FGO Hot Takes : "Andromeda is a gimmick at best"

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Plushie Mistress

Plushie Mistress

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@char1194 6 ай бұрын
Her kit is like her lore, she's chained to a rock called the quick support meta
@JohnWick-rh1zz 6 ай бұрын
Its a pretty beautiful rock although pretty old
@handbanana4899 6 ай бұрын
I'd rather be eaten by an actual sea monster than be chained to the quick support meta next to Skadi and Skadi Summer.
@PlushieMistress 6 ай бұрын
Nah as arts her taunt just becomes redundant, its just tank units in general
@char1194 6 ай бұрын
@@PlushieMistress I didnt mean that she would be better as another card type. Rather, I just mean that the skadis are a poor fit as supports for her so it drags her performance down as a result. I like that she's quick, I just wish we had better support options suited for her. Even just like a quick tamamo would be nice.
@Birb_brain 6 ай бұрын
We can’t all win the ‘gameplay’ game, but she’s still super cute.
@bitethedust3561 6 ай бұрын
Anndromeda is one of the only times I've instantly been like "This. I want this." in FGO and as long as the other two on that list (aka Typhon and Camazotz) aren't released in the near future, I'm planning on rolling her. Even tho she is just a gimmick.
@N120Xeno 6 ай бұрын
I see what Perseus saw Edit: Also despite some of the issues with Andromeda’s kit, I could make it work. Just need them to drop that Quick Merlin (Abe-no-Seimei please) already
@keroro407 6 ай бұрын
What's wrong with our current Quick support meta (Skadi and Skadi Ruler)?
@N120Xeno 6 ай бұрын
@@keroro407 THEY BOTH FUCKIN SUCK!!! Both do the same god damn thing (boost damage). None can provide any defensive or sustain utility whatsoever (caster Skadi doesn’t count her NP rarely matters).
@N120Xeno 6 ай бұрын
@@keroro407 THEY BOTH SUCK THAT’S THEIR PROBLEM. They both do the same thing with little to no difference (mainly boost damage) and can’t help their units stay alive long from defense and healing.
@TheAuthorStudios 6 ай бұрын
skadi's only defensive options are stuck to an NP that nobody ever used becuase arts chains in a quick team are nonexistnat, and her battery doing nothing else was powercrept HARD by other supports. also THOSE BEING TEH ONLY FREAKING OPTIONS IS WRONG IN AND OUT OF ITSELF@407
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
​@@keroro407they lack AOE charge for comp variation and also Lack good enough buff for more than like 6 quick loopers 6-slot farm properly. You can probably 6-slot with more comps by Using Castoria + arts Looper and Summer Skadi than double S.Skadi and a quick servant.
@Rar-u2f 6 ай бұрын
FGO needs to pump up the tank game Give % DMG reductions, make them tank NPs, give team invul except themselves Idk
@GeorgeMonet 6 ай бұрын
I think the devs don't want the player's units to be able to survive. Hence why only Castoria can protect against invul pierce and the dev who pushed that change through probably had to make one hell of an argument about how important it was to keep the face of the game special.
@eeriecode1628 6 ай бұрын
Friendly reminder that Kingprotea is the only Servant in the game so far with NP Damage resistance. They really don't want us to potentially survive NPs...
@TheStuffEnjoyer 6 ай бұрын
Andromeda should have leaned completely into the tank Servant niche. No offence and full defense and utility. Imagine her taunt skill stacking damage cut like PfA stacks instead of stacking crits. Or give her a unique passive that heals her and gives her Max HP stacks when she procs guts. Idk, they should have done something to make her super unique as a tank. We already have Mash and other tanks in the game already. She needs something extra super unique to make her special.
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
She would just be bad then, at least now she works in some situations and comps, she would end up being a weak option once a month when we get a CQ. Now you can farm with her to bond 10 at least.
@AllMuscleFGO 6 ай бұрын
I appreciate Lasagna's effort to make a tank servant that can do decent damage/farm, I really wish her guts was stackable to use necromancy on her tho 🐒
@spartanryno 6 ай бұрын
I'm just sad that with her only at waterside battlefield passive her NP she doesn't have ANYWAY to make it herself. Like I wish she could do the Arc thing where as she uses her NP it makes the battlefield waterside for three turns. Like at least that way Andromeda could help out Santa Nemo, Regular Nemo, and ALL the other waterside users.
@mythicalskeleton1546 6 ай бұрын
I swear they were planning to make her a ruler with the hp stat being massive and lower attack, but they decided to make her a rider because of the lore
@SunOfficial 6 ай бұрын
I really love the hot take series, please keep it up!
@musashishinmen4286 6 ай бұрын
Let's just say there was an attempt to overhaul Marie Antoinette
@samblindao5421 6 ай бұрын
In my opinion she shouldn't have been ''Summer Coded.'' It would be way more interesting to have an actual Serious Foreign entity. (Looking at you kuku)
@O530CarrisPT_C2 6 ай бұрын
Quick really needs major fixes. Because there's good servants that have their card as NP type. Unfortunately, Andromeda isn't one of them.
@fenrir_Lokison9 6 ай бұрын
Not related to this video, but related to this series of videos. Based on your hot takes videos, I started saving, since this january, for Summer Melusine and Draco. If possible, I hope I can get summer Chloe. I have Summer Musashi at np 4, lvl 120 and folden fou. I think my farming needs won't need Summer Ibuki, which I don't like. The only SQ spending I will make during this year and a half will be from leftovers of paid sq foe GSSR, just to roll once per day for what I like. It will be a long, sick and annoying year...I am crazy.
@Rahdwiin 6 ай бұрын
To need or not, is a strong word. All that you are accomplishing with this very strong Musashi is more damage, which she already has more than Ibuki even on equal terms. The problem is that she lacks any sorts of battery, which makes her literally not possible to loop on many situations, so even with such a powerful Musashi you will not really be completely covered farm-wise. I get you though, I also dislike Ibuki with that grotesque design of her, though I will most likely get her anyways because I will roll for Erice, and only stupid players burn Servants, so...
@fenrir_Lokison9 6 ай бұрын
@@Rahdwiin I have been lucky enough, more like "blessed", actually, to get all the neutral supports and castoria. So, I only need to swap supports and I can loop without issue. Let us hope I am not wrong and I can hold out for so long. I really, really don't want to roll for her. Maybe lady avalon and just some tickets or daily roll with paid SQ, but that would be it.
@tvorchtvorch9823 6 ай бұрын
My hot take is that no other Servant can bring value as much as Mash can as a Taunt Servant. Supports aside, Andomeda is just not great in any of what she is focused in her kit or gameplay. She doesnt compare to achilles in "aoe rider that survives and has a taunt", and she doesnt win in "soaking damage from the party and actually surviving" that Constantine, and as mentioned in the video, barghest,summer baobahn sith, and jinako. Andromeda just feels incredibly pointless
@brunosanto3488 6 ай бұрын
I see her comfortably being useful in NU, probably RU hopefully. The bad thing is that she will have to compete with Jeanne as the team's tank (who fell to PU because of Castoria, but has had a resurgence that allowed her to reach RU)
@elcazador3349 6 ай бұрын
What resurgence?
@abrawolf 6 ай бұрын
Doesnt even get uu, smh my head with all this power creep
@brunosanto3488 6 ай бұрын
@dor3349 When Jeanne arrived at PU, she was too much for the Level: good stats, good skills and there were no fixed counters for her. She had to be banned a week after her arrival. At NU, Jeanne is "ok", but she felt quite oppressive. Everything NU revolved around Jeanne (Landorus T style) and restricted team building. When it came out that Jeanne was the most used/seen Servant and had a lot of presence in the tournaments, the community said that they had enough with the self-proclaimed "The Devil of Orleans". Like Smogon, the council made excuses to keep Jeanne on the level, but the community won and Jeanne was banned from NU. That brings us to Jeanne in RU, where her power level is acceptable to her. She didn't feel as overpowered and was a healthy addition to the level as she countered many Servants, taking on the role of ultimate defensive support.
@elcazador3349 6 ай бұрын
@@brunosanto3488I wish she was better
@tamerofthewilds9987 3 ай бұрын
Make a servant where depending on how many defensive buffs they have they can consume a certain amount for NP, Damage, or Crit Stars, and has an NP that give them defense up buffs for three turns and an attack buff that costs no defense buffs that gives them defense up buffs on crits or something. Build up a bulwark then pick it up and just throw it at the enemy
@Tenoko321 16 күн бұрын
Andromeda walked so Ciel could fly
@vidyastuff3509 6 ай бұрын
Can't loop or solo? Bad character - FGO Fan base, said while chugging buckets of lead paint.
@MageofFlowers-UwU 5 ай бұрын
aren´t Tank Servants good for Holy Grail Front? I mean people call Castoria really good for HGF and she is basically a Support/Tank Servant.
@lordtea 6 ай бұрын
Tbh she is like osakabehime if she is not a neet introvert tank
@oomfie_rhine 6 ай бұрын
Fly high galaxy cutie pie, you will be a stepping stone to something more majestic 🥲
@PlushieMistress 6 ай бұрын
i mean she can get a super early buff next year like caren, who knows
@morsayxd 6 ай бұрын
not the best at anything but great at multiple one , which is amazing , looping caster with bg for a rider is what you want at best for a looping rider , she really has no business looping everything with bg that is melusine , kama , dantes etc territory. Not saying the unit is broken , but the only legit criticism is the lack of heal , in fact talking abt farming with her is just not worth it , cq is her main playground and she does it well , she has things that other tank do not and things that other soloer lack (barghest for example has no survival and weak np spammibility). You was too harsh for no reason aside the heal rant which is valid ( no offense , jus giving my op).
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
Triple skadi isn't really a good standart for riders when Habetrot can farm the normal neutral nodes with Castoria + waver or Oberon a lot of times.
@blaneonthemoon2507 6 ай бұрын
​@@GS_CCC the difference between arts and quick, learn it.
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
@@blaneonthemoon2507 its a color on the screen, there is no bonus after the quest if you use a color over the other. Its the same thing, just changes if you pick castoria from the sup list or summer skadi.
@morsayxd 6 ай бұрын
​@@GS_CCC That doesnt change anything to her ability furthermore habetrot will do a less dmg , and i said that talking abt farming with her is a waste of time , she is mainly for cq , farming is just a bonus that increase her value
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
@@morsayxd ???? CQ isn't really real value, it only comes into play once a month most times and you could just use a lv 120 np5 sup and the free revive to skip the challenge anyways. Habetrot can just use a better support or plug to get better dmg than her if she isn't like np3+ And you could use plug oberon with BG with habetrot without much trouble.
@danween 6 ай бұрын
the “one buster card, servant bad” argument is really old and fucking annoying now
@alrightorange2200 6 ай бұрын
My hot take is that no other Servant can bring value as much as Mash can as a Taunt Servant.
@philbuttler3427 3 ай бұрын
Give Quick their own uniquely designed equivialent of Assassin Koyan over updating Skadi every few years and resaleing her to us. Its so frustrating how Quick is the only playstyle whos supports arent future proof.
@kanicunny 6 ай бұрын
The only good taunt is a taunt that dies next turn
@orga7777 6 ай бұрын
Or Mash who can probably take it and do another Taunt afterward.
@neves783001 6 ай бұрын
Nah, I prefer my tank with a Necro for a chance at infinite tank goodness. My Georgios is the undisputed king of unkillable tanks.
@morsayxd 6 ай бұрын
Nah the taunt that can protect your support
@justawanderingoldman7699 6 ай бұрын
Depends on the situation really.
@blaneonthemoon2507 6 ай бұрын
I still dont like the idea of "meta" in a single player game. Supports i can understand but in a game where any dps can be used with a good amount of efficiency for whatever you wanna do i find the idea of meta to be dumb. For example, i use douman to farm all my cavalry nodes. There are many better options, hell i could go arts, but i want to farm with douman.
@muratticugaratti1571 6 ай бұрын
Considering how shit the rates are in this game meta is a must. This is not to say its always a good idea to summon for meta. After you get like 2-3 meta supports/DPS you can summon for fun until the end of time. Its just its better to know who is strong and who is underwhelming Also Douman is OP lol
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
Its obvious why there is a meta, it is a game based on the AP system so getting the max efficiency possible is desirable. The meta is simply 6-slot farming frontline only, and in 90++ it may change because the node could be to hard for that. It can easily be achieved in most content such as farming the normal mat nodes with f2p options. If your douman comp is farming properly then it is in the meta. Double Castoria, Castoria + 50% charge aoe, Castoria + other sup, Double Summer Skadi, Double Oberon, etc can all 6-slot most mat nodes in the game at max efficiency. Its extremely easy to be in the meta in fgo.
@blaneonthemoon2507 6 ай бұрын
@muratticugaratti1571 douman is good yeah but my point was his refund is ass compared to a lot of units. If i wanted maximum efficiency i wouldnt farm with douman, id use an arts unit or a 50% buster unit that is more consistent. Sometimes he just barely hits 30% for oberon. But i get the whole thing of get a few top tier units so your game doesnt get soft locked because you dont have an answer for the content you need to fight but most boss fights can be beaten by any unit with a good bit of thinking. Like i said earlier, i understand meta supports but the need for the BEST dps ever at any given moment has never really hit me like that. They definitely should've given andromeda some kind of healing ability tho.
@blaneonthemoon2507 6 ай бұрын
@GS_CCC meta to you and meta to me seem to be completely different things. I dont need to be 100% efficient. This isnt a pvp game where im competing against other people. When it comes to farming, like i said in my last comment, douman barely refunds most times but if thats what being meta is then so be it. As for farming, ive almost never been able to 6 slot any farming node but im fine with that. During lotto i only farm 100 boxes at most so whether i hit that a week in or on the last day couldnt matter to me. Ig i see why people are so obsessed with efficiency during farming but rating a unit solely on their ability to farm is dumb to me even if the game is 90% farming. If i wanted to be efficient, i wouldnt be using douman to farm in the first place. Thanks for the insight tho. I assumed being meta was about having the best unit in general. I didnt know how easy it was to be in the meta.
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
@@blaneonthemoon2507 because farming on NA for now is 12 nodes a day if you use your daily AP properly. So losing 5% x5 servants x 12 times a day ends up being a lot in the long run. And Douman is pretty good for 6-slot. Aoe 20/40% atk up and 30% def down aoe and also has 80% charge, his problem is mostly the class and Chaotic/Evil Requirements. With a CE, Servants like Jeanne summer can 5-slot with only sup castoria and MC, so there is little reason to talk about a comp that doesn't reach max efficiency, at least CE wise outside 90++.
@drunkfarmer5106 6 ай бұрын
I think the big issue with tank servants is the good old "why go for reduced damage when you can just take no damage at all?", which with that case, the invincible combo will just be the best setup for that kind of stall...
@DankIord 6 ай бұрын
I think a bigger issue is why stall at all. 99% of this games challenging content is not so difficult that stall is worth it.
@drunkfarmer5106 6 ай бұрын
@@DankIord You wanna have that option for when it seems too much for any specific node. Unless you're a mega whale, you're not gonna have the 3t for everything. The team also consists of servants you're already gonna have, like Morgan and Castoria.
@DankIord 6 ай бұрын
@drunkfarmer5106 well first off I don't have Morgan but 2nd off the options arent just min turn or stall, most people will clear the quest in more turns than the minimum but not stall it out with invincibility. That's what I mean. There is hardly any quest where stall is the only viable option for the majority of players. The only time that I've ever in my whole fgo career stalled was the King Hassan fight in NeroFest but even then if you even have 1 good ST Caster you don't have to stall on that quest
@drunkfarmer5106 6 ай бұрын
@@DankIord It'd not about BEING the best most viable one all the time, its always a tactic you got in your back pocket you can bring out at any time. Anything without buff removal or death mechanics giving you a hard time can be solved by this one team. And I'd heavily recommend you get Morgan, as she is insane value for rolling her. Though if you have Castoria and Merlin, just take a support Morgan.
@altheapolyam 6 ай бұрын
It's not always about what's more proficient but about how you like to play the game. For me, characters like Barghest are peek gameplay in terms of fun. I love the healing tank thing, sadly enough there's not too many of them in FGO 😢
@zs190 6 ай бұрын
Is it me or did I miss Ushi Gozen hot take video?
@comicsans8994 6 ай бұрын
She is pretty much a straight forward character
@lordradiance2530 6 ай бұрын
Another unfortunate victim of being a quick unit. Quick at this very moment is shoehorned into being this extremely aggressice archetype, as such theres some prerequisites, you need hard survivability on one skill, and you need to be double buster double quick. And well, shes not either of these. Shes an arts dps pretending to be a quick dps and she suffers because of it. Maybe in the future when we get quick supports more geared towards being defensive she might be good but for now, shes another victim
@morsayxd 6 ай бұрын
Everyone need hard survival for one , second anyone can really take advantage of castoria , the only skill art will take advantage of over other classes is art up and still everyone enjoy the invul. Furthermore a unit can b bbaaq or baaqq so they will still enjoy art. Quick is strong and does the most np dmg , a lot of high tier and top tier are quick
@lordradiance2530 6 ай бұрын
@@morsayxd on arts dps’ hard survival is not very important, because castoria does the job for you. Summer ibuki, who is likely the best dps in the whole game has no hard survival, kriemhild has no hard survival, summer erice has no hard survival, and draco has no hard survival. Sure, anybody can use castoria, you can use castoria on buster teams if you want, but like plushie said, why do that when i can just use double castoria + broken arts dps. How is that better than just using an arts team. Name the top or high tier quick servants, kama, kagekiyo, summer sei MAYBE melt and medusa saber. For aoes its like caren, sen no rikyu, okitan, britomart, douman and ofc summer skadi. Theres maybe 5 of each single target and aoe i would call good. And i dont think id call any of these servants top tier
@dhiakarimah8829 6 ай бұрын
I rolled for her just to use as bait when perseus come to fgo
@maxtech23 6 ай бұрын
Yeah this is just the sad reality for tank servants, there all over shadowed by castoria existing, most art's servants will be better because of castoria and it's dumb so until they make someone better then castoria which i doubt will ever happen then i don't see this changing.
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
They are overshadowed by normal servants existing.
@SharpLCDTV 6 ай бұрын
Are we just not gonna get an ushi gozen hot take 😭
@ferrywijaya2557 6 ай бұрын
If she has double buster QQABB, this would have been a VERY different story. Also if her NP overcharge increases her DEF UP from 50% to 100% (so each stack puts extra 12.5% DEF UP).
@Ginchan_FGO 6 ай бұрын
Plushie with most hot takes: *they are not really good* Also him: has them np3+ :/
@policavosn3469 6 ай бұрын
Dont forget whenever he also does pity for them
@yolkkyz 6 ай бұрын
They may not be good but they're hot still he knows how to separate gameplay and personal likings
@ucmanhvuong4301 6 ай бұрын
when you like a char, you dont give a shit abt meta. You make them work no matter what.
@Ginchan_FGO 6 ай бұрын
Then these hot takes has no purpose@@ucmanhvuong4301
@altheapolyam 6 ай бұрын
I mean, if you don't go 100% into something, you won't really know how good it is. Sadly enough having NP3 these units helps you get a good measurement of how good or bad they are
@Alphagammabeta 6 ай бұрын
if she has min 3t 20% def up on her kit, she'll be a Giga George :'v if Andromeda really wanna be a tank that does not have healing, she should have a better guts, aka min 5k 5 turn guts, like Leonidas. So she can actually hover that 5k HP pool, like HIM. look at George he has a shitty guts, but he has a heal, although also mid :'v george buff when? :'( imo if they make a 5* Leonidas archetype, they would give 'em damage cut and removal resist, on top of maybe unique gimmick like anti def pierce :'v
@flareless6713 6 ай бұрын
What Andromeda needed was for her NP to be supportive not damaging, heal maybe OC or special dmg idk. BUT at least make her def buff hit based and stackable for some fun. Her 2nd skill to be partywide crit up and her her third to be rainbow buff and targetable to play into Yui. This would make her an interesting crit support that could be paired with any colour.
@Eldritxh1508 6 ай бұрын
The pain of being mid. Rip
@altheapolyam 6 ай бұрын
I'll never understand her design. What in her design tells you she's a tank? She doesn't even have armor OR proper clothing. Don't get me wrong her design is cool but like...come on. This kinda fan service really put me off :( PD: If you like her, her character, design or kit I do respect that don't get me wrong I'm just giving my 50 cents
@N120Xeno 6 ай бұрын
Bruh why do you care? Rarely does a servants design translate their gameplay 100%. That’s just being needlessly nitpicky
@orga7777 6 ай бұрын
"This kind of fanservice really put me off." Uhh. Dude. This is a Fate game. Where have you been for the last 20 years? Maybe you need to go into a different series, bro. This one isn't gonna be your cup of tea.
@altheapolyam 6 ай бұрын
@@N120Xeno there's a lot of tanky servants that have some kind of armor, even if not good :( I just needed to complain but feel free to ignore me
@altheapolyam 6 ай бұрын
@@orga7777 what series would that be, please I'm open to recommendations 🥺
@tvorchtvorch9823 6 ай бұрын
Your argument is completely moot , you can use only buster , art or quick and do well in this game with similar performances, in fact quick dmg potential is far higher than art (one reason to still use quick) not only that a lot of top tier units are quick (another reason to use quick) , art only has better consistency than quick and buster but worse dmg , castoria solemn def benefit everyone not only art and andromeda can use castoria/merlina + skadi since she has baaqq. Your second point is cap too , barghest , summer sith exist , you did well to say you dont know you use what you have , furthermore that statement is a lie , yui shousetsu , bride , reines , waver , blatvasky exists , it is just skill issue if you cant do anything with quick outside of having supports lol And yet it has long been considered that Quick is the worst supported type. I think you are in denial, man. Buster has way stronger crit synergy because Buster face cards are significantly more potent than Quick face cards and a Buster Servant is capable of Buster chaining when NP is taken into account. Arts has significant more refund potential than Quick does. This is not rare knowledge here. All of Quicks best supports are gacha. There is no cheaper options that help benefit their playstyle. i dont let people think for me , mayb you do but i dont , i play the game and use my own brain unlike a lot of fgo player , at the end you do you , i will use any archtype i want , cause there is no reason to not use quick or any of the card type and that is a fact. ok , my bad , i just lumped you with the rest , i jus assumed in my last comment. If you think buster is better that is your op. Imo and in my exp , art > quick = buster. I will just stand by that. Have a nice rest of your day. Edit: looks like you mistook my point too, i clearly said quick = buster , but it is a fact that quick np are stronger , buster has just better face card dmg you have a nice day too i am glad we were able to handle it nicely
@neves783001 6 ай бұрын
I already have Swimsuit Jeanne. I don't need another whale girl to grace my Chaldea.
@IrvineKinneas8882 6 ай бұрын
Supports aside, Andomeda is just not great in any of what she is focused in her kit or gameplay. She doesnt compare to achilles in "aoe rider that survives and has a taunt", and she doesnt win in "soaking damage from the party and actually surviving" that Constantine, and as mentioned in the video, barghest,summer baobahn sith, and jinako. Andromeda just feels incredibly pointless
@ribstein7714 6 ай бұрын
I think the sentiment that every unit's playstyle should play nicely with the big supports (castoria let's be real) is a bad mindset to have and could potentially be bad for the game design in the future (in a way I think it already is). People have complained that a tank playstyle shouldn't exist in the modern day because castoria spam (not taking any damage) is a more optimal strategy. This is, for the most part, true, but I don't think that should be a reason to stop designing tank units or more off the beaten pass. Let's look at this from the player's perspective and from the developer's perspective. using small permutations of the same team will very likely get tiring to the playerbase. When every cq/boss uses essentially the same team and when that team is so powerful that it really doesn't require the player to engage with the mechanics of the cq/boss: a cq becomes something they have to get over with, instead of a challenge. They lose the enjoyment they could find in it. This is a problem game designers are very familiar with. A player will always use the most effective strategy, even at the loss of satisfaction. That's why you need to force them to want to use something other than the most effective path. The castoria is already out of the bag, so to make the player enjoy cqs: incentives that aren't gameplay based are a good way to encourage a variety in team composition and thus enjoyment. Designing waifus and husbandos that are unique in ways that it may encourage a different playstyle than castoria, even if it may come at a slight loss to their strength, seems a good way to do this. Say you like Andromeda a lot, castoria just isn't a good fit. So if you want to use her in a cq: you will want to experiment. This, in turn, can be fun for the player. They might even find the want to use different units they don't have, say skadi or reines. This, in turn, could motivate them to roll for them. This outcome is good for the developers and the health of the game as actually enjoying the game would help player retention by itself and wanting to use a wider variety of units would make the players want to farm more to get skill levels up etc. Now: I can hear the "but I don't care about hard content, I just want to beat the cq." Well, castoria still exists, and units that are very good with castoria still exist. Making newer units more unique doesn't remove your ability to easily beat a cq/boss. If you like andromeda and want to beat the cq easily. You can do some experimenting with, say, lakshmibai or hans or asclepius, and then just do a quick run with castoria, merlin, and morgan if things don't work out. You can even still just castoria, merlin, andromeda. You won't beat it as quickly as I said with Ibuki summer or another immense unit, but you can still do it.
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
Servants should be 6-slot farmers and also be unique. Look at servants Like Habetrot, heal, hp regen, target inv, sacrifice, stars while lowering her absorb, instant NP, but is also an arts looper/wave 1 killer. There is no excuse to a new servant to be unable to farm. Now with Ordeal Call 1T nodes you can get use out of ST and 1T sups. Servants should have a baseline level of usability and creative skills on top, not just the sauce with no foundation.
@ribstein7714 6 ай бұрын
@GS_CCC forcing a servant to be a 6 slot limits the way servants can be designed. For instance: no more self buffing nps allowed, every servant must have a battery instead of [insert another effect]. And no not every servant needs to be a farmer. Most people have options to farm nowadays, even the low star line up has fairly competent farmers like spartacus. No one needs the newest ssr to be a competent farmer. I don't want the designers to force every servant to be a farmer at the cost of creativity. Being able to spam an np is a very powerful thing so if that is to be allowed of the unit: the other parts of their kit needs to be weaker to compensate. That makes their unique traits stand out less. Haberrot it a unit that can farm and is unique byt her uniqueness is in part because she can use her np immediately. Not every kit design will work like that
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
@@ribstein7714 there is 0 reason why being able to 6-slot would limit the characters. Being able to use a character you like every day is way more important than using them once month in a CQ. Imagine a Character with an aoe dmg mod skill that buffs 50% dmg against rider/Caster/assasin but debuffs into having 30% less dmg against saber/archer/lancer, its a pretty unique effect, how is possible that also giving a 50% charge and AOE NP is limiting the creativity. Or giving them 50% target charge and 20% gain. Or making them ST with 30% charge at least. If everyone is good them they can focus on making each character unique, like would anyone be sad if andromeda has 20% more charge and the color buff was aoe?
@ribstein7714 6 ай бұрын
@GS_CCC it absolutely limits creativity in design. No more servants that have self buffing nps, no servants that focus much more on defense than damage, they have to have good np gain on their np which is something that could be used to ballance a servant that has a really powerful np like scath, the need for the servant to have a battery instead of something else instead, no more servants that are much more niche focused than general damage like say them having bad gains for cards but say a taunt and np gain while hit. You're just not being creative. The developers aren't being creative either. Half the buffs are just battery, every new servant has a 50% or 30% battery and a niche on their bp because you need a niche to be a good farmer in the modern meta. It absolutely limits uniqueness in design. It doesn't completely remove the ability for a servant to be unique, but it definitely limits options. And no I don't think most people care as much about being able to loop with their favourite (watching their np 3 times in a row as you fast forward their skills) as much as actually using them to have fun. Being a decent farmer also doesn't mean you'll be used often. If you're doing a 90++ or 90+, you can't just slot in whatever unit you want to farm that node consistently. You need class advantage, unless you have high np levels: you often need a niche, so really, it's not much more common to use them than a cq in all honestly. If you don't 3 turn: you can use basically any unit you want to farm the node unless the unit isn't a dps in which case you can't farm with them at all in a normal context. I farm with my favourites like gawain and penth and caenis, and none of those are built for farming
@GS_CCC 6 ай бұрын
@@ribstein7714 how is that the case, just make so the servant is okay for farming but really good for CQs. And how is self buffing NPs not a thing anymore?, if Super orion had a target 70% atk up 2 Times that can't be used on himself would he be any less unique. With that he would become way better for Raids/Ordeal call ST nodes while still being a good CQ servant. Would adding Aoe gain and Charge on medea lily make her any less of a healer? Not being able to farm just limits the servant and locks then into being unusable most of the year.
@naotohex 6 ай бұрын
What is kinda annoying about her deck is that since her np is quick, and she has a 15 star bomb and 15 stars for 3 turns, her quick cards become a bit worse off. Honestly if she switched a quick for a buster like you mentioned she could have a slightly better deck. Even with Riding A, a buster crit should do more than a quick crit right?
@mysticpumpkin8520 6 ай бұрын
Not really. Sure you get more damage.....what else? An Arts crit gives you damage and even more Np refund, Quick gives you more damage, star gen AND np refund. Buster? Nothing Sure you could say "why would I need a quick crit if buster if better" but to that I say: Why do I need a mere buster crit when instead I can just quick and arts crit and get my NP back, which does more damage?
@UggoBass 6 ай бұрын
still would
@terra_chad2905 6 ай бұрын
If quick bad, why cute ?
@morsayxd 6 ай бұрын
Quick isnt bad
@midend 6 ай бұрын
she's an attempt up from antoinette i guess
@weisstofall2615 6 ай бұрын
What i got from this is: Andromeda should've been an arts servant
@GeorgeMonet 6 ай бұрын
I'm just not sure what this character's intended use is. She's all over the place and seems really poorly thought out. I really wish the dev talks were more focused on talking about how they designed a character to be used and gave an actual demonstration of the new servant defeating a hard encounter based on fulfilling that purpose.
@ivanbluecool 6 ай бұрын
The first thing is someone has to convince themselves to still justify using quick. Second........ I don't know. Gimmicks always end up thrown in the bin like (insert a few dozen servants here)
@PlushieMistress 6 ай бұрын
summer baobhan was a gimmick but a gimmick pulled off well, so there is no excuse here imo. Definitely could have made her more tanky or have some form of HP recovery, or at the very least dont make her passives so shit.
@drunkfarmer5106 6 ай бұрын
Quick is actually the best for solos actually. Kama and Van Gogh are extremely potent despite being quick units. In a team setting though, yea the difference is saddening...
@ivanbluecool 6 ай бұрын
@@PlushieMistress well the developers make a unique gimmick that works well for how she can be played. The game is either 3 turn boom farm or stall np strats. Sith is good with it. Good gimmicks are ones that don't hamper a unit like Melusine emiya and space Ishtar having different np types or Chloe summer being a self eject for bonus charge. Stuff like that
@ivanbluecool 6 ай бұрын
@@drunkfarmer5106 again that's pointless if you take much longer than needed and the safety net is low for most units asides those two But that's a niche that most don't understand doesn't make quick good. Jeanne was able to solo long before them and even best nodes that should be impossible. It's not the most viable is what I'm saying as fgo doesn't really have and true solo battles to make one unit team be a thing to truly consider outside the grail fronts
@amihilarious4665 6 ай бұрын
Lmao it's 2024 and people still call Quick bad, the brain rot is unreal. When it's the best card type for DPS-ing, has the best facecards thanks to S.Skadi, has the highest NP damage at base 600%... a Support servant useful on the Battlefield after using their skills with Skadi giving stars every turn, has party atk buffs (looking at you Koyan)... Can have three 50% supports thanks to both Skadis, Can BG loop more than the amount of Buster loopers that can. But of course "Quick is still bad lol"... at this point it's just gotta be a skill issue.
@TheNightofWalpurgis666 6 ай бұрын
FGO’s Dehya pretty much
@samsclub432 6 ай бұрын
If Andromeda has one million haters, I am one of them. If Andromeda has ten haters, I am one of them. If Andromeda has only one hater, then that is me. If Andromeda has no haters, that means I no longer exist. If the world stands with Andromeda, I am against the world.
@PlushieMistress 6 ай бұрын
Didn’t know you wanted to get railed by perseus this badly, I wish you the best of luck this white day
@N120Xeno 6 ай бұрын
@@PlushieMistress Feel like we’re setting ourselves up for a disaster (in terms of who the servant will be) on white day lol
@orga7777 6 ай бұрын
@@PlushieMistressSavage. lol
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