Elite Dangerous - Fer-de-Lance Build 2.1 - Bringing a FDL to a Clipper Convention

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@StiTchEvidence 7 жыл бұрын
Turreted FDL? What am I witnessing right now?
@iDestroxd 7 жыл бұрын
I took a look at this video and I thought - "Mobius"
@cptwhite 8 жыл бұрын
Hi I'm a member of the 13th legion (the one's show UA bombed the CG if you remember recently). We have a lot of good pilots and I would suggest this build is built with mid-level knowledge of the game. A few changes I would suggest Shield: 5C Bi-weave, not 5A regular. It recharges much faster, regenerates once down much faster and consumes less power. It's not as strong but the re-charge rate makes up for this in PVE situations Cargo rack: No no no. Do not carry cargo to a Hazardous Resource Extraction Site, ever. If you're mid-fight 2nd NPC can scan you and engage you for the cargo...so now you're fighting 2 ships (if you're lucky, if the 2nd ship is in a wing....good luck with surviving....instead use Hull reinfourcement to bulk up your armor (+190 armor). Personally I can understand your preference for an Advanced Discover Scanner, but if this is truly a Haz RES ship. Switch for hull reinforcement again (+110 armor). You can get full details of a system by scanning the Nav Beacon is needed. Now you have 1088 Please, military grade armor, at the least...this is a combat ship! With all these changes you will have 1088 armor as opposed to 405 with your build. With regards to your utility options (1x kill warrant scanner, 5x shield boosters) I would switch to 1x chaff launcher, 1x heat sink, 1x point defence , 3x shield cell bank. Thoughts - a more rounded build...able to evade fire with chaff (thinking of larger ships which often turrets) using , stop damage from heat build up when using shield cell banks and stop missile fire (and NPC's do like missiles now). You'll have 605Mj shield capacity, as opposed to 938 in your build but this is ofset by the fact it will recharge 3x as fast and if it does go down, re-start much faster and allow you the option to continue fighting (instead of instantly running) once shields are down - in case you were close to killing them and would like to finish the job. With regards to weapons, this is purely personally preference but i run with 4x overcharged gimballed multi-cannons with various weapon effects and 1x huge beam laser (currently not upgraded). With regards to The Engineers upgrades, you really should take the time to upgrade your ship with them - even if just to grade 1, as it makes your ships ever so potent. Once you're in "farming Engineer's upgrades" mode I would switch the class 4 internal compartments from 2xSCB to 4A Fuel Scoop and 16 cargo space (both of which are readily available), and class 1 slot to Advanced Discovery Scanner, and the class 2 slot to a fuel tank. Just so you have a little more breathing room to make around 5-7 jumps between full tank and empty. The fuel scoop will recharge for every jump in around 6-8 seconds (per jump, if you keep on top of it, which you might as well do since you wait for FSD to cool down). Recommend aiming for dirty drive tuning (i can currently boost to 450m/s), and FSD upgrades (my Fer-de-Lance can do around 19Ly jump range with grade 4 upgrade)...making it much more feasible to travel around permanently in the FDL and obviously aim towards weapon upgrades of your choice. Power plant, power distributor, shields, hull armor and hull reinforcement upgrades are all suitable upgrades to aim for as well. Read all about the upgrades and what you need for them here: inara.cz/galaxy-engineers
@Asghaad 8 жыл бұрын
in other words you are proposing totally different build phylosophy of the build from agile lightweight shield dogfighter into heavily armored brick ... not everyone is fan of armor tanking (especially since the second your dhields go down NPCs will start to disable your systems one by one or crack your canopy ...) in a shield centered build, your shield should not go down, if it does you made a mistake either in setup or while flying the damn thing.
@cptwhite 8 жыл бұрын
The FDL is a shield centered ship and always will be, but my build suggestion is by no means a "heavily armored brick". It's an intermediate build. An FDL isn't capable of making a hull centric build. The build in the video has 938 shields and 405 hull armor My suggestion has 605 shields and 1088 armor However the difference in shield strength is offset for a reasonable pilot in PVE situations as it has 3.6MJ/s recharge time, as opposed to 2MJ/s recharge time in the original build. Taking an average of 300MJ damage per minute to shields, the original build (ignoring SCB which are the same for both builds) would last 5 minutes 12 seconds, my build would last 7 minutes 12 seconds. Obviously the more damage to take per minute the worse this would translate, but you'd still have the advanges of much faster recovery(1 min 35 sec, as opposed to 3 min 22 sec), low power draw and 2.5x hull strength for emergencies. Did you know in optimum circumstances, with engineer mods and 5C bi weave shield generator a Python can have 5000+ armor? Now that would be a heavily armored tank :)
@Asghaad 8 жыл бұрын
cptwhite 1. military composite by itself increases weight of the ship by 10%, for basically nothing as in PvE when your shields go down, your ship will have to return to port even if you win the combat (cracked canopy, failing weapons, crippled thrusters ... AI LOVES to cripple your critical systems ...) for sustained RES BH thats the least desirable outcome, strong shields that do not go down are the goal. therefore armor is USELESS, only time you need armor is when your shields fail and you only need it to disengage and go for repair ... 2. 50% more shield far surpasses any armor and faster recharge rate is double edged sword, because it also means it drains your capacitor faster. and time to go online again is useless in PvE - when your shields go down, you will NOT put enough energy to systems to matter (the only time bi-weave SG puts up shields back faster is when you slam 3+ pips into systems), dont know about you but when my shields go down i put all power either to weapons (i have to kill him before he kills me) or engines (i have to outmaneuver him to NOT get hit or run away) in no scenario i will be depending on my shield cycle to put them back again before i get blown up, because by the time that shield is up my canopy will be shattered (AI really loves to go head on ...) and most of my systems crippled ... 3. how in the world would you take 300MJ per minute constant damage to you for five minutes straight ? Thats why we do not like to run armor, its better to have strong shield as buffer for mistakes and rely on maneuvering to AVOID taking damage in the first place. Putting armor on pure shieldtanking ship is jut making sure you take more damage to your shields unncecessarily because of lower maneuverability and slightly lower speed.
@s1dnb 8 жыл бұрын
try "shield tanking" against a wing of phasing sequence users. You will be killed before your shields drop
@Asghaad 8 жыл бұрын
Elite spoilers1 again, im talking purely about PvE and you still blabber about PvP ... xD newsflash, PvP in Elite is heap of smoking stinking bullshit, this is NOT PvP game and devs are obviously not balancing the game for it either, so take your PvP wiseass to the hazRes with your oh so awesome pvP Python and have fun being blown to smitherenes by Master rated pirates xD
@begobogo2583 8 жыл бұрын
Turrets, are you mad? you probably lost a load of damage from using all turrets
@epicbubles 8 жыл бұрын
best build for cooking your charred corpse :) Btw have you heard of the blue zone?
@pjeffrey221984 7 жыл бұрын
What's odd is that there are so many people ragging on this build, say it's poor pip management, turrets etc, the usual pretentious, elitist crap (no pun intended), but noones offering a valid alternative.
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the positive comment?
@pjeffrey221984 7 жыл бұрын
Didn't mean to rant dude, I really liked the video and I appreciate the effort that goes into them. I don't know a ton about Elite at the moment and the FDL build has been a big help. Just cant stand people shitting on others efforts for no reason :) keep up the good work bud
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you. I usually just get blasted in the comments on this video. Thanks.
@pjeffrey221984 7 жыл бұрын
no worries man, I'm using this for PVE at the moment and have found no issues with it, I'm melting Pythons with little trouble so thanks again.
@Latexi_LMX 7 жыл бұрын
Need to try this out on my FDL, just for fun! Kinda interesting to see how it works. Never used turrets before though, maybe time to have few beers while fighting? ;) More beer=more fun!
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
This will probably still work, but it was just meant to be a measure to fight back against the incredible AI that was happening at the time.
@Latexi_LMX 7 жыл бұрын
Tested this today, works still like a charm! Really relaxed fighting, some would say even too easy, so not for anyone who wants to have a more challenge with his/hers FDL.
@UebelBAM 8 жыл бұрын
I think this is a cool build :) Personally i would put two multicannons on top of the ship, just because i love seeing them do their work from inside the cockpit :D
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you! And that's not too bad of an idea :)
@kyoufukoso3537 7 жыл бұрын
One year later and this build is still really bad.
@dopejack007 8 жыл бұрын
Nice fit... and Great vids!!! You may want to consider getting a Grade 3 Dirty Drive Tuning Mod for your FDL...brings back memories of recent FDL grandeur - pre- Engineers. It'll give you a pretty significant boost to maneuverability and speed allowing for better stay on target control. Then you can run gimbaled [or fixed for even more damage output] weaps which will give you a decent damage and DPS bump. Works exceptionally well in all Res' and conflict zones - and in all FDL scenarios imho. Ship Fit: 2 Med Beams [un-modded], 1 Grade Med MC: Grade 2 Efficient Weapon Mod [Decent Roll] 1 Grade Med MC: Grade 2 High Capacity Ammo with Corrosive Shell [Decent Roll] 1 Huge MC: Grade 2 Efficient Weapon Mod With Incendiary Rounds [Not so decent roll] Shield Boosters [5]: Grade 1: 4 Resistance Augmented, 1 Heavy Duty [mixed results] Distributor: Charge Enhanced: Grade 2 [Decent Roll] Power Plant: Overcharged: Grade 1 [Decent Roll] Thrusters: Dirty Drive Tuning: Grade 3 [Great roll! +19% and change - optimal multiplier after several infuriating attempts] FSD: Increased Range: Grade 4 [Pretty damn good role - as fitted-17.8 ly] It's a work in progress... but serves me well across the board and really plays up the FDL's strengths. FDL shines in fast maneuverable combat where speed and maneuverability make for the best defense. Shields are pretty tough - Heavy Duty Boosters are VERY HEAVY and dramatically reduce the maneuverability and speed so I chose resistance augmented boosters. Seem to work really well. I found grade 5 FSD to be HEAVY... which will negatively impact your speed and maneuverability - but then I acquired my grade 4 FSD prior to the latest point patch...and was able to squeeze out a high optimized mass [+40.87%] with a very low mass increase [+19% mass], after 6 rolls [and 2 weeks of hunting materials]. Very efficient shield stripping with the beams long volley intervals... however the real magic is with the multi's and their very short work of hulls and power plants of all sizes. I can fire the MC's forever on ~2.5 pips. 3 pips recharge the weaps capacitor while firing, so your beams will be ready when the MC's reload... so you can maintain almost continuous fire... not that your target will last that long. Scary.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Sounds pretty epic. When the time comes to upgrade the FDL, it'll probably be something pretty similar to what you've got there. I will be doing upgrades to the FDL, but not until I finish all the upgrades on the Python.
@dopejack007 8 жыл бұрын
I'm right there with ya bro... My Python is my first priority not to mention my favorite ship - used mods for the FDL to boost rank levels with Farseer, Blaster and Dweller. The Python is really where it's at with the Engineers. Especially now that I finally got an amazing roll for the FSD [jump range is now 25.7ly... running a similar weaps build as you... turreted med beams [unmodded] and 3 large MC's [one with corrosive shell - makes a huge difference against hulls - I burned some rep with Blaster to get it... well worth it!! Grade 3 Dirty Drive Tuning brings the python back to pre nerf speeds and maneuverability - almost. My python is way more profitable in Res' than the FDL... as it melts ships of all sizes. May have to give Resistant Augmented boosters for shields... as 3 grade 1 Heavy duties kill speed maneuverability and FSD range.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
dopejack007 Yeah, Python is definitely my favorite ship. I even prefer it over the Anaconda even though it can pretty much annihilate anything in its path. I'm in the process of rounding of up some mats for a bunch of grade 3 upgrades right now.
@samst-pierre7416 8 жыл бұрын
whit my fer-de-lance, my jump min is 25,55 ly! thank you engineer
@omagasigma5751 8 жыл бұрын
Wow I cant wait to get that range out of my fer-der-lance
@samst-pierre7416 8 жыл бұрын
my max is 28,75! but just be lucky at the right time
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
That's awesome! Is that using a similar build?
@widebeamlifeuk2584 7 жыл бұрын
HI Gys non of the builds mentioned above and below play well on the XBOX One platform, I had to modify to 5A Shield generator and turret multi-cannon x2, 1x turrett burst laser, and a 4A Large Beam. With chaff and point defence. One 48 sheid cell bank, now I can stay in HAZ RES a lotlonger (Fer de Lance). I wish I had bought the pc version, as I started off in the 80's with PC and Yes probably too old to play this godforsaken game, BUT ADDICTED CMDR tayybumble168
@TheFoulCorsair 7 жыл бұрын
Yea well, the main bit of information you said you were going to look at is missing, namely the power distribution. I can't run this build with everything you have installed. No power........
@Antifaith29 7 жыл бұрын
Turrets? Ive only been playing for a few weeks but was under the impression that turrets were mainly for slow lumbering big ships that cant turn fast enough to frontload damage. With the dps you sacrifice would fixed or gimbled not be better? Genuine question.
@LewsTherin 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but I need to say it. The reason why they were out-maneuvering you was because you didn't have your dang thrusters in the blue/sweet spot!!!! C'mon man! XD.
@ptm_3168 8 жыл бұрын
This changes everything! I'd never thought about turrets but they're so effective like this
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Ikr? Spent a lot of time thinking you didn't need to put turrets on ships smaller than Anacondas. Egg on my face lol.
@Asghaad 8 жыл бұрын
I put turrets on my Vulture and it improved my sustained DPS over my gimballed setup considerably. Most people just see the lower base DPS and dismiss turrets as useless completely ignoring much higher damage uptime both with capacitor draw being lower and your weapons engaging enemies where before you didnt do anything aside trying to point your guns on target. i tried a lot of weapon configs for my hi-res Vulture setup and found turreted beam + turreted pulse to be the best (turreted bursts are incredibly inaccurate, pulse is way more reliable even at range).
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Asghaad Yep, you're right about that. In retrospect, I maybe should've used pulse lasers on this, but I think it worked out fairly well anyway. Recently, I changed the build to all multi-cannons and did level 4 engineer upgrades on all of them. It's pretty nasty.
@Seph727 7 жыл бұрын
And here in the wild mobius we see a somewhat rare specimen, it has somewhow gotten to believe that it knows how to build ships properly. This creature is a trickster of sorts, it will attempt to fool you to use one of its builds and then you will die. It is a predator by proxy, if you see this creature attempting to fool you with what it thinks is a good ship, turn back.
@xvvalkyrie2180 8 жыл бұрын
TBH This is quite possibly the worse build I've seen in my 1k+ hours of ED...
@phaztom313 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not in a position to talk cause i'n still grinding for my fdl, but this build looks kinda.. well.. bad.
@Majinvash 7 жыл бұрын
How can such terrible advice get so many view.... Mind boggled.
@mridgaf4734 7 жыл бұрын
Turrets constantly fire at the power plant and you have all turreted lasers so they just get wasted plus empire ships suck ass XD
@RedHotUK1 7 жыл бұрын
how dare you shoot my NPC's, also with turrets?! if i ever find you, i will destroy you
@jackofallgods7764 6 жыл бұрын
never need a cargo. Only thing i pick up is material for engineers. No money in commodities
@joepiscapo1879 7 жыл бұрын
Great Vid! Entertaining
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
Why thank you!
@VindicatorJones 7 жыл бұрын
God, I am the last one ever to pick apart someones build.. but turrets on an FDL? umm.. sorry.. but no, no no no... Gimbals, yes.. fixed, hell yes.. Sorry mate
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
Wow, I totally got trolled by Vindicator Jones! I feel both upset and honored by this. Anyway, I've probably said this in response to other people's comments on this video, but this was a specific thing to combat to the ridiculous AI that came with 2.1. It's not really relevant anymore. I've since done other FDL build stuff that doesn't involve turrets. That was you that did the Hamilton Incident thing, right? That was video was amaze-balls! If this was the first video you saw of mine, then I'm also regretful that you didn't like it. You're one of my favorite KZbinrs, so that was kind of a slap in the face.
@VindicatorJones 7 жыл бұрын
Oh crap.. now you made me feel guilty.. lol But now you have explained WHY you did this, it makes more sense.. Yes, back in 2.1 AI was ridiculously easy, and yes, turrets were more than enough to deal with them. Its the problem when one of your youtube videos suddenly becomes out of date with current in game mechanics, and people point out the flaws.. It happens to me ALL of the time. So dont take it to heart dude. You want to see some of the comments I get!!! And yes this video was the first video I have seen of yours and was sent to me by someone else. They made out that this was a current build, and that you recommended turrets.. So maybe I was a bit hasty with my response. sorry about that! I will check out your other FDL build a bit later ;) P.S glad you liked The Hamilton Incident!! thanks!!!
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
Ok, huge sigh of relief there lol. Having 3 or 4 times as many subs as I do, and gauging by the comments section in this video alone, I can only imagine the rampant aggro you must get. Totally understandable, though, that someone would think is a current build--I mean, it only says 2.1 in the title --_' (fail on their part lol). My current FDL build video has 2.2.03 in the title. I called it the Deathwing >_> I think the thing was that this video got a relatively high number of views for my channel at the time, and so it became more visible around KZbin, and then people don't look to see that it was published around the middle of 2016. This was probably my worst received video ever, so I'm sorry this was your first experience with my channel. But anyway, yeah, the Hamilton Incident was f***ing great! I hope you're planning on doing a follow-up to the that. You kind of left it on a cliffhanger there! XD I need to know what happens!
@PaxBgaming 7 жыл бұрын
This is a perfect build. Thanks a lot. I killed over 200 CMDRs in PvP with it.
@Ploskkky 8 жыл бұрын
You said you would be showing power management, but I do not think you did.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
You're right. I guess I got sidetracked >_< I'll probably do another video about that then if a lot of people have questions about it.
@SmokeyGamingUK 8 жыл бұрын
Don't listen to this guy lol
@deo2246 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Shadow. Thanks for the great video. I don't think I've quite figured out power management techniques, and your build ends up with a deficit of about 8-9% even when I shut off 1 cell bank (I'm assuming to keep it in reserve). What's the trick to organizing priorities and still keep 1 cell bank ready to rock?
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Deo Ok, enough people have now asked this question for me to do a video on it. Look for it next week :)
@deo2246 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the quick reply. Looking forward to your next installment.
@Samuraid77 7 жыл бұрын
almost a year later and clippers still do that sometimes lmao
@Kotsuto 8 жыл бұрын
The complacent Clipper isue was a known bug some time back. Not sure if it was fixed with 2.2 or not... Something to do with the Clipper spawning with PIrate AI, but a Trader Build. In short, they weren't firing their guns at you because they didn't *have* any guns... ^_^
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Omg lol. That's amazing. Hopefully that's fixed now that 2.2 is here.
@_kanaga 7 жыл бұрын
Would've been a much better build even by simply making the lasers gimballed - FDL can keep up with targets. Also kills me inside when FDLs aren't using that huge hardpoint for something like a Plasma Acc
@anthrazite 6 жыл бұрын
Huge beam laser ftw
@Matthew.1994 7 жыл бұрын
what is better, overcharge or sturdy for a multi cannon? i have 2 burst laser overcharge and 2 burst laser efficent, they take the shield down very very fast. Now i want to upgrade my multicannon (Large hardpoiunt). but i dont know if i should take overcharge for damage or sturdy for armour piercing it would be a grade 5 upgrade at the dweller
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
Well, it would be a grade 5 at Tod the Blaster McQuinn as he's the guy for multi-cannons. The Dweller is for power distributors. Anyway, overcharged is usually the way to go for those. Sturdy mount is more about absorbing punishment than dishing it out.
@andrewcoetzee8858 7 жыл бұрын
I had the same thing where a lil Viper wasn't even moving and just taking hits from one of your very own Python builds that I've used and I'd like to say I almost gave up bounty hunting because of the new AI but your build was freaking phenomenal and now I easily rake in millions per hour without losing shields!
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
That's awesome! I'm glad this worked for you!
@swisstony4480 8 жыл бұрын
the turreted bursts seem a bit cheesy but whatever works for you. I'll try them out myself. Could be useful in a wing or solitary bounty hunting. Thanks for the loadout ideas. Appreciate it
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Well, solitary bounty hunting is mostly what I like to do, so that's what I typically build for. What kind of loadout would you use?
@MADxxxButNinja 8 жыл бұрын
Hmmm, the clipper thing was weird, however It happened to me last night as well, also vs. a Clipper. So this might be a bug (in the new update) specific to Clippers?
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'm not really sure. I recorded this when it was still 2.1.04, so if it were a bug in that version, it's possibly fixed by now. Although if it happened to you last night, then maybe not. But yeah, it was definitely weird.
@jeprodigalson792 7 жыл бұрын
They dont fire back possibly because of the mods on your weapons... and their lack of buffers affecting their modules.
@iikraze9864 7 жыл бұрын
He does not have a single mod on anything so how can it be related to weapon mods
@SirKaldar 8 жыл бұрын
I have had ships not fire back a couple of times, but it's not very common. I have never had two in one RES session before.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it was pretty weird. Haven't experienced it since this though.
@mrdocgerbil 8 жыл бұрын
I've had similar issues with some ships just not fighting back. I thought it was really weird too but at the same time, free creds.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don't normally complain about that particular bug. It's just somewhat annoying when I'm trying to do a video and they do shoot at me lol.
@Mal2103 8 жыл бұрын
It could be better optimized....
@justjordan8018 8 жыл бұрын
yop I have seen this multiple times ships that jsut refuse to fire but still manuver as if they would fire at you.... a bug alrigth.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Somebody else mentioned it has something to do with ships that having only fixed weapons trying to get a clean shot at you. It makes as much sense as anything else I've heard. Still annoying though.
@dlumis 7 жыл бұрын
turrets on FDL? git gud
@mike-0451 7 жыл бұрын
why do you have turrets man
@RKv555 6 жыл бұрын
Where is your fuel scoop?
@anthonykf99 7 жыл бұрын
My shields drop every fight, it's annoying... I don't get how the FDL is so good, I can't maneuver anything. I lost to a type 9... The assault ship was like 10x better IMO...
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
Are your shields upgraded? Are you using upgraded shield boosters? Shield cells banks?
@anthonykf99 7 жыл бұрын
936 shields, with 1 scb. I don't want to engineer, because I feel that makes it OP, and broken.
@raven800plays 8 жыл бұрын
I personally haven't had an anaconda out maneuver me, but they do turn for days on end (and ram relentlessly if they have fixed weapons). I don't seem to have a problem maneuvering with most ships (except for larger ships like the type 9). Are you utilizing your lateral thrusters when dancing with your targets? if not then you're already at a severe disadvantage.
@raven800plays 8 жыл бұрын
also in regards to the imperial clipper not firing back, I have also witnessed this many times, (at least 30 times the past week). I thought it was because the ship didn't have weapons but when I scanned its loadout it had weapons equipped. There were only a few that actually started firing back but that was because they had fixed weapons and had to line up their shots on me. Perhaps if it's not a glitch then this could be the reason?
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
I've heard of this fixed weapon bug, and that's most likely what the problem is. Yes, I do use my lateral and vertical thrusters :)
@williamsternritter3214 8 жыл бұрын
I was also considering turrets for a while, but for now I'll just stick with a Vulture. That ship became way more amazing now that I can fit a class 3 BL and class 3 MC on it. However, why not pulse lasers, don't they to more damage?
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
My understanding was that burst lasers did more damage because they're firing 3 times rather than just once like a pulse laser. Am I wrong about that? It seems like they do more damage both in the field and on the stats in the outfitting screen.
@williamsternritter3214 8 жыл бұрын
ShadowTracer I'm just basing this on a few videos where they figured that pulse does the most damage over time. But at the same time, I guess this probably makes more sense in a ship that has to watch it's power and capacitor. Like in the Vulture, using two pulse lasers was the best option that kept you flying for a long time, with pips in other systems than weapons and at the same had the least drain. Now with the class 3 MCs, this is no longer necessary, I get the most of the beam laser and I'm not left defenseless, since the MC takes over. All and all bursts seem to work very well in this FDL build, I'll try it when I get back to the FDL.
@Seimen1973 8 жыл бұрын
You should stack some missions, and fight the guys that interdicts you, they usually have the freaky AI, most of them are Elite to. AI's with master skills in Res site arn't realy a challenge compared to the Elite AI of the mission AI. And the Elite AI use Engineer mods to.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Hey, that's a pretty good idea. Ok, you've talked me into it lol
@omagasigma5751 8 жыл бұрын
I look forward to the video, I got kill pretty fast the 1st 2 times but its something you can get used to pretty fast, also the fer-der-lance has a lot of module protection by default, very good ship
@canadianjesus6683 8 жыл бұрын
This is what i use, works pretty well on big ships, not so much on small ships though ( Pulse laser is actually a Class 4 Burst laser ) coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_lance/0pktfFalidpsif37r1l1l1l1l000m040404044a5e332724.Iw18aQ==.EwBj4zNYg===?bn=Fer%20De%20Lance%20PVE
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Looks pretty good. How's that class 4 pulse laser working out?
@canadianjesus6683 8 жыл бұрын
+ShadowTracer well the pulse laser is ok but the Class 4 burst is a bit better, with only 2 pips it can fire for quite a while, only downside to the build is ammo
@iikraze9864 7 жыл бұрын
OK so i'm watching your video for the first time and i immediately noticed your title is grammatically incorrect BRINGING A FLD TO A CLIPPER CONVENTION = Incorrect - BRINGING AN FLD TO A CLIPPER CONVENTION = CORRECT!!!! Sorry i'm just a grammar freak
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
You're both right and wrong. You see, I don't actually say the letters F, D, and L when I write that. FDL is an abbreviation for Fer-de-Lance just like "km" is an abbreviation for kilometer. You don't say K-M, you say kilometer but write the letters K and M. I say "a FDL" because when I write that, in my head, I'm saying, "a Fer-de-Lance."
@iikraze9864 7 жыл бұрын
ah okay i see what you mean and i completely understand where you're coming from
@iikraze9864 7 жыл бұрын
i would also like to add that turrets are AMAZING... Thanks for this awesome video
@Keklord_ 7 жыл бұрын
@RenzAzn274 8 жыл бұрын
what about power management?i dont think you put that in the video
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Oh! I totally forgot I was going to do a separate video on that! >_
@percival5771 7 жыл бұрын
how much is it to outfit? would 20mil be enough?
@ShadowTracer 7 жыл бұрын
This particular build is something like 70-80 million, including the cost of the actual ship.
@SmokeyGamingUK 8 жыл бұрын
How to build a ship, by a guy who can't even fly it let alone build it!
@LewsTherin 7 жыл бұрын
Right?! It irritated me seeing this video.
@MrWolf-ln1gi 8 жыл бұрын
The new a.i are disgusting. Some kill my fully kitted out vulture in 2.5 seconds
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's pretty bad, but at least it's improved significantly since 2.1 launched.
@xvvalkyrie2180 8 жыл бұрын
I have no issue in my Vulture, stop being a noobie :>
@haloring6687 8 жыл бұрын
Awesome Video
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@haloring6687 8 жыл бұрын
Your welcome!
@haloring6687 8 жыл бұрын
A rated thrusters on my fer de lance make it so manueverable
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Haloring One of the best features of the ship :D
@Airixsas 8 жыл бұрын
Do video like this for anaconda :P It might help me decide which ship I want better
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
I actually have that coming up in another couple weeks :D
@jarsqui 8 жыл бұрын
Oh please consider the comments given to you before you do this. These new players tend to listen to such tubers as yourself so imho you have some responsibility on what you are telling these people. All I wanted to say is that, for the love of god, make builds that will make new players better at combat. Not these kind of no brains required turret builds.
@baldygrey2779 8 жыл бұрын
Hey man, any weapon mods you have in this build? Curious if this is all stock stuff.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Not in this particular video, but check out this playlist kzbin.info/aero/PLpX3h8cK9maWQg8AvAIofAimvkEGX9YiL for my modded Fer-de-Lance series. Or check out my Engineers series for mods on the Python.
@baldygrey2779 8 жыл бұрын
Cool, thanks. I never really considered turrets on an FDL before but with weapon mods and effects I bet it can be even more effective.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Baldy Grey I bet you're right :D
@DrzBa 6 жыл бұрын
Noob here - how'd you target his power plant?
@ShadowTracer 6 жыл бұрын
The next tab over from you Contacts panel is Sub-Systems. Look at that and just scroll down until you see Power Plant in the menu and then select it. You're now targeting the power plant!
@DrzBa 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Man!
@JanT 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Shadow. I had a similar setup like this. Just pulse lasers instead of the burst lasers. However I'm aiming for going full multi-cannon with overcharged weapon grade 5 updates on all 5 multi-cannons! I've seen some scary videos on what you can do with such setup! I'm just busy collecting the materials for that upgrade. From what I've seen online just now, the material requirements have been reduced in yesterday's update! See: inara.cz/galaxy-blueprint/57 Anyways. Was glad you've done a FDL video just after I asked for one on your other recent video. Keep em coming mate! You've not just gained a sub, but a fan, too. Fly safe. CMDR Jan T. PS: With enemies not firing back; yes I got that, too. This usually happens when enemies use all fixed weapons and they're trying to get you right infront of them. They'll start shooting with several plasma acc or similar once they've got you in sight. For some reason however, some NPCs suck at that and end up like the last one you've encountered there.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
I've seen some videos of the 5 multi-cannon setup myself and, yeah, it absolutely looks pretty devastating! I might have to test that out even just stock and see how it performs. I knew they were changing some things with 2.1.05 like making it somewhat easier to gather materials, but I didn't realize they were actually reducing the requirements! That's so awesome! I was having to gather a ridiculous amount of stuff to do my next round of upgrades for the Python. This will make it go SO much quicker! Thanks for telling me about that!
@JanT 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah I thought something was wrong with the page when I noticed all the numbers changed to "1" next to the materials, as I was JUST busy creating a notepad with everything I need. I used to have 4 stock multi cannons and one beam laser on the huge HP and even that worked very well already. The ammo limitation would be the only down part HOWEVER that can be worked around now with the on-the-fly re-arm with materials as well if you wanted to.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Jan T Also, it shouldn't be that big a deal if they haven't fixed the thing where multi-cannons have infinite ammo. I didn't see anything about that particular bug in the changelog and I haven't played much today, but I bet they fixed it. But yeah, I actually have a whole spreadsheet for my upgrade mats. It just got quite a lot smaller!
@omagasigma5751 8 жыл бұрын
Full muti=cannon build is what I am aiming for with my fer=der-lance i think its the incendiary ammo that is good for shields.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
OmagaSigma That'd be pretty awesome if you actually had incendiary rounds for each cannon, but it'd be pretty difficult to actually get that.
@muffincatgames 8 жыл бұрын
i had a glitch where a federal agent was trying to kill me but he just followed me around and said die whenever i moved but never shot once i was an enemy of mine very strange yet others that didn`t have bounties shot me strange. this was a few days ago
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
I had that happen to me about a month ago. An Imperial Clipper just followed me everywhere I went until I logged off. Seems like some of the AI pilots have some social issues >_
@muffincatgames 8 жыл бұрын
well here comes the new race of socialy akward murderers
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Black Skull the Coyote They should really start screening their AI when they apply for jobs as NPCs. Background checks, references, etc. lol XD
@muffincatgames 8 жыл бұрын
they so should LOL
@_chirp_6108 7 жыл бұрын
i once had this hostile federal dropship just fly around me in circles, nose towards me. it made my day
@RedRobeNinja 8 жыл бұрын
Lost it at the turreted burst lasers... a ship this nimble shouldnt need turreted weapons. Even the worst players can turn in this fast enough to take full advantage of gimballed weapons at the very least. I need not say anything else about the rest of the build as others have made points about how bad it is already, but the one unforgiveable thing on this ship is turreted weapons. the placement of the wepaons on the FDL are such that anyone can use gimballed weapons to great effect. this just encourages mindless gameplay and bad build practice. to anyone building a fdl and wants to do mindless res farming, save up and buy a python.
@Asghaad 8 жыл бұрын
point of turreted weapons is the sustained DPS. Yes agile ship will be able to point guns on target most of the time, BUT that means some of the time you are not firing at the enemy. I went from gimballed weapons on my Vulture to turreted because despite lower base damage, the real aplied DPS is higher because of the damage uptime. Also my combat endurance went way up with turreted beam+ turreted pulse over my previous gimballed burst + gimballed autocannon.
@RedRobeNinja 8 жыл бұрын
the point of a turreted weapon is to be able to sustain fire on more nimble ships when your larger and less agile ship is unable to keep them in line of sight. this way an eagle wouldnt be able to just sit over/under an anaconda unpunished for example. If you're using turreted weapons to maintain fire on an enemy while in a ship as agile as the vulture of all things then by all means take the (bad) advice offered to you in this build video, it's clearly intended for your kind of play.
@Asghaad 8 жыл бұрын
RedRobeNinja except large turrets have serious issues tracking smaller targets at range and are bad in combat most NPCs prefer - repeated headon turns that you have to have agile ship to counter. in my experience, when i went with gimballed weapons, i spend a lot of time turning after some targets (Asps mostly,) where they were able to stay out of my sights a LOT (and yes i do use FA off and thrusters), other ones do prefer headon-pass-turn-repeat aproach (other Vultures, Cobras, FDL, FG/FAS) which if you want to counter you have to get real close and force the turnfight, which means you CANNOT point you guns at them directly - as soon as you do, they will be able to boost away do FA fa off turn and go head on turret s allow you to do consistent reliable damage at close range and especially for Vive user like me, who can see the target just hovering above your ship in turns the beam+pulse combo i use is just so much better because i can just run circles around larger ships even if they are dangerous/deadly/elite, keep out of theyr sights and do damage to them while focusing on maneuvering... and before yo u go and say fixed weapons - not gonna happen, 80% of my larger ship solo kills are by destroying the reactor before theyr hull is even 60% through, you cant do that with fixed weapons while keeping close range turning engagement Turrets are bad for PvP, but for pure PvE ReS hunting they are excellent choice - its a game of attrition, not about burst damage.
@RedRobeNinja 8 жыл бұрын
didnt mention fixed weapons, nor do i have a reason to. this is about gimballed and turreted. note that in my previou example of turreted weapons on larger slow ships i did not say in larger mounts. the anaconda has small and medium hardpoints well placed and perfectly suited for the task of housing turreted weapon emplacements for fending off smaller more agile craft. note though that this is an example and not all anacondas should use turreted weapons on their small and medium hardpoints. It amazes me that you're so able to outmaneuver elite AI but still believe that turreted weapons in such an agile ship outperform gimballed ones. you're losing 30% damage right off the bat so your weapon fire uptime needs to be 30% higher than a gimballed weapon to outperform it in the long run. that's saying that you are unable to keep a target in your field of view (gimballed weapons are fairly generous with their ability to sustain fire on targets even outside the full view of the pilot's cockpit depending on their placement) you fly a vulture you say and that is by far one of the most nimble craft in the entire game at this point, and it is actually my favorite ship only after the Federal Assault Ship. the 2 large hardpoints are placed on the top front side of the ship. so you can have a target above you and still be able to fire upon it to a degree. using gimballed weapons over turreted weapons gives you an advantage in dps and in a ship as agile as a vulture no shortage of time on target. I'll put it a bit more bluntly this time i suppose for you though: Agile ships should not need to be using turreted weapons over gimballed aside from correcting issues with the pilot itself not being able to properly stay on target, if you're building an agile ship like a courier for example and you've got a turreted beam laser and a couple gimballed multicannons, it isnt so farfetched an idea and is actually not a bad concept when you consier engineer modifications, however favoring turreted weapons simply because they can shoot at the target longer when you're in a ship that you've clearly stated yourself can outmaneuver your opponents with ease is just wrong.
@Asghaad 8 жыл бұрын
RedRobeNinja gimballed weapons on Vulture go to barely 1/4 of the cockpit viewrange. As is sayd i fly with Vive and by having free view movement i can look straight up where gimballs have no hope to reach. What you see on flat screen doesnt give you the sense of scale or even full view of the cockpit (and Vulture has ENORMOUS cockpit, which i just cant understand why, you could fit SRV in that space ...) Turrets do cover whole range and the way i fly im constantly close to the enemy and basically flying to theyr tail, which means im keeping them outside theyr weapons arc but doing constant damage to theyr reactors becaues they are most of the time ABOVE me trying to turn on my tail. If they try to boost i do so also and nothing changes as im already in the turn so i will match theyr maneuver and end up more or less in the same position i was before. Anacondas and Pythons are just floating credit piniatas for me regardless of skill rating, they simply cannot get guns on me BUT to achieve that i have to fly at angle which would make gimbals useless. if you actually point your nose straight at them they are able to use FAoff maneuvers to turn on you and go into headon. to put it simply turrets up my time on target by 80+ percent on condas and pythons (because my combat style i use against them) and by at least 60+ percent on anything else ... unless i make a mistake and let them get more than 1km away from me. Only ships i feel turrets are useless against are Cobra and Adder, anything else is taken much easier and faster with turreted energy weapons than GAC+GBL combo i used before.
@solusvael1798 8 жыл бұрын
maybe I missed something but you said those 4B shield cells give you 10, but it says they give you 4 each so it would be 8 right?
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
No. Think of it like a gun. You have 4 in the clip and 1 in the chamber. 10 :)
@solusvael1798 8 жыл бұрын
+ShadowTracer if that's true then its weird to leave it at 4 instead of 5. it doesn't say a multicannon has like 1999 when you really get 2000 lol.
@ShadowTracer 8 жыл бұрын
Solus Vael Weapons are rated the same way. It's easier to see it with weapons that have very small ammo capacities like railguns. A railgun's normal ammo capacity is 30 rounds. But you actually get 30 plus whatever's in the chamber. Lots of things are rated that way.
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