Falling Into Toxic SoloQ Cycles | Broken by Concept 223 League of Legends Podcast

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Broken By Concept

Broken By Concept

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@johannesisaksson7842 3 ай бұрын
>forget they upload on monday >they upload >day made
@xazarl3381 3 ай бұрын
always help my last hour of work lol.
@C5Z06CarGuy 2 ай бұрын
The most frustrating scenario for me, Is when I’m playing Kayle top, and we have something else that scales like Asol, Kass, Smolder, etc. and my team FF’s before we can even hit our stride.
@DJ_Treu 3 ай бұрын
my fav part of every episode - 0:00 - 0:01 (makes me giggle every time)
@siege1289 3 ай бұрын
The biggest change I made on my climb back to Masters was typing significantly less to my teammates during the game/plays. Not tilting any of my teammates definitely saved me some games that I was losing in the past, which added up in the end. This was definitely one of my hardest climbs to hit masters again, but it never felt it was due to the level of my play. It wasn't until I was getting masters/GMs in my lobby that I felt I was being pressed throughout the entire game (which started to happen in D1). Before that, I spent ~200 games in D4/D3 playing slots, hoping for good teammate rolls. I totally understand why people are frustrated with rank right now; everything seems like a massive cluster fuck from D2 MMR downwards. You really need to have monk mental to win games, but yes, climbing this season is harder than ever before due to the massive shake-up Riot did at the start of this split.
@Gus4ofDiamonds 3 ай бұрын
The #1 educational and 👹MOTIVATIONAL👹 podcast
@SolaceV9 3 ай бұрын
34:09 "I found a way to delude myself into actually believing that I'm still just as good as my peak was, so I can feel better about myself"
@lucky02245 3 ай бұрын
lmfao fax thats actually some of the best cope ive heard
@Brickswol 2 ай бұрын
That describes the top comment under this video.
@bjornneuhauser6636 3 ай бұрын
As a midlaner, I just had a similar win streak to Nathan and encountered a similar problem. Dying too much and constantly skipping fundamentals was exactly what I was doing too. Haven't been able to bring it back yet, but with your knowledge I will.
@wisdomandy9361 3 ай бұрын
I'm a player who mutes all chat and keeps a relatively positive mindset. But as a mid player I seriously struggle with jungle and roam ganks on me in lane phase. When it doesn't happen I carry, when it does I feed hard. Worst part is when I feed in this way it's almost like I forget I'm being camped and just continue to make the mistake over and over. I know what I need to do but I've been playing this way for over 10 years 🤷. I'm so bad with habits that it's awkward for me to level up my skills with macro instead of point to click. Yes seriously 🤦.
@themanhimself436 3 ай бұрын
I'd be extra careful to think about whether you can die intermittently during the laning phase. I often say to myself "if jarvan comes I am probably dead" (or if jarvan comes he is dead) constantly during games even though jarvan only ends up coming like 20% of the time. If you do this you will naturally start taking precautions. It can be deceptively hard because there are so many factors, like how much cc they have, if u have an escape, how strong the jg is, having good damage foresight etc Also warding BEFORE the jg has an oppurtunity to come is a huge lesson, pros often ward immeidately before basing so they come back to lane with as much info as poss
@SKRATCH1988 3 ай бұрын
pay more attention to using pink wards, and wards in general. learn wave management. play safe when your being camped. Jungles won't waste time on ganks that aren't free. I'd be willing to bet most the time you start feeding its in a lane where you should be smashing... so you get overconfident and forget the fundamentals... (exactly what this dude is talking about.) get back to warding, wave management, roaming, and helping your jungle on objectives.
@Bobassuki 3 ай бұрын
It happens regardless of what I play in mid and regardless if I win or go even ( cuz I never lose lane ). It can be as bad as me killing enemy midlaner , going back to base and somehow there is in midlane enemy sona when both of us are not there , her adc is just going tower dived 2v1 cuz she left her lane. For some fucking reason this never happens to me , I will never have jungler or support roam to my lane to get kill idk why.
@Brickswol 2 ай бұрын
31:30 It exists with me at least. I’ve had my mind changed by the positive, never give up player, and we’ve turned games around.
@WvlfeTV 3 ай бұрын
Usually if I feel like I'm falling into a toxic cycle, I have to take a step back because more than anything I favor a consistent mindset
@rustone9829 3 ай бұрын
What a clutch nathan intro. pure satisfaction!
@lolddoss 3 ай бұрын
This one is interesting to me because I have also been struggling with the ebb and flow of limit testing and being disciplined. I find its quite natural and hard to break the cycle manually. Not sure if that's a bad thing. Glad I'm not the only one. Cheers.
@Aanenk 3 ай бұрын
a lot of what it takes to be one of the best is to be able to anticipate well.
@HanyuuHOLO 3 ай бұрын
On the bringing up your teammates discussion: I once had a Varus who literally sold all his items and completely gave up. I was popping off in the game, with mute all and using chat to time summoners like I do every single game (not the popping off part). Eventually the Varus bought items again and we ended up winning the game. For context I'm always master+ I was probably GM at the time and the Varus was challenger, I don't think this would ever happen in low elo, as players wouldn't even have the confidence to win the game after completely giving up like this Varus did.
@anything4751 3 ай бұрын
Winings games should be a side effect of you learning about the game and improving in it
@hiurro 3 ай бұрын
I feel bad for the school segment guy. He's losing his mind because he apparently doesn't know they changed the ranks. He's talking about how he belongs as a masters player because he peaked it last season but now he's stuck in diamond, all the while completely unaware that riot said there were too many people in masters and shifted those ranks back into diamond. Basically he said, look riot I hit masters, and riot said that's sweet but we've decided that doesn't count anymore. You're still diamond.
@miguelvera9465 3 ай бұрын
"It's possible to bring people up?" Personally yes!! When those games are hard and i had someone feed i just play for the dude. Probably comes from being an ex main support, it teaches you theres many ways to win a games; sometimes with your adc, sometimes with your feed carry jg, but in all cases you win with someone! Getting carried is an actual skill and support teaches it more directly but all roles get insane value from it. And being on the reciving end of seing someone had really rough game but they suck it up and play for you is awesome!!!
@MIKAEL212345 3 ай бұрын
32:00 more times than I can count I've read chat where someone says "if the 4/0 mid laner say no, I'm not ffing. If they wanna ff, I will ff"
@austin5218 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience with us it is a gift
@icecoldjuice 3 ай бұрын
love your content guys about your topic at 31:30 I have had multiple games (as the support) where i’m bring the team up in fact i almost see it as one of my jobs. i am constantly saying don’t ff and giving a brief idea of a path forward (ex. we haven’t tried a team fight we have a good comp for that lefts try then ff) and getting the game winnable. my team always responds to positive results to the point where after 2-4 good ones they follow me blindly for better or worth and if we do win they will praise me ( in the post game chat) i’ve even received free skins as a result. I think people like/need a becom of light in there game because it’s refreshing from the toxicity. would love to hear your thoughts on this.
@triez7454 3 ай бұрын
listening to this while getting absolutely destroyed by a huge lose streak and quening once again
@booperbonkerton3814 3 ай бұрын
i love this podcast. it makes me all gooey and happy
@sloesty 3 ай бұрын
Don't play league anymore but still watch it. I got hooked on fighting games because its just more what i want from a pvp game. Games are intense and a one hour session fries my brain. Its super easy to focus on myself, pin down my flaws and practice them in the training mode. I noticed as a result I am also just better at fighting games after a year than i ever was at league. I get that league applies the same principles, but league games took up too much of my time and the team aspect made it harder to focus on my self. It is also impossible to properly practice a league game due to the variables.
@llTheJVlusicInMell 3 ай бұрын
Ive been Master Support/ADC both at different seasons. Ive recently started to play again as a "Mental Gym" kinda stuff cause I feel mentally sharper when I play everyday game or two. Climbing is been hard if and only if I am not playing LeBlanc or Lux Support in Platinum/Emerald. Really like, no point on playing Rell or Thresh if players can't follow properly so I think that MAY be an exception to the point of "you will climb". I WOULD climb but it also WOULD take me 100 more games if I dont play Lux and Le Blanc and cover for my laner's mistakes. Taking free minions after a dead, helping with wave management after a mid laner shadowing my ADC for no reason in bot, for example. Punishing mistakes by myself without needing the damage of other laners. In this case I NEED to play a certain champions to climb FASTER. That is annoying. Or maybe I am bad, but Ive certainly seen videos of Challenger Supports talking about climbing as Support in low elo. They advice picking mages.
@Umneriko 2 ай бұрын
as a mid laner i hate grubs so much. junglers have thrown games so hard by tunneling on them almost every game.
@abdullah_ksa_99 3 ай бұрын
31:45 From my experience it works sometimes it feels like you are carrying a heavy weight on your shoulders and I'll be very exhausted after the game
@rocriex_x6201 3 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, the current state of ranked feel like the worst thing I experienced ever since I started playing it. I took a little break and started the split 1 month after the reset, now I am screwed, playing in lobbys with mentaly broken ex emerald and gold hardstuck and it turns me into just another mentaly broken ex emerald player cause the level of play is just so much worse than what I had before the reset and It just feels god awful to play and watch. I am an Emerald player as described in your podcast. I know what is good, I know what is bad. I hit top 10th percentile of player base and I consider myself shit anyway cause I know how much I do wrong. My biggest problem not getting further in Emerald was mental. So I took a break, now I am back, having to play gold elo games and it broke me in record time. I am probably one of the highest mmr players in those games, and I can't perform because I mentaly break cause I can't cope with the quality I am experiencing. I only played rank to stay fit and improve for amateur competitive scene. I wanted to get a decent rank to find a decent team, but with the current affair of things I just can't even get myself to press play cause it just feels so aweful being stuck in games that are below your level of play. I make like +34 -16. I should get out of there at least partly in no time at all, but it just hurts to much to play.
@Zevrael 3 ай бұрын
Obviously it's a game and/or a hobby, so if you're not having fun, you shouldn't play. But on the other hand, it's insane how much power you give circumstances over you enjoyment of the game.
@wisdomandy9361 3 ай бұрын
I didn't enjoy playing until I muted all and instantly muted my team in draft. I know it sucks to not be able to chat but you can still ping and see pings. If I ever get super tilted the worst I can do is spam people. This helps keep me less tilted and nearly impossible for me to tilt my own team.
@throughtheendlessinertia1915 3 ай бұрын
My season so far has been fine. I got placed a little bit lower than usual at gold 3 and that was after 5 losses in a row. I’m now back where I belong in emerald 4 and the games have been good
@rocriex_x6201 3 ай бұрын
@@wisdomandy9361 I play full mute, that doesn't change a thing, it is not about specific behavior, it is just about the horrible quality.
@rocriex_x6201 3 ай бұрын
@@Zevrael Yes, and some people are competitive with their hobbys, that how some people have enjoyment. And playing the game competitivly on an amateur level is quite enjoyable, the problem is everything else about the game. Playing a game like league purely out of enjoyment for the game itself is mostly done by people who play it occsaionaly and mostly present in the lower ranks, not the people who play it really actively or are quite above average.
@bryanglover757 3 ай бұрын
31:40 Hell yes. If you are 1v9 and havent typed and clearly comming through pings, you CAN turn your team mates attitudes around.
@satoiify 3 ай бұрын
New episode pog!
@AvatP5 3 ай бұрын
The mmr change killed my Hope getting back to my rank. I was emerald 2 split 2, now I can’t get back to emerald. Stuck at plat 4. There are some teams that are just impossible to carry if I get fed as an ADC.
@prestond4065 3 ай бұрын
This is cope. You were elo inflated. I know many people including myself that are back to their normal rank.
@AvatP5 3 ай бұрын
@ prior to emerald being a rank I was Plat 1 but sure.
@mnite2001 3 ай бұрын
I found one of the videos where they say, play until you get 100 lose, if you are still stuck at the same spot then yea, you are hardstuck, otherwise go with the slow and steady progress. Ex plat here, stop for almost a year, started silver with a 43% win rate, play with discipline, keep only a champion pool of 2 - 3, now back on Gold 4 at 74 lost, so I will give myself another 100 lost to see if i am hard stuck and delusional. Hope this helps with your journey. 💪
@throughtheendlessinertia1915 3 ай бұрын
I peaked emerald 2 in split 2 and it took me a month to get from my placements (which I lost all 5 games in a row for) in gold 3 back to emerald 4 which I just got back to last night
@AvatP5 3 ай бұрын
@ awesome, funny thing I lost all of my placements too. On 2 emerald accounts.
@Pyrrha_Nikos 3 ай бұрын
I agree with Nathan's initial point, but I would change the word "slow" for "smart". I don't think you need to play slower, but smarter. Fast decisions but with good, well thought reasons behind it. If someone is overextended and you can punish, no slowing there, snap on them Also, on Curtis' point of the 15 minute game, I find the opposite to be true. I had a bad game, everyone else had a bad game, unfortunate but it happens. It's fine, just turn a clean page and maybe come back to it later if it's bothering me or I'm curious about why it went wrong
@eeyun5279 2 ай бұрын
You guys misunderstood the skool post completely. I find a lot of league players have a reaction to the toxic negativity… they go toxic positive “it’s ALWAYS MY FAULT, ONLY MY SKILL MATTERS, MY TEAM DID NOTHING WRONG… ANYTHING BESIDES COMPLETE ACCOUNTABILITY IS COPE” The guy is making a much simpler point: solo Q is not the same thing as league, they’re similar…. But ultimately different games. The best basketball player in the world may not have the highest elo in a random team assignment queue like league. Things like convincing your team not to tilt is a skill in solo Q that has nothing to do actual league as a video game.
@joaopires8041 Ай бұрын
Some people are more results focused because they never won something important, it's an easy trap to fall.
@MrJoergerbomb 3 ай бұрын
With the skool post, I think you guys missed his point a bit. While what you guys said is true, I think there is some nuance and learning for this guy that I'd be interested to hear your opinions on. Several times in the last couples season, I've gotten stuck 200+ LP below my recent level of play. When I review the games, I see a lot of the same kinds of issues. My laner played a gank wrong and we both had to blow flash. My bot failed tower dive aggro and we went 1 for 3 when bot is our win con. We go for soul point dragon but my mid/top somehow die top and we lose tier 2. At the end of the day, these are my mistakes. I made a play, or a trade on the map, and it didn't work out. However the real problem isn't that these are low percentage plays, they are only low percentage plays at the current elo bracket. In GM these plays would work 95% of the time and win the game, but in diamond they are more like 60%. Maybe I'm biased as someone who usually floats between 200-400lp, but I think this elo bracket in particular is when the game becomes less chaotic, you can make plays and be confident that your team will follow them. You can also be confident on your teammates plays. When you drop a couple hundred LP from this bracket, it really feels like a different game. You have to completely throw away your previous way of thinking/playing and fully embrace the commander and ACE mindsets.
@dumpsterplayer2700 3 ай бұрын
What people think carrying a game looks like (for mid) : Kills 18 Deaths 2 What actually carrying the average game looks like 90% of the time: creating prio on lane, syncing plays with jungler, back pinging stupid plays, creating space for your win conditions, good wards, wasting enemy junglers time Kills 8 Deaths 5. None of this will be present on a statistics screen, but it will help you win.
@lickmytaint166 3 ай бұрын
yeah in all of my mid games where I win, I am usually behind on xp and cs because I am doing nothing but perma roam babysitting teams. If I stay mid and shit on my laner, out cs him, zone him cs, games over because he'll just leave lane and go shit on my bot lane. Mids honestly in such an awful place and its about to get worse
@Obzerver 3 ай бұрын
Disagree. What carrying actually looks like: 1 kill 8 deaths 24 assists, most damage on the team. If you're not able to deal very high amounts of damage you're not going to win games consistently. That's the single most important thing, everything else just sets up for that. If you have perfect warding, never die to ganks, you have pressure in your lane, move first to help your jungler, then you show up to a fight and get 1 shot... you lose.
@sloesty 3 ай бұрын
If you are a mid with 5 deaths you didn't carry shit.
@ngngye 3 ай бұрын
@@sloesty in a 10-16 game, sure. 20-25 25-30 games, slightly more impact on average.
@sloesty 3 ай бұрын
@@ngngye five deaths means you either died a lots early, which puts the game on your allies, or you died in lategame teamfights, Which means your allies carried the fights. As a mid you are almost always in a carry position, so teamfight deaths are absolutely terrible. Alternatively, the game dragged on in which case it got out of your hands. Again: 5 deaths, you didn't carry shit. What i do agree with is that you can pull your weight at 5 deaths and be better than the enemy mid.
@baustero5092 3 ай бұрын
"Falling Into Toxic SoloQ Cycles" Released while i was on one... Nice
@recommended1782 3 ай бұрын
solo q andy think they can understand pro's good take by you guys i also thought it was probably for roaming ahri his bot lane was pushing chovy could have dived and roamed bot
@Rhomfaia 2 ай бұрын
Most people who believe that rank is not tied to how skilled you are at the game are coping, but I could make a case for several things that could make it much harder to climb while not being tied to skill. Most obvious one is how prone you are to tilting and how it manifests. You could argue that not tilting is a skill, I would disagree, but I'll grant that. Take two people who are equally skilled at league in all aspects of league, even how easy they are to tilting, but player A types and rages in chat while player B yells obscenities out loud in their room. Player A would have a much harder time climbing by tilting their teammates as well. That is a case that is arguably tangential, but I can make a case for different skills mattering different amounts for climbing. Take an emerald level irelia and an emerald level yuumi and put them in iron. The Irelia player would have a much easier time climbing because they are on a champion that has an easier time carrying. Downstream from that, there's simply a matter of time, yuumi might have a 60% winrate compared to irelia at something like 80%, they simply have to play many more games, but that costs time, a lot more time. The yuumi player gains an average of 4Lp per game compared to 12Lp per game (assuming 20Lp per game which will be inaccurate and the actual numbers will favour irelia even more), at least 3 times as many games. Games, that they may simply not have the time for. Then there's champion independent skills. Knowing level up timers, or having a strong laning phase in general is far more important for climbing than jg tracking in low to average elo for a combination of reasons. Low elo jgs often do nonsensical pathing and perma gank or never gank and just perma farm, both of which greatly hinder the usefulness of jg tracking. Compare that to the simple task of knowing level up timers for 2,3, and 6, which will consistently get you kills in low elo and let you take over the game. To put it simply, there are skills that let you punish mistakes from the enemy and skills that prevent you from being punished. The former lets you climb easier than the latter, however, the higher elo you go, the more intertwined they become. For level up timers, it starts off as a skill to punish the enemy, but as they get better and better, they too will be good at using them and it becomes a skill to prevent you from being punished as well.
@MHGFTW 3 ай бұрын
I hate Tanks saying they have a good KDA. 9 out of 10 times they're hiding behind me every fight... me, the squishy mage.
@hrdii678 Ай бұрын
Have you ever considered that the tanks standing behind you and you standing infront of the tanks are the exact same thing?
@MHGFTW Ай бұрын
@@hrdii678 It is, but then there's the context of what we're doing. If we're grouped up in front of dragon or baron, I can't constantly back off and stand behind the tank. We have to hold our position. I tend to take a step back to be behind the tank, while I pan the camera forward to look for their backline. It's very annoying when the tank then starts walking back behind me again. If he takes a step back, I have to do the same. At some point it becomes clear we're totally giving up our position, so I end up having to step up. I'm not grouping with my tank for no reason. I'll go roam around, look for picks and farm any lane. It's when there's a teamfight, when I count on the tank to play as a tank. I play as vex. Ideally I want my tank to go in, so I can follow up, and fear everyone. I'm purposely looking to be behind as a follow up. It just gets annoying when my tank starts leap-frogging me on who's behind who.
@Seranir11 3 ай бұрын
"Master 300 LP last split IS Diamond 2 this season" END OF POST REVIEW, Everything he said is a narrative, ripped his head right off LMAO
@mbrstrmn 3 ай бұрын
I main Yorick. I kill my lane opponent, crash a stacked wave, solo grubs, and probably kill the jungler too 🤣
@sandrobarberi4229 3 ай бұрын
League is coinflip. Nothing of this will make you climb. The only thing that makes you climb is to literally spam buy accounts and coin flip your way to your desired rank. Riot uses EOMM matchmaking that pre decides if you will win or lose to keep you playing as much as possible.
@emptywhy 3 ай бұрын
😂 cope
@Alexcv215 3 ай бұрын
Question for you guys. I find myself getting super tilted when I have no vision in jungle when i base back to prep. my support and team does not prep enemy jungle for neutrals with wards or any vision. Yes i am looking at what they are doing because neutrals are nota 1 man mission.... I ping for it 1:30 and again at 1:00 all the way down to 50 seconds. but I am not gonna bait them into jungle to die at 30 or 15 seconds before the objective. So if my ward is now gone or my pink is gone Do i just forfeit all objectives that game or is there counterplay? Or is vision in the enemy jungle prior to the objective not all that important. This happens frequently enough in low Elo that the details get lost but generally i know how to trade a tower or grubs or camps if i really cannot safely contest the dragon for example. I am looking for something more when this is it?
@AccordZeroGG 3 ай бұрын
Whats with curtises seriousness lately? Hope youre alright man
@HanyuuHOLO 3 ай бұрын
Watched every single BBC episode and a LOT of Curtis' channel's content, and I don't see anything wrong or different from the usual with him, he's not your typical 4fun streamer
@AccordZeroGG 3 ай бұрын
@@HanyuuHOLO I watched all the episodes as well and its not like hes out right sad or anything but hes def more serious in the last 3 episodes im also autistic so even small changes in mood are noticable to me which might be why i noticed it at the start here. Just wanted to leave the message in case he wanted to read something nice you know. o7
@isamuelVods Ай бұрын
Where the christmas coupon for WTL!!
@griffen1k 3 ай бұрын
On the topic of the Faker clip, I feel like the majority of players' views on League are too narrow to make such harsh, concrete judgments on singular plays in a series. Most player will never get the opportunity to properly and throughly condition an opponent because they only have one game with them. Higher elo players may bump into each other and over the course of months and slowly condition each other, but even that isn't really applicable to the level of conditioning players can execute on each other in multi game series.
@docfortune 3 ай бұрын
Uninstall and don't look back. That's the only way to win.
@Lioni177 3 ай бұрын
Lets goo
@katarinatop 3 ай бұрын
@lilflossin14 3 ай бұрын
Havent gotten far in the video but one of my toxic traits was just yapping in all chat. Id get camped, accidentally use abilities and summoners trying to type, losinh cs, and just being distracted. It's crazy how much better I've been doing simply by muting all besides my jungle and support
@prestond4065 3 ай бұрын
“I’m a masters level player I just need to improve on carrying diamond games” is such a delusional statement. If he was truly masters skill level he WOULD be carrying diamond games.
@ran0xan301 3 ай бұрын
I realized immediately when watching this that the way I worded things with confusing and that I didn’t articulate what I was imagine very well. When I think of skill I think of mechanical skill. I was offering the idea that you can have the mechanical skill more comparable to that of the average player in a rank higher than you, although that does not mean that’s all it takes to win games. My sentiment in what you quoted was SUPPOSED to be mean, “my mechanical skill may be higher than the other players in my lobby, but I still need to play good league of legends in Diamond lobbies. I can’t just have high damage and high KDA’s and win, like I may be able to do in Gold or Plaitnum.”
@MrJoergerbomb 3 ай бұрын
​​@@ran0xan301 I think I can relate to your sentiment, left another comment already. Basically the issue is that playing well and winning in a high Masters game looks totally different from winning a game in low masters/high diamond. The games are much more chaotic and your role in the game becomes much more dynamic. IMO the real issue is that we are getting comfy around 300 LP and just making cookie cutter decisions, but chaotic games require a bit more creativity and most of all a commander mindset. You can't be a passenger even in games where your role probably should be to be a passenger, it's always on you to control the game.
@lucky_pepe 3 ай бұрын
cool story bro. Playing with my friend on smurf account atm in low emerald, after 12 games winstreak ( every single game mvp, won lane, most damage ) we got hostaged for 2 days already with absolutely unwinnable games , i am still winning my lane every single game 60-70 kill participation 10 loses and 6 wins . Last game we got autofilled toplaner, 35 winrate support and 0 winrate adc ( literally zero, i am not joking right now, dude played 10 games in 2 months and won none of them ) Game quality dropped drastically after this winstreak, and its not about us playing worse or not being able to win vs better opponents, its mostly our team playing against us. More autofills, more autopilot players, less winrates, worse drafts every game. For info i am d2 atm with 8 wins 2 loses on my main account, s13-14 master, my friend was ex d1 player from older seasons. But every single time someone actually talk about this sht being completely rigged someone come with briliancy "there is not enough data, we should get more data its just 20 games, lets talk about how many time u flip coin exetra" . Complete bullshit, i am not blind and i clearly can see what games i am playing, who is my teammates and what is happening in this games. I guess we are not trully emerald players to carry games, we should improve and maybe when we both hit 300+ lp master we can win this forced to lose games on emerald elo, right.
@prestond4065 3 ай бұрын
@ thanks for the essay but I’m not reading all that lmao
@leagueof1vs178 3 ай бұрын
I believe if u go solo the gamers are much easier ​@alekseykocherov5088
@MakZkovich 3 ай бұрын
How are we ignoring that faker lost flash because of that trade though
@Mikenperu 3 ай бұрын
How to get lots of new players to join? instead of a bunch of old men remembering the good ol days?
@Zevrael 3 ай бұрын
1) Who is "they"? It sounds like you assume Riot is making a conscious effort to hold *you* down. Why would they do that? Such a conspiracy doesn't exist. 2) You don't need to carry bad teams. You will still be able to climb if you don't. 3) Streaks can't go on forever, and it's more likely for streaks to end when the odds are stacked against you. That's why it feels like the system conspires to end your winning streak. The rest is in your head. 4) People on the other team do those same things, and they potentially have five of them while your team can only have four (assuming you are not the reason why you lose), meaning you profit from the fact that those people exist. 5) Climbing doesn't necessarily make you a better player, but improving makes you climb.
@БарриЛомов 3 ай бұрын
Let`s turn one of the biggest TEAM-based games into Solo-player game! Let`s turn it into solo-player game, so we can use our AI-technology learn and most effecticly manipulate player emotions, so they pay more and more! So. How do we do it? First of all - we need something to swap other players. Let`s develop AI-bots! If anyone asks - we develop AI-bots for training, while secretly swapping some games with them. Second - let`s encourage the players to PLAY like those AI-bots , so nobody will be able to see the difference! Let`s sponsor educational videos and content makers to spread ways of playing the game, that completly remove the "team" part of the game and makes players focus ONLY ON THEIR OWN gameplay. Third (or maybe this came before 2nd?) - develop matchmaking, that will depend on how good players imitate those AI-bots. They must ignore allies and afk-farm, allow enemy get objectives for free in one match, so in next 2-3 matches they get much weaker enemies, whom they will completly dominate! And let`s call it some word, that if they do it - is doesnt sound like "routine" or "same pattern" or "following instructions". Let`s will call it "Consistency". Strong sounding word for a high-ranking player! If you want high rank - you must play with "Consistency". Edit. All what is above - i wrote after watching only 2 minutes into video. They decided to watch full video and 5.45 he says this: "I have a clear idea-pattern in my brain". It`s rather funny that I started talking about "indoctrination" and then the person I was talking about says something like this.
@jho4977 3 ай бұрын
I just cannot listen to these fuys they arent interesting and their points are often what anyone would think about if they just actuallu gave it some true thought.
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