Time saver tips: Select one of the orange hatched line and then use Edit->Select Same (stroke color) to select and delete all at the same time. Then select a red line segment, again Select Same and then go into the Node editor. Highlight all the nodes on a dashed red line and use "Join selected nodes" to make it a single red line. Saves a lot of time... I did that page 3 of the Mini-Arrow in less than 10 minutes and I'm really slow. ;)
@EdwardRCAir5 жыл бұрын
OMGGGG! David. Tqsm for the tips! Gotta add a follow up video then. wohooo
@EdwardRCAir5 жыл бұрын
David it tried the select same and delete method works The join node thing. do you still have to do it one red line by one red line or able to just select all the red and make them make straight lines? i tried 1, it created a new long red line by joining 2 together, but left the other breaking red lines beneath it which i dont want.
@davidjohnson70355 жыл бұрын
I'm certainly not an Inkscape expert but these tips were shared a long time ago on the FT needle cutter thread. While trying it yesterday, I found it safest is to highlight and work with the nodes on one line at a time... but I did find it possible to box select over several separate lines as long as I didn't catch nodes at intersections and endpoints and they would join properly. Holding the SHIFT key while doing multiple selections seemed to work pretty well... even in the node editor. Just watch the intersections and endpoints.
@straighouttheshed2 жыл бұрын
i aggree with david, much fast using the select same feature when deleting, as fas as node connecting i find the fastest way for me was to deleted all dotted segments in between endpoints via the select tool then use the node editor to select end points and shift+j to join then a few ctrl+alt+clicks on middle nodes that generate and your left with a straight solid line in place of the dotted