free before getting corrupted but is stuck in their dragon shape.
@porci751 3 жыл бұрын
taking dragon age 2 and inquisition as examples, they may just throw away the set up from the last game and make up an entirelly new thing
@andjelaavramovic564 2 жыл бұрын
I want the Architect to return. Like, maybe not a villain/enemy but as ally of some sort or a neutral party.
@NightIceWolf12 3 жыл бұрын
This is about enemies not just the main villains or villains but I wanted to post it here. I want there to be many different types of enemies that might need special ways to take them down. Like in DA:I there were regular humans, mages, behemoths, ogres, high dragons, giants, wild animals, various monsters, etc. In DA:I there were shielded warriors that you had to either do AOE attacks on or flank/backstab them since their shields absorbed so much damage in the front. I want more of that sort of thing where attacking enemies isn't just button mashing but there is thought in it. Maybe incorporate some stealth elements where before a enemy notices your party you can snipe one of the enemy archers or mages to have an easier battle. Since, the enemy didn't notice you yet then the snipe attack deals extra stealth damage. Maybe, the environment can factor into combat or before combat even starts. Maybe there is some oil nearby and you can fire onto it with a fire arrow or with fire magic and BOOM!. Maybe you can reenact what Sten did to the darkspawn in the Sacred Ashes trailer for DA:O where he pushed darkspawn off the mountain through brute force. A really strong warrior can do this. Maybe there needs to be a strength check before they could engage. I would really like it if combat didn't automatically start when the enemy notices you. Maybe you didn't notice the enemy and they can then ambush you and deal stealth damage to several party members before they could even react. Think of the invisible enemies in DA:I but they don't wait for you to be in combat with their allies before entering stealth. So, there could always be some enemy engaged in stealth that can backstab your party at any moment. Reference: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qHjFmJajg915npY
@MrE-wr8ws 2 жыл бұрын
The next dragon age should improve the magic system because magic in DAI was so limited it was boring to be a mage.
@NightIceWolf12 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrE-wr8ws That would be nice.
@julianreviews8102 2 жыл бұрын
Dragon age origins does not have a kissable villain and is therefore not as good as DA2 or DAI. I will not be accepting constructive criticism at this time
@galilea723 3 жыл бұрын
Two things I hope regarding Solas: I hope they avoid the "Loki effect" I know a lot of people love him but he's a person who's willing to commit genocide to acomplish his goals even if they go for the redemption route I hope they don't sweep under the rug all the awful things he does because he's likeable and has a sympathetic backstory. On the same vein I want the option to kill Solas... wait wait don't kill me... I like Solas and my Inquisitor probably wouldn't given the change but I don't know if the new hero will share this view. A bit of metageming if fine but I like roleplay. Also I bet there's some people that outright dislike Solas (I mean there's got to be right?)
@SeventhheavenDK 3 жыл бұрын
"there's some people that outright dislike Solas" Yes, a lot, actually.
@darthportus 2 жыл бұрын
Only ones who ignore Solas crimes are Solasmancers fortunatly they are in minority don't worry.
@cairosyrup4814 3 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a real heavy hitter in the first and even second acts. Someone our protagonist will need to undermine and undercut because the threat is actually Solas. Like maybe a disillusioned Black Divine. Someone really big that is going to realize that their enemy wasn't our protagonist, but the Dread Wolf, and that they've completely failed in doing the right thing. I'd love to see their face when/if Solas drops the veil at the end of the game and the primary adversary understands just how grave their mistakes were
@YoRouable 3 жыл бұрын
I want to be able to knife-fight Ghilan'nain in the Del Taco parking lot.
@JakDarckner 3 жыл бұрын
More of the same as Inquisition and DA II. If it's great it dont need fixing.
@willsword8100 2 жыл бұрын
i am still unsure if Cory in the House is dead or not, that final fight gave me a strange lingering thought.
@Explorefood715rpg 3 жыл бұрын
This is quiet nice, looks fun to watch.
@JohnZaun 3 жыл бұрын
I would prefer it if Solas stayed the main villain for the entire game because if they do it where he is only the 'first half' villain you risk just repeating the same mistakes with Corypheus. Either giving him or the 'real villain' not enough time to shine and for them to be developped. However I have been thinking that if they go this route it would be interesting if he joined your party again either as a way of redeaming himself or out of resentment because you messed up his plan so he has no choice, either way could be interesting for character devlopment. I expect the Qunari to make up a large group of the antagonistic forces as well, maybe forces within the Imperium to.
@terrideeth9795 2 жыл бұрын
How about a female villain
@Samurai_Stoner 3 жыл бұрын
Sandal returns as a big bad
@matheusmrmello 3 жыл бұрын
I seriously expect that the hero gets to be antagonised by other parts besides the villain's... You mentionet GoT... What if the hero gets so powerful that it's allies will eventually quention themselves wheter someone should hold such power, fearing to create a future bigger threat so the current one could be defeated. I also wanna be presented to a villain that actually wins! Such as in The Legend of Korra... she couldn't stop the Harmonic Convergence and had to find a way to help the society's adjustment to the new reality... Maybe this sceneario would multiply the number of threats... Saying this becouse that picture of a titanish villain fighting the heroes reminded so much of Vaatu LOL It would be nice to get to better know the villain... and come on.. we're all adults here... we all know that when we grow up villains are soooo much relatable... and kissable LOL
@darkinnovator2479 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking of Fanfic, Jackdaw, I admit that I brought Corypheus back in one form or another. Largely, as a spirit familiar of a character who is essentially Dumat's "reincarnation".
@heroofkvatch5878 3 жыл бұрын
Another intriguing topic! As for the next villain, I won't speak on the main villain(s), but I'd also like to see more side villains! Not the mustachioed, knife-twirling weaklings that can be defeated the first time you meet them, but clever, misguided, or blackmailed individuals that operate in opposition to the main character. I want to be able to interact with these characters in order to get information from them, or to sway them to my side depending on the choices I make. Something like the Calpernia/Samson dynamic from Inquisition, but explored further and with more detail.
@Kathychis 3 жыл бұрын
Always great to get a notification for a new video from you Jack 😁 I think the biggest problem with Corypheus is that he spends like 2/3 of the game keeping a low profile. For the first bit we don't even know who the Elder One is, and after Haven the INQUISITION knows Corypheus is the bad guy but NOBODY ELSE knows its Corypheus. And then for the next two main quests we deal with Corypheus' goons carrying out his plans because he's once again keeping a low profile. I don't know about you, but I spend ages and ages in between main quests doing side quests, exploring new maps, doing companion quests, looking for collectables, etc, so to never see Corypheus again from the destruction of Haven until What Pride Had Wrought is like at least 70 ish hours for me?? He was basically absent for THE ENTIRE SECOND ACT yet he's the main villain? How can he be memorable if we don't even know about him for most of the first act, is absent for the second, then shows up again in the third act going "fear me! I am so powerful! I am a god! Worship me or die". All he made me feel at the climax was a bit impatient and bored, and that made me sad because Inquisition is a good game, but it would have been an amazing game if it had a villain that was actually interesting and memorable.
@Maxbeedo2 2 жыл бұрын
It's going to be a tough balancing act. There needs to be multiple villains, as Solas as the primary villain for the whole game would not be that satisfying as we're expecting to be able to talk him down (given certain choices), and there are too many dangling plot threads to only focus on one, but not too many villains that they don't distract from each other. Obviously it would be cool to have an Archdemon/Blight AND the Evanuris AND Titans AND the Qunari Invasion AND many others (Executors? The Formless One? More Magister/Darkspawn and/or the Architect?), but unless the game is like 200+ hrs long the narrative wouldn't be able to support all of them.
@eternalgamer2521 Жыл бұрын
I want some closure on Flemeth. Confirmation, if she’s actually dead or will return to transfer Mythal’s power or soul to Morrigan. I also want to know what the warden is currently up to. Are they successful in ending? They calling for grey wardens I want more morally Grey characters implemented into the story, whether their companions, or npcs I want more morally Grey characters implemented into the story, whether their companions, or NPCs Let’s be honest, we all want an update on Sten and finally, I would like us to get more insight on Ravain and have a mission crucial to the story, utilizing Isabella
@mangostensy 3 жыл бұрын
Evanuris, Mythal, Archdemons ( maybe Solas btw), and some smaller tevinter magisters as antagonists. the whole concept of villain is outdated. it's much more complicated.
@Murnauk 2 жыл бұрын
I think there's a very good chance that we wont get a Nemesis-style villain in DA4, considering that we didn't really have those in DAO or DA2. Yes, we had Loghain in DAO but like....he didn't do that much tbh, the main story quests weren't about him or what he's doing (other than the Landsmeet). The only thing he does during the campaign is send Zevran after you. The main "villain" was just the Blight. In DA2 the Arishok wasn't even a real antagonist until the very end of DA2, same with Meredith. Neither of them directly opposed Hawke. Hawke just made it their business to oppose them. So I guess the true villain of DA2 was...trying to safe a city from itself I guess and also trying to live your life and protect your loved ones while doing it. I can see DA4 taking a similar role. The things we have to fight are either bigger institutions or powers or braoder concepts, less individual bad people.
@ellalarson9020 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, I completely disagree that Solas shouldn't be the main villain. All the characteristics you mentioned wanting to see in the next "big bad," Solas has -- and that's what makes him such a good candidate. And, seeing how Bioware so often pulls the "villain switch," it would perhaps be good for them to branch out and *not* do that. This would also, I hope, allow for more focus and greater complexity within the relationship between the DA4 hero and Solas: what personal stakes does the hero have in this fight? does the Inquisitor try to interfere in Solas's defeat (@Bioware can we pleeeease have a dual protagonist?)? does the DA4 hero *agree* with what Solas is trying to do? Solas also isn't the type to set out on a personal vendetta against anyone, making defeating him much more difficult because you'd have to *find* him first. Also love the dream idea. And I *really* want to see Solas in his Dread Wolf/Dragon form because yes. Regardless, having the option to redeem or kill him (or both) is a given. Other, smaller villains are fine, but I'd rather there be a few, interesting and complex villains than a bunch of "mwa-ha-ha! I am so evil!" people who are actually inconsequential (ie. Sera's first mission, in which this was kinda the point). Or as a ridiculous alternative: the main antagonist of the entire franchise is neither Solas, nor Mythal, nor one of the Archdemons, but... *The King of the Nugs.* I have no idea what that would look like, but I'd be totally down for that. Long post! Sorry
@legendoflosers 2 жыл бұрын
Tevinter this Tevinter that, when will we see Tevinter?! A city with rich culture, and a site of a huge battle between the protagonist and antagonist. And a quest to the Deep Roads to find an Archdemon? Going to Nevarra to see a new evil emerge from corruption of Mortalitasi? The uprising of blood mages? Arlathan revisited? Orlais destroyed? Fereldan in shambles? We would like to see it. The main character should suffer from the actions of Inquisitor from the actions that they committed. Side quest and companion storyline could be more in depth in my opinion. But anyway, I can't wait!
@NoisyTumbleDryer 2 жыл бұрын
Anything to do with a Titan, the Descent made Titan lore absolutely irresistible to me and I need that explored further. Especially their connection to individuals like Valta, Leliana and Dagna. Solas is a sensational character, literally wants to tear open the Veil, betrayed the Inquisition and yet I still can't fully commit to hating him, irrespective of whether I romanced or not he was so well written and a perfect shade of grey. The power he displayed versus the Qunari in Trespasser means I doubt we could beat him conventionally and his arc will probably resolve in a Illusive Man type of way. Whatever happens I've complete faith, Bioware writes fantastic villains just like Solas; such as Saren, Illusive Man, Howe, Loghain, even Corypheus to an extent. I'm sure they'll nail 4, unless we get some Kai Lang BS but they get it right more often than get it wrong.
@lunarrhymes 3 жыл бұрын
Is no one else terrified of the sentient centipede monster in chapter "the Horror of Hormak" of Tevinter Nights??? The Deep Roads ruins filled with elven frescos that transform? The way the monster's head took the shape of the warden it consumed? And how the warden was still conscious?? and warned them there were a total of 12 of these things??? I was so scared reading that chapter, it was like a freaking Lovecraft novel. I cannot imagine them not being a part of DA4, whatever they were. Or that "mysterious thing" Dorian and Tilani, Hollix and Mizzy killed in Minrathous, "things past the Veil of our world, neither demon nor spirit." I can easily see these things being side villains/mini bosses in the game that need to be taken care of. Especially those 12... nightmare stuff. And about Solas, I am absolutely on the side of him not being the main villain of DA4, I love Jackdaw's idea of him changing sides or even maybe him losing most of his powers because of this other threat that he has to work with the hero. Also as someone whose "canon" playthrough is with a female Lavellen that romanced Solas, I absolutely want a resolution to their story. That is my only wish. That the "redeem or revenge" option at the end of Tresspasser has a meaning. So I am all the more fond of the idea of Solas communicating with the Hero or maybe the Inquisitor through dreams. Depending on whether the Inqy drank from the Well of Sorrows it could even be a liability at first, exposing the Inquistor and their actions and later become the key to finding or reaching Solas. In any case, I both cannot wait for this game and willing to wait as long as it takes if it's going to be anything like Inquisition, and especially Trespasser. PS. Love the shoutout to ME2's Suicide Mission. I have never felt as physically, literally involved with a mission in my life before the Suicide Mission. I had actual heart palpitations, real anxiety, could absolutely feel the stakes of the decisions I made. Still the best.
@pookey-mucu61 2 жыл бұрын
What if the first time you speak to Solas its in a dream like you said, but he’s there to kill you (I know he does this in the fade a couple times in Tevinter Nights). However, what if for some reason he can’t? Maybe a spirit is protecting you or something crazy like that? Throughout the game he keeps trying, coming back to kill you and it still doesn’t work. Then Bioware drop in some exchanges that get longer and more expressive throughout the game so there’s more interactivity with the Antagonist like you said. The Inquisitor knows what Salos is all about from Trespasser but the new protag doesn’t. That way they get context and may even agree to redeem him by the end of it. That’d be mad. P.S I know I accidentally typed Salos instead of Solas, but I’m keeping it and you can’t stop me 😂
@Delsanar 3 жыл бұрын
.... It's kind of obvious why is there a video about it? The Qunari are attacking Tevinter. So the Qunari will be one enemy. The Tevinter Imperiums Venatori still exist and will continue being enemies probably aligned with the corrupt side of Tevinter which Dorian and a small faction or aligned against. Solas will also be attacked by everyone and groups of his will not attack but likely lead to conflicts in areas they are defending or some such. Later in the game the Veil will start to be torn down and it'll be your job to somehow go up against Mr. Petrification by Blinking. You'll also fight some mercenaries, some demons, have some encounter in the fade like each game has. And probably a personal quest that affects your goals personally.
@B.B.Digital_Forest 2 жыл бұрын
I would like the dwarves of Kal-Sharok to know what the ancient Elves did and attack Solas' followers in revenge. It would be cool if Binthus Kal-Sharok secretly opened some Eluvians and steered hordes of darkspawn into the Dread Wolf's' many secret bases.
@novonomicon5759 2 жыл бұрын
Would love for the Veil to be brought down. I think it would be a "holy s%!t they actually did it !" moment. I'm thinking DAIV's core antagonist is just going to just set off a domino effect. The tensions of Thedas finally reaching a point of no return where everything finally collapses.
@alladin_payne 3 жыл бұрын
So I wonder if there will be a showdown between Solas, who houses Fen'Harel, and Morrigan, who houses Mythal, and we have to pick a side? (and maybe we will see Sandal, who houses ???)
@DarynAlsup 2 жыл бұрын
I am only going to hypothesize this for a second. "I knew you would come. You should not have given your orb to..." yada yada. Mythal has been in all Dragon Age games. Her lore is well known, but nothing exactly factual if you're talking about what happened to her. Yes - you can say it in a sentence - they killed her in their lust for power, which was also motive for Solas, or so the lore goes. But is that an explanation of the events that befell her or what happened to her through them? No. She and others have spoken about it, but what she intends to do is still unclear. The info she gives in each game parallels both the events in the games, and that of what will take place in DA4. We get pieces here and there over the course of three games, almost like they're intentionally leaving out a pivotal piece of information - motive. Not for her vengeance or revenge - motive for why she has acted in the way she has through all three games. Even combing through all three games for every ounce of lore about her, you find yourself missing the keystone of information... what happened? If - knowing what we do now and having played these games so many times and made so many different choices, and heard as much dialog as possible - what if Mythal is the villain in all of this? - what if Solas is too? What if the ultimate choice is to stand with Solas or stand with Mythal. How epic would that be? And why did they reveal to elven gods in the last game? Sit on that a second... True - he absorbed her power as we perceive in the cutscene. But did she give all of it to him? If Morrigan's child is cannon, did she not get a piece of herself from him? Was that the energy she placed somewhere else as Solas arrived? She's done a similar thing with a certain amulet during DA2. Is there more power in the place she sent that energy to? Where did she send it? Who did she send it to? Did she send it to herself? What if Solas only absorbed a fragment - like that possessed by the old crone you kill in DA:O; and what if in fact, Mythal knows that Solas wants to tear open the veil and has supported this from the beginning. Mythal has been nudging for things to take place - ("sometimes a push...") for a very long time for the same reason... and that reason still isn't clear to us. Sure, we know the why, but what made the "why" - the motive? I think her betrayal has been the set up from the beginning, and that what will take place in DA4 will revolve around information that has yet to be clarified to all who have played. One thing is for certain though: IF Mythal is around, her role in DA4 will be EPIC.
@Ali-ud8ny 3 жыл бұрын
You said all the things that I kind of want. I want Solas to be the Red Herring, or the "baddie who leads to the bigger baddie". I want the villain to be way more badass than Corypheus ought to have been, and like you, I want them to have some wins against the new protag. But I kind of want them to do something unspeakable, like fatally wound the Inquisitor. That would be the most gut-wrenching thing that Bioware could do to us as the player. Then, have their LI(if not Solas) ugly cry over them and then get angry at the new protagonist because their foolishness may be to blame for what happened. The main baddie HAS to be someone/something that gives the ultimate challenge to the protag. The end-fight in Inquisition with Corypheus was a bit too easy for me. I want to be squeezing my controller with anxiety damnit! lol
@disasterdrvid 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of what makes a solid antagonist is how they parallel our heroes. Corypheus fancied himself a god to unseat the Maker, paralleling the Inquisitor who (depending on how they're played) might not have wanted the role they were given. Meredith believed she was protecting Kirkwall, as did Hawke. Loghain believed he was the one to save Ferelden, just as the Warden did. (I could go on for way too long about the importance of parallels in Bioware's villains.) Honestly a hero who could rival Solas in the next game has to be the same: someone coming from humble origins to challenge the immortal, while believing they are doing what's right for those downtrodden in Thedosian society. There's so much potential to build up a hero based on what we know about Solas!
@adamjenkins7653 3 жыл бұрын
OK villainy. I want something on the vein of the awakening dlc. You get your base and you need to build it proper or lose it. The DLC was too short to really feel the side effects of your decisions and properly experience the downsides of even the best intentioned choices. Do we arm up and risk being seen as bandits and mercenaries? Or do we focus more on intercepting and redirecting threats? And of course if we have chosen a path to better handle one villain we should have a villain that is difficult as a result. I want a technically "no villain" scenario. Where we can side with villains for good reasons, such as putting Bhelen on the throne despite his tyrannical nature, because the dwarves need the tyrant who acts more than the good man who does not. I genuinely loved that dynamic even if its my standard choice now for the dwarves. I want to be able to avoid or solidly change the outcome of conflicts as a result of acquired information, and for that result to be meaningful. The biggest issue I had with Inquisition was how little your "Big" choice moments meant nothing in the ongoing narrative. Deciding who ruled Orlais didn't really matter in the following missions. I want less resources, but still having the power needed so long as the player realises what is needed. Out-mission prep with solid in-mission outcomes. In essence for there to be a "total defeat" path where we lose every time if we don't prepare and phyrric victory (for those that don't recognise the term its the victory where losing would have been better) if we brute force with just the hero's power alone. As for the villain types, these old gods should be major threats, but not the goal. We fight them in order to unify or divide our enemies. As for romancable enemies, I'm torn. Solas was amazing in that regard, but bioware has usually been bad at the initial conflict to romancable companion path (see casandra). I want our villains to have weaknesses we can exploit, but for the balance of power to shift against us if we meddle too much. For the new hero to be the incognito hero. I want to be able to usurp some villains (not all) either myself taking over or a more useful puppet or potential ally. As for the true villain I want a betrayal story. Not like logain, but more than an Anders. Instead of just wrecking shop, I want them to actually stand against you. To take some of what you had earned with them when the time is ripe. To turn on you at the worst moment, part way through the second act preferably. Double points if romancable. And lastly I want to potentially win via losing. I know its a contradiction, but hear me out. I want to be able to set up the final battle at the end to be the "loss we needed" or a pyrrhic victory for the villain. To lure out Solas with a false sense of security, and to reveal him to the world at large for what he is. To smile and say "So it begins" in the final act. For us to orchestrate Solas's rise in a fashion where he will now fall in DA5. Above all else Solas must not be truly defeated in this game, I want to see Elf-quisitor reunited for some closure, but I think it would work better in DA5 or in a Tresspasser level DLC (one that ends with elf-quisitor dying in his arms if you chose to redeem him. And potentially being killed by him if you chose to stop him. Bonus points if our new protag can save them in both instances if we were prepared and did well during the DLC, perhaps if we had a way to hold the inquisitor in stasis, or a potion to heal them but not completely. Perhaps a companion that could be killed if we're not careful. Bonus points if they die as a result of us saving the inquisitor and extra praise if they were romancable.) I know it's a long comment and don't mind if you just take the good parts.
@frankrobinsjr.1719 2 жыл бұрын
I don't want to see Solas as the enemy here. Honestly, I'd like to see society be the villain. Everyone knows the trouble of and with Tevinter. Making the entire social structure the enemy so that the "Inquisitor" can make advances against Solas' plans would please me more.
@Imjustabandgeek 3 жыл бұрын
I'm kind of thinking that the Inquisitor might end up being a minor antagonist depending on whether or not they drank from the well. Though Mythal's existence, to me, is kind of gray given the last scene in Tresspasser. If I had to gather, I think Solas just absorbed her consciousness, so her will might still be. I made sure my Inky both did and didn't drink so that way, in case that happens, I can change things around in my DragonKeep. I love my Inky too much to hurt her.
@MothHawke 3 жыл бұрын
I think Solas and the new hero will have to work together to stop the Evanuris in that the Evanuris will completely destroy the world if Solas doesn't give up his new "device" that will help him with his plan. In other words, he'll have to voluntarily give up his idea for the world so that there is a world at all. For a villain: It would be cool to have giant kaiju-like fight scenes. Also, that female qunari from the comics. Oh my god, please let us recruit and romance her!
@Ma6ku6ta6 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to see it being someone like James Stillwell in comic book series "The Boys". No special powers or artifacts, but all the same earthshakingly terrifying because of the way they know how to manipulate events and pull the strings behind beings infinitely more powerful than themselves.
@sortilien2099 3 жыл бұрын
You don't feel the need too kill / stop corypheus in DAI, for not even one point of narration make you be witness of a city & civilian you care for being destroyed by a rift. And that' my issues with open world, more than corridor disign it feels the world/plot is just waiting for you, no emergency, no pressure... Guys how can i have no worries and take the time to kill 10 goats when i have an army to do it for me, plus i'm the only one that can prevent demons swarm us to death. Facing only Corypheus agent is a actually great because if you escape the villain once that can be luck, you do it twice or more that's the vilain being imcompetant or dumb. but you didn't witness any horror made by corypheus that would give you an evident grudge against him... corypheus does not feel here not even as a shadow that you can't catch.
@Keriga 3 жыл бұрын
I agree on Solas not being the actual big bad in the end of the game. If he was, I would be quite disappointed, since it's just too easy. I think it is more likely that the actual villain is something/someone we know only little or nothing about yet. It might even be that Varric's line from the trailer "someone they never saw coming" fits here too. Also, this is Solas were talking about. His plan is almost guaranteed to backfire in some way or another. I love him as character (he is brilliantly written), but he makes the worst plans xD
@stephylashizz7779 3 жыл бұрын
I don't go into games hoping for things too much because I don't want to be disappointed BUT.... I'd love to see them break away from the good/bad dialogue options and go back to having a bunch of different dialogue options like they had in origins. Origins by far and away had the best dialogue and conversation could weave a lot better than it does with the dialogue wheel. It's the best way to allow your character to develop a personality.
@evalationx2649 2 жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie, the Warden's journey looks kind of weak when compared to the inquisitor and future heroes. Sure he slew two dragons, but the Inquisitor killed many more along with an archdemon and a god.
@StonedHunter 3 жыл бұрын
Ideally I'd like to not have a "central" antagonist, but a lot of groups vying for power in a broken world. Keep them all on somewhat equal footing and having our actions help decide who becomes our "big bad" by the final act. If not then I'd like to see a main villain like Loghain, calculating, intelligent, and with a compelling past. Origins was great cuz we had time to see what he was doing and what actions he was taking in response to our progress. I don't want it to be Solas, but one of the Evanuris (if not all of them but i honestly believe it was one or two that were the main spearheads of the plot against Mythal and worked the others up against her)... and honestly I don't want the villain to be Mythal either. We've become so sympathetic to Flemeth and by extension her that I feel like making her the villain would just feel cruel. Unless Mythal is using this mess to finally deal with those who wronged her and thus caused the downfall of the elves (as she clearly doesn't hold a lot of animosity towards Solas so she might not blame him as he was responding to her death). I also want to see the Blight and Darkspawn come back as a major threat as that is one of DA's most unique elements and the possible connection to the Evanuris along with the Black City already being corrupted by the time of Corypheus trying to get in. Bring back the Architect from Awakening because there is a good chance even if our Warden killed him that he managed to live on like Corypheus. I just think there is too much going on to have a single central antagonist until the final act. Either removing or recruiting other opposing forces and having the big bad either spawn from our actions as I stated above, or have it be pre-determined but still putting the choice onto us as to how to deal with the others. Perhaps we get different resolution options at the very end depending on if we could recruit like Solas and the Qunari against the released Evanuris or something (random example using the parties we already know are involved.) That's kind of all I have at the moment haha. I just think things are very complicated in Thedas and the game needs to take that into account when picking a villain/villains. And make sure none of them are flat or one note. It's hard to do that with so many factions, but they're each unique in action and goals and I hope they do a good job of highlighting differences and similarities... Finally, the Veil should be destroyed at the beginning or middle of the game, or we stop that by the middle or ending. I think breaking it at the middle let's us get a feel for the norm in the new places we'll be, as well as establish what's happened between games (including bringing people up to pace on the newer comics) before breaking all of that and either needing to helo settle a new norm or fix things. I'd also kinda like it if destroying the Veil didn't fuck up as many things as we predict it will (possibly even not fully restoring the elves' magic) if for nothing else than to further slap Solas with the futility of his actions.
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