The Truth Is That Acting Is Lying by Choice Skinner

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@unklraynutter8928 5 жыл бұрын
You are the ONLY person who speaks of empathy and active surrender. Amen!!!
@LeonKerkdijk Жыл бұрын
“Acting is not pretending or lying. It’s finding a side of yourself that’s the character and ignoring your other sides. And there’s a side of me that wonders what’s wrong with being completely honest.” - Angelina Jolie
@LeonKerkdijk Жыл бұрын
"With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting. It's lying." - Johnny Depp
@christopherarmstrong2710 5 жыл бұрын
Acting is lying. Exactly what I was looking for, and so true. Sales is also acting, so you can put two and two together there.
@LeonKerkdijk Жыл бұрын
"Acting is not about being someone different. It's finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there." - Meryl Streep
@TheShabazzProduction 3 жыл бұрын
I just met Choices close friend Dyron Jackson, I see that Choice is knowledgable on many subjects. I'm learning acting is no joke.
@joseenriqueherrera9056 6 жыл бұрын
Well, as a writer, which happens to be my personal case, the first quality that drove me to the point to figure out the plot for my unpublished novel, was that I found out at a very early age how good I was lying and making up any kind of stories. Totally agree with the title: in order to be the best actor or writer you have to find out first how good of a liar you are or you could be. Without this art is almost impossible to achieve any goal into the literature or acting world.
@westcoastkidd17 Жыл бұрын
Very unpopular opinion, but this seems to be the case. It's funny how it almost border sociopathy. Thank god the majority of really talented actors/writers sublimated their talents towards avenues that weren't detrimental to society.
@LeonKerkdijk Жыл бұрын
Let me state clearly and unequivocally: acting is not lying. The definition of lying, according to our good friends at Merriam-Webster, is; marked by or containing untrue statements. Right off the bat, for anyone who is familiar with acting, you can see the definition of lying does not relate to acting. For those who have no connection or are completely unfamiliar with what goes into acting, let me explain. No matter what technique you follow, Meisner, Strasberg, Adler, Kazanoff, Clurman, Stanislavski, the bottom line is all these techniques are working toward one thing; truth. An actor seeks and works and rehearse and builds a character in the pursuit of truth in imaginary circumstances. Actors are seeking to find truth. “But,” you may say, “they are pretending to be someone else, that’s lying.” No, no it’s not, it’s pretending. Yes, I said it, it’s pretending. Acting is high level pretending. It is based in seeking truth and using techniques to portray that truth as deeply and faithfully as possible but, yup, bottom line is, actors pretend really, really well. We pretend as kids, we pretend we’re kings and princes, firemen, cops. We pretend the backyard is Dodge City and the bent stick in our hand is a six gun. We pretend the bag of green army men is a real army and we pretend battles with full sound effects and action. We pretended as kids and then, somewhere, somehow, we were told to act our age, grow up and pretending went out the window. So, actors, when we first start out, need to learn how to pretend and how to play as we did as kids again. When a kid sets up his army men in the back yard or his bedroom and spends hours moving each guy, giving them names, making the sound of explosions and helicopters and what not, is he trying to deceive anyone? Does he want you to walk into the room or into the yard and think, oh no, there’s a war going on here. Albeit one waged by tiny, sickly looking, nearly immobile men, but still, it’s a war. No, he’s just pretending, exercising his imagination. He is not lying. Someone usually lies to protect themselves, to avoid being punished, to avoid being disliked, shunned by the group or hide the reality of who they are. Actors, when plying their craft, do not do that. In fact, actors do just the opposite. Actors, when doing what they do and doing it well, are actually exposing themselves, emotionally. They’re laying bare for the audience and showing parts of their inner selves that most people would happily go a lifetime without anyone knowing those parts of them existed. What they are doing is really the polar opposite of lying. Actors, when they are creating a character, understand that a character isn’t something that is pulled on like a v-neck sweater. A character is developed by finding the connection to the character inside the actor. To personalize and specify who this person is, we have to look inside and find that person in us. What this means is, an actor has to look inside and admit, to himself and then to an audience of strangers that, yes, I have a serial killer in me, I have a cheating husband in me, I have an egomaniac, holocaust causing dictator in me. An actor is fearless, they don’t lie because they don’t hide, they admit to themselves and then share their darkness, their sorrow, their hate, their love, they find that in themselves. Lying would be easy and would take much less of an emotional toll. The simple fact is everybody lies. The level of lie changes, innocent white lies, lies we tell our kids, lies to get out of work so you can go to the beach … we all have, or will lie in our lives, lie. Everyone does because everyone can. Not everyone can act. Acting involves skill driven training and a bit of talent. Lying is just a reflex. So, why is this a bee in my bonnet? When you say acting is lying you’re reducing the art to what a child does when he doesn’t want to be grounded. You’re ignoring the years of training, the experience, the work and you’re making it some off handed thing that anyone can do with little to no thought or care. You’re also creating an image that actors cannot be trusted. Believe me, trying to have a relationship and being an actor is tough enough, the last thing we need is people saying we are liars, cannot be trusted and you’ll never know what we’re really thinking and feeling. That’s not helpful to any of us. Any person with any vocation can lie. A doctor can lie, an engineer can lie, any human being can lie but saying that actors do it regularly, that they are inherent liars, shows a lack of understanding of the art. When an actor is doing his job he is storytelling at a level that heightens the story to a work of art. He is not lying to you because he gains nothing by lying and everything by being truthful. We all know what’s happening when we walk into a theater or a movie, we are going to see actors portraying people and telling us an interesting heartwarming, funny, dramatic or ridiculous story. No one thinks, unless they are going into a documentary, that the filmmakers are trying to make you believe what you’re about to see is reality. No one is lying to you. So, I hope this clear things up a little bit and do hope that, in the future, when someone asks a question about acting, you’ll think on this and refrain from casually saying it’s just lying. Because it is not.
@victoriagray3697 6 жыл бұрын
Its original meaning is to pretend to be something that you are not so all actors are technically hypocrites
@muzikmanner6019 6 жыл бұрын
When I think of great acting, I always come back to Louise Brooks. She admits that she never learned to act, she simply played herself. She didn't act, she reacted to another actor or situation; a slight nuance of her body, an almost imperceptible change in facial expression. As she herself said, "The great art of films does not consist of descriptive movement of face and body, but in the movements of thought and soul transmitted in a kind of intense isolation.” I don't think that can be learned. Few have this ability and most don't and it shows on the screen.
@victoriagray3697 6 жыл бұрын
He's right you have to lie to be an actor but if you look up the word actor it comes from what is now use as the word hypocrite it's Greek
@burnpoet 3 жыл бұрын
The word actor in Greek means Hypocrite.
@RioBroski 6 жыл бұрын
Liar liar pants on fire. Lol
@dallasdandigitalproduction393 6 жыл бұрын
I really disagree with him. 1.he's saying "acting is a lie", bc stories/films are "all made up"? Bc they're fiction? Doesnt make sense.There is definitely truth in stories. 2.Some of the best actors he mentioned i.e. Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington, Marlon Brando were NOT good liars.Those actors are good because they can tell the truth about a character, and find the truth in the scene. THAT takes years of dedicated study, skill and craft. Any jerk can come off the street, walk onto your stage and tell lies.That doesnt make him/her a good actor at all. There are deeper levels to the craft than this man is currently aware of.
@crscastle 5 жыл бұрын
Dan Lord Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, and Marlon Brando have all said they are great liars. Sometimes I have to start faking an emotion and then the real emotion follows. You and him are both right!
@burnpoet 3 жыл бұрын
Acting out Fiction is acting out Lies.
@DrDespicable 6 жыл бұрын
Acting is telling SOMEONE'S truth - all art is.
@burnpoet 3 жыл бұрын
Acting is telling someone's lie.
@Truthshallsety0ufree 6 жыл бұрын
Acting is all about the TRUTH! not lying!
@ClairityVideos 6 жыл бұрын
Completely disagree with the 'lie' concept. Acting is living truthfully under imaginary circumstances. If an actor doesn't believe as the character in what he or she does and is driven by, he or she is not in the moment and living out the authentic life of the character. This would result in forced and unbelievable performances. You could argue that the fictional world is a 'lie'. But just as with religion, whether it be real or not, it's the human experience that counts; the truthful human emotions and changes that occur through honest belief in something. So no, acting isn't lying. It's believing.
@jwhittaker5687 6 жыл бұрын
question/iam writing a movie/ comedy/ should i take some type of acting course to fully understand how to understand actors
@Darkanent 6 жыл бұрын
j Whittaker it does help and is recommended. If you can find a studio that would let actors put up samples of your work as well that would help to see it acted out. Best to you and congratulations on your writing a comedy!
@AlexAnder-zj3rr 6 жыл бұрын
1. To Film Courage this title is not only irresponsible, its also not really an accurate reflection on what the subject is trying to say. 2. I dont really know anything about the speaker, but he comes off as more of a fan of acting only and not a true teacher of acting. 3. This interview is a lot of talk and not a lot of answers. Im not sure if he is trying to protect his teachings, but there is nothing here beside a little personal insight of the type of actors that he enjoys watching. 4. The best actors are not liars. Yes we by nature are all natural liars. But the best actors find the personal truth in their acting whatever the scene may be. The tips in this video will teach you to be a mediocre actor. One that doesn't work hard enough to find the importance of the moment and the script. Rather, they will brush off the scene as just "some make believe garbage" that they can disregard, and in actuality demean the material. This is the kind of advice that create actors that most people end up changing the channel away from after a few moments. film and tv audiences are sophisticated and can sense disingenuousness in seconds. Actors continue to stay day players (not leads) because they believe advice that its okay to just lie. From what ive seen, this interview devalues the legitimacy of this channel and the value of the speaker's teachings
@filmcourage 6 жыл бұрын
Alex, first off we thank you for watching. The interviewee is an instructor and an incredible actor with such stage presence that we still remark over a performance we watched of Mr. Skinner a few years back in a theater setting. His performance gave us chills. Fully agree with your statement "best actors find the personal truth in their acting whatever the scene may be." Can't one find personal truth while in a realm of make-believe? Which put in blunt terms might be construed as lying? In the context of lying, could you also say that writing fiction is lying? There is a difference between lying as it relates to art and lying (perjuring one's self) on a witness stand. You say "this interview devalues the legitimacy of this channel and the value of the speaker's teachings." The Film Courage team does not feel this. If we did, we would not have published it. May we ask, are you an actor or teacher?
@AlexAnder-zj3rr 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Film Courage, thank you for your reply. I just want to start by saying that my intention is only to help and to maybe help with the representation of the parties involved (Choice Skinner and actors in general). I hope you do not feel that I was commenting on the speaker's acting ability. I was not. He seems like a very charismatic person. I was commenting on the title of the video and some of the advice and comments that were mentioned. And in your reply you wrote "Can't one find personal truth while in a realm of make-believe? Which put in blunt terms might be construed as lying?" I believe the answer is no. I have placed the definition of Lie by Merriam Webster here: 1 : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive 2 : to create a false or misleading impression Therefore in my opinion, you are trying to make something true by making it sound better. But this is not the definition of lying. The distinction is important to me because there is a false belief in society that actors are professional liars. When in fact the best actors are actually truth/story tellers. So I believe we are talking about two different things. Perhaps some clarifcation would help or perhaps the use of a different word is in order. Next, you wrote, "In the context of lying, could you also say that writing fiction is lying?" My answer again is no. In addition to the above definition there is a difference between lying and creating art (especially in an context where the work being called "fiction" is already disclaimed). I don't think I need to explain this point further. Then you wrote, "There is a difference between lying as it relates to art and lying (perjuring one's self) on a witness stand." I believe that my original comment and reply to your reply demonstrates that I understand the difference clearly. But I do have to mention that I feel that the misunderstanding may be from your side. I do want to say that I'm really proud of the fact that you are standing up for your brand and your interviewee. He's very lucky to have you guys in his corner. My comment was not meant to be personal but I can understand if it may have come across that way. I actually really like your videos in general and think that they help viewers, and we need more channels like yours. Thank you for leaving my comment up and for replying. I do think that me saying that, "the video devalues the legitmacy of the channel" was harsh. I do admit Im passionate on the subject and it was a little heavy handed. However, I still stand by my initial comment. And I find that the title alone is provoking, is somewhat irresponsible regarding who actors are and what they do, and is clickbait. I also feel that it is not a good representation of what the speaker's full message is. I believe that there is a better way to train actors regarding what their job entails and how to honour eachother and the work of writers. Liars are a dime a dozen. Meryl Streep and Marlon Brando are truly one of a kind.
@filmcourage 6 жыл бұрын
Marlon Brando, considered by many to be one of the best actors of all time and one you reference in your comment had this to say about acting, "Lying for a living, that’s what acting is. All I’ve done is learned how to be aware of the process. All of you are actors. And good actors because you’re all liars. When you’re saying something you don’t mean, that’s acting. You lie for peace. You lie for love. Some people get paid for that.”
@AlexAnder-zj3rr 6 жыл бұрын
… Dear Film Courage (I’m sorry I don’t know your first name), I’m not sure what disappoints me more; the fact that you are just not listening, or the apparent and paramount importance you place on just being right. Please allow me to take a different approach. How does it feel to have found the above quote from an actor that I named at the end of somewhat lengthy comment (about fully, and properly representing the speaker’s message)? I mean, here the quote seems to literally and succinctly “win” the argument that “acting is lying.” I’m responding to suggest to you that there is a more responsible way to approach our conversation and a more satisfying emotional feeling that you can achieve. I’m not sure how you sourced this quote, but I can tell you that when you type the words, “Marlon Brando Acting is Lying,” you can easily find this quote. However, I believe two things are happening here with your use of this quote; 1. Your cut of his full quote is devoid of his context, 2. Some times when you are only looking for what you are looking for, chances are, you will find it. I suggest you, and anyone reading this listen to the full quote here Here he talks about how we in our daily lives are liars (like when a husband comes home drunk at night and has to lie to his wife). And yes, here he talks about how he has made a living by lying, and that we are all liars. I agreed with this idea in my initial comment for this video. But here is my response to you on this. Anyone with more than a surface understanding of Marlon Brando would not use this quote as an argument in the context of this conversation. If I would describe Marlon, words like, “complex, ironic, mischievous, activist, genius, social commentary, and incurable flirt” would come to mind. But above all, “uncovering truth,” would be on the top of my list. Please view some of Marlon’s interviews, in them you will see that he hated phoniness, and calling out false pretense was often his top priority in his interviews (when it wasn’t about his activism and bringing awareness to the native population in America). Marlon Brando was about getting to the truth in his daily life and in his acting. He has repeated this idea (that we are all liars and that we are all actors) many times and with slight variations in his interviews. But what is lacking in your use of your reply is context. Often when Marlon felt prompted to say something like this, it was in response to be being flattered as the best actor in the world (or something in this vein) by the interviewer. But his response is less about the words and more about his feelings and commentary on the movie industry and how it had evolved. He has been known to use the quote, “in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.” This is his statement in regards to his opinion on the lack of good writing and or the level of talent he was working with on certain projects. This was also an extension of his modesty regarding his talent as an actor. He often liked to redirect flattery by normalising his work as something that everyone naturally does. But make no mistake, he knew that he was singularly a master at what he did, he was just too charming and aware to say that. Now, I’m not saying that he didn’t mean what he said, I’m saying that your use of his quote is over simplification. I don’t believe that he can be reduced to such a simple quote in terms of his full message as an artist and as a man. Further, Marlon Brando was not a teacher. The only mention of this (that I could find) is an article by the Hollywood reporter where Brando taught a 10 day class less than 3 years before his death. Found here Here you will find an array of testimonials of how wildly inappropriate his classes were (eg. Asking girls to strip naked in front of him and stand on stage) and that his motivation for teaching these classes were due to the fact that he was running out of money. Marlon was great, but he was an artist who had a complex and mixed relationship with acting, not a teacher. Here I have placed a quote from Marlon Brando himself that I believe even contradicts himself about acting being about lying Great acting is about the TRUTH, he says so himself. Speaking of teachers, Stella Adler the great acting teacher that Marlon Brando professes to be his acting “teacher and mentor” (see, has NEVER said that acting is lying. I believe she would take great offense to those words. Her teachings on acting focused on using your soul, understanding the writer and the character, and respecting the writer’s ideas. I suggest you watch this from Stella Adler to have a better understanding Her teachings have nothing to do with lying, quite the opposite. Finally, to Film Courage as I take issue with Choice Skinner’s quote of “It’s never really about the craft. Lying is the ultimate form of acting,” my larger issue is that you have never really addressed my initial concern; your title for this video is not only irresponsible it doesn’t accurately reflect the speaker’s message. I didn’t think I needed to, but I feel I must spell it out to you. After the initial points Mr. Skinner makes, he continues to speak about; • Acting is knowing self • The best actors are the most brave • Discipline of being amazing on set • The work is not about pressure. The work is love. • I tend to like those who are empaths • We all block who we are • Being comfortable, they show who they are and more of who they are 7 better options for titles. 7 better alternatives that give positive insight from Mr. Skinner. 7 more accurate representations of what Mr. Skinner’s unique teachings could offer. Your title “The Truth is that Acting is Lying..” is clickbait. And it worries me that that you would prefer to defend it rather than to listen. I invite you to watch and research more on the these topics before taking such a stance so that you can understand more about what you (Film Courage) are talking about. I encourage you for the sake of your viewers to listen, reach higher, and to look deeper. I believe you will find a more satisfying feeling about what you do rather than from doing insufficient research and only looking for easy ways to “drop the mic” on one of your viewers. More on videos Trade mark Marlon of hating pretense Marlon on his negative view on Hollywood Jane Fonda on Marlon Brando
@jwhittaker5687 6 жыл бұрын
finally a true comment/ thank you
@LeonKerkdijk Жыл бұрын
This guy doesn't know the definition of acting at all.
@Darkanent Жыл бұрын
That's odd, many of the actors I've trained are highly successful and award recipients....
@kymothy60 2 жыл бұрын
Sad… very sad.
@unklraynutter8928 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir for your guidance!!!!
@kymothy60 2 жыл бұрын
Focus and discipline is part of the craft. Julia Roberts is a movie star. Acting? Hmm… ok.
@katk3489 6 жыл бұрын
I love what he's saying, completely agree but the title alone seems too simplistic. This guy seems like he'd be a dream to work with.
@unklraynutter8928 5 жыл бұрын
Developing character is a fun challenge! Liars all lol. Thanks again
@shayneal8886 6 жыл бұрын
You Rock!
@LeonKerkdijk Жыл бұрын
“Acting is not pretending or lying. It’s finding a side of yourself that’s the character and ignoring your other sides. And there’s a side of me that wonders what’s wrong with being completely honest.” - Angelina Jolie
Most People Don't Understand Acting - Judith Weston
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