Thoughts: For the story, I think there should definitely be more set up to Valentia's betrayal. A scene where Valentia greets everyone would make the sudden switch feel more built up to, instead of just "Valentia will let us stay at her castle" "Oh no Valentia is trying to kill us." Other than that I do like the clear parallel between Valentia and Sal. I'm really wondering when - or if - Sal will realize how dark a path they're going down. More Hendrik and Christof scenes are cool, too.I really like them. Gameplay: Holy moly this map is tight. There was a LOT of promoted enemies, and I think that I should really get around to promoting my own, or start feeling my prepromotes. I definitely made the map harder on myself by not unlocking the Christof and Hendrik's door, but I didn't really have much time after the first few turns. It would have been REALLY funny if Valentia killed Sal at the end and I had to replay the entire map. But luckily she didn't. Also thank you thank you thank you for finally giving me javelins I'm so happy!!!!!!