Thanks for the talk. Hope Raffaella read the below comment. Existence is time. Change is flow of time. When there is a sub system of the universe that is cyclic, only then we can measure the rate of flow of time with the resolution of period of the cycle or fractions there of. Time only flows in one direction - before to after. When universe reaches an equilibrium and where the entropy is maximum, as long as there is change in configs time still flows. The initial incorrect use of the word "forward" with respect to the direction of flow of time has misled us to think reverse flow of time is a meaningful concept. The forward and reverse are not an absolute ideas just like Up and Down are not absolute ideas in remote, empty interstellar space. There the Up is where our head is oriented relative to our feet. IMPORTANT NOTE: I am talking about time of physics - not psychological time that humans perceive. Microphysics is not time reversible in physical universe. It is is velocity reversible and only in idealized situations. Billiard balls are hotter after collision. Also the forces of gravitation and static electricity do not (presumably) change their direction when the time is reversed. So the microphysics may not be acceleration reversible. Time reversibility of microphysics is only a mathematical concept. In our universe we do find that Entropy seems to increase in the same direction of the apparent direction of time flow i.e. past to present. It is just a statistical phenomenon and not a fundamental law of physics. But the increase in entropy is not the reason for the direction of flow of time. It may be that our senses and the way we perceive time, which is what I call psychological time, has been trained to relate the direction of flow of time with the increasing entropy. But as per the Janus point theory of Julian Barbour, the entropy may have fluctuated towards the big bang even though the physical time was flowing from past to present. The video is more about astronomy than about time it seems.
@youtubebane70362 ай бұрын
Very beautiful and intelligent woman and she has a very nice attitude I like her a lot. Thank you sweetheart you are wonderful we need more people like you
@ValidatingUsername3 ай бұрын
Time is absolute, but so is universal coordinates, there is no going “backwards” in space either there is only causal events, you’re using the term backwards to encapsulate two explicitly different phenomenon and it’s a failure of language not an artifact of how the universe actually works. You can “look” or “project” to a previous state of a systems evolution based on time coordinates to figure out their spatial coordinates, but returning to another spatial coordinate or decelerating is not “reversing the arrow”
@vanikaghajanyan77603 ай бұрын
41:53 The asymmetry of time actually implies the accumulation of time, more precisely, history, variety, aging, and the world itself already has many-sided (~ "multi-world") and improvisational (~"probabilistic") properties: 0. Pauli, RT: "Indeed, it is clear that we cannot report the translational motion of the entire universe and check whether this motion affects the course of any processes. The principle of relativity therefore has heuristic and physical meanings only if it is valid for any closed system. However, the question arises, when can a system be considered closed? Is the remoteness of all the masses outside the considered system sufficient for this? The answer, according to experience, says that in the case of uniform and rectilinear motion, this is enough, but for other movements it is not enough. Summarizing, we can say that the postulate of relativity includes the statement that the uniform and rectilinear motion of the "center of gravity" of the Universe relative to some closed system does not affect the processes in this system." 1. Obviously, the opposite is true for an expanding universe. Apparently, the researcher can detect and measure the effect of the aging process in his own frame of reference caused by the phenomenon of global time t(universe)=1/H: ds^ 2=c^2dт^2=g(00)c^ 2dt^2=(1-Ht*)c^2dt^2, where the parameter Ht* it shows how much of the global time has "passed" in its own frame of reference, t* is the measurement time according to the clock of the resting observer, t is the duration of any physical process in its own frame of reference relative to the clock. 2.The observer can measure the increase in the duration of the processes in the laboratory frame of reference: dт=[√ g(00)]dt=[√(1-Ht*)]dt~(1-Ht*)dt
@vanikaghajanyan77603 ай бұрын
----------- *) - If the universe is really 13.8 billion years old, then every day (t*=1 day) the frequency of the relic radiation will decrease: The shift is ∆w ~ 0.2 Hz. Thus, after a series of measurements “over time” and according to the values of ∆w, the age of the Universe can be determined. From the beginning of observations (1964) to the present, the relative shift is: ∆w/w(relic)~4*10^-9. **) - However, calculations show that w(relic)^2=πw(pl)H, that is, H=1.72*10-20sec^-1. 0.Expansion is a special kind of motion, and it seems that the Universe is a non-inertial frame of reference that performs variably accelerated motion along a phase trajectory, and thereby creates a phase-quantized 4-space. And according to the strong equivalence principle: g=|a*|=πcH [=r(pl)w(relic)^2]. And w(relic)^2=πw(pl)H. 1.Real gravitational fields are variable in space and time, and we can now talk about the fact that it is possible to generate a gravitational field in a non-inertial frame of reference (|a|=g).That is, finally achieve global (instead of local in GR) compliance with the strong equivalence principle. 2.According to general estimates, this acceleration is: |a|=πcH: the equations of the gravitational field can be arrived at based on the Poisson equation ∆ф=4πGp, and for a weakly curved metric, the time component of the energy-momentum tensor: T(00)~=pc^2. Therefore, the Poisson equation can be written as: ∆g(00)=8πGT(00)/c^4, where g(00) is the time component of the metric tensor. This equation is true only in the non-relativistic case, but it is applicable to the case of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe, when Einstein's equations have only solutions with a time-varying space-time metric. 3.Then the energy density of the gravitational field: g^2/8πG=T(00)=pc^2, where the critical density value determining the nature of the model is: p=(3/8π)H^2/G. Hence it follows: g~πcH. And according to the strong equivalence principle: g=|a|=πcH. 4.Then the energy density of the relic radiation, that is, the evolving primary gravitational-inertial field (= space-time): J= g^2/8πG=(πcH)^2/8πG=(ħ/8πc^3)w(relic)^4~1600 quanta/cm^3, which is in order of magnitude consistent with the observational-measured data (about 500 quanta/cm^3).} 5.Then all shifts should be shifted in a less favorable direction for the experiment by 127.9 times. 6.By the way, at t(universe)= πт(pl), w(“relic”) was =w(pl); at 1/”H”= t(universe)=380000 years, w(“relic”)/2π was =3.5*10^14 Hz! It follows ∆w=[w(relic)^3/πw(pl)]t*~(1,7*10^-8)t*. Thus, the frequency shift of the relic radiation over 1 year is: ∆w~0.5Hz. That is, the relative frequency shift is ∆w/w(relic)~5*10^-13. And since the discovery (1964), respectively, ∆w=30 Hz, ∆w/w(relic)=3*10^-11.