[Epic Seven] Wandering Prince Cidd - Thoughts, Impressions & Doomposting

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2 ай бұрын

Turn 2 player reviews character meant for Turn 1 players. What could possibly go wrong?
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@oggrim2824 2 ай бұрын
You are 100% right. Full team Bomb + Detonate is literally just a Stun that deals Damage, and a lot of it. That was my first thought when I saw it. The only Silver Lining I see to this character's existence, is that they have ZERO, excuse now. Give fire Aramintha 100% stun. However, I will be fair and point out... the community kind of asked for this. There was a time when aoe full strips were uncommon for openers, but every new opener, the conversation was, "this character bad, doesn't strip immunity". So that's what they wound up doing. Now every good opener strips. And because every good opener aoe strips, this new cidd is much stronger because of it. Community wants the game slower, boom, Abyssal Yufine and Navy Captain Landy. Too slow, speed it up, Nahkwol, Sea Phantom Politis. Need to strip, AoL and Ran Need more cleanse, boom Mediator. Debuffs too weak, boom Jack-O, DDR, Debuffs too strong, boom Laia. And so on a so forth. Not that any of that was wrong at the time of asking for it, but it was short sighted imo. Asking for things without understanding the wider context. Epic 7 suffers from what I call "Yugioh Syndrome". No standards in design leads to wild swings in power with no ceiling. In Yugioh, this takes the form of a Level 1 Monster being stronger than some Level 12s with more effects and some Level 12s being weaker than most Level 4s. Because there are no standards being adhered to, things like Levels just become a trait that can/will be abused later. In Epic 7, we see this in the form of some 4 Stars completely outclassing 5 Stars. Why use DDR when you could use AoL? Now DDR has to be even stronger and more debilitating than AoL. No standards means, now, a 4 Star can full Stun a team and deal a good chunk of damage using bombs... when even 5 Stars can't do that. If there are standards they're adhering to, they're breaking them too often. But that's just my 2 cents
@spotlessmind9263 26 күн бұрын
I was nodding along until I clicked "read more"....
@kevynn3914 2 ай бұрын
100% with you man I’m losing motivation to shoot for even an RTA skin
@im_Tsu 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate it. I feel like I'm being gaslit all the time or I'm taking crazy pills.
@LucentAzure 2 ай бұрын
Preach king. I often feel like I can't even give my own opinions about the game without making it sarcastic lol so random content because I think no one cares. But Turn 2 has felt like utter shit for a while and it keeps getting worse. really doesn't leave me excited for the new game by "epic seven developers"
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
You do realise how utterly broken turn 2 can be right? You need a whole lot of unit for cleave to work but only a handful for turn 2 to shit on cleave. The hp tank meta in the past and now the anti crit rng bullshit, i dont know about you but i loathed those who just drop candy and denied the game by just countering every single fucking time, the same for aravi back in the day as well. Lcidd is not even that good, dont make it sounds like he is the game killer. He is a decent option for cleave, FULLSTOP. He is nowhere near the aol, another 4* hero, level, let alone breaking the meta. Look carefully and you will see his problem, from the stats, the class, and the playstyle. Please do not just go out and make it sounds like turn 2 is dead without even considering how the meta is for longest of time.
@LucentAzure 2 ай бұрын
@@tuanthanhtruong7918 Aight.. I might need you to explain that to me like I'm a water head CTE riddled athlete but if I got this straight your only problem with Turn 2 being broken is the casino meta? The thing we don't like either because it's... Casino? Where as Cleave is fine because you need more than one speed unit? Then you being up the HP meta in the past. Yeah, then Injury was a thing so there's that covered. Then you bring up Crit Res. Yeah I agree that Crit res is dumb mainly because it's been in the game since Diene but it was never really a problem till Candy turn 0 passive and the fact that Crit res doesn't deny crit it's just more casino horseshit. you know that thing we don't like. Alright now we're talking about Best element light cidd you don't see any problem with this at all with all the fast initiators in the game that can set him up? Ok then explain it to me like I have CTE like I said. don't just say Nuh-uh and think everything's fine. But whatever I'm sure this conversation is pointless feel free to just say how stupid I am. I don't really care. you win bud.
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
@@LucentAzure I have a whole comment about Lcidd out there but sure i will repeat myself. Lcidd is not broken, his stats are not the best suit for his role, 117 sp is meh, 0 eff for a debuff centric kit, sure you a can imprint eff but the team wide atk up will be better for his role, oh and no sp imprint unlike his green counterpart. Secondly, he has no survivability, not being a ranger means everything can kill him. If you pick him you have to race otherwise he is a dead pick. He is also pretty useless after his first turn so if you fail to cleave people, there is a high chance that you are dead. Thirdly, he is a debuff centric unit, meaning things like edward, christy,15% and any supporter that deal with debuff will be his bane. His s2 is an extra atk so things like lermia will shut him down. His s3 is a non atk skill so things like celine, politis, winter, teayou... will eat him alive. He need aoe to work means things like elena,adin, rng counter atk can really mess up his team. Last but not least, people who like to cleave are endgame top player who have god gear and properly a lot of cleave option at their disposal. Lcidd wont change their game plan much if not worse than option like jacko or mlroana or even two of his counterparts. Also you dont just let your opponent cleave team through without banning or counter measures. If you let a perfect cleave team through without any preparation, thats on you.
@LucentAzure 2 ай бұрын
@@tuanthanhtruong7918 👍
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
@@LucentAzure I dont says that cleave is bad and turn 2 is good. I am a standard player who like to play between those 2, cleave is fun yes but dont make it sounds like the game is dead just because of one unit. There are things that much worse than Lcidd out there, Lcidd is atmost a fun to play unit, a decent unit for cleave, thats all. Also pls do not twist my word, i never mention anything about CTE or whatever. Cool your head before typing would much appriciated.
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
I dont think he is that broken tho. Remember aol are still out there, the fact that you have to aoe for him to work is on it own a downside already. There are so many counter to cleave in general out there, especially the aoe debuff cleave, things like aol, lermia, edward,elena,christy gonna punish you real hard if you dare face them without preparation. Then there is counter cleave option like candy, politis, celine, ayufine, adin, even winter can really shutdown light cidd( or lidd) cleave. Lcidd himself also have some problem, his stats are not the best for his role,117 sp is meh for a cleave unit, his atk are not good as well for a bomb unit, 0 eff will greatly hinder his kit in general, and after his first turn he is pretty much useless, should you fail to cleave with him you will face CONSEQUENCES beyond repair. And lets be real here, you do not just let people cleave you without any preparation, if you let your opponent perfect cleave team through without any counter measure, thats on you. Lcidd overall is just another option for cleave, a decent one yes, but nowhere near aol level. Those who like to cleave are generally top players, and those people would most likely have a lot of cleave option already, some of them are just better than Lcidd( jacko, ml roana,...). On paper Lcidd is broken maybe, but practically might be very different, he has no sp imprint like his green counterpart, much slower than both of his counterparts, no eff build in when his kit centered around debuff, and useless after one turn, not a ranger so he just gonna get dunk on by everything, no survivability means greatly restricttion to his playstyle, you HAVE to race for him to work, otherwise he will become a dead pick, and if you fail to cleave with him, you are done.
@aura7342 2 ай бұрын
Respectfully disagree with basically everything here. Aola is a liability vs cleave as you open yourself to getting politis cleaved easily. Cleave isn't just high tempo pick big gun dps. What people forget a lot of the times is that cleave 1-2-3s have very aggresive pivots onto aggro comps with stuff like DDR. The cleave comp that benefits the most from light cidd is Flidica. Before you had to use a 280 Sbaal or a 270 Rimuru to face flidi cleavers. Now Lcidd deals with both of them as his s2 will just cr pushback rimuru or sbaal. Push up fldica. And then you just get run over. Speed down+stun is an incredibly damning combo too. It allows them to lap you for life. Because generally anticleave is not extremely fast. He's the only unit who detonates on non atk skills. So stuff like edward nobody cares about. He just gets stunned anyways. So you have someone who counters the 2 best anticleave units of flid cleave and offers an insane amount of tempo. I don't see how this unit is not broken. Also racing is not hard when Zio+Ran establises t1 dominance vs anyone who isn't an asian whale with multiple speed contesters and speed imprints. Same with flid and cidd+vero. So both of the most popular cleaves have their openers/speed contesters picked early. And to finally end my comment two of candy, belian and ayufine are just common cleave prebans. So that's not really very useful to mention them here as counters.
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
@@aura7342 You are right, the things you just said are what Lcidd can do given that you can use him to his fullest potential and archive best result. But rta is not a place such things can just happen. Zio himself can be considered a solid Lcidd counter should your opponent pick him first. All of his weakness are still there, you can argue that banning his counter or picking counter to his counter( ml poli to lermia), but the enemy can just do the same, you just cant espect that people will let the Lcidd cleave through without trying to crippling his comp, and its not that hard to do that. One of Lcidd biggest weakness is his restricted playstyle. Like i said above, Lcidd has no survivability and no sustainability, you have to race to use him, with aoe no less. This put him in a weird situation like lets say you want to pick a counter to your opponent counter( again ml politis to lermia) but ml poli herself is not a good opener for Lcidd, picking her may even harming a Lcidd comp more than helping since you wast a slot for a Lcidd enabler or DPS. Lcidd cleave has a lot of counter so you cant just assume that you can deal with them all. Secondly, Lcidd stats on itself is a problem. His atk are on the lower side for a bomb unit, he wont be able to meaningfull dmg to tanky unit. Sure you can say that edward can be stun and all but remember he can self_cleanse constantly, a stun wont hold him for long, and he is but one of many counter to Lcidd. Teayou, celine will render his s3 worthless, lermia will eat his team alive if he use s2, his s1 is meh whatever. All of the above are just to counter him assuming that his team will go first and able to do their things, h Lcidd has no sp imprint, so picking him means that your opponent can just race pick a sp imprint to out race you, unless you are some kind of 0,1% top player who has god gear on everyone, otherwise there is no way to guarenteed that you will outspeed in the first place. Oh and he is a debuff centric unit, so things that counter debuff will counter him naturally. He has 0 eff means that you have to gear him carefully, otherwise he will be shutdown by a Christy er team. Sure you can still push a unit up by 20% but that is also counter be ayufine and politis. To know wheather a unit is broken or not you need to considered every possibilities when picking him, his pros, his cons, the units that are currently exist. You have to put yourselves on both you and your opponent, what will you have to do to play Lcidd and what can you do when your opponent play Lcidd cleave. Blindly assuming that everything will go smoothly in an rta match is fool move. Lcidd on his core is a decent option for cleave, not by all means the best let alone broken. His counters are many, he is stats hungry, his playstyle is predictable and restricted, on top of fairly easy to be disrupted. And should you fail to cleave with him, he will do basically nothing later on and can be took out easily. If you are a 0,1% top player, you most likely already have all the cleave option in the game, Lcidd is by then but another option to use, and not even the best all things considered. You can only assume that everything will work out perfectly when you KNOW that not many player will be able to keep up with you in the first place.
@yondangus7648 2 ай бұрын
117 is plenty fast. People already have 290+ faithless lidicas and cidd pushes himself up 20% cr while pushing the other side's fastest unit down 20% cr so he doesn't even need to be very fast to follow up and bridge. He also does have ef on his character sheet through imprints.
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
@@yondangus7648 Thats does not negate most of his problem. Not to mention do you really want to use flidica in todays meta? Her speed is average and the rng factor can really screw her over. Unless you have super gear just for her which means you are pretty stack compare to most player anyway.
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
@@yondangus7648 also Lcidd does not push himself up, he push an ally with highest cr EXCEPT himself, read his skill carefully.
@Dis-ps6pu 2 ай бұрын
I will be real now being turn 2 player isnt bad for me i enjoy the style cuz i have fun with it but as you said in game where speed is king every time i see unit like Light Cidd i hope for next character to be some rng win condition unit that can give me some chance of winning. Most players who daily log in and do theyr daily stuff can achieve Master and get the season skin but trying to climb with this attitude is for many ppl in my guild not appealing.
@09ALPHAROGUE 2 ай бұрын
I don't PvP so take what I say with a grain of salt. If I ever get this cid, I'm gonna pair him with Holiday Yufine, she can aoe open and give him attack buff for stronger bombs, sounds like a fun little strategy.
@ChrisGardnerGO 2 ай бұрын
A a turn 2 player last season was pretty miserable even though I managed my first ever emp finish. And this season is some how more frustrating 😅 I’m mostly just playing to have some respite from work which is similarly beating me down.
@im_Tsu 2 ай бұрын
Hey at least you got Emperor! That's a major accomplishment. Like I said, that puts you in the top 0.1% of the base, or very close to it. And yeah, I play RTA and stuff for fun but when it stops being fun...well I go do something else. It's hard to get mad in game cause of how absurd some of it has gotten...but I get mad when I see units like this because I feel like it's such a risky proposition. Either the character is a bust...or it just further degrades the product.
@Zawakawaka 2 ай бұрын
hmmm do i rework my pirate captain flan for extreme speed?
@nicholassitter6400 2 ай бұрын
The E7 meta tends to take massive swings and the devs overcorrect to it (I'm guessing because design and balance happens months in advance of a character actually getting released). The last few releases of high speed, high tempo, high damage characters came after the meta was mostly dominated by tanky counter attack units like NCL and Abyssal. I expect in a few months we'll start getting a batch of anti-cleave characters and we'll swing back the other way again. Until we get nerfs (or some sort of seasonal rotation that global bans certain characters every season or whatever) the power creep arms race will just continue. On a side note, with sea poli and now him I think it's time we get more non attack skill counter characters. Really the only one that sees play right now is red Poli and if you draft her where she counters the enemy draft she usually just gets banned anyway.
@markevins5817 2 ай бұрын
totally agree
@RoseZ7323 2 ай бұрын
Of course not the point But i honestly forgot Dark Roana has a strip now
@GreaterSociety 2 ай бұрын
I thought he was broken the minute i saw his s2. It was surprising to see some people saying he looked niche or tried to downplay him saying that bombs arent really a thing or that 15% exists. Luckily some of those people are coming around and realizing his power.
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
He is decent cleave option, nowhere near broken. He and his playstyle have loads of counters, not even close to be a meta changer. His weakness are laid bare in the preview, look closely and you will see, unless you dont know how nowadays cleave and anti cleave work.
@BigDaddyRich69 2 ай бұрын
Defo not broken,but strong for sure,still needs a team around him tho
@codvid19corona37 2 ай бұрын
Just wait for the next ml 4 star whos joining c.landy team to counter the unit
@GreaterSociety 2 ай бұрын
Cidd is one of those heroes that you can tell right away is going to be good. You dont have to wait for a proper build or see damage numbers. He pairs well with all openers but especially Flidica. 😂 Some heroes take a little while for people to see their potential: ML sharun
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
I agree that he is good, still nowhere near broken like people think he is.
@BigDaddyRich69 2 ай бұрын
Same way we could tell right away Shalltear'll be good too
@thekillerGTO 2 ай бұрын
100000000000% i agree in this case you are Right the speed meta is now worse than ever gl going against Cidd and Ran ore other speed demon !!!
@im_Tsu 2 ай бұрын
GTO is amazing. I'm due for another rewatch.
@xypherencmai8424 2 ай бұрын
As usual they will introduce more non-attack counters CR pushback counter sooner or later. We all know that.
@Brianagard 2 ай бұрын
Agreed cleave is to strong and not fun to play against
@xFlow777 2 ай бұрын
If cidd had an attack s3 that did damage it would have not been good vs jenua. If jenua 15% bombs nothing happens, if jenua 15% a stun, 1 or more of you're units are dead
@crittybop2521 2 ай бұрын
His S3 is him casting a spell with a book, I don't think it's crazy that he's a mage. Lots of mages use swords or daggers when they aren't casting spells.
@JusSick24 2 ай бұрын
I can pity him right now... I'm not sure if I should.
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
NO, pitying a 4* unit is a bad trade in general. He is not even that good of a cleave unit, his weakness are many, his playstyle is restricted, and most of all, he is a 4*. You can get him like anywhere in the future with a pretty decent chance, do not wast your bookmark on him unless you have a whole lot of bookmark to spare.
@BigDaddyRich69 2 ай бұрын
Defo not friendo
@verum117 2 ай бұрын
Never pitty 4stars like what dude
@raze2012_ 2 ай бұрын
0:38 Goddess of Victory? Next collab confirmed?! But yeah, he looks like more cleave tech. MAYBE he can do some gimmicky anti-cleave tech comboing with Albedo, Aiden, or Politis to disrupt a cleave, though he can't strip, so immunity (and Ran) ruins that. He's not a problem by itself, it's just the core issues with how the game progression works. The way you need to roll the dice millions of times over years to hope you can play this style is annoying. Also limits diversity because otherwise Tier 2 (or even Tier 1) characters aren't getting your Ran gear. also, daily PSA hot take to limit Book effects to one per team, a la Sashe.
@Aneuo 2 ай бұрын
I saw the kit and laughed. At this point every character released is for turn 1 gameplay and continues to make the turn 2 experience worse than it was the week before.
@GreaterSociety 2 ай бұрын
I was hyped. I called him being mage
@narcodixyadigg781 2 ай бұрын
Dont worry, ML Senya will save us. Turn 2 players, right?
@im_Tsu 2 ай бұрын
Me and what mystics? Ha ha
@BigDaddyRich69 2 ай бұрын
I hope
@KKarama1 2 ай бұрын
clearly cleave unit although there are too many counters to this unit in a pvp setting so most likely pve use only. As someone with 1,073 galaxys i wont be pulling for this unit since there is no way in hell i will ever find a need to build him
@xFlow777 2 ай бұрын
Isnt that true for any mobile gotcha game? Person with the most money wins, sad but true. Its not just e7
@sijackex305 2 ай бұрын
Tbh, if you sraft anti cleave early...it is just rng gaming 100% of the time
@aisosaobano7038 2 ай бұрын
For me personally the only reason I’m even surviving is due to the fact I started off as a cleaver 1st. I can’t even imagine those who don’t have speed gear in rta and are ftp like me. Before deciding to be more flexible with my playstyle and try out standard/turn two, I would always roll my eyes at those who say cleave is too much or isn’t fun because of x y z. This was mostly because anti cleave characters did a decent job at the time and for me I pretty much had all the good ones and used them with great success. Now ever since aol more openers have come out which make that playstyle equate to life support. If you don’t have any opener in rta it’s really tough to compete and those who do either have really good gear or a lot of characters that’s needed to do so. Those characters also being mls which as a ftp is not the most ideal. Nahkwol should have been the last straw since having her basically made anyone who plays slow irrelevant. But of course they release politis and make ddr more aggro because why not keep things fast. Long story short i don’t understand how a balance team can look at the current state of epic 7s pvp and say “Yes this is a good pvp experience.” It all just went into an even more convoluted mess with speed always being king. Which really sucks to see because despite all of this the gatcha itself is literally one of the best ftp ones out there. You don’t need to spend to get all the characters or be somewhat competitive as long as you have the gear to support it. But even that is a different story in itself. 😔
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
Slow turn 2 team which rely on rng and counter atk are just as bad if not worse. Remember the hp tank meta and how many unit they release just to counter a single aravi, now the anti crit meta is just the same. Nakwol is oppressive sure but without her there wont be much option for player to fight things like candy, ayufine or any slow bulky counter atk unit. And even with all of those counters, candy and ayufine is still a menance. That speak volumn of how bad turn 2 playstyle can be without check.
@im_Tsu 2 ай бұрын
@tuanthanhtruong7918 You know that we got Landy and AYufine cause every character outside of Karina died to cleave yes? I think you missed my point. I don't want to play those units. I HAVE to play those units or I auto die to cleave. Cleave was too good so we got these counters. Now cleave complains that's the reason why it needs something like Nakhwol which takes away any chance at playing the game At the end of the day it is bad game design. I can literally die and not play or pick an Elbris character and also not play but maybe sometimes win cause RNG said so.
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
@@im_Tsu You are not wrong, i totally agree. Still your statement in the video makes a lot of people think that Lcidd is the problem and not anything else. Not to mention in my humble opinion, Lcidd is not that broken or bad in the first place. His kit is good but there are tons of things that can screw him over as well. As for ml aramintha and summer iseria, yeah it sucks for them to be replace by 4* unit, but they are very old units at this point, they are bound to be replace one way or another, i mean even Cilias was replace in the current meta, what do you expect.
@lifeisalie8922 2 ай бұрын
Great point about the speed. I havent rolled a 20+ spd piece in about 6 months lol it sucks. I usually get to 12 spd 3 rolls in then it rolls into something like flat health😂 my fastest unit is 287. Even in lower ranks like challenger I get outsped lol
@RoseZ7323 2 ай бұрын
Honestly he feels too strong Also the fact he can invalidate characters like Light Aramintha & Summer Iseria is upsetting
@tuanthanhtruong7918 2 ай бұрын
He is good, not too strong tho. Summer iseria and ml aramintha are both very old unit, they are bound to be replace. If they make Lcidd weaker than those two people wont even bat an eyelit for him.
@yondangus7648 2 ай бұрын
Did you really expect smile f'n gate to do something good for epic 7? They haven't been able to touch this game without making it even more dogsht since like 2020
@luisalmeida2352 2 ай бұрын
Yes I see the game like you, not only for this joke of unit in general F2P players like me we have so little options to stand up in PvP so for that reason (Maybe I´m the only one btw 😂) never play RTA from day 1 and beacuse if you don´t have >300 SPD units you can´t do anything (and only for a skin? sorry but that is a GOOD reason why SG sold tickets in the shop vast majority will pay for that to save pain and suffer in RTA) so I try my best efforts to GW for the MMs and arena for SS. That is the state of this game for being so predators in PvP (but this is a business so if don´t make money is gone the game 🤷)
@VeryClever-js4ed 2 ай бұрын
Big reason why the game will die, PTW from day one and it haven’t stopped…
@KALClFER 2 ай бұрын
Turn two and slow tanky teams are boring and a waste of time especially when they take full timer to use a skill. Cleave is the best win fast or lose fast. You are also forgetting the cleave teams deals with a random 15% and lose. Qq Also very arrogant of you to think just because a character uses weapons they can’t be a mage….anime has plenty of those types as examples….dude you just sound overly salty tbh.
@ouricon39 2 ай бұрын
Found the filthy cleaver
@BigDaddyRich69 2 ай бұрын
Agreed,imagine being in a fight for 20 mins and then losing to a single unlucky dual attack by the enemy or 15% resist at the crucial time.. Now tell me does that feel worse or losing after 5 seconds if you get outspeed/resisted?
@yondangus7648 2 ай бұрын
What's boring is a game that's over before anyone's even done anything. What's interesting is when people actually have to make decisions and plays. Nobody's asking for frenzy 9 meta but you're spouting nonsense.
@Jacket0120 2 ай бұрын
This doomerisim is WAY out of proportion for this character and also out of character for you and one of your videos @im_tsu
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