共鳴一下,我也是從大公司光環離開,疫情回台灣後希望可以做有意義的事,所以成立了TEDx(用語言策展力量讓周圍的人更好). 最近在家人的推薦才認真看到你們的content. It’s pretty inspiring and meaningful. 看見你們的影片真誠影響到很多人,真的更回歸到初衷讓大家從文化交流,議題探討還有跳脫自己舒適圈,看見自己過程。懂你們的累! 繼續加油,cheers for holistic wellbeing. We don’t talk about passion but we talk about passion behind ideas. That’s intrinsic value!
做一件事情如果只是為了benefit 而不是真正的purpose,久而久之當benefit消失,就很容易缺乏意義了~ 想跟Eric說 不要用benefit的思維來看待自己在頻道中的定位~因為你的存在就是這個頻道的purpose呀! 跳脫舒適圈除了嶄新的體驗,伴隨而來也會是成長的壓力,感到不舒服可能只是對自己的渴望越多無力感越沉重而已~與其說放棄,我覺得是更認識自己的limit跟potential所在!有的人可能一個星期就能跨出的舒適圈,或許對於其他人需要一年的時間~ That doesn’t matter! 別忘記了,願意嘗試本身就已經在跳脫舒適圈啦👏🏻搬運一下Gary Vee曾說過的: “You gotta start doing shit that is scary and have it not work out. So that you can taste it.” Once you taste the whole cake, then til next time "It's just a piece of cake" ❣ 想跟Ian說 跳脫舒適圈不一定侷限在complete something challenging, adventurous, or achieve something big,其實the process of pushing your boundary本身就足夠激勵人心了! 謝謝你們帶來的DO式能量,繼續量子糾纏下去唷❤
People that get energy from work amazed me😂 I am more like Eric, I need time for myself but please do not give up on the channel. The channel brings a purpose to life, so many of us give up before even we try because we just do not want to step out of comfort zone. I NEED THIS CHANNEL to serve as a reminder to try new stuff and to get out of my comfort zone. DO NOT GIVE UP🎉