Lynch's Dune got so many things right, in how I wanted things to see and feel. The way the BG were portrayed was very well done. The Navigator and the Guilds Men are the best adaptation I've seen. I also love the Dune: Miniseries but the Guild Navigator and Guilds Men were awful!
@leonardpaulson8 ай бұрын
I’m also a fan of Lynch’s Dune. It’s a hot mess but has moments of pure inspiration. It’s also partially because I saw it as a kid and the scope and surreality of the film blew my 80’s kid mind. Off topic, but how do the color-blindness glasses work for you? I’ve heard mixed reviews so have been wary due to how expensive they are.
@MGraweyFilms8 ай бұрын
I use Enchroma color-blind glasses which use relatively new technology and they work great for me. I can see I bunch of color I never could before them and they don't put any tint on stuff I could already see. When I have them on it just looks to me like I'm wearing normal glasses. They darken things just the tiniest bit but it's never been enough to impair my vision at night.
@ardenaudreyarji6 ай бұрын
That Dune marathon is a mistake Lol. You should’ve watched it fresh.