St Anna Marie Taigi is a good example of housewife, serving God by serving family
@abequiner98152 ай бұрын
38:52 My first pig took 4 shots. Wrong gun, wrong location.
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
Truth is a person, Jesus Christ
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
The pig become part of human body by consuming. In the apostolic traditional mass in the offertory/oblation/communion , we become the body of Christ
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
The gospel has us sacrificing that which is killing us, our selfish human will, in a holocaust of love for God in doing His will not our will. This is food for our soul , the Holy Spirit dwelling in our soul, the fire of love , the sacred heart of Jesus, which he gives to us in holy communion
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
Image of God is family, St Charbel. Family is economy of grace where if operates in the kingdom of God gives glory to God and forms children for the family of God.
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
Saints provide for family of God even though they don’t have kids. St padre Pio has many spiritual children based of the economy of grace in the kingdom of God dispensed by the Church. The church is family of God with pope/father and mother/church
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work. John 4:34. Feeding family in this quote, doing your duties in state of life, puts on supernatural intention of feeding soul as doing duties in God’s will.
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
St Hildegard of Bingen: two bodies are formed until end of time: body of Christ (alive) and body of Satan ( dead).
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
Godel’s incompleteness theorem proves all bodies of human knowledge , even mathematics, is incomplete.
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
What of incorrupt bodies of saints, like sister Mary Wilohmena in Missouri . Unlike the pig that does not give its life willingly given the survival instinct. The incorrupt saint lives a living sacrificial life, sacrificing self will for God’s will, and taking on the body blood soul and divinity of Christ. Our free will sacrificed for God’s will is food for soul. The Eucharist is good for soul. The Eucharist is the source ( Eucharistic sacrifice of Calvary) and summit( the Eucharistic sacrament, food for soul)
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
The pig is food for us ( against survival instinct ). God is food for us ( willingly in the Holy Eucharist). Are we willing to be food for God ( Jesus says on cross, “I thirst (for souls)”)
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
Sacrificial holocaust, the sacred heart of Jesus Christ, shows the doing of Gods will in the flame of love, the holocaust of the self will, giving life and food to soul
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
Jesus says I am the way (morals for your will), the Truth (dogma for your intellect), and the Life ( the Soul of your soul). The life of your body is your soul. The Soul/life of your soul is the Holy Trinity (Holy Spirit operating). Fr Harding
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
Decide to be child of God, to be in family of God, by doing God’s will not our will. Child should obey Father.
@mylipsread3 ай бұрын
Why are there two creation stories? First one show human families in image and likeness of God, made as male and females, families. The second is Adam created with the Holy Spirit infused in soul, in the family of God in His kingdom, as the son of God, in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, with God the Father as head and Holy Spirit as heart.