Socialism or Capitalism? Arthur Brooks and Richard Wolff Debate

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Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Intercollegiate Studies Institute

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Half of Americans under forty say they would “prefer living in a socialist country.”
A self-described “Democratic socialist” surged to an early lead in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries . . .
. . . after winning more 2016 primary votes from under-thirty voters than the eventual Democratic and Republican nominees *combined*.
Some prominent conservative thinkers are even rethinking the wisdom of free markets.
So is capitalism passé? Should socialism get another look in this country? How should we structure our economy to ensure freedom, equality, and prosperity?
Here to debate these urgent questions are two of the most influential thinkers on political economy today: economist Richard D. Wolff and bestselling author and Harvard professor Arthur C. Brooks.
Professor Wolff has established himself as one of the leading scholars making the case for a new socialist approach to political economy.
Professor Brooks, one of America’s best-known and most respected social scientists, has conducted extensive research on fighting poverty, promoting equal opportunity, entrepreneurship, free enterprise, and related issues.
This debate, part of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s Diana Davis Spencer Debate Series, was recorded live on Thursday, April 15, 2021.
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0:00 Introductions
5:25 Opening Statements
36:28 Rebuttal
53:35 Questions
1:31:42 Closing Statements

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@HugoArceo 2 жыл бұрын
Love this debate style. No interruptions, no drama just well thought out statements.
@jscoppe Жыл бұрын
I just heard two lectures. No real attempt at challenging an argument and coming to a more informed conclusion at the end.
@tyrantla7120 Жыл бұрын
I prefer a back and forth conversational style debate.
@cheapbruh9778 Жыл бұрын
richard wolff is a braindead bot, who keeps repeating himself and ignores any other ideas or questions and just rambles his own talking points.
@jackgoff6215 Жыл бұрын
@@jimbobb3509 im lost
@bevindenson Жыл бұрын
@@jackgoff6215 He was being anti-semetic bc Richard Wolffe is Jewish. Just ignore him he's swine
@mosawwan7144 3 жыл бұрын
I've never heard a capitalist make such a great argument against capitalism
@nrhoofcare7724 2 жыл бұрын
lol. Legitimately happened
@lobotomizedamericans 2 жыл бұрын
I suppose the amount of intellectual backflips required to make capitalism "sound like a good thing to keep trying" (failure after failure) to informed, thinking-people simply overwhelmed him so he just cobbled together the typical crusty ancient talking points. Many of them the standard regurgitations emerging from the bowels of private totalitarian institutions themselves. Throw in the *gold standard* of useless, fecal-minded responses from the master's bootlickers (usually some variation on calling you a Marxist or using "Marxist propaganda") and the carnival of obscene ignorance is complete.
@ExPwner 2 жыл бұрын
@@lobotomizedamericans the amount of intellectual backflips you have to do to repeatedly spam Marxist propaganda and insult others then try to call others indoctrinated and bullying you is impressive. You spammed your usual Marxist BS again today and then deleted it when I called you out for what was likely the 30th time because you don’t operate on facts, you operate on spam and lies.
@atheistmando4976 2 жыл бұрын
@@ExPwner and you arent spreading ancap propaganda?
@ExPwner 2 жыл бұрын
@@atheistmando4976 nope, because what I say is neither false nor misleading. What I have said is objectively correct.
@patriciafichter4790 3 жыл бұрын
I'm just realizing that I am a socialist. He is brilliant!
@grim1860 3 жыл бұрын
Yup! I'd recommend following Robert Reich, Chris Hedges, and Noam Chomsky as they share all share similar view points on the left
@Disentropic1 3 жыл бұрын
@@grim1860 I sure wouldn't recommend Hedges, he's very abrasive and simply doesn't know how to message to most people. He kicks up a lot of anger without making his case to people on the fence.
@rogerburn5132 3 жыл бұрын
You didn't realise anything because you don't understand SOSIALISM and total SOSIALISM there is Big difference.
@geobot9k 3 жыл бұрын
Welcome to the struggle. The Real News Network just did a 30 minute piece on co-ops, a.k.a. worker owned businesses, and organizations like The Working World that are helping communities to start their own worker owned enterprises. Please give it a watch and spread the word that a better way is possible, spread the idea we can start our own democratically controlled and worker owned companies if we work together. I encourage you to learn about, understand, teach if you have the energy, and apply the principles of dialectical/historical materialism as a tool to help analyze things or events, and if you have the energy, organize a group to start a worker owned company of your own.
@spiceinsights 3 жыл бұрын
All aboard!!! 💪🏽💪🏽
@jonnigusu9200 Жыл бұрын
Never witnessed such a civilized debate. Thanks to the moderator and both professors
@lombardo141 11 ай бұрын
This is reminiscent of the old days. Search debates from the 60s
@jackwild1656 10 ай бұрын
In socialist states the leader is THE ONLY CAPITALIST. The socialist government does all the buying, selling, hiring ,firing, promoting..and determines how you must live your lives..because the socialist government soon becomes a dictatorship with power for life. The government is the only employer who is not accountable to anyone..the very opposite to democracy!!! Ergo socialism is the worst kind of capitalism with only the government's being the only capitalist!! So Richard Wolf needs to be 'interviewed' in order to stop him from poisoning our children's minds. Social programs for the unfortunate members of society..the very young, the old, and the not 'socialism'. Socialism is where the government owns everything and you are mere peons, serfs, vassals and other euphemistic epithets for 'slaves of the ruling elites of the state'. This Richard Wolf is a criminal who aspires Tobe a socialist Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other such people who preside over the genocide of their own people..even the people who supported their criminally insane ideology.
@jacobandrews2663 9 ай бұрын
That's the difference between professors who are experts in politics and economics debating and twitch streamers, youtubers and people outside these fields claiming expertise debating.
@denismoon3344 8 ай бұрын
commie bot, marxism is not civilized
@andrewfalconer8599 8 ай бұрын
Turns out when people are well versed in their arguments and have facts to back those arguments up, then a debate will not devolve into emotional over-talking.
@andybaldman Жыл бұрын
33:50 Brooks literally describes worker-owned coops here as part of his solution, which is exactly what Wolff has been advocating for years.
@dgjdtuvsth4051 11 ай бұрын
I was so confused he literally said what socialism is, it’s power given to the people enforced by the government, but you also have to have a democracy for government, which we do not have. Or not a perfect one.
@grayhost 11 ай бұрын
Agreed. Mr. Brooks kept saying things like, "my form of capitalism" or "if we only had morals in capitalism" so he wasn't debating the actual capitalist system we're currently enduring. I did find it refreshing to hear a capitalist admit that our current system lacks morals.
@andybaldman 11 ай бұрын
​@@grayhost Agreed. (And I agree with your deleted comment about Wolff's comment about capitalism never delivering on its promises.) If Brooks and people like him could take a minute to stop recoiling against the word 'socialism', they'd realize they agree with much more of what Wolff says, than they think they do. And maybe we could make some progress toward something better.
@grayhost 11 ай бұрын
@@andybaldman Agreed as well. In the U.S it's still very difficult for so many not to have a negative auto-response to the word "socialism." 😪
@sofvines3940 10 ай бұрын
I'm struggling to understand the employee co-owned concept and how it different from what we have here (or the direction of where we're headed) If I start a company and work with a few people (co owners) after we democratically agree on what; where and how much. Now if we need to hire more people I have to renegotiate the whole business? Shouldn't I be able to put an offer as is on the table and my employee can choose if they want to take it?
@reginaldmorton2162 3 жыл бұрын
Guy wants to make capitalism less vicious without removing the individuals who became rich by being vicious. In the end he resorted to fear mongering because he didn't have an argument.....Prof Wolff brought facts and real history to a ridiculous degree..
@kevincrady2831 3 жыл бұрын
Nor does he address the competitive aspect of Capitalism that forces Capitalists to be vicious, i.e., if you pay your workers more than the absolute minimum you can get away with, any competitor who cuts wages as much as possible will get an edge over you, by being able to sell at lower prices, retain higher profits, or some of both. His argument is basically, "Capitalism would be great if Capitalists would just place nice and share," which doesn't take into account the _systemic_ structure of Capitalism that penalizes Capitalists for playing nice and rewards them for taking a "Greed is Good" approach.
@Fernando-nz3gm 3 жыл бұрын
He did say there are winners and * some* losers. More like most of them are losers
@deezeed2817 3 жыл бұрын
That guy is just all over the place, contradicts himself and then makes up facts. Unemployment was illegal in the Soviet Union? I mean wtf??? Does this guy even listen to his BS?
@HannesRadke 3 жыл бұрын
"We need Morals, a shift in Culture, Dignity and Love." ...That's a nice self-help blog tagcloud you have there, Arthur. Not surprised if he sells nutrition supplements on the side.
@SuanLuang 3 жыл бұрын
Stock prices from 9/11/01 to 4/23/19: Lockheed Martin (per share): $38.49 to $333.10 (+ 865%) Raytheon: $24.85 to $187.58 (+ 754%) Northrup Grumman: $40.95 to $292.61 (+ 714%) Boeing: $68.35 to $374.02 (+ 547%) General Dynamics: $41.50 to $182.37 (+ 439%) Honeywell: $35.75 to $171.81 (+ 481%) War is the lifeblood of America. Americans are unable to coexist peacefully with other nations
@ianperfitt 3 жыл бұрын
Anyone who says we should be "developing people as assets" can stop talking to me immediately
@samhhaincat2703 3 жыл бұрын
Heh, right? And employers have stopped training people so they don't even believe THIS anymore. "Must have significant experience, a Master's Degree, and pay is $15/hr. Why can't I find a qualified candidate!?!?"
@tccummins 3 жыл бұрын
Calling people 'assets' is often capitalist's form of dehumanization. They simply see them as objects in a puzzle required to achieve their selfish goals.
@michealgallup98 3 жыл бұрын
Oh man the utter promotion of ones own ignorance with not understanding the basics of how and why things flourish coming from socialist is astounding. I wouldn’t be so quick to promote just uncritical thoughts into a brain dead circle jrk that just wants to hear “socialism good and right and capitalism always wrong and bad”. It’s shocking that ppl don’t understand that when someone says assets, they are meaning to have better skills for which can help you better thrive and flourish. It’s what you know that gets you a lot of places. Thomas sowell for instance is some one the left is allergic to who is an economist that use to be a Marxist. He studied what helped marginalized and minorities that were discriminated against like the minority group in Malaysia. The majority group even had in the constitution to discriminate against them. Guess what, they actually now earn higher then the majority group, not from getting political power but instead valued skills and went to where skills were being valued the most. It’s about skills that get a group of ppl to flourish and that’s what’s meant by “asset”. Do you want to be an asset to your wife and kids? Of course you do and being an asset in general will help you flourish more. That doesn’t mean that your only value is how much you make it’s just that we know money doesn’t grow on trees and so to help ppl flourish so they don’t stay at the bottom you have to help teach ppl how to fish not just give them a fish because that kind of system usually collapses on itself. Also how do ppl not understand it’s not capitalism that makes you get your lazy butt out of bed and go to work to pay for a shelter and food etc? Its called since the dawn of time if you didn’t get up and do things to get food you died you morons. You think cavemen just sat around and food was delivered to them by a magical unicorn that Bernie Sanders rides on? Lol no they had to get up and be in dangerous environments to hunt for food. Now capitalism just allows you more opportunities to put food on the table and buy things. So relating that back to the caveman, if you were a caveman and didn’t want to risk your life to hunt for food, you instead wanted to sharpen the tools the caveman used for the hunt and they already maybe did that on their own but you just did it better then them, then they might agree and allow you to get some of their food they got from the hunt and you got out of the hunt and got some food out of sharpening their tools. It’s a win win despite you not getting as much food if you had gone on the hunt because the extra food to you isn’t worth the risk involved in going on the hunt. We can then go on to bartering and how it’s better to just work with currency then having to make a bunch of trades to just get the things you want and need. Also if you can’t produce anything of much value then capitalism offers you lots of opportunities to just go and work without having much skills or knowledge. Sure you won’t be able to make big wages but we could just make it illegal to have anyone work for anyone and we all have to produce goods that are valuable enough to trade for money. But we all know a good amount of ppl would die off that way. Socialism would crash and burn because it’s just redistributing money or power to ppl that haven’t shown to justify the redistribution. You think the ppl doing what’s harder in terms of starting business instead of just the ppl coming in and doing basic functions, would just stay in this country producing the golden eggs they do and not take any profits for themselves for the businesses they start? Heck no they would leave and go somewhere else that’s willing to compensate them for their skill set in stating business which in turn helps out allot of ppl. The golden goose that produces the golden egg isnt the average workers, because they are easily replaceable and also why don’t the lazy ppl who complain about socialism just go start worker co ops? Because that takes a lot of work and skills they know they don’t have and don’t want to get up and do all that. They just want to b and complain that they want to be bigger leaches sucking off from the ppl with the ideas and harder work ethic creating businesses that unless those ppl did all that the average worker would be starving to death because they can’t produce anything of value with their own hands and don’t have the skills and hard work to start their own businesses. Most ppl agree with a social safety net but we need to make sure we help ppl flourish which we see time and time again that really only works by helping them value and accrue skills like being an “asset”.
@JFLOProductions 3 жыл бұрын
34:31 Brooks doesn’t think we should have real liberal arts educations so we can be free and independent minded human beings capable of critical thinking, with knowledge of the classics, literature, philosophy, civics and the humanities. He wants people to have vocational training as to be obedient workers; useful to our capitalist overlords. Fuck that and fuck him
@JFLOProductions 3 жыл бұрын
34:51 “Strangled by institutions and syndicalist mentalities.” Meaning Brooks is anti union. Who the f is the elitist now? Smh
@user-vd6wb5ef8v 8 ай бұрын
Amaizing! All the comments are on HOW the speakers speak. And none comments on WHAT the speakers say. It looks like people came here to enjoy speakers nice voices and pleasent manners and nobody is interested in the subject of the debate
@henryrollins9177 3 жыл бұрын
Brooks doesn't reach the level of analysis required to discuss this topics with Wolff.
@ivanwalker3391 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely spot on Henry. This Brooks guy leaves me feeling nauseous! Cheers Bro!
@spiceinsights 3 жыл бұрын
No capitalist ever does.
@markuspfeifer8473 3 жыл бұрын
Well, Richard has debated waaay worse people. For example Destiny. This conversation is relatively civilized.
@spiceinsights 3 жыл бұрын
@@markuspfeifer8473 true, he creamed destiny 45 seconds in…this one took closer to an hour to see who was making the better points.
@taolin8084 3 жыл бұрын
Did you know Arthur Brooks is a French horn player by training? :-)
@chrismalcomson7640 3 жыл бұрын
One thing Richard Wolff said once has always stuck in my mind is that there's only so much money a single person can make, the rest is in reality being stolen off the labour of other people. This to me is the most compelling argument for socialism in my view..
@nicolasm400 3 жыл бұрын
they say capitalism is " meritocratic " but all most Employers do is valorize their money through the work of others
@michaellin4230 3 жыл бұрын
So you want to take the extra money they make away from them that they made or employed people to make?
@chrismalcomson7640 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaellin4230 The point is we're are conditioned to think the way it is, is the only way. Clearly at some point Bazos and the other super wealthy have to be reined in or they'll end up owning the world. So the answer to your question is Absolutely yes!!
@michaellin4230 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrismalcomson7640 so the money they earned legally should be taken away?
@user-yj3ti9rg7n 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaellin4230 legality is not same as morality. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's moral thing to do, or are you going to defend slavery now because it was legal?
@Danielkg10 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciated the respectful tenor of the discussion from both professors, although I found one thing Professor Brooks said quite disgusting. He referred to the Cuban economy as a "joke," or something to that effect. He's an educated person, so I'm assuming he's aware of the US economic blockade of Cuba (not to mention CIA terrorism). In spite of the decades long illegal economic strangulation of the Cuban economy by the US, they've been able to do incredible things for their people (things the richest country in the world refuses to do) and have been a shining example of what international solidarity means. I'd have an easier time hearing out pro-capitalist arguments if they weren't so detached from historical and geopolitical realities.
@pauldorasil5114 Жыл бұрын
So why isn't Cuba the economic powerhouse that puts a crushing embargo on the US and not the other way around?
@StinkeyTwinkey Жыл бұрын
how is it illegal?
@skyisreallyhigh3333 11 ай бұрын
@@StinkeyTwinkey Exactly what legal right does one country have to place sanctions on another country?
@gatoblanco5756 10 ай бұрын
Let’s be honest, as a puerto rican myself I have seen the cuban lifestyle firsthand. The people are hungry, poor, and dying. The government IS a joke
@skyisreallyhigh3333 10 ай бұрын
@@gatoblanco5756 You come from an island colony of USA where you have so few rights and are treated like shit by your masters.
@lavenderliger5154 Жыл бұрын
How wonderful to hear clear thinking, and respect for each other's differences without childish personal attack! Bravo. ❤
@JH-ji6cj 11 ай бұрын
Yes, but the comments section, lol. I'm in agreement that it was wonderful that the nuanced particulars between the systems were so well articulated, discussed and addressed (even if mostly on a hypothetical basis regarding the efficacy of either model and its relative effectiveness).
@jackwild1656 10 ай бұрын
In socialist states the leader is THE ONLY CAPITALIST. The socialist government does all the buying, selling, hiring ,firing, promoting..and determines how you must live your lives..because the socialist government soon becomes a dictatorship with power for life. The government is the only employer who is not accountable to anyone..the very opposite to democracy!!! Ergo socialism is the worst kind of capitalism with only the government's being the only capitalist!! So Richard Wolf needs to be 'interviewed' in order to stop him from poisoning our children's minds. Social programs for the unfortunate members of society..the very young, the old, and the not 'socialism'. Socialism is where the government owns everything and you are mere peons, serfs, vassals and other euphemistic epithets for 'slaves of the ruling elites of the state'. This Richard Wolf is a criminal who aspires Tobe a socialist Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other such people who preside over the genocide of their own people..even the people who supported their criminally insane ideology.
@liciafoye7398 3 жыл бұрын
Share the work, share the rewards. I'd rather work for the good of all than the greed of a few. If you don't have democracy in the workplace, you don't live in a democracy.
@majedtaleb3944 3 жыл бұрын
Lol you really think the smart ones to be just regular employees like the dumb ones that work within the same organization? 🤦🏻
@elijahgiles5504 3 жыл бұрын
@@majedtaleb3944 that’s so vague and abstract, who’s to say who is dumb and who is smart? What we consider to be smart and dumb are more often them not just reflections of opportunity.
@wyssmaster 3 жыл бұрын
We've seen time and time again that that mentality simply does not work in society. Multiple studies have shown that people will hoard available resources to avoid allowing others to hoard, rather than letting them sit and accumulate, even if that would mean more for everyone in the future.
@majedtaleb3944 3 жыл бұрын
@@elijahgiles5504 have you wondered how some people come up with great ideas or inventions and others just work at restaurants? Some people get As and others Cs? If you ever worked in a company you would realize that some are more creative and better at problem solving than others.
@elijahgiles5504 3 жыл бұрын
@@majedtaleb3944 yes that is true, but have you considered that a lot of that is more to do with upbringing, generational wealth, and other privileges, and not some inherent virtues that make those successful better than everyone else? You’re mentality is very dangerous and doesn’t look at who systems effect the individual. Instead of just focusing on individual people with no context.
@connor2329 3 жыл бұрын
Had to laugh at the end of the Q&A where Brooks condemns the idea of a system that relies on "people not being selfish" ala the family style socialism, but that is 100% his argument for moral capitalism. That we need to rely on the capitalists allowing themselves to be guided by the invisible hand to follow their moral duty. Wow
@aishwarya8034 3 жыл бұрын
@@Jake-fw5te The difference is, should economic systems pursue the "self-interests" of the vast majority in the bottom or the small minority on the top? It's always been that way historically, power always accumulates on the top which is EXACTLY what socialism tries to challenge.
@spiceinsights 3 жыл бұрын
Brilliant insight Conner. Brooks made the same argument against socialism that he used in favor of capitalism 😊. But then again…all his arguments had holes in them, so it is fitting
@davidpeppers551 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah! The capitalists just need some more training. More ethical and moral training. Like the police need more training. That has worked well! Who gets to do the training?
@lauramcconney9367 3 жыл бұрын
That would be great, except it will never happen unless there was a punishment for not doing it. And the corrupt politicians have changed all the laws that were once there to control them!!!
@spiceinsights 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidpeppers551 ha ha, maybe a cooperative employee-run company should do the training
@yuribudnyatsky3450 9 ай бұрын
I'm 64, from USSR here since 1988, a few years before the collapse. I remember free healthcare for by everyone. I mean free. I remember free education for everyone on all levels. I mean free. I remember kindergartens almost free, basically pennies, where you can drop your kids off at 7am and pick up at 6, in some case leave overnight. And the kids were fed with healthy food, not some kind of snacks, educated, entertained. 4 weeks of vacation. Why we can't have it under capitalism?
@novinceinhosic3531 9 ай бұрын
Because the state cannot have a public fund and has to satisfy economic agents in the market firstly by not competing with them and not taxing the rich too much. Under socialism you had no capitalists, so all their paid dividends were absorbed either by the wages of the workers or by the state's public fund with which it afforded to do all those projects like good quality free education, healthcare, public transport, infrastructure, nurseries, paid vacations etc. and all of these were also paid to state-owned services. Now imagine what would happen in US: the private insurances would lose most of their market so they would go bankrupt, the medical industry would collapse because most of the people will go to state hospitals paid by the health fund, the private schools and babysiters would run out of business and Walmart will not be able to run because nobody would accept to live on food stamps. The car manufacturers and streaming platforms would also lose a lot of clients if cinemas and theaters were subsidized by the public funds.
@sheemakarp6424 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the exchange was very civil, but I wish that Prof. Wolf had an opponent who was as clear & substantive about capitalism as he was about socialism. I think this needs to be a debate between economists. 🙏🏽
@kreyvegas1 10 ай бұрын
You're asking too much. Reasonably sound advocacy of capitalism is basically impossible. Consider this: by definition, all capitalism cares about is money (capital). Conversely, socialism (in principle, at least) cares about society (people). That's why it is so hard to make a case for an inherently antidemocratic system.
@antediluvianatheist5262 10 ай бұрын
Given that capitalism literally has the job of making the rich richer, and the poor, dead, the only way to defend it is to lie, or be ignorant.
@harkyo 10 ай бұрын
​@@kreyvegas1way too simplistic an analogy, much less an argument.
@Leiska86 10 ай бұрын
​@@kreyvegas1This is a giant straw man. Capitalism has nothing to do with money and it would exist even without money. Money just happens to be a fantastic tool, kind of like writing, or spoken language. You could survive without any of these, but everything would be worse and less efficient. If not for capitalism, we would not have the modern world we live in today. None of the economic systems preceding capitalism were transformative the way capitalism was. Since the beginning of civilization, absolute poverty and constant food insecurity were the norm for the vast majority of humans. This did not change until rulers got out of the way and let capitalism become the dominant economic system.
@kreyvegas1 10 ай бұрын
@@Leiska86 What muddled, ignorant and dangerous nonsense!
@OneBlurryLens Жыл бұрын
If you remove greed and the desire for profit from capitalism, it is no longer capitalism.
@sergiolandz6056 10 ай бұрын
Greed and desire are human traits.
@houseofsports8122 10 ай бұрын
@@sergiolandz6056so is love and understanding
@tobibenjamin6097 10 ай бұрын
@@houseofsports8122so is innovation and competition
@sheilasolosthemcu 10 ай бұрын
@@tobibenjamin6097I’m still trying to educate myself on the two systems, but I doubt. Many ancient societies have worked communally, especially when it comes to land ownership. We only have this competition because we live in a society where we weirdly value personal and private property over others.
@dragonflyjones5023 10 ай бұрын
​@@tobibenjamin6097"So is innovation and competition" so what's your point?
@baddudecornpop5226 3 жыл бұрын
Arthur Brooks is talking about trickle down. I heard this for many years about training in the 80's. It never happened.
@emhu2594 3 жыл бұрын
the golden trickle down is billionaire piss, not gold
@taolin8084 3 жыл бұрын
Arthur Brooks is a French horn player by training, not sure when he became a prominent voice for the right.
@5353Jumper 3 жыл бұрын
Money was flowing down, before they turned it into a trickle. It worked exactly as planned and was an amazing success. Sadly the American public did not understand who trickle down was supposed to benefit because they bit into the propaganda hard on that one.
@Peter_Kropotkin 3 жыл бұрын
@@5353Jumper trickle down isn't real bc fundamentally both the government and capitalists rely on a literal trickling up of labor and taxes to then trickle it back to the people who actually made it.
@oscarcazarez2227 2 жыл бұрын
Old Ronald Reagan BS capitalism mentality. Sounds good rolling off the tongue but if you question it, it fails to connect what you see to what you read/hear.
@therevanchist8508 2 жыл бұрын
Brooks’ argument is “we need to love each other.” This is the state of Ivy Leagues and DC think tanks. Worthless intellects
@nathanielchieffallo4273 Жыл бұрын
Should just rename them "nepo-baby leagues" so we can just ignore them like they deserve
@lapatria100 Жыл бұрын
Parallel to thoughts and prayers
@zzz-nu2re Жыл бұрын
And whats wolffs solutions? Democratized work places? His 'solutions' when questioned arent practical. Purely ideologue
@nathanielchieffallo4273 Жыл бұрын
@@zzz-nu2re what's impractical is keeping this system going
@zzz-nu2re Жыл бұрын
@@nathanielchieffallo4273 how so? Seems pretty practical to me since we are literally doing that. I dont think u know what practical means 😂
@BirrrrrdandCat 8 ай бұрын
Having a company with 600.000 employees and virtually no profit margin still supports 600.000 lives.
@geronimoortiz5413 Жыл бұрын
I love the comments saying they love how this debate is structured, I'm pretty sure this is how an actual debate is supposed to be, sometimes it's more open back and forth I'm sure but internet debates always end up boiling down to over talking or gatchya moments, these two respect each other atleast
@yurik1068 3 жыл бұрын
Professor Wolff always makes more sense to me than any Capitalist, sounds more true also.
@robertfelts8773 3 жыл бұрын
I skipped the other guy speaking, after his first 30 seconds plus a few minutes. He says the same old nonsense in the same long winded round about way. Plus his 30 seconds there totally ignore how "harsh", to use his term, the positions on the right are. I did catch his last few minutes of the first part, and that whole thing about capitalism being the best thing that happened to poor people sounds a lot like what is said during divorces. Replace capitalism with any abusive relationship title like marriage or whatever makes sense for the situation and the rhetoric is the same It almost seems like an abusive person must convince others around them that they are not abusive, and the ones who play the game (flying monkeys or enablers) are enticed by a promise of a reward. Tactics of abusers include controlling the finances so they don't have enough resources to leave or get help. Lies, it relies on them. Neglect, not caring for basic needs. All of those things we experience this moment today. Capitalism has failed us and continues to fail us right now
@mattweigand9648 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my friend thats because socialism makes much more sense than capitalism 😂, at least my version and Richard's version of socialism imo
@mattweigand9648 3 жыл бұрын
Also because Richard Wolff is an absolute fucking Savage
@mr85grim 3 жыл бұрын
Brooks doesn't even know what communism or socialism actually is. He clearly has never read a political science textbook.
@mcblu9344 3 жыл бұрын
Capitalists only make sense to you if you’re a billionaire.
@13moles 3 жыл бұрын
Brooks' opening statement is quite astonishing to me. He mouths the catechism of neo-liberal apologetics.
@RussCR5187 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly my take as well.
@johnvwilkman 3 жыл бұрын
It’s rich of you to talk about mouthing from a catechism. When you clearly mouth from you catechism
@taolin8084 3 жыл бұрын
Did you know that Brooks is a French horn player by training? :-)
@misanthropyunhinged 3 жыл бұрын
market fundamentalism
@majedtaleb3944 3 жыл бұрын
He clearly won though
@ianjharris 7 ай бұрын
Love this debate. I am anti-socialist but thought both parties exhibited their viewpoints, including their enthusiasm, in an incredibly professional and respectful manner.
@ExPwner 7 ай бұрын
Watch out you’ll likely get spammed by Mad Mappin or another bot account.
@ianjharris 7 ай бұрын
@@ExPwner thanks
@ExPwner 7 ай бұрын
@@ianjharris no problem. I am also anti-socialist.
@Globeguy1337 Жыл бұрын
Gotta respect a man who brings a wet paper towel to a gun fight. I respect both participants; one for tone and the other for substance.
@joecassidy2887 3 жыл бұрын
It's really weird how Brooks keeps repeating Wolff's point that there are multiple definitions of Socialism, but then in his own arguments only ever articulates the idea of Socialism being equivalent to the Soviet Union
@5353Jumper 3 жыл бұрын
But really, capitalism with some social infrastructure is not socialism...though the majority of the US citizens seem to think so because of the latest wave of sensationalist or propagandist media coverage. What most really want is capitalism, that is regulated by a government that actually represents the interests of the majority of the citizens, takes fair taxes from everyone, and uses the tax revenue to provide social safety net and infrastructure helping citizens with prosperity and success. Some of the social infrastructure may be centrally state owned/run or it may be privately owned but regulated to ensure social responsibility. The big goal would be providing support for a return to the entrepreneurial nature of the USA as a whole, not just an elite few. This is not Socialism, just because the word "social" was used a couple times. This is capitalism with a government that has citizen involvement and equal representation for all citizens. Taxing the wealthy equally or slightly more than the rest of the citizens is not socialism or anti capitalist, it is called government representing all citizens equally. Public healthcare, old age income, disability income, unemployment insurance, worker rights and standards of employment and industry regulations are not socialist. They are infrastructure for the safety and prosperity of the citizens, they can and should fully exist in a capitalist economic model.
@5353Jumper 3 жыл бұрын
@Kevin Tewey people control government (genuine representative government) government regulates production. People become shareholders, they gain control over means of production. (But they need regulations to ensure they have adequate wages so they can afford shares, and that the Exchange is fair for all citizens) People are supported in entrepreneurial endeavors, and thus become there own capitalists, and control the means of production. Government representative of the people provides many services and infrastructure, thus the people control the means of production. What is needed is a fair and equal system, it does not really matter which system as long as the corruption is kept at bay and the equal citizens all have equal representation.
@DrillEntertainmentNetwork 2 жыл бұрын
alot of what he said about the USSR was BS too
@HeathWatts 2 жыл бұрын
Brooks debates like a typical right wing libertarian, creationist, and science denier.
@Frankthegb 2 жыл бұрын
@@5353Jumper We had capitalism regulated by the government after World War 2. Where did that go? Corporations spent the last 70+ years slowly eroding every single regulation, in a similar vein to slow-boiling a frog, in such a way that we wouldn't notice it until it's too late. Capitalism is broken and inherently corrupt, and is now directly killing every human on the planet through climate change, which would not NEARLY be this bad if corporations didn't care more about their profit margins than human lives.
@rygy82 3 жыл бұрын
The fundamental difference I see between these two men? Prof Wolff speaks in terms of the concrete, stats, empirical evidence. Brooks, like so many others on the right, uses terms like "patriot", "morality" and only sees these terms, and therefore capitalism, through his own lived experience.
@taolin8084 3 жыл бұрын
Arthur Brooks is a French horn player by training, not sure when he became such a prominent voice for the right.
@susanmercurio1060 2 жыл бұрын
I have always made the same observation about right-leaning articles in the newspapers. They rely on emotional remarks and jingoism. Left-leaning writers use empirical facts and concrete evidence.
@akashin6385 2 жыл бұрын
Brooks literally mentioned about study about reduced poverty stats. Unemployment rates stats. Gini coefficient. But then, what do we expect from left-wing losers but cheer their hero - Wolff.
@evansomondi3469 2 жыл бұрын
This is a beautiful analysis of this debate. 👏👏👏
@user-lj2zm2uo2v 2 жыл бұрын
If those on the right think so much about patriotism or morality, why is the wealth gap getting bigger and bigger? social problems getting bigger and bigger? unending wars?? When humans starts using morality, human rights and other good qualities as a cheap tool for their agenda or ideology, it only de-value those good qualities for the purpose of selfish reasons.
@petyai1348 11 ай бұрын
European countries don’t call themselves socialist. Why does Wolfe? It’s capitalism with greater social benefits than in the US. Also, Wolfe doesn’t mention that pretty much all latest great inventions happened in the US. Why? Because incentives are much greater under capitalism. The rich must help the poor without governments forcing them but the poor are not entitled.
@willnitschke 11 ай бұрын
Correct. Socialism is not 'free stuff I get paid for by capitalists.'
@petyai1348 7 ай бұрын
“Workers of the world unite!” has been replaced by “Students of the world unite!”
@willnitschke 7 ай бұрын
The problem was, when they united, all they got out of it was mass starvation.
@Nobody-zv5lp 28 күн бұрын
Considering the current situation, looks like workers of the world and students of the world are united, not replacing the other.
@terrysubandhi3193 3 жыл бұрын
Wolff is hugely more knowledgeable, truthful, factual and wise than Brooks.
@muuhpropertyyy2465 3 жыл бұрын
We need many more economists like Richard Wolff.
@brandonjohnson4001 3 жыл бұрын
He’s a legend. I credit him for bringing me up to date on modern day socialism.
@adi2k88 3 жыл бұрын
@DanHowardMtl 3 жыл бұрын
How did Destiny destroy him then?
@margaretkirby5424 2 жыл бұрын
Yet this guy gets to speak to think tanks Harvard bean counter students and governments. And yet he must be seen as some kind of maverick amongst his peers!
@ValFlr 3 жыл бұрын
The idea espoused by Brooks, a Hardvard professor, that "USSR [ a country that started as a post-feudal agrarian society tormented by civil war and which was initially invaded by 14 capitalist countries, which was so under-developed that had recurring famines and then in only a few decades of socialism became a space exploring superpower, having a better diet than Murica -according to CIA documents, & rivaling US] has failed", tells you volumes of the type of 《education》 you'll get from that overpriced brainwashing factory calling itself a University.
@jeffsmith9420 3 жыл бұрын
@stevebreedlove9760 3 жыл бұрын
Glad others make this argument. If we are debating economic systems that approach industrial production differently, than hands down communism was more efficient. Unfortunately the end game of industrial civilization is a degraded land base that no longer supports industrial production. Had the USSR not been so thoroughly isolated by US strategy of containment, they would have lasted longer. The fact it took many centuries for capitalism to undermine its land base attests to the inefficiencies of the system.
@drunkensailor112 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I studied history and geography and was a teacher. I often countered the argument that communism has failed, look at the ussr, by simply stating that communism was never tested in a modern equal and peaceful society. Therefore we have no evidence that communism was a failure.
@drunkensailor112 2 жыл бұрын
@Ronald Reagan yeah it's failing miserably in western Europe and Scandinavia...
@drunkensailor112 2 жыл бұрын
@Ronald Reagan you are clueless then. Go look up socialism. You can be socialist and capitalist. You are mistaken with communism.
@gilangignasraharjo6138 11 ай бұрын
Crazy how I can follow this amazing debate from the comfort of my car in Indonesia... Thank you for makin this
@12crenshaw Жыл бұрын
16:04 How is it opposite when employees CHOSE, chose this company to work in. They are not forced to work there. It's not theirs. They can leave. It's free. If it's not democratic if it's not denicratic to hsve a free choise of everyone involved to cooperate, I have no idea what democratic means
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
"Democratic" according to this Marxist brain farts is to make everything efficient political, and hence, inefficient.
@mildredmartinez8843 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Wolff's is unsurpassed for making the case for socialism. I love to hear him. He's brilliant.
@nedhill1242 2 жыл бұрын
He used a lot of strawmen. He used a lot of faulty statistics. Most of what he said was emotional sympathy empathy, which is what the left specializes in. You don’t run governments and economies that way. All of the failures of capitalism he mentioned were because of government intervention. The government made the great depression far worse. So many of the things he said were just completely 100% false! America has not had real capitalism in decades. It has been replaced by crony capitalism. By government corruption. By trade deals that were shitty for American workers. Pretty much every criticism he had of capitalism was because of government intervention and corruption special interest etc. etc. The poorest people in America are wealthy by global standards. The poorest people of America have cars, 16% have two cars. They live in a house with central heating and air, they have smart phones, laptop computers, iPads, high-speed Internet, flatscreen TVs, microwave ovens, etc. etc. The poorest people in America live better than the richest people in the world 150 years ago. The Educational system was destroyed by the left. Go watch some videos on KZbin of Mike Rowe and listen to what he has to say. In China $400 a year is the poverty level. In America it’s $13,000 a year. It’s very hard to double that income unless people get off their ass and go work but first you have to work and learn skills by getting an entry-level minimum wage job. That’s how you start out. But those are entry-level no skill low skill jobs and you work your way up. It’s easy to decrease poverty 4 fold When the poverty level is literally a few hundred dollars a year. He’s just not debating in good faith. Capitalism and socialism are infinitely flawed and failed. They have failed everywhere. And they cause greater disparities in wealth. Capitalism and democracy are not perfect. People are not perfect. Therefore imperfect beings cannot create a perfect system. Capitalism and socialism work well on the micro level. At the local community or the county level. Back in the day small country towns and towns out west were rather socialist. But it doesn’t work on the large macro scale. It breaks down because people have different ideologies and different beliefs. The reality is as Robert Brooks said, capitalism and democracy have educated more people, freed more people from tyranny and authoritarianism, fed more people, cured more disease, created more wealth, than all other systems combined.
@XXXIIXXXIII 2 жыл бұрын
@@nedhill1242 💯% correct
@ryanosterman2651 2 жыл бұрын
@@nedhill1242 crony capitalism is a part of capitalism. Capitalism necessitates greed. Capitalism produces winners and losers. Do the winners let the losers keep their shares? Of course not. When brooks went on his rant about lobbying I don’t know where he’s been but that’s just a fundamental part of government and capitalism is it not? Lobbying is how the conservatives have gotten what they wanted. It’s something that capitalists and pretty much the right in general always ignore and try to put a bunch of flowers on to it to make it seem like everything okay. Material wealth doesn’t make you happy. Mental illness, loneliness, and social isolation is at an all time high here is the US and is only going to get worse as technology improves and the fact that post secondary education costs are rising astronomically. If you want to get rid of these things you need to get rid of capitalism. Simple as that. A few hundred dollars a year is no where near the minimum standard for a decent living. Should we pull out the stats? The stats show that at equal economic development, socialism clearly outpaces capitalism in both macroeconomic growth, gdp per capita, and pretty much alleviates extreme poverty. It took Tsarist Russia from a semi-feudal backwater of Europe that was still using wooden plows to an industrialized superpower within 40 years while the US over a hundred. This is despite all the sanctions, unfair trading systems, and meddling by capitalists in the system. So which system is better? Let’s pull out the stats again. The socialist countries show that illiteracy was almost eliminated in countries like Soviet Union and Cuba. Whereas capitalist countries have never achieved such. Higher nutrition, better universal healthcare in terms of access to doctor and outcome as shown in Cuba. and much much more.
@nedhill1242 2 жыл бұрын
@@ryanosterman2651 Blah blah blah fucking bullshit! Cronyism is not part of capitalism. Cronyism comes from corrupt governments that stick their grubby hands in capitalism. You are brainwashed! No. Money does not make you happy. But poverty makes you even less happy also people in poverty have more health issues and other problems. The reason there are far less poor people in the world today is because of capitalism and democracy! That is an undeniable fact. That is a provable fact! Ask people that have lived under communist and socialist governments. Go to Miami and talk to the people that left South American because of socialism. I don’t know where you get this shit because it’s just fucking dumb. It’s factually incorrect. It’s science fiction! That is an undeniable fact! Poverty in America is $13,000 a year. Poverty in China is $400 a year and the majority of people in China live in poverty. Rather than fucking up America, which people from all over the world want to come to, move to a socialist or communist country. If you think socialism & communism are so fucking great move there! Don’t fuck up a country that has giving you the free-speech rights and the other things you have today. But you will never give those things up. You’re just like black people that bitch all the time even black people with money. You don’t see them living in Europe. You don’t see them rushing out of America to live somewhere else. Because they know they’re full of shit! They know just how privileged they are. They know America is the least Racist country in the world with the most opportunity. I’m done responding to you because you’re a typical Lib Tarde. All you do is spelled emotions and criticize capitalism but you don’t provide one single shred of evidence or facts to support your side. Things that me and people on the right do all the time. We provide factual information. You provide emotions and propaganda. Because the facts the science the history is not on your side!
@ryanosterman2651 2 жыл бұрын
@@nedhill1242 I love how you criticize me using “emotion” driven arguments when clearly you used it during your whole schpeil about how “good we have it” in America. Okay I’m going to lay it out for you here: 1. Not everyone is a US/Western centric like you and not everyone wants to be like you. By the way I love how you invoked racism as if it were somehow a valid argument. And also your comment is kinda racist in itself. Plus the only reason why we have it good here in America is because we have a really good geography that we exploit and imperialism. 2. I have talked to people directly in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Latin America and they tell me that aside from the authoritarianism (yes there is a massive difference and I think richard made it very clear) life was actually quite good because they had security, a sense of belonging, a strong nation to be proud of, etc. Right now there is a communist nostalgia going on throughout the old Soviet bloc and the polls consistently show their lives were better. 3. People like you always hate nuance. You don’t want anything that defies the glowing, whitewashed image that you were presented with so you project your own ego on to others. You know you have nothing against me here. 4. The data clearly shows that outside the military and size of economy we are number 1 in practically nothing. So why can’t we adopt what other nations have so that we can improve the lives of our own?
@zeneal Жыл бұрын
My favorite part was when he was like “I like poor people because I feel good when I give to charity” comedy gold
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
You seem happy with starving people in your country, Kim Jong-Un.
@skyisreallyhigh3333 Жыл бұрын
@@willnitschkeNorth Korea had a period of starvation in the 90's after the USSR fell, but today starvation doesn't exist in North Korea.
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
@@skyisreallyhigh3333 How the f**k would you know? You know what the dictator wants you to know. 🤣
@skyisreallyhigh3333 Жыл бұрын
@@willnitschke Heres a better question, how would you know when almost everything we hear about it is literally a lie. I bet you're going to bring up defectors, while leaving out the fact that South Korea will pay up to $860K for people to defect and defectors can make up to $12,500 for speaking. Naomi-Park as never been able to keep her story straight and other defectors call her out. So, once you can tell me how it is you know, then I will tell you how it is I know. That's how it works, you made the initial claim, ita on you to prove it.
@sasho_b. Жыл бұрын
No fucking way its Kim Jong-Un 😳😳😳 epic fade tavarish Un
@liamc.kongsbaklarsen5661 Жыл бұрын
Really wonderful debate! Some thoughts on Professor Brooks’ comments (currently around an hour in so this could be addressed in the past half hour for all I know)- I admire the dedication Professor Brooks shows to his ideals and to the notion that Capitalism can be improved with the right morals, however the lived experience of the average American today in my experience is that the situation is so dire that there simply isn’t the possibility to even consider one’s place in things, or what “proper morals” really even are. In an economic system that - especially in crisis - necessitates a cutthroat mentality in order to survive, time to reflect and consider one’s values is a luxury only the already wealthy can afford. The conditions are destitute enough that there simply isn’t the possibility to both follow a decent moral code and put food on the table, the conditions necessitate choosing one or the other. In addition, on the topic of Denmark- I have the luxury of being both a Dane and an American, and have lived and studied in both countries. With all due respect, graphs and charts are all fine, but there is no discussion that Denmark is objectively the better of the two nations in terms of economic and labor structure, and especially in standard of living. My experience is that there isn’t a particularly noticeable difference between the two in terms of how difficult it is to get a job, and the networks of state support here make it so that in interim periods between jobs there still isn’t really the risk of starving. The distance is so vast that there is an almost universal fear here of economic liberalisation/becoming more like the US. Denmark certainly has its own problems, and those of integration are absolutely among them, however I would say personally that the economic hardship faced by especially non-European newcomers to Denmark has more to do with conservatism in the Danish culture itself than specifically with the economy, and that the inability of the economy to successfully adapt to this as of yet is due less to a rigidity of the system and more due to intolerance towards foreigners among the Danish population. I also definitely wouldn’t go so far as to call Denmark Socialist as some do, but there is little doubt that the system here exists in the form that it does because of the historic success of Danish Socialist movements- I can highly recommend anyone who’s interested in this topic to visit the Workers Museum in Copenhagen. EDIT: have now finished watching. I’m not sure where Professor Brooks is getting his statistics on job satisfaction in European social democracies vs in the US, but what he talks about in that section simply does not reflect reality, it’s absolutely the inverse, certainly in my experience job satisfaction is significantly higher in the social democracies by an overwhelming degree. I’m also a bit disappointed to see Professor Brooks resorting to what feel like idealistic - and, frankly, profoundly misguided - arguments in the last half hour or so.
@joshuagharis9017 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 😊
@sheemakarp6424 Жыл бұрын
Well said. Yes, Prof. Brooks puzzled me, too, when he talked of job satisfaction. On the one hand he said the US scored high, but on the other hand he said that the problem was not enough people had access to it 🤔
@realzachfluke1 Жыл бұрын
Loved your comment, and I came out of that debate with pretty much all of the same takeaways lol.
@Vesta_the_Lesser Жыл бұрын
"In an economic system that - especially in crisis - necessitates a cutthroat mentality in order to survive" That's the real problem with capitalism--the emphasis put to compete and for there to be "winners and losers." It promotes hoarding and painfully inequitable distribution of resources.
@p4our587 10 ай бұрын
Sad to say… but some of the reasons we don't have the healthcare, the education that you guys have is because people would rather go without… than to share things with black & brown people. I think your system will change for the same reason. Black & brown people were still illiterate 2, 3 generations ago. Caught up in such a time… it’s disgusting to believe there is anything superior about a white person. Do superior people have to keep telling people that they are superior… or… wouldn't we know?
@charnixgaming 9 ай бұрын
It's crazy how greatly the perception of socialism has shifted during the cold war that even after it continues to be thought of as an ideology of state ownership rather than worker ownership/democratization of business and how people seem incapable to see that free markets are not exclusive to capitalism. With Arthur speaking on state tyranny even after a breakdown of what the two were arguing.
@ExPwner 9 ай бұрын
That’s because socialists continue to insist upon using the state to try to achieve their ends rather than free markets. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then it is a duck. Wolff here is no exception.
@RextheRebel 9 ай бұрын
@@ExPwner most socialists don't believe markets should remain but believe in either decentralized planning apparatuses via consumer/worker coops, communal ownership, or unions/guilds/syndicates. Socialist who do believe markets should exist usually believe it won't last, but is the stepping stone between capitalism and socialism. Whereas other socialists, ones who dont believe in markets at all, believe socialism is the stepping stone to communism which as we all know is a surplus oriented society without classes, the state as we understand it, or actual money notes.
@ExPwner 9 ай бұрын
@@RextheRebel “decentralized planning” is an oxymoron. Either people are free to produce and exchange or they aren’t.
@demyrg9887 9 ай бұрын
​@@ExPwner If everything was freely produced, then you wouldn't have an iPhone or a modern car or computer. This production requires planning of complex actions. And concentrated monopolistic capital is already forcing a lot of people to work in the plan. If everything is free to exchange, then everything has its price and equivalent, and everything becomes for sale. Even human life, love, education or health.
@ExPwner 9 ай бұрын
@@demyrg9887 wrong. The market already produces those. The fact that they make plans is not the same as central planning you simp.
@Grassy_Gnoll 3 жыл бұрын
Brooks: I changed my entire career because of the insane decrease in poverty. Wolff: Yeah, that never happened.
@tinatang1 3 жыл бұрын
Brooke mentioned improvement in Africa but he did not give acknowledgement to the contribution of China in alleviating poverty in Africa. He also did not acknowledge how the then most prosperous African state (Libya) was totally destroyed by Obama and Hilary Clinton in 2011-12 just to preserve US interests in the region.
@tinatang1 3 жыл бұрын
@SOUL SEEKER Obama destroyed Lybia too. They did it because Gaddafi wanted African states to use an African dollar instead of the petrol dollar. The petrol dollar is designed to force all countries to buy and sell oil using $US. It became the only reserve currency for international trade. As a result every country has to have $US and thus has to buy US treasury bills. This enables US to sanction any country she wants simply by freezing the country's reserve in US$. It gives tge US power to bully every country. That is why Russia now decides to dump US$.
@tinatang1 3 жыл бұрын
@SOUL SEEKER According to Guyde Moore, a former Liberian minister of (trade), African countries prefer to have Chinese companies build their infrasture because they get a better deal than they can from the IMF. He says the only country that has fallen foul was Sri Lanka because after the port was built, and after many attempts to restructure the repayment the port was leased to China for 99 years. Sri Lanka still benefits because they now have a modern port that is properly maintained and managed for them whereas previously they hadn't. He also said Western countries in the past had refused to deal with African governments directly but with contractors chosen by them. As a result, the African states got nothing in the end. The contractors were corrupt and did not produce anything eventually but the African governments were trapped into paying exorbitantly to the IMF.
@DanHowardMtl 3 жыл бұрын
Ask Wolff about Nationalist Socialists. His particular favorite.
@davidpeppers551 3 жыл бұрын
@SOUL SEEKER Would globalists mean the elites of the world??
@nidhinjuvin 3 жыл бұрын
this wasn't a debate. it was the confessions of a capitalist 😁
@crimony3054 3 жыл бұрын
Apologizing for the economic system that sent a man to the moon and delivered famine relief to the starving, simultaneously.
@dipthongthathongthongthong9691 3 жыл бұрын
@@crimony3054 Heard a rumor the Soviets flew into space. And more recently the communist Chinese too. Hmm.
@udog73 3 жыл бұрын
@redrkstone 3 жыл бұрын
@@dipthongthathongthongthong9691 but the soviets starved... and the Chinese are more capitalistic than the Americans.
@user-cj8ju9rv8e 3 жыл бұрын
@@redrkstone emmmm, actually cn invented their atomic bombs hydrogen bombs and artificial satellites during Mao Zedong’s time.
@EpicMicky300 8 ай бұрын
jeez, I wish this debate was twice as long. I need more!
@ilonabelinskaya3720 8 ай бұрын
Ignores the fundamental advantage of capitalism over socialism is simply an equal opportunity to work hard to become successful, vs people who utilize social benefits without being productive, putting more burden on hard working people
@mildredmartinez8843 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Wolff's closing statement was a masterful indicment of capitalism's failure and socialism's future. Thank you Dr. Wolff.
@kingzion3032 3 жыл бұрын
Get the hell out of here. Socialism has never worked and will never work.
@mikkelbjrgemadsen4 3 жыл бұрын
@@kingzion3032 It is capitalism that has never worked and never will work. We have yet to see a well fuctioning, real-life socialist society, but that's why we are still fighting for it.
@kingzion3032 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikkelbjrgemadsen4 capitalism never worked? Have you not seen what great heights the United States Empire reach in 100 years? That’s 100 years, or alternatively 4 generations. It has bloody well worked amazingly. Socialism / Communism not such much? Do you remember someone called Mao or Stalin? Or my favourite socialist: The goal of socialism is communism.
@mikkelbjrgemadsen4 3 жыл бұрын
@@kingzion3032 You forget to state who the system works for. The reason the US was'nt as disfounctinang as the other capitalist countries in the 1800s and the first half of the 1900s, was because of a huge appropristion of the land of the native americans, and because it seized the opportunity to rule the marked after Europe was smashes to pieces by two imperialist wars. Stalin and Mao were indeed socialists, but Hitler and bin Laden was were indeed conservatives, so I am not very impressed by this argument.
@mildredmartinez8843 3 жыл бұрын
@@kingzion3032 That's what they said about democracy. The aristocrats and other rich ones could not fathom that "those ignorant masses" could rule themselves. I am hopeful. And world events seem to point that way. Ie. Europe, Canadians and young Americans.
@quantumpanic 2 жыл бұрын
By the 30th minute i realized prof brooks was basically *also* supporting prof wolff's position, just with different definitions. I think this is just because brooks sees capitalism as "humans in charge of capital" instead of "capital in charge of humans"
@KTheStruggler Жыл бұрын
That's an awesome way to put it. I notice that when I do talk about econ capitalist supporters tend to not think about the negative tendencies of capitalism because it isn't necessarily a 100% occurring thing. How they see crony capitalism or corporatism as seperate from capitalism. I think that's the most fundamental disagreement I have had with pro capitalists.
@zzz-nu2re Жыл бұрын
The same could be said of the difference between communism and socialism. The disagreement is usually how they define 'ownership' and 'state'
@zzz-nu2re Жыл бұрын
The first professor said that government regulation like min wages and workers rights if private owned corporations is a form of 'socialism'. This debate should be longer with definitions fleshed out before actual ideas
@vooyas.mp4 Жыл бұрын
I mean kinda? In the first segment, in his closing remarks, Brooks basically says we can fix capitalism with love and unity. It sounds nice, but come on - we've had to endure the hegemony of the rich for so long. Ya think some love will do the trick?
@KrolKaz Жыл бұрын
I think China has shown that neither capitalism nor socialism work by themselves and that it's possible to merge the two for everyone's benefit. For instance we could start by nationalizing the countries natural resources, like oil. We could have that money used to help build infrastructure and cheap housing.
@LauraKamienski Жыл бұрын
What a fantastic debate we need much much more of this. Unfortunately University setting has become a place of no debate for students. That's said I think one specific point that would have been helpful here is the difference in individualism vs collectivism. Professor Brooks talks a lot about a moral capitalism, that will somehow meet Collective goals. However capitalism itself is based on a rugged style of individualism that precludes and prevents any sort of solidarity solidarity and collectivism collectivism. It's interesting to me that when pro-capitalist speakers talk about capitalism they speak in terms of morality and Brotherhood, yet those things stand in direct opposition to capitalist production. His final statements that brought up competition is part of what I mean. Competition pits people against people. And I think it is a Mist to think that competition is the only impetus that will inspire human beings to create and produce.
@bovineavenger734 10 ай бұрын
Weird considering capitalists donate far far more than self proclaimed socialists ever do.
@vukbajic4904 10 ай бұрын
​@@bovineavenger734you wouldn't have written that had you listened to the entire debate
@bovineavenger734 10 ай бұрын
@@vukbajic4904 you wouldn't had written that if you looked up statistics.
@josephwilson696 9 ай бұрын
​@@bovineavenger734is socialism when donating to charity?
@bovineavenger734 9 ай бұрын
@@josephwilson696 Why don't socialists put their money where their mouth is? Oh right, they want to use other people's money instead...mostly to stash it in their own pockets
@12crenshaw Жыл бұрын
17:33 in Europe we have capitalism as economic system and socialism as political. Basically capitalism is a life suport for goverment and everyone unable to perform which only shows how powerful this ECONOMIC system is
@Sasoripwns 10 ай бұрын
In canada we are also taught economic system and political are two different systems.... Sadly many people I know actually forgot it.
@fayyaznoor1962 3 жыл бұрын
The host did not mention how many total books has Professor Wolff written, only mentioning 2020, while for the other professor the host preferred to give the total number of 11 books, the bias starts write from the word go!
@wyssmaster 3 жыл бұрын
oh shit he wrote a lot of books he HAS TO be correct!
@AG-el6vt 3 жыл бұрын
@@wyssmaster That's not the point of the comment. Nice strawman, though.
@smolderingtitan 3 жыл бұрын
It's possible that the host was provided with bio material by the debate participants?
@mylesmacpherson5534 3 жыл бұрын
@@smolderingtitan that's what I'm thinking, although in these types of debates it's not particularly uncommon for the host to have a capitalist bias...
@fayyaznoor1962 2 жыл бұрын
@@mylesmacpherson5534 You are right, that it is common in such types of debates to have a capitalist bias. Yet this small instance should be a reminder, that providing incomplete information is a part of the deadly repertoire, that includes spreading fake news, turning truth to falsehood and falsehood into truth, using a veneer of science for essentially providing information in the rhetorical. Rhetoric was developed by the Greek scholars as manner of defending the rights of the ruling elite and meant, the skill to turn truth into falsehood and vice versa. This repertoire is the only way for an "all owning' elite to defend its rights over every thing, including the social and spiritual life of the people. It is the latter who are the true owners of such a great responsibility of commanding and deciding about social and economic life of the peoples of a country, by the very fact that social life is the life of the vast majority taken together. The repertoire used by the elite, their professors and the media owned by the elite itself, to educate the people, is a pole opposite to the repertoire that the people themselves use to educate themselves, and which can only be based on the utmost care to provide the best of facts in an analytical manner and not the rhetorical sleight. The former is for turning a false ownership of everything into its opposite, the latter is for correcting the false reversal, i.e. forcing the reversal of the false reversal, and then the implementation of a life based on truth. Time is precious in such struggles, otherwise the destines of the peoples and those of the world can come to a thundering halt. Just as one instance , thousands of lives of young people belonging to working class families were sacrificed in devastating a very tiny Vietnam, and millions of the poor people of Vietnam were massacred. The working people of the U.S.A were killing working people of Vietnam This destruction went on for years and years, only because time and gravity of time was not taken in by the peoples of the U.S.A. Such is the manner in which the "ownership rights over everything" are defended. The people cannot relax with the hope that time is on their side. This is the way the elite want the people to think. The greatest responsibility for defending life, lies on the peoples of the U.S.A since it is the elite of the U.S.A, who have the greatest responsibility to defend the ownership rights of all elites, making up the pyramid of the owner elites of the world, who own everything in the world. Time is precious for the peoples of the U.S.A, and hence the peoples of the world, or we might not have any time, any life.
@misanthropyunhinged 3 жыл бұрын
brooks thinks because capitalist organizations like the world bank defined abject poverty out of existence that's some success story. 🤣
@andybaldman 3 жыл бұрын
That's the common response. They don't care to mention that it took making some people disgustingly rich, to bring those other people barely above the poverty line (by capitalizing their labor). Slave owners thought they treated the slaves pretty well, too.
@stevebreedlove9760 3 жыл бұрын
It's as if capital investment is some capitalist angel descending on the poor and investing in them expecting nothing in return. Completely ignoring how capitalism drove colonialism which contributed to their impoverishment.
@tylerscofield9799 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I am all for change and the better meant of Mankind and The way America is going with people wanting to use pronouns in such a way it takes u 30 mins to ask 3 people to walk across the street, I do not see our current system being a successful one. If it last 20 years I will be amazed. However using a form of government that killed 100 million people in the last century. Just the fact people even argue for such a system should show you ALL Socialist are closest Aristocrats, or wanna be tyrants.
@mediterraneanmint89 2 жыл бұрын
@@tylerscofield9799 thats a very common misconception socialism did not kill 100 million people. Nowhere close to that number. That stat has been thoroughly debunked (even by some of the people who came up with the number) by using ridiculous measurements, like calling nazis killed by Soviets “victims of communism”. Or attributing famine caused by internal strife, foreign invasions, war, and sanctions to communism. They even admitted to pulling millions of deaths out of thin air. Just making shit up. Please don’t go around spreading this misinformation. And truthfully if we are to play the numbers game, capitalism would undoubtedly lose. Between colonialism and the imperialism of capitalist nations alone, would exceed that number. And it’s not socialists who are the wanna be tyrants. They’re the ones who are victims of tyranny. Socialists were purged from government, media, and academia, sometimes even jailed in the 20th century. The US made a deliberate effort to crush every socialist government, by funding death squads and rebels, or funding coups to replace socialist governments with genocidal dictators. Sometimes they just used economic sanctions to deny food and medicine to those countries. All because they decided they want to be independent from capitalist hegemony. Capitalist countries can be just as tyrannical, it’s not related to the economic system so much as it is to the circumstances. Things like economic and political instability, or war and geopolitical threats lead to tyrannical governments independent of their economic system.
@klauskinski5969 2 жыл бұрын
@@mediterraneanmint89 well we could contribute ww1 to death of capitalism, because its was mostly about markets and ww2 also had capitalists interests or failures as reason.
@BlueMonkeySky Жыл бұрын
This is really a Good Faith Debate. There should be more like this. Awesome!!!! ❤️🙏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@Rothbard_is_God8082 7 ай бұрын
It's just a faulty comparison. Socialism is an ideology and capitalism is an economic system. Not comparable at all. It's like debating whether Christianity or science is better, when they are not comparable systems of thought.
@willnitschke 7 ай бұрын
Exactly correct. Socialism is ideology/religion. Capitalism is a description of reality.
@lieshtmeiser5542 4 ай бұрын
Id say you are correct and the example is these two discuss: China relaxed its communist zeal and allowed free enterprise to an extent. It works so long as people dont cross the communist party of china. It would be hard for PRC to go back to communism at this stage, its hard to voluntarily become poor again after finally getting out of it.
@solid1378 3 жыл бұрын
Professor Dr. Richard D. Wolff = LEGEND. It's clear he won the debate, as he always does. Facts are inconvenient for Capitalists...😏
@kmtgoddess7793 3 жыл бұрын
Preach baby
@enriquegarza6877 2 жыл бұрын
Brooks not a match to dr Wolff.
@akashin6385 2 жыл бұрын
But Capitalists won in reality. Leftwing = intellectual in the academe, losers in life
@kmtgoddess7793 2 жыл бұрын
@@akashin6385 capktaliat didnt win they tricked everyone into believing their lies but as rojava shows us those days are ending
@gariochsionnach2608 2 жыл бұрын
@@akashin6385 ... "might is right" kind of guy huh? Right is still right despite whether Might can smash it ... "Rule of Law" or rule of who got the weapon?
@egeemaru7289 3 жыл бұрын
Destiny be like "define socialism bro".
@stefanlvkc7986 3 жыл бұрын
"and please keep it to 15 seconds so I can have someone clip it to try and get a debate bro gotcha."
@Fabric_Hater 3 жыл бұрын
Lol destiny who isn't a capitalist beat wolff solely bc of the fact that Wolff can't define it.
@ianperfitt 3 жыл бұрын
@@Fabric_Hater, he defines it fine. He is focused on analyzing it in terms of as a mode of production which people are not used to.
@Fabric_Hater 3 жыл бұрын
@@ianperfitt I watched it in full more than once. He never defines it. Except he supports worker owned co ops. Which, considering he is against capitalism, defined as the protection of property, means he's anti co ops bc obviously a co op should be protected. He's just an old blathering fool with a degree next to his name to make people think he knows things.
@ck58npj72 3 жыл бұрын
Destiny got funny😅
@potterlover96 8 ай бұрын
This is seriously one of the most respectful and civilized debates I've ever listened to
@legalfictionnaturalfact3969 6 ай бұрын
All that matters is the content.
@HS-hv8tz 6 ай бұрын
Nice debate, but professor wolff gives a lot of wrong information about socialism. I have seen europe, I have lived in Italy for eight and I have friends and family in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, France and switzerland. There is no dignity of work if you don't have the option to easily and freely change your job if you don't like your job or your workplace for any reason. If you gain so little money that you can't have any kind of savings, so you are literally a slave, because you can't risk losing your job and not having any income even for one single month. So you are actually a slave for a system that is designed by a socialist powerfull controlling government that has all the resources over the people. The socialism is all about three things, CONTROL and CONTROL and more CONTROL and I don't really want to mention any other factor. Because from what I saw, it is only about Controlling the people of the society, to work and be nice and decent people and pay taxes and pay more taxes so that they can pay more taxes in the coming years, and I'm talking about European Socialism, leave alone chinese or Russian or Cuban style. There are a lot more about the things that I've seen in European style Socialism but the most important Factor is CONTROL.
@willnitschke 6 ай бұрын
When you rob individuals of their economic freedoms and concentrate it into the hands of a select group of collectivist bosses, of course that's what it is going to be the inevitable result.
@dddpvt 3 жыл бұрын
AH WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Wolfman does it again!
@Krooksbane 3 жыл бұрын
His hair was magnificent
@CarlosPena-pf5zi 3 жыл бұрын
@@Krooksbane yes, his hair was perfect hahaha ahwhoo 😜😂
@katieshimer2688 3 жыл бұрын
Lol. Love this comment
@cullenami 2 жыл бұрын
Did what? Used poetic words to convince simpletons of his twisted view of reality?
@Reality4Peace 2 жыл бұрын
"Clap for the Wolfman"
@Arcy0429 3 жыл бұрын
Professor Wolf, as usual, is impeccable! Kudos!
@ComradeKoopa Жыл бұрын
@Ronald Reagan Brilliant and convincing retort lmfao
@gianlu4357 11 ай бұрын
loved this debate, just perfect in every way, a productive conversation conducted with respect and professionality.
@Emerardo 9 ай бұрын
I agree Mr. Tonegawa
@gianlu4357 9 ай бұрын
@@Emerardo thanks mr. emerardo
@TeleologicalConsistency Жыл бұрын
None of this will have a chance to happen as long as the elites still hold power financially and politically. What really needs to be discussed is how the people can purge these malicious elites first. What Richard is talking about is akin to an athlete thinking of what he'll do after he wins the Olympics before he's even signed up for the Olympics.
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
We are in a bad situation now with corporate media doing the opposite of it's role in society and an apathetic and spoilt citizenry that is ill prepared for what is headed its way.
@TeleologicalConsistency Жыл бұрын
@@willnitschke The media had no business being corporate, to begin with. It should've been either non-profit or state-controlled under the direct supervision of the representatives. Corporate media are a convenient way for the government to ignore the 1st amendment because corporations ultimately are at the mercy of the government and the government can just force the corporation to censor who they want while saying "it's a private business it can do what it wants."
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
@@TeleologicalConsistency Non-profit means you're at the mercy of whoever is funding you and corporate media is essentially state controlled.
@hobbso8508 Жыл бұрын
​@@willnitschke Corporate media is controlled by the CEO that owns it. You should know Will, you get fed daily doses of Rupert Murdoch bullshit.
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
@@hobbso8508 I don't follow corporate media at all, sorry. It's too silly and stupid, which is why you are glued to CNN correct?
@fayyaznoor1962 3 жыл бұрын
The Professor from kennedy school, is trying to mix socialist and capitalist ideas to confuse, as any defender of capitalism will do
@user-mj9sp8ub6n 3 жыл бұрын
A guy like Brooks can be a professor,hilarious。
@rogerburn5132 3 жыл бұрын
We don't have REAL capitalism anyway there many aspects of capitalism as SOSIALISM to. Its very long to explain but Richard Wolf is not always right.
@elnegrobembon 3 жыл бұрын
@@rogerburn5132 You don't have *real* capitalism? Is that so? Are not the vast majority of enterprises in private hands? How many public or democratically-run institutions do you think we have? We live in a society *dominated* by capitalist enterprises.
@rogerburn5132 3 жыл бұрын
@@elnegrobembon well you don't understand what real capitalism is. It's long but I will give you just 1 or 2 examples. In 2008 financial crisis all Banks in USA and Europe and UK (Banks are private institutions) were bailed out with public (taxpayers) money (that is SOSIALISM) in. Real capitalism that doesn't happen .in Real capitalism if private (Bank or companies) loose their money the go bankrupt. And in 2008 the US government give 5 billion dollars to GM . General Motors. that is SOSIALISM not capitalism. Not to mention how much help Boeing has ( money) from the government. Its not capitalism. when lobbying the government to give preference (to private companies) pfarma or many others protecting them from competition. tariffs or different low. So you see that we never have real capitalism in the first place. Free market economy is free from government not wen the government bailed out anything that they think deserves bailout.
@garyfrier8955 3 жыл бұрын
@@rogerburn5132 Very true.The same can be said about aspect of Chinese society where there welfare of retired workers are concerned.Recently they had to change the laws for having children to deal with a rapidly aging population. Which will not necessarily work because of the high cost of living i.e. education, health etc.I think the road to socialism is not black or white.Capitalism does not have the answer nor does blind communism.
@aaronanderson4894 3 жыл бұрын
Of course this debate just showed up in my algorithm. Wolff is a genius and he never changes his tune with bringing the facts to the table.
@jgalt308 2 жыл бұрын
Except none of the "facts" are true, none of the history is complete or correct, and none of the economics has ever been connected to empirical reality.
@joedagg4495 2 жыл бұрын
You mean his opinion agreed with your world view, so you label him a "genius" and misplace his "claims without evidence" as "fact".
@jgalt308 2 жыл бұрын
@Ronald Reagan That's what he used to he only "educates" his 2500 patreon customers...none of which are his former students, so he didn't make much of an impression on them and since it took 10 years to get to the 2500, he's not making much of an impression on the "real world" either.
@jgalt308 2 жыл бұрын
@Ronald Reagan ✔😎👍
@joedagg4495 2 жыл бұрын
@Ronald Reagan He also just repeats the same jargon about capitalism and socialism and doesn't seem to have any deep understanding of the current economic climate. Anything that goes wrong is because "capitalism", but he has no understanding of what specifically has gone wrong. It is odd people claim this guy to be a "genius". I can't tell if they're ignorant or maybe I am the idiot that just doesn't understand it.
@hopehickman8451 Жыл бұрын
A sentiment shared by both speakers was that dignity is something achieved through labor. I think that this is off base. Outside of the clear argument for those who cannot work such as children, the elderly, and those who are ill or disabled, the amount of labor done by an individual is not directly related to their value. Less working does not make you less of a human being. Less working does not inherently lower your quality of life. In fact, I think to improve all people's quality of life, a reduction in labor is necessary. To truly form community with those around you, you need down time. As a society, we are all hustling tremendously. Our friendships and our communities are online or through Google calendars. Those with nine to fives have very limited vacation. The time that they do not spend working they are preparing for or recovering from said work. This standard should not be the goal for any society. We need to dismember our association between labor and value.
@waggingtongue 9 ай бұрын
I’ve listened to wolf many times. What I’ve never heard from him is a solution. He states each employee has a vote as to what will be produced. Thats pure fantasy. Where does anyone get together with other strangers and start producing a product? Zero. There has to be a founder or entrepreneur that invests capital and time to start things. Lets take say a radio for instance. The factory worker who assembles the radio likely has no knowledge of marketing, business, operations, and manufacture because he is in assembly. They simply dont have the expertise to dictate what a company should or shouldn’t make. etc etc. So I’d be interested how Wolff would start a company with no idea, no entrepreneur, no capital etc and then lets say we have that company up and running and it fails, are the losses spread over the employees? Or does Richard now believe the founder eats it? Did all these people that he started the company with get paid over the years time it took to do all the legal stuff and creat the business plan etc? No. Having started and run a business before, which i don’t believe he has done, he would change his mind in a hurry. One of the many problems with socialism is because there is no profit motive people tend to do as little as possible. Why? Why not? Do you work 16 hour days? Why not? Because if you bust your hump and the guy next to you sandbags it and gets the same pay, you will eventually lower your production. It plays to the lowest common denominator. Whether you agree with the following or not is irrelevant simply because its fact. Capitalism produced the greatest country in world history, the UNITED STATES. Even though in its current form capitalism hasn’t existed anywhere close to socialism, socialism can’t make the claim its produced anything but death and totalitarianism.
@ExPwner 9 ай бұрын
Bingo. This guy is an idiot with no concept of the value of capital investment.
@murraymadness4674 8 ай бұрын
USA is NOT the greatest country in world history! It is ONLY the greatest military country in history. In ALL other metrics is ranked very low compared to other countries, poverty, healthcare, lifetimes, etc, etc.
@ismaildemir773 8 ай бұрын
Right on, I had the same thoughts.
@tarnopol 3 жыл бұрын
Let's see: an actual economist vs a guy who writes endless quasi-Buddhist tripe on "happiness" for the Atlantic, a series that I read aloud to my wife so we can laugh at its hyperindividualistic neoliberal vapidity. Huh. Wonder who will come out on top.
@Attackofthehank 2 жыл бұрын
These “guru” types that deconstruct and help us understand how to be happy are so blatantly a symptom of the sickness caused by capitalism. Clearly it shows there is an incredible demand for answers on how to be happy in such a bleak and uncaring society. People like this serve the purpose of finding answers other than “you’re not happy because the system you live in doesn’t have any concern for whether or not you’re happy”
@ObakuZenCenter 2 жыл бұрын
You're correct except that Buddhist economics is largely socialist, as it's based on reality, not just the delusions of the few who want control over the majority of people. So what Brook's argues for, would be seen as harmful according to Buddhist economics. See the work of those such as Bhikkhu Bodhi as an example.
@susanmercurio1060 2 жыл бұрын
@@ObakuZenCenter : As a Buddhist, thank you!
@KznnyL 2 жыл бұрын
Hyperindividualistic neoliberal vapidity.... I am taking that one for the collective brother.
@tarnopol 2 жыл бұрын
@@KznnyL Use it in good health! :)
@thomanderson7981 3 жыл бұрын
Clearly Prof Wolff won this debate hands down & going away.
@georgegates526 2 жыл бұрын
going away??
@lukecondron7881 Жыл бұрын
@Ronald Reagan professor wolfs interpretation of socialism has never been applied.
@tlwilson32 11 ай бұрын
Those who wish to be in Congress or be President should be discussing their positions in this way. There is no reason they would object unless they were fearful that they do not understand what they are governing and that they will be exposed.
@Blonde111 2 жыл бұрын
Never liked “economics”… now I’m a Prof Wolff groupie😌 He has taught me so much 🙏
@ExPwner 2 жыл бұрын
Learn actual economics. That guy is a hack.
@AceofDlamonds 2 жыл бұрын
Dont be a fucking groupie about anyone. I respect the hell out of Prof. Wolff. But there are economic theories worth reading from capitalists.
@charleslajoie4977 2 жыл бұрын
Ofc you never liked and learned it, that’s the only way you could actually believe Richard Wolff is not a complete hack.
@michaelmappin1830 2 жыл бұрын
@@charleslajoie4977 , what are you talkin about? What exactly is it that you disagree with in regards to Richard's argument?
@Mr9mann 2 жыл бұрын
"Never liked “economics”… now I’m a Prof Wolff groupie" That's self explaining.
@applechipsthevideogame5381 2 жыл бұрын
1:05:24 Brooks says that 70% of people in the United States say their co-workers are their best friends - has he considered that maybe people in the US work more and don't have as many opportunities to make friends outside of work? Maybe I don't want to only be friends with my co-workers, it is nice to talk to people who do other things with their days, and I'd argue that friendships like that are more important to improving society than ones with co-workers.
@JimijaymesProductions Жыл бұрын
Yeah that is a very US centric idea, in Australia I have several groups of friends including coworkers but coworkers aren't my only friends because I have time and interests outside of work. Barely anyone I know has a coworker as a best friend.
@nathanielchieffallo4273 Жыл бұрын
Oh so that's why I got those surveys asking weird questions like "have you made friends at work". Maybe a new way to frame positivity about capitalism, by saying "look at the percentage of people who made their friends at work, my goodness isn't that so great" forgetting that this number being higher basically just proves people basically spend all their time at work.
@theofficialvernetheturtley338 Жыл бұрын
"Capitalism stopped me from having friends!" This is getting ridiculous.
@materialmanners Жыл бұрын
@@theofficialvernetheturtley338 his argument wasn’t that “capitalism is when no friends” it’s that Brooks bringing up the fact that “70% of people have most of their friends as coworkers” is a fallacy since in capitalism conditions, you spend 8 hours, 5 out of 7 days a week at work so ofcourse you’ll have an easier access to gain friends at work rather than an outside social setting.
@MckensyLong Жыл бұрын
@@theofficialvernetheturtley338 Right, working 40hours to live prevents people from having friends. The other 128hours a week aren't enough. Oh that's right, sleep... so the other 72hours is not enough. Its not enough time to work out, or read a book, or attend church, or improve their position in life. Or maybe people are terrible at managing their time.
@shomechakraborty 10 ай бұрын
Socialism had been birthed and developed for about 150+ years. But what it eventually spurred by its end - the utter lack of prosperity and goods and services, as well as its totalitarian attributes under which dictators in socialist countries deprived its peoples of freedom as well as wealth - had made it already die out by the late Twentieth Century. Say what you want about Capitalism but history has repeatedly demonstrated that Socialism does nothing to promote prosperity and freedom. The areas of the world which had experienced socialism for decades, like Venezuela and Eastern Europe, stand quite underdeveloped today.
@bobo11112222 7 ай бұрын
He used to say on TV “…millionaires & billionaires…” Now that he’s a millionaire, now it’s just, “…billionaires…”
@izaiahshorten7609 6 ай бұрын
But in all realness millionaires aren’t the problem. It’s mega billionaires and trillionaires
@damien884 3 жыл бұрын
Civil discourse and sharp smack down by Richard about the “counting of the dead” was epic!
@AG-el6vt 3 жыл бұрын
Every 'Capitalism vs Socialism' debate must include the meme 'iPhone Vuvuzela animal farm 100 billion dead' XD
@Fabric_Hater 3 жыл бұрын
"how dare people include the humans who were murdered in the name of my ideology!"
@AG-el6vt 3 жыл бұрын
@@Fabric_Hater I see you have listened to the part of the debate we're talking about! (Wink wink, nod nod)
@Fabric_Hater 3 жыл бұрын
@@AG-el6vt I've listened to the Wolff talking point every time people bring up the millions murdered by people of his ideology. It's always a trash rebuttal and it's always the same rebuttal and everyone who doesn't like murder knows it.
@AG-el6vt 3 жыл бұрын
@@Fabric_Hater iTs A tRaSh ReBuTtAl tO uSe ThE sAmE bS mEtRiC i UsE aGaInSt My PoSiTiOn. I'm sure all those people who died during the Atlantic Slave Trade, the repression of the labour movement, the insane working conditions in the sweatshops of the Global South, the Bengal Famine, and many other cases... They'll all be assured to know that their deaths don't count as a counter to your dishonest 'gotcha'. Fucking clown.
@joshadamson6874 3 жыл бұрын
Its sad that literally everything the guy said is a lie, inequality is higher now than ever in history and i just dont understand how anyone can sit up there and lie so blatantly
@andybaldman 3 жыл бұрын
That's because you aren't a capitalist. ;)
@samhhaincat2703 3 жыл бұрын
Money over morals in America. It makes perfect sense actually. And I hate it.
@nathanielstephenson7932 2 жыл бұрын
It's possible that he wasn't lying, but instead, just wrong. Either way, he had no comprehension of what Wolff was saying, or played the fool to make his lies seem like honest ignorance.
@nedhill1242 2 жыл бұрын
The liar was the socialist. Inequality has grown recently because of the tech industry where you can become a millionaire or billionaire without actually having to spend much money and have employees. It’s funny money because of inflation and the M2 money supply and because of the federal reserve. There are far less people in poverty today than ever. The poorest people in America are rich by global standards. Capitalism and democracy are not perfect but they are infinitely better than everything else combine that came before them. And so why if there is wealth inequality! The people that are poor especially in America and in western society a poor because they’re either low IQ, the lack of work ethic, they’re lazy, are they made some very bad decisions in life. You don’t need an education to be successful. I’m a mortgage broker and I’m in the real estate industry. I have a BS in finance and an MBA. But I don’t need any of that to be successful in real estate or mortgages. I could’ve done that right out of high school. There are tons of millionaires in a real estate agent they got their real estate license right out of high school and became millionaires. Again go listen to what Mike Rowe has to say there are lots of jobs paying six-figure income‘s that are high level welding diesel mechanics etc. but America because of the people on the left destroyed the education system destroyed the vocational system where kids used to learn skills and tell everyone they have to go to college. And college has skyrocketed in cost because it subsidize now by the federal government. When I went to college in the 80s my for years including room and board, I was on a three meals a day seven day a week meal plan plus live in a dorm plus tuition everything cost $20,000 for my four years. That same school now cost $35,000 a year for one year for in-state students. Capitalism is failing because of government intervention. Because it’s crony capitalism today. Not real free trade. Shitty trade deals by Clinton and Obama. The one world government tight people. The globalist people. Too much money in politics mostly on the left too much favoritism lobbying corruption! The Clinton foundation generated hundreds of millions of dollars. As soon as it was obvious that Hillary and Bill Clinton were no longer relevant countries quit donating and it’s basically all that shut down now. All of that money was for influence. Not for charity. And the Clintons are some of the most corrupt people ever in American politics and they are in fact traders and should be lined up against the wall! Anyone that thinks socialism and communism is better than capitalism and democracy is either dumb as a boxer rocks, brainwashed, willfully ignorant, or not old enough to have seen white real communism and socialism looks like. There are plenty of people that come to America today from China and other places and see what’s going on today is going to ruin America and turned into why they came from which was terrible! Oppressive. Authoritarians. China is not a great country. There are several KZbin channels with people that are from China that lived in China for years and years that are telling people don’t be hoodwinked. Don’t be blinded by the lies from the media and the Democrats. China is a terrible place to live. It is terribly oppressive and one of the worst human rights violators on the planet. Along with the Middle East. Everything this guy talks about with socialism is just pure emotions. No one has ever said things couldn’t be better. But again it’s the people on the left that ruined capitalism. And wealth inequality is a strawman. You don’t have to be rich to be happy and be successful and own a home and have a good life. What we need is a robust middle class. Those people are being held back because of the welfare state and government corruption. Black people are worse today in America than 50 years ago. Nearly 75% of black children are born out of wedlock. That is the problem in the black community. Not racism. It’s a cultural problem. A social economic problem. Not systemic racism, which doesn’t exist. Livable wage, systemic racism, assault weapons, those are not real terms. Those were made up by far left academics 30 and 40 years ago for identity politics purposes. To scare and brainwash people.
@VinsLeMans 2 жыл бұрын
Cos capitalism is all about lies and media brainwashing so it’s not unusual for champions of capitalism to defy the natural truth to persuade the less informed
@Frequency1682 3 ай бұрын
In 1886, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that under the law, corporations were to be considered "person's" and gave them the same rights as a human being. The case that facilitated this decision ( Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad Company) was decided based on the 14th Amendment, which was ratified in 1868 to ensure citizenship rights to newly freed slaves, and that corporations should have same rights as newly freed slaves. This decision is the law of the land still and paved the way to allow corporations to accumulate enormous wealth and influence which in turn allows for preferential access to public policy. Corporate priority is PROFIT, as the end that justifies the means.
@psychicspy 8 ай бұрын
The lack of democracy within businesses is not a characteristic of capitalism. It is the choice of capitaists.
@peteferguson518 2 ай бұрын
I don't know if it's the same in the US but here in France, any labor contract specifies that the employee accepts subordination to the employer. It's in the contract, not a matter of morality.
@FM-ln2sb 3 жыл бұрын
Brooks's disingenuous remarks about other countries like Cuba is that he evades discussing how US has sought to ecnomically demolish and harm by attacking Cuba through SANCTIONS etc.
@klsaknci 2 жыл бұрын
Also disingenuous is his argument that the majority of economic growth and therefore “lifting of the poor out of poverty” happened only after ‘72 when they opened to the west. So much work was done previously that cannot be disregarded.
@TesterBoy 2 жыл бұрын
Cuba was a basket case blockade or not. Haven’t you heard of the riots that are occurring?
@GlobalSouthObserver 2 жыл бұрын
@@TesterBoy how many people were in those so called protests and what's the population of Cuba
@cristinacamero5289 3 жыл бұрын
That's the way debates should be conducted, kindly, respectfully and open to differences. Always a pleasure to hear Professor Wolff and it was nice to hear Professor Brooks as well.
@johnhackett6332 2 жыл бұрын
Somebody tell me if I am wrong, but couldn't it be that the passing of the Federal Reserve Act(or the centralization of banking; of which the forefathers like Thomas Jefferson were adamant about avoiding centralization--most dreadfully feared centralizing our currency to a "private" bank). Academia fails to mention what a tectonic shift in POWER the Federal Reserve Act had. The Act did not solely effect the U.S., but rather its outcomes created stellar shockwaves that shifted power ALL throughout the world! Soon, New York would take control as head of the World of finance; following World War I it became apparent Wall Street would be replacing the Bank of England. Kennedy had plans for Nationalizing the currency of the U.S.; unfortunately, the powers that be refused to allow that to happen... Seems to me, within a year(could have been months) came the call for war, initiating World War I [July 28th, 1914], and was brought to an end November 11th, 1918! This means capitalism has been responsible for essentially every single war since... I dunno? World War II was hugely invested in by Wall Street (Prescott Bush, and I believe Cromwell & Sullivan
@AceofDlamonds 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnhackett6332 You can be concerned about the banks without the cynical conspiracy theory mongering.
@johnhackett6332 2 жыл бұрын
@@AceofDlamonds Historically "the banks" are where most conspiracy is centered. "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." a quote by *Mayer Anselm Rothschild* That's what happens when a country, The United States is a debtor to a *PRIVATE BANK* (that the Federal Reserve actually is) and; as the debtor, the country is inevitably manipulated by that Private bank. Point of fact, the source of the entire financial world of the U.S. leads back to and is the firm grasp of, the Bank of England. In other words, the decisions are being made by the Bank of London; where all Financial Markets lead to. Conspiracy is a necessary attribute of how power functions! In order to understand why we are in the current position we now find ourselves in - economically, and so on - then you *can't ignore* conspiracy! Consider it, a fact of life!
@kn9ioutom Жыл бұрын
@emilioguifarro6389 Жыл бұрын
The key point to do it is focusing in the subject, not in who talks about the subject.
@andrewwolf4430 8 ай бұрын
Professor Wolff as an idealist views China’s growth through socialist rose colored glasses. Much of what brought wealth to China was private industry that created a large number of billionaires. Now 2 years after this debate China’s economy is suffering
@galacticambitions1277 10 ай бұрын
A gold standard debate. A model of civility.
@jacobkantor3886 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that this Brooks guys is a Harvard professor really proves the intellectual reverence people have for that institution is misplaced.
@hamburgerdan101 Жыл бұрын
Harvard is the best of the best i think it shows how academia is byproduct of capitalism and that in American education we aren’t taught how to interpret and rationalize and just how to conform. We are encouraged to fall inline because thats what are role is as the working class. And historically we’re still taught in the same way puritans civilized catholics and natives. It turns it out the same method works great for turning children into prisoners for cheap labor and at best the hard working neurotypical kids into obedient drones full of information on maths and science to be over worked unfulfilled software developers.
@ieatpaste8360 Жыл бұрын
1:04:00 Dude is a Harvard professor and mixing up "Materialist" and "Historical Materialist". Pretty amusing at a semantics level.
@jessensloan6692 Жыл бұрын
@@hamburgerdan101 america doesn't do everything for you. That's kind of the point.
@hobbso8508 Жыл бұрын
​@@jessensloan6692 Like human rights. They really struggle with those.
@jessensloan6692 Жыл бұрын
@@hobbso8508 yeah the democrats aren't doing so well are they?
@phillipmiddleton9335 3 жыл бұрын
Professor Wolff's arguments are well worked, comprehensive and persuasive.
@jgalt308 2 жыл бұрын
Try fact checking them...start with the definitions, and then keep going.
@TrustinYamada 10 ай бұрын
@@jgalt308 Don't forget, words are a vector for transferring a thought. Either side's definitions may not be dictionary correct because they are conveying thoughts. Which we understand by the context. A word represent a thought, if we understand his meaning, then his words can be in morose code and still correct.
@jgalt308 10 ай бұрын
@@TrustinYamada Given the subject of the debate, defining the meaning of the words in conflict would seem to be somewhat critical.
@DanielKMihalev Жыл бұрын
Instead of focusing on these ideological debates, it can be more productive to focus on specific policies and initiatives that can address the problems we face as a society by working together to identify and implement practical solutions, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future for everyone, regardless of our political affiliations or economic beliefs.
@erjondividi5303 10 ай бұрын
good luck with that!
@rogeraraujo4900 9 ай бұрын
Socialists: is ideological to say that food being a commodity isn't fair? Isn't organizing the working class in a political party to defend the nationalization of the means of production practical? Be careful. Ideology is such an easy word for reducing complex point of views to mere opinions.
@mrbullmrbull 9 ай бұрын
Society focused on solving crucial problems would be amazing But people are more likely to argue about abortion or how many genders exist
@penguinnh Жыл бұрын
"College for ALL" is a misstatement. It is "Free College for the qualified" but is also "Free Trade School for the qualified" and "Free training for those it will help". But even free tuition is not enough for the single parent who works two jobs and has children. You need access to the training and accessable and affordable child care.
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
Yeah we all want life to be easy and everything to be free... so what? Life's not fair?
@hobbso8508 Жыл бұрын
​@@willnitschke Rich from a guy that literally went to college for free Will. Just like a boomer to close the door right after he walks through it.
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
@@hobbso8508 Did I hurt your feelings again?
@hobbso8508 Жыл бұрын
​@@willnitschke Not at all, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
@willnitschke Жыл бұрын
@@hobbso8508 What was "hypocritical" ? You mean your feelings got hurt, so you're posting insults, correct?
@elcondedelafere8751 3 жыл бұрын
Let's not forget that many of the good years of capitalism in the US were when marginal tax rates were as high as 93%
@wyssmaster 3 жыл бұрын
Literally no one in the country was paying a rate anywhere near that high.
@elcondedelafere8751 3 жыл бұрын
@@wyssmaster were they at that rate or not?
@elcondedelafere8751 3 жыл бұрын
@wyssmaster 3 жыл бұрын
@@elcondedelafere8751 If the argument is that high tax rates can sustain growth because tax rates were that high and we experienced growth, the primary question must be whether or not anyone was actually paying that much in taxes. The answer to that question is: fuck no.
@aleksanderbrygmann279 3 жыл бұрын
Capitalisms hight is when the workers are the most successful at fighting the capital class. So at is weakest, Capitalism is at it's best. This shows the flawed structure of the system.
@shawnaning101 7 ай бұрын
Free market forces drive prices down. Without government imposed inflation stagnation of wages would produce greater purchasing power and less poverty. The market volatility comes from the socialism already ingrained in society through fiscal intervention. Wealth inequality has been worse in places where socialism has been attempted, everyone except for a few are poorer.
@johnsagnella2294 7 ай бұрын
In Germany, you must also reach certain educational standards to be accepted into a university....and the standards are ridged. Also, The Scandinavian countries have shifted toward the political center. It's important to note that Denmark hasn't been a social democracy for nearly 25 years. "Indeed, many Nordic policies now promote free trade and free enterprise. The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, which measures how capitalist a country is by studying regulation and taxation in different areas of the economy, ranks Denmark and Iceland as the 10th and 11th most capitalist countries in the world. Finland comes in at 17th, Sweden at 21st, and Norway at 28th. By comparison, the United States is ranked 20th. Property rights, business freedom, monetary freedom, and trade freedom are strong in the Nordic nations."
@freefreespeech6722 3 жыл бұрын
Professor Wolff is a fierce debater and has the workers' wellbeing in mind.
@BinanceUSD 2 жыл бұрын
he is a pied piper of fools
@ScubaDude_Sg 2 жыл бұрын
Might I add he wants to see the downfall of the US & it’s system of laze faire economics.
@oatnoid 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScubaDude_Sg He preaches failure of personal striving. He's a toxic substance on humanity.
@stuckinthemud4352 2 жыл бұрын
@@oatnoid 100% agree the sad part is evil doesn't always look like the devil. Sadly young uninformed people fall for this crap.
@gamerknown 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScubaDude_Sg The term is "its system of laissez-faire", which the US has never implemented. The US has always strongly protected fledgling capitalist industries, such as imposing high tariffs on vastly superior Japanese computers to protect IBM, Texas Instruments, Apple and Microsoft in the 80s for example. The same interests do not extend in preserving jobs for industrial workers in the US, which have been shed at a steady rate under Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump. Wolff wants to achieve international working class solidarity - the notion you have more in common with someone laying bricks in Pakistan than your landlord in Tennessee. As for whether it's a failure of personal ethics - not at all. When slavery is legally permitted, some people will be slaves. Slaves will never be free to utilise their creative endeavours for their own benefits, their ingenuity will always be used for another's profit. The same applies for people working in a corporation - the employer has title to any creative output of their employees during the time they contract their labour with them, up to the point of non-competition agreements where an employee cannot be recruited by a competing corporation. Whether a distaste for this system derives from a lack of understanding - I've read vonMises's Socialism, Rothbard's Libertarian Manifesto, the Agorist Manifesto, The Wealth of Nations and the Theory of Moral Sentiments, On The Principles of Political Economy, The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, the Essay on the Principle of Population, Endgame, The Turner Diaries, My Struggle and Kaczynski's Manifesto. Perhaps the most insipid political text I've read was Molyneux's "Practical Anarchy" - completely risible. I'm au fait with the criticism of socialism in genral and egalitarianism more broadly. I think almost all objections were answered conclusively by Alexander Berkman.
@mikejohnson555 3 жыл бұрын
Haven't seen a single person in the comments agreeing with Brooks. That speaks volumes.
@mediumraw3232 2 жыл бұрын
How about socialists are more likely to post when other socialists are posting? Confirmation bias much? Interacting on social media is a low bar for "approval", because it is so low cost to do so.
@mikejohnson555 2 жыл бұрын
@@mediumraw3232 Seems like you are in denial fishing for plausible explanations. Reality is there has been polling on this subject by reputable polling groups. The Majority of people under 30 have positive views of socialism. In-fact among a large percentage of the population people have much more favorable views of socialism than they do of capitalism. With capitalism being viewed in a mostly negative way. Times are changing, and our society and economy is going to change with it. This is a good thing. The era of cold war propaganda and hysteria is coming to an end.
@mediumraw3232 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikejohnson555, certainly isnt fishing proper when what you seek seems to jump in the boat. Popular opinion polls get skewed by bias constantly, and Im not apt to actually pay attention to them as if they matter. When socialists actaully build parallel institutions to supplant the ones we have currejtly, I will beleive you. Until then, every advocate for socialism sounds like a televangelist looking to promise some sort of utopia.
@mikejohnson555 2 жыл бұрын
@@mediumraw3232 Socialists are currently building parallel institutions and have been for decades. Worker co-ops like Mondragon corporation is one of the largest corporations in the country of Spain, is more efficient and profitable than comparable capitalist businesses and is entirely worker owned and operated as a worker collective. Hundreds of worker co-ops currently exist in the United States and are growing incredibly quickly, from something that was almost unheard of a few decades ago, to increasingly common. Politicians like Bernie Sanders demonstrate perfectly what the public perception is today, calling oneself a socialist would have been political suicide through much of the cold war, and could have even had you blacklisted. Today he not only publicly calls himself a socialist but is the most popular member of the senate according to every survey and poll ever taken on the matter. Not to mention the fact that Socialist modes of production and centrally planned socialist economies have been the fastest developing economy's in human history and it's not even close. Socialism is growing in popularity and through revolution both peaceful and not expect to see far more socialist countries emerging in this century. Capitalism is going to go the way of feudalism, a developmental step of human progress but relegated to the history books as a outdated and ineffective idea. Socialism is starting to sweep the world in popularity much in the same way that republics and capitalism did during the 17-19th centuries. These things don't happen overnight. Let us not forget how long it took for monarchy and feudalism to die in Europe. It seems like you are living in the past, and need to get with the times. These days the rate of change is faster than ever before in human history do to mass international communication and travel.
@digppa25 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikejohnson555 try polling in Vietnam, Russia, Cambodia, Cuba and Venezuela. Also people under 30 don't vote.
@shadylittlefox 10 ай бұрын
Those closing statements... Truly a message to those who would listen and a warning to those who would not
@Raelspark 6 ай бұрын
Those who understand capitalism have a comparative advantage over socialists.
@Checkpattern 3 жыл бұрын
Wolff brings a level of clarity, analytic rigor, and critical insight it seems most people have never encountered. Hopefully that will change. We can do better than capitalism.
@oddsman01 3 жыл бұрын
I often hear that sentiment. All i can say is work on something better than capitalism Socialism isnt it. The 20th century proved socialism only transfers the wealth and power to a new, far worse group of a-holes who must tighten their grip on power or risk the same fate they handed so many before them. To be clear we’re in agreement. We can do better than capitalism. Quit wasting time on a system that only empowers the political class.
@Checkpattern 3 жыл бұрын
@@oddsman01 As Wolff talks about in the debate, socialism is an evolving idea with contending camps under its umbrella. The kind Wolff describes, which I think is worth working towards, inverts the relationship of concentrated wealth and power in a few hands at the top. It's about making democracy real by extending it from the political realm into the economic one. It's a fascinating idea which is being successfully practiced Inna number of regions around the world to the chagrin of the ruling class.
@glebperch7585 3 жыл бұрын
@@oddsman01 In Communist Albania the highest paid workers (scientists, engineers, doctors) could only be paid maximum 4x the lowest paid worker (street sweeper etc). Whereas in capitalist countries a CEO makes thousands of times more than their workers. If socialism was a failure, why do polls show that people in Eastern Europe prefer the old socialist system? How did Communist-run China and the Communist-run USSR go from being the poorest countries in the world to becoming global superpowers?
@oddsman01 3 жыл бұрын
@@glebperch7585 there’s a lot to unpack there. Let’s start with china. Have you ever watched a video about their working conditions in the factories? I couldnt work like that for 1 day much leas for the rest of my and my children’s lives. They have a BILLION people available for those positions. That leaves another 300 million or so people who are the “middle class” which of course means they are closely connected with the communists govt and have to do as told at all times or risk becoming part of the 1 billion. I have to get back to work i’ll try to respond more later. Thank you for the civil reply and what seems like good faith questions.
@oddsman01 3 жыл бұрын
@@glebperch7585 i have to say, it’s a little scary that china is used as an example for anything other than the horror and authoritarianism it’s embraced. Mao’s killing of tens of millions for the “greater good” is all but forgotten. If you do not submit to the current government’s ideology and supreme power, even if you’re a billionaire, it will earn a prison cell or a bullet or maybe just disappeared so your family can only guess what happened. The responses when any of the horrors of collectivism ideologies are brought up are almost always: “that wasnt real socialism!” Or “you dont even know what socialism is!” Or “Try reading a book on socialism!” In my view, all people like professor wolff, bernie sanders, aoc, etc are saying is they would do it better than all the socialists professors, politicians, philosophers and PhD’s that came before them, and all the flavors of collectivism in the 20th century that devolved into an authoritarian hellscape were someone else’s fault. This why i’m a bit black pilled. I feel if the world could produce something as awful as the 20th century and still have professors arguing for socialism (I know, REAL socialism this time), then we are doomed to repeat it. This time since the global population is 4 or 5 times larger, instead of 200 million dead, it will be closer to a billion. Maybe people in the 22nd or 23rd century will have seen enough, if there is a 22nd or 23rd century.
@Tychoxi 2 жыл бұрын
as soon as he mentioned the "starving african child" i knew everything he was gonna say
@oleksandr7441 8 ай бұрын
From 1921 to 53 in GULAG was 4060000 people and on death row 799455 people.
@taylorfredrickson7750 10 ай бұрын
This entire debate is great, I'm a Marxist at heart and agree mostly with Wolff but Brooks makes a really good point around 1:09. He talks about how Socialists almost never give to charity, volunteer etc... as a someone who has been in these spaces for years this is one of the things that soured me on those groups the most. Things like making community gardens, setting up mutual aid, even coming to a meeting is like pulling teeth. Many tend to be busy bodies who want to tell others how to live but won't do it themselves.
@bovineavenger734 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, you see the same in the democrat/conservative paradigm, the ones who speak about sharing and won't stop virtue signaling are the ones who never actually do anything for their neighbors, they just expect the government to take care of everything instead.
@DrummerJake_57 9 ай бұрын
Capitalism breeds competition and ostracization. Completely normal for mutual aide to be nulled.
@bovineavenger734 9 ай бұрын
@@DrummerJake_57 aren't capitalist nations the ones donation billions every year to the developing world while communist ones never do?
@DrummerJake_57 9 ай бұрын
@@bovineavenger734 well they give the illusion of donating and rendering aide while simultaneously stealing and exploiting these countries. Stripping their resources and using slave labor. It's all in the name of capital accumulation at any cost. Their is no humane market economy unfortunately.
@DrummerJake_57 9 ай бұрын
@@bovineavenger734 also, we spend billions on dampening socialist movements gaining momentum. Read "confessions of an economic hitman" I'm sure there are a lot more reads on that topic alone. A big reason for our military industrial complex too.
@MadamDeified 2 жыл бұрын
Second guy is prime example of saying a lot without saying anything.
@crikeymos22 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for articulating that for me. Felt exactly the same.
@quinnco9 Жыл бұрын
I wish he spent any amount of time talking about how to implement this vision he has for a friendly version of capitalism. He talked a lot about what should be with such little explanation that it sounded like a purely social movement. If that what he meant… good luck.
@billyb4790 Жыл бұрын
@@quinnco9 I'm in his camp, but he's a terrible debater. He's trying too hard to be soft on everything.
@lobotomizedamericans Жыл бұрын
@@quinnco9 There is no "friendly" version of capitalism. The minute you make capitalism "friendly", it's no longer capitalism. You've basically destroyed it.
@ExPwner Жыл бұрын
@@lobotomizedamericans more deranged nonsense. Dude all you have done is spam propaganda script and delete it over and over again here. Who pays you to spam these lies
@muuhpropertyyy2465 3 жыл бұрын
We need many more economists like Richard Wolff.
@selekedimafate5935 2 жыл бұрын
Trust me you don't.
@LukasPrimeEdition 2 жыл бұрын
@@selekedimafate5935 why should i trust you lol
@selekedimafate5935 2 жыл бұрын
You don't have to trust me, you have to trust the fact that this guy won't change your life, that only you can change your life, all this guy is selling you is fantasy that you will pay with your liberty and freedom not to mention higher cost of living.
@TesterBoy 2 жыл бұрын
And impoverish the world? Yeah, right…
@muuhpropertyyy2465 2 жыл бұрын
@@TesterBoy What's your point?
@albertdem1352 10 ай бұрын
The German social market economy and Nordic social democracy are capitalist, not socialist, systems. The German system was largely set up by the center-right, ordoliberal Christian Democrats after WWII. The Swedish system was set up by the Social Democrats in the 1920s, after they abandoned socialism. During WWII, the Swedish Social Democrats formed a national coalition with every other party except two: the Socialist Party and the Communist Party. Neither system is "highly regulated" either. The Heritage Foundation's index of economic freedom ranks the Nordic and German economies as more free than the economy of the United States. If by capitalism, you mean free markets, then Germany and the Nordic countries are more capitalist than the United States.
@akuladoctor7355 9 ай бұрын
What a lot of people fail to understand is, that these things are not 1, and 0. You can have certain socialist elements while keeping the rest in capitalism. The ideal situation is giving a chance to all children to grow, but once adulthood hits it's up to them. As for this idea of "democracy in workplace". The cruel reality is, that people are not the same. Different people has different traits, and thus different directions. Some people would prefer to use the income of the workplace on comforts, others would wish to hoard it for potentially difficult times, others would prefer to expand the corporation for greater profit. If you put every single decision on vote, then you subject yourself to the majority, and the majority is not bound to lead the company in a good direction. Just as you don't see every single decision in a democracy put up to vote neither could a corporation put everything on vote. Sometimes you are forced to go against the majority for the sake of the majority, because not everyone sees the bigger picture. In fact a LOT of people fail to see the bigger picture. If everyone were see the bigger picture, then you couldn't find lazy kids who would rather go, and play instead of learning to get that high grade. You wouldn't see people losing their house over a loan. You wouldn't see people committing crimes intentionally.
@WoziBeatz 3 жыл бұрын
When he started talking about the ownership of corporations and giving that power to the state, I wonder if he actually understands Mr Wolfe's position at all.
@ivandafoe5451 3 жыл бұрын
He has to know that Wolff's position is giving that power to those working within the enterprise, not the state...but he says it anyway, hoping to plant a seed of doubt in the minds of the audience.
@akashin6385 2 жыл бұрын
Leftwing = intellectual in the academe, losers in life
@derantiobskurant 2 жыл бұрын
​@@akashin6385 Right-wingers = neurotic losers in life, often petit bourgeois, who compensate for their incel-gamer-careers on the fringes of society with some right-wing ideology and bullying behavior.
@oatnoid 2 жыл бұрын
@@derantiobskurant That's silly. Everybody has to use common sense, even you.
@Pyasa.shaitan 2 жыл бұрын
@@oatnoid Yep, hardwork will turn you into a billionaire and majority of hardcore crime are committed by people who live rich & comfortable lives.
@Arcy0429 3 жыл бұрын
Brooks always muddles everything! 😩
@coreyhumphrey1899 3 жыл бұрын
I mean... He is swimming in bullshit and calling it mud... Sooo. Duh.
@chronos5457 Жыл бұрын
I swear I will never understand an American who supports socialism since they grew up and were raised in the richest and most developed country in the world. Maybe some nonsense Americans need to be sent to any latin American country to learn to thank for what they have. How about Cuba?
@LuxeonIII 6 ай бұрын
Their is no reason Richard could not put together socialists and start a company with all of the wonderful aspects , no employers or employees , no maximizing profits, just happy people that believe in these socialist ideals. There are millions that preach socialism but work for employers and live as capitalists , why? If their idea of how to run a company why don’t they start companies? Remember millions of these people want this but they have failed to start and prove this actually works.
@willnitschke 6 ай бұрын
Because their ideas are shit and don't work in practice.
@jackmackay6764 6 ай бұрын
His organization actively does this - gives perspective co-ops the tools and training to get off the ground. Seems to be very successful and those working within co-ops enjoy it more than the classic structure. Most people don’t even know this is an option, and even if they did do not have the necessary capital or freedom to just up and start a democratic organization while existing within the capitalist system. I think Professor Wolff predicts that over time, like you said, more people will continue to start co-ops and see it’s benefits. Over time, the capitalist system will fade away into his idea of socialism.
@willnitschke 6 ай бұрын
@@jackmackay6764 There are less than 500 worker co-ops in the US (all very tiny and likely to go out of business eventually), compared to tens of millions of capitalist enterprises. Millions more small capitalist businesses start each year. Sorry, Cranky Professor Fruit Nut's activist group hasn't done shit and never will. 🤣
@stevemora7845 3 жыл бұрын
Nobody can convince me that capitalism is still relevant. Go Richard Wolff! 💪👍
@rogerburn5132 3 жыл бұрын
You can always try some total SOSIALISM in North Korea ans see if you like it.
@quixoticindiscipline9524 3 жыл бұрын
@@rogerburn5132 How about some total free market Capitalism like under Pinochet, see if you like it
@rogerburn5132 3 жыл бұрын
@@quixoticindiscipline9524 Free Market economy (capitalism) works on Free will Not by force Augusto Pinochet was absolute Dictator . So you are not very informed person.
@curtisw502 3 жыл бұрын
@@rogerburn5132 You mean dictators like the US Army who committed genocide on the Natives and Mexicans to steal all of America for themselves?
@rogerburn5132 3 жыл бұрын
@@curtisw502 yes the US army is like Dictatorship and so as all the Colonial countries like Britain Germany Holland and so on you are right but in history all the way back to the Egyptian and Roman and Persian Empires always somebody occupied somebody else. That is true. But that has nothing to do with capitalism and free market economy. Sosialism and communism will never work eny time anyware that has been trayd (Old Soviet Union Eastern Europe before 1990. Cuba. so on) always has failed and always will.
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