SERAPHON: Faction Focus AOS4
4 сағат бұрын
KRULEBOYZ: Faction Focus AOS4
14 сағат бұрын
LUMINETH: Faction Focus AOS4
19 сағат бұрын
14 күн бұрын
NIGHTHAUNT: Faction Focus AOS4
21 күн бұрын
SKAVEN: Faction Focus AOS4
21 күн бұрын
STORMCAST: Faction Focus AOS4
21 күн бұрын
SYLVANETH: Tier list GHB 23.24
@shethek1733 2 сағат бұрын
To be fair, the You Messin'? seems way too good to me. We have to see the point costs but the fact You can just deny the enemy ability to contest objectives with his line troops seem like an absolutely overpowered ability.
@alias-yv2ro 5 сағат бұрын
I’m a little sad that there wasn’t a ironjaws spearhead revealed, I was hoping to get into ironjaws but without a spearhead I’ll prolly have to 3D print EVERYTHING instead of like. Half of the stuff
@The_ZerGhoul 9 сағат бұрын
Great video again! Perhaps you don't need to be emotional about it coming to an end and you can take it slower and do full reviews once we get full rules :P (analysis of battleplans could also be nice). My 2 cents here, obviously not having all the info: Overall it seems like the playstyle might change (same as when I said OBR might shift back from potential big elite model armies into bubbles of mortek guards+catapults). We haven't seen the cavalry battle formation yet but I'm thinking that a big alpha strike round 1 might no longer be possible. Right now, warchanters give 100% chance +1 dmg to a unit. So people can bring 2-3 of them, buff up models and then mighty destroyer them across the table (double move, sometimes tripple move with mount trait maw-krusha). The Maw-Krusha can issue the commands x3 and if really needed, there is a command trait to issue it again (but costs more CP, if I'm not mistaken, a 2nd maw-krusha could potentially issue it 3x as well but I don't think it's a popular play). There is also a thing about teleporting a unit and then moving it with mighty destroyer to almost guarantee a deepstrike charge. Now, the boring part about this playstyle is that if there are good screens, you may hit into those and straight up die from the counter-attack because Ironjawz, although having an ok amount of wounds are a bit squishy for a melee army. With Smashing and bashing, if no good screens, you may be able to get in Round 1 and chain kill enough to more or less win from that, lose hard if it fails. I guess some players might try to send it by waves but the warchanters cannot keep up with that fast army so it hits super hard on the Waaagh+buffs and then is a bit squishy with soso dmg afterwards so it runs out of gas sort of. The small pigs also gain a ton of dmg from the warchanters because it buffs both the mount and rider (+1 dmg), I'm not sure it'll still be the case. Waaagh used to be board wide in 3rd edition so going back to a bubble kind of sucks for that. Losing the chain attacks will be big for sure. With the faction focus from today: 1- The new Mighty Destroyers: might not be great for new players but maybe better for more advanced ones (maybe you can sometimes pull tricks like Khorne does by moving out of sequence into combat although it's still only 3"). 2- Warchanters: I'm guessing the Ardboyz might be still only on 1 dmg (hacking crew on the big pig are 2 ardboyz) but the thing about the Warchanter buff change is that Brutes now have the extra dmg built into their warscroll which is big. It's as if they were permenantly buffed already and you MAYBE can add the new prayer to buff them even further (we're now looking at a reinforced unit with 8 models that would hit for 3 dmg and 2 that would hit for 4, it seems very scary). It also means that you might no longer struggle as much if your warchanter can't keep up with your army to double their dmg output. 3- Gordrakk: Almost no one plays him because the generic version with enhancements is flat out stronger and even now that he's cheaper than the generic Maw-Krusha, you MIGHT consider him if you want to run a 2nd one and have no enhancements available but several people still would not take him mostly for the fact that he's on a 4+ save while the generic one can be put on a 3+ save. So the save change here is good. My understanding of his Waaagh is that it's adding +1hit on top of the rest so it's a better version. It's very funny because I watched another Orruk channel's review earlier today and no one there either (neither him nor anyone in his chat) could agree on and figure out how the Strength from Victory worked, it'll certainly need an FAQ. 4- potential synergy with Kragnos although Kragnos' warscroll looked terrible (4+ save) so it will probably depend on how cheap his new warscroll his and how much you can fit in the bubble. 5- Big Pigs: I think the reason for the 2 profiles is that this one is the mid one (there is a hero + guys on the sides, generic + guys on the sides, regular single pig with no guys on the sides). So they probably kept those separate so that the one without these guys on the sides just has the same regular rider weapons profile. The rampage looks amazing and 5 dmg attacks is very scary but it'll require it surviving a turn in combat with its 12 wounds and also means I'm slightly confused about how difficult it may be to build momentum on the basic big pigs without this rampage (maybe the cavalry battle formation will give them run+charge?). If you can't get your 3 momentum, the dmg output isn't that impressive. Overall, the battle traits look weak but the warscrolls look strong. It seems like it may be a bit swingy but will hit very hard if damage goes through. I'm not sure if it'll be stronger or weaker (mounts no longer being buffed by the +1 dmg and maybe CPs, I'm not sure I fully understand the new Companions rule) but it seems like it will hit very hard in melee and will be better at brawling with now a 3+ save instead of a 4+. So I think the playstyle might shift away from alpha strike to a more brawly more consistent army that can push enemies off objectives. Final note, make sure to use the LRL Facet of War to make Ironjawz high dmg attacks hit on 5s or even 6s and dodge as many of those 3-5 dmg attacks as possible ;)
@christianjohansson7185 10 сағат бұрын
@strategoi 7 сағат бұрын
😂 I want all comments to be like this on every ironjawz video
@christianjohansson7185 11 сағат бұрын
This is going to be interesting! Slaves are one of the armies I'll likely be facing the most this edition, so I want them to have fun rules with lots of variety in list building ^^ As it stands I really like how straightforward the eye of the Gods rolls are. For me as an opponent it makes things move along smoother now that I don't have to have their battlebook on hand, and the possibility of bonuses stacking will make the rules fun to interact with for the Slave player! A bit disappointing, as somebody already pointed out, that there are no rules for kingless throne cavalry warhost, since my friend has a lot of knights. But perhaps it will be fine with wizards and warscrolls filling the gap in such a way that every detatcment can be a potential cavalry army! Wiho!
@jakea3950 13 сағат бұрын
Kroak might alter the great plan kinda like ushoran. Im fine witj the traits, im more worried about points lol.
@chrisg3726 20 сағат бұрын
Only 10inch fly on the DP means the trophy rack feels more tempting. But I’d have to test both out to see what sits in my lists better.
@Luciusthestorms Күн бұрын
I don't like the simplifying of weapons like on the demon prince, knights and warriors it's so boring every weapon is the same now.
@strategoi Күн бұрын
It's one of my favourite things about the new warscrolls. I hated all the different weapon profiles that didn't really make a difference. I can understand the fact that you're losing a little flexibility or flavour by merging the weapon profiles.
@Pchopper099 Күн бұрын
Guys, I am loving your faction reviews you are thorough and make it fun! I look forward to your rules review when they come out
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Thank you so much for the kind words! I mentioned to Ryan that, while the daily uploads are pretty intense for me, I will also miss them. The feedback we've had from you guys is such a huge motivator and I really enjoy working on the videos because of it. So definitely looking forward to making even more rules videos soon!
@The_ZerGhoul Күн бұрын
Great video as always! Really curious to see what they do with Ironjawz tomorrow (my last army that hasn't gotten a faction focus yet). My quick thoughts on this one compared to current rules: I feel like with what has been shown, we lost very little and gained much better, more reliable and more interesting buffs. While most other armies seem to have been nerfed or gotten side grades, most of what was shown today looks flat out stronger than the current version of S2D. 1- The heroic actions that we lost based off the marks: Most of them were really bad and hardly ever worth wasting a CP for. The Tzeentch one seemed cool in theory but I don't think it was ever really used much in practice (the teleport spell). I think the only one that truly was used was Slaanesh on Chosen in order to give them run+charge (and it was honestly annoying to have to mark a hero as Slaanesh only to throw this command). 2- The Eye of the Gods table: It was scary to lose your hero with a bad roll if he wasn't marked as undivided so I'm really glad it's gone. I also wanted to play more with it but you had to mark your stuff as Undivided for it and it was very random so in most cases, marking them something else was more reliable and better. A lot of the rolls were very situational and could result in it being basically useless. For example, Chosen get 1 roll when the game starts and here are the possible results based off the rolls: 1= Gain nothing (useless) 2= Heal D3 (useless early game or if no dmg taken) 3= 2+ spell ignore vs 1 spell (useless if no casters or if they don't plan to throw a spell at this unit, can occasionally fail and a magic missile can waste it) 4= +1 charge (decent but once again slightly situational) 5= 6+ ward (good, although the sorcerer lord could give it to a mortal unit already and several units had 4+/5+ ward vs MWs) 6= +1 rend (great) So overall, I would say you had maybe 50% chances to get something situational or more or less useless. If you had gotten the ward already, this gets worse (66%) and you mostly want the rend, maybe the +1 charge. With the new system, if there's something you really want, you have 1/3 chance of getting it (1/6 for it, 1/6 allows you to select what you wanted) and if you don't get it, you can reroll and get that 1/3 chance again. The +1 hit is great, the ward stacking up to 5+ is really good and the rend is much easier to get while still being able to pick another mark of chaos on top of that. That's not even to mention that so far, it seems like even unique heroes can now benefit from that (Be'Lakor/Archaon possibly) which is really cool. 3- The banners is probably the biggest loss here (unless it comes back somehow), for the most part, it was about the Nurgle banner (reduce the rend by 1 to be tankier) that was going on Nurgle Knights or Chaos Warriors for an anvil. The other significant loss is the 5+ ward vs MWs knights had but now Tzeentch mark can partially replace that and you can gain a regular ward (which is better) up to 5+ from the Eye of the Gods table. Oh, I was forgetting, the 3D6 casts (risky to blow yourself up though) was significant for certain builds for sure. 4- Be'Lakor seems straight up better in almost every way. Getting a 6+ ward is nice and being able to potentially increase it to 5+ is great (not sure how easy it will be to heal back though). The attack profile overall seems better. He can gain buffs from Eye of the Gods which is kind of big. I think the only maybe significant nerf is the fact that his main ability now requires him to SEE the target (so you could hide models or there are abilities that makes it so you cannot see certain units) to defend yourself against it to a certain point now. His rampage seems really good and his spell is way better than it used to be (especially if you have something marked as Nurgle as the -1 wound no longer overlaps, they would now be -1 hit/-1 wound and unable to crit. 5- The demon prince also seems straight up better in almost every aspect (it lost 2 movement but tons of fast units lost 2 movement). Most of his abilities were terrible and not really worth using as it was costing you your heroic action. I think the most useful/significant one was the Nurgle one to Shut down wards which could be big and clutch in certain situations but still required him to get stuck in right spot for it. The roll on the table for free I think will make it an almost auto-include in a lot of lists. There used to be a spell to roll on the Eye of the Gods table, his ability is 100% reliable so it's much nicer I find. 6- Knights gained +1 wound AND +1 hit which is very nice (but they still seem terrible if they get stuck in combat, MAYBE lost the potential Nurgle banner, I'm not sure) 7- The 3D6 charge spell: The BIG buff here is that it now can be cast on any S2D unit (it used to require a mount)... so this means you can now cast it on chosen (might make up a bit for losing the Slaanesh command although I think the Warshrine could do a similar prayer but I don't think it was played much). Overall, I personally like what I'm seeing a lot better than the current version and out of my 7 armies, it's the faction review that seems the strongest compared to it's 3rd edition book. We still obviously need to see a lot of important warscrolls (varanguards, chosen, ogroids, Archaon, etc.). I just wonder if Khorne might not end up still being the most popular mark for most units because if you don't kill units, you don't roll on the table so being more offensive could then allow you to roll for ward saves afterwards to compensate for survivability if needed I guess. Only pet peeve... S2D are my favorite models but I was most excited to play my LRL. They said that 3+ hit was for elves because they have very high dexterity... but then we see a bunch of other units like regular chaos knights (or Nurgle Blightkings) also hitting on 3s as if they're just as agile as elves (AND wound on 3s as well) but 3s/3s sure is great to have for the game on a melee based army (I just wish elves would hit on 2s and wound on 4s in that case instead of 3s/4s). Final note, as a very selfish S2D player, I kind of hope that Be'Lakor is locked to S2D now so that we don't get penalized with higher points cost than needed or nerfs only because it's hard to balance him out in 5 armies at once (but I obviously totally understand all the people who were using him as an ally to hope to still be able to use him in their other chaos armies).
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Fantastic write-up. Lots of things I'd like to reply to, but it's early and I've got work in a couple of minutes. I'd just like to say that we might still see the slaanesh command on a warscroll. It's such a typical buff ability to give out to units, so I could see that happening (though I don't expect it).
@bloodbathnbeyond Күн бұрын
Is it just me or should Darkoath be a human Destruction faction…then there is order, chaos, and destruction humans.
@strategoi Күн бұрын
That'd also be super cool! Destruction could definitely do with some extra armies. That being said, I love the darkoath lore. Depending on what's happening in their life, they choose sacrifice to a different god. They're very non-monotheistic in that way. It's actually described kinda beautifully in their book.
@edumh22 Күн бұрын
Great content and analysis on this channel!! Got a feeling I would like to share with you guys. Taking into account that mystic shield and aerherquartz are gone will make our base troops way more squishy and I hope that they take this into account with a relative point reduction on these units otherwise we will be having a hard time on 4th. Also if it is true that there is only 3 spells from the lore for LRL I’m not really sure what the role for teclis will be. The ward also seems less important as you said I don’t know what spells can he get to make a 700+ point unit worth taking when our magic has been significantly reduced.
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Thanks, Edumh. I share your worries. I don't think we'll see a lot of points reductions, but going by the list we saw during the edition showcase, it seems like most things will remain sort of the same way in price. If everything else is going up, that's virtually the same as a point reduction, I guess. About the spell lores: the honest wargamer mentioned lumieth would have multiple lores and he seems to have some inside knowledge. Now, we don't have any proof of that, so he could be wrong, but I can still imagine a temple lore or something like that. But even without an extra Lore, teclis will still be formidable. You'll have three endless spells to cast now, you've unlimited speed of hysh and he'll probably have two warscroll spells as well. He'll lose his tool box vibe, that's for sure, but with vanari losing their spellcasting, I actually think it'll be quite impactful to have his four spellcasts handy. We're so used to being able to cast whatever we want and I don't think that'll still be the case with the new index. Teclis might return that power to us. And who knows, maybe he gets to choose two manifestation lores.
@stevecatpatrick8056 Күн бұрын
I mean I lost all my fun tech like the tzeentch teleport and our super-casting, and knights lost their awesome charge buff. The army was amazing at being modular It was a real list builders army and that's all gone. That teleport was amazing cuz you could teleport out of combat and put them at 9 in away to let your knights charge again, and they had the musician which let them change one of the dice to a four. So I just cycle charged over and over using that and caused a lot of disruption with my knights, which actually gave benefits to the otherwise terrible tzeentch Mark. However this looks good overall and I know it's an index but I don't really want to overly complain, It's not ever going to take the place of a whole book. It looks good still looks fun still looks like it has its flavor. I am annoyed that it sounds like one of our three spells is going to be that bad spell where We do mortals but we chance taking mortals ourselves. And honestly it sounds like that could be our unlimited spell which would suck. Wizards are just not the place You want to be taking a bunch of mortals for a not very good mortal spell to start with. As for the battle formations, none of them really sound like they are going to benefit cavalry. That's really what STD wants which is make our cavalry hit hard as a freight train. ABC: Always Be Charging. The whole point of them is they should always kill what they charge, You don't want your cavalry charging and whatever they charge living. Which is my big concern in fourth edition is that happening. Especially since again we lost one of the ways to pull them out of combat in a way that would allow them to charge again that turn. So far what we've seen is much less reliable charging out of them which was my favorite part of the unit. Also I think you guys confused darkoath Marauders with regular chaos Marauders. I went and double checked the article and the regular Chaos Marauder is not going away, They are distinct from the darkoath marauder. I think it's likely that they will not be automatically undivided and you'll be able to pick their mark. At least I'm hoping because I run a bunch of poxwalkers as chaos Marauders of Nurgle.
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Interesting point about the Marauders. I could've sworn they'd replace the older sculpts, but maybe not... Definitely feel you about losing stuff and complexity. It was bound to happen, so I'm happy you're also staying realistic, but I understand the disappointment as well. Hang in there. Who knows what kind of groovy abilities have been moved to warscrolls? 🤞
@CalebHastings Күн бұрын
Some fun battle traits that offer a bit of tactical flexibility!
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Thanks, Caleb! Looking forward to finishing your review as well!
@FreshOutThePrison 13 сағат бұрын
Caleb, can I have your autograph?
@Strade8 Күн бұрын
Someone loves STD among the pople who made the rules..
@alexhovey6614 Күн бұрын
nice review guys
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Thanks, Alex!
@starslayer2438 Күн бұрын
Now this is a faction focus that hypes me up quite a bit! They did a great job with the battle traits and I like all the warscrolls that they have shown. Especially the Daemon Prince! Finally some rules to be worthy of that gorgeous model. Speaking of the Daemon Princes: Those do fully profit from the new Look Out Sir, the Guarded Hero ability. Because that is no longer tied to the wounds/health of a model, but simply to it being infantry. Which the Prince is.
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Oh damn! Nice catch. Thanks for bringing that last bit up ❤️
@cyberhawk94 Күн бұрын
I dont know if Ryan was just playing devils advocate, but "it could have been worse" isnt a good reason to like this system. The further the great plan ability feels like a designer thought it would be cute but didnt think it through at all, and as a Seraphon player since 7th edition fantasy, I would have honestly preferred the "Further" ability be just missing entirely so we didnt have to pay for the potential power. Plus then there would be more design space to access multiple asterisms instead of that space being filled with this ability. Something as simple as "Cold Blooded: Seraphon units ignore negative modifiers to control score" would have added so much more interest and flavor to the army
@strategoi Күн бұрын
He makes a fair point with it, because there have been a lot of armies who've received less functional rules than ours, but I'm sure he'd also agree that it's not an argument for bad design. It is, however, good to take things a little less seriously. That being said, I also don't really like the Further the Great plan design. The idea is cool but I'm not sure it translates well to the table. We'll have to wait and see.
@cyberhawk94 Күн бұрын
No cavalry subfaction is insane
@starslayer2438 Күн бұрын
Gotta wait for the battletome.
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Yeah, doesn't seem like it's included. I kind of miss a reference to belakors faction as well..
@stevecatpatrick8056 Күн бұрын
​​@@starslayer2438which makes zero sense It's the premier cavalry faction in the game! When you're designing them that should be the first one you make before you make any others.
@cyberhawk94 Күн бұрын
I really hate the further the great plan ability. If you go first in round 2 you cant even really control two of the "side-quests" (they could just retreat their general away from you or teleport a unit in). In a lot of games your entire army ability is going to be "Pick one of these 4 basic bonuses", which is just so boring. Its effectively just a more boring version of LRL's Aspects of War Also a little worried that the Slann will be overpriced to compensate for the possibilities of the 4+ recursion ability. Would have much preferred replacing Further the Great Plan with a classic Lizardmen rule like Cold-Blooded or Predatory Fighters, and replace Celestial Reinforcements with an ability to switch your active asterism like you could in 2e.
@strategoi Күн бұрын
We think the same things, it seems. I hope we're both wrong and things end up being fantastic for us. Fingers crossed!
@sharonmx Күн бұрын
slaanesh was a big change , they had the only command to matter , and it was run and still charge. thus current slannesh is a huge nerf imo
@strategoi Күн бұрын
True! But the static bonus is still pretty nice 😁
@stevecatpatrick8056 Күн бұрын
​​@@strategoiIt's okay. The problem is it doesn't compare. The marks really need to be equally balanced with each other and there used to be a lot of ways for that to happen through the banners and the shrine buffs so we will see what the shrine does but with the banners potentially gone It might be tough to make the weaker ones competitive with the stronger ones. Hopefully we get a way to run and charge because that would make slaanesh better cuz you would get the bonus to run and to charge.
@Raijihn Күн бұрын
Title seem to be wrong 😅 Slaves to Darkness. Not Hedonites. Love your faction focus videos!
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Thanks for the heads-up!
@adamsulkowski3729 Күн бұрын
Wrong tittle!
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Thank you!
@starslayer2438 Күн бұрын
This is one of the few faction focuses that I feel negative about. So I can totally understand Jonas feeling this way. The Ogor battle traits are very disappointing and weak. Oddly enough, I feel like they are very close to being good. They cover almost all the old Ogor battle traits (except for Grasp of the Everwinter). And thus hit most flavor points. Trampling Charge being weaker is fine, since they dialed down the mortal wound output and this probably means that Ogors are cheaper on average. Ravenous Brutes and Feast on Flesh suck for the reasons you outlined in the video. However, I think those two abilities can be made more interesting and more powerful by changing just a few words: - Ravenous Brutes (effect section): Replace "run rolls" with "the move characteristic". - Feast on Flesh (ability header): Replace "Once per Battle" with "Once per Turn". Especially the last one. They are Ogors! Why should they stop eating after a single dish?
@strategoi 21 сағат бұрын
Yeo, minor tweaks could do it! I hope Ryan's correct and that they'll receive a new book soon.
@thewok Күн бұрын
I finally got a box of Wyldwoods for my Sylvaneth ill start in 4E. Im going to hold off on buying anymore, however, until we get the actual warscrolls and army rules (or, at the least, the faction preview this week). Good to see that dryads have remained useful, since i have 48 of them from the old Start Collecting boxes.
@strategoi Күн бұрын
Happy to hear that! Only a couple of more days before we have some more insight in how your army will work. Hold out a little longer ;-)
@massimorolli4414 2 күн бұрын
I think some of the best Seraphon wins will be without the second asterirsm. I feel baiting the opponent to do something at the end of second turn to stop "Further the great plan" could be very valuable in some matchups.
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
Oh man, yes, that'd be super cool and satisfactory!
@Waywardpaladin 2 күн бұрын
I think you are underestimating the value of spamming AoE healing to cure infection, Tzeentch flame, and Nurgle rot.
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
Sure, but that's only on a 3+, wholly within 12'' and only efficient against two/three armies. I'm not saying the healing isn't nice. All of those abilities are good. I just think they could give the healing for free while reserving power. 🤷‍♂️
@adamaltmann7039 2 күн бұрын
I like the new traits! Never loved the Starborn vs Coalesced. At first glance, it looks like fun things to consider for list building. Do you shoot your shot and go all-in on Itzl the Tamer, or build a more varied list to potentially make use of more Asterisms…
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
Agreed! Glad they got rid of the 'two armies in one book' vibe. Was hard to swap one army style for another if you didn't have a vast collection already. Now it should be easier to combine a little bit of everything.
@Strade8 2 күн бұрын
So seraphon get as a subfaction the demage output that nurgle gets with all their battle traits 😅 plus they move 3"
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
You could sum it up like that, yes.😂 Poor nurgle boys.
@jakea3950 15 сағат бұрын
Nurgle can do alot more than that vs the fixed sub faction. You'll be crying about disease soon lol.
@Flkt42 2 күн бұрын
I really like the new rules. So Coalesced dont need to pay for the sins of Starborn. And you can take what you really like and stay semi-competitive
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, it's looking good for coalesced. Here's hoping you're right about taking what you like. That's all I want for the army really.
@fthagnryleh4951 2 күн бұрын
Nice video, sorry for the noob question but where can I find all these rules online?
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
Not a noob question at all. If you visit Warhammer community (type it into Google), you can select Age of Sigmar and choose anything that interests you from those articles.
@jakea3950 2 күн бұрын
81 minutes! Smokes this gonna be fun 🎉
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
We couldn't help ourselves 😂
@MKDietz 2 күн бұрын
Quick knee jerk reaction to The Hunger - it's massively nerfed. Not talking whether or not it's deserved, but it got whacked big time. Healing an average of 2 where before you reliably healed for 4-6 if you weren't hitting a 0+ save unit. (You did not need to kill a model though, it healed per wound done) Only healing 2D3 if killing an entire unit is also massive, and it would still "ony" be an average of 4, but if you roll two 1's you're going to be crying. The timing also moved to the end of the turn, so you can't activate first with a vamp and heal up, before getting hit, which is also an extremely strong nerf. Again not talking whether or not it's deserved, I know some people hated it, but I've always found the lack of damage on the vampire end made up for being more tanky.
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, very fair remarks here. I had too little time for Soulblight to really think about the "aftermath" of certain changes and this is one where I would give a different review for now. Definitely toned down a lot. I expect we'll have less healing overall and that might actually really hurt the monster lists.
@ryanburruss 3 күн бұрын
No one watch this video anymore, we just hit 777 views!
@starslayer2438 3 күн бұрын
Glad that "free" summoning is gone. Destiny dice being there is great. Wyrdflame ability is a bit wyrd, but probably a fine, if small, addition. It is really hard to say what this army will look and play like, just from the faction focus. "Especially I think everyone is probably happy with Kairos." - No, actually. I am with Vince Venturella on this one. I think his warscroll includes one of the biggest mistakes I have seen in 4th edition so far: Interacting with battle tactics, which is an optional modular system. And on top of that, interacting with it in a very specific way that makes it impossible to interact with a potential replacement system later down the road. This ability really should have been about destiny dice manipulation.
@strategoi 3 күн бұрын
Interesting point of view from Vince. Hadn't thought about the modularity yet!
@starslayer2438 3 күн бұрын
The Ogor battle traits were bad. The Slaanesh ones are catastrophically bad. No idea how this iteration made it to print. Battle traits should apply to the whole army. This applies to a single unit each battle round! Because you should never give more than one destiny six to your opponent, to prevent the possibility of automatic 12" charges. I can only hope that they remove the possibility of using the destiny sixes on charge rolls with an errata. And make the points costs low enough to make up for the incredibly weak battle traits. Regarding Fiends: It seems they give every unit that is completely or at least mostly made up of animalistic / beastly creatures the Beast keyword and ability. And Fiends got that for conistency sake. Doesn't look like a big deal on a 3 model unit. They are meant for support and some opportunistic damage. I actually like the new Fiend warscroll. With the caveat that they are costed appropriately. If they are cheap enough, they make a nice little support piece.
@strategoi 21 сағат бұрын
I can just not see myself bringing fiends unless I have points left over
@starslayer2438 4 күн бұрын
I like pretty much everything that I am seeing here. Good set of allegiance abilities and good warscrolls. I am especially happy with the Blood Knights. I just hope they won't overcost them again. Gotta finish my wolf-headed Vyrkos Vargheists conversions and buy 10 more Deathrattle Skeletons. Then I have a Spearhead force for this army ready to go.
@The_ZerGhoul 4 күн бұрын
Nice video once again. My 2 cents on Kruleboyz as I do have them as an army: The new tricks are more interesting and useful all game long than the old one so that's the biggest highlight. Having access to a potential teleport is probably the most interesting thing about them (although I'm guessing it'll be used on 6 boltboyz most of the time and I don't know if they risk dying right after it). The strike last also certainly can be good. Gobbsprak, I'm not sure his damage profile truly is better, it might depend what he's attacking. The whole mount (beak as well) used to trigger MWs on 6s and that was most of his damage output normally (extra damage if fighting near a sludgeraker) and he lost that but gained 2 more attacks and +1 rend if fighting a wizard so maybe it's about even or better vs low save wizards and worse vs other things. The spell to reduce the amount of attacks is (in my opinion) the best Kruleboyz spell. It used to also prevent run and would affect a bunch of units from much further away. The old version is probably better in general but good catch about it affecting shooting profiles as well. Having a debuff vs a unit that needs to be "wholly within" seems a bit odd to me, I'm not sure I remember seeing any of those lately. The Waaagh was strong because you could cripple the opponent's army from range with boltboyz and then once they finally got into melee, you could activate your Sludgeraker general (usually) + 2 other units to all strike at once so it was like a trap to finish them off. Overall, it's very difficult to tell as we haven't seen all of the rules and warscrolls yet and the Sludgerakers+boltboyz are generally the biggest part of the dmg this army has but my feeling is that it will still struggle to do well until they get extra models to complete the range. Here's why I think so: -We used to get the poison ability for free 100% guaranteed with every shaman. Now it's a dirty trick on a 2+ that can only affect 1 unit and more restricted than before (but no longer relies on the slow shaman is nice). The army is pretty much a glass canon army. If that's still the case (which seems to be likely with the warscrolls we've seen), that poison dirty trick might be almost mandatory every round. You also need to pick it first. So this means that, in most scenarios, your other tricks will be on a 3+ and 4+ which aren't bad but you can't rely and plan around it reliably 100% (fun but maybe a bit rough competitively). -We don't know if boltboyz are losing the MWs on crits, if that's the case, it's a big dmg nerf (and only one group could be buffed at once). So it might still be a glass canon army but that no longer dishes out insane amounts of MWs (maybe healither for the game but Kruleboyz would need something big to compensate as they were already struggling) -People were already playing with the subfaction to not be visible outside of 12" but now, you also need to stay near terrain for that. Overall, it seems like an interesting start but a big issue Kruleboyz have right now is that if you look at their unit list, they have a ton of heroes and very few actual unit options which might be why it's difficult to balance (they have gutrippaz, boltboyz and the hobgrots, that's about it. The other things are like 1 off models like the troll with grots and the anti-monster artillery). Maybe the monster subfaction will allow to field a lot of the smaller mounted heroes (the troll with an orc on it and the other one that was shown here).
@strategoi 2 күн бұрын
Fantastisch write-up. Thanks for your insights and realistic approach to analysing the army.
@jameszeropr 4 күн бұрын
"never pulled this off"... Must be insane or haven't played much. Most Kruleboyz generals understood that you either get this done or get destroyed in melee. Personally, only didn't get full value from this once in 3rd edition. The Waagh ability was a serious focus.
@ryanburruss 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, I think maybe you’re missing the context here, but all good. There are very few people who played Kruleboyz in the training-for-worlds meta, and most of the ones that did were playing a long range shooting focus build, not melee. But yes, you’re right that I didn’t have to play against Kruleboyz much because they’ve been having a really rough time in the competitive meta for a long time. I totally believe that there are players out there that got this off every time, but that’s just not the world I’ve experienced!
@ilmaestro8670 4 күн бұрын
3rd edition Hunger is much stronger and more oppressive than this new one - at the moment it heals as many wounds as you caused to the enemy up to 6. Now it’s D3 or 2D3, which is much more palatable
@starslayer2438 4 күн бұрын
I also like this new, less oppressive version.
@cyberhawk94 5 күн бұрын
Vargheist slander! In the season we had Galletian Veterans they were great. 2 units could do all the GV battle tactics while also being sneaky good bounty hunters to hunt backline objective holders with 3 damage.
@strategoi 4 күн бұрын
Haha, I beg for forgiveness to the vargheist gods 😂. For real, they're one of my favourite units ever. I hope they're here to stay for 4th!
@rotm4447 5 күн бұрын
I really would have liked to see some kind of support for non summonables in the allegiance instead of just rolling over the zombie and skeleton spamming. With hunger and subfactions getting nerfed its going to make that style even more prevalent.
@strategoi 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, they've been hammering down on horde spam for a while now. I think they feel like that's the most iconic about soulblight. And here's me waiting for vampire infantry 🤷‍♂️
@starslayer2438 4 күн бұрын
Let's hope the Askurgan Trueblades get a good warscroll then. ;)
@stevecatpatrick8056 5 күн бұрын
I don't know what you mean by vargheists die to anything, last game I put a Lord of change and a GUO into a squad of 10 (It was a large game where we both played two factions) both shooting and melee and there was like four of them left at the end that over half killed the Lord of change on the crack back.
@rotm4447 5 күн бұрын
vargheist come in 3s, you can't even have 10.
@stevecatpatrick8056 5 күн бұрын
@@rotm4447 oh My bad lol I guess they just felt like 10. I just remember sending two greater demons to kill this deep striking squad of flyers and it not going nearly as well as I thought considering, after opening up with shooting and charges with both greater demons I remember there being just under half of the squad left so I guess it was probably three out of six left?
@strategoi 4 күн бұрын
Totally viable that they sometimes do well, but with a 5+ save and 6+ ward, realistically, they die to anything 😁. That being said, 6 of them are 24 wounds still, so there's that 🧐
@kennypalmer8971 5 күн бұрын
The changes look pretty good. Overall, the stuff that we see isn't hit as hard as some of the other factions. Obviously, that's at a small glance because we don't get to see most of what the warscrolls and the other formations look like. I'm hoping the battle formation that buffs the deathly invocation is a solid generic formation to use. I own a soulblight army but never put it on the board because I just couldn't figure out which dynasty I wanted to build into. I have a very minimal collection that just wasn't going to be effective with the old dynasty system. With a generic battle formation it would make it much easier for me to put that army on the board and not feel like most of my army is missing out on my dynasty buffs.
@strategoi 5 күн бұрын
That's a very good point. It'll be much easier to gradually collect this army now and build your force in different ways.
@rotm4447 5 күн бұрын
Lauka, vengos losing a save feels really bad. It looks like a 230 point scroll now, not a 300 point one.
@thewok 5 күн бұрын
The Blood Knights are using actual cavalry tactics. Most units have to stop when they charge things. The Blood Knights get to overrun and trample things.
@strategoi 5 күн бұрын
Exactly! 🥳
@VeritasTemplar860 5 күн бұрын
Kragnos will be able to use battle traits. In nighthaunt faction focus they specified that the ethereal ability afects all nighthaunt "except Nagash". We can assume every trait without a specific exception will work on them.
@thomasledl3415 5 күн бұрын
I dont think the warstomper is so bad. Many units are infantry and against just a 10man infantry unit (so 8 Attacks) the warstomper does (compared to gatebreaker) - more dmg against 2+ and 3+ saves - same dmg against 4+ save - less dmg against 5+ and 6+ So he will be really killy against units upward of 10 i think.
@joshy9140 5 күн бұрын
So they cut down ogors MW and make slaneesh only have crit mortals on a spell but these guys get mortals on a 6 or 5 with two attacks a piece… Man slaneesh and ogors got boned
@islyfe 6 күн бұрын
Monsta-Killaz will most likely have the infantry keyword to benefit from sneaky sneakin’