Christianity and Artistry tend to have this sad dissonance, where they almost go not in a troubled "Y" shape, but a tragic "T" shape. Though God made our world lovely, special, eye-popping and complex, some familiar forces move to make things very flavored one way alone, tuning things to the key of "boring." God's so far from boring, from dead text and big, empty buildings! From music that all sounds the same, filled with hypnotic tones and repeated/recycled words. There is a "comfort" found on the other end of the "T" road, there is honest, bleeding, good art... sometimes. Watching a "good" film can be done under heavy-handed, Christian watch, but there's few and they're similarly themed. Many notes fall on deaf ears, even for those who agree with some of the message being crammed into every, tiny, empty space. Leaving some to ask "who is this movie for?" The lost soul feels judged and the believer feels coddled or fear-stabbed. "Am I not enough, trying hard enough, doing enough?" As if Christ didn't know we were dirty when He bought us in blood. Then there's the art world where there's pumping blood, colorful life, but it's sharp-edged and kinda' hates our kind RIGHT off the bat. While saying they welcome all, open-mindedly, loving them. Not meaning to rant, there was just no one else here and I love your content. Thanks a ton, if you read this. Achievement Unlocked: Cussing Christian. TD;LR, yeah, bro.