I think the Morgan is a stunning animal, the bay colouring, the gait. It may seem silly but my first introduction to them was through the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. Her husband bred them. I think I was about 7. Then a doll came out in the 70s, similar to a Barbie but shorter and a more natural shape, auburn hair down to her knees. She was a ‘prairie girl’ and had a house made of two pieces of cardboard that slotted together to make 4 rooms. I remember having the rocker, which you could wind up, for years. BUT she had a horse that looked like a Morgan, front leg up in a prance. And there was a little wagon, too. The horse was cream, though, so I had my brother (who made models, etc.) paint it bay! Jody. Anyone else remember her.
@JodeeWalton-n2b8 ай бұрын
I had that doll!!!! Yes. My older siblings helped me make furniture for her.
@danastrickland52159 ай бұрын
Fjord owner here! They are the best, but not for the faint of heart lol. My fjord has me swinging back and forth between "I'll only ever own Fjords the rest of my life" and "I will never buy another Fjord again." He is amazing but truly also the most frustrating animal I've ever worked with. 😂❤
@KristenGoddard-o9h9 ай бұрын
Lol😆 there was a 29 year old fjord at the stable I worked at. He had terrible ground manners but was a funny boy.
@Conny2269 ай бұрын
Hey me to I am 63 the fjord I have is my first horse in my life he is so awesome and strong he keeps up with all the big horses on trail rides he is 12.3 hands . His name is Louie ❤❤❤❤❤
@janicerosenthal87989 ай бұрын
I’m soon to be 67 yrs old and I’ve had my fjord gelding since he was a green 4 yr old . He is currently 26 yrs young. I use to show him English & western in his early yrs we stopped at 12 yrs old . Now we just trail ride once in a while and do parades , we both love it . He’s visited nursing homes and he’s a people pleaser. Both his parents lived in to the 30s . I hope & pray I get that many yrs with him too. He is still very strong & powerful if he wants to be and then sweet as a puppy. Oh and very bucky if the mood strikes, that’s just a fjordy thing.Hes definitely my heart horse. ❤🐴
@lynncataldi58858 ай бұрын
My daughters first ho
@lynncataldi58858 ай бұрын
Was a morgan mare, she was absolutely bomb proof for a 9 yr. Old kid, she now has a icelandic & halfinger. We love them both, great horses
@jekimjo11 ай бұрын
I appreciate how you chose your favourites based on your experiences with them, and not on aesthetic’s alone.😊
@tfrtrouble7 ай бұрын
Aesthetics are a stupid reason to choose a horse but personal experience isn't always a good guide either, since horses are so different. Based on my personal experience, I would say Haflingers are stubborn difficult jerks that are totally unsuitable for less experienced riders, and Arabians are sweet and dependable horses that will take really good care of you, but those things don't match the typical breed descriptions at all. I would advise someone buying a horse to not "choose a breed". They should be aware of typical characteristics of certain breeds, but otherwise look for an individual horse that has the conformation, character, and training that fits their needs, and be open-minded about the breed.
@farfromirrational5 ай бұрын
@@tfrtroublewell said!
@CrazyDBZLove9 ай бұрын
My first horse I owned was an Arabian. It was a big challenge with how firey he was even in his late 20s. But his sensitivity to my emotions and willingness to please had given me a soft spot for Arabians
@jumalmajed11 ай бұрын
I like Arabian horses, because they’re the most common here, beautiful, and have a strong personality.
@jantjecrediet52719 ай бұрын
I love my half breed drabier. Cross arabian and trotter. He is his father a very intelligent half Egypshian arabian, protector off the heard. For me he's gentle also for my son off 10 he was 8 when he started riding him.
@victoriatormanen22329 ай бұрын
I used to be a ride or die QH gal, but became a Morgan fan from the first opportunity I had to ride one! They are so amazing! I ranch and their ability to perform ranch work is second to none ❤
@margaretwordnerd52109 ай бұрын
My parents got Morgans and later Arabians in the 1970s. We did everything "wrong" - young horses and traumatized horses with inexperienced adults and kids. It went well because Mom knew enough to give us the right attitude, like you train a horse rather than break it. Also she picked horses who were smart and good-natured. People were amazed to learn that gentle, mannerly horse with the high action was an Arabian stallion at a time when the fashion for Arab stallions in shows was too prove their high spirits by acting aggressive. I don't know how we learned with no serious injuries, but it was a glorious way to grow up on a horse farm. I haven't been on a horse in decades, and I miss it so.✌🖖
@tonywilliams603711 ай бұрын
The Icelandic horse is not common, because, while they can be exported, once they have been exported they are not allowed back into Iceland! One of the most unique and protected breeds there is.
@octoberjubilee986611 ай бұрын
Interesting fact, about the extent of protection of the breed! I don't know much about them, but, they look so cute and this video makes me want to explore more about this breed.
@cattymajiv11 ай бұрын
The OP here is right. It 's to protect them from disease and bad breeding. No horses of any kind can be imported to Iceland, so no horse diseases will be brought in. And no badly bred horses will be able to enter, so none will be able to breed with the existing horses and contaminate the breed. This would be abhorrent if it were done with people, but I do admire their determination to keep their horses pure. The existing ones can all be very nearly guaranteed to be purebred. At some point, fresh blood will absolutely be needed, but they will be able to choose from where it comes.
@picobello999 ай бұрын
They might be uncommon in the US, but like she said in the video, here in Europe they're easy to find. In my country they're definitely in the top 20 most popular horse breeds. There're quite a few breeders and riding centers with just Icelandic horses are a thing.
@sanniepstein48359 ай бұрын
There is also a Greenlandic population. They're ridden barefoot over the rocks, according to a relative who lived there. Very hardy as one would expect.
@Blitzkid829 ай бұрын
they are very common and extremely popular here in Germany.
@auntieliz93011 ай бұрын
There is a woman in a horse training course I took that has an Icelandic horse named Happy. He’s adorable. Also, he has the cutest tiny ears. Happy is that very dark, almost gunmetal grey.
@katipohl243111 ай бұрын
Icelandic sheepdogs are great too.
@karaparker75119 ай бұрын
I used to have a horse named happy and he was a
@DAC_eq9 ай бұрын
Yessss! I really want an Icelandic sheepdog they are adorable and fit perfectly into my love of spitz type. @@katipohl2431
I have two breeds I like the most. I like Norwegian fjord horses for some of the reasons you stated but one of my main reasons for liking them is they can handle the environment I live in without issue. I live in the Canadian subarctic. It gets really cold here. In fact where I live likes to become the coldest place on earth at least once a year. I don’t have to worry about frostbite because they originated in another arctic area. They also have a reputation of being fairly gentle around here. I’ve never seen a fjord with bad manners. My other favourite breed is my national horse breed, the Canadian horse. They are sturdy horses, also really pretty. They can survive our cold without much issue similar to the fjord horse. Most Canadian horses are fairly calm and healthy as well which I like in a horse. They’re also considered a heritage breed and have been around 450 some years.
@sanniepstein48359 ай бұрын
It's also most humane to use the breed adapted for a given area; the others could be rather miserable.
@marydantzler72519 ай бұрын
Glad you mentioned that Appaloosas have an eye problem. It was heartbreaking to see a 4 year old become totally blind and had to be put down. This happens more than you want to know. He was a beauty.
@Dot-Dot-Dash27 күн бұрын
So sad!
@AKurman-e9u11 ай бұрын
My favorite has always been Morgan. I rode a Morgan mares as I was learning to ride and now I own a Morgan gelding.❤
@blackberrythorns11 ай бұрын
le cheval canadien, since 1665.
@Woodlynx9 ай бұрын
I would never again buy anything but an Icelandic horse! :) I love my boy so much, even though he can be stubborn as hell sometimes, but I can ride him in every terrain, do little jumps, have a lazy evening stroll through the forest or run like there is no tomorrow. The only negative thing I could think about is the enormous amount of hair they are loosing in the spring, it is insane :D
@razzuie11 ай бұрын
We had a fjord gelding named Baldir when I was a kid, we saved him from slaughter and he was a personality to say the least, he used to crawl under fences (who knew a horse could do that) and make trouble he was super sweet and friendly though. My mum’s best friend back then had a stable of Icelandic horses one of them was a steel grey stallion who was the horse I rode when we went trail riding he was the great love of my childhood.
@matheuso86868 ай бұрын
As a brazilian, my top 5 is. 1 - Mangalarga Marchador, a brazilian horse, very good to do anything, afordable, a brazilian go to. 2 - Crioulo, is a brazilian horse too, its more rustic, its from the south of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, very good horse. 3 - American Quarter Horses, i really like this breed, we have some here in Brazil, they adapt easily here, and i really like the way they move, their speed. 4 - American Mustang, maybe i love this because of the movie, but i really like the concept of a horse thay turned wild after a couple centuries. 5 - Percheron, the french horse is my favorite big horse, they are so imposent, and i really love how they look.
@octoberjubilee986611 ай бұрын
I have an appaloosa and I just adore her! This is the second appaloosa that I owned and find them to be great all-around horses. She is so smart, she learns quickly when introduced to new things and she is extremely loyal. I think she's self-aware, like knows when she's being cute and literally looks to me for approval (she's got personality). If I ask her to do something, she's willing to give me her all, so was my other appy mare.
@equinegirl36911 ай бұрын
I love Arabians, Morgans, Quarter Horses. Akhal-Tekes, Thoroughbreds, Andalusians, Friesians, Tennessee Walking Horses, and Gypsy Vanners.
@December_Horse11 ай бұрын
My dream horses are friesian, fjord and andalusian horses
@TStrait200011 ай бұрын
If you are serious about importing Icelandic horses to the US, I encourage you to check out Harmony Icelandics in Iowa. The owner is the current President of the US Icelandic Horse Congress and a great promoter of the breed here in the US. My wife and I each own an Icelandic and they are truly special horses. Thanks for all of your great videos!
@CarmellaAbel11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the info! I will check them out!
@amzlee9987 ай бұрын
@@CarmellaAbel if someone were too find you an icelandic horse what would you say? Lord willing obviously
@Teefs11 ай бұрын
There is a guy here in Eastern Kentucky who imported Icelandic horses years ago and has an incredible herd.
@alycewich44729 ай бұрын
I had the opportunity to ride one during a gaited horses show and exhibit probably 20 years ago. I had never ridden a gaited horse and had Arabians for almost 20 years. But I was getting older and wanted something a little less "hot". This Icelandic pony was on the smaller side, and easy to mount. I was instructed on how to ride him and how to signal the tolt! I was AMAZED, the only way I knew we were going so fast was to watch the arena fence posts fly buy as I sat quietly on his back! I was IN LOVE! I could easily get on him bareback and could stick on him no matter how fast he went! Oh how I wanted one.. How much do these horses cost, cause I want one. The answer was WAY out of budget! That was partly because there were so few here in the US at the time and importing from Iceland was more than half the cost. But now there are breeders here in the US that are keeping with the strict standards that Iceland has for their horses. So the price might have come down some. A fun fact, the reason no horse (or tack for that matter) can return to Iceland is because at some point in time, some tack came over from another country and it has some sort of disease on it. It seems to me that it could have been a used bit and since there aren't any equine diseases in Iceland it devastated the horse herds. So at the time I was looking you really needed to know someone who could be your advocate to bring over breeding stock as once a valuable mare or stallion left the island, their part of the bloodlines were gone.
@SchwarzesStern11 ай бұрын
My favorites: 1 - Andalusian (PRE) and other similar Spanish breeds: Lusitano, Alter Real, Menorquin, etc. 2 - Akhal-Teke 3 - Don/Budenny 4 - any european warmblood: Hanoverian, Trakehner, Holsteiner, KWPN, etc. 5 - any breed is good if you like the horse :)
@PhebusdesTours9 ай бұрын
Lusitano and Alter-real are actually Portuguese, and kind of national prides there, but I agree, they're two of my favourite breeds as well 😊 I had the opportunity to ride a young Lusitano mare, and she had the greatest gaits! Also, great last point 👍
@SchwarzesStern9 ай бұрын
@@PhebusdesTours yes, I should have said Iberian breeds instead of Spanish :)
@peregrination36434 ай бұрын
Haven't seen some of those names outside a horse breed encyclopedia. Good times. Akhal-Tekes and Budyonny (I've seen the spelling in so many ways) were notable among the breeds I never find in person. The Alter Real was labeled as a more temperament breed (and Barbs), but I always took that as a challenge. Poor temperament is usually code for you need to build a relationship first. Fine by me.
@annlindgren39274 ай бұрын
I had an Akhal-teke stallion an Arab stallion an Lipizzaner gelding and a Appaloosa stallion at the same time and they all got along. Wonderful breeds. Akhal-tekes are a one mans horse. Wonderful horses. ❤❤❤
@auntieliz93011 ай бұрын
My 5 favorite breeds are the Mustang. We adopted two in 2021 and they are amazing. Smart, they speak their mind, and they come in all sizes and colors and breed mixes. Next is the Arabian. So elegant, a dream to ride, and are very cuddly. I love Friesians. I mean… look at them. Gorgeous horses but I love how gentle and fearless they can be. Thoroughbreds are next. So amazing to ride. Fast but they have a lot of heart. Finally, the Andalusian. Really steady horses and very dependable.
@cattymajiv11 ай бұрын
I see your point, but because there are so many different breeds all mixed up in the Mustangs, they can almost not be considered a breed. They are more like a mutt in dog terms. I don't mean that as an insult. It's just a fact that none of them are predominantly anyone one thing. They are like a Heinz 57.
@alycewich44729 ай бұрын
@@cattymajiv And if you get them from the BLM they are exceptional trail horses. I used to ride competitive trail riding through NATRC (North American Trail Ride Conference). One of the competitor's got one from their loose just brought in pen. He wasn't "tame" enough to even get close enough to touch or anything so she stood on the railing of the fence panels and picked him out from the bunch because it looked like he had pretty good movement. I saw him after she had worked him for a few months and she said he was the best horse she had ever had. Why? Because once he figured out he was safe with her, he'd do anything she would ask of him, I think he was most chill horse in camp. I've spoken to others who have adopted horses from the BLM and they all have said pretty much the same thing. So while they might not be a registered purebred horse, they are mighty fine horses, Heinz 57 or not.
@leanneadams254911 ай бұрын
Akhal Teke !! For me. It’s the most beautiful horse ever. But I must say I do really love all horses and always will !! ❤️🐴
@chrismayer39199 ай бұрын
My fave horse is the Gypsy Vanner, followed by the Tennessee Walking Horse, then the Black Forest pony, the Haflinger and finally the Dales Pony. 🐴
@jeanhowarth18529 ай бұрын
Gypsy V. Yes.❤
@mimisart11 ай бұрын
I’m very partial to European breeds as I’m European and tall. Even though I adore the looks of Arabians, they are really too short for me to ride. Worked with Friesians for years and I love their looks and warm personalities. However, not great for jumping 😂. Any horse is great, but if you’re looking for particular uses I have my favourites. But for character and personality, all horses deserve our love and care.
@paulahall408011 ай бұрын
We just love our registered Connemara!!! Her name is Endora and she is so sweet!! These are very versatile horses also. She has beautiful ground manners has been used as a schooling pony before we purchased her. We use her on trails, and she is absolutely a delight. Just love this video it’s fun to share our favorites !!❤
@alycewich44729 ай бұрын
I had Connemaras too! Wonderful companions and riding ponies. My smallest one was not quite 13hh on her tippy toes and my largest was 14.3. One of the ads I've seen in the ACPS American Connemare Pony Society of America magazine said they were great for kids and grandmas. I found that to be true. My favorite mare, Lucy, would threaten to dump over my wheelbarrow with her nose if I didn't come over from the other pen to pet her! She did that several times before I figured out I could thwart her efforts by keeping the wheelbarrow out of her reach. Unfortunately, by then she had taught others the same trick. In theory cleaning 6 pens a day should't take 2 hours on a nice warm day, but when I factored giving love to all of them, along with the barn cats, it did! And I LOVED every moment of it. But all good things must come to an end and when I could no longer care for them, they all went to good homes.
@paulahall40809 ай бұрын
@@alycewich4472 I still own my Wildwych Endora. That is her registered name. She was 6 when we purchased her and will be 16 in May. We just love her. Super sweet.:)
@introvertedequinesamsara659311 ай бұрын
*As a gaited lover myself, there are breeds similar to the Icelandic horse in America, yes they aren't going to look azactly like a Icelandic horse but they do have relatively the same gaits.* Such breeds that are good alternatives in America for Icelandic horses are. 1) *Rocky Mountain horses,* they'll have the gaits Walk, Trot, Canter and Rack/Singlefoot (Rack & Tölt are arguably same gait), on top of looking very similar to the Icelandic horse. Coming in any color, but are especially known for their long flaxen manes and being very socialable. 2) *Standardbreds,* standys have very similar gaits to Icelandic horses, with their gaits being Walk, Trot/Pace, Canter and Rack. Tho the challenge you'll have with this breed is you'd need to train them to have many of these gaits. They're known to be docile horses, even right after the track they might be more high strung but way laxer than Throughbreds. 3) *Pasofinos,* many are shocked to know Pasofinos also have the gaits Walk, Trot and Canter, with one extra gait Paso that's split into three other gaits based off speed and collection. Such a breed is also built more sturdy and thicker being on the shorter side. They're also known to come in many colors and be a bit spirited but also have a very gentle nature. 4) *Racking horse,* a breed rarely talked about, they can also have a variety of gaits depending on the breeding. Some can have a Flat/Running Walk and Rack, but they're also known to have the gaits Walk, Trot/Pace and Rack. With a sturdy short build. This breed comes in any color, and are known for their willingness and friendly nature.
@Nutmeg1429 ай бұрын
Any gaited breed has the capability of racking. I can rack my TWH and do a running walk with him and a stepping pace. You just have to know how to ask. I have also trotted him.
@hanban711 ай бұрын
I’m partial to the friesian and the fjord! My horse is a friesian fjord cross and so far I am loving these two breeds!! He’s a very bright boy, and very lazy which is right up my alley!
@gimmeproof11 ай бұрын
lovelove Friesians... but gosh those tails are a butt whipping to groom. :-)
@ariellewilson73011 ай бұрын
Maybe you should look up what a Friesian/Fjord is called.
@hanban711 ай бұрын
?? I'm confused, what do you mean?@@ariellewilson730
@rieioo98278 ай бұрын
@@ariellewilson730..a frijord? haha
@Ebeanzz11 ай бұрын
Since I could remember, Fjords have been my favorite. I love everything about them. Their build, coat colors, mane, personality. I’ve only ever interacted with two in my life, but those days were the best 😅. It’s always been my dream to own one or two someday 🤞
@wipstudios50311 ай бұрын
My favorite horse breed is the Clydesdale! i love their coloring and their majestic proportions, their calm demeanor and LOTS OF HAIR 😂
@RowdyAndWestern11 ай бұрын
@blackberrythorns11 ай бұрын
they're one of the most inbred breeds.
@sanniepstein48359 ай бұрын
They actually have rather hot temperaments. Keep that in mind if you ever buy one.
@rieioo98278 ай бұрын
@@sanniepstein4835used to have one here, oh, she was very sassy i tell you!
@Some_equestrian4 ай бұрын
Arabian owner here, I find Arabs are my favorite. They are definitely not for anyone new to horses, but their attitude makes them lots of fun to work with. In my opinion, Arabs teach you what is wrong and right real fast. My Arabs will never let anyone near them if they have whips or spurs. Arabs in my experience hold grudges like no other.😅 Anyway love your videos❤
@MonAhgasInsomniAroELF11 ай бұрын
top 5 are Kladrubers (one of the oldest breeds, so, so gorgeous and unique, pretty rare, mainly used for carriage work and dressage, but i feel like they have a lot of potential for other disciplines too), Mustangs (not technically a breed, but I'm counting them anyway. they're hardy, beautiful, and a fun little mixed bag for what you'll get in terms of genealogy, personality, body type, etc.), Warlanders (Friesian x Lusitano [ Warlanders are Friesians x an Iberian breed, so Lusitano/Andalusian/Menorquina, but I prefer Lusitanos] what is there to say, they're beautiful and sturdy and have tremendous potential for whatever you might want to do with them), Norwegian Fjords (for pretty much the same reasons you mentioned, they're so cute, i just love 'em!), and the Australian Waler (veryyy smooth to ride, beautiful transition between gaits, great temperaments, very solid). special shout out to the Irish Sport Horse, Dutch Warmblood, Irish Draught, and draft horses in general
@laurabal637111 ай бұрын
Yes, Icelandics are my favourite too❤ I love their both earth and fire character. My Islandic is 3YO and she is so cute with her furry coat right now. She's very easy going, calm but also sensitive and fire in her.
@kristynfedich892611 ай бұрын
Morgans😍❤️🥰 friesians, Percherons….i love big draft horses lol. ❤❤❤
@LV-qr8fr11 ай бұрын
Really cool how you mentioned about the visible white sclera on the appaloosas. Not many animals have this trait. Notably, this trait emerged in the domestication of wolves into dogs. It is extremely important in humans to use the whites of the eys when we assess emotions in others faces. So its cool how you find it more expressive. That plus their intelligence must be so cool to see.
@juliehaynie593011 ай бұрын
My favorite breeds are Tennessee Walkers, Appaloosas and Arabians! I have a beautiful gray dapple Tennessee Walker mare who is naturally gaited.
@2012escapee111 ай бұрын
Mustangs. Survival of the fittest
@hollyporter11935 ай бұрын
Kiger Mustangs the best!!!🐴🐎
@jasonbanuelos756911 ай бұрын
My fav is the Azteca. Half quarter and half Andalusian. Smart, hardworking, and the national horse of Mexico.
@jolynmcclellan35949 ай бұрын
I owned an Azteca! He out performed most quarter horses in the 4-H Western events. He was a smaller horse and looked rather like a Mustang, but he would surprise everyone with his agility and speed! But if I put a young beginner rider on him in the round pen, he was gentle and competitive. I loved that horse!
@dmgibbs199711 ай бұрын
One of my favorite breeds is the Shire. I especially like the ones with the black and white coat. One thing I like about them is their docile and gentle temperament. They are a very rare breed as well, but one can only hope they won't go extinct! Overall, they are just very beautiful! I think another one of my favorite breeds is the Thoroughbred. The Thoroughbred is the mascot of the company I work for. They look somewhat similar to Quarter Horses (which one of my great uncles had before), but Thoroughbreds are very beautiful, too!
@darlenemckay26511 ай бұрын
My granddaughter and I wemt to Iceland and did a horse tour in Northern Iceland! It was amazing and a bucket list trip! I was amazed as we were riding, always at a fast pace, how those horse knew where to place each foot as we rode through rocky areas! They are so sure-footed! Beautiful little horses! Love the breed!
@celestinacowgirl907511 ай бұрын
My fav is the Missouri foxtrotters, their gait is very smooth
@dreamercrafts-pj6vy11 ай бұрын
Gupsy Vanner is my favourite horse. Love them because they’re beautiful, and. solid big built horse.
@nancyroberts977611 ай бұрын
My top 5. Arab, Mustang , Rocky Mountain , TWH, and Spotted Saddle. ..
@writerspen01011 ай бұрын
I really like the Belgium drafts! They're always the ones i find myself gravitating towards the most when i look at horse listings. I think i have a soft spot for palominos, which they tend to be xD
@goldielion-s7f11 ай бұрын
I'm delighted that you put my favorite, Morgans, on your top five list. As good-tempered rugged all-rounders, they are tops.
@blackberrythorns11 ай бұрын
le cheval canadien, since 1665.
@tracym629711 ай бұрын
Great list! I have Morgan horses. One of them is 35 years old. I've had him since he was 5. They are my absolute favourite. I have a Mustang who looks like an Appaloosa. I have a Shetland pony, a mini horse, and a mini donkey. A good friend of mine has a couple Icelandics. She loves them.
@JasmineSilvertreeАй бұрын
I ride an Icelandic and she's stubborn, very cheeky and has a big personality and thats why i fell in love with her. She also loves annoying other horses and throughing peope in corners thankfully she hasn't done that to me for a while now and we have improved a lot since. im sooo glad you like icelandic horses and i love your channel
@Icy_Friesians11 ай бұрын
My favorite breed is the Fjord, I love them because of there beautiful mane and tail, and I love there structure
@cynthiamarston220811 ай бұрын
I’ve only had Tennessee Walking Horse who I got when almost 3 and she’ll be 24 in April. I had 5 others over the years for her pasture mates ( counting a colt she had with the stud I bought then gelded. They are smart and just need to give them time sometimes then all the sudden they do the exact right thing like they read your mind and choose to cooperate all the sudden because they seem to like people. I now have a quarter horse as her pasture mate. She’s not as in to people but became much better after a couple years with me and my Walker
@Siobhan_Shivaun11 ай бұрын
1: Irish Draught 2: Irish Sport Horse 3: Connemara 4: Thoroughbred 5: Arabian
@introvertedequinesamsara659311 ай бұрын
My top 5 favorite breeds 1, TennesseeWalker 2, Racking horse 3, Standardbred 4, Minature Horse 5, Hackney Pony Honestly if I could pick another a Cob type would also be up there too, as I do like the look of lean breeds but I also like the feeling of short sout horses aswell.
@CheriBenIesau11 ай бұрын
I had a standardbred gelding years ago. He was incredible--strong, fast, willing to do anything. Loved that horse. Now I have a mule.
@alycewich44729 ай бұрын
@@CheriBenIesau Mules! I love mules, but am not smart enough to have one...
@HopeGrace-n2b11 ай бұрын
I like Quarter horses, Fjords, Tennessee walking horses, and Mustangs. But Quarter horses are my favorite.🐎
@joshuafehr693011 ай бұрын
@ponytales.11 ай бұрын
appaloosa is my favorite!! theyre stunning.
@Horsewoman-pt2ku11 ай бұрын
I had Paso Finos for the longest. They are a gaited horse and are very friendly and love people. A little skittesh but great horses and did mostly trail riding with them. We also had a Peruvian Paso that was the horse we had our 4 yr old start riding due to his personality of nothing bothering them and nonchalant attitude
@cattymajiv11 ай бұрын
I've heard they are both wonderful!
@kimhsiang804911 ай бұрын
I'm in New Zealand and Morgans are definitely popular here but also not easy to come by. But also stunning. My faves are 2 that I own. One is Clydesdales. Mine is so kind and laid back. He makes a fantastic riding horse and so comfortable. Hes 18.3hh! The other is a HHolsteiner. So incredibly intelligent but goofballs at the same time. Great at English disciplines (I dont do any however) but also western and hacking out. I too love the ones you mentioned! I have ALWAYS wanted an appaloosa. They are not easy to come by here. Happy new year to you and your family ❤
@anyoldthing9 ай бұрын
I'm surprised quarter horse wasn't on your list as they're one of my favourites, and you are so right about appies, my favourite horse was an appy and he was so smart, I honestly think that horse knew what I wanted before I did..I would give anything to have another like him
I think your top pick is a great one! Icelandics are incredible! I had the pleasure to work with one about a year ago and he was the cutest thing! So sweet and calm. He was a stunning silver dapple and when he was clipped it looked like there were stars on his coat. He was the most unique horse I have ever met! My personal favorites are Quarter Horses and Gypsy Vanners and any sort of draft cross. I love qh because they are versatile and sane. I love the stock type build. I love drafts crosses because I love big horses. I like riding a horse with big movement. Draft crosses are great because they are light enough to do any sort of riding with them but they have that wonderful draftyness! Also I have found that they are really calm and I love calm lazy horses. Never met a draft cross I didn’t like! I love Gypsies because that are beautiful and also very calm. My neighbor has one and he is amazing!
@christhomas7369 ай бұрын
The Morgan is my #1 favorite breed, my family has owned and bred them for years! Im also a big fan of black forest horses
@cascott67657 ай бұрын
My first horse was an Arab/Appy mare who gave me great love for both breeds. She was incredibly smart, could read my mind, and just willing to try anything. My heart horse forever.
@oliviasequineadventures11 ай бұрын
My favorite horse breed is the Norwegian Fjord, I also like New Forest Ponies, Icelandic, and Darkmoors!
@donnavannierop864511 ай бұрын
Me tooo
@ashleyratuski516411 ай бұрын
there are two Icelandic horses at the farm I work at and they are amazing; only one of them can be ridden, but the one who can't is so sweet and cuddly.they are the most expensive horses there but I would say there worth it!
@alycewich44729 ай бұрын
The purchase price on most horses/ponies usually ends up the least outlay in the equation. It cost's just as much to feed a free horse as it does one that costs thousands! So once I figured that out, I first got Arabian horses as I was young and they were quick and agile. When I couldn't bounce as well as I got older, I transitioned to Connemara Ponies. They are quieter than the Arabian horses but way smarter, and they love their humans almost as much as they love their food! The tales Connemara pony owners can tell about their ponies are legendary. I had a woman who knew what a Connemara pony was back when I was just starting with them tell me that all Connemara owners are characters, just like their ponies! She was right. I'm proof!
@cb868211 ай бұрын
Out favourite horse also is the icelandic horse. They are secure, friendly, they want to please, they are beautiful and because of these 5 gaits they have, there is such a variety. My daughter is 12 and she rides her horse sharing out in the woods and stuff like that. This horse is so cool and easy to handle.
@StephanieDuranceau9 ай бұрын
I have a Fjord cross and he’s just amazing. You need to assert your boundaries a lot. He swims and does cowboy challenges and looks at the other horses doing barrels and just wants to do it too! They are hyper intelligent and they test you a lot. They are very, very playful and in my experience, mares are insane and want to go fast where I find males will be more chill to ride.
@_art_by_faith11 ай бұрын
I Love Fjord horses!! One of my fav horses.
@cathiwim11 ай бұрын
Yay for Morgans! I have two of them!! The mare was pregnant when I got her, and they are now 26 and 13 respectively! They are also very smart!
@Okamaa11 ай бұрын
It's very interesting to hear this as a Danish person, breeds like the Morgan and Appaloosa are the opposite of common in Denmark and are typically very expensive when you do find one, whereas Fjords and Icelandics are incredibly common and are some of the cheapest horses you could get! Another thing is also hearing the behavior of the Fjords, here they're well known for being very relaxed and friendly, to the point where they get called "lazy" a lot of the time! Great riding and carriage horses though, with their hefty little bodies 😂
@cattymajiv11 ай бұрын
I suspect that what she refered to was caused by inadequate training, and she just ascribed it to their breeding. In almost every case, bad behavior in a horse is caused by inadequate training, or bad treatment, or both.
@Okamaa11 ай бұрын
@@cattymajiv it's very sad to hear though, as those bad manners she says they have there are completely opposite from what the breed is known for in its home country and the rest of Europe 🥲
@blackberrythorns11 ай бұрын
@@Okamaa at least they didn't take a breed, rename it, and wrap it up in american mythology like they did with the morgan horse which was originally le cheval canadien, the oldest breed in north america (that nobody outside of canada has heard of).
@Okamaa11 ай бұрын
@@blackberrythorns Oh that's interesting, I don't know too much about the american breeds sadly, due to there not being many of them here, but it doesn't exactly surprise me, considering it is America after all 😂
@blackberrythorns11 ай бұрын
@@Okamaa the canadian clusters with percherons/bretons/belgians as they were war horses sent over in 1665 before the development of modern draught breeds. The Legend of the Canadian Horse: Genetic Diversity and Breed Origin - Oxford Academic "The legend of the Canadian horse is a fascinating chapter of North American history. It is the story of North America’s first equine breed that was the foundation bloodstock to many American breeds like the American Saddlebred, Standardbred, (possibly) Appaloosa, Northern Plains Mustang, and the Morgan. The Canadian traces its ancestry to horses sent from Louis XIV’s royal stables to the colony of New France in the mid-17th century (Jones 1947). In spite of the colony’s harsh climate and the absence of forage, shelter and pasture, the foundation herd of less than a 100 animals flourished to 30 000 by 1784 (Gendron 1993). The Canadian earned the nickname, “the little iron horse,” for its storied feats of strength and endurance, regularly outclassing more muscular and heavy boned horses (Langelier 1920). The Canadian studbook was established in 1889 and is the oldest active horse breed registry in North America (Gendron 2010). In 1998 and 2002, respectively, Quebec and Canada officially recognized the Canadian as a heritage breed and the national horse for its intrinsic role in forming the 2 nations. Today the breed languishes in relative obscurity on the brink of extinction with a confirmed population of 2456 pure Canadian horses and is classified as threatened by The Livestock Conservancy."
@bdudhjdk476911 ай бұрын
My favorite is the icelandic aswell! I am planning on moving to iceland to hopefully work with them. I also love the fjord, norwegian dole and the nordlandshest. Norlandshest is pretty similar to the iceladic, just without the extra gaits.
@farfromirrational5 ай бұрын
We recently leased pasture to 4 pregnant icelandic horses. Its my first experience with horses, and i find myself falling in love. Ive been brushing them briefly every morning, and feel them growing more attached to me as well. Im so lucky to have these girls in my life now.
@melaniehellum128111 ай бұрын
I do agree for the most part on fjords being pushy.. I raise them . Ground manner corrections are kind of hazy for them .. compared to a Thoroughbred. I noticed that with the electric fence, if a fjord touches it they say oh ya it's on now. Okay I'll touch it soon just to check . In comparesson with a thoroughbred. Oh mygod it got me I'm so upset I can't cope. My feelings are hurt why me....
@alycewich44729 ай бұрын
My Connemara ponies were the same. Is it working? Not right now so I'll pull the heater out of the tank. Is mom cleaning my pen and I'm not getting enough scratchies? Dump over the wheelbarrow she just filled. Oh yeah, the smaller ones whether you call them horses or ponies have determined minds.
@WebOfTwilight11 ай бұрын
I'm horse crazy so this is really hard for me, but here goes... I think my top five favorites (not necessarily in order) are Andalusians, Mustangs, Irish Draughts, Tennessee Walkers, and Thoroughbreds. Honestly, if it resembles an equine in any way I love it! lol
@Tanjaaraus7 ай бұрын
I am Norwegian and grew up learning to ride on Fjordings, and had a gorgeous icelandic horse for a year as a teen. They are two of my favs too. The fjording I rode the most as a kid was an absolute ass on the ground. and when the instructor looked away she would nip at you. That said - she was a lesson horse, and for many inexperienced and green kids, so as an adult and more experienced rider I 100% understand her. I would be a bit nippy too if I was forced to carry around clumsy potato sack kids who signals on thing and then mean another. As a 1 person horse though? absolutely perfect! also the icelandic horse we had was only 3yrs old, so he wasn't trained under saddle yet. We just did some groundwork with him. and he was absolutely bombproof on the ground. he did not care about bad weather. loud noises or cars, flying tarp etc. absolutely stoic and gorgeous! I am a bit too big to ride one now, at least normally, so it needs to be a draft horse for me. But if I ever get the chance to get an icelandic horse again, that I can do groundwork with or maybe let my niblings ride, I would 100% jump on that.
@Laura_star-b4s9 ай бұрын
I’m a Norwegian fjord breeder, when I wake up in the morning my paddocks are just full of them, I think they might need 2nd.
@wakingohiomama911011 ай бұрын
I find it so hard to pick only 5 lol!! I know the favorite horse that i had was my gaited palo-loosa. I loved all the different things w could do together from trails to over fences to western pleasure. She is so missed!!
@sun1one111 ай бұрын
Imported Icelandic horses can suffer from summer eczema, it's better to get ones that were born here if possible. Also some of the things you said about gaited horses are common myths - read the book Easy-Gaited Horses.
@hotartesian41639 ай бұрын
Totally agree with your horse assessments. I have had them all, I think. Good video. I have the pile-driving gait type Morgans. Sweet and willing, but not a smooth ride. They are all retired and on pasture in their old age. My favorite horses of the past in my youth was the Appaloosa, American Saddlebred ( my first horses from age 7 to 12), and Quarter Horse Tennessee Walker cross-bred horses. I enjoyed the Arab and Tennessee Walker crossed horses very much, also.
@LazyLoonLazarus7 ай бұрын
I'm not a horse owner, but my cousin was & I believe still is obsessed with horses. So I've always managed to just deep dive into equestrians now and again. And I have to say knabstruppers are just my heart and soul. Them and Irish cob I just can't get enough of them. If I was rich and could I'd own a knabstrupper or two truly. There's just something about the pattern on the knabstruppers that appeal so much more to me than an appaloosa maybe it's the way the foals have this beautiful brown hair in which most grow out of that just draws me in but I'm truly just.. awestruck.
@GDstudios711 ай бұрын
Fjords and Clydesdales must be my favorite! Clydesdales are just BFG's!
@blackdiamond770811 ай бұрын
❤🎉 Carmella there is (was?) a farm called Winterhorse Park Icelandic Horse Farm in Eagle, Wisconsin. They had really nice Icelandics but maybe they retired... the website doesn't seem to be up anymore. 😢 Thanks for your videos. 😊🐴😁♥️☺️
@helenehoward62949 ай бұрын
Dear, the first Morgan stallion was named after his owner in upstate Vermont. Justin Morgan who said he bought him up North. Guess what J.M. it seems went to Canada and bought himself a Canadian. A tough little horse usually bay who could stand the winters, work hard and eat little. Genetic testing I believe in the 90's showed that. The little Canadian horse originally came from mountain ponies sent from France's Alps.
@Nutmeg1429 ай бұрын
His name was Figure. The stallion that is.
@joannokane853311 ай бұрын
My favorites would be 5 Clydesdale, 4 Arabian, 3 Appaloosa, 2 Morgan, and #1Mustang. I have only limited riding experience so most of my choices are based on looks, but I got to spend some time several years ago at a Mustang rescue in eastern Oregon and they are so smart! Then, I absolutely fell in love with a buttermilk buckskin Mustang gelding I met at a training demonstration at a county fair a few years back and I think he liked me too and wanted to come home with me!
@kenspangler52284 ай бұрын
I have fallen in love with my Paso Fino that I acquired when she was no longer used as a broodmare. She is very alert, affectionate and rides like a dream. If you are looking for speed the Paso is not the right horse but you want a sure-footed, calm, comfortable ride for the long haul this is a great choice. I have to admit she gets her feelings hurt if I pay too much attention to my other horses so she does need love and reassurance on a regular basis. For my kids, grandkids and my wife who is new to horses she is a dream.
@riazghuman869811 ай бұрын
Every vlog of yours is very Educational and make it very intresting too.
@indigoeye38749 ай бұрын
Fjord horses are also one of my favourites. My first lessons in riding were at a fjord breeding farm, there were about 30 fjord horses there, including this beautiful stallion and cute little foals. They are such a unique breed. I don't really remember them being too hard to handle on ground, I'd say it was very individual. Some were absolutely sweet (may you be in peace Ladybug) and some probably wouldn't even notice that they are stepping on you (Kikina, I'm talking about you!), Next, I quite like KWPN horses, they are stunning and have such great potential for both jumping and dressage. If I ever were to have my own horse, which I would really like to achieve one day, I want either a fjord or another breed of similar height. I find that height just so convenient. The sweet spot is right in between a pony and a horse!
@naejil887011 ай бұрын
The ranch i learned riding at breed fjord horses. They are all so sweet. Maybe a little pushy but it is absolutely okay if they are trained well. I live in northern germamy an fjords are quite common here.
@cattymajiv11 ай бұрын
If they are pushy it's precisely BECAUSE they were not well enough trained! Proper training of any horse does not mean they had X number of hours put into them, and that should be enough. Proper training addresses each horse as an individual. And each of their traits or habits gets as much time as it takes to teach them proper manners or behaviors. Anything less is insufficient, and needs to be recognized as much. If I were looking at buying a horse with bad manners I would insist on a reduction in price, to make up for the time I will have to spend, or that I will have to pay someone else to spend, to overcome that deficit in the training. It's like a car with a big dent in it. You'd be dumb to buy a car with a huge dent in it, without a reduction in price equal to the repairs.
@user-shutup.11 ай бұрын
Me personally LOVE riding on Fjords! First I rode a bit smaller and a yet lazy Fjord named Prince and then I changed to an bigger Fjord named Lupo and I’m in love with him. He is some kind of my baby I’d say😅 So I can just agree with the fjords.
@Aprilme24 ай бұрын
All the horses you mentioned are among my favorite. My personal all time favorite is the Morgan. I have owned 5 and they have great dispositions, and their American history is fascinating.
@farmgirlrebel13336 ай бұрын
Love this..I've had many breeds over the years. I am now riding a Rocky Mountain Horse and a Missouri Foxtrotter, both are excellent trail horses, level headed and smooth for my aging bones!
@gimmeproof11 ай бұрын
Texas A&M can do a DNA test for you (using a little hair) to determine a horse's actual breed.
@thefishyhorseman9 ай бұрын
There are plenty of icelandic breeders in Canada and the US, so that's an option if you don't want the expense and stress of importing them from across the pond. Also that "grey" horse you're talking about is a Grulla, or black dun, which can be found in many breeds, including fjords.
@karaparker75119 ай бұрын
Well I like the mini horse and the Belgian
@PhebusdesTours9 ай бұрын
Hello, I'm discovering your channel and I really like how articulate you are. I'm happy to find out I'm not the only one out for small draft horses! For this reason, I've always loved Icelandic ponies, Fjords from Norway, Haflingers from Austria, and Mérens from French Pyrénées. We have a Haflinger pony in my equestrian centre and he's the best boi for beginners... but he sure has a personality 😁
@amykupchenko19519 ай бұрын
My favourite horse is the Norwegian fjord. I love them because they are so calm and they have character
@HelenTempleton11 ай бұрын
my fave horse breeds are the welsh section A they are such characters and litte pocket rockets they are amazing! XXXX
@dpeters6029 ай бұрын
Had a beautiful palomino mare in my teens. She was Arab and Tennessee Walker. Sweet, smooth and just enough spunky spirit to keep things interesting ❤️
@jeanhowarth18529 ай бұрын
@sanniepstein48359 ай бұрын
I knew a small woman who was afraid to ride, but had a wonderful time driving her miniature team. Clydesdales come in grey colors that don't fade to white: black roan, which is tweedy looking, and grey roan, more blended. No dapples but they last.
@misscoolperson99709 ай бұрын
Trakehner definitely my fav breed. They have such a good temperament, great with people of all ages. Also athletic and excel at almost everything. I "fell into" this breed as my first horse ended up being a Trakehner. I really wasn't looking for one at all, I thought all warmbloods were very hot and I didn't want something that was too much for me to handle. However, that's not the case at all for this breed, they are so quiet and gentle, great with children, honest and willing.
@Jch794 ай бұрын
A cool thing about Icelandic horses is that because of their extra gait they were actually the most popular horses with European knights during the crusades and a lot of the middle ages. Most knights had two or three horses, one or two for traveling and cargo or a squire, and one trained for fighting. You could ride comfortably for long distances and not tire your trained War horse along the way to a fight, while the Icelandics with more endurance, were loaded down with the armored knights kit and gear.
@flyingcolorsponies9 ай бұрын
I love how I have 3 out of 5 of the breeds on this list! I mostly do driving (pleasure and combined driving) for showing and just hacking out under saddle. I drive/ride a Fjord, minis (they are like lil pocket rockets, so fun to drive!!), and I just got an Icelandic foal for my next drive and ride prospect. Also have driven and ridden Morgans in the past and they are probably the most popular breed at the driving shows. Awesome list!! Totally agree with all of it, downsides and upsides