Health concerns - Jess and now you - Ladies you take on a lot not realizing how much stress you’re feeling - tune in to yourself and please rest! I was put on bed rest for MONTHS TWICE and now I have the art of recharging myself. Baking, gardening, reading, one walks with my dogs - God please bring you answers to the questions with great health for my brilliant KZbin Ladies!
@augustagootee6254 Жыл бұрын
Agreed mom had this recently happen to her she had been under great stress taken care of dad in his last moment for months it took a toll on her body. Swollen even and still having issue I will be following to see how you do. I pray find answers. I had something similar happen to me back 2017 broke out hives on my hands and around my waste same place every time it happened complete knocked me now granted this back when dad was first diagnosed and I was doing 4 12 hed shift I got about 2 ton3 hrs sleep a night and drove long hours a day. They never really could pinpoint but eneded with bronchscopy before it was all over. And turns out looking back and what goijg on with mom your body does crazy things under stress. And even had underlying infection in my lungs. They told had 4 times normal flora in my lungs that bidybwas fighting off but he never seen but I was doing doterra and oils and immune boost bc I was so exhausted and trying to stay well so I could take care if everyone. That my immune system was breaking down do to stress and lack of sleep. You and Jess have alot going on and u all are accomplished so much such powerful inspiring women but you all taken on alot and even thought it good and warm and exciting it can also be overwhelming and maybe taken toll on you as well. Am no expert but we are all about the same age and our bodies go thru changes at this age. Worked with women way older and they all make jokes and say wait until ur 30 waot until 40 waot until 50 our bodies change. They also thogutb at one time the hives were mold allergies. Bottom line I never did find out I ended up leaving that job and hadnt had a hive since so am not sure. But it could be a number of things but I do pray you get some answers!!! Also side not it good u looking deeper they told my mamaw lou for year her hives was peanut allergy when she broke down saw holistic doc she found it was lyme disease the kind where can't eat meat and turned out she did acupuncture with this same lady and helped with her lyme and now she doesn't break in hives and able to eat meat again. So I pray for u girl you are too awesome !!! But do wonder if it's a hidden thryoid issue and maybe bc u do so many healthy things u masking all the symptoms and maybe hard pinpoint. But bless you Jill you are truly wonderful person both you and Jess so inspiring and plan to buy your book as soon as ever get pay check again where I was off taken care of funeral for dad and my son am still paying back insurance and hadnt got check but it's in my cart and when I do I will get because I would like to learn all I can I want be able to be able do more and be more productive and be able to stay home and still be ok so indnt have kill myself working and tryijg being more sustainable. Thanks so much for all you do!!! You are changing the world one vlog at a time !!! Take care and rest !!
@mlee7037 Жыл бұрын
I immediately thought of the problems Jess has been having. Could it be something you have come in contact with? I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. ❤
@gardengirl50t30 Жыл бұрын
Back home where I grew up on LI literally 50% of woman wound up with ɓreast cancer in a 3 block radius from potato fields that used to be there...
@lesliesmith7312 Жыл бұрын
From all that I've heard and experienced, most functional medicine doctors put near everyone on a meat and fat heavy diet, and put you on a ton of supplements and extracts to compensate for all the nutrients from the foods you're suddenly not eating, like grains and beans and dark leafy greens. Personally it just made me worse, but I'm praying for your healing and I'm seeing you healthy and happy and full of energy under gods light!
@mbmiller1956 Жыл бұрын
Another quick thought: fermented foods are high in histamines, which can trigger skin rashes. As are FODMAPs, or fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (short chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and are prone to absorb water and ferment in the colon) like onions, garlic, etc. Something to consider researching 😊
@redheadwitharake8569 Жыл бұрын
Or Sourdough?
@mbmiller1956 Жыл бұрын
Jill. I had a friend experience the same thing for a year. After many doctors (her HUSBAND is a doctor), they finally determined it was … wait for it … a reaction to her HAIR COLORING. SO - much as she HATED it … she stopped coloring her hair, and the rash that had her scratching til she bled finally went away. She now sports a beautiful shade of silver that is very flattering!! Functional medicine doctors are awesome. I started seeing one in November, and literally had OVERNIGHT results with a gut issue. I pray that your new doctor is able to get to the root of your problem and resolve it quickly! And how odd that you and Jess share similar symptoms 😮
@sunshineandshadow4560 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE all the tea towels. Great job Nathan!
@lynnpurfield9430 Жыл бұрын
Dear Gill, I pray for health and peace again xx I say it's stress and cortisol triggers. My precious Lesley Kenton consumed totally clean and ran, re-bounded, walked, had so many different natural therspies but died of cancer. I was so horrified. She wanted perfection. She had so much passion for being a better person all the time. She had childhood trauma that never completely resolved. Wanting to be bigger and bigger, better and bettet and never being enough. That is a huge stress.
@Phethephoenix Жыл бұрын
Netflix is doing some next level unsavory things lately please reconsider your subscription.
@rachelgalus Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad that you are listening to the voice inside that is telling you something is wrong. Praying for healing ❤
@amytheamateurherbalist Жыл бұрын
The body gives us "messages" before labs will pick them up. The body is designed to heal and balance but we aren't told this. The hard part is figuring out what the messages are trying to tell you. I have been dealing with chronic health issues for over a decade and totally get the frustration of not feeling like yourself. Homeopathic remedies have been really helpful for me with chronic as well as acute issues. In order to heal we have to look a the body as a whole and be connected mind, body and spirit. Wishing you well Jill.
@WhisperingWillowFarm Жыл бұрын
So true! Thanks for sharing
@LytonaKirtz Жыл бұрын
Jill you fight for yourself. You know your body better than anyone. I was hospitalized for months without out a diagnosis. I’ll send prayers and good thoughts for you to begin feeling like yourself. I’m sure glad Nathan’s home to help now. God bless.
@beckypeterson7522 Жыл бұрын
Last year was such a challenge for me... surgeries... procedures...and you're trying to stay strong for yourself and your family! It takes a lot out of you! BUT, there is light and hope and a new beginning. Stay the course, keep on praying and tap into your faith and family to get you through it all.
@dancnluc1 Жыл бұрын
Prayers going out. My daughter has health issues and for years doctors said there is nothing wrong. She finally found one last year who said her problems were something she has has since she was 18 months old. We were told she outgrew it. When she became an adult many issues happen - rashes, urinary issues, and kidney issues. My one son was misdiagnosed years ago and put on meds etc til his kidneys nearly shut down. After 4 years on dialysis, he finally got a kidney transplant. He is the first one to say doctors just want to put a bandaid on the problem rather then get to the root of it. I am so glad they are trying to get to the root of it. Take time for yourself.
@faithreyes8797 Жыл бұрын
Sending prayers for answers and a path of recovery!
@WhisperingWillowFarm Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@drobbins678 Жыл бұрын
You're wise to explore alternate medicine that takes a deeper investigation into health. Blessings and health to you Jill and your family.
@edenridgefarms Жыл бұрын
Yesyes yes!!! I would ADORE a book of systems and a workbook for such things! We're praying it partnership with you!
@codysmashey5901 Жыл бұрын
Will be praying for you and for the functional doctor to have wisdom to know what’s wrong.🙏🏻
@sharonmclaughlin2258 Жыл бұрын
Sending prayers for a quick answer to your health problems and that you feel well again soon!
@krazedvintagemodel Жыл бұрын
May God Bless you with restored health , and continued Blessings for your family.
@kailesancez Жыл бұрын
I had similar issues. And i did a intense parasite cleanse & a heavy metal cleanse. Also changed my diet. Took all the sugar out of my diet.
@floyheidenreich7231 Жыл бұрын
Prayers sent your way.
@WhisperingWillowFarm Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@Sharonmarieb Жыл бұрын
Absolutely love Ur book!! Sending lots of prayers that Ur able to find the problems and get better!!🙏🏼🙏🏼
@WhisperingWillowFarm Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@WildOrchardOasisFarm Жыл бұрын
Praying for you! 🥰🙏 My sister healed her mystery hives by fasting.
@gaylewatkins4685 Жыл бұрын
Take care and God Bless
@cathyrich4611 Жыл бұрын
Healing energy sent your way. 💗 Recover well, Jill. We are all here. We all love you.
@uddercharmsfarm8159 Жыл бұрын
Jill you might look at your environment....your home. You might have sensitivities to emf’s. Rashes and skin issues are detox symptoms. Good luck with the new doc!
@emilybarnes5920 Жыл бұрын
Your book saved me money last night... A baker creek catalog came in. Not the big one, but a smaller one that reminded me I needed a couple more things. I was busy adding to my cart and thought I better get myself organized before I check out.... turns out I already have half of what I had in my cart. I was shocked at all I had already! Who knew I had 23 varieties of peppers. 😅 Thanks Jill. I'm like an hour from yall and take my book everywhere just incase I run into you before the plant sale!
@TheNakidGardeners Жыл бұрын
Good job, Big Nate!
@sylviahunt3419 Жыл бұрын
I had hives in my teens. It was from citric acid. Foods like tomatoes, oranges, lemons, etc. I had to give up. I’m now turning 68 in March. I still can’t eat most of these foods. Occasional tomato products but not often. Something you might want to look into.
@belieftransformation Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing& many prayers & blessings to your family🤗💜🇨🇦
@marybethglaser2185 Жыл бұрын
Praying for answers and peace for you and your beautiful family.
@thegranmama Жыл бұрын
Definitely praying healing, peace, strength and wisdom to know what needs doing. Have just been on a Year journey myself and finally getting relief and almost normal thank YOU FATHER.
@deirdrejohnson6865 Жыл бұрын
🙏🙏🙏❤️ Jill.. awesome job Nathan .
@judysiegmann1145 Жыл бұрын
Jill and Nathan, I Love You and Your Family!!
@aleshalipsky1684 Жыл бұрын
Thinking about you all. Praying for answers and good health!!
@sandykrieger5392 Жыл бұрын
God 's blessings during your recovery.
@mindypereda9660 Жыл бұрын
Sending love and prayers for healing and for your doctor's to find out what is wrong.🙏🙏🙏🥰
@lornabarker1983 Жыл бұрын
I have allergy to nuts and it took many years to find that out. I am now 62 and sometimes what I saw in your pictures was what I had to deal with. I sometimes had swelling up to the extent that my throat closed once but as you see I am still here so it did not get the better off me. But what I was told to do was to take a note off all the thing I had eaten and the ingredient in it and do that for the 24 hours previous to the rash or swelling coming up. Then start from the beginning by taking out everything from that time limit and for forty eight hours don’t touch any of the those ingredients then add them back one at a time and see if there was any change. If there was then you knew that ingredient had something to do with it. Do the same with the things you use out in the garden as well it could just be one off them too that is causing this. I know I have went on for a bit but my prayers are with you and I do hope you find out soon just what is making you feel bad.
@EJNilsson Жыл бұрын
Good job Nathan! Praying for the health concerns and all that’s on your family’s plate ♥️
@sandyoklahomatransient8557 Жыл бұрын
Sweetheart, I have you and your family in my prayers. I totally understand your concerns about finding the medical problem, and curing/permanently fixing it. For over 12 years, I've been battling not feeling good. Skin discoloration marking on my legs, inflammation, extreme dry skin (entire body), pressure on my esphogus, constant clearing my throat, coughing, wheezing, heart palputations, can't sleep, hot flashes, cold intolerance, and mood swings. My poor husband has put up with me through all of my issues..LOL!!! Finally, after multiple doctors, I found an amazing endocrinologist (female) who not only did complete blood workup, she sent me to the hospital for tests. Sonograms, a thyroid uptake scan (where they found I had 2 hot thyroid nodules on my right thyroid lobe, and multiple nodules on my left lobe which were concerning due to size). I had biopsies of my thyroid. All the biopsies came back negative for cancer. However, the large, and strange size nodule could eventually turn to cancer. Cancer has been a problem in my family. On December 1, 2023, I had my thyroid totally removed. I'm now on levothyroxine (1 small pill) for life, and all my symptoms have gone. I'm feeling amazing!! Jill, Keep fighting for your health. You'll find out why your not feeling well, and then you'll fix it. Whether naturally, or through medication. Keeping you in my prayers.
@debihuntsman9314 Жыл бұрын
Sending prayers for answers and healing. 🙏🙏
@mendedkettlefarm Жыл бұрын
Omgosh!! yES!! YES YES!! I would love that work book!! Have big dreams for our tiny but mighty farm - Mended Kettle Farm out of SD and that would be such a blessing!! Shoot for your goals Jill!! You are helping so many people reach for theirs!!
@melissashreve2400 Жыл бұрын
I hope you will feel better soon. It is not fun to be sick. Prayers 🙏 going out
@hollowacres Жыл бұрын
Congratulations Jill! You've accomplished so much! And Nate did a great job with the tea towels, and with taking over the shop! I bought and am half way through your book!
@sandycordle1277 Жыл бұрын
Good job Nathan they are beautiful. Jill your so pretty 😍
@carriethompson5937 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on the success of your book! You can always self publish your workbook through Amazon KDP if other options don’t work out. The process is pretty easy. Hope you are feeling better soon!
@trudyschaaf9917 Жыл бұрын
My sister started getting rashes last summer and she found through her holistic doctor that she is sensitive to 5G radiation and started wearing EMF protection and the rashes stopped! Wondering if this might be causing some of your problems. She lives in the mountains and they installed the 5G tower that you can see from her back deck last summer. Sending Love and Light to you for continued healing!!!❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
@jwalker7888 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the 5G is a real health issue, which no one wants to address. These are in fact, Military grade weapons. Why are they putting these huge towers up all over the earth? By our kids' schools? I have had weird rashes too. Nosebleed and severe headaches, plus strange joint pain. Feeling better now but it was scary. And we know the covid shots are unsafe!
@KateSpiller Жыл бұрын
Praying for you, Jill! Take care, take your time, and try try try to take it easy on yourself.
@abiclark-feltner Жыл бұрын
I have hypothyroidism I feel your pain. Thyroid issues are draining. I’ll be in prayer for you Jill. Take care of yourself. Warm baths, rest, and an inflammation diet.
@maryannefolk1590 Жыл бұрын
Prayers sent for healing.
@edenridgefarms Жыл бұрын
Praying you feel better, Jill! There’s nothing more frustrating than the doctors telling you you’re fine and wanting to put you on a pill when you know you’re not fine and there’s a root issue to address.
@WhisperingWillowFarm Жыл бұрын
Thank you and yes it is frustrating
@kaitlynvinson317 Жыл бұрын
Prayers for healing. I also watch Jess from Roots and refuge Farms and your symptoms sound similiar to hers. She actually just posted a video talking about it if you'd like to watch and see.
@kimberlyterenzoni8451 Жыл бұрын
God is so great!!! It is always such a blessing when He shows us that what we are doing is important to not only Him but to those around us. I am so happy for you and your family. I am glad to have your words in my life. :)
@suesweetpea7 Жыл бұрын
@daleservidio2034 Жыл бұрын
A pill is definitely not the answer. Take your time and get to the root of the problem ❤
@gizelegionet7771 Жыл бұрын
I wish you the best. 😌😌😌 🙏🙏🙏
@futuregrowthvisionnetwork Жыл бұрын
I am praying for all of you!!!
@floridastitcher1 Жыл бұрын
Nathan did good. I like the floral tea towels
@donna1018 Жыл бұрын
I think that bread knife is a Scandinavian knife. We had one growing up many years ago
@joannejensen4369 Жыл бұрын
Jill I also have a thyroid issue for many years. I take T4 but they discovered I do not convert my T4 into T3 so I supplement with T3. You never know… Have your negative T3 and T4 checked.
@michaelnemeth689 Жыл бұрын
I'm praying for you and your family. Stay safe, be well, and God Bless.
@missourigirl8447 Жыл бұрын
I'm curious if it's as simple as a missed diagnoses of PCOS. (Not that PCOS is simple. It's not. ) It runs in my family and can wreak havoc on your endocrine system. Whatever it is, I hope you find what heals it. What perfect timing for Nate to be working full time at home and taking over so much. People don't talk about enough but stress alone can have a domino effect on all parts of our body. We bless you and pray that all will be well soon. In the mean time, just keep swimming. 💚
@kanderson2435 Жыл бұрын
Wow! I have just about everything you said about you health situation. I am two years in, one year gluten-free and some symptoms went away. Dairy reduced for a few months, now completely dairy free and more symptoms have gone away. Now I need to heal.🙏🏻 Thanks for sharing.
@jodyfrancis2855 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Please make the workbook!! Have you considered selling your spreadsheets on Etsy? Also, I completely agree with the way you are moving forward in your health journey. Finding the root cause is the way to healing. Prayers for you, Jill, and blessings to your family ❤️
@christinalemarr Жыл бұрын
Those tea towels…I’M OBSESSED!
@branditweedle9057 Жыл бұрын
Oh,you go butcher it beautifully 😍 Perfectly imperfect is human and makes the rest of us believe we can and should reach for our dreams.
@christineclark Жыл бұрын
I feel that your willingness to share and be vulnerable helps so many of us in different ways. From watching the bravery of telling something so personal to the connections that us as your KZbin fam make with each other, it can be a true blessing. I read another comment on here about someone's husband experiencing some of the same things that I have been going through. I am hoping to connect with her (if she's willing!) and chat about their experience. We are sending prayers for healing and answers your way. Love y'all.
@sherylgardiner7 Жыл бұрын
Loving Nathan's choices...
@sandycordle1277 Жыл бұрын
So sorry that looks awful Prayers you find the problem.
@tibbs4000 Жыл бұрын
Nathan, you did good! Great eye!
@suebailey6893 Жыл бұрын
Praying for you Sweet Jill and that the Drs. find what your problems are.Sending prayers for all of you. God bless !
@addieanderson2043 Жыл бұрын
Prayers on the way.
@susanmcconnell6041 Жыл бұрын
GREAT CHOICES, NATHAN!! LOVE you!!! 🥰 Jill made me say it. 😁
@Wellnessuntamed Жыл бұрын
I’m a nurse but I’m am also a health coach and believe 💯 that the functional medicine is the best medicine. There is a place for traditional medicine for sure but I think you’re on the right track. Prayer lifted for you.
@kiwimuma8189 Жыл бұрын
💕🙏blessings & prayers from Australia 🌸
@Seasoncromwell Жыл бұрын
Nathan, yes sir. Nice work! Personally I like larger tea towels. So..... Bueno.
@jennifergravina866 Жыл бұрын
Great job Nate and prayers for jill.
@SerenityHomestead Жыл бұрын
Sending you love and healing prayers. ❤️
@kathischoonover5436 Жыл бұрын
I'm praying for you Jill
@lindavolek6024 Жыл бұрын
Prayers 🙏✝️
@user-h3s7v Жыл бұрын
Jill, I am a nurse and a mom of a child with HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE. This is what this sounds like to me, just based on the small bit of information you shared and the pictures (NOT a diagnosis by any means)....please look into this and see if it sounds like what you are dealing with. If it is, it's most likely from the fermented foods you are consuming. Praying for you! ~Kelly
@Seasoncromwell Жыл бұрын
Automate a video course where we can purchase the workbook resources.
@brigittemadrid3739 Жыл бұрын
Omg I love the way you started this video!!! Your girls are so sweet and remind me so much of my own!!! And the glutenous dog is hilarious 😂😂😂
@WhisperingWillowFarm Жыл бұрын
You are so kind
@mfarmer2112 Жыл бұрын
Massive PRAYERS just for you all, your hives could be due to things like laundry detergents and fabric softeners, they have changed drastically in the ingredients lately, the different fabrics our clothing and bed sheets are made of now a days some of them immediately gives me hot flashes but only until I remove the questionable article of clothing.Try only 100% cotton for a while and homemade detergents and see if you can alleviate some of your symptoms. And from all my research for decades I've never known hives to be a thyroid issue. Jill I really hope you find some peace in your journey to good health. And thank you Nathan for being such a great help for your family, I really enjoy the video's when you're both in them🕊🙏🕊🙏🕊🌱🕊😇🙏🕊
@brookeleit1537 Жыл бұрын
If you haven’t already, look into GAPS diet. I’ve had friends who have a similar story that went on Gaps and it cleansed and rebooted their system. It’s worth looking into. It’s a cleansing diet.
@Tisha554 Жыл бұрын
Prayers sent.
@KathyW5 Жыл бұрын
I know many of us have been in that "no answers yet" place and can empathize. It weighs so heavily on our minds and yes, mental exhaustion is real and anxiety ridden no matter how hard you try to ignore it. Many prayers for you at this time and Nathan, too, because I know he feels your stress.
@colleenfoster6841 Жыл бұрын
Approval? It's your farm, it's your business, it's you talking to us. You can say what you want. 🌻 Thanks for not giving up. 🙂
@elaineaugustin9189 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Glad you are going to a functional medicine doctor. You will heal. I gave up grain, sugar and nightshades. You can do this and help you body heal. Praying for you and Jess.
@terraranch1459 Жыл бұрын
I just ordered your book from your website so I can get a signed copy. Congratulations and Hugs Jill❤
@WhisperingWillowFarm Жыл бұрын
Thank you 😊
@branditweedle9057 Жыл бұрын
So excited to think o e of those signed books might be mine...eeeek😁
@maryeddy1095 Жыл бұрын
If the hives continue...last a very long time..please consider a antibody test for autoimmune uticaria.
@domesti-city Жыл бұрын
Prayers for you! I'm so glad you are going after healing now, and not waiting until you're older and they are still telling you everything is fine. Mind, body, and spirit are all connected, so go after healing in every aspect, and commit to the long term changes if needed. My family challenged me when I started eating differently, but now they support me in every way knowing what a difference it can make. Hugs and prayers!!!
@whisperjoy1128 Жыл бұрын
Obsessed with the towels! I can't wait til they're back in stock again, loving those Berry towels.
@dreyno64 Жыл бұрын
I would LOVE guidance in taking things to the next level. I’m not good at pricing - I just wanna throw seeds in a pot and sell them!
@WhisperingWillowFarm Жыл бұрын
Getting to know your market/potential customers is where I would start
@hazelbellefarm476 Жыл бұрын
Prayers lifted up for you❤
@melissaweber5197 Жыл бұрын
Precious Jill .. I’ve been chronically I’ll for years and I understand western medicine is good for emergency purposes but not to heal the root cause ! Praying over you! I was plant based as well and it was good for a hot minute! I’ve been working slowly back in to grass fed goodness .. you are loved and heard and I understand to the core .. bless you and if yoh ever need an ear . I’d be so open to just listening and praying together .. but I will be praying over you dear one!
@alwaysinblue Жыл бұрын
First of all, thank you for reaching out and allowing us to be part of your journey and to pray for you. You have quite a bit on your plate, so thanks for taking the time, and being vulnerable. My husband and I will certainly join others and pray. I hope the doctors will find what it is you are reacting to. I know from my own life (76 yrs) of exposing myself to things that have even a low toxicity, the human body can only deal with so much assault to the immune system before we experience a severe reaction. I know from my own gardening that when I am harvesting things, I don't always remember to wear gloves, and long heavy sleeves and my immune system is shot from too much plant toxins. I break out in rash and blisters not unlike yours. Not to say that is what is happening to you, but it wouldn't surprise me. I know that we harvest flowers and strip the stems, and for me, that is enough to put plant toxins into my body just enough to make me miserable. And these aren't even flowers that are considered toxic, never mind planting or harvesting some quite toxic plants like Rosemary. Tale care, girl and prayerfully you will get the answer to your particular problem. Hopefully it isn't plant toxins, but if so, you can, and will, adjust. Whatever it is, the Lord knows and has you. You are loved.
@dawntoner7045 Жыл бұрын
Sending you all the best Jill
@sheilak4493 Жыл бұрын
The enemy is fighting hard but coming in agreement with you for direction, and ZOSO Healing and Wholeness! I think God shown you through so many ways and will continue to do so! Blessing Love and Wholeness!