@thevermintide1290 5 сағат бұрын
I think the best thing to take from this patch is that new - early -mid game players will get a lot more damage out of their free pve units which will be nice
@hybrid8716 11 сағат бұрын
It feels bad seeing such little change, yes, but coming hot off the heels of one of the most highly anticipated moonlight characters in the game and high on the adrenaline of the E7WC... It nakes sense. But you would think, with absolute hype and lots of attention, why wouldn't you add a little gasoline with a few more impactful changes? From a marketing standpoint, I'm on the fence... So anyways, I can play SSV again WOOOOOOOOOO- +15 DIDN'T GO TO WASTE!!
@DarkrulerjoeGaming 17 сағат бұрын
The changes also completely kills Counter Yuna. I used to use a Fast Counter Yuna. I had a 250 speed Counter/Unity Yuna on the EE that gave you 1% more CR push, so Yuna's S1 would give herself 28% CR Push + Allies would gain 12% CR push. This change completely destroys that type of build...for nothing...Oh yea and can't forget the Auto Crit being removed from S3. So now you have to build Crit on her, instead of just focusing on Attack/CD/Speed and rest in bulk, so now Yuna is going to have to have Crit and sacrifice a lot of other stats for. This just makes Yuna's S3 so terrible and worthless. Why spend all that effort to get 5 focus stacks for? Some AoE damage and that's it, just look at her new S3...its basically nothing now...Couldn't of at least gave her S3 something? But hey at least Riolet was buffed this patch, now he has built in Evasion. So now that means that Milim is only unit that has Evasion buff so she still will struggle with her Evasion buff being removed...Maybe next Slime Rerun, they should buff Milim to give 70% Evasion in her Milim's Eye buff and remove Evasion buff from S3, honestly that alone would be pretty nice for her. Also as some one who actually some times uses Aither in RTA for fun...This isn't going to change anything. Honestly they didn't even mention in the post that they buffed his healing, or anything...they only removed his Attack scaling on it, but never said they buffed the max HP portion, maybe they did but we all know they'll barely give him more in the HP scaling..And prob just assume if they remove the Attack scaling then people won't be confused how to build him and that'd be enough, it's not. You want to know the funny thing? This change also makes Aither's Self Imprint 100% useless...Because his self Imprint is Flat Attack, they didn't even care enough to change his imprint to Flat HP or anything, this change sums up the entire balance patch...half assed. Riolet was buffed SSV was buffed with some trade offs Yuna was nerfed FST was buffed and a decent amount for new players Mercedes was buffed, and honestly could be some what good Camilia was nerfed Aither was....idk. They don't know math so his overall healing would prob be worse knowing SG At this point...they should of just not even done a balance patch and skipped it and then wait until E7WC is finished and dropped a massive balance patch then.
@gullygod0993 17 сағат бұрын
I had only a 1k mystic bookmark and i got ml luna in 1 multi
@keisou9765 17 сағат бұрын
You seem to think SSV only needs to lose 1 focus before her immunity goes away. It takes 3 hits to get her down that low on focus.
@xFlow777 21 сағат бұрын
Why is fcc bad? She has a built in protection set with aoe skill null.... If I had her I'd use her. If you don't want ger to die to gala then have her on 25k hp, as you would for literally any tank in the game if the point was to survive gala
@nickng98 15 сағат бұрын
shes not terrible. the consensus is that she, as a ml5, is being outclassed by arowell, a 3-star that is easier to obtain than fcc. arowell does more for the team than fcc with full strips and stuns, big barriers, built-in aurius 2.0 and small self heals, together with a lot of ER from the specialty change tree. compared to that, fcc just has a protection set, provoke lock and team wide skill null that has a longer cooldown than arowell's s3. putting arowell aside, most other meta knights have utility that make them useful. atywin has unresistable stun and def break with a small cleanse if debuffed, albedo has innate adamant with huge hp and unbuffable with def break in s3, trozet can protect a single unit like nobody else can, etc. compared to them, fcc doesnt stack up that well. there isnt a reason to pick her over these other knights. she isnt bad, but needs something to give her a reason to be picked in any scenario
@xFlow777 14 сағат бұрын
@@nickng98 no she isnt loool for 1 arowell doesnt provide barrier to anybody but light heroes at the start of battle, arrowel doesn't have provoke or skill null and arrowel doesnt provide barrier every turn, they both have their use, hell you can use them both at the same time.
@hybrid8716 11 сағат бұрын
​@@xFlow777Oh no... My Yuna won't get the turn 0 arowell barrier... The point is, anyone can play prot set and have the same barrier multis as fcece. Anyone, not just tanks. She has statistically worse mitigation than a slew of the rest of the cast, couple that with an AoE s3 that *provokes* every elbris ritual sword in a 10 mile radius, causing her to lose skill null instantly and sometimes get knocked down even further. She does one thing, Rise of a Monarch... Which arowell can run because she is very flexible in her artifact slot. Why use her over arowell? S1 might provoke if they have 0 eff res. She also takes mola. And she has to run aurius or her role as the tank archetype is practically void. As a damage dealer she can compare to a worse Atywin!
@nickng98 7 сағат бұрын
@@xFlow777 all im saying is, just lay out everything they bring to a match and compare the value they add to your team. there is no situation where i would bring fcc over arowell in this meta, or any of the over knights i mentioned for that matter. you are a fcc fan and i respect that, i am too, i desperately want her to be usable again. but if im going to be honest, i would pick any other knight over fcc just because of the value they add to my team.
@ghmin96 22 сағат бұрын
14:38 ngl i fully expected to hear "Full Metal Alchemist" twice
@SinfulCadence 22 сағат бұрын
23:52 the survival cases are better for her now. With the increased damage you can likely run her around 15k HP/1.4k definitely and still have the same results. This patch is pretty terrible.
@boi6129 22 сағат бұрын
......now we gotta wait another 1 to 2 months for anything....so sick of this shit tba.....this patch was so ass
@rig4O4 23 сағат бұрын
26:27 "everyone plays this character on an artifact that gives you 100% uptime on attack" Yeah, everybody has a mlb tachi. Sure. RTA brainrot sometimes can get critical, it seems.
@phibu7517 23 сағат бұрын
the heck is camilla's "deals higher sustained damage" supposed to mean anyway?
@TheCaeraSimp 23 сағат бұрын
Sinful angelica has SPD and atk
@TheCaeraSimp 23 сағат бұрын
Give him 100 evasion and 100 pen S3 50 pen s1
@TheZarrahid Күн бұрын
Uff, my 3* compass Spolitis is safe :)
@user-yy4lw2lr3y Күн бұрын
... I don't think I can get her beyond 230 speed without snatching gear from my (other) absolute best units... All three of them (Seaside Phantom Politis, Iseria, and Nahkwol) where speed and effectiveness is concerned. Can she be made to work as a follow up to someone like SPP (< just over 260 speed) ? Essentially as an alternate Nahkwol in response to evasion teams (aka Adin) ?
@Living_Target Күн бұрын
I feel like they're not trying shake up too much before the tournament
@moshi4528 Күн бұрын
something interesting i see in E7's community specifically is that everyone wants one specific playstyle tied to a character to be the main focus, which i understand, a PvP heavy game garners those kinds of people but it does feel like people view every character as a spread sheet instead of a character, which i get sense E7's community is very minmax RTA heavy. i do think its a shame tho when i hear "this character is only used in PvE their for dont bother changing that and buff them for PvE even further" kinda wish RTA was more welcoming to more characters and not just, use these top 30 characters and maybe get lucky with a off meta character once in a while. ( i hope this doesnt come across as too negative or me whining, just a thought i had )
@l_Nightbot_l Күн бұрын
26:40 I know right! WTF Smilegate Why don't you base the changes you make to your game on the opinions of random content creators and their playstyles? HOW DARE YOU! How is posible that you are not obsesed like Tsu is for Tristen! BAD! BAD COMPANY! BAD!!! Tell your balance team to go watch him RIGHT NOW! Next time you wanna change something go watch how all streamers play and want first!!
@hybrid8716 11 сағат бұрын
Chill pill bro. Don't have one of those? Use a chill strip, 3* artifact alternative
@l_Nightbot_l 5 сағат бұрын
@@hybrid8716 I actually agree. that was an unnecessary non constructive comment. I can type the same thing with asshole mode off
@ZAYKONN Күн бұрын
I'm actually interested in the Vivian change because her mechanic is so distinct she might not even classify as a Focus unit anymore. Take it like this, we got 3 Focus unita this patch: Riolet, Yuna and SSV. Riolet still gets his ass wooped by the Focus system. Yuna doesn't care about the Focus system because the payoff is just damage, so spamming S1 that's also pretty high dmg with a team push still much better. SSV... won't care about Focus but will still make use of it. As it stands, SSV kit design is now that of a very fast unit, cycling turns and getting her Focus back to full, so how do you counter this? If we consider that Solitaria is a figment of our collective imagination, SPolitis seems to be the most obvious, but what does she really do? It cuts resources by half, but since we are cycling so much it'll probably just leave us at a "Neutral" Focus gain. Reducing it the intended way is also not really good since it's mostly a waste of turns and chipping away at a unit that has Chatty as it's BIS is a worse idea than whatever Sysyphus is doing. So the only real option to reliably deal with her is Big Splash DMG. Her Immunity change is also the BEST complement to her kit, so now she barely receive dmg and is also Immune to all and every CC in the game aswell as any stat diminishing effects like ATK, DEF, and SPD Down, AND if they code it as if she just had Permanent Immunity she's also Immune to CR reduction. It's similar to Brenya's Oath, but nearly permanent and you don't have to put your Backrow unit into their Deathbed to activate. So SSV, imo, is like a second Brenya with a completely opposite method of survivability. Definetly gonna try her out, definetly gonna go Speed/Torrent, probably gonna get my ass wooped but at least I'll have some fun.
@SuperPrinny886 Күн бұрын
It would be more entertaining to have a balance patch that shakes it up so the World championship will be entertaining, instead the same stuff we already seen. To me this patch was one of the worst ever. SG needs to put some more effort into this instead of those packs in the shop.😢
@NguyenLe-ep9xy Күн бұрын
They never buff anything too over the top when it close to e7wc, they don't want the meta to shake too much
@im_Tsu 23 сағат бұрын
@SuperPrinny886 I actually agree with you. A lot of other games change things right before worlds. The best players usually are the ones that adapt the best. Pros and cons to both sides. I personally prefer the shake up.
@dominicwilliams214 Күн бұрын
What do you guys think is a good build for ml vivian now I used to use immunity lifesteal
@namvo5442 21 сағат бұрын
Remove immu set cuz shes immune when having 3 more focus, build her lifesteal + crit/torrent/pen set
@Zalibidas Күн бұрын
try nml, zio(offense, some eff 80+), briseria(270 speed pure offense) and bride senya. put briseria in the back. use 2 books. having a lot of success with that...
@nicholassitter6400 Күн бұрын
I'm confused. The patch notes say three focus or higher she gets immune to debuff. In your video you keep mentioning that it's max focus where she gets the effect which would be five. In this case if she starts with max focus always (assuming that's why they worded it in that very specific way instead of just saying get five focus at the start of the battle) then the opponent is going to need to hit her at least three times and deal more than 30% damage with each hit in order to take away the immunity. That seems very strong, especially with an artifact like chatty so you're constantly getting barriers.
@anish4651 Күн бұрын
I feel like they have to do a few more characters at a time when they re work characters , like they do like 4 , 5 stars if they uped it to 6 at a time I think players would be more happy that certain characters who definitely been needing a buff may get a buff
@minecraftliker3 Күн бұрын
I got a say you talk a lot about Btachi for camilla and then even say that these are newer player focused changes while forgetting that those said newer players can't all just get tachi cause its a collab arti(this made me mald a bit NGL xD) I will say tho that they could have given her the 3 turn buff without taking the null away while it not breaking the bank on her.
@im_Tsu Күн бұрын
I get it's Limited. But the main take away should have been "WHY DID THEY TAKE AWAY THE SKILL NULLIFIER!?"
@minecraftliker3 Күн бұрын
@@im_Tsu i'm with you thats why i said they could have done just the buff without the removal.
@minecraftliker3 Күн бұрын
@@im_Tsu Also how do you look at these balance patches? Cause to me it felt like you only look at 1 level of play (the highest or around it at least) the ml poli talk is what gave me this the most.
@im_Tsu 23 сағат бұрын
@minecraftliker3 I have always been a semi-competitive player.... so yes I do primarily look at things from a high level perspective. But also PvE for other non-PvP players since I know not everyone likes RTA.
@minecraftliker3 23 сағат бұрын
@@im_Tsu Yeah i guessed that might have been the case. Cause for me for example i don't run into ml poli that often, like sometimes yeah but certainly not every arena deff or GW deff. Also tbh i think if we really think about it she needs the nerf bat rather then SG removing focus from the focus units.(or i guess they could effectively make them immune to her effect as a really forced option) oh also btw i'm not meaning this as a blame or flame just was curious.
@Strashky Күн бұрын
might buff fcc to the top post worlds i dunno
@audreywilliams1658 Күн бұрын
Btw singelica also has atk and speed buff
@kky7346 Күн бұрын
I think all year 1 MLs should get a balance patch imo.
@KKarama1 Күн бұрын
i can give this a pass since vivian and riolet were buffed
@jpelekin Күн бұрын
Now if camilla got built in ddj that would be great. I would only wish for her s1 to have better def break chance to make it more consistent for abyss/HoT when you are lacking souls
@ToDeoS Күн бұрын
Ninja tabi ftw?
@jinggahipt7224 Күн бұрын
What mean ddj
@BigDaddyRich69 Күн бұрын
Daydream joker​@@jinggahipt7224
@im_Tsu 23 сағат бұрын
@@jinggahipt7224 Daydream Joker. It deals a fixed amount of damage based on the enemy's health.
@KP-np1ps Күн бұрын
My interpretation is fully recover means exactly that. Not gain. Only because later in the skill it uses the word gain 1. they could have worded it at "recover 1 focus after attacking" but they didn't so this way politis doesn't stop her T1. Soli no clue. Guess we wait and see.
@xhydrox 20 сағат бұрын
Soli is like Belian, so no focus whatsoever.
@dragonrazor1234 Күн бұрын
I remember using Yuna a lot on raid and abyss
@Yewrenegade Күн бұрын
this patch leans more onto new players, which is fine, but cmon honestly they should've add more
@phucvuong1611 Күн бұрын
@im_Tsu Күн бұрын
I got til July 31st but you're probably right 😂
@that1guy375 Күн бұрын
No FCC is insane lol. I don't even like her playstyle but wow.
@GamingShin07 Күн бұрын
Where is FCC😭 a single 3 star does more than her now
@Yuusuke69 Күн бұрын
Still no rework for my girl Ruele. Where's justice when MKen got one?😫
@pranavkarmarkar Күн бұрын
Wdym SG gave her a whole 25% CR on her S2!!!! You're saying she's not Top Tier yet????
@OmegaZyklon Күн бұрын
@@pranavkarmarkar That was possibly the worst "buff" SQ has ever done. They've made worse decisions granted, (see Ervalen IIRC?) but it was still so incredibly lazy and pathetic. It was ACTUALLY worse than nothing. What total fail.
@dominicwilliams214 Күн бұрын
I still think they should just make her cure injury but like I don't know at this point everything in this game now is pretty gross it's either you can murder anything in a single touch or I can tank down and murder you later or it's I hit you with every debuff and you don't play the game. And as some one who's account said here have everything I'm a jack of all, master of none. And man do you feel that difference
@AdrianBigyes Күн бұрын
My Riolet will be more offensive in automaton. 😅
@yurineko3116 2 күн бұрын
If i don't get luna i'm quitting
@im_Tsu 2 күн бұрын
@yurineko3116 I... wish I could say that isn't the sentiment for some. A few people I know quit today because they didn't get her.
@rayanray4766 2 күн бұрын
Oh no now i can't unsee the eyebrows🥲
@Aika9104 2 күн бұрын
whats the anime of 13:40 ?
@im_Tsu 2 күн бұрын
It isn't an anime. It's from Houshou Marine's song "I'm Your Treasure Box"
@Aika9104 2 күн бұрын
the suffer of turn 2 players jasdhjashdfkasjdklsajdklashjdasjdhjsahjd
@edgarrivera4520 2 күн бұрын
Can you make a video explaining Epic Seven’s lore and every characters story ??
@im_Tsu 2 күн бұрын
Anything in particular you want to see? To do all of it is a huge task. There used to be a whole YT channel dedicated to summarizing the lore.
@edgarrivera4520 Күн бұрын
@@im_Tsu if it’s not to much trouble could you explain the lore of the main story?
@guyonlead 2 күн бұрын
I love the "Average Cecilia Enjoyer". She was my first 5 star and carried me through a lot of the content. Bellona was the one I was after as a Waifu, but Cecilia is my all time favorite...
@keisou9765 2 күн бұрын
Probably worth noting there is no balance patch preview this week - it was pushed back two weeks to keep e7wc meta consistent or some such I believe.
@xFlow777 2 күн бұрын
Totally agree, rewarding whales at top 3% is a shitty idea. They either need to remove the rng from ml EE or give more currency
@gabrielblox_br1395 2 күн бұрын
My iseria will finnaly be able to strip stuff and land def break WITHOUT MISSING A THING.
@Sputnik42 3 күн бұрын
I may be reading the tea leaves a bit here but they also added Rem to draft mode. The last time they did this outside of an active collab was with slime and it was shortly followed by a slime rerun. So aside from the upcoming summer limited units we may also be seeing a ReZero collab rerun in the very near future.
@im_Tsu 2 күн бұрын
You're probably right. Re:Zero season 3 is right around the corner. Good time to drum up a base.
@Tomas_France_ 3 күн бұрын
Those eyebrows on the skin LMAO
@johnh3246 3 күн бұрын
I think it's time to remove unequip. It's the single most annoying thing about this game.