Children of Doom 1998: Half-Life
Exploring Nightmares in Hypnagogia
TikTok: Life on the Algorithm
A Silent Film Horror Game!?
2 жыл бұрын
2 жыл бұрын
GoldenEye 007 (Children of Doom 1997)
What if WarioWare But Skeletons?
Gaming In the Quarantine Years
3 жыл бұрын
The Polite Horror of Pamali
3 жыл бұрын
Marathon: Children of Doom Episode 4
Fortnite: The Party That's a Platform
@SimplexPL 32 минут бұрын
You can autosort inventory by pressing T, vaporize everything by long-pressing V, move items between inventory and storage instantly by shift-clicking instead of clicking and dragging. The best part - the game never tells you about those shortcuts.
@dougcarey2233 18 сағат бұрын
The Cube reminds me of the ghosts in Destiny.
@butt317 2 күн бұрын
That strike mission in SWAT 3 sounds utterly vile...
@JoeKllr 2 күн бұрын
Really appreciate you soldiering on with this series and getting to hear well-considered evaluations of lesser known titles in particular. Not to discount your take on System Shock 2, but where else am I going to learn about Kingpin, Requiem or the Wheels of Time tie-in game.
@MMercM 2 күн бұрын
as someone who ran THROUGH a demo disc of redline as a kid, seeing you play it for five seconds and struggle to get past simple geometric objects was deeply relateable. redline is less a game and more a hitbox-navigation crash course
@JoakimfromAnka 3 күн бұрын
@SteveMacSticky 4 күн бұрын
Your review style is good
@machopi 5 күн бұрын
you: 20 min rant about the morality of pixels me: haha americanoid head go pop
@Iggy_Dogg 6 күн бұрын
34:35 Agent 47 is a lot of things, but he's no Brit. None of his 5 dads were British, and he was "raised" in Romania. He has English citizenship, but he has Citizenships in the US, Romania, Germany, and Switzerland as well.
@Iggy_Dogg 6 күн бұрын
My dad's all time favorite video game :)
@MarioVelezBThinkin 7 күн бұрын
I'm excited for that next video. I am about to run through the original deus ex for the first time ever. Loved human revolution even with it's jank it felt like they accomplished what they set out to do and I love the new game plus mode. have yet to actually finish mankind divided. But I'm ready to go for it this year.
@Iggy_Dogg 7 күн бұрын
@TheStrayHALOMAN 7 күн бұрын
This movie had the perfect bond depiction.
@albertgore7435 7 күн бұрын
God I hope this means the enhanced edition is coming soon.
@Iggy_Dogg 7 күн бұрын
1:07:05 Dark Souls is not bullshit hard
@b0tster 8 күн бұрын
omg yes ill never tire of system shock 2 discussio- ORBB 🗿
@khan6690 8 күн бұрын
had some good dreams falling asleep to this video and ur soothing voice, thanks mr signal
@gabriellleonster8719 8 күн бұрын
I don't know, i kinda like the ending. The self-proclaimed godess desperately tries to save herself with a last manipulation tactic, and he just with responded with "lol, you wish"
@Josep_Hernandez_Lujan 9 күн бұрын
Quake 3 is much more "a child of Doom"?
@TheJellitin 9 күн бұрын
Very funny to hear the point at 13:00 in light of the recent Elden Ring DLC stuff
@InternetStudiesGuy 9 күн бұрын
F*** you AVP was great. Deeply flawed, but also great.
@camerongranger6301 9 күн бұрын
This video still feels like it was made like, this week lol. Feels like things have gotten even more dire now.
@sudd3660 10 күн бұрын
they remade the wrong system shock, system shock 2 is the classic i know of. it may crush the brand and it all ends here in this sad little game.
@GamerTheoryOfValue 10 күн бұрын
This video aged pretty well except for that one line “in its view sprawling suburbia is just lazily wasted space.” Now we know that it is.
@sneed890 10 күн бұрын
I strongly dislike that you write off SWAT 3 entirely because you disagree with its premise because of how ideologically captured you are. Even though I'm closer to how you feel about things in regards to politics, I think this really poisoned the video for me and has made me decide I'm not going to watch your channel again. Unfortunate, because I enjoy videos about niche 90s PC games, but this missed the mark for me. Try again next time when you can stop being a terminally online midwit.
@dosbilliam 10 күн бұрын
"You're in my spot, sir."
@stevejakab274 10 күн бұрын
So it's a bit early in the timeline you're doing, but do non-fps games made with the Doom\Quake\etc engine still count as "children of Doom"? Specifically, I'm thinking of the RPG Anachronox (2001), which was made with the Quake 2 engine (heavily modified).
@TheRojo387 10 күн бұрын
It should have given gas giants to scout and mine for gas.
@karry299 10 күн бұрын
Yeah, let's have a multiplayer shooter with Jedi mindtrick powers and resurrection powers instead of boring guns...wait what ?
@DrMateen36 11 күн бұрын
Best half life video i have seen and i have seen plenty.
@station0201 11 күн бұрын
Signal boost! Love ya, Brother, been following your work for 10+ years now
@tankermottind 12 күн бұрын
Nam actually *was* a Duke 3D mod, it was an elaboration on the mod Platoon, which ran on the original Duke 3D and was very well received at the time. Platoon was notably much less difficult and unfair than Nam. Platoon also was ripped off by Jesse Petrilla as a base for his horrendous War on Terror exploitation shooters Quest for al-Qaeda and Quest for Saddam, which were not just as racist as you'd imagine, but actually ten times more racist than that, with the "highlight" being a much smaller, dumbed down knockoff of the famous White House level from Duke it Out in D.C. that represents Osama bin Laden's palace, which ends when you discover his harem of camels (yes) in the Not-Oval-Office. Most of the artwork in those games was looted either from Platoon or other Duke Nukem 3D or Doom mods with light editing, and the game behavior comes straight from Platoon.
@deltafreshrelics1660 12 күн бұрын
I started this series on the first episode because I’ve played all these games of the 90s. Then it became less about the games and more about anticipating which titles in each episode would get your liberal injection of political and societal views. Granted, it took a while, but it finally wore through on me at SWAT 3 on this episode.
@IdahoBookworm 12 күн бұрын
Weird take on SWAT, especially for a series that's supposed to be about putting games in the context of their time. I played it in 1999, and at the time it felt like a departure from all the other shooters that expected you to blow away everything no questions asked. This one judged you for shooting people. I remember being astonished that I had to shout for compliance and only shoot if someone was literally raising their gun - that I was expected to accept the danger of getting my vulnerable SWAT officer killed because that was the right thing to do. Far from "bootlicking," at the time this felt like a direct repudiation of the mindless violence of every other shooter. Also, keep in mind 1999 is the era of Cops, not George Floyd. Portraying the police as the good guys was not widely considered problematic.
@Joysweeper 13 күн бұрын
It feels strange that I only know System Shock and Quake 3, out of this year's shooters! Previous years I always knew of several, as cool things I couldn't play lol. Huh! Glad to hear that you still have more thoughts on System Shock. That was one of the ones that dominated my imagination as a kid.
@JohnnyEscopeta 13 күн бұрын
It's good too see someone talking about System Shock 2 in a genuine way, no blind praise like it's an untouchable cult gem. It has plenty of flaws, and I'm looking forward to a truthful analysis of Bioshock later in the series too. As usual, excellent essay.
@DeadpoolX9 13 күн бұрын
1:00:15 Yeah that's pretty interesting how even back then the cross pollination of the industry led to an entire wave of WW2 shooters. I always thought it was cause of Wolfenstein but I suppose Wolfenstein never took the cinematic realism angle and it actually was Medal of Honor that kickstarted it. How attention from the mainstream leads to these giant ripples in gaming.
@PROSTO4Tabal 13 күн бұрын
1996-2002 was huge years for 3D gaming
@det.bullock4461 13 күн бұрын
Wheel of Time has an odd place in canon in that the game tries very hard to not contraddict the novels that were already out at the time but at the same time you can tell that some parts just can't take into account the books that came after it so they fill the gaps as best as they can. Some parts are also different due to gameplay limitations, for example Balefire in the novels is not a sort of railgun that passes through walls but something that delets things and people from reality that has to be calibrated by the caster to avoid overshooting the target or delete its existence hard enough to make it/them cease to exist too far into the past (and yes, it's a plot point in the books) but regardless of how powerful it is it kills on contact and casting strength only influences the distance, the area affected and how far in the past whatever hits it ceases to exist (it also deletes souls from the cosmic reality barring any reincarnation or resurrection, even the bad guys balk at its use). The game was my introduction to the saga (in Italy publication was spotty until Fanucci got the rights in the early 00s) and I enjoyed it so much I also bought the books when I spotted them in a bookstore some years later, I enjoyed it all the same without knowing the saga so I think it's accessible enough for those that don't know it.
@pinkcloudsnightlightbell 11 сағат бұрын
a delete button type of sorcery sounds intense, woah.... only a tv show watcher, and tbh, i enjoyed it okay, but now im really curious about the video garme
@fantabulisticous 13 күн бұрын
your mentioning the ways haunted by a "demonic force" made me laugh. you WISH it was just demons.
@chintex_ 14 күн бұрын
This series rules. Just binged the whole thing on the recommendation of TBSkyen.
@KyrickYoung 14 күн бұрын
Wake up babe, new errant signal just dropped
@ight_of_heart 14 күн бұрын
Remember when completely independent pure little governments united to create a completely independent global organization to stop the influence of mega corporations over an event that happened in outer space but was diligently reported by the completely independent media
@64powered 14 күн бұрын
Streets mentioned me: I SKIPPED 1:13!
@robert.sec2 14 күн бұрын
The single FPS I was allowed to play as a kid was Catechumen, a bizarre christian game (that I can't figure out how to play on modern hardware, alas) where you get different swords that let you shoot beams of virtue at demons and roman soldiers. Given my unfulfilled desire to pick it up again, I am looking forward to trying out Requiem lol
@AudioSuede 14 күн бұрын
I'm honestly surprised considering how dominant war games became that you choose System Shock 2 over Medal of Honor, especially since you already covered SS1 in so much depth
@fluffydestroyer8336 14 күн бұрын
@someguywithabird8703 14 күн бұрын
- I'm curious what build Chris plays SS2 with the most. - The idea that while working on this series, Chris somehow found a nemesis in the form of Xatrix Entertainment, that's just hilarious. Though that arc is probably over now since I can't see him disliking RTCW.
@ErrantSignal 14 күн бұрын
My go-to is a hacker who knows his way around pistols/shotguns and *maybe* by the end game has enough exotics weapons to wield the crystal or lightsaber. I actually very rarely play with psionics, but I made a point when playing the game for this video to try that path - and I ended up enjoying it quite a bit!
@karry299 10 күн бұрын
The first and last good thing Xatrix did was United Offensive. Everything else was...
@subhazard4297 15 күн бұрын
Campster, you're handwringing too much. No one's going to deduct your credit score if you don't tell us that nerds liking a game with poor criminals in it is not a virtue. Makes me feel like you desperately want us to know you're a Good Person (tm). No one even played kingpin. No one thought it was rad. the handwringing about swat was also extra eyerolly. We get it dude, why can't games from 20-30 years ago be as enlightened as we are today? Are they stupid? Sincerely, Someone who has watched you since your Spec Ops: The Line video 11 years ago.
@ErrantSignal 14 күн бұрын
I love the idea that these can't be my honest thoughts - that no one would play a game and walk away with these opinions were it not for the pressure to have the "right think" about a game. I'm not "handwringing," kid. I'm doing criticism.
@DoctorCyrax 13 күн бұрын
Lmao what a delusional take. Speak for yourself. Kingpin actually reviewed well in the EU gaming mags. Played the hell out of it as a kid. And so did many of my friends / people I know. You youngsters think you're the 1st ones to ever exsist, and no one before you played games l o l. Meanwhile back then, games were much more special. Reading your whole spread out essay, i'd say you fit in the special cat as well
@subhazard4297 11 күн бұрын
When I pretend that the ‘indoctrination theory’ of Mass Effect is real, it makes me feel something different about the third game, than if it wasn’t. Duke Nukem 3D makes me feel different things depending on what lens I’m looking at it through (and each are vastly different feelings, positive and negative). When I remember that a game was the first of its kind and a rebellion towards the status quo, I don't let the fact that it's been cloned or copied 10,000 times by other people color my opinion (Think of DayZ, Doom, PUBG, Minecraft, Dark Souls. Great innovators that were all copied to death. Shit you're writing a massive forever series about one of them now! So you must already do this) I’m asking you to treat these things with the same level of depth and understanding as you do everything else, as these thoughts stand out as especially shallow compared to the rest (hence why I didn’t think they were your own), which gives me an icky feeling. It makes the review feel cheap. I am left to conjecture that the thoughts are either performative-only given their lack of depth, or underdeveloped, and since I’ve rode along with you in your channel for over a decade now, it seems more likely that you would never underthink something on accident (Most impressive realization I’ve seen you have, was during your critique of The Beginner’s Guide, but I won’t spoil it here for others), so then I have to come up with an answer for why you would do it on purpose, which might be the same reason why a lot of people do it on purpose, social proof and fitting in.
@poisonedlava 15 күн бұрын
Always a pleasure to see you on my feed :) content is still top notch as always!