Thanks Patrick. I wish you the best. I am stuck with my FOU for the long term...
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Thank you I think we all stocked with it for a long time as long we not going to take a big hit financialy.
@davidmerwin77634 ай бұрын
Yes. So true!
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
We just can hope nothing siginificant happen to the car and may there really coming updates out...
@davidmerwin77634 ай бұрын
Yes, let’s hope!
@pama46814 ай бұрын
Well said Patrick thanks for all the updates and the ongoing support. Alos agree with you we owners need to get prepared for additional cost and can hope all keeps running smooth with the car. I wonder also if really 2.2 will come.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for the nice words really appreciate it. Yeah 2.2 as said I just belive it when I see it as hard it sounds. And Ocean owners need to have a big money bag in the future and time to travel for maintenence. Thanks again.
@kennygeorgeonline4 ай бұрын
I enjoy your videos as well I rented a Mustang Mach e for a week of vacation in Colorado. It's not as smooth a ride, but I did appreciate everything working 100%. Blue Cruise was nice, but I still prefer my Ocean One. You can completely ONE PEDAL drive it. Great ReGen. I hope 2.2 will improve my experience over 2.0. When driving around. People stare and roll down windows and talk to me. It's a beautiful car. If I get the water pump and vents somehow working and 2.2, I think I'll be 90% happy to have it.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the nice words. So true what you saying about the Ocean the people really give it a lot of attention and when you take poor driving the car is really nice good set up etc. I just can repeat myself don´t know how you ever been so crazy to scr..w this up as it is today... Let´s hope for 2.2 to come with massiv improvments and also at least most of the feautures promised.
@HeriHaraldson4 ай бұрын
Hi Patrick. I promised to write back...some weeks ago, regarding my testdrive in an FOO. Long story short. My wife and I cent to Sønderborg in Denmark to look at cars, mostly mee😊. When we cane into the cardealer,I asked for the Foo. They had some few left. The forst my wife said was, tha it was a ugly car. But I thought the oppesit. So after this I only sat in the car. It looks good, but we did not buy it😢. It makes me sad to see that Foo owners cant get more opdates. I hope some new owners will continue to make Foo great again😊. Best regards from Heri in Denmark
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Hi Heri, ah how cool is that, that you came back to with an update - thank you so much. Well I guess is always a metter of taste about the look. Did you also been able to drive it or did you just sit into it and after your wife didn´t like it you skiped also the driving?
@HeriHaraldson4 ай бұрын
@@gentlemensworld we did unfortunately not drive the car, but I will in time, and I will write againg😊
@gentlemensworld3 ай бұрын
Ah I see yes would be really interessted to see what you think about it.
@ajstl95564 ай бұрын
I read somewhere 2.2 includes rear regen braking. I don’t know what else but supposed to have a bunch of little updates.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Cool thank you so much for the Info never thought about that it could be just front regen breaking but makes sense looking on the break dust at the tyres. Thank you.
@rightbackagain4 ай бұрын
Always enjoy your videos regarding our Ocean’s, I like mine….
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much really appreciate it and so good to see you love your Ocean.
@harmony31384 ай бұрын
To your question on your thumbnail, "Do I sell the car", the answer is YES. There are only going to be more and more problems down the road. Do the German thing and buy a far better German car. They are the best. A Porsche Macan, perhaps. 🤔 I've never driven a Porsche, but always wanted to buy one. Not a 911, which although is a great car but not practical for my needs. As soon as Macan EV was finally looking like coming out last year, I cancelled my Fisker reservation and waited for Porsche Macan. I have now reserved it, delivery it in November. I vividly remember you once said, if you have never driven a Porsche, you must try it. So, I took your word for it. 😀
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Wow how cool is that you need to tell me how you like the Macan what model did you ordered the high end version? The only thing I would take care of is that you prefer leasing an E Porsche the tycan I had is down by 80% of his original price. There are couple of things I looking forward to, may be the Fisker will be shifted over to my Girlfriend and well sell her car (but just when the event that we don´t need to pay fortune extra on the car takes place) and I go for a Corvette C1 for myself (as a fun car to drive). The other option (while we talking about really when the event comes that we sell the Fisker) that we look then for another family car but there I really don´t have any clue at the moment what I should look for with Kids you need size and most of the bigger cars are not so cool I need to say.
@harmony31384 ай бұрын
@@gentlemensworld I changed my reservation from Macan 4 to the cheapest rear-wheel model, but the added options are about £15k. I thought the base rear-wheel model would be a better option, in my view, if you are not really going off-road much and not tracking it. In our speed limited roads, 0-60 in 5.4 is plenty of power and it has enough torque. Don't really need any more than that. I think rear-wheel drive are more fun in general, particularly if you get a chance to really play with them and have the talent to go a bit sideways. Also, the base Macan will have the best turn as there is no electric motor assembly upfront, the front axle will weigh less and reduce some inherent friction from the steering.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Nicely thought trough about how you decided I can agree on that my old car´s (privelty owned) been back wheel drive and they just freaking cool for a bit drivting fun ;-) sure in Winter can be tricky but then just put a bit wheight in the trunk and all works fine again. can´t wait for your report how you like the Macan!
@hlee25464 ай бұрын
Is anyone has a renewal insurance quote? Mine quote look much expensive , may be I also have 6 pts penalty added. I also had refuse by Autoglass to replace my windshield even they have the parts there. The reason said won't fix it without calibration. Crazy !!
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
The refused doing it? Wow that´s super strange - hope somebody here can help you with!
@stefanganzmann58784 ай бұрын
Hallo, gibt es irgendwo eine Anleitung wie man dieses (welches) Claim Sheet ausfüllt? Danke
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Guten Morgen, FOA hat eine Anleitung ich kann mal fragen ob ich die evtl. drucken könnte oder ich würde halt mal einen Claim aufnehmen wäre evtl. auch eine Idee müsste da aber mal checken wie es mit Daten aussieht - Danke Dir ich kümmere mich drum und komme noch mal darauf zurück.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Hi sorry für die späte Antwort, Adam hat ein Video hochgeladen bei dem er seine schritte erklärt ich denke das beste ist diese mal anzuschauen und dann nach zu machen. Grüße Patrick
@sohailakmal33844 ай бұрын
It's so bad. My car had adas and os 2.1 from March to. July. Then when I was in vacation, my car went back to 2.0 and I lost adas. I'm selling the car. It's annoying af... Looks and hardware can't save this train wreck anymore
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
That´s pretty bad to hear, happend to me also btw it was beetween the first and the secound batch that it went back again and came then may there is one more to come but with that company everything can happen.
@KQMcKinnon4 ай бұрын
I FINALLY got 2.1 this afternoon.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Hey congrats did you get the pop up saying it´s finalized cause just the number change means there still somehting to come with.
@KQMcKinnon4 ай бұрын
@gentlemensworld When I got in, it said something on the screen in front of steering wheel... Don't recall what it said though.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
then it should be completed for sure otherwise there would be any pop up!
@tumentumengoosh51784 ай бұрын
Can Fisker survive and stock value go back up?
@matthewspry42174 ай бұрын
If your holding your in , if your not your out
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
@tumentumengoosh5178 Not financial advisor don´t think there is any way at this stage that they will be there for a long run anymore I also don´t see why at this stage any other company would step in and buy them. But miricales sometimes happen....
@MH_Bikes4 ай бұрын
There's a Fisker owners association? That's great news, I sell bridges.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Yes you can check that up online and register with your vin.
@Sploitheworld4 ай бұрын
Still on 1.11 (1/2)
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Yeah there you go - what should change now can also not belive that it will be come, but let´s hope that we will get suprized with it. Thanks for your comment.
@maxxbom7774 ай бұрын
Danke wieder für deine Infos. Mein Auto habe ich immer noch nicht. Lt. Händler darf keiner der Händler die Autos ausgeben. Sie dürfen nicht mal die Wasserpumpe (die er schon hat) einbauen. Ich warte mal bis zum Stichtag am 19.9. Ich könnte auch jederzeit vom Kaufvertrag zurücktreten. Ich lasse mir diese Option offen. Ich jammere auf hohem Niveau. Ihr habt alle den vollen Preis bezahlt. Ich bekomme ihn schon verbilligt, aber wenn man weiß, dass die unverkauften Autos so billig an American Lease gegangen sind, tut das mir auch weh. Noch dazu, weil ich nicht weiß, ob die Autos eh schon billiger wären und den "Aufpreis" der Händler einstreift. Naja. Ich werd am Ball bleiben.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Guten Morgen, oh je war echt gechockt zu sehen das Du dein Auto immer noch nicht hast! Puh verstehe auch gar nicht warum sie die Wasserpumpe nicht einbauen dürfen wenn sie schon vor Ort ist? Ich mein Dein Auto wäre doch eine sicher Einnahmequelle... Ehrlich gesagt würde ich wenn ich Du wäre mal bisschen den Preis drücken wenn Du am Auto festhalten willst schließlich wartest Du darauf schon so lange evtl. kann Du Dir noch einen Vorteil verschaffen? Ich mein so 5-10k Euro weniger ist doch auch schön wenn klappen sollte. Ein versuch ist es wert würde ich sagen.
@maxxbom7774 ай бұрын
@@gentlemensworld Ich hab mir schon was zurechtgeschrieben. Helfen würde, wenn das stimmt was ich eben auf Adams EV gesehen habe: Proof of Claim Formular. Wenn das ausgefüllt und an Fisker geschickt wird, hat man Anspruch auf Geld? Habe ich das richtig aufgefasst? Dann müsste eigentlich auch bei mir mehr Verhandlungsspielraum sein. Oder auch beim Kauf eines Gebrauchten.
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Hi, das ist sehr gut würde auch ein wenig den Druck erhöhen das Du die Leute mal dazu bekommst, das Auto zu bekommen, total unverständlich das Sie es Dir einfach nicht ausliefern wollen wenn Du mich frägst. Der Proof of Claim wird dir erst mal nichts bringen, 1. Da Du das Auto nicht hast 2. Dein Vertrag erstmal über die Europa GmbH läuft (musst mal schauen was in Deinem Vertrag als Vertragspartner genau steht). 3. Das Auto ja noch nicht hast, in Deutschland (aber bin kein Anwalt deshalb check das bitte alles) könntest Du auf Verzug klagen bzw damit Anfagen, Du stellst halt Fisker in Verzug usw musst Dich mal erkundigen. Generel dürfte ein Gebrauchter besser sein, da die wenig Km drauf haben was die Software bei den Autos angeht könntest Du mal schauen und müsstest halt dann auch auf Fehler wie die Luftdüsen, Kühlung der Batterie usw achten aber ich mein bei 25k Euro ersparnis würde ich mir das sicherlich mal anschauen.
@maxxbom7774 ай бұрын
@@gentlemensworld Habe heute storniert. Such nun nach was Gebrauchtem. Weißt du, ob es wo eine Plattform gibt, um zu sehen welche Oceans schon umgerüstet wurden. Denn die Verkäufer der Gebrauchten wissen das in der Regel nicht.
@gentlemensworld3 ай бұрын
Hi guten Morgen, sorry manchmal werden irgendwie die Antworten bei youtube nicht richtig angezeigt weiß auch nicht woran das liegt dann bekommt man keine Nachricht dafür. Wie lange hattest Du eigentlich jetzt Geduld gehabt bei deinem Ocean würde mal deine Geschichte als Erfahrung wenn es für Dich ok ist bei einem Video erwähnen. Puh mit der Plattform ich bin mir nicht sicher ob man es bei fiskerfi sieht da kann man z.b. eintragen ob man updates bekommen hatte usw. normal sollte es eigentlich der Verkäufern schon wissen, schließlich muss für die Wasserpumpe dsa Auto in die Werkstatt so wie auch die Airvents z.b. Du kannst die Airvents aber auch selber testen und die Extrems haben z.b. weniger Probleme mit der Batterie. Software updates siehst du im Menü unter updates würde hier zwingend empfehlen zumindest 2.1 drauf zu haben.
@matthewspry42174 ай бұрын
Chapter 11 trustee 💪🇺🇸🌊
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
@windowman96654 ай бұрын
Hate to say it…. You should have sold this months ago. You waited way too long. Now you’re stuck with it. I don’t see why anyone would offer you money for this thing. It was bad before they went bankrupt…. Not there’s no support
@gentlemensworld4 ай бұрын
Nothing to say you hate that so true jsut can confirm as mentioned in the video normally there should come a red flag video what I ignored and other people should be aware of. Nothing to appologize here thanks for your comment.