Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic

  Рет қаралды 12,014

Anton Fedorov

Anton Fedorov

Күн бұрын

When my fiancee lost the majority of her sight shortly after we got engaged and the UK doctors told us there was no hope of recovering her sight, we were devastated and felt like giving up. We heard of this treatment and decided it wouldn't hurt to give it a go, what had we got to lose? We spent two weeks in Berlin receiving the treatment and the very excellent, attentive care of both Dr Federov and Dr Chibisova. They were both amazing during our time and explained everything in detail.
Two months on, I am pleased to say that Alex is seeing great improvements which seem to be getting better all the time. Although her full vision hasn't recovered with at home training she can now see smaller text and colours (which had changed drastically) not only was this surprising for us it was surprising for the doctors, who told us based on initial results and the amount of optic nerve damage they were willing to try but were unsure if it would work and were pleasantly suprised themselves when it seemed to be working.
Finally we feel that there is hope again and she feels she is regainging her independance.
We will definatley go back for more treatment and would recommend to anyone in a similar position to get in touch!
We cannot thank them enough and we're so grateful.

Пікірлер: 60
@MrRollinman007 6 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to hear that you got help with Dr Federov. I'm from the US. I went and seen him last April after an eye stroke that caused optic nerve damage. They were able to help me also. As you say, I had nothing to loose. Life changing event.
@anhlannguyen8866 Жыл бұрын
How much is the treatment cost, can you share please?
@sammyleedog Жыл бұрын
Please tell us what happens there? What do they do there?
@moirachapman8406 5 жыл бұрын
That's absolutely wonderful to hear your story, you look very happy with your boyfriend, so happy for you.
@tessabare7793 3 жыл бұрын
My 20 year old daughter has septo optic dysplasia. She has no vision or light perception. For 20 years I have been told there is nothing that can be done to help her vision, and then I ran across this clinic online. Im just wandering if it does help with SOD. I believe just a little eye sight would change her whole world. Really hoping this could possibly help her.
@juliachibisova827 3 жыл бұрын
Hi there, Thank you for contacting the Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic, Berlin (Germany). In case of no light perception, our medical services are not recommended; unfortunately, our approach is not able to help the patient to regain even some vision. Therefore, we cannot recommend that you proceed with our medical services.
@esdee499 5 жыл бұрын
I am going to start treatment this August. I am really happy for you.
@jetr3960 4 жыл бұрын
ginger cakes how was your treatment? I want to treat for my eyes also because I have RP. Thanks
@safiahy5955 4 жыл бұрын
Can tell us how did your treatment go?, Was it successful?
@notyou379 3 жыл бұрын
@notyou379 3 жыл бұрын
are you here?
@deepatamang6760 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Ginger cakes..! Are you here please reply
@sparkesman1980 3 жыл бұрын
Really positive reviews, however I cannot see why the Clinic cannot supply a rough idea of costs before making such a long journey
@antonfedorov6693 3 жыл бұрын
Hi there, We draw your attention to the fact that information on the costs of our medical services will be provided once your completed checklist is reviewed and if it reveals no contraindications for our treatments and it is confirmed that the patient can potentially benefit from Fedorov Restoration Therapy. Thank you for your understanding. If you are interested to learn more - send us your message to secretary@restorevisionclinic.com and we will send you detailed answer or call us +493020649289 between 9 am - 5 pm Berlin time during working days. Team Restore Vision Clinic
@ebukagloriaeze51 2 жыл бұрын
@scorpionallrounder1651 2 жыл бұрын
Good to hear that you restore your vision Could you please leave their address or something, I got glaucoma in my eyes and lost vision in one eye.please leave me details so I can contact them
@antonfedorov6693 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there, thank you for your interest. Please consider that we do not commucate here. Send us your message to secretary@restorevisionclinic.com and we will send you detailed answer or call us +493020649289 between 9 am - 5 pm Berlin time during working days. Team Restore Vision Clinic
@kristachavez4606 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there, I am from the United States and have had optic nerve damage in both my eyes since the age of five years old. I had a brain tumor that impaired me and I have been living with it ever since. I have been searching my whole life for some thing that could help improve my vision.
@factsism11 2 жыл бұрын
Is there any hope at this clinic for people that has lost vision from glaucoma?
@juliachibisova827 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there. Thank you for your interest. Yes, we are dealing with vision restoration in case of glaucoma. Fedorov Restoration Therapy is a non-invasive and non-surgical way to naturally improve vision, with stable outcomes and without risks of side effects. These positive outcomes are accomplished through the application of weak electrical current pulses which stimulate partially-damaged retinal cells and improve the conductivity of signals to the brain. Our therapy cannot replace damaged cells or regenerate optic nerves; instead it increases the functionality of preserved cells on the retina and enhances the activity of the entire visual system. If you are interested to learn more about our medical services, send us your message to secretary@restorevisionclinic.com and we will send you detailed answer or call us +493020649289 between 9 am - 5 pm Berlin time during working days. Team Restore Vision Clinic
@peggymaresh 9 ай бұрын
Would your therapy help to restore poor vision in one eye due to Central Retinal Artery Occlusion 2 years ago ?
@CombatChess 7 ай бұрын
Can you restore Vision lost from Green Glaucoma? Blind on left eye but can see on right eye.
@nsubugadanielkelvin8414 7 ай бұрын
Does it work on glaucoma patients
@juliachibisova827 7 ай бұрын
Here's a concise overview of the key benefits of Fedorov Restoration Therapy, tailored for those with glaucoma-related visual impairments." 1. Purpose of the Therapy: The primary aim of Fedorov Restoration Therapy is not to treat glaucoma directly but to improve ocular complaints and in addition to slow down the vision loss caused by glaucomatous optic neuropathy. It seeks to enhance the functionality of the preserved cells on the retina and boost the activity of the entire visual system. 2. Expected Outcomes: While the therapy doesn't promise complete restoration. Patients have experienced increased contrast vision, more clarity, reduced glare, and improved vision in dark conditions. Also an enlargement of their field of vision in known positive outcome, though it might be limited to a 10-15-20% increase from the current baseline. 3. Safety: The therapy is non-invasive and non-surgical. It uses weak electrical current pulses to stimulate partially-damaged retinal cells. It doesn't increase intraocular pressure (IOP), which is a concern for glaucoma patients. 4. Duration of Effect: The positive changes from the therapy are typically stable. Most patients see improvements within 2 weeks, but the stable results manifest 4-8 weeks post-treatment. For many glaucoma patients, these results remain stable for 12-18 months, and in some cases, even up to 24 months. 5. Addressing Glaucoma: It's essential to understand that this therapy doesn't replace the need for glaucoma management. Before considering Fedorov Restoration Therapy, it's crucial to address high IOP and any other glaucoma-related issues with your local glaucoma specialist. If surgery is needed to manage your IOP, it's recommended to undergo that first. Participating in this therapy with uncontrolled or elevated IOP could lead to unstable results. It's vital to manage your IOP effectively before considering this treatment. The therapy employs a non-invasive technique, using weak electrical pulses to stimulate the partially damaged retinal cells. This stimulation enhances the overall functionality of the retina and boosts the entire visual system's activity. It's essential to understand that while the therapy offers these benefits, managing glaucoma and intraocular pressure (IOP) with a specialist remains crucial. In essence, Fedorov Restoration Therapy offers a complementary avenue to improve visual complaints due to glaucoma, enhancing the quality of life for many patients
@philippemeisburgerauteur 4 жыл бұрын
What a great story, full of hope... but one that puts me in a strong dilemma... A friend of mine, a 24 years old (amateur) photo model from New-Caledonia (2000 km north of New Zealand) who's without any doubt the most positive person I know, is struggling with low vision due to a bad cicatrisation of her optic nerves, due to a severe inflammation of them she owes to the hemoragic form of the Dengue fever she caught around christmas 2016. Since more than three years now, she lives in a world where people are just blurry shapes without faces, where stars and sceneries are just memories, and where her friend's smiles are just heard in their vocal pitch change... she said she now adapted herself to her condition - she's a strong person, probably the strongest I know - she knows what suffering is (she's an orphan since she's... one month old !) and well, she says she adapted herself to it, but I can see the truth in her lagoon blue eyes : she didn't. Simply because nobody can face what's just too horrible. None of us is rich, travelling to Europe would be terribly expensive for her (remember : she has no parents to help her out !), but if the only hope for her eyes lies in Berlin, she'll travel the world - she'ld even travel the universe ! - to get her eyes back. To afford this, we'ld have to run several fundraisers. This will cost us years of work - years she won't see the world any better than now - and the potential donators will expect us to prove the therapy we're putting our hopes in is worthy. Where can we get a significant, independant, proof of it, a proof that could greenlight that potential project in those people's eyes ? We'll do everything we can... only one thing is impossible to us : doing it... for nothing. We'll need a guarantee that this has serious chances to be effective, or those who could fund us... just won't ! To be true, I didn't tell her yet I found your therapy here on the web. I'm waiting to collect enough serious evidence about it before I tell her. You know, she said she adapted to her condition, but I saw there is only one word that makes her eyes shine again : hope ! But there is also a word that could make her definitely fade away : disapointment... Are you the hope that might bring back the smile on her face ? How is it possible your institution isn't more famous ? She has been told by several doctors that nothing, absolutely nothing, can be done for her... to be true, if your therapy works, it's just revolutionnary... how is it possible we haven't heard of that revolution before, and her doctors neither ? And tell me : should I make her aware I discovered you ? She's gone through so many things in her short life, but I don't know if her heart could stand another big disapointment...
@antonfedorov6693 4 жыл бұрын
Hi there, thank you for your interest. Qualification for Fedorov Restoration Therapy is granted if we expect a high, or at least moderate, probability that the patient may positively respond to treatment and experience functional visual benefits. Send us your message to secretary@restorevisionclinic.com and we will send you detailed answer or call us +493020649289 between 9 am - 5 pm Berlin time during working days. Team Restore Vision Clinic
@philippemeisburgerauteur 4 жыл бұрын
@@antonfedorov6693 Thanks for your answer ! This was faster than light ! However, I'm not sure you understood my question at it's full extend : to be able to afford your therapy and the journey to Berlin it implies, we'll have to raise funds from people that will consider the revolutionnary aspect of your techniques as suspicious, and will require a strong level of evidence to fund her. Not just evidence in your ability to treat her particular case, but evidence your technique indeed works, and is based on scientifically apt theories. And quite strong ones. Such evidence could be, for example, links to some peer reviewed articles published in well established medical journals (The Lancet, the BMJ, The NEJM, Cell,...), articles written by independant scientists that could testify that your therapy is based on something scientifically serious and valid. As your claims are revolutionnary, the level of proof expected must be at the same level, or simply those who could fund her would laugh at us and dismiss her demands, regardless of what we may believe about your therapy. She'll need to be able to show strong evidence of the validity of your techniques simply to have the money to afford it ! Her eyes - and she as your patient - may be just one hyperlink away... could you provide me, and through me all your potential future patients, that / those link(s) ? (and post links to those evidences on your official website, so that our potential donators can check by themselves) ?
@antonfedorov6693 4 жыл бұрын
@@philippemeisburgerauteur During 2007-2012 several clinical trials were conducted in different university clinics in Germany which confirmed the effectiveness of electrical stimulation therapy to improve vision loss related to optic nerve damage (neuropathy). Published results can be obtained here. More publications related to provide an evidence of Fedorov Restoration Therapy can be reviewed here
@antonfedorov6693 4 жыл бұрын
@antonfedorov6693 4 жыл бұрын
@SumitKumar-it2pu 4 жыл бұрын
But how many like you benefited out of 100., and will it permanent recovered
@sjpatel3379 4 жыл бұрын
hi I am also in Birmingham how are you vision now it’s a one year later do you have to go for any more restoration treatment again?
@YorkshireBoyOutdoorsXtra Жыл бұрын
Did you get any reply bro?
@ifeelpeaceful 4 жыл бұрын
How wonderful, thanks for sharing your experience. i suffer from optic nerve atrophy. Could i possibly ask howmuch it cost you. Thanks alot
@antonfedorov6693 4 жыл бұрын
Hi there, thank you for your interest. Please consider that we do not commucate here. Send us your message to secretary@restorevisionclinic.com and we will send you detailed answer or call us +493020649289 between 9 am - 5 pm Berlin time during working days. Team Restore Vision Clinic
I have ambliopia any possibility. I am too trying with contact lenses. Dr said optic nervs weak..
@juliachibisova827 3 жыл бұрын
Berlin (Germany)In case of amblyopia our treatment can be beneficial for patients under 10 y.o. only. Unfortunately, it will not be helpful in your case. Therefore, we cannot recommend that you proceed with our medical services. However if your visual complaints caused by optic neuropathy - potentially we can help. We offer state-of-the art treatments, developed and patented by the Clinic’s founder Dr. Anton Fedorov, to restore vision loss resulting from optic nerve damage, retinal dystrophies, amblyopia and brain stroke. .
@@juliachibisova827 right eye retina ditached once and done sclerel buckle and i regained the vision. And i like is any further development possible to increase my visual quality in mybpresent working eye Right eye 6/6 so that with glass i can drive over germany?
@jetr3960 4 жыл бұрын
how long ago when you went to see Dr. Federov and how long did your vision last? Thank you.
@antonfedorov6693 4 жыл бұрын
Our website: www.restorevisionclinic.com. If you are interesting for more details Please send us your message to secretary@restorevisionclinic.com and we will send you detailed answer or call us +493020649289 between 9 am - 5 pm Berlin time during working days. Team Restore Vision Clinic
@dongreenfield1906 5 жыл бұрын
Great to hear that is worked for you.... how much did this cost you and is it available in Canada?
@TheGarycwatson 4 жыл бұрын
The treatment is not available in Canada. I'd recommend you reach out to the clinic and ask about costs. They'll be happy to provide you with the details.
@user-sl2hz9uy6c 5 жыл бұрын
What cost this treatment
@antonfedorov6693 4 жыл бұрын
Hi there, thank you for your interest. Please consider that we do not commucate here. Send us your message to secretary@restorevisionclinic.com and we will send you detailed answer or call us +493020649289 between 9 am - 5 pm Berlin time during working days. Team Restore Vision Clinic
@reemhaidar3876 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Can a 26 years stargardt disease patient benefit from this treatment?
@antonfedorov6693 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there, thank you for your interest. Potentially the patient can be qualified for medical services. Please consider that we do not commucate here. Send us your message to secretary@restorevisionclinic.com and we will send you detailed answer or call us +493020649289 between 9 am - 5 pm Berlin time during working days. Team Restore Vision Clinic
@Special-Mursalin30919 Жыл бұрын
I have optic nerve problem in left eye after head injury I can't see anything in left eye currently I am undergoing treatment in Sankara Netralaya Hospital Chennai Doctor said I have vision in left eye There is no possibility of return. Please let me know if there is any modern treatment for optic nerve or optic nerve recovery.
@antonfedorov6693 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for contacting the Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic, Berlin (Germany). In case of no light perception, our medical services are not recommended; unfortunately, our approach is not able to help the patient to regain even some vision. Therefore, we cannot recommend that you proceed with our medical services. To be qualified patient must be able count fingers at any distance. Team Restore Vision Clinic
@turkiye2779 5 жыл бұрын
Selam oglum icin yaziyorum 21 yaaindaki oglum da gece korlugu var 2011 yılında %50 %70 iken suan %10 %30 olmus napicagimizi bilmiyoruz tedavisi varmidir dönüş yaparmisiniz lutfen
@antonfedorov6693 4 жыл бұрын
Lütfen bize mesajınızı secretary@restorevisionclinic.com adresine gönderin; çalışma günleri boyunca 09.00 - 17.00 saatleri arasında +493020649289 numaralı telefondan bize ayrıntılı bir yanıt gönderin veya bizi arayın. Takım Restore Vizyon Kliniği
@CYRAMUN 2 жыл бұрын
I hello...I am 61...was born with severe strabismus on my right eye....tried everything under the sun to treat my amblyopia...lazy right eye..nothing worked...all patented experts told me to forget it and bite the bullet....And you are advertising a revolutionary technique which nobody knows...no résults exposed ...no price.....sounds strange to me but Please have some respects for People like me Who Went thru hell with eyes disorders that Just ruins life...if your solution really works why nobody no experts is backing you up? I discussed with MD PHds...the whole 9 yards experts...they Just dont advise your treatment...Period
@juliachibisova827 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for contacting the Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic, Berlin (Germany). In case of amblyopia our treatment can be beneficial for patients under 10 y.o. only. Unfortunately, it will not be helpful in your case. Therefore, we cannot recommend that you proceed with our medical services. We know how important it is for you to find a treatment that works, and wish you success in doing so.
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