A good friend of mine is an ESFP, cuts through all the bullshit and gets down to business, The Art of Flow so aptly applies to her. There seems to be this stereotype about them being vapid impulsive people, and while she can be impulsive she's far from stupid but one of the most intelligent people I know. If her mind is set on it, she will achieve it to the highest degree.
@lillianhorn1070 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate this! Your videos on ESFPs are my absolute favorite. They dive a good deal deeper than many of the videos playing off of stereotypes. As an ESFP who doesn’t drink or party, it is very refreshing to hear insight that capitalizes on cognitive function though I’m sure many people enjoy stereotype based videos.
@veritasvanburen_ Жыл бұрын
It’s interesting how much of this applies to ENTJs too… due to them having third slot Se which can manifest as being quite impulsive. I’ve had a lot of friends who are both ENTJs and ESFPs, and they daunt me (INTP) for near identical reasons. 😅
@franoufranou2081 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree ! I'm an INFJ and one of my best friends is ESFP. She acts first but thinks deeply on her actions afterwards. I think deeply before I act. As we share Ni and SE but in a different order. We share the love of good things and contemplation as well as curiosity about new experiences, even though she puts them into action more often than I do (I spend more time daydreaming about possibilities). She is my most openminded friend and is surprisingly deep.
@Chigger Жыл бұрын
My sister's an ESFP, and she's really learned how to take what comes and use it to her advantage.
@samuelmyllyaho6066 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate this! Out of the sensory types propably ESFxs are the least discussed
@NevertahnProduction Жыл бұрын
probably bc most ppl think theyre the most stupid. its a pretty hateful and ignorant community
@ivynyan Жыл бұрын
I use the functions within the XSFP and XNTJ types and I related to this a decent bit. I used to be pretty good at just feeling things but it's gotten harder as I've gotten older as people began to expect explanations from me. Communicating is good, but I don't always know why I feel something...yk? I just do. Anyways, loved the vid :3
@YouilAushana Жыл бұрын
I'm not your average INFJ and I might disagree with how amazing people really are, the intellectualism of emotions is my biggest flaw and not staying in the moment. Mostly, just to put people first and not trying to make them feel too bad about themselves, might hold me back.
@mafateo3 ай бұрын
Laughed at 0:39 - 0:52 😂 I didn’t realize zen monks and ESFP can have something in common 😂 and then being a big ball of energy like a tornado can never be truer. Agree with this video 100%!
@raycaster4398 Жыл бұрын
Penny from 'BBT,' classic ESFP.
@MrDarkAkuma Жыл бұрын
That Action part of the 3 types of flow is kinda loud!! Lmao.
@reidentifying5 ай бұрын
@Amaend8 Жыл бұрын
Uh man thats so funny i call em surfers
@KathrineMarie4 Жыл бұрын
I feel seen in a positive light🥹 But I am still in doubt, do we esfp go with the flow or are we reactive? Are we less reactive when we listen to our Fi and then we can go with the flow and embrace our feelings and act from our values✨ But then again, then we often go against. Against what is expected from society and maybe then we go with our own flow✨ ~ esfp