Fallout 1x06 Reaction

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@CarlosVerza Ай бұрын
9:33 "Reds" would be the USSR, China or communists in general.
@sirianrune198 Ай бұрын
Except they were actually State Capitalists.
@RitwickRazur89 Ай бұрын
ussr was mostly neutered in fallout universe , mostly china
@norberto6005 Ай бұрын
its russia.. russia is the red... china would be yellow... :D thats how we grow up here in the balkan...
@bvbxiong5791 Ай бұрын
@@norberto6005 not in this universe.
@norberto6005 Ай бұрын
@bvbxiong5791 dude I live here. I think I know better then u😀
@corvuslight Ай бұрын
Something to remember... Just because one side is bad, it does NOT mean that the other side is good.
@Poosley Ай бұрын
Whoa whoa whoa you're blowing my mind thank you for this guidance before continuing to watch a TV show
@rastiga9196 Ай бұрын
I still get chills at the music when the new California Republic scene is shown. It is straight from the title screen of the games!
@edwardlwittlif Ай бұрын
Of all the horrifying science experiments in fiction, "death by amphibian matriphagy" is a genuine candidate for one of the top ten most fucked up things I've ever seen.
@alcor4670 Ай бұрын
Would you rank it higher or lower than the stuff done in _The Human Centipede_ movies?
@Scyth0r Ай бұрын
If you don't already know, look up some of the game Vaults. They were certainly.....creative. Gaaaarryyyyeeeee.......
@edwardlwittlif Ай бұрын
@@alcor4670 Oof... I've thought it over and here's where I land. It all depends on which is more drawn out. If you know you're going to face DBAM in Vault 4 from the very beginning of your pregnancy and/or you face horrifying inhuman side effects during your pregnancy, DBAM is worse. Whereas if you're oblivious during your pregnancy in Vault 4, you technically only suffer for a moment and therefore _Human Centipede_ is worse. And now I shall stop thinking about this question entirely.
@edwardlwittlif Ай бұрын
@@Scyth0r Oh, I love the vaults in the games. But honestly, nothing in the games is as viscerally disturbing to me as that moment in Vault 4 in the show. Like, it's horrifying on a primal level.
@x_trio_3_po333 Ай бұрын
The Little sisters in the Bioshock video game is another f'd up experiment. The other one is not an experiment, but death by forced toilet bowl insertion by a monster in "Deep Rising" (1998) is a memorable scene.
@sonofsomerset1695 Ай бұрын
"I wouldn't call that a fish." - Milena 2024
@kumailshah6058 Ай бұрын
Their faces when Max was detailing his version of an orgasm were priceless
@generalmortars7557 Ай бұрын
My favorite little detail about this episode is the fact that for Max, a person with one eye in the middle ("well, a little to the left") is a perfectly normal thing. Like, what kinda mutants has he ran into up there in the surface?
@timothyhedrick5295 Ай бұрын
@9:41 "Reds" was a term popular in the 50s, 60s, maybe even into the 1970s in the USA to refer to communism, or more specifically. the USSR. Pretty much no longer used. Obviously the whole premise is based on nuclear war between the "west" and the "east."
@gork8468 Ай бұрын
It was used well into the 80s as well. It's where movies like Red Dawn and Red October get their titles from. It's only after the Soviet Union imploded that it kind of wandered off for a bit... but don't worry, the way things are shaping up it'll be back in no time.
@rastiga9196 Ай бұрын
@@gork8468 Nah, it will be called the blues this time around. Not the music blues but the feeling of unbearable sadness.
@CarlosVerza Ай бұрын
Many countries still use "reds" for communists, like Brazil for example.
@alexs1640 Ай бұрын
​@gork8468 there are already a lot of people calling those they disagree with communists. McCarthyism didn't end, it's just been repackaged
@YTsupportsZionaziGenocide Ай бұрын
in fallout, "the reds" are china, the battle cooper was talking about is actually part of the war that s in the "operation anchorage" dlc for fallout 3, he was retconned into it.
@killerking5333 2 ай бұрын
people become ghouls because they get exposed to extreme amount radiation
@gork8468 Ай бұрын
With an 'X' factor that's never been fully explained (prototype FEV in the air or drinking water, genetic mutation among humanity that wasn't known about because intense radiation wasn't common, etc). Most people who get exposed to an extreme amount of radiation just ... die.
@toomanyaccounts Ай бұрын
nope. you have to have a virus as well
@candvdz9618 Ай бұрын
@@toomanyaccountsnope, what virus are you talking about? It’s an unknown genetic factor that lets you become a ghoul and not die from radiation.
@Scyth0r Ай бұрын
@@toomanyaccounts Not a Virus, it's a genetic trait. They talk about it in one of the games. For some people extreme radiation triggers a trait that lets their nervous system thrive from radiation, but their soft tissue doesn't, so it rots away while they keep on going.
@abedrayton6398 Ай бұрын
There's also a drug mentioned in Fallout 4 that turns the user into a ghoul. It's how Hancock became one.
@firecat4529 2 ай бұрын
41:16 Thy guy Cooper talked to at the party of his house voices all the hovering robots (like the one that tried to cut open Lucy in 1x4).
@jackhilton4285 Ай бұрын
How the f you commercial 3 weaks ago?
@tsotighguy Ай бұрын
Those "fish" in that nasty birthing scene aren't fish at all, but are a creature recently encountered by them on the show called a Gulper.
@ravenward626 Ай бұрын
Axolotls look similar, if smaller. They are also known for their regenerative abilities.
@ravenward626 Ай бұрын
@18:19 "A fiduciary is a person who holds a legal or ethical relationship of trust with one or more other parties. Typically, a fiduciary prudently takes care of money or other assets for another person". He's basically saying that Vault Tech has a legal obligation to make money for their shareholders. Or in other words ethical and moral concerns must take a back seat to their primary goal of profit.
@toomanyaccounts Ай бұрын
ah yeah a company set out to make profit should make profit by being intelligent about how it is run. Vault Tec has many things to sell and could easily have rebranded and used the existing vaults for other purposes which is what a few vaults were used for such as crop research. the vaults could easily be remade to store important valuables for example
@x_trio_3_po333 Ай бұрын
The moral downside to Capitalism. Unless something else puts a check on greed. I think it was Ayn Rand who had promoted this form of selfish libertarianism. And Vault-Tec is the end result of this philosophy. (Also seen in the video game, "Bioshock", the ultimate Ayn Rand parody).
@toomanyaccounts Ай бұрын
@@x_trio_3_po333 Ayn Rand wasn't a capitalist. She was a covert communist.
@Scyth0r Ай бұрын
It's also a huge hypocritical lie. The only actual responsibility of a public company is to act according to the will of the shareholders. Nothing says that 'must' involve making profit above all else. That's just the assumption/lie that everyone had bought into. If the shareholders voted to sacrifice 50% annual profit and give it to a charity, that would be totally in line with actual basic capitalism. But not the twisted late-stage version it has evolved into.
@edwardlwittlif Ай бұрын
The "fiduciary responsibility" conversation is really interesting, and is a heated topic in the real world today. No spoilers below, btw. The concept, as Coop's friend puts it forward, is that publicly owned corporations have a *legal responsibility* to maximize profits for people who own shares in the company. In other words, since Vault Tec stands to lose all profits if the threat of nuclear war doesn't exist, then Vault Tec would have a kind of legal responsibility to stand in the way of peace. An obvious real-world analogy would be oil companies today; based on Coop's friend's logic, even if switching to renewable energy could mitigate climate catastrophes, oil companies would have a "fiduciary responsibility" to keep people using fossil fuels by whatever means necessary. In practice, that's not exactly how things play out, either in Fallout or in our world. Like Coop's friend *also* says, Vault Tec and other corporations in the show are vastly more powerful than the American government, so they could violate their "fiduciary responsibility" and get away with it. And in the real world, if ExxonMobil was caught in a conspiracy to assassinate green energy scientists or something, they couldn't just say "we were maximizing profits lol" and avoid legal consequences. But what Coop's friend is driving at is (at least in my opinion) a fair argument overall. There is a real world precedent for public corporations getting in legal trouble when they don't maximize profit, and that contributes to a culture in which business owners don't have to take responsibility for doing harm- if the harm was profitable for the business, they were "doing their jobs." So a company like Hershey's can turn a blind eye to child slavery in their supply chain, because most consumers don't know or care about it so it's most profitable for Hershey's to ignore the situation. In this real world example, Hershey's doesn't have a "fiduciary responsibility" to use child slave labor, but the legal requirement to make as much money as legally possible (and the culture that creates) disincentivizes Hershey's owners from confronting the issue. Again, that's just my opinion, though.
@alexs1640 Ай бұрын
Interesting point. Another example would be tobacco, where they had a fiduciary responsibility to pay to hide reports that their products were harmful as those studies coming out would hurt their profits. But I do think in practice that is how it plays out in the real world, because in reality, tobacco companies should have faced legal ramifications for hiding reports that their products caused suffering. But money makes laws and with corporations basically running the US, exactly zero CEOs went to jail for the harm their misinformation campaign caused. Late state capitalism would absolutely burn the world down if there was a profit it in and the law would say that was OK cause it was in the best interest of the shareholders.
@edwardlwittlif Ай бұрын
@@alexs1640 Yeah, my personal opinion is that the power of law & democracy is much weaker than the power of capital in the U.S. and we see the disastrous global consequences of that every day. I just wanted to describe in relatively neutral terms how "fiduciary responsibility" is a specific legal concept which doesn't work exactly like Coop's friend said it does. But there are definitely other ways that the rich & powerful can evade consequences, like in your excellent tobacco example.
@toomanyaccounts Ай бұрын
@@edwardlwittlif lol! Fiduciary Responsibilities means acting in the best interest. a investment planner has the fiduciary responsibility to make sure the investments are properly done hence not into scams or bad investments. fiduciary is an actual job in companies. the fiduciary get paid to make sure payments are done on time to employes and the payment is what is legally supposed to be its not anything sinister
@toomanyaccounts Ай бұрын
@@alexs1640 the thing is you can make cigs less addictive and less harmful and the company would still make tons of money if they were smart
@edwardlwittlif Ай бұрын
@@toomanyaccounts You're giving a general definition. The conversation in the show is more specific than that. It refers to the fiduciary responsibility *corporations* have to *maximize profit* for shareholders under US law. Whether or not that's sinister is a matter of personal opinion, I guess.
@cooliostarstache5474 Ай бұрын
Maximus has unstoppable levels of rizz
@LuisSierra42 Ай бұрын
@jacobd1984 Ай бұрын
I somehow failed to realize Maximus was (badly) flirting with her when I watched the episode, so Lucy’s reaction felt like it came out of nowhere at the time. In hindsight it’s so obvious though.
@manzell Ай бұрын
Lola despairing at not having perfect prescience about what's going to happen in a show is a twist I didn't see coming!
@Deezzy2 Ай бұрын
I was dying when she said "wheres the depressed teenagers, wheres the ones with anxiety"
@elvisibra Ай бұрын
I don't think Hank ever talked about mesh potatos. It just what Steph came up with after cornered by Norm, who did that ecactly so he can "confirm" and make Chet freak out. Also, the fact that Steph answered with a question 1st, means they don't have prepared lines, or she wasn't in/fell out of the loop, or Norm's ambush caught her by surprise..
@gottagowork Ай бұрын
"Rads" isn't radicals, but a measurement of absorbed radiation dose. 1 rad = 1.14 roentgen, think Chernobyl series, but with game logic simplification applied. "Reds" refer to communists, think McCarthyism back in the 50s. At the start of the show, pre bombs, Cooper was referred to as a "pinky", a "communist light". Researching axolotl wrt radiation and their ability to regrow limbs makes perfect sense. As with everything Fallout, they went too far and it all turned sour. Peace talks refer to China's ("the reds") invasion of Alaska and the Battle of Anchorage. By this time, oil resources was getting sparse. Cooper fought there.
@Scyth0r Ай бұрын
One interesting thing they did in the TV show was never explicitly saying who 'the communists' are. Short answer: it's the Chinese, at least in the games. But no way Amazom could get away with that in this show, it would be banned in China immediately. So they just dance around it.
@Urapuppy Ай бұрын
I never realized that they hadn’t mentioned the Cold War was against China instead of the USSR in the show. Went over my head because I just assumed it was known.
@toms169 22 күн бұрын
I, having never played the games, assumed the Reds had to be the USSR. I only learned afterwards it was the Chinese.
@ZachSawyer2077 4 күн бұрын
@@toms169 No, when the USSR in the Fallout universe collapsed, it drastically lost power and influence. It was soon replaced by China as the opposing superpower to the USA.
@toms169 22 күн бұрын
I am not the only one who thought Moldaver was the Ghoul‘s daughter, right?
@walther2492 Ай бұрын
Let me tell you: A lot of the Vaults in the games are really fucked up. And when I say fucked up I mean FUBAR...
@x_trio_3_po333 Ай бұрын
Learning about the Vaults is one of the best parts of the games. Even the so called normal looking Vaults have a sinister history.
@Scyth0r Ай бұрын
The lone Vault Dweller stuck with the Puppets comes to mind.
@amy_grace Ай бұрын
Imagine being an actor and getting cast as "Vault Doctor" and you show up to work and they glue a nose to your forehead 😂😂😂
@stijill Ай бұрын
This is a "normal" occurrence in the Fallout video games.
@Vismark1171 Ай бұрын
I love the Vaults in the show are super tame compared to the ones in the games 😆
@rhonoz1175 Ай бұрын
@x_trio_3_po333 Ай бұрын
The scene where the Vault 4 dwellers were disrobing during their ritual reminded me of a similar scene in "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" (1970). There, the underground dwellers also unveiled themselves to their "god". "Beneath" is the sequel to the OG Planet of the Apes (1968) film.
@Sabor180 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, that "birthing" scene is one of the most disturbing things I've ever watched 🤢
@x_trio_3_po333 Ай бұрын
I watched an episode of the 90's medical drama "E.R." where a patient's eye popped out of his head. The doctor calmly took a paper clip and successfully reinserted the eye ball back into its socket. I'm still disturbed by that scene.
@elvisibra Ай бұрын
Now when you finished the season, should go through lore quickly. Europe and Middle East were in war (nukes and all) already in 2040/50s, US war with China started 2066. It was all for resources that were running out no matter what and no matter who gets last bits and pieces (new way of creating energy and "new world" started looking like the only solution). Great War (nukes) dropped 2077 (23rd October). Oldest factions are the Enclave (shaddow high up organization made of gvt members, military leaders, corporate heads, scientists etc) and the Brotherhood (US Army that changed the name after nukes). And from there it goes. Obviously connects to Vault Tec corporation, and Vaults, while other factions we hear about like the NCR, Legion etc, were all formed after (50, 100, and + yrs) after nukes.
@inspectre27 Ай бұрын
Y'all just made me have a new thought with your talk of rich folk being the ones who went into the vaults. Upper-class people tend to have more formal education but are less "handy." Lower-class people are good at practical things, building and fixing, but may not be so well versed in the humanities and advanced sciences. And these proclivities pass into the ideas of what is valuable to know/have/acquire that they pass on to their children. So, the denizens of the vaults and their descendants would probably be highly educated but poorly suited to practical matters (and we saw a little of this in previous episodes), while those remaining outside would actually be very well suited to "rebuilding society," at least to the agrarian level common prior to the industrial revolution. Just ponderings.
@JoaquinGarcia3-kg1dj Ай бұрын
did you realise that the robot had the same voice of the Ghouls friend? 😂😂
@eltravos99 Ай бұрын
Yes, he mentioned he recorded the voice for the robot for...too little money.
@jens2049 Ай бұрын
They are oblivious
@valenciasainz Ай бұрын
The vaults always have fresh "pork" and "steaks" with no animal farming, remember that.
@gork8468 Ай бұрын
34:50 "I feel like alarms should start" Probably exactly what happened - the security team was there really quickly after the alarm was pulled, which means they were probably already on their way.
@lynetteoliva1256 Ай бұрын
Or, they were just nearby. I don't know because of the way they are in the Vaults, I think they trust u won't go to level 12 since the Overseer says so.
@michaelpayne2484 Ай бұрын
I grew up in Southeastern United States. It is not uncommon to see individuals smiling quite often in the rural areas of the South. So this wasn't out of the ordinary for me. But I am familiar that folks smiling as they pass on another is uncommon elsewhere.
@Madagon367 Ай бұрын
Pretty sure your grand parents from good old Yugoslavia could tell you a tale or two from the time when they were still considered to be Reds themselves and how awesome mother Russia was even back then. ;)
@Kevin_850 Ай бұрын
I wonder where they got that caviar in the gift basket from.
@astraeides11145 Ай бұрын
@eltravos99 Ай бұрын
If something is free then you are the product. Facebook is free...but they also study you for marketing. Same with KZbin same with everything. Nothing is for free.
@SwiftJustice Ай бұрын
under Capitalism nothing is free. Capitalism isn't the end.
@x_trio_3_po333 Ай бұрын
The mystery of Moldaver is not explicitly answered in season 1. I think some hints are given in the finale. But some mysteries need to be left for Season 2 to reveal. I remember LOST had many many season 1 mysteries which were not answered until season 2, or 3, or season 6. But I can confidently say that before season twenty five of Fallout is over that we will get some complete answers. And by then maybe the Fallout 5 video game will finally be released.
@rhaenatargaryen8061 Ай бұрын
That convo with lucy and maximus is so awkward bc they're both weirdly indoctrinated in VERY different ways
@CaptainChedda Ай бұрын
Title for this episode: “Test Subject!”
@amuro9624 Ай бұрын
There's 100's of vaults spread across the US
@teambanzai9491 Ай бұрын
Not hundreds, a hundred-ish or so. As per the game, the highest vault number revealed thus far is 118. In the original Fallout (1997), you begin in Vault 13 and by the end, you if you play your cards right, Shady Sands will become the capital of the New California Republic. Fallout 4 has you as a vault dweller assigned to Vault 111 in Massachusetts.
@amuro9624 Ай бұрын
@@teambanzai9491 that's what 100's mean.
@RitaFeldt Ай бұрын
​@@amuro9624No, hundreds is several of a hundred. One is not several.
@amuro9624 Ай бұрын
@@RitaFeldt oh right. I was high and for some reason it made sense to call that 100's in my head lol
@isaibravo3917 Ай бұрын
Ufff if you think that the woman giving birth radioactiva axolots maybe you might look away if someone sends you stuff to see the vaults in the games. Specially if you haven't finished the show.
@adamsama1673 Ай бұрын
@12:57:😳 Then 33:53:😮😳Hilarious 😂 😂 3rd edit: guys do NOT EVER ask that OK?😂😂
@Scyth0r Ай бұрын
Everybody gets tricked ('trapped') by this episode. Everybody. Even though all the clues to what is really happening in the Vault are right in front of you.
@TheSwordOfTheJedi-u2p Ай бұрын
Not "everybody"... "I" or "some" or even "most". You can't speak for every single person who watched this episode. Considering how hard they were leading us I thought there was a good shot they were trying to lead us to believe that that vault was a bad one when in fact something else was going on. Especially leaving it on a cliffhanger. After all, if it had just been "this vault bad" that would have been too simple and boring.
@Scyth0r Ай бұрын
@@TheSwordOfTheJedi-u2p Every single reaction to this episode I've seen. Every. Single. One.
@firecat4529 2 ай бұрын
9:32 "Reds" are the people from the UdSSR (later splits into Russia and other countries) and "Rads" means radiation I think. 43:41 That is also why that guy talked about the end of the world being a product. 43:48 Since this is a alternate timeline of the cold war it's likely peace talks between the UdSSR and the USA.
@Vaultboy-ke2jj Ай бұрын
Erm no, do you not know the background of the games? It’s China, not the USSR, that are the enemy in pre war Fallout
@davidcostello455 Ай бұрын
Flame Mother
@jens2049 Ай бұрын
I just watched the finale and holy sh!t
@lynetteoliva1256 Ай бұрын
Hey girls! Sorry that u were getting so confused w/this episode. When Cooper is making the commercial & he says the lead casing of the Vault is ..."strong enough to keep out the Rad & the Reds." "Rad(s)" is referring to radiation. "Reds" is an old American term for communists, mainly those in the Soviet Union. In the games, communism is still going strong in the USSR, but the Soviet Union is no longer the main communist Super Power. It is Communist China. The tension between the USA & Communist Countries is almost @ a peak, & Nuclear War is eminent. Vault-Tec profitting off of the creation & selling of Vaults in case of nuclear fall out did not want peace negotiations to succeed. Ok, Cooper went to a "communist" meeting @ a gathering hall in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. It's a real place in Los Angeles, California. They buried old school Hollywood actors there. Anyway, they more than likely met there as to keep there meeting secret. Vault 4- In the commercial we were already told that the Vault was going to be run by scientists, hence the Research Center above the Vault. After the bombs fell, I believe those scientists got their Test Subjects from the surface once people came around wandering into the clinic. Lucy & Max were not test subjects. I just think the sign has always been there. When they were in that room there was a sign on the wall that said "Caution Falling Objects". When Max told Lucy she smelled good, it was probably her pheromones smelling stronger than her BO.😄 We know they're attracted to one another. Level 12- Lola, u were correct that huge thing in the tank that Lucy walked passed was the same type of creature that stole the head. It's called a Gulper. The woman in the video was giving birth to baby Gulpers which did in fact start eating her like piranha. Awful! I can't help but think that those body parts in the jars might be extras that were removed from people. I still think it's funny & cute how u 2 reach for each other when u get freaked out by something.😄 I guess u didn't notice the slight frost on the glass of the chamber the pregnant woman was in. It's a Cryo-Pod. That brings me to Moldaver aka Ms. Williams (in the past). A possible reason she still looks the same is that she had a type of Vault & Cryo-Pod of her own. When she came out of Cryo-Sleep, she ended up becoming a leader of the New California Republic (NCR). Finally, Cooper "The Ghoul" & why he has been alive for so long? Ghouls r created by prolonged exposure to high levels of radiation. They maintain themselves & keep from turning feral (zombie like)by inhaling that medication, it maybe Rad-Away. That's what Max gave Lucy to take away her radiation sickness. A couple of benefits in being a ghoul is a long life span & regenerative capability. In episode 2, when they were in Filly, The Ghoul got shot in the back about 3 times but it didn't stop him, & in this episode he sewed Lucy's finger on to his hand & now his finger is as good as new. The only thing they don't come back from is a shot to the head, like a zombie. These things r why The Ghoul has been around for 200+yrs. I hope I cleared a few things up for u. I really liked this reaction.😊👍
@toomanyaccounts Ай бұрын
the sign Test Subjects that somehow reactors missed in the black and white commercial. Test subjects is common in routine medical research for new aspirins for example
@lynetteoliva1256 Ай бұрын
@@toomanyaccounts Yeah, but we know that's not what they r testing.😉
@scooshtoosh Ай бұрын
"Hi guys, Amalalalalala"
@beforeunderground Ай бұрын
Y'all need to stop milking this, like 1 episode every 2 weeks? Nah I'm good
@Keesha_Hardy Ай бұрын
Has The Bear S3 came out yet where you two live?
@jramostt86 Ай бұрын
Cryo Pods is how alot of these people are still around 200yrs later. Upper management of Vault tech status for those pods.
@internaut4257 Ай бұрын
That’s a spoiler bro, why post this
@alexluna3072 Ай бұрын
Patreon subs, did they do The Boys S4?
@Dark__Thoughts Ай бұрын
9:14 & 20:55 Death to management! 12:55 She's smelling good because she's horny. I love this episode, because of how it turns out, that "the trap" was for the viewers all along. And everyone falls for it. 25:56 It's kaviar. Remember the lady with the fish features earlier? 36:10 Gulpers. That's why the gulper int he show had human features, which isn't the case for the ones in the game. 41:36 They gave you the context clue for that in this episode too, which is very likely the cryo pods. And all ghouls look rotten like Cooper, sooner or later at least. Should've realized that after seeing all the other ones to be honest. Honestly, never seen you two being soooooo far off with your predictions than in this show.
@Wokeundwehrhaft Ай бұрын
You are annoyed about blood drinking in a ritual? May I introduce you to the Catholic Church🤓...
@toomanyaccounts Ай бұрын
many religions have blood drinking ritual including slavic ones. these girls are just ignorant
@david-1775 Ай бұрын
Oh come on !!!! IT WAS A HUGE BOMB !!!! How did you not get that? They are right below/next to Shady Sands that got nuked !
@ernestorodriguez791 28 күн бұрын
@charlesmorris6476 7 күн бұрын
Reds come from the color of the flags, the red star in the Russian flag and other communist countries with red in their flags like China also.
@jens2049 Ай бұрын
How did you study history and not know what 'reds' refers to?
@internaut4257 Ай бұрын
Cuz that’s an American thing probably
@jordannugent1889 Ай бұрын
You guys should check out chainsaw man and jujutsu Kaiden you’d love them!!!!
@AlexC-ou4ju Ай бұрын
the gall of amazon saying capitalism bad
@marcB420 Ай бұрын
@user-pc-gamer7x7 Ай бұрын
live on lush 2
@Deezzy2 Ай бұрын
Hey not gonna lie you may wanna censor the nudity ritual scene so you dont get your video taken down
@creadordepan293 Ай бұрын
Day 11 of asking LM reacts to see gurren lagann
@juliacarlstad4437 Ай бұрын
Play the game... It will all make since then.
@red_isopat 2 ай бұрын
i had to pause and take a break from cringing my soul out 3 times during the "you smell good scene"
@lynetteoliva1256 Ай бұрын
The smell of pheromones was stronger than the BO.😂
@Ray_Fulgent Ай бұрын
Day 30 asking for "The Blacklist".
@michaelpetersen467 Ай бұрын
they dont teach about the cold war in serbia?
@lynetteoliva1256 Ай бұрын
Doesn't necessarily mean they remember/paid attention.😄
@datadude4242 Ай бұрын
Please react to your name movie.its an anime movie but its very good and i know you will love it.please,please please react to it🥺
@JackCraft-tm9hj Ай бұрын
This episode is the worst one. Its such a grind and the plot doesn't move forward. The flashbacks to the old world were tedious and meandering.
@Scyth0r Ай бұрын
If you think the plot isn't moving forward in this episode then you don't understand what the plot of the show is.
@JackCraft-tm9hj Ай бұрын
@@Scyth0r I am a writer so I think I know about plot. The whole vault 4 story had nothing to do with the plot, it was side content. The Cooper flashbacks went on way too long and didn't tell us much and didn't explain why he's so ruthless or move the plot forward. You can have either one of those two stories in an episode but not both, you have to move the plot forward for at least some of the episode or it just becomes tedious and feels like filler.
@toomanyaccounts Ай бұрын
@@JackCraft-tm9hj it explained the gulper. it detailed more about shady sands. it detailed more about Cooper's past. you are the one of the people who cannot read a chalkboard
@JackCraft-tm9hj Ай бұрын
@@toomanyaccounts None of that is plot, it's background and detail. Fanboys are so unreasonable and disingenuous, it's okay to criticise your favorite show bro, nothing is perfect.
@SwiftJustice Ай бұрын
​@@JackCraft-tm9hjHaters gonna HATE. git gud
@red_isopat 2 ай бұрын
i had to pause and take a break from cringing my soul out 3 times during the "you smell good scene"
@JackCraft-tm9hj Ай бұрын
What are you 12? This is exactly how my first time happened
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