Fiancé Spat In My Food So He Could Have It, So I Threw It Away And Now He's Mad r/AITA

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@sprats1241 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I’m not usually one to immediately jump aboard the “Ditch that person” train as some relationships may be repaired through better communication. On the other hand, I consider spitting on someone or their food as one of the ultimate forms of disrespect. Not sure about OP but I’d nope my way out of there.
@2Ten1Ryu 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. Ditch him. He is the bully.
@MrJpaynebb 3 жыл бұрын
The last person to spit in my food was my brother when we were kids and we got in a knock down drag out fight. 2 things not to F#$k with a person's food and car. Those are fighting moments and definitely grounds to break up.
@jennstewart3003 3 жыл бұрын
He sounds like an ACTUAL child. He's a damn monster.
@apopuffkin1717 Жыл бұрын
Dude would have been wearing that food after he spit it in, and I would be packing my things and making some phone calls. What I would not be doing is arguing with him about it, I would just be gone without a further word.
@francit4856 Жыл бұрын
That's what I thought. I'd have put it on his head or in his face after that one. OP was obviously more controlled. I hope to heck she left him asap.
@marist6734 3 жыл бұрын
The fact that the guy couldn’t reheat leftovers is what baffles me the most. Seriously even my dogs know better not to eat my food when it’s on the table.😂😂😂
@kaykay8855 3 жыл бұрын
What is it with GROWN MEN not reheating/cooking their own food.
@terra_the_nightingale135 3 жыл бұрын
@@kaykay8855 I was gonna say why did you just say grown men because there’s probably women as well but then I realized that... you’re right... it usually *is...* why is that??
@2212blackstar 3 жыл бұрын
@@terra_the_nightingale135 good question…this is a case study I’d love to see happen because it typically is, especially with leaving a mess after being in the kitchen. I try to cover my footsteps if I make a mess but as ashamed as I am to say I’m not thorough. But as for re-heating food I don’t know if I’m hungry I’d never think to take from someone’s plate unless I had their permission and even then I’d take a portion so small you’d assume I was gonna feed a fly.
@nevermindmyparentsimthepunk 2 жыл бұрын
this story was so horrible petty it was funny. your dog is way better than most dogs,cats, an kids
@SyadeHaan 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: what a disgusting, awful, gross action by the fiancé. OP was 100% right to throw it out. Let the fiancé learn from this, don't mess with other people's food. I would have swatted his hand away from my plate at first try, just like it was a fly. Do not touch my food when I don't offer.
@legion6211 3 жыл бұрын
@SyadeHaan 3 жыл бұрын
@@legion6211 hmm, depends on if this is the only matter and if fiancé has learnt from it or not. It is awful behavior, and it boarders on abuse (I would more classify it as entitled behavior though), but the fiance is really young and probably is able to learn. If he doesn't / refuse to or this isn't the only issue, yes then OP should get outta there.
@desireeloveros1055 3 жыл бұрын
Mans lucky I would’ve thrown it at his face
@antipodias6672 3 жыл бұрын
Can we just acknowledge the fact the one where he spat in the food he admitted he was COUNTING ON them giving the food after he spit in it THEN GOT MAD AGAIN when they threw it away KNOWING THEY HADNT EATEN YET. Its like he's trying to give people an eating disorder when he wants to bored eat.
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA Look there was probably a better way to get the message across but OP just called her out for animal cruelty and ecoterrorism. The fact the PRINCIPAL doesn't know both of those things is ridiculous and is a failure at helping to educate students.
@justatroll1432 3 жыл бұрын
Someplaces it's downright illegal as well
@deedeeschway9566 3 жыл бұрын
My bet is that she’s being asked to apologize for swearing and calling her names, since she won’t, she’s facing suspension. The girl was ignorant yes, but calling her stupid and using swear words does not get the point across. Demeaning someone for ignorant behaviour (especially when they had “good intentions”) will not educate them. The school has to address the abusive language, a workplace wouldn’t tolerate it either even if you’re right. All she has to do is say, “I’m sorry for calling you names and using bad words, it was wrong of me. All I can say is that I was so upset that those poor goldfish died, I reacted badly and lost my temper.” It doesn’t change the sentiment or take back her point, it just gets her out of trouble and maybe the girl will listen.
@SilentDecepticon 3 жыл бұрын
1: Dude would be wearing that plate of food. How disrespectful. 2: The sister either lied or downplayed what she said to OP. She was cruel and OP was right to kick her out. 3: Yeah, while OP is right, they don’t have to be so abrasive. Coming out of the gate swinging isn’t going to make anyone listen to them. 4: That money should be his, he earned it. Yanking away a promised reward is an asshole move. I’d wait a while then gift him the money once things have calmed down. But the son having a tantrum and going after his sister like that was not acceptable either. I have to wonder if the family does favour the sister and this is yet another incident in a long list of him being screwed over because he’s the unfavourite. It would make his reaction more understandable if so.
@HidForHG 3 жыл бұрын
The 4th story has that feel to it. The son likely is lashing out so much bc after working his ass off so long THIS happens. Yeah I'd be royally pissed off too! And the sister thing sounds like the son is finally deciding to break from the family he doesn't see as caring for him. Though the fact they also straight went to oh you got a scholarship so you don't need ANY money, bc we all know you just receive a scrooge mcduck pile of cash and live in a mansion on a scholarship. I'd say the parents are looking at the son dropping most contact.
@Lisapizzza 3 жыл бұрын
Spitting in someone's food is absolutely disgusting and then he has the gall to get angry that she threw it away
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
To me for story 3, it is one of those few times where being an asshole is completely justified. Never return freshwater fish to saltwater. It literally kills them.
@b.f.2461 3 жыл бұрын
It’s like putting an oxygen-breathing person into a chlorine atmosphere, and shrugging “they’re both gases, what’s the big deal?”
@carg0_b00m 3 жыл бұрын
@@b.f.2461 or a human into a cube filled with water lasting 1 hour long. like they both choke to death, human with water and fishy with salt.
@carg0_b00m 3 жыл бұрын
@@b.f.2461 without the last bit you typed out.
@b.f.2461 3 жыл бұрын
@@carg0_b00m True.
@Resilient_Sage88 3 жыл бұрын
First story: Girl don't just throw the food out but throw that whole man away.
@moonbear5929 3 жыл бұрын
@alicewilloughby4318 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1 - He spit in her food and then got angry when she didn't meekly hand it over to him? This guy is abusive, pure and simple. OP needs to dump him and run for her life! Story 2 - The sister sounds like a self-righteous piece of trash. To say that to someone under any circumstances would have been bad enough, but to say it when she knows that OP had the abortion because the pregnancy was seriously jeopardizing her health and safety is just inexcusable! Story 3 - I'm sure the sea creatures were delighted with the free food Tiktok girl gave them.
@agathoklesmartinios8414 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP, break off the engagement and kick his ass out, like, yesterday. He is clearly not mature enough for a solid relationship and has no respect for you. This is seriously not even a man-child, but a man-toddler you're dealing with. Story 2: OP, go full NC with your sister, explain what happened to the rest of your family, just in case your sister told them a story spun a certain way to make you look like the asshole. Tell her how cruel she was to you, how much lack of empathy or basic common decency she showed you. As far as the fertility issues, I fear you're going to have to accept you won't be able to bear children on your own. The stress and trauma of no less than five miscarriages and an abortion you had out of medical necessity when you did want the child is just compounding. Make sure you discuss that with a psychologist to help you deal with this trauma. Other than that, you might want to look into surrogacy or adoption. I think those will be your best options for having children. Story 4: OP sucks for rescinding money she promised to her son. The son sucks for the violent reaction. However, as one of the commenters pointed out, such an atypical and violent reaction from someone not known for such behaviour must have a source. Especially if he's directing part of it at his younger sister, perceiving her to be OP's favourite, which he explicitly says to OP. That means OP must have done things that made him feel like he was lesser than his sister in your eyes, whether that was intentional or not, whether his feelings are warranted or not. When her son is found, OP, should absolutely apologise to her son, reaffirm that the money saved for his education WILL, in fact, be used for him. Also apologise if she ever made him feel like she was playing favourites with his sister, that she never intended to do so and perhaps ask what things she did that he interpreted as such, so she understands why he feels this way. He may be angry, snippy, and shouty still when answering, if he even does at that time, but OP needs to work on this with him. At the same time, he should also be made to understand he can't take that frustration and resentment on his sister, who is, presumably, innocent in this whole thing.
@KCohere33 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah that first guy is off the wall. First wanting to eat off her plate and then spitting in it? He couldn’t reheat some leftovers for himself like she did? Yeah, he needs to go.
@americanhoney3098 3 жыл бұрын
@@KCohere33 yup. He clearly still needs to be taught basic manners and is not ready for a relationship let alone get married. I say send this boy back to his mom so she could put up with his temp tantrums.
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 3 жыл бұрын
@@americanhoney3098 I don't think it was a lack of manners. I mean, yes, it was rude. However, I don't think it was due to him not knowing or possessing manners. I think it was a control thing. If he was truly just hungry, there is no difference between eating another leftover plate from the fridge and eating her leftovers. Unfortunately, "Control of food" is one of the big four environmental controls abusers use. (In addition to Controlling Sleep, Isolation/Social engineering, and Physical discomfort like too hot, too loud, too bright, too dark, etc) I'm willing to bet that if OP really looked back at their relationship, there were probably other things he did to disrupt her sleep and sleep patterns, being upset when she spends time with friends, etc.
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 3 жыл бұрын
I agree completely with you on Story 4. Based on some of the words OP used, I get the feeling the son is from a previous relationship and the new siblings are her current husband's kids. She refers to him as "Her husband" instead of "His father" (when she was talking about the husband yelling), the husband called him "her son" and OP reinforced that by calling him "My son" and not "our son", also there seems to be a large age gap between the son and the other siblings. If OP is using distancing language like that here, she most likely uses it in front of the son too. As the other commenters said, atypical behavior doesn't just come out of a vacuum. If they've been showing distancing behavior and language to him, presumably favoring the "biological kids" over him and then now telling him "Hey, I'm so proud of you for succeeding! Now I can take what I promised you and reward my other kids with it!", I can see how that could be a straw to break the camel's back. I can see how he would feel like "Being a good kid and pushing myself didn't get me love and recognition, so let's see how the other end of the spectrum fares." Also, given that her husband's FIRST response to 1 incidence of atypical behavior is "get your son the fuck out of MY house!", it feels like he was just gearing up for any excuse to get rid of "the other guy's kid", or may even have pushed to get rid of him prior and just felt this strengthened his case.
@slytherinlibrarian3501 3 жыл бұрын
The fourth story reminds me of one from a few months ago where a dad did the same thing with his daughter's wedding fund. He had openly promised it to her all her life and then when Covid forced her to have a smaller wedding that she paid for, he bought a car with the money and didn't tell her. The daughter came around and asked her dad that since she couldn't use the money he saved for her on a wedding, she could use it for a house down-payment. He had to tell her that he bought a car with it and everyone jumped on his side because it was 'his money' despite it being PROMISED to her. The barebones situations are the same: money promised for a big life event, circumstances change such that the offspring does not need the money in the exact way the parent intended, parent chooses to spend it on themselves, kids gets mad. Don't get me wrong, both parents are wrong in these situations. I just find it so interesting how the hive mind changes from post to post.
@carynbellavia1227 3 жыл бұрын
This. The money was saved so parents could pay for college- that is generous. Paying for college isn’t necessary. Money isn’t needed. The money wasn’t saved as a “ kickstart fund”. It would be nice if they gave some to the son.
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
For story 4, I agree with some people. This type of behavior is not something that would just happen out of nowhere. Unfortunately I don't see any post where OP goes into detail.
@HidForHG 3 жыл бұрын
They likely won't. They are likely getting inundated with YTA's. Probably just dismiss them and keep on going too. Sounds like they are so entitled they can't see the problems right in front of them.
@emilywright1390 3 жыл бұрын
The part that really rubbed me the wrong way was that the money that should have been his is now going into his siblings funds. He isn’t just being punished for doing well, his SIBLINGS are being rewarded. I wonder why he feels like he’s the least favourite child
@onlyu7308 3 жыл бұрын
I was wondering if the husband is his father or stepfather and if the other kids are from that marriage. I only wonder because she said that she'd been saving since he was born instead of we'd been saving.
@SaharrisIMVU 3 жыл бұрын
@@onlyu7308 This! I'm betting the hubby and kids are his steps. She was always careful using "my son" and when the son acted out the father said kick out your son.
@rabeaw6646 3 жыл бұрын
Dont know the whole story rubbs me the wrong way. Sure it was said to be his fund but no aduld child is entiteld to the money of the parents. That beeing said it is a major ah move to promise and than take it away. If the house needs repairs she could have talked to him, after all it is their family home and she might have cut back on stuff for her/the family all those years and now she knows his education is save so she wants to use the money differntly. Thr mature thing to do would have been a talk about all of it and about how much is in the fund and how much she want to take. Taking it for the siblings is critical because that would be clear favoritism. And his behavior is absolut unacceptable to. Even if his sister is the favorite child, taking away a plate and throwing it? Someone could have been seriously hurt by that action. It is messed up in every possible way and i dont know what the answer could be, because giving him the money now would set the badest example ever. Not giving it would also be wrong. If he resorts to violence (what throwing a plate is) i would say kick him out to protect the others, but on the other hand op caused all the problems.
@Lisapizzza 3 жыл бұрын
I coincidentally read the goldfish story today and I can't believe people, especially her parents are expecting her to apologise. I really hope she doesn't get suspended
@carolroberts4614 3 жыл бұрын
She was justifiably angry!
@deedeeschway9566 3 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t justify abusive language. No school or workplace would tolerate someone berating another with name calling and swear words, doesn’t matter if you’re right. All she needs to do is apologize for the way she talked to the other girl. She can just throw out the caveat “I was just so upset at the death of those poor goldfish which made me lose my temper and use inappropriate language.”
@louellacharlton4425 3 жыл бұрын
She will but it was worth it. She's standing up for her beliefs. The other kid was to into tiktok to care.
@carolroberts4614 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I agree , all for tik tok( which I have developed a massive hate for)
@carg0_b00m 3 жыл бұрын
@@carolroberts4614 also remember that bella poarch chik, like how the fuck did she get popular? bobbing her head to a (in my opinion) Cringy tune, simps are out of this world apparently. (low pun with the recordings the pentagon hid till recently i think.
@elizabethgeorge7671 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: I’m sorry, but I cannot agree with an ESH verdict. Maybe OP could’ve been nicer, but the idiot who posted the tiktok was literally abusing the fish she put into the ocean. I feel like OP had every right to be harsh.
@carolroberts4614 3 жыл бұрын
I'm with you there! Sometimes the worst thing to do is to 'mean well' check your facts first! I don't blame op for being angry. There has been enough publicity about lab animals etc. being released Into the wild and killed by the local wildlife, for anyone with half a brain to know not to do it.
@tabithavanderpool418 3 жыл бұрын
Sure she has the right to be harsh but that doesn't give her freedom from consequences. If she actually wanted to educate her she wouldn't have approached in such an aggressive way. I've been around dumbasses who say stuff like "I set a gold fish free I'm such a good person" and my first reaction is shock and usually just shock is enough to get their backs up and not listen. Actively insulting her? Def not gonna make her actually change her behavior
@coolcatplays2819 3 жыл бұрын
@@tabithavanderpool418 I have to disagree with you because even if Op did talk to her nicely, there is change that she would refuse to take any blame out of guilt. And tell me this, would you still feel this way even if someone killed a different animal, instead of a fish, by accident? Because I feel like the only reason you're responding like this is because, you don't feel like a fish is just as important as a dog.
@tabithavanderpool418 3 жыл бұрын
@@coolcatplays2819 yeah she might still reject the advice out of guilt that's true. But approaching it in a friendlier way at least won't immediately put her back up. And nope I think it sucks that those fish died such horrible deaths just like I think it sucks some people drown mutt puppys but if the animal is already gone the best thing to do is to educate the person in the hopes they won't do it again.
@coolcatplays2819 3 жыл бұрын
@@tabithavanderpool418 oh I'm actually pleasantly surprised you responded quickly and with something nice to say!!( sorry if this comes off as condescending) but unfortunately I do disagree with you. I get your point of view but I think it was the right thing to do in Op situation. they may have to apologize on how they said it, but they should not apologize on what they said.
@soulechelon2643 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA - Break up. Normally I'd be like "All these people telling the OP to break up is going too far" but nope, not here. If he's this childish at 20 years old, he's probably not going to mature any further for the forseeable future. I agree with the poster saying this isn't a red flag. It's literally a stop light that will not turn green. It's time to find a different street. Story 2: Definitely NTA. That's an absolutely terrible thing to say to anyone, especially when you know the person in question has been having a rough time trying to conceive. I agree that she must have told the family a different story, and that the OP needs to make sure everyone knows her side of things.
@garnetj69 3 жыл бұрын
As a woman that had 19 miscarriages before I was finally blessed with 2 amazing girls. I am absolutely disgusted with that sister telling op it's her fault. I would suggest op check somehow ,either herself or someone she trusts ,that her parents and family have the real honest facts ,as too what happened, because I can't honestly see them talking the stance they have taken if they were given the truth. My heart goes out to you sweet lady. ❤
@honeybelle1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: I can understand how people might have a problem with OP's tone but I think sometimes, stupid people need to be told they're stupid. I'm sure they had the best intentions but the truth is the TikTok maker killed a bunch of fish out of ignorance and could have caused environmental damage. It isn't just a silly little mistake, this is something that had some pretty significant consequences. And it's absolutely should not be a suspend-able offense to tell somebody that they did something really dumb. I can see asking them to apologize for the TONE and not necessarily the content of their words but everybody around OP needs to realize the bigger picture here.
@deedeeschway9566 3 жыл бұрын
She’s still a teenage girl who used abusive language to berate an ignorant teenage girl. School needs to address the language. All she has to do is apologize for the language and approach she used. She doesn’t have to apologize for the point she made. The girl might actually listen to her once she stops calling her a dumbass.
@cheekyftoro8962 3 жыл бұрын
@@deedeeschway9566 a girl that did dumb things that resulted in the death of inoccent animals due to her wanting socal media likes. Got told she was dumb. What the school needs to address is why a teen that they are teaching dosent know about salt and fresh water fish introduced or invasive species or relesing animals bread in captivity into the wild. The school needs to apologise for producing such a stupid girl.
@deedeeschway9566 3 жыл бұрын
@@cheekyftoro8962 It’s a teaching moment for sure but hopefully the teachers can do a better job of educating the girl than OP did by berating her.
@goldensentinel7715 3 жыл бұрын
If my boyfriend spat in my food, I'm throwing the plate at his head.
@TheLugiaSong 3 жыл бұрын
The goldfish one. This is one of the blights of Tiktok, I'm not sure she even did it out of virtue but rather for virtue points. These sorts of videos had a bit of a spread a little while ago, people buying fish and releasing them. Not only is she an idiot for releasing a goldfish into salt water, but she's also an idiot buying and therefore supporting companies who breed goldfish because now they're just gonna breed more. OP was rightfully angry and I don't blame them for being a bit aggressive. NTA.
@rugdealer1729 3 жыл бұрын
i think op was 100% justified in being aggressive, the classmate killed a bunch of animals for no reason, so why would you be kind to her? and from my experience salt water vs fresh water fish is extremely common knowledge so there's no excuse for being that stupid. also even if classmate didn't know that she should have taken the 10 seconds to simply google "goldfish environment" and "is it safe to release goldfish" and realized its a completely stupid idea. also info about invasive species is literally taught in middle school biology.
@TheLugiaSong 3 жыл бұрын
​@@rugdealer1729 I agree. I can't blame her for not knowing salt water vs fresh water, not everyone is taught these things, however you're right in that she should have researched it first. Unfortunately it does point towards her not doing it because she cares, but rather because it's a fad...
@malimillions 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. Why is the school coddling this tiktok girl’s feelings and demanding a apology after insults were exchanged? This is all the wrong kind of teaching.
@asmith8692 3 жыл бұрын
@@malimillions my guess is that the girls only said "she called us stupid" possibly using the "r-word". So the principal only thought it was unjustified bullying when the reality was OP was justified in calling the actions stupid.
@imayeti.4674 3 жыл бұрын
Also it’s very easy to tell that it’s wrong, TONS of people on tiktok are calling it out
@owl7072 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: This is the story of the husband who ate his meal, and everyone else's then demanded they share the food they got to replace it cause he was "soooooo hungry 🥺" all over again just without children. Actually no, there's still a child in this story because tf kind of grown ass man resorts to something so childish?! End the relationship and throw his ass out, he's selfish as hell, and lazy as shit too because even after being told there's leftovers, he still tried to take Op's meal.
@terra_the_nightingale135 3 жыл бұрын
What story was that of the kids I’ll need to find it
@owl7072 3 жыл бұрын
@@terra_the_nightingale135 it's from a video Mark posted a week ago, the first story to be specific
@fytrndm 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, some people were defending the dude saying "he must have a mental issues" and all I could think about - what bloody mental issues that led him to *taunt* his children? Look, I'd be the first to say I can be an arse myself, but I, for the life of me, cannot imagine anyone, let alone a parent, who'd pull that crap on literal children. This OP is just lucky she figured the guy is crap *before* reproducing with him unlike the last woman.
@bluedragonfly8139 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, reminded me of that one, too!
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 3 жыл бұрын
Oh hell now NTA in the second story! I am sick to death of women getting shamed over such choices in life and thinking it's an excuse to be nasty toward them. Hell no! The sooner people understand that we women are more than just an incubator and we are functioning humans with brains and feelings the better.
@sofiasanguedolce1886 3 жыл бұрын
Oh man, as the hard working sibling that watched as my sister who doesn't make the best decisions get everything in a silver platter because "i can get things by myself, i'm smart and i work hard", the last story pisses me so much
@stumpy1012 3 жыл бұрын
I heard the releasing goldfish story and physically recoiled. Poor fish. But yeah, DO NOT RELEASE PETS INTO THE WILD. SEND THEM TO A SHELTER, TO A FRIEND, SELL THEM TO SOMEONE!!!!
@veravanriet2761 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Don't just throw out the food, throw out the man
@GrandCorsair 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4. I got the vibe OP might be leaving something out. I don't know like the one comment said this is oddly strong reaction to all this.
@Cobalt_Rain 3 жыл бұрын
Story one: you can guarantee that this man WAS the high school bully. He was COUNTING on her to give him her food after he did what he did. Of course he tries to turn it all around on op, just like he probably did DOZENS of times to his victims in school.
@solidmoon8266 3 жыл бұрын
First story: nta, he needs to grow up and learn boundaries, manners, and how to be a bloody adult. Second story: nta, Sister was 1000% out of line to say such a b.s. thing to OP. Third story: 90% nta OP was 100% right but their tact could've been better. Principals these days just suck because they cant bull for what it is Story 4: ESH op completely underminded his sons accomplishments and the positive reinforcement by taking away the college funds saved for him. However, the son definitely flew off the handle and attack his sister like that is 100% not ok.
@jackspring7709 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of people are saying that it was childish behaviour (Story 1) but I think it's a lot more serious than that: it's outright spousal abuse, and he has a problem with his temper, too. If that's how he behaves before they're even married.....
@amazingdoorbob5458 3 жыл бұрын
Someone on Reddit pointed out her husband isn't her son's father. Knowing that bit of information, it's very likely the daughter is favored over the brother quite often, highly doubt daddy would let his daughters college fund go to renovations, but his step son, why not.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
Words that contains the word meow : meow, meowing, meowed, meows, homeowner
@justjenny5437 3 жыл бұрын
I will be thinking about this all day….
@jadedflames2809 3 жыл бұрын
@badkitty4922 3 жыл бұрын
And if you're from England, meown. As in, I'm on meown now. Lol!😂😂😜
@jennilynne1977 3 жыл бұрын
But they're all about me! Lol. Love you Broken.
@badkitty4922 3 жыл бұрын
Happy Pride Month, love!!😘😘💖💖🌈🌈🌈🦋🦋🦋
@1kokokala10 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Not only would I bail, the moment someone spits in my food I'm throwing hands, my family has a huge thing against spitting it's the same as calling us a slur.
@huinismith 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I would have smeared the plate on his face. That would have been escalation. NTA Story 3: ESH and I'm genuinely pissed. I'm having a genuine "Tiktok should be shut down altogether" moment.
@sierrasasmartass7755 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA My grandfather used to threaten people with his fork if they so much as looked at his food for too long. If someone spat in his food a fork would've been the least of their worries.
@pLanetstarBerry 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I'm really hoping OP isn't too dependant on this guy (she mentioned he pays the rent) cuz sometimes you gotta throw away the whole man.
@livsweetdreams 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly id be secret saving and getting a small side job and stay with him until I can support myself, (this would not be the case if he was physical)
@brandonchuong917 3 жыл бұрын
For the goldfish one, it honestly astonishes me of how stupid everyone was except for Op.
@jadedflames2809 3 жыл бұрын
I am no goldfish expert, or an expert in animals in general, but I never heard of goldfish living in the ocean unless the girl mistaken it for a clownfish from Finding Nemo
@connorabramsbutiidentifyas8773 3 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that there isn't that copy pasted comment here saying "the language was abusive" yeah what's abusive is putting that fish in salt water
@bluedragonfly8139 3 жыл бұрын
I don't even know that much about fish, but my first thought was 'Hold up, aren't goldfish freshwater fish, not saltwater?'
@Madmark50484 3 жыл бұрын
The goldfish story - if my son had done that I’d turn up at the school and high five and ask the teacher if he was uneducated!! The other student literally murdered the fish even if unintentional
@brclyn 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1:She threw her food out? I would have thrown it at his head.
@ellellim 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3 its funny that everyone that comments ESH forgets that "being rude" was her natural immediate rection. It would be mine too! lol how stupid do u have to be to not even consider that a golden fish may not have come from the sea?!
@ServiceEevee 3 жыл бұрын
These are the highlights of my day right now. Laying in bed with chronic pain isn't fun but I have Mark to entertain me and Shadow (loyal service canine) to keep me company and snuggle. Much love and peace.
@frith.calluna 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2 is obviously NTA I want to cry for OP honestly. What a disgusting thing to say to someone. I can't even put it into words... I truly truly hope OP doesn't blame herself for anything she mentioned in this story. If OP's sister believes in karma, I hope it comes to bite her in the butt for this.
@thedarkwench Жыл бұрын
Story 1: kick him to the kerb, and well done on the lucky escape!!
@faeb.9618 3 жыл бұрын
there is so much missing from that last story, that's way too sudden and harsh of a reaction for it to have come so out of nowhere, i'm just wondering what op is hiding to play the victim now
@llamabrat07 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. Especially that he feels so entitled to the money and/or hateful to his siblings that he is willing to give up a full ride to his DREAM school just so the money is used on him and him alone.
@RogueCat11 3 жыл бұрын
Apparently the husband is not his bio dad, and sister is half sibling. I'm betting they favor the younger sister a lot more since it's the husband's biological kid.
@faeb.9618 3 жыл бұрын
@@RogueCat11 well that's a yikes, i'm sure there is more to the whole situation because of that but. y i k e s
@bluedragonfly8139 3 жыл бұрын
@@RogueCat11 That would definitely explain the reaction, then...
@silvermasquerade1328 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly this one got me. Firstly spitting in someone's food??? Geez. I'd have thrown it at his head. Never ever blame a woman who loses a baby, my son was born sleeping and it broke me, I blamed myself, still do honestly but if someone had said that to me? I'd have kicked them out too. Mark I'm cooking and preparing for my eldests 14th birthday
@haunting_one 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: OP is absolutely in the right. No need to apologize
@StormyPeak 3 жыл бұрын
Spitting in food. If someone did that to me, I would not throw the food away, but it would sure be all over the person who did the spitting. That would also be a relationship ending event. That boyfriend was sooo utterly disrespectful, utterly abusive in he knew how that would emotionally affect her, and then has the nerve to defend his actions and try to blame her for all of it.
@MarionHogan-m5i 5 ай бұрын
Spitting in OP’s food: please get away from this guy
@MsUnamusedNerd 3 жыл бұрын
OK if my fiancé was willing to do something as petty as spit in my food because he wanted to eat it, I would call the engagement. There’s no way in hell I would marry him if he’s gonna be that childish.
@Kris-zy7is 3 жыл бұрын
LEAVE THAT MAN! First OP needs to run. This is a pre-cursor to more violence. Don’t allow anybody to devalue you & spitting is a huge sign of disrespect & it doesn’t matter that is was your plate.
@Davtwan 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1 is why I question if twenty-year-olds should really be considered adults.
@cheekyftoro8962 3 жыл бұрын
What makes you an adult is not your maturity its your responsablity. As a child you are not fully responsable for your actions. And some understanding is required. If a child spat in my food i would tell them off and try educate and disiplin them. At 20 you are an adult and fully responsible and if it was me the content of that plate woud be shoved plate and all into his face
@FuckAssName 3 жыл бұрын
The dude in the first story would have ate my pulled back, clenched fist in the first story
@freethebirds3578 3 жыл бұрын
When someone does something so awful they get evicted, the people who defend the awful one are doing whatever they can to guilt someone else into housing them.
@annettemader5436 3 жыл бұрын
Story one: I would slap him as hard as i could before throwing Everything I cooked in the bin and go back to my mother!!!
@sammyk.6457 3 жыл бұрын
First one pissed me off and would bring out my gross petty side, I can fill my mouth with spit very quickly and if someone spit in my food expecting me to give it to them it would drool all over it and then give it to them
@somerandomcat9852 3 жыл бұрын
story 2:as some one who has pcos as well i can definitely relate. I have wanted children so badly for years and after a very long process find out why. As much as i would love to have a baby my worst fear would be getting pregnant and then losing it. i can imagine the indescribable pain of losing a child like that. What she said was evil and fuck the lot of them for even suggesting op was 'overreacting,'
@bluejaywoman3421 3 жыл бұрын
College Fund: getting a full ride is not a guarente you will have it for all 4 years, if you don't maintain the right GPA you lose it. Having a chat where he could have offered to share some of the money would have been better. His response was immature.
@TsukiKageTora 3 жыл бұрын
If someone put their hands on my plate for food they didn’t ask for or I didn’t offer, they will go to the hospital to receive stitches from a fork in the hand. Let alone spit on it. OP leave now!
@Amatsukazeburst 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Mark! The last story, I remember as a child younger than 7 years old... Our family obtained a glass 5-gallon water bottle and I was told that it was for my college fund. We added change to it over the years, and over the years the purpose of the jar was conveniently changed as it was raided AGAIN and AGAIN... It bred so much resentment within my heart when I graduated High School at 18 and entered a 2yr... There were no college savings for me, I had to support myself like many other students... But that jar still exists in our home. It's empty, as empty as the promise made to a young child. The Mom is TA, the son is TA for how he treated his younger sibling... But when you are celebrating such a big achievement as graduating and entrance to a college... To have that support to be absent, rage and resentment can destroy familial bonds. In my case, I had at least a decade to go numb to the lie... OP's son got financial support, his emotions, and his trust in his family ripped from him all in one go... I'd throw one huge fit too. (It'd be just as inexcusable as this lads though)
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 3 жыл бұрын
Major red flags in the first story, call the engagement off!
@beatricepierce6883 3 жыл бұрын
After my third miscarriage I went to a teaching hospital in a city that I lived in. Found out that I had an STD that is not tested for until fertility issues arise. Partner and I took medication for it. He eventually moved out with my blessing and went on to have children with someone else. For me it was too late the STD had caused scaring to my tubes. I wish the best for you.
@brandi5126 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. But guuurl why you dealing with that? Throw him away.
@HellsToyMaster 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: Its not the son's Money. The money was for his college fund, and he didn't need it. If you give it to him to play with then the younger siblings will think they deserve the same. Regardless, the kid needed to learn the world didn't revolve around him and now the money can be used to help his siblings. At most take out $5k and put it towards the down payment for a car. (because of the way he has been behaving)
@MoonlightBelladonna 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4 esh, op shouldn't make promises if they're not going to fulfill them and the son shouldn't be treating his sister like that.
@Yuritsissymaid 3 жыл бұрын
For me personally I give it YTA The reason is there’s something going on in the background that we don’t know is of
@bobot.chimpanzee8612 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: Esh, don't ask for someone's opinion if you don't want to hear it. What the sister said makes her suck but kicking her out for her opinion op asked for makes her suck too.
@samauraipc16 Жыл бұрын
I had a coworker who finally got out of an abusive relationship but he hit her one last time which caused her baby to be premature. She was having a rough time and we at work were trying ro help when another coworker said she deserved a messed up baby cause even god said she's nothing but a sinner and making her baby pay for it. If I didn't need the job I would have decked them
@malimillions 3 жыл бұрын
Poor goldfish! That’s just brutal! OP is NTA! Are you supposed to coddle animal abusers? 🤦‍♀️
@Monada79 3 жыл бұрын
We need an update from story 1! Hopefully the disgusting bastard got salvaged!
@katiesmith2031 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1 biggest NTA I would have dropped the ring a long with the dinner
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't we just had a story like this a few days ago? Why is this a thing? You have other food you could easily reheat. I just bought a cool lunchbox that reheats food slowly for a non microwave flavor.
@katiesmith2031 3 жыл бұрын
@@songohan3321ikr some people are just childish or just plain crazy
@katiesmith2031 3 жыл бұрын
@@songohan3321 heck my kids know better
@op665 3 жыл бұрын
Women need to be held accountable. If you make a deal then you should be bound to it!!
@telinhajp 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Mark! Hope you're having a lovely afternoon! ❤️
@AngelaVEdwards 3 жыл бұрын
Okay, food that has been spat in by _anybody,_ including myself is disgusting and I wouldn't touch it. Throwing it away is the only thing to do with it. Gross.
@paden1865able 3 жыл бұрын
Listening to this while I make a mermaid tail for a doll, quilting the fins and trying not to stab my fingers with the needle. Celebrated my birthday yesterday by trying to catch up on your videos. 😁😁😁
@AlexJReil 3 жыл бұрын
Hope the doll ends up looking amazing and happy birthday.
@maelyssferreiro2539 3 жыл бұрын
I did stab my fingrr with a needle yesterday while sewing. Very painful. H I hope it won't happen to you and happy birthday
@jameson1239 3 жыл бұрын
Oh a little bit of extra Information about putting fresh water fish in salt water they don’t just choke to death they shrivel up and die aswell
@theblackantonio 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: there was one like this a while back. The father would take from the mother and kids' plates to satisfy his wants, not caring that they wouldn't have enough for their needs. This is a mental condition. He needs therapy, or else the relationship/marriage is over.
@grandshadowseal 3 жыл бұрын
I would have dumped that guy in the first story that's just disgusting!
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
Hey you yes you remember to take care of yourself gosh darn it, you are always valid, and I love you and care about you so please take care of yourself 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@FlamesofJagger 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the healthy vibes an positive wishes. I hope you are taking care of yourself too. Stay positive and take time for yourself
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 3 жыл бұрын
@@FlamesofJagger thanks and much love 🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜
@itazuranakisu 3 жыл бұрын
She becomes the AH if she continues with this engagement after basically everyone shouting that spitting fiancé is starring in a big red flag parade. Imagine if they had kids? He would spit in their food or take their portions. There is nothing redeeming about him that could ever justify his abusive and selfish behaviors. He will only escalate after the “I do”. Send him home to get the proper training.
@moonbear5929 3 жыл бұрын
First Story: Man, I'm not even all the way through the story and this guy has me royally pissed off. I would seriously rethink marrying this jerk. He's acting like a spoiled 8 year old. Dump him, things aren't going to get any better after marriage. Girl, find your own place and move out. He doesn't deserve a woman in his life if he's going to act like that. Even if he starts to grovel as he notices you moving out or if you kick him out, DO NOT give in to his crap. I don't care what he says, eventually he will get comfortable and start his bullshit again. Just leave this loser once and for all! Wow, just...WOW!
@TheHellsHobbit 3 жыл бұрын
#2 NYA, Sister is a huge one along with your family. Your sister knew the medical reason wow she is awful.
@sochalant8056 3 жыл бұрын
Mark, I have to say thank you. Watching all of these videos are starting to make me feel like I’m becoming better as a person; I think seeing all of these perspectives and reading/hearing about everyone’s issues and POV can only make me more empathetic towards people. Anyways, thanks a lot mark, and your making videos is only benefiting your audience, and I also love hearing your voice and humor.
@soogymoogi 3 жыл бұрын
As a fish owner, I don't blame the OP in the goldfish story for getting upset. Fish abuse is rampant in our society and it's disgusting. Leading with facts doesn't get idiots to stop their idiotic behavior (see- antiv/axers)
@rebag3545 3 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry you murdered those goldfish. There can I go back to class now?
@Buff_Helpy 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: "good OP good, kill him, kill him now."
@nonbinarybannana 3 жыл бұрын
Ill do it for money!
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
@@nonbinarybannana Don't tell us anything. The less we know, the less we would be able to provide in a testimonial.
@browhattheactualfu-2659 3 жыл бұрын
@@nonbinarybannana I'll do it for free
@notevenlistening6072 3 жыл бұрын
I'd poop in his shoes and change the locks. (Not really, but dang!)
@carolroberts4614 3 жыл бұрын
I'll pay to do it! This is beyond disgusting! I couldn't even eat in the same house as him after this. And what else might be be sabotaging that she wouldn't know about?
@kriztlepyre8951 3 жыл бұрын
Run, if he shows this bullshit to you imagine what he would do to the kids if there were any. You deserve a whole let better then this beyond childish actions
@andreavanhoof6047 2 ай бұрын
Fourth Story: Everyone sucks here! Your son worked hard for his money and he feels he is being punished for getting a full ride scholarship and the son is for his temper tantrums.
@dm9078 3 жыл бұрын
If she doesn’t break the engagement and send this d-bag packing she’s a complete fool! Oh yeah NTA ETA: Story 3. I was going to say get a lawyer then I realized she used profanity toward other students and that is a hard no at most schools! So ESH! He abused his sister and cursed at his mother. But ESH! Give him the money and send him packing. There is no excuse for his attack on his sister!
@JJerseyGirl 3 жыл бұрын
DO NOT MARRY THAT uncivilized thing.
@lajasnjohu5264 3 жыл бұрын
Cripes. He's got a ring on it. This is a preview, trust me.
@roehaitian9768 3 жыл бұрын
Last story; give him the money & have him move out
@oldwoman5942 3 жыл бұрын
The food story..RUN RUN RUN! This guy is immature, selfish and abusive!
@HonorWillow Жыл бұрын
Story 1: This dude is abusive. He wanted to stop OP from eating as much considering there was leftovers of the exact same food in the fridge. Also contaming OP's food. But honestly OP needs to leave before this man escalates
@justchilling1506 3 жыл бұрын
(Hi Mark, hi everyone, have a good day! Remember to drink water!) Honestly the first story is so utterly gross! like what the hecckkk, what did his parents teach him?
@angelaramsay1778 3 жыл бұрын
The food lady fiance. She is lucky. He has revelaed himself early. He is very abusive, it will get worse , much worse. So much bad here, dont know here to end.
@GIChiyo 3 жыл бұрын
I seriously hope the OP in the first story is not going to marry that abusive child...
@pezchef7577 Жыл бұрын
story4. the use of my son and hisband saying kick out your son. makes me wonder if the daughter is a product of a blended family and that there is underlining favoritism for the baby in the family, since both biolgoical parents are there
@louellacharlton4425 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2. I had a tubular pregnancy at 20 and was ill for months. Was never able too conceive again. My sisters both had kids. My middle sis shared her kids with me and life was good. My youngest sis had 4 kids . Cps always in the picture. So one of those times we( family) had her youngest daughter she was 9 at the time and she ask why I had no kids and I explained what happened. She cried saying she was glad and I Must have had a strange look on my face. She said her mom told her I had no kids because God knew I would be a bad mother. My sister lost all her kids . They all went to live with their fathers. I've been nc with her for 10yrs. My blood pressure thanks me.
@vernonjackson3435 3 жыл бұрын
Story #1 NTA Should have made him wear it!
@nelsontorres6855 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4 NTA. A college fund is for guess what, college! She saved money to pay for his college. If he decided not to go to college do u think he should get that money since everyone is saying it was meant for him? No! That money was to pay for his college so he won't be in debt. He has a full ride so he won't be in debt. That's not his money he didn't work for it at all. That's his parents money that they were nice enough to save if he needed it to pay for his college but he doesn't so it's theirs
@dagnytheartist 3 жыл бұрын
I kind of agree. But I think they should have been upfront and honest his whole life, long before he was 18, about the purpose of this money and where it would go if he didn't use it for college classes. Maybe even called it a "group college fund" instead, to give the kid a visual that the money is in a pool and not just for him alone. Now I'm thankful to my own parents for being crystal clear about that stuff lol. He, and everyone defending him, may have assumed that this was a "starting your life" sort of fund, and the parents suddenly added limitations to it to take it back. That would explain why he thought it was favoritism that they were giving it to his sister, and "stealing" if they were using it for themselves. TLDR; Parents should have been more honest, but the guy overreacted and hurt his (presumably innocent) sister over money that wasn't his. Just because he misunderstood doesn't mean the parents need to hand over the money, especially not after how he acted.
@skyler3785 3 жыл бұрын
OMG finally I find someone reasonable. Honestly would have been to the point where I sit the son down and say here’s what’s going to happen you are not going to your dream school you were going to be attending community college for your first two years and you’re going to be taking out loans and getting a full-time job. He needs to learn that money doesn’t just come from his parents and he’s gonna need to earn it himself and he’s not entitled to their money. I would still let them live in my house and feed him but I wouldn’t financially support him. He wants to go to the movies with his friends he get a job and pays for it himself.
@skyler3785 3 жыл бұрын
@@dagnytheartist I don’t know because she states it the posts that it was saved his college… if someone says that save for college you don’t just automatically assume that is the start of life money
@carynbellavia1227 3 жыл бұрын
This! Parents sacrifice to save for college. Money isn’t needed for college. Parents want to use money for other household needs and that makes the AH - in what world?
@freethebirds3578 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. The story does not say anywhere that the money was PROMISED to anyone. The money was for the family to not go into debt to pay for the offspring's college. It would have been better for them to sit down and have a conversation about it, not offhand comments about dream projects. If parents decide to give the money to a child who doesn't need it for college, put it in a trust until the kid is 25, or mature enough to use it wisely and not just blow it.
@kathleenmcfarlane2555 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 : I wouldn't cook for him again. I would definitely break up with him . Let him live with losing you because he was nasty.
@kathleenmcfarlane2555 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: OP is not the A-hole.
@toxicdotaep2890 3 жыл бұрын
op in story 1 is way better a person than me .. if somebody spit in my food while I was eating, after they'd already eaten their portion, and acted all smug and shit expecting me to give it to em, I'd fucking throw the plate at their face lmao. Here You Fucking Go, Buddy, Enjoy !
@kirinblirin8734 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1 NTA even my dog has better manners when begging for food
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