As it stands it is Ushoran: The army, you gotta take him. That's ok for power, but I don't like that you have to take him or miss out on the fun. The delusion mechanic is important for the feel of the army, for me at least. I don't like this with some of the armies shown, like tzeentch as well, it might be ok powerlevel but not very hype. Maybe that'll be ok though, you'll play 4th and that'll be the new thing for a while and then comes new battletomes eventually.
@ryanburruss7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I feel you. It’s always tough when a whole faction’s (old) abilities are given to a single model like this, essentially making them an auto-take. And it’s tough to balance making a god character either feel essential or too much of a points sink. I suppose the real question then is whether or not the rules he brings really feel essential given the toning down of all faction in the indexes. It could very well be that those abilities are just icing on the cake in 4th, whereas in 3rd they were very essential to how the army plays. That said, I totally get why it feels like a loss to the flexibility of listbuilding lore-wise. Maybe there’ll be some artefacts/traits that give a similar vibe
@Tobben1217 ай бұрын
I think to be fair we don't know every ability yet, and there might be other ways to get similar/the same effects elsewhere. However there seems to be a huge focus on centerpieces though, so it might actually be locked to Usharan