Fantastic!! BABYMETAL "Monochrome" THE FIRST TAKE (Review Before→After)

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English subtitles available / 日本語自動字幕対応
Official video↓
BABYMETAL - Monochrome - Piano ver. / THE FIRST TAKE
• BABYMETAL - Monochrome...

Пікірлер: 84
@snooze_dogg Жыл бұрын
Monochrome を作ったYUPPEMETAL(ゆよゆっぺ氏)が「僕は今から見ます」とツイートした後、見終えて一言だけ「神」とツイートしたのが印象的でした。
@石島00 Жыл бұрын
@346sugata Жыл бұрын
@わっしょい-x1r Жыл бұрын
BABYMETALを知ってちょうど2年くらいの者です 聴き始めKARATEとかアカツキなんかでいちいち泣かされて最近ようやく普通に視聴できるようになったのに… ダメでした😅ありゃ泣くよ
@michelm.6033 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful young lady with, or without a mask. I’ve listened to this 100+ times and still cry. Wonderful vocalist.
@MsGaijinSyauqi Жыл бұрын
Babymetal’s First Take was such a pleasant surprise!!!!
@lightsmetal Жыл бұрын
SUさんの倍音が凄くはっきり聴こえたのが驚きでした。 リアクション動画が早々にアップされたのはBABYMETALらしいなと思いましたね笑 そしてみんな泣いているという。
@小林秀敏-l2w Жыл бұрын
なんか平和への願いを感じましたね。 素晴らしい。 aiさんの嬉しそうな感じが良かったです。
@death-metalmickey3427 Жыл бұрын
@伊藤浩-b6v Жыл бұрын
泣きました。 ようやく登場でしたね。
@sigemoge Жыл бұрын
@ahchan_death Жыл бұрын
@htusda1 Жыл бұрын
@hidesan47 Жыл бұрын
私も勤め先でBABYMETALの話をしたら、やっぱり「ギミチョコ!」のイメージから更新されてないんです。(あれはあれで素晴らしいんですが)なのでLight and DarknessのMVを教えたら見てくれました。全然印象違う!今は凄く大人なんですね!!と言う感想でした。 そしてTHE FIRST TAKEのMonocrome、素晴らしかったですね。痺れました。 CDも入手したら、ネットで見るMVの印象ともまた違い、爆音向きの音質で大音量で聴くと凄く気持ち良いので驚きでした。
@gmyama7121 Жыл бұрын
AIさん、こんばんわ。私もまさかBABYMETALがFIRST TAKEにでるとは思っていませんでしたので、うれしいびっくりです。 ASH時代のすーさんを見ていればわかるように、バラード・シンガーとして抜群です。まっすぐで凛とした歌声が最高ですね。
@tmmetal4237 Жыл бұрын
ステージでは緊張しない二人も緊張してる気がする。もあちゃんの唇が乾いてる感じだし、なので前半の高音の所で喉の奥が乾いてて滑らかに声がいかなかったのかなと。 他のアーティストさんのも観てるけど、BABYMETALのThe FirstTakeはなぜか緊張して観てた。 11日7時前で68万回視聴!凄い
@飛鳥了-k8r Жыл бұрын
FIRST TAKEじたい知らなかったので良く分かってませんでしたが良い企画ですね。 映像観ましたが凄く良かったデス。
@珍太郎-u6t Жыл бұрын
@yakusya1989 Жыл бұрын
@183mumio5 Жыл бұрын
THE FIRST TAKE出て欲しいと思ってましたが実現するとは!私もフェイクかと思いました(笑) Su-metal の歌声は改めて凄いと思い知らされました。 もう何回リピートしてるんだろう…毎回2分辺りから涙が止まらなくなります。 Su-metal の歌声は澄んで繊細なのになんと力強く心に突き刺さるんだろう唯一無二の歌姫です🦊
@よーよーすけ Жыл бұрын
@user-hwj3sn Жыл бұрын
す~ちやんさすがの歌唱力、もあちやん超ド緊張 廊下に立たされた状態 ちょっとwww 良かったよ!もあちゃんの緊張した姿初めて見た。
@user-hwj3sn Жыл бұрын
@遠藤聡子-b5z Жыл бұрын
驚きましたね!こうゆうの出ないと勝手に思い込んでたから 紅白より驚いたかもw モアちゃんのあんな緊張した表情初めて見たから父兄的には心配が勝ってドキドキしましたねー すぅちゃんは堂々としてたので安定安心して見てられました BABYMETAL=ギミチョコ のステレオタイプのイメージを 脱却するいい選曲でしたね♪ あの三人は身長から推測すると 左 モアちゃん センター 美湖 右 すぅちゃん かなー?
@noborunoboru2204 Жыл бұрын
THE FIRST TAKEにBABYMETALが出るなんてめっちゃめっちゃビックリしたし、めっちゃ興奮しました~😆 仕事中もFIRST TAKEの事ばかり考えてましたね~⤴️ SU―METAL の歌声凄すぎ👍️
@meimemeime Жыл бұрын
もう長いことBM以外の日本の音楽を聴いていないのでfirst takeって知りませんでしたw イヤホンで聴くと、頭の中にすぅさん、もあさんがいるようで、とっても良かったです! 多分、他のアーチストと同じでもう一曲あがりますよね?なんだろなーって考えるのが楽しいです。 Light and Darknessの気もしますが、もあさんパート増やすならメタキンかな〜?それとも新たな新曲かなぁ〜? ドキドキ💗
@merkaba_lite Жыл бұрын
It was really good. I never thought I'd see Su and Moa on The First Take.
@MK-pt5wk Жыл бұрын
『モノクローム』素晴らしかったですね 何度も聴いている筈なのに涙が溢れました😢 白いローブの三人が誰かより明らかに子供を連想させる三人を登場させたのがニクイ演出だなぁと思いました
@superioist Жыл бұрын
あの後ろ姿の三人は身長差の組み合わせから言って、かつての三人ですよ この曲も5年前にできていたとの事なので、その時の三人を回想したシーンなんでしょうね 過去の歌声もミックスしていると言っているので、バックコーラスに彼女の声が使われているかも知れませんね
@jeremysmurf3671 Жыл бұрын
Monochrome is the best song from the new album so far. I hope to see you soon when the new album is released.
@brandonmagee7262 Жыл бұрын
It was a happy surprise and an excellent version of an already excellent song. Su's voice was impeccable. And, somehow, Koba was able to keep up some of the mystery of Babymetal. It was perfect.
@bigmouth99811 Жыл бұрын
あの三人は 戦争で一瞬のうちに 言葉も未来も奪われた少女たちを象徴していると思います。
@keithsowerby8179 Жыл бұрын
I think that most of us are expecting a second First Take Babymetal song next week
@レビメタル Жыл бұрын
@luislandino9247 Жыл бұрын
Hi from San Francisco California Babymetal 💕 🤟
@茹で卵-s8b Жыл бұрын
足音まで聞こえる凛とした空間の中、 Su-metal の歌声が響いた時、鳥肌が立ちました。 お二人には、再び音楽と向き合ってくれたことえの感謝しかありません。 BABYMETALが好きでよかったです。😊 WBCの応援も、頑張りましょう。⚾️😆🍅
@Winnegan Жыл бұрын
Very Happy Day Indeed!!!
@yotzztoy6596 Жыл бұрын
Ciao~!! AIチャン、久しぶりの動画UPがコレになるとは…まさかの出演🎙️ビックリだよね😱 AIチャンのビフォー アフター🎶リアクションが共感するトコ多くてニヤけてしまった😁 オレもMOAMETALのド緊張顔直立不動chorus🎙️メチャクチャ可愛い~❤️って思ってた🤘 SU-METALの声は、あらゆる意味でグサッーーーーって突き刺さるカンジだった🎶 彼女たちを知らない人にも少しは刺さったと思う。 とにかくありがとう🙌 アフターのAIチャン😷→Bella✨
@しーちゃんの使徒 Жыл бұрын
THE FIRST TAKE以前に、先月アップされた、すぅちゃんがプラネタリウム(いきものががりさん)をカバーした歌声に頭が支配されちゃってます。また、もあちゃんの真顔にさくら時代にワサビを食べた時の表情が浮かんで、思わずキュン死しそうになり、更には、AIさんの化粧を落としたからマスク着用に大受けしてしまいました😂😂
@marcogarcia4197 Жыл бұрын
Las 3 niñas de blanco son las ex sakura gakuin y no olvidemos que babymetal comenzó siendo un sub grupo de sakura gakuin y saludos desde Lima Perú
@autohmae Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your video. Many had wishful dreams Babymetal might participate some day, but also felt it would never happen. I could not contain my excitement yesterday. We know Babymetal can deliver a live performance and ohh, boy they did. I hope they get an other chance
@IOOIIIV Жыл бұрын
The middle one of the three dressed in white could be Miko Todaka
@amazonicus Жыл бұрын
モアさんのコーラスはヘッドフォンで音源聞くと自然で良い感じです♪ この映像だと2人のテンションの差が微笑ましいですが(笑)AIさんはメイク無くてもお美しいじゃあないですか!
@josumetaru0004 Жыл бұрын
彼らは日本で最高のミュージシャンやソングライターと仕事をしているので、常にユニークな音楽を届けていることは驚くべきことではありません. グアテマラからこんにちは。
@man-utdtoru Жыл бұрын
翌日の3/11にモノクロームのMVを一般の方が観て、何かを感じてくれれば良いです。 日本人なら何かを汲み取ってくれるはず。
@jakemuller8626 Жыл бұрын
Ai-chan you look gorgeous with and without makeup, don't worry about it.✨ BM never cease to amaze us, this piano version is really beautiful with only SuMetal vocals an minimal instrumental background. I noticed a bunch of new reactors getting to know our beloved girls so just like you said this is a great opportunity to open more doors for everyone and get to know this amazing group. Such a great move with this collaboration. I wonder who might be the extra backing chorus dressed in white too, maybe they're teasing the third new member? Momoko-Metal finally is here?🍑 If any that could also be the new BM mirror unit from another world of this metalverse. OTFGK. Now i can't wait for the live proshot version and watch that beautiful moment you were part of it. Thanks for sharing this moment with us. Kitsune up!🦊🤘❤️
@nobuakihirabayashi8668 Жыл бұрын
@crsmntmr392 Жыл бұрын
it really surprised me when I open my KZbin and they just there in the thumbnail i never clicked so fast XD, I have a questioned if there's a meaning of the three hooded girls , or they just there for backup harmony, but it's babymetal there's always a meaning on whatever they doing
@stevechevy3382 Жыл бұрын
A couple of things the backup harmonies and as a reminder that Babymetal once wore those robes. and Babymetal was once three is now two and will soon be three again. as they hinted there will be a new member announcement during the April 1st and 2nd shows. But as they say Only the Fox god Knows what will actually happen.
@ymydeath9059 Жыл бұрын
ヘッドホンではなくイヤモニ使用で背景が白ではなく黒だったり、かなり特別扱いされてましたね😊 使ってるマイク何気に気になって調べたら¥1640000だったのはビックリ😅
@tk72231968 Жыл бұрын
Happy weekend AI, and thank you for the English Subs! I really liked this version of Monochrome, both Su-Metal & Moa-Metal did outstanding vocals. I got chills and goosebumps when they showed the 3 backup singers and I hope that is a prelude to the reintroduction of a 3rd member(I'm still hoping for Yui's return).
@ENTE-METAL Жыл бұрын
Guten Tag AI-chan. I was and still am overwhelmed by this performance. And I had a lot of tears in my eyes too, but that's no wonder with Su's incomparable voice. Wonderful. And yes, I would also like to know who the 3 people with the white cloaks are. どうもありがとうございます。 そしてドイツからのご挨拶。Forever THE ONE 🤗❤🤘🦊🤘
@鉄の心 Жыл бұрын
こんばんは。 FIRST TAKE本当に鳥肌もんでしたね♪ 個人的には以前から半分冗談、半分本気で出てほしいなぁと思ってた派なので皆さんよりは落ち着いて聴くことができました笑 演出もヘッドフォンではなくイヤモニ、バックもホワイトではなくブラックとベビメタのイメージに沿ったものでニヤリとしてました😏 封印明けは各媒体のインタビューなどを読んでも今までと違ったアクティブで人間味のあるベビメタになったように感じました。 そして常に進化する歌声とパフォーマンス・エンタメと更に嬉しいお知らせをメイトに届けてくれるのは間違いなさそうですね!☺️🤘 追伸︰3人目…ぴあアリーナMMのMは美湖ちゃんだと信じてます🌸
@TreadheadA1 Жыл бұрын
Hellooooooooooooo Ai-san! You seem to be just as excited as I am! Even though the wait was short, it seemed a long time due to the excitement, lol! I was in bed asleep when it was released so I had to wait even longer. It was absolutely beautiful! Even better than I imagined it would be. You look great with or without makeup so don't worry! Have a great day and See You! 🤘🦊🤘 🌸🌸
@tkmetal3788 Жыл бұрын
@Hadesillo Жыл бұрын
Oh we were all really excited too when we saw the announcemenet in the english speaking Babymetal fan communities. This past thursday I couldn't wait for friday to come, so excited. Babymetal might not be big big like mainstream big in Japan, but it is one of the most popular japanese music acts out of Japan ever. That carries a lot of people too xD I thought it was impossible for them to be there too, but not because of size but because the channel is owned by Sony and it has mostly Sony artists. Not much else to add. I hope a lot of new people has discovered Babymetal with this. The performance was beautiful, nothing less to expect from Su-san, I bet she made a lot of people to tear up yesterday.
@babymetaloholicforever7827 Жыл бұрын
Su’s angel/devil voice seemes to possess a kind of FORCE with a deffinite audio-neuro control mechanism (reminds me of the Voice used in Dune). For when you carelessly happened to hear her singing at work, you have to train to become more resistant to the effects of her irresistable Voice, or your colleagues may be concerned about your teary eyes!
@sakakin1 Жыл бұрын
SU-METALの歌い方がいい意味でよりテクニカルになってるような気がしてます。 そして、運営側もそれを押している感じがしました。 Perfumeが一時期いろもの的なイメージを脱却する為に色んな挑戦をしていたのを思い出しました。 とにかく、AIさんが仰るとおり多くの人に今のBABYMETALを知ってもらえると思うと嬉しく思います。
@AMCTequila Жыл бұрын
Those 3 .... I saw this in the middle 🍅
@ElfoDasBrumas Жыл бұрын
Amo babymetal!!! Essa versão com piano ficou linda
@kevinhiggins7838 Жыл бұрын
Momoko と思います
@Nizzy-Metal Жыл бұрын
This was amazing, Monochrome piano ver. was truly amazing Su vocals are sooo good, likewise Moa was great, this just adds to me wanting Moa to have more solo songs 🤘🦊🤘🌸
@HellMac Жыл бұрын
Su- metal's voice is very beautiful. Clean tone, very clean articulation,so soft but at the same time strong, a display of undeniable inner power. She wanted to be a Super Lady and she became a queen. And she's still 25 y.o. I liked the white robes, they are reminiscent of the white ones they were wearing at the very begining of their career and they imply a new one.The girl in the middle is shorter than Moa, so it can't be Yui 😢. I think she's an SG member.Many of them are shorter than Moa but i made a crazy thought...Ayami? The President of all Presidents? I know she has her own things to do but still... P.S. A mask? Because you removed the make up? Really? Come on....
@mikepowers9486 Жыл бұрын
@@bobkish824 I believe it is just stand ins and you all read too much into it
@zenarcher9633 Жыл бұрын
Ayami isn't with Amuse anymore, so I think that rules her out. It was probably the same three SG graduates from the January gig.
@HellMac Жыл бұрын
@@zenarcher9633 You're right, i totally forgot she's not with Amuse.
@martinmetal7481 Жыл бұрын
@-BEATON- Жыл бұрын
自分も昨夜の10時、カウントダウンと共に聴き入りました。感動の一言でしたねぇ~泣きそうでした。 自分の勝手な憶測ですが、モノクロームってファンの間ではSUの出身の広島原爆をイメージした曲じゃないか?という人がいますが、その流れで3月10日は東京大空襲の日なので動画配信を3月10日に持って来たのかな?と。翌日の3月11日は東日本大震災の日でもありますし。 それと『THE F1RST TAKE』も299回目ですよね?300回手前。 BABYMETAL 3人目の正式メンバー生まれるんじゃないかと期待感高まってる今、『もうすぐ3人』と『もうすぐ300回』を掛けたのかな?と。 自分的には『アカツキ Unfinished ver.』を演って欲しい。ただ実現した場合MOAの活躍する場が無いですが。
@metalj8681 Жыл бұрын
@mononokeojisan Жыл бұрын
Aiさんのすっぴんに とりあえずKP🍺
@カチガバたけし Жыл бұрын
@h15h18 Жыл бұрын
@ふりーめいそーん Жыл бұрын
@Linmetal97 Жыл бұрын
@のり弁メタル Жыл бұрын
@st91129 Жыл бұрын
@DragonPhlyy Жыл бұрын
Please react to Nemophila new song called RISE!
@maota6366 Жыл бұрын
The song was released on March 10, the day Tokyo was burned with napalm bombs at 1945 .
@babymetaloholicforever7827 Жыл бұрын
SU-METALの天使か悪魔かという歌声は聴覚から脳神経活動を決定的にコントロールする一種のフォースを有しているように思われます(フランク・ハーバートのDune:砂の惑星に出てくる”Voice”を思い出します)。不用意に職場でSU-METALの歌を聴いてしまったときのために、普段から鍛えてエモをコントロールできる抵抗力を養いましょう。さもないと同僚たちからなんで泣いてるの?と心配されますから 😭
@いぶし銀-t6x Жыл бұрын
@kgspollux6998 Жыл бұрын
She will return. Wait for the Fox Day . . .
@canaldaval8876 Жыл бұрын
I can not respect a band that vanish own past...there's no SG, there's no Yui, there's nothing before 2019 but 2016 Wembley, yes its good for propaganda....
@mikepowers9486 Жыл бұрын
Always happy to see you AI. I absolutely love BABYMETAL and Su and Moa are so amazing. I just wish they could have been more relaxed and out of character for this. Like LiSa was in some of hers. Obviously the girls are very talented and sounded so beautiful, but I wanted to see them have a little more fun. See them smile and giggle before or after. They were stiff as a board in this. As told to be I am sure. I really wanted to see Su-metal and Moametal but then I wanted to see them turn into Suzuka Nakamoto and Moa Kikuchi after. The 3 girls in white was mysterious. BABYMETAL always keeping us guessing. 🤘🦊🤘
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