Errant Signal - The Magic Circle (Spoilers)

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Errant Signal

Errant Signal

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@Piorn 9 жыл бұрын
The final part was actually a pretty big punch in the guts for me. The entire game you're defying and mocking the devs, and then you're forced to take over and realize you don't have the capability to do a better job. Old Pro, near the beginning, says the devs think the player is just some lizard with a credit card that needs to be kept entertained, and you don't really believe that, but by the time you develope your own game, you do, which is reflected in the boredom meter. And you realize you're making the same decisions as Ish in the very beginning of the game.
@AegixDrakan 6 жыл бұрын
That moment kinda hit me when I was up at 3 AM trying to wrap up the game and going "GOD, how do I take it from a 9/10 to a 10/10? Why doesn't my teleport trick work? I've spent 20 minutes trying to...Oh my god I'm becoming Ish. ...Fuck it. Ship it. It's good enough. It's something half decent, SHIP IT." XD It was a damn memorable ending. It gives you the joy of creation, the frustration of "Why isn't this working?" and finally the "Oh my god. I'm becoming the devs I used to mock. ...You know what, it's good enough, let it go" all in one shot.
@timothycarney9652 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't get that feeling, though that was because I was basically thinking about what I would want the game to be from the begining- and I ended with a whole elaborate idea of what my hypothetical Magic Circle game would be like- an episodic game using the conflict you the player just went through adapted to a myth ark- ie have Ish as skyfather, have Maze be a devil figure/ opposing deific force, and you the player as mysterious and maybe eldritch third force, with the player getting to unlock abilities following each figure's themes that become mutually exclusive at some point. Ish's abilities would slowly turn the game into quick time events and then more and more cinematics over abilites, as you unlocked his boon's and gave him more influence over you, but also got you tons of extra story and non combat interactions with elements of the game world, Maze's abilities would steadily lock you out of some of those while buffing your character's personal abililities and eventually cause more enemies to be spawned in than would be otherwise- basically story vs combat, with the extremes being totally voluntary, you wouldn't need to take all the abilities. the third tree would be eldricth and unnatural abilites- essentially build in bugs and developer tools, reskined to be eldritch, it would also be the hardest to unlock but had the potential to let you access things normally locked into one of the other trees. the idea was to reflect the game design's issues in the mechanics of this new game, with the story eventually leading out of the World of Ish and Maze's god counterparts and into a new one created by this third figure, starting out with bits stolen from them and later ones made whole cloth. Back to the episodic thing I had the idea that the first episode would be single player but later episodes would let you sign on to play with others like borderlands, with the last few being like minecraft servers with tons of players with sandbox sections (reflecting Coda's failed crowd building idea). The idea was the episodic cycle would let the games make money, hype up the next game and give time for the designers to build up to the more grand ideas, or change course along the way to more realistic ends if needed.
@derpfluidvariant0916 7 ай бұрын
​@@timothycarney9652You putting this level of thought into a comment on the analysis shows me that i am the lizard with a credit card in question. I ate up the narative told by the Video, then OP, and then you, doing very little introspection of my own. Kinda saddening to think about.
@timothycarney9652 7 ай бұрын
@@derpfluidvariant0916 Well you are thinking about it now, aren't you? Plenty of media is fine to just experience, that is what it was made for, and even if it isn't conscious, you are impacted by what is said and what you experienced, you feel the highs and lows, and the themes get into your head and influence you going forward. Every time you have a preference due to what you experienced before, that is the influence of that media going forward. There is a lot of fun to be had in engaging with media, games, movies, shows, books, in a critical sense, thinking through what is happening and such, but you shouldn't NEED to do so to enjoy it, a good bit of media unfolds when you look deeper, so you can appreciate more, but media that is only enjoyable when you do that, that isn't enjoyable on the surface level... well then not a lot of people will ever enjoy it, because why would they invest their time into such a thing? If you want more of the kind of deeper, below the surface level experience, KZbin is full of people who will have whole ass thesis on various media, on things like the nature of superman and why so many "evil supermen" are less compelling because of how they reveal their creator's fundamental failure to understand the point of superman to begin with, or talk about how films like Who Framed Roger Rabbit did so many amazing feats of storytelling and technical wizardry to work at all, or even just interesting tidbits of the previous concepts of the media from development and their reprecussions (the animated animal robin hood movie from disney was planed to be a western at one point in development, which is why so many actors have the accents they do, they hired people who worked in westerns and then kept them on after the concept changed). And with a little examination, you can potentially look at the games and other media you have enjoyed with fresh eyes and find even more to appreciate. Or don't noone gets to dictate how YOU enjoy media. If you are interested I recommend Overly Sarcastic Productions and Nostalgia Critic as the sources of some of my examples.
@maddude7161 9 жыл бұрын
Hey! You opened up your comments! Now I can finally say how much I enjoy your videos! Cheers mate!
@AdobadoFantastico 9 жыл бұрын
11:15, it's definitely supposed to be a statement about how we judge games. Recognizing the weird narrowness and the inevitable output of the given tools is definitely deliberate. The fact that it doesn't deliver on the broad promise is probably also a meta joke. This game seems rather brilliant, imo.
@sdshlanta 9 жыл бұрын
That rewriting mechanic is a really cool idea!
@EliasFrost123 9 жыл бұрын
Shlanta Of The Mike >You should check out HacknSlash by DoubleFine, it has a similar mechanic. :)
@cordia96 9 жыл бұрын
Shlanta Of The Mike It works well and is rewarding if you start thinking outside the box and try out weird stuff. You can also name every of the allies.
@Drprophetius 9 жыл бұрын
I have to say that whatever whatever: The Magic Circle is a important game and I'm glad it was made.
@beanstheclown 7 жыл бұрын
I saw the overall goal of the game to be slightly different, and as such found the end game building section to be much more important than you seem to have. I saw less (though not none) of the "tear everything down. fight the power" as a message but as an element in the story and themes. The overarching theme was about the creator vs the publisher vs the audience. The creator wants to make the perfect vision regardless of its accessibility or the time it takes to get there. The publisher wants to put out a game that is going to hit all the metrics necessary to sell as many copies as possible regardless of creative content. The fan wants to own the work of the other person and judge it on their own expectation. They want more of what they like but ONLY the way they like it. Ultimately none of the three are wholly wrong or right. Each has their own baggage that they bring in and each has their own insights to add. The mystery voice tries to deny any of their voices. It sees the struggle between the three and how it has delayed the creation of anything and decries anything except putting out a product. Any product at all. So yes, it espouses its own rhetoric of burning everything to the ground, breaking it all, etc. However, there are two key things that break down even this viewpoint. First, it includes itself in the list of things to question. Second, when the chips are down even it admits that certain elements are necessary to include if you wish to keep an audience. The game seemingly contradicts itself with the game maker and the collectables based juice acquisition because it is arguing for a middle ground between the games as art, games as product, and games as...I don't know, "inspiration"? Deity? Maybe entertainment might fit best? It's acknowledging the desire to create the truly remarkable, but also acknowledging the realities of the creation process and the realities of delivering the work to an audience. You can't have it all and something has to give. But nobody wants to be the one to give in. Ultimately the game tries (how well it succeeds is certainly up to debate) to put forward two ideas. First, that we all need to be more considerate of those on the other side of the creation process. Second, that it is better to create something, fail, and reiterate than to never create at all.
@BobfishAlmighty 9 жыл бұрын
'Bout time you opened up comments again. Welcome back
@Phantosification 9 жыл бұрын
RE: the "boredom meter" thing. You seem perplexed, like that isn't the point it was making. About how you can put a ton of work and ideas into something only for it to be disregarded out of boredom. You're talking about it like it's a mistake or accident. You're too distracted judging it as a game-making engine/tool, comparing it to things it isn't trying to be. For someone who sounds like he understand the core themes and ideas presented for most of the video, that part seemed really bizarre. Did you forget what the game was saying, or that it was saying anything halfway through? Did you forget what YOU were just talking about? Is that really out of place in a "navel-gazing" game about game development? It's like if I made a video complaining that Doom 3 fails as a turkey-punching simulator, because it suddenly breaks out into a FPS. There's not liking the execution of a stated goal, and then there's being mad that an apple is not an orange. This is like watching someone eat an apple, and then forget it's an apple and complain that the grape is too big.
@thelaw8042 9 жыл бұрын
Lol. Good point I was thinking the same thing when he was talking about it.
@arsenalagent6675 9 жыл бұрын
Alex Hill "And maybe that’s the point - maybe it’s a commentary on how games are judged being a restriction on how games are made - but because it doesn’t give the freedom to build anything else and fail, it doesn’t come across that way." I think this quotation is key to understanding why Franklin responded to the ending the way that he did. Considering that _The Magic Circle_ just spent the bulk of its playtime satirizing this exact kind of thing while encouraging the player to question sanctified Game Design principles in search of an approach to video game form that naturally emerges from and serves the artistic sensibilities and vision of its creators, it's kinda weird that it would put the player into the designer's chair just to make him/her to work within those very constraints. One might expect that the game would allow something more of the kind of freedom that it preaches to the player, especially given how pervasive the idea of "objective" metrics of quality in video games are; that all of this is building up to some endgame where, once these entrenched assumptions about game design have been sufficiently deconstructed, the player would get to see a more generous vision of the process that hammers home what _TMC_ was talking about and why it's important-basically, to let the player _feel_ that freedom. At best, it comes across merely as a redundancy of a point already sufficiently made, and at worst it comes across as the latter plus the game having just asked you to re-imagine a reality that it isn't actually comfortable enough or willing to provide you the tools for bringing into existence.
@thelaw8042 9 жыл бұрын
ArsenalAgent I don't think it was unnecessary as the purpose (it seems to me) was to make the player feel what many developers feel while creating their world, but being held down by restrictions such as what people consider "fun". You never get to experience how frustrating and annoying it is in the story. It hammers the point home by letting you see how many things you can create, but cannot do due to the restrictions set upon the developer.
@arsenalagent6675 9 жыл бұрын
The Law It's not that there's anything wrong per se with what the game seemed to be trying to do with that.There is another somewhat subtle point I neglected to make. Basically, _The Magic Circle_ is attempting to satirize traditional video game development; to take a set of normative values and mores and then to turn them on their head, so to speak, in some way in order to point out their flaws or allow those flaws to reveal themselves. Okay, so the intended point of the "Boredom Meter" is seems pretty obvious, right? In the context of what seems to be the game's overall rhetorical goal you can look at that and say, "oh, this is trying to make me feel why all those things it's been telling me are too restrictive really _are_ too restrictive". However, neither the intention of something nor what can be logically concluded to be the "point" of something necessarily equate to its effect on the consciousness of a particular type of audience; the most important type for _The Magic Circle's_ purposes being specifically that type whose attitudes are what the work is attempting to challenge. Suppose you happen to hold the kinds of attitudes and prejudices about video games that are symbolized by the Boredom Meter. Then (though you might intuitively understand what the game was likely going for) you're emotional response to being forced to turn out a perfunctory, trite "content muncher" might be actually be mild enjoyment. This segment is, after all, employing design conventions generally intended to be "fun", and people tend to respond in generally that way to them because, well, that's the aesthetic goal and the industry has gotten pretty good at getting it. It's just so ingrained at this point. If _TMC_ actually wanted to undermine that, then this would be a good point to introduce a more free-form, potentially more fulfilling approach that reveals the profundity of the difference in the contrast between a kind of narrow conventionality and greater artistic freedom. It seems like at the end _TMC_ just forgets how entrenched the very conventions it's trying to send-up as being far too entrenched really are in the thinking and culture surrounding video games as a craft and art form.
@obsessivelooter3573 2 жыл бұрын
watching this 6 years later after I first watched it and played it, I can answer your question(13:23), even if it's just me, this game (and your video) did inspire me to go boldly forward to become a game developer, it might not have been the primary reason or even a major reason but I find myself often reminiscing on it. I'll be returning to this video when I can finally call myself a developer.
@thoriumbrother 9 жыл бұрын
I'm 100% certain that the 'only measuring against boredom' thing is a commentary.
@jhanschoo 8 жыл бұрын
One way you can canonize the last part of the game, is consider that they fit into the personas of the Old Pro and Coda. The Old Pro isn't looking for interesting ways to advance the medium, it just wants action. Coda, too, just wants more of the genre content that she and the fans love.
@cannonfodder4376 9 жыл бұрын
Well done and explained video. Excellent work. I just wish that empathy for game developers existed more right now.
@Geothesponge111 9 жыл бұрын
The weirdest thing I see in these comments is the number of people who apparently watch these videos because they find you insightful and thoughtful, but will complain the moment they disagree with what you say. Or that you talk about philosophy, or that you might-possibly-sort-of once said something positive about Anita Sarkeesian, or that you're talking about games they don't care about. It feels so weird to me seeing people who are allegedly interested in hearing your opinion going to sulk when you say something they disagree with. So, you know, keep up the good work, is all I can say.
@politure 7 жыл бұрын
hear hear.
@Warstub 9 жыл бұрын
Another excellent critique and evaluation.
@solgato5186 7 жыл бұрын
I am so happy I found your channel? It was pretty random and out of the blue but it sounds like you're reviewing things to play that can compete with my addiction to ARK. Game like Sunset work, it fed my head and my heart and it did again when I played it again several months later. I'll be back there again for more sun this winter up here in the north for sure.
@seansullivan3309 9 жыл бұрын
Love your analyses. I gain valuable insight with every video. Thanks for doing what you do ^_^
@andresarancio6696 7 жыл бұрын
I disagree the with the ending being a "problem". The engagement meter is an excelent way to show that all this allowing you to break the devs will and letting you run wild it is not as easy as it seems. You feel what is it to be on the other side of the coin. It is rather barebones, yeah, but it serves a purpose. In a world where people try to shove the game's quality in a box and then complain that "there isn't enough choice" and "it is too formulaic" you end up having more empathy for the devs.
@dirtydard4870 9 жыл бұрын
This is the way we need to talk and think about games if we want to them to grow into something greater than they are now
@ColonelTheSlav 9 жыл бұрын
I had no idea Belethor was into game development. Neat.
@adamgryu 9 жыл бұрын
Nice discussion! I really this channel and the kind of analysis you do. I remember being really interested in how you deconstructed My Little Inferno.
@unclefeelyhands 9 жыл бұрын
that is were ive heard that voice, it was bugging me until i heard venture bros. i love that voice actors work he seems perfect for this game
@primoaurelius 9 жыл бұрын
nietzsche's philosophy imbued into a game. doubt me! break me! forge ahead! create your own path! fuck the dev, fuck the fans, fuck everything except what affirms your life. dont like it? then change it...want to destroy it? then do it...destroy everything to make way for what you hope to create. nihilism as the necessary foundation towards fundamentally new creations, but those new creations become new chains, new walls, new boundaries, that if we are honest with ourselves, must too be overcome, broken down, and destroyed...
@primoaurelius 9 жыл бұрын
i am 8 im boiling his work down BIG TIME, but still, i think....i think, i made my point...
@TheDragovianLord 7 жыл бұрын
It also reflects nicely on the most well known quote by Nietzsche. Given, I've not read into his philosophy/Nihilism at all, but your way of portraying the story by his means made me think of this, and how accurate it seems thinking about it. "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.. when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you" You're the new parable, the algorythm of undoing a world caught in a stagnant loop. Breaking things that are, to allow fresh minds to make a game they looked up to for decades. But in the end, when the last beast is slain, you're put in the hide of the worst of them, forced to repeat mistakes others had made before. Not sure if it makes any sense to anyone but me, but then again I have not polished my philosophical skills in a long time. Anyway, cheers mate, and enjoy life.
@ZanderEzekial77 9 жыл бұрын
This was the first game since Portal 2 that I played through again right after hitting the credits. I'm glad to see it getting a bit more love.
@aaronsmith5864 7 жыл бұрын
hey its the voice of generic skyrim bad guy number 3
@senorsnout4417 7 жыл бұрын
And Garret...and Corvo...and Nick Valentine...and every Mr. Handy...He seems to be a Bethesda favorite.
@aaronsmith5864 7 жыл бұрын
Señor Snout yeah your right maybe he has one of those pay for 4 voice acting sessions and the 5th is free
@AegixDrakan 6 жыл бұрын
As a student of game design I loved the hell out of the game. And as someone who is just wrapping up a contract working as a writer for an indie studio (I literally moved to a new city for a few months to do the job), I still love it. Game development is a messy, difficult, stressful occupation. We should have empathy for those who do that job. And we should hold them VERY accountable when they mess stuff up or pull BS or keep a title in development hell when it REALLY should move on and get done already. XD
@lennaylennay2 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for showing this i had no idea
@PheseantNetsuke 9 жыл бұрын
Why don't we usually hear about games like this ?
@DivineSoB 9 жыл бұрын
Wait... WE CAN COMMENT! I hope the trolls went away. Love the channel. Please ignore the idiots; even if we do not always agree with what you say, the fact you have a position and defend it does the lot of us a lot of good. Go Campster go!
@taiiat0 9 жыл бұрын
this sounds like it might be a story i need to play through. analyzing Game Design is always interesting. and it's certainly pretty uncommon, approaching nonexistence for a game to want you to *really* think out of the box, wanting you to break things, but in a good way.
@GmodPlusWoW 9 жыл бұрын
Wait a second, I feel like I recognize the voice of "Ish G"... Doctor Venture, is that YOU? Yes it is! He did VA work for it from what I've seen. Well that's always a plus, 'cause Doctor Venture's voice is pretty distinctive, I can practically SEE the beard and speedsuit hovering below that floating eye. Now I'm thinking about the upcoming Season 6 of The Venture Bros, no idea when it's gonna come out...
@Uberphish 9 жыл бұрын
"Of Thief fame"? Surely you mean 'Belethor, the most convenient and repetitive of Skyrim's shopkeepers' :P I'm totally in agreement with you in terms of the way the game plays and feels and the message it's trying to send, but I find it odd that, in all of that, you didn't touch on the diatribe at the end of the 'game' portion (or at least the one you get if you screw up the presentation). Between the lack of not-E3 security when someone was being held at 'gunpoint' and everyone apparently just accepting that either their game was hacked or it became sentient, the most believable part of that entire section was the fact that the audience steadily got bored and /left/. In any event, I think it might be a tad pricey for what's there, but as someone actively working on getting their foot in the door of game development, it was definitely a fun and enlightening experience.
@aliasisudonomo 9 жыл бұрын
Enjoyable. I've had this on my wishlist; it seems to be in the same vein as games like Hack 'n' Slash that get a little meta, but I suspect this might be a bit more approachable than HnS was.
@MDK-fo7jw 9 жыл бұрын
1:15 - System shock vibe, I'm sold.
@mrnobuddy3549 9 жыл бұрын
6:30 8-O 8:20 Okay, it's a sale. That's ... something hasn't scratched that itch in too long a time.
@zoobMer 7 жыл бұрын
this video so beautiful, I cry!
@MellowGaming 9 жыл бұрын
Woah... when did you turn comments back on. I've been real interested in playing this game. Saw a video of the early parts and the stuff about narrative design in an interactive world kinda hooked me. I like when games explore that subject a little. It's a method of story telling that really doesn't have it's defined method in the way film and TV can. There's far too much flexibility in games for there to ever really be a book along the lines of Syd Field's Definitive Guide to Screenwriting or Robert McKee's Story. So exploring the subject in a game, actually letting the player interact with the subject of narrative design... is pretty incredible. Possibly the perfect way to do it really. Also, you could probably get through it quicker than a Robert McKee book.
@Redem10 9 жыл бұрын
So since it's incomplete it's less of a magic cicle and more like a half-circle At least it don't ask you to make a Freemium game in the end
@FrazThe 9 жыл бұрын
I hate to steer conversation away from the topic of the video, but I would like to make a eulogy, or at least a hallmark card in regards to Errant Signal's comments section. Where did you all come from? Why are you here? Must you try to rise to this imaginary pedestal you think Campster has placed himself on so you can validate yourself against someone you think to be a "psuedo intellectual"? I hate to see him being bashed so readily, because he is a part of such a small minority of video game analysts who can actually say something other than the repeated ambiguities that most reviews offer. I'm sorry I am going to bring up something I learned in kindergarten, but if you have nothing civil to say, don't say anything at all. Please leave our clubhouse alone so we can have fun. I don't like sand in my mouth and rocks down my ass crack.
@TheDragovianLord 7 жыл бұрын
I'll try my best to sum up the issue as how I see it in this comment section as best as I can without trying to be agressive or rude to anyone. I learned about this game from a livestreamer whom recently did a blind playthrough. I didn't see it live, but he put his recording onto youtube, and the comments there too were filled with "Oh the game tried so ahrd it's not smart enough to act as pretentious as it is", and appearent to other comments, that was a running theme in twitch chat too. I think it boils down to a standpoint such as Maze stood for. Most gamer nowadays might prefer a more Action packed game with awesome mechanics and graphics, and people that enjoy games such as this, games that invoke critical thinking, seeing past the curtain that lies between Developers and Consumers, those people get ridiculed as being "Pretentious" for not fitting into the norm, and causing games to be made that don't fit to the tastes of the broad majority. I myself am quite the fan of TES games, same for Fallout. But I have to say, the lore portions have been cut down somewhat in regard to their respective predecessors. Now, I understand that is a tactic for marketing, and of course the Devs/Publisher wnat to make a nice profit by opening the games to a wider user base. But running around, screaming and stomping your foot will not help the problem at all, it just makes you look immature. I know, this is getting rather long too, but I'm not yet finished. To me, it also seems that values such as critical thinking, or slowly on a dying path. As example of hat I mena, I can go to the topic of empathy. Studies do have shown that it is a trait getting more rare in future generations, and such as many users of the internet call anything leaning towards emotional content, dealing with depression, and uttering fears and worries "edgy", so do those that just do nto want to overthink something like a game, call people that enjoy that category "pretentious". Those were my two cents about the topic, and please, take it with a grain of salt, I'm not an expert on anyhting of this, but just my personal oppinion and experience. May your path be safe, but not free of challenge.
@0RecklessAbandon0 9 жыл бұрын
Holy shit Dr. Venture is in this game too? I thought it was just some random indie title.
@RodRRps 9 жыл бұрын
nice video! did you think about doing a video about the talos principle?
@CastorQuinn 9 жыл бұрын
There is one specific thing they could have done to turn this from a 90% game to a perfect game. After I spent ages building my own game, I expected to fail, that what I made was dull, and boring, even if it passed testing, and that what I should have done was making a unique, stupid game that ignored the rules and released it against advice. Then it would have failed, but a handful of people would have really enjoyed it. If they'd done that, I think it would have underlined the game perfectly. Without that, I agree, the end sequence, as clever as it was, just contradicted the rest of the experience.
@terminalglimmer 4 жыл бұрын
Damn, Nick Valentine's having a pretty shitty day.
@MDK-fo7jw 9 жыл бұрын
11:45 - Yes.
@Gooshnads 8 жыл бұрын
It's disheartening to me to see how games are no longer like this at all, and that a game needs to remind us to do this. Messing with the geometry of the maps was great in Counter Strike 1.3 - 1.6, messing with weird mountain ledges or buggy things contained in the game. Hell even the old Spyro and Crash games rewarded that kind of play.
@sbpattman96 8 жыл бұрын
Does the girl in this have the same name as the game Dev in Beginners Guide?
@dbartholemewfox 7 жыл бұрын
Seems so
@NameOfRain 3 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly. Might be fun to replay The Beginners Guide.
@Nazareadain 9 жыл бұрын
I think you're supposed to extrapolate based on the previous themes as to the meaning of the end segment; it's like you don't put it into that context - does it really need there to be a comment on boredom meters being bad when you've essentially gotten that commentary earlier?
@docpepperclassic 9 жыл бұрын
Just curious, do you have a Steam curator page? I'd be curious to see what games you would recommend and why.
@digitaljanus 9 жыл бұрын
docpepperclassic He does!
@AspelShuyin 9 жыл бұрын
Oh, I thought this video would be about the concept of the Magic Circle.
@a.dennis4835 5 жыл бұрын
Personally, I liked this game but I feel the full price (I got this on sale) is too high.
@kirbyza 9 жыл бұрын
2:25 Fallout: New Vegas did it. Morrowind did it (well, to some degree).
@Jorvard 9 жыл бұрын
Cactuar512 And it was awesome. So awesome I dearly missed it in Skyrim. (Especially concerning these respawning commanders in every army camp)
@kirbyza 9 жыл бұрын
Jorvard It was indeed really awesome. I don't like to go on killing sprees, but it's nice to know that the world will actually react if I do and not just make essential NPCs invincible like in Fallout 3 or Skyrim.
@RainbowPowerRangerX 9 жыл бұрын
Cactuar512 Dark Souls did it too!
@patriongodoffinancialgainf6301 9 жыл бұрын
Cactuar512 Yeah, but i know some people will go on a killing spree when they played the starting area over and over and over. And in Fallout NV there are so many ways to play the game you may want to play it some other way and the story starts being a little bit boring. So you try to kill anything you see... But at that point you may know the story already and don't care what will happen until you see something new.
@Jorvard 9 жыл бұрын
Tr lawi0 And New Vegas even shows you new plot arcs when you kill the important people. And that's plain awesome.
@algaedrone1833 9 жыл бұрын
Why do you not allow comments on so many of your videos?
@NotaroName 9 жыл бұрын
List of games about games: Spec Ops
@Minneamations 9 жыл бұрын
Great video
@Khanstant 9 жыл бұрын
Huh, game sounds interesting enough I had to stop watching your video. I'll watch it after I've formed my own opinion, don't want to corrupt mine as it were :p
@Superspider51 9 жыл бұрын
Hey Errant Signal I think I found a good topic for a future video about "Stealth Etiquette" I first read about that topic here And it would make a interesting video. I hope you read this comment and decide too make that video cause I agree with most of the people in that fourm.
@ryPish 9 жыл бұрын
Wow. I'm allowed to express an opinion now?? I don't know how I feel about that... I was told the internet is full of hateful ogres and other trolls. ...I think I'll just shut up, to be safe.
@huuuuuuuuman 9 жыл бұрын
In silence there is safety, In ignorance there is bliss, remember these things.
@akshaydevkarama3277 9 жыл бұрын
Do a video an the metal gear series
@UpstreamNL 9 жыл бұрын
Back to YT comments? No more reddit thread...?
@prettysailboat 9 жыл бұрын
i learned nothing
@BenDover-jy1wy 9 жыл бұрын
Wait, what happened to no comments and only a sub reddit?
@loscopihues2343 9 жыл бұрын
what happen with the reddit thing?
@superfudge6428 9 жыл бұрын
Where might I find this game?
@cordia96 9 жыл бұрын
jaylan harvey Steam. Official website directs directly there.
@OH-tj4qn Жыл бұрын
erick last brooo you can keep the breeding mechanics just do some linear optimization / diff eq memes to come up with a formula that easily adapts the breeding rate to VRAM limits. im actually getting heated about this fictional tech lead that just axed a whole feature - a whole USER EXPERIENCE, an entire CONTENT - for "memory" constraints. if ur making this game for console players, then they don't give a shit about frame rates anyways. they're on console. very un-Jobslike tbqh and not innovative
@DanuelNuel 9 жыл бұрын
To be frank - i don't care about devs. I don't care who they are, about their problems, gender or any other personal shit. I only care about games.
@hazeman671 9 жыл бұрын
A comment.
@fanboy58 9 жыл бұрын
hazeman671 A reply.
@TheMajorJF 9 жыл бұрын
fanboy58fanboy58 Boredom [--- ] Game lost... Try again? Y/N
@sgtStones 9 жыл бұрын
fanboy58 FIRST
@voiceofreason467 9 жыл бұрын
You know, the one reason why it is that I hate Anita Sarkeesian is simply the fact of the matter is that we could have had game critics such as yourself talk about gender representations in games and get a much more elevated discussion of the issue. Instead we're stuck on defending games from feminists that call it sexist because their are tropes that it uses that they don't like. That and critics such as yourself obviously don't get the recognition you deserve.
@Nipah.Auauau 9 жыл бұрын
Devan Evans Haven't you heard? Errant Signal totally drank the cool-aid, bro.
@voiceofreason467 9 жыл бұрын
Osutin I really haven't seen any kind of support he's given towards Anita at all. All I have ever seen from time to time are some of the people on reddit throwing in their hats with her and also essentially speculating on whether or not he does support her. So until ES himself comes forwards and says as much, I am going to assume he's either neutral on her or (which is the most likely position he could take) doesn't give a fuck about her.
@Coffeemancer 8 жыл бұрын
But how is this game misogynistic?
@FreakyBarberStuff 9 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed your content in the past, because you brought up interesting questins about gaming and you contemplated games from a different perspective than most people. You focused more on game mechanics, while also elaborating on the history of some genres or games. I'm not saying that I'm not enjoying your content nowadays, but I must agree with some other commenters that you're going in a really (for the lack of a better term) artsy hipster way with your videos. I also think that games are a form of art and nobody sane can deny that, but I noticed that you're focusing way too much on artsy indie titles and it comes off as prententious pandering to this really niche audience. I get that you like indie games, and you're all for indie devs, I like a ton of indie titles too, but you're getting a little stale. I'm not going to unsubscribe or anything, because like I said, I enjoy your content, all I'm asking for is some variety.
@AdeptusForge 9 жыл бұрын
I must say, I find your critique increasingly useless to any sort of audience that isn't in the philosopher niche you're catering to. I don't see any real use in your critique except for people who'd consider themselves gaming gourmands. I see more knowledge being gained from watching videos of analysis of game economies, and those are nearly twice as boring as this. I used to enjoy some of your stuff, but when you strip away enough layers of any bit of media, you basically just start talking philosophy, and I find that there is nothing more pointless than people thinking about thinking things about other things. Unsubbed, and may Cthulhu have mercy on your soul.
@ErrantSignal 9 жыл бұрын
Steffen Simmons Thanks for reminding me why I turned comments off to begin with! (thumbs up)
@Kainte 9 жыл бұрын
Steffen Simmons I feel like you have some sort of point somewhere in there, but are you really antagonizing the idea of bothering with the philosophy of games? You use the word niche, but these types of pieces are highly undervalued and highly applicable to anyone that cares about games in general, and imo, if you can call a channel thought-provoking, which is basically what philosophical means, then KZbin is certainly a better place for it.
@AdeptusForge 9 жыл бұрын
Errant Signal If you're going to be this petty about it, you might as well turn em back off again.
@Bottlecappu 9 жыл бұрын
Errant Signal are you going to run to SA and cry about entitled gamers now?
@voiceofreason467 9 жыл бұрын
Errant Signal Oh don't listen to the sowerpuss, I just added the title to my wishlist, keep doing what you're doing.
@juicyd9233 9 жыл бұрын
That's the kind of game I've wished you give it a look
@Drprophetius 9 жыл бұрын
I have to say that whatever whatever: The Magic Circle is a important game and I'm glad it was made.
@akshaydevkarama3277 9 жыл бұрын
Do a video an the metal gear series
Errant Signal - Blendo Games (Spoilers)
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 105 М.
Errant Signal - Alien Isolation (Spoilers)
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 141 М.
Mom had to stand up for the whole family!❤️😍😁
the balloon deflated while it was flying #tiktok
Анастасия Тарасова
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黑的奸计得逞 #古风
Black and white double fury
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Errant Signal - The Stanley Parable
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Errant Signal - Sim City (2013)
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Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor (Spoilers)
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Errant Signal - Sunset (Spoilers)
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 66 М.
Errant Signal - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 127 М.
Errant Signal - Beyond Earth
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 91 М.
Errant Signal - The Beginner's Guide (Spoilers)
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 223 М.
Errant Signal - Anatomy (Spoilers)
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 133 М.
Exploring Nightmares in Hypnagogia
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 55 М.
Androids, Fires, and Spooky Subway Trains - Blips 9
Errant Signal
Рет қаралды 44 М.
Mom had to stand up for the whole family!❤️😍😁