Fate/Grand Order Responds & Fixes the Append Skill & Servant Coin Drama!

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@samblindao5421 Ай бұрын
They can still redeem themselves if they finally add the universal coins with the 30M Campain...Otherwise this is just a bandaid solution and the horrible np8 requirement for a full servant will stay the way it is.
@maosama3695 Ай бұрын
universal coins and grails to coins transmutation. meaning low rarity coins or coin servants that aren't used by the players can be made into grail and then turn it into specific coins or the universal coins.
@mihneadragu1116 Ай бұрын
You mean the non-existent campaign?
@matthewallen2273 Ай бұрын
I don't hate that 1-3 stars have an almost unique way to get stronger and that my np6 Jack the ripper wasn't a total waste.
Most of the replies to the X/Twitter post about it from Japanese players are along the lines of; "Thank you Kanou-san", "As expected from Kanou-san" & "Kanou-san works really quickly." The update doesn't address the primary issue with the anniversary changes, this is a minor compensation for the problem, but not a resolution.
@AbdulazizOla Ай бұрын
Exactly. Also they thank him as if he didn't approve this stupid system
@sebastianahumada3651 Ай бұрын
I'm still waiting for them to fix the shitty coins system
@ColorOfSakura Ай бұрын
​@@AbdulazizOla TBH he probably didn't. He's the director but a lot of the final decisions about stuff with the game come from upper management at Aniplex. Like he had to actively fight them to implement the SSR Ticket, him and the development team wanted to put one in the game, and upper management said no. He eventually won that particular fight, but I think Aniplex has a lot more control over the direction of the game and its features than we probably realize.
@AbdulazizOla Ай бұрын
@@ColorOfSakura oh... Kano-sana 😞♥️
@ReiSanVlogs Ай бұрын
Cosmos Denial
@TsukimiyaKaede Ай бұрын
wwww 🤣
@TheStuffEnjoyer Ай бұрын
True and real bruh 💀
@nabilfikriza Ай бұрын
Yeah dev team would have been crazy to not respond to the outrage. Would have been great to get more servant coin but the Append skill switching thing is kinda nice.
@yaypeace3792 Ай бұрын
This is one step forward against this terrible system. The underlying issue that caused this, the accessibility of coins in the first place, is still there. So its good we got something for now, but hopefully more vhanges too
@MaximizingLIVE Ай бұрын
It is a nice change but it doesn't fix the underlying issue of servant coins since their creation in which needing more than NP5 of a servant just for the coins in pretty ridiculous. The second part about the Grail casting refunds basically tells me they didn't even consider the effects adding new appends might have for those who spent extra coins for grails in the past. I'm glad they're doing SOMETHING and not straight up ignoring us, but the servant coin system in general is still a major issue in the game and has been for years.
@numberhunter62 Ай бұрын
Not a perfect fix or anything, but the fast response time is appreciated and hopefully this level of backlash clues them in to actually fixing the Coin System.
@Yusei255 Ай бұрын
and when the change comes to NA, we'll also get 120 SQ. can't wait.
@123armyoftwo Ай бұрын
I highly doubt we get the 120 friend. This was an apology reward and since we have foresight we can just save our coins. Hopefully Im wrong though
@Vierdro Ай бұрын
@@123armyoftwo While we do have 2 years of foresight we also have had coins for over 1 year now on na. While Id like to assume na's issues arent nearly as bad as jp it still means we have issues too. But yeah I also hope NA gets it.
@dualia-s74m Ай бұрын
Try to still be alive by 2026😢
@GalenVaughn Ай бұрын
You won’t get those 120 sq. those are an apology for jp players and by the time this arrives in NA they would have fixed this issue with a new system and NA will prob get that system early
@eyeofcrackify Ай бұрын
I think developer already prepared the responds before the patch release. there is no way that they weren't awaring this patch gonna makes the users angry.
@Sweet3nE Ай бұрын
We need that universal coin to get these append skills because right now some servant need 2 append to be usable in farm comp
@joshualee4720 Ай бұрын
This probably the quickest I’ve seen a game respond to backlash and with an actually decent answer and solution.
@KevKrieger32 Ай бұрын
It's a great solution. Many have servants with at least one append skills, sometimes two. It's good that we'll be able to switch between Append Skills, similar to commend codes. Only flaw is for those "completionists" who still need NP8 to unlock every append skills.
@ninjablade2 Ай бұрын
I am wondering if it will be a one time thing or simply perma, if it is permanent ability to switch between then this is actually an even better announcement than I thought!
@shadowblade8717 Ай бұрын
Those 120 Sq got me the last copy I needed to NP5 Eresh with 60 sq left
@evilmar2363 Ай бұрын
material compensation and 120 sq we take those
@Giroutte Ай бұрын
Still a very half measure. Doesn’t address the core issue and doesn’t take away from them still wanting players to roll NP8 even more if not bond 15. We should not be expected to go beyond NP5 for more skills in our servants, NP5 is the max power you can get your servant then all further appends should’ve be unlocked within that threshold because beyond NP5 there is not further value on rolling more copies if just for skills. It’s really not a good response at all. A good solution would’ve been to simply lower the amount of coins needed to the original amount needed not further amps that don’t add any further value to the servant beyond coins.
@Cosmic_Espeon Ай бұрын
The extra SQ will go to hopefully getting my last Eresh copy. She was super nice to me so I wanna NP5 her if possible. Very happy they listened.
@Andron322 Ай бұрын
Now i only need to care about 1 Servant and it's my NP7 Jarcher. I'll get another one. As for other servants, i can undo extra attack appends that i did and give them C.D. append. I'm satisfied with this (but only because my Jarcher already NP7, i did this before appends and coins even existed in JP).
@JzyryllChryssComoda Ай бұрын
120 apollogems wow. i hope we also get that when 9th anni comes to NA.
@thatonecanadianguy6523 Ай бұрын
Don't count on it
@soulskey Ай бұрын
Its like command codes, but instead of a toggle, this is a swap/switch
@Hollyrking268 Ай бұрын
it feels like 2-san trolling us ngl
@Draconic. Ай бұрын
Not the response I would prefer, but at least a proper response. Though I guess announcing universal coins as part of event rewards would be best left for the announcement of the first event it happens? Let's hope that's the reason there was no mention of them :)
@Rainos62 Ай бұрын
I think a real coin fix will be coming after this because I think this may have been the wake up call with how bad this backlash is. I can imagine their dev teams are having internal discussions about fixing the coin system. I asked a friend as well who works in the industry and usually backlash like this prompts in house discussion about the system and prevention of future issues like it so its possible it could lead to major changes to the coin system.
@Yusei5ds0707 Ай бұрын
So can if I get a servant to 120 now, will my coins be restored in the future? I want to take advantage of the success rate up period.
@SirSaintRipper Ай бұрын
This feels like a bandaid on a broken bone
@ucmanhvuong4301 Ай бұрын
Oh good lord, the 120 SQ compensation finally gave me one Eresh. I'm happy now ToT
@naehalmulazim Ай бұрын
At this point in the game how important are appends in terms of content clearing? Is level 120 a requirement?
@asup89 Ай бұрын
They can get rid of bond level caps and increase the coins gain per bonds, also could maybe just lower the cost for append skills.
@UndeadEggmiester Ай бұрын
Its better then nothing but its half-assed. Honestly if they'd give us something like 50% more coins for a summon or bond up a servant will help a lot. Im wondering how they're planning on this for global players knowing that we know in two years it happening.
@GXrst64tlc Ай бұрын
So should I just append my skills now so can can get them back for more appends?
@Alfrisssss Ай бұрын
I love how Lasengle just gifts 120sq and people are happy: do you folks realize that those are four pulls on a banner, and that’s it? Reasonable solutions: - increase the max NP lvl, so that you are not _literally_ wasting money for an np7-np8 servant - release universal servant coins: append skills are NOT bloatware, and the new servants are literally BALANCED around them! - add variety to the game, rather than releasing waifus on 100% of the banners - add a subscription program, so that we pay to get more gems per month and can ACTUALLY pull those servants that need np8? Maybe the direction of the game should realize that people are moving to Honkai/Genshin because this game is rotten to the core? Last option: file for bankruptcy because they are losing so many players, and deservedly so :)
@alegamioda1332 Ай бұрын
so there is still no free 5 star in anni?
@maosama3695 Ай бұрын
we NA players have suffered as well ... can we get those 120 sq?
@theoneandonlyme9731 Ай бұрын
Now I hope we get those extra 120SQ in NA as well in two years.
@RedLotus02 Ай бұрын
Still not good enough since it does not address the actual problems atleast for people who want to max out their favorites......But it's a start Edit: but for people who are just collectors at NP1 or F2P or casuals sure this is fine and the 120 quartz is welcomed i guess.
@ninjablade2 Ай бұрын
I think this is as good as an emergency announcement could be and assuming this is infact giving us the ability to freely swap between appends at will this may actually be acceptable over all
@RedLotus02 Ай бұрын
@@ninjablade2 Yeh maybe should have been more clear my comment was more for the people who focus on just their favorites they still need to summon NP8 and whatnot which hopefully will get addressed in a few months. But i agree they atleast responded and gave a solution of a kind which is more than what we expected, Also the quartz is welcomed i need it for Ciel ^^
@jheicobguzman6132 Ай бұрын
@drunkdaddeh-299 Ай бұрын
Whether you’re F2P or Whale. It’s NOT ENOUGH. Fix the underlying issue. Fix servant coins. Honestly just make it universal and separate it by rarity. Or cut the needed coins on everything by at most 1/2 or at least 3/4. Or even remove coins as requirements to level to 120. I understand if F2Ps don’t care about this but think about it, if whales stop funding the game, they’ll pull the plug. And I know many people still enjoy the game. So please I am begging LASENGLE! FIX THE SERVANT COIN PROBLEM AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!
@hades.serapis Ай бұрын
The fact they listened is already a big PHAT WIN
@vice2792ocl Ай бұрын
Is it tho. Cause the alternative would have been NOT listening for a medium win, or teeny tiny win.
@benito9830 Ай бұрын
Nah, they expected the backlash, 120sq don't amount to anything 99% of the time
@hades.serapis Ай бұрын
@@vice2792ocl the alternative is what they’ve been doing all along, so the fact they are responding to feedback from the community, it proves that they might listen when they fuck up in the future if NA and JP join each other
@pickaxepixie518 Ай бұрын
So, was that 80 + 40 we got a few hours ago the 120 SQ theyre talking about? or is it coming soon?
@ReiSanVlogs Ай бұрын
I already got the 120 Sq last 20 minutes ago... also the 100sq from the retweet
@pickaxepixie518 Ай бұрын
@@ReiSanVlogs yea thats what i was wondering about. i was just a bit confused since i coulda sword it said something like (80) + (40) or whatever, instead of just (120)
@EarthGuard Ай бұрын
Would ever in their right mind think they can get away with this after releasing such a horrible system
@yousigiltube Ай бұрын
I just want them to lower pity cost to around 20 draws as well, the cost of quartz compared to pity is ridiculous for a single copy. It's always been a big discrepancy on the fairness of the game to me but otherwise I'm generally happy with FGO (would love to see lower saint quartz prices as well but I imagine they'll never consider this despite it being silly compared to buying normal games or whatnot). Pity is a big thing for me though as It improves the fun of the game, blowing 900 quartz to get a single copy can feel terrible.
@tipoima Ай бұрын
Lack of solution for coins shows they don't really care beyond immediate damage control. You can't refund the grailing coins, you can't get welfare/Mash coins, and it still takes the insane NP8 to max a 5* (and god forbid you wanna max a limited 3*/4*)
@tommybayer2351 Ай бұрын
Man i hate coins.
@nicholase82 Ай бұрын
So are they eliminating servant coins? Or will we just not be able to cast Grails
@Daustarticmon Ай бұрын
Yeah this is more or les what i was expect, it doesnt fix the problem is more like they now the system is not well Made, but just like the pity system it feel more like patching the problem and hoping that people will just let it go. If they really cared or wanted to fix the coins at the very least they could have reduce the coins cost from 120 to 90 per appen, because at np1 You still need Bond 14 to unlock two appen skills.
@thornszk Ай бұрын
Not even 1000 SQ? smh /s
@user-on5dl9hc2z Ай бұрын
They are spooked.
@kokkorohime9525 Ай бұрын
so... should i spent now all my servant coins on holy grials ?
@zhdgamingftw1676 Ай бұрын
I am a simple gamer. I get Quartz I am happy.
@Zero-fx8pc Ай бұрын
How is this a solution?
@ninjablade2 Ай бұрын
This is an excellent response to fix all the superficial issues created by the announcement; and the speed is very good, now we just HOPE they understand that the underlying issue IS. VERY. IMPORTANT! and that it is not something, if they do have a solution, that they can delay any further, and if there is not a solution that they get people on it asap! But i do think this is probably enough to quell the angry mob for the moment~
@cardswarzreov2115 Ай бұрын
If they compensate JP, will they compensate NA player in the future as well?
@angelosantos990 Ай бұрын
Yeah compared to those big games like Genshin and HSR, the FGO player base was those old whalers, not the new players so yeah they would likely respond immediately.
@bladecode Ай бұрын
@jonathangoodwin5609 Ай бұрын
Is this really a fix? It feels more like a temporary solution to me, like using duct tape on something that broke.
@samuelcastillo5246 Ай бұрын
Okay, I like it🤔
@Jael__ Ай бұрын
it is a good respond, and fix, but is it the best fix? i think its not. Yes we get 120 sq, yes we get our coins back, and yes there is a new feature to fix it BUT, it still the same amount of coins, needed to unlock the append skill, and we still need NP8 Bond 15 to get a MAX servant. i am happy, with this respond, but they could just reduce it a little bit.
@MrZacdeath Ай бұрын
Bad update. Not good enough.
@m.gilangwiradhan9981 Ай бұрын
Singularity averted 😅
@creaturetransylvania8943 Ай бұрын
People really want what's just a extra show of love for your servants or meta players being meta players thing to be a real casual thing. Everyone casually having every single servant they have be at 120 with all 5 append,super easily. This is my own personal views because I prefer working hard & getting lucky instead of easy & taking free stuff.
@wafudramon Ай бұрын
FGO is like the most game that listen to plays just like even kinoko nasu himslef. man, thats why i lever left fgo
@sayyidagus2480 Ай бұрын
Yay pan human history won agian. Lostbelt denial
@Hikaru-Kamiki-Oshi-No-Ko Ай бұрын
Kanou LISTENED 🙏🙏🙏 Genshin Could Never 😭😭😭
@ZETA14.88 Ай бұрын
could never add c9 as a feature
@clawsthewolf89 Ай бұрын
@@ZETA14.88 with how ppl spend in genshin ppl would still support it
@justanoob6331 Ай бұрын
Could never add level++ bullshit behind constelacions
@mihneadragu1116 Ай бұрын
​@@ZETA14.88but would
@ncp9095 Ай бұрын
Genshin could, IF ONLY Chinese fans act up which will never happen
@iamthestormthatisapproaching69 Ай бұрын
@meikisaragi1445 Ай бұрын
Welp. That was fast. Now everyone is gonna be happy. Edit: btw, those 120sq didn't give me Eresh 🥲 but still, thanks a bunch fgo devs.
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