Joe Biden (Probably) Can't Win: A Cold, Hard Look at the Numbers

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For Harriet

For Harriet

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I'm begging y'all to dispute this with facts.
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@coreysmith733 18 күн бұрын
The lack of succession planning in the Democratic Party is ridiculous. After Obama, we should have ushered in a new wave of leadership. Yet, we doubled back to Clinton and Biden.
@Cb20345 18 күн бұрын
The bench died during Obama’s term. Dems lost like 1000 seats
@lillybilly9954 17 күн бұрын
Here! here!
@wandiam6635 16 күн бұрын
Like what was stopping them from making a Transition division/committee to identify potential successors immediately upon Biden’s election, if they really did intend for him to be a one term president? They’re playing in our faces and now we all deal with the consequences.
@princessnamine100 16 күн бұрын
The younger generation of leaders are overwhelmingly anti-war. This would be a great policy change for democrats but as we all know, the Democratic Party is a corporation that dictates policy and is in bed with the military industrial complex. They haven't planned any succession of younger leaders because the young ideals fucks with their pocket books.
@Wraiven22 16 күн бұрын
Reminds me of how old people also refuse to give up any power in the business world. I am so sick of having lazy greedy Boomer bosses that should’ve retired over a decade ago that refuse to let anyone else begin their leadership experience.
@MakaykayLAMB 18 күн бұрын
I think the worst part is that Joe’s inability to perform kinda makes Trump “look good” by default. I think that’s what is scary.
@bunnyisarider13 18 күн бұрын
True. Trump has this strongman entertainer salesperson vibe but people are missing the fact he's showing signs of dementia and is a malignant narcissist. That is one hell of a combination.
@Sunshine26762 18 күн бұрын
I completely agree!
@tribecalledmaya 18 күн бұрын
no no that’s a far reach relax..
@Social_Pugatory 18 күн бұрын
@@tribecalledmayaIt’s not democrats are shitting the bed on this one. Biden can’t for a sentence. Trump has the vocabulary of a 4th grader. On that alone Trump appears better. We’re talking about the optics of this not the policies.
@diaryofshae 18 күн бұрын
@@tribecalledmaya It’s really the main feedback I’ve received during discussions about him :/
@MakaykayLAMB 18 күн бұрын
I really cannot wrap my brain around whose dumbass idea it was to have Joe be the dem nominee. It makes no sense, we didn’t want his ass the first damn time.
@ms-abominable 18 күн бұрын
WE DID NOT WANT HIM THE FIRST TIME!!!! how could they not see that???????
@Mariposa-11-2007 18 күн бұрын
Yup. Voted for Bernie. Donated to Bernie. Canvassed for Bernie. My conscience is clean.
@portmantologist 18 күн бұрын
If you mean in this election, nobody really decided anything. Biden's the incumbent, incumbents have an electoral advantage, and a party running against their own incumbent is a pretty risky move with, as far as I know, no precedent in American history. Biden decided to run for re-election, so he's the candidate by default.
@ellasabe6377 18 күн бұрын
So now the question is, who is the replacement you'd prefer?
@innocentnemesis3519 18 күн бұрын
@@ellasabe6377 the answer is irrelevant, because the whole point of OP’s comment is that the blue team ritually installs candidates according to party (ie corporate) interests, not voters’ interests.
@southerngurlit 19 күн бұрын
I just want to opt-out of America
@Anthony_in_Panama 19 күн бұрын
😮 you mean the United States! America is from Canada to Chile!
@southerngurlit 19 күн бұрын
@@Anthony_in_Panama Thanks for the breakdown Mr. NoNuanceNelly. People would of been SOOOOOO confused without your comment. You might have just saved this country with a single comment. A true patriot, we champion you.🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
@brittneyk0158 19 күн бұрын
Thank goodness our ancestors didn’t “opt out!” Where would any of us be? We must keep our eyes on the prize and think long term! The next President has the potential of adding TWO new judges to this “REGIME” ooooops! SUPREME COURT!
@Anthony_in_Panama 19 күн бұрын
​@southerngurlit thank you
@robbiep.5497 19 күн бұрын
@@brittneyk0158 And the current president barely refuses to do anything about the damage the next president did during his first term, and supports g*nocide. That next president is absolutely dangerous, but we are f*cked regardless. Like the OP said, I'm ready to opt out of America.
@TsaurusX 18 күн бұрын
Joe Biden's mind is like a web browser. 19 tabs are open, 17 tabs are frozen & he has no idea where the music is coming from.
@anachavez3525 18 күн бұрын
That’s ableist
@morighani 18 күн бұрын
@justjess6636 18 күн бұрын
​​@@anachavez3525People are dying and this is what you care about. People can't get medicine, COVID still kills people. But sure, saying Biden isn't with the game anymore is ableist.
@Mysticbladegod 17 күн бұрын
@gabriellehanks6850 17 күн бұрын
@asiabrew81 18 күн бұрын
I've watched my mother over the last 2-3 years repeatedly say she is no longer a Democrat. She's not voting Republican, but since she lives in a closed primary state she's unofficially an Independent because she is fed up with the Democratic party and how it is responding to the current threat and not learning from past mistakes to our detriment. Last night Jon Stewart said it best, the threat to democracy isn't just Trump, its the intransigent gerontocracy that has a stranglehold on our political system. The current make-up of the Democratic party is not built for the current struggle, while actively fighting any sort of necessary changes to efficiently fight back against the threats to democracy. Its a freaking nightmare and I hate them for making this so close and risking so much by dismissing the LEGITIMATE concerns of their constituents.
@alicem2103 18 күн бұрын
We don't live in a democracy- we live in a corporate plutocracy. Both parties are beholden to billionaire & private lobbying group interests.. they have been since it started in the late 70s and with the fundamental changes to our system through rulings like citizens united & others, and it's clear we as americans have also failed to accept it. We don't want to. We want to think we live in democracy already and so a trump loss is "saving democracy". The whole reason we are here in the first place, with both parties, is because the very rich have everything to gain from suppressing the working class. We can't even vote with our dollar anymore..those monied interests are associated with businesses that up and left to Dubai, China and others. They can leave us with no control, no protection agencies, no osha, no dept of Ed, no breaks or overtime or labor unions and just get paid outside of the U.S. And we are of course struggling to accept how bad it is.. but we don't have time for this. -Re vo- - lu tion - Because it's end game. It's end game.
@muadhnate 17 күн бұрын
Stop blaming old people for voting when young people don't vote. You should probably speak to your peers concerning the importance of voting. That's what the problem is.
@Mysticbladegod 17 күн бұрын
​@@alicem2103Perfectly stated
@kwhodostuff5504 16 күн бұрын
@@alicem2103this statement makes me feel so less alone, I so deeply believe in this and it baffles me when others don’t, had an online back and forth with someone who said the ideal was “Democratic Party ruling over the White House, senate and Supreme Court.” Like no??? The Democratic Party is filled with corrupt criminals who wish nothing more than to continue this system of suffering? I had someone else say that “the stupidest way to build a better house is to burn down the one that already exists.” The house is already on fire!!! It’s already burning down and it feels like everyone’s so desperate to keep it from completely burning to a crisp instead of admitting that it’s already gone!
@HOPE4-g5l 16 күн бұрын
don't blame anyone else after the election
@shewhosucceeds 19 күн бұрын
As difficult as this topic is to face ima go ahead and watch cuz ignorance doesn’t equal bliss in this political climate 😵‍💫
@ishaw500 19 күн бұрын
the side by side is wild!!
@SapphicKnits 18 күн бұрын
I knew he wasn't doing great, but I didn't realize it was this bad!! The deterioration in his speaking is hard to watch.
@princellasmith7562 18 күн бұрын
@@SapphicKnitsyes. He clearly has dementia and was suffering from Sundowners during that debate. I used to work at two nursing homes. I wish Biden’s family would take him home. This is sad.
@amab1853 18 күн бұрын
It was a big difference seeing him speak 5 years ago vs now
@QueendomCome621 18 күн бұрын
​@@princellasmith7562His wife wants to continue running things behind the scenes.
@chasethdevil 19 күн бұрын
The Supreme Court has already taken the place of king I have to mentally check out after very briefly checking in. This shit genuinely sends me straight into a panic attack it’s so dark.
@helena3631 19 күн бұрын
@pwetty4r4 19 күн бұрын
If you care about democracy Kennedy is the way to go! 1. He is truly dedicated to cleaning up our food industries and who actually has a plan for how to do it. We are being poisoned and what has the current administration done about it? 2. If you are only listening to mainstream media you are going to have a seriously negative opinion of the man, But if you actually listen to him speak for an extended period of time you can just tell he is a genuine human being who really cares about democracy and the future of Americans. 3. He consistently speaks about how the middle class is dying and what we can do to reduce inflation to make the cost of living more manageable. Also, he addresses how ridiculous housing prices are right now and has a viable plan to actually solve it. 4. I feel like a lot of people hear the brain worm story and whatever else about him in the media and they don't realize how viable of a candidate he actually is. 5. Of all the third party candidates he is the only one who can beat trump because he pulls from both Republicans and Democrats. We aren't beating trump with a candidate that only appeals to Democrats. This is the perfect opportunity for Americans to come together and meet in the middle. 6. So long as he gets on all of the ballots like he says he will by November, the Electoral College isn't going to be a obstacle
@125loopy 19 күн бұрын
Thank you for validating my fears. They keep talking about "preventing project 2025" and "stopping Trump from destroying democracy"... He appointed 3 young Christian extremists. They've already won the war.
@SoniT 18 күн бұрын
I feel the same way.
@rerebrook5057 18 күн бұрын
I feel this comment deeply.
@erinsymone1645 19 күн бұрын
Sadly it seems that he is too arrogant to responsibly hand the reigns off to someone else. We will lose if he stays on the ticket. This was a problem Democrats should have solved a year ago.
@shelceyhampton5253 19 күн бұрын
@tananario23 18 күн бұрын
Handing the reins over is OUR job, sweetie. Did you manage to miss that part?
@MakaykayLAMB 18 күн бұрын
Is that why? So it’s Joe’s fault. Thanks for shining light cos I couldn’t wrap my brain around whose dumbass idea this was. Like????
@FakeKraid 18 күн бұрын
They should have solved it in 2020 during the primary when anyone with a brain was supporting Bernie and could tell that Biden was pretty much already like this, and also just a terrible candidate in general. Instead, now we have this and an emboldened GOP.
@XaraK1 18 күн бұрын
This was a problem that came up during the Obama era when it became clear Trump's era was rising and people were delusional enough to pretend America isn't a literal depiction of every single movie and television villain in history put together. Instead of the Dems seeking to win over the Left, they and their sycophants all chose to appeal to bigots and hope to bring them over, while not understanding that the rights literal stance was simply saying 'no' to anything that looked like equity and equality. When there's no action needed, u don't need to change the stance. U have the luxury of digging in and the U.S. believed all that stuff about it "not being who we are". Now the appeal to the Left is LITERALLY "yeah they're both committed to ending the world, but our guy will save us here" and that is a HORRIBLE tactic for people who wanna break down the system. And this doesn't even include the despondent people who've simply given up on politics
@maxpower3714 19 күн бұрын
The calmness the American public has to Project 2025 is very unsettling….
@AM.A24 19 күн бұрын
I wouldn’t say calm theres just not much we can do. Even if Biden manages to win this election whenever a republican wins again they’re going to enact it regardless. It’s out of our control.
@maxpower3714 19 күн бұрын
@@AM.A24judging by the 24 hr cycle about Biden’s age and very little coverage / think pieces/ VIDEO ESSAYS about Project 2025 (which is already in motion btw) I would say the general attitude is calm. Not saying we can’t cover both…. It’s just that we are not really covering both…
@AM.A24 19 күн бұрын
@@maxpower3714 oh yeah I agree that the media is being VERY calm about this. In real life though my friends and I have been talking about this for months. I figured it would start to be brought up more in the news especially given how close we are to the election
@maxpower3714 19 күн бұрын
@@AM.A24It would be nice to see more VIDEO ESSAYS from some of our favorite content creators (who are members of marginalized groups targeted by Project 2025) tackle these issues. Also, would love to hear about these newly released Jeffrey Epstein logs….just food for thought instead of more videos about Biden’s age. There’s literally hundreds of articles now.
@AM.A24 19 күн бұрын
@@maxpower3714 100%. Not just Project 2025 but how the Supreme Court is literally setting the stage for it. The immunity ruling basically gives presidents carte blanche to do whatever and I’ve seen even less coverage on that
@lovettuduebor1902 19 күн бұрын
Those 4yrs really made a difference to his overall demeanor and energy. It’s crazy. God, his voice is so hoarse. His campaign manager should’ve really not pull the all nighter.
@moondoggie92 18 күн бұрын
Yep. Stress tends to age people and presidents tend to age rapidly while in office because it is one of the most stressful jobs out there. Biden is aging as expected while in this role (as have other presidents in the past), but the issue here is that he was already very old to begin with. Someone aging rapidly from stress in their late 40s (e.g. Obama) is totally different from someone aging rapidly from stress in their late 70s (e.g. Biden).
@BlkOnyx0508 17 күн бұрын
He couldn’t make a complete sentence the night he was voted in. Where have people been?
@em.415 18 күн бұрын
Geriatric declines are up and down so we can’t take the times he’s stronger at face value. If we have a lower age limit for running for President then why don’t we have an upper age limit?
@SavageMinnow 16 күн бұрын
Yes, I was just saying this to a friend... Even if he is 100% perfectly articulate and pulls out the Bill Clinton charm for the rest of the campaign, we have already seen that we can't trust him to be "on" when it counts necessarily, so how can we have faith in him as a leader?
@MakaykayLAMB 18 күн бұрын
I’m really at the point where… watching the clips of that debate was hard. It feels cruel to do this to any elderly person, Joe Biden or not. This feels wrong to force him to be the president of America for another 4 years. But we can’t do another term of Trump. The fact that Trump can even run again is CRAZY.
@estherajibola 17 күн бұрын
i think the democratic party should’ve started press runs for another candidate in 2022. everyone’s been talking about how old Biden was since he won the presidency. I don’t understand why the democrats are scrambling now. But what do I know? I’m just a random 19 year old from Boston
@NapTimeMusical 18 күн бұрын
This is all so bizarre… why do we have an ex- I mean ACTIVE convict and an ailing dementia patient in the running for president?
@TheLigthbringer 14 күн бұрын
It's symbolic for the state of america
@pb.j.1753 18 күн бұрын
I also blame the apparently massive group of yes-sayers and enablers around Biden.
@jolibaybay 18 күн бұрын
I would rather a younger candidate on both sides. Im gonna vote for Biden because I’m seeing the bigger picture but I have a bad feeling about this election
@LPAFilm 15 күн бұрын
What is the bigger picture? Enlighten little old lost me..
@llllila 19 күн бұрын
I'm not American but I'm watching this with great anxiety because whatever usa does it'll affect everyone. Election is for the administration but i don't understand why the president is so important and cannot be changed.
@sarahsteele01 17 күн бұрын
This is a good question. While the administration does the bulk of work, the president *is* the commander and chief. Meaning the military (and all others really) answer to him. He says jump and they have to do it.
@BlkOnyx0508 17 күн бұрын
If you’re not American please it this one out
@llllila 16 күн бұрын
@@BlkOnyx0508 I think you forget you guys hold the world hostage.
@Beah837 19 күн бұрын
@pwetty4r4 19 күн бұрын
Guys we have a third option: Kennedy He CAN win. 1. He is truly dedicated to cleaning up our food industries and who actually has a plan for how to do it. We are being poisoned and what has the current administration done about it? 2. If you are only listening to mainstream media you are going to have a seriously negative opinion of the man, But if you actually listen to him speak for an extended period of time you can just tell he is a genuine human being who really cares about democracy and the future of Americans. 3. He consistently speaks about how the middle class is dying and what we can do to reduce inflation to make the cost of living more manageable. Also, he addresses how ridiculous housing prices are right now and has a viable plan to actually solve it. 4. I feel like a lot of people hear the brain worm story and whatever else about him in the media and they don't realize how viable of a candidate he actually is. 5. Of all the third party candidates he is the only one who can beat trump because he pulls from both Republicans and Democrats. We aren't beating trump with a candidate that only appeals to Democrats. This is the perfect opportunity for Americans to come together and meet in the middle. 6. So long as he gets on all of the ballots like he says he will by November, the Electoral College isn't going to be a obstacle 7. Even if you don't agree with him 100% it is really obvious he is our best option by miles
@topherbec7578 18 күн бұрын
Take a deep breath, calm down and vote for Trump.
@Nonchalantlyfabulous 17 күн бұрын
so stressed !!
@wolfevickery6081 17 күн бұрын your life bra
@01neveroddoreven10 17 күн бұрын
@@topherbec7578why should we vote for trump? Like what good do you think he will do for this country?
@CreoleKing1986 19 күн бұрын
I do think Gaza still has an impact, especially in crucial swing states like Michigan that have a large Arab population. The people there made their discontent known with the uncommitted votes in the primary. It's also sad that loud & wrong is more popular than old & effective.
@tonidiane6153 19 күн бұрын
I’m not voting for a genocidal maniac.
@tonyagibbs1963 19 күн бұрын
@lfior 18 күн бұрын
How is Trump better for the Arab population?
@Olivetree00 18 күн бұрын
Oh, for sure.
@savvysojo7223 18 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@lfiorthey already said their families and friends are deceased in Gaza
@kaleefnow 19 күн бұрын
This is such a mess
@Alexis-wp7tf 18 күн бұрын
We knew years ago that Trump’s picks for the Supreme Court was not going to be good. The abortion ban was terrible, but the Court striking down Chevron is terrifying especially as a current law student understanding its significance. I cannot imagine the damage of having him for another four years.
@suras8984 18 күн бұрын
The supreme court didnt ban abortion, they just allowed it to be in the states control.
@BlkOnyx0508 17 күн бұрын
Talk to your neighbors about abortion, not the president. That is up to the state. Did you not vote? There are still states that do abortions up to 6months. You want one? Go get it😂
@suras8984 17 күн бұрын
@BlkOnyx0508 I literally wrote the supreme court did not ban abortions its just now up to each state individually but I guess my comment got deleted lol.
@Alexis-wp7tf 16 күн бұрын
@@suras8984 it banned the federally protected right to abortion. In the months following that decisions, yes, the states made that decision but Roe v. Wade upheld that power, preventing the States from removing that right whenever they wanted to. Make sense now?
@tylerhackner9731 19 күн бұрын
It’s incredibly bleak rn. Am still gonna vote but with the knowledge of preparing for a Trump win
@helena3631 19 күн бұрын
@tonyagibbs1963 19 күн бұрын
Absolutely. Still voting -- especially down ballot. But I'm also getting more involved in Mutual Aid, local gardens, getting some skills, etc.
@pwetty4r4 19 күн бұрын
We have a 3rd option: Kennedy CAN win. 1. He is truly dedicated to cleaning up our food industries and who actually has a plan for how to do it. We are being poisoned and what has the current administration done about it? 2. If you are only listening to mainstream media you are going to have a seriously negative opinion of the man, But if you actually listen to him speak for an extended period of time you can just tell he is a genuine human being who really cares about democracy and the future of Americans. 3. He consistently speaks about how the middle class is dying and what we can do to reduce inflation to make the cost of living more manageable. Also, he addresses how ridiculous housing prices are right now and has a viable plan to actually solve it. 4. I feel like a lot of people hear the brain worm story and whatever else about him in the media and they don't realize how viable of a candidate he actually is. 5. Of all the third party candidates he is the only one who can beat trump because he pulls from both Republicans and Democrats. We aren't beating trump with a candidate that only appeals to Democrats. This is the perfect opportunity for Americans to come together and meet in the middle. 6. So long as he gets on all of the ballots like he says he will by November, the Electoral College isn't going to be a obstacle 7. Even if you don't agree with him 100% it is really obvious he is our best option by miles
@brittneyk0158 18 күн бұрын
This is exactly what happens in the building of an Autocracy. “Their” job is to get you to a place of feeling helpless and hopeless to the point of you giving up! The power is in the hands of the American people. You don’t have to fall in love with a candidate, just know what your choice will mean for the “betterment” of the masses. Ask yourself…..If anything was to happen to either one of these candidates, which administration would you want to be left with? The BIDEN/HARRIS “TEAM” will preserve your democracy. It will only take for you to read “Project 2025” to see what a Trump administration will do to the American people! Whew! Heck! Be a “one issue” voter! Pick the candidate that most aligns with your issue and vote for that candidate! This is TRULY an election that will determine the direction of American politics! With all the skepticism and deflections, it’s not looking good UNLESS folks stay engaged and ACT! Your vote will count more than ever! Just watch come November!
@BlkOnyx0508 17 күн бұрын
@remonstera 19 күн бұрын
I don’t understand why he says “he will continue to fight”… fight who? The voters who have been loudly making their concerns known for a while? The people who voted for him before and now are thanking him for his service and asking him to sit this one out?
@PT-zz9ks 18 күн бұрын
Fight against the Republicans! Biden was voted in in the primaries. That battle is over. Do you not see what is going on in the government at the moment, your rights are being taken away every month by the GOP. This internal party battle is distracting from some real issues.
@MakaykayLAMB 18 күн бұрын
I just keep thinking that if I, at 28 y.o, (been voting for 8-10 years atp) don’t wanna vote for Joe. How tf are you gonna get 18 year olds to vote for his ass??? There’s already such a low voter turnout for young people, if I was 18 I would probably tap out of voting altogether tbh. Can you imagine being exhausted of politics at 18???!!!
@BeautyNBrains86 18 күн бұрын
I just had this convo w/ my mom about my 19 yr old cousin voting. I'm sick just thinking about this election yr & I'm 38. I've been voting. Smh
@aboutashow 18 күн бұрын
@MakaykayLAMB Of they're not voting, they've made their choice. How are you just going to throw your hands up at something people literally died to have the right for? You're "exhausted" about politics? You're going to be practically comatose if you don't get over it and vote against Trump! You think things will get easier if he wins? Tf!?
@brittneyk0158 18 күн бұрын
Can you imagine living in an autocracy? Whew! It will be BRUTAL! Please ask any young person who is considering to “throw in the towel” to read “Project 2025!” There’s even a summary available. It will have them running to the polls to ensure that they don’t live in such an America that’s being outlined! If they are feeling apathetic or disinterested before, whew! They’ll for sure want to leave the country! Just know tho that what happens in America, has effects in other countries too! As stated before, thank goodness our ancestors didn’t “tap out!” They died for us to be able to even consider voting! 😔
@lindalawson4296 18 күн бұрын
I guess those same young people don’t care about bodily autonomy or any of the 47 agenda (Project 2025). It must feel great to be privileged enough to opt out of voting. 🤦🏾‍♀️
@brittneyk0158 18 күн бұрын
@@aboutashowEXACTLY! Sure wish folks with these social media platforms would do more to enlighten and EDUCATE about the stakes in this election. Sadly, there are SOME who get their “news” from these outlets. WHEW! Can’t see how ANYONE who believes in and benefits from living in a democracy would read “PROJECT 2025” and not want to do everything in their power (VOTE) to make sure that 45 never goes anywhere near the White House again! If some folks think things are bleak NOW, my goodness…just wait to see what living in an autocracy will be like! TRUST and BELIEVE……..AMERICANS ARE NOT READY! At THIS point, choosing one of these candidates will determine what your way of life will look like in the coming days. Stop looking to fall in love and fall in line to save and preserve your democracy!
@Rainia29 17 күн бұрын
Can someone answer for me the alternative please because as a black woman what are my choices, one a wannabe dictator who is a felon who also poops himself daily or a geriatric who maybe not serve his whole term let's be honest its about a non yt woman who might become president, please someone else tell me and right now all these think pieces are not doing anyone any favors it's too late, so make a choice or be ready to lose more rights than we have now, because also the next 2 supreme court picks are going to up so once again make a pick
@alohaXamanda 14 күн бұрын
I’m asking the same thing because these demographics don’t serve anyone but rich white men
@JoStillKnows 10 күн бұрын
There isn’t one. Which is why I’m frustrated about all the talk that won’t lead us anywhere but the same place we are in currently anyway.
@Abonphire 9 күн бұрын
…honestly we just got to get old school and Protest, and March, we’ve become somewhat comfortable over the decades and forgot before we even had the right to vote we were still making changes. If there’s anything that’s been realized for a lot of people especially POC it’s the System, this red vs blue crap doesn’t work for us like at all. Both candidates exhibited bigotry and were still expected to play our part and just “vote” we as people have to honestly think outside the box here if we want to see change. We have to challenge the system. And if project 25 is real I can’t help but to think the Democrats too are in on it too with how they’re handling this campaign. I’m sure they knew they were messing up choosing Biden again.
@soulsynthesissubject 19 күн бұрын
anyone else feel like this is elder abuse, let them rest
@orangemoon9634 19 күн бұрын
More like elder stubbornness, he refuses to let anyone take his place
@PT-zz9ks 18 күн бұрын
There is no way to change him this late in the game. Doing so will lose the election and that is why the President is not one man but an entire administration that is doing a very goo job.
@brittneyk0158 18 күн бұрын
@@PT-zz9ksEXACTLY! At 81, he’s going to restore Roe v Wade At 81, he’s going to make billionaires pay their fair share in taxes…NEVER less than a school teacher or nurse At 81, he’s going to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in a second term At 81, he’s going to continue to bring people together to find solutions for the American people! At 81, he’s continuing to focus on the choice and the stakes in this election! On the other side, you have 45, at the ripe age of 78, who poses a fundamental threat to your democracy; your economy AND your way of life! Go check out his plans in “PROJECT 2025!” We are allllll as young as we will ever be! Yesterday is gone. Today is NOT a dress rehearsal, and tomorrow is not promised to ANY of us! What can YOU do TODAY to help the BIDEN/HARRIS team continue to do the work that needs to be done for the American people? GO MAKE IT HAPPEN! 😊 To allll the seniors whose shoulders, wisdom, experience, strength and perseverance, upon which we rest, THANK YOU! WE APPRECIATE YOU for allllll you contribute to our lives and this country, too often in the face of adversity. WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK!
@katherinesavarese6009 17 күн бұрын
No. I feel like the way people talk about him is elder abuse.
@thewisdomdivatv 18 күн бұрын
I’m 54 and I know I don’t have the wherewithal to endure a presidential campaign.. it’s grueling and physically and mentally taxing for young, healthy people. I don’t have the energy and patience for the friggin PTA at this point, nevermind the weight of the entire planet on my shoulders… thank God my kids are grown!
@brittneyk0158 18 күн бұрын
At 81, he’s going to restore Roe v Wade At 81, he’s going to make billionaires pay their fair share in taxes…NEVER less than a school teacher or nurse At 81, he’s going to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in a second term At 81, he’s going to continue to bring people together to find solutions for the American people! At 81, he’s continuing to focus on the choice and the stakes in this election! On the other side, you have 45, at the ripe age of 78, who poses a fundamental threat to your democracy; your economy AND your way of life! Go check out his plans in “PROJECT 2025!” We are allllll as young as we will ever be! Yesterday is gone. Today is NOT a dress rehearsal, and tomorrow is not promised to ANY of us! What can YOU do TODAY to help the BIDEN/HARRIS team continue to do the work that needs to be done for the American people? GO MAKE IT HAPPEN! 😊 To allll the seniors whose shoulders, wisdom, experience, strength and perseverance, upon which we rest, THANK YOU! WE APPRECIATE YOU for allllll you contribute to our lives and this country, too often in the face of adversity. WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK!
@Aeom_333 13 күн бұрын
Girl you look good! Not that 54 is sooo old but there are many falling apart at that age. Ugh, lemme go to the gym
@alenyaus 19 күн бұрын
It's amazing how it took to the debate for people to realize Biden hasn't got it when he referred to El Sisi as the president of Mexico
@pwetty4r4 19 күн бұрын
Guys we have a third option: Kennedy He CAN win. 1. He is the only candidate who is truly dedicated to cleaning up our food industries and who actually has a plan for how to do it. We are being poisoned and the current administration has done nothing about it. 2. If you are only listening to mainstream media you are going to have a seriously negative opinion of the man, But if you actually listen to him speak for an extended period of time you can just tell he is a genuine human being who really cares about democracy and the future of Americans. 3. He consistently speaks about how the middle class is dying and what we can do to reduce inflation to make the cost of living more manageable. Also, he addresses how ridiculous housing prices are right now and has a viable plan to actually solve it. 4. I feel like a lot of people hear the brain worm story and whatever else about him in the media and they don't realize how viable of a candidate he actually is. 5. Of all the third party candidates he is the only one who can beat trump because he pulls from both Republicans and Democrats. We aren't beating trump with a candidate that only appeals to Democrats. This is the perfect opportunity for Americans to come together and meet in the middle.
@suras8984 18 күн бұрын
He still thinks we are in 2020. Sadly probably the people actually running the show are the ones putting up a fight to keep him in the race since they have more control with a president that looks like he has the competency of a dementia patient than with someone who is alert and oriented x3.
@katherinesavarese6009 17 күн бұрын
A simple gaffe
@alenyaus 17 күн бұрын
@@katherinesavarese6009 girl if that's what you need to tell yourself.
@BlkOnyx0508 17 күн бұрын
Joe couldn’t make a complete sentence the night he was voted in. I don’t know why people are in shock years later. The gaslighting is real
@MsBinnyb 17 күн бұрын
Why do we only have two 2️⃣ parties to pick from? Why not have a labor party like many others nations?
@muadhnate 17 күн бұрын
Because no one actually wants to do the work of building an ACTUAL third party. People have been complaining about this for 100 years. The "3rd" parties we have are just Dem/Rep lite.
@DancingDeity 12 күн бұрын
There’s also the Green Party which has been around a long time.
@bigelowkaryn 18 күн бұрын
I’m almost convinced that he wants Dems to lose at this point
@jestenia590 18 күн бұрын
Fr, he is not in it like the average person. He showed me that when he said he’d be at peace if he lost to Trump during that Stephanopoulos interview. I’m like, hello?????
@Mikesaidit 16 күн бұрын
Im 33 years old and I'm very nervous for this election. I identify as possibly a center/democrat. When I saw a video from the view where they spoke about Biden after the debate, the republican girl at the table said in a nutshell that she doesn't like trump but that the concerns over Biden's cognitive ability as he's gotten older shouldn't be ignored and then there go Whoopi asking her to clarify that she's not being ageist... huh??? like that just irked me the wrong way. She wasn't saying people 65 and over go fall off a cliff she was just saying that the cognitive health due to his age shouldn't be ignored. It's like people are scared to call a thing a thing.
@plantsntrance5513 18 күн бұрын
the comparison videos were SHOCKING !!
@Nonchalantlyfabulous 17 күн бұрын
yes ... soo sad
@NapTimeMusical 18 күн бұрын
It doesn’t even feel like it’s our choice anymore.. if it ever was
@wildwesley9328 17 күн бұрын
I absolutely do not want to vote for Joe Biden, for a myriad of reasons. But the thought of another Donald Trump Presidency is so abhorrent to me that I will swallow my pride and vote for the man anyway. There are a lot of privileged people out there who are not thinking of the worst case scenario and are either going to vote for a 3rd party candidate, or more likely not vote at all. Part of me can’t blame them, the other part of me envies their ability to not care about which candidate wins.
@lizzie5973 5 күн бұрын
It's not that we don't care it's just that we deserve so much better than what's being offered to us.
@jarronwilliams7227 19 күн бұрын
I blame the voters. We were presented with better options than Biden and Biden has rightly pointed out, he beat all those options in primaries in ways that were not even close. Especially black voters. We have had anything other than Biden or Hillary for some time and they all kept losing, losing by large margins. The parties arent putting out the worst they have to offer... we're literally getting what we picked. Both Biden and Trump have won all of their primaries by large margins. We cant pretend that the voters somehow didnt ask for these two candidates when every chance we get to pick someone else we very much DONT.
@ebonih7138 19 күн бұрын
Thinking of all the average American has to juggle, taking time to be an informed voter just isn’t a priority of many. Voters identify with a side, then you pick the candidate most popularized by whatever avenues. While being told that picking someone will harm “your side” A large percentage don’t even cast their votes until the fall of an election year. Biden simply benefited from his proximity to the Obamas with black voters who are largely blue voters.
@jarronwilliams7227 19 күн бұрын
@@ebonih7138 this just further cements that this is voters fault. You cant be upset at what you picked and or never prioritized not picking lol
@pwetty4r4 19 күн бұрын
Did he actually beat those candidates though? or did they just give it to him. Bernie Sanders ended up suing the Democratic Party because of their handling of the primaries. They gave the nomination to Hillary probably because she was next in line in their hierarchy and that's how we got trump in the first place
@andreabrown4541 18 күн бұрын
Well, the country endorsed Clarence Thomas in 1991! Let that sink in.
@salinalee2613 18 күн бұрын
that's cap. biden was literally forced upon us in 2020. the dems did that. now they are scared b/c they are losing the party. tbh I *still* think ppl will vote against trump, but the democratic party is in shambles b/c they suck. they don't do anything we actually want, meanwhile republicans get everything they want regardless of who is in power. I'm particularly concerned b/c republicans will always move in unity, even when they hate each other or disagree. those numbers were consistent in the polls for republicans b/c *they* are consistent. dems lack of vision and refusal to move even a little bit further left with the younger voters is off-putting. they consistently fail to follow through with anything b/c the courts are in shambles. voters do care, but everyone is just exhausted by this bs. like, why is trump even allowed to run still?! these are the kinds of things that ppl are tired of. even if dems win, the party is beat without radical reform, but I don't trust them to do it in the right direction, and that's what a lot of these dems are scared about imo. it's not the effects of a trump election b/c many of them won't be directly affected. it's the demise of their careers as democratic politicians. it feels like they don't really have a horse in the race, meanwhile many of us are concerned about our well-being. access to lifesaving healthcare, freedom from predatory lenders, corporations that are destroying the environment, massive unemployment spikes from corporate foolishness, genocide, and so on. that's enough to make ppl feel nihilistic and apathetic towards the entire system, meanwhile trans women are a fairly effective "boogeyman" to unite the right for various reasons b/c there are so many different axis that ppl can use us as an effective scapegoat, regardless of their religious beliefs. and it's not just trans women, but also the immigrant thing... like who tf cares? if they did right by everyone, ppl wouldn't be looking for someone to blame for their shitty circumstances, but dems fail to fix these problems effectively, and often find themselves being pushed more to the right on things they *said* they were going to stand up and fight for. who wants to vote for that, real talk? who is excited for a party that can't do shit right, it feels like? nobody, and I refuse to stan politicians. they are supposed to serve us, and they haven't been doing that ***convincingly*** for... I'd assume many people.
@geminate3997 17 күн бұрын
It’s time to divest from the duopoly. Third party… period. If not now, when?
@OMGitsShrimp 4 күн бұрын
When? When the stakes aren’t this high. There are no viable third party candidates at this stage that serve to stand a chance, so what would even be the point.
@juuuu0 19 күн бұрын
it's joever
@cameronjohnson3913 19 күн бұрын
The arrogance of Biden and his administration is what frustrates me the most. If only he would step aside, then the Democrats might actually have a realistic chance of defeating Trump with a different candidate.
@helena3631 19 күн бұрын
Biden and Trump is a bad look for America
@soundsaboutright--- 18 күн бұрын
I'm not excited about Joe. Idk anyone who is. His record speaks for itself though
@foxroxy86 18 күн бұрын
@@soundsaboutright--- it’s crazy to me that people keep saying he’s doing a good job but he needs to step aside. You don’t see the right playing these games. They’re very focused and unified on ruining our lives.
@soundsaboutright--- 18 күн бұрын
@foxroxy86 true. And it's just concerning that many people really try to do an apples to apples between the two. If this were ANY other republican candidate I would say they have a strong point
@lindalawson4296 18 күн бұрын
@@foxroxy86 we just love drama don’t we? I thought we were disciplined this time around, but apparently some of us are determined to re-elect President Cheeto.
@MouhamadouBDiagne 18 күн бұрын
A 36% approval rating is a catastrophe indeed.
@samevans1289 19 күн бұрын
Somehow, I still keep getting stunned by the fact the democrats allowed Joe Biden to be in the candidate position. At the last election, fine. It was still bad, but it was "a necessity". But now, in the state he's in, why?! Who in their right mind would think he's a viable candidate? Was there truly nobody else?! You had 4 years to prepare, and this is your best candidate? I forbid myself from wallowing too much, but sometimes I feel like Trump is the president we deserve😬
@nki5ikni5i45 18 күн бұрын
"we"? Not me! I mean, I know that you said that you be wallowing but with that state of mind I hope your loved ones take you aside for an intervention because that's crazy talk. TF 😮.
@samevans1289 18 күн бұрын
@@nki5ikni5i45 Don't be silly! Of course I didn't really mean it, I was just being bleak and desolate.
@brittneyk0158 18 күн бұрын
At 81, he’s going to restore Roe v Wade At 81, he’s going to make billionaires pay their fair share in taxes…NEVER less than a school teacher or nurse At 81, he’s going to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in a second term At 81, he’s going to continue to bring people together to find solutions for the American people! At 81, he’s continuing to focus on the choice and the stakes in this election! On the other side, you have 45, at the ripe age of 78, who poses a fundamental threat to your democracy; your economy AND your way of life! Go check out his plans in “PROJECT 2025!” We are allllll as young as we will ever be! Yesterday is gone. Today is NOT a dress rehearsal, and tomorrow is not promised to ANY of us! What can YOU do TODAY to help the BIDEN/HARRIS team continue to do the work that needs to be done for the American people? GO MAKE IT HAPPEN! 😊 To allll the seniors whose shoulders, wisdom, experience, strength and perseverance, upon which we rest, THANK YOU! WE APPRECIATE YOU for allllll you contribute to our lives and this country, too often in the face of adversity. WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK!
@Atroonks 18 күн бұрын
I think this conversation is happening a little too late, if he were to step down it should have been a year ago. I think its too close to the election for him to step down now without it being incredibly destabilizing. This reminds me of the Ruth Bader Ginsburg situation where an important Democrat who's basically a safe guard against Conservative tyranny refuses to gracefully change the guard despite their advanced age to the detriment of everyone else.
@faithfm1 17 күн бұрын
This conversation def needed to be pushed in the primaries and not this late in the election year
@BennettYancey 15 күн бұрын
Totally agree.
@Jayscorpio94 18 күн бұрын
THANK YOU!!! Another black person with some sense
@frankhunter5387 19 күн бұрын
it's about the policy! I don't care if it's Joe Biden. Let's look at the cabinet secretaries, they can work for the govt fairly and humanely. We are supposed to build on policy.
@13579hee 18 күн бұрын
Not only is it about the policy.. But it's also about ensuring that the Democratic Republic we have continues to exist because, within an America with the current government that we have, we can live to fight another day. If Trump gets reelected, we will be ushered into project 2025 come to life and there is no real hope left. I cannot for the life of me understand leftist who are spending more time online talking about how Joe is probably going to lose then they are discussing why they and other left-leaning individuals need to just grin, bear it and vote for Joe for the sake of themselves and the union. I don't understand people who lean politically and ideologically to the left who claim to concern themselves about the well-being of humans... All the while, risking allowing authoritarian dictatorship to fall upon the American citizens because they themselves aren't going to turn out and vote for Joe Biden because they call him too old. As if we already don't have a system put in place should Joe's old ass be incapable of performing the task necessary as the commander in chief. It's just a bunch of ridiculousness and it makes me think about something that I once heard Meghan McCain say years ago on The View, "The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans don't eat their own". Left leaning media, left-leaning social media content creators and left-leaning journalists spent more time discussing Joe biden's stuttering in speed of speech then they spent discussing the fact that Donald J Trump told 31 fucking lies and that debate. Lies about incredibly serious things from the insurrection on January 6th, Russia invading Ukraine and Israel attacking Gaza. I don't know why they aren't focused on that and creating this argument that Joe is the only hope we have in a Biden Harris ticket, as if Kamala isn't there to swoop in and continue Joe's role. I don't even understand people complaining about how Kamala isn't likable. She's a moderate Democrat and moderate Democrats have been winning the popular vote when they run. Even if they don't win the election, they still win the popular vote. The sad reality is that it more progressives aren't succeeding in American politics because left leaning voters are deeply unserious about American politics and are not at all driven or engaged the way that the political and ideological right are from the top down onto the voters. I don't know why people want to fuck around and find out when it comes to project 2025. But it's it seems like even the best and brightest of us become so dimwitted as sit here existing within America's lesser of two evils political landscape. Folks that claim to want to bring it into the suffering of the people in Gaza / Palestine are willing to risk allowing Donald J Trump to get back in office when he himself said America should leave Israel's actions in Israel's hands alone; folks that claim to care about the environment are willing to allow for Republicans to continue they're already successful procession all across the United States of America flat out getting rid of environmental regulations... The list just goes on and on. And this is how we got here in the first place. People pretended to concern themselves with "more pressing" & "serious issues" and thus couldn't bring themselves to just grin, bear it and vote for Hillary
@PT-zz9ks 18 күн бұрын
This! Poeple are so ignorant and care more about his age then the great job the Biden/Harris adinistration is doing. So silly
@Gigi_Said_That 18 күн бұрын
Young lady your commentary was amazing and a brilliant analysis. You give me so.much hope for the future of democracy of this country. DNC needs to learn to pass the torch and set up a strategic succession plan. President Biden thank you for your 50 years of service..time to pass the torch.
@VocallyYours3 19 күн бұрын
I’m riding with #Biden/#Harriss!! 🇺🇸
@aliviablount 18 күн бұрын
Are you going to breakdown project 2025?
@HUeducator2011 18 күн бұрын
I disagree, however shame on America for not letting this man rest. Politically engaged people are going to vote and those against fascism will vote for Biden. I can negotiate with Dems I can’t negotiate with republicans
@justjess6636 17 күн бұрын
What exactly are the Democrats going to negotiate for? They had decades to protect Row v Wade and democracy. They drug their feet, and NOW they wanna brag at how good they are compared to Trump? Answer this honestly: is it REALLY a choice if It's to slow down what's already coming? Because we're heading towards real hardship and economic collapse, and people are still playing party politics.
@nickrogers5930 16 күн бұрын
Absolutely not, I am both politically engaged and strongly against fascism, and that is exactly why I will absolutely not vote for Biden. Biden and the democratic establishment are also moving us towards fascism and they cannot get away with holding the far right over our heads as a threat as they continue to move the goal posts towards fascism on their own. I live in a blue state now and our democrat officials here are also fascist af (increasing police funding, promoting mask bans, cracking down on our civil liberties because AIPAC told them to, beholden to wealthy donors and corporate bribery). And no, I don’t think Trump would be better, yes I am a marginalized person who will be harmed by his presidency, but no I absolutely will not be voting for Genocide Joe.
@maxpower3714 15 күн бұрын
Please educate yourselves on Project 2025! Then ask yourselves why all of our favorite KZbinrs are conveniently avoiding the topic….
@victoriabowman3058 17 күн бұрын
I might be wrong, but there isn’t a single part of me that feels like this is an election between Biden and Trump. This is an election between Kamala and Trump. I’m voting for Kamala. Why can’t everyone get behind this so we can get through the next 4 years. She’s obviously going to effectively be president if Biden wins.
@truthserum1271 16 күн бұрын
We have so many sexiest and racist they are not going to vote for a woman let alone a 1/4 if a Black one
@KAMROXX2K11 17 күн бұрын
At this point, forget it. Hopefully this brings us black people back together again like during the Civil rights era. That's where we are headed. Sad it takes this measure to unite us!
@muadhnate 17 күн бұрын
Y'all don't even want to do bare minimum of voting but somehow magically think those same people can recreate the Civil Rights Era - stop. Stop being a bunch of wimps and turnout the vote. Stop being wimps and start running for government.
@alohaXamanda 14 күн бұрын
Except if Trump wind Project 2025 says he can call in the military to disband ALL protests, even ones previously protected by the Constitution
@DancingDeity 12 күн бұрын
@calliope7479 17 күн бұрын
Genocide is bad for your health prob.
@antonsmith9788 18 күн бұрын
An honest assessment without the hysterics! Thanks! 👊❤️👊
@BooDotBoo 4 күн бұрын
Literally, leftists have been saying this since 2020. Said we’d be back here in 2024. As usual, we were ignored. Now, I’m just watching things go off the rails at this point. Civilizations fall. They rise back up better, hopefully, after fixing mistakes. We will see if America is one that rises again. 🤷🏽‍♀️
@MsDreamzuk 6 күн бұрын
Came back after Biden stepped down!
@wafflesmomforlife9215 18 күн бұрын
Girl, EVERYTHING YOU SAID!! I REFUSE to be in a cult like the trumpers, refusing to see the many weaknesses of my candidate!!! And for ALL of those who refuse to acknowledge what is going on, then you reap what you sow. "Those who refuse to hear...must feel." They are pulling trump and his agenda back down upon our heads.
@naimamorgan6209 18 күн бұрын
It's too late to pick anyone now. They should have been grooming Kamala but at this point if he drops out we definitely are losing. There is nobody to just toss in this late in the game that will be better. One thing w MAGA is they stay faithfull no matter what. We toss the banana the minute it turns brown. It's too freaking late in the game to bring in a Stand in
@XaraK1 17 күн бұрын
France took TWO MONTHS
@naimamorgan6209 17 күн бұрын
@@XaraK1 They not like Us😜
@GrandArchPriestOfTheAlgorithm 19 күн бұрын
I said that in 2020, and I was correct. (Biden didn't beat Trump, Trump lost do to his stupidity, someone tell Biden that)
@ggu7r76g 15 күн бұрын
Why is this election any different? Biden beat Trump before, he’ll do it again.
@taraspeaks6293 18 күн бұрын
And I'm still voting for him. Despite it all. No matter what. Vs. Trump???? Plz.
@Grace1708 18 күн бұрын
We're undoubtedly in some deep shit, but I'm not convinced that Biden dropping out this late in the race would help. Where is the data indicating that any other democratic candidate would have better chances of winning?
@Therednewschannel24seven 18 күн бұрын
There is none, there is no data that would indicate any other Democrat having a chance of winning. The red hats are coming. It’s going to be Trump in November.
@mamasann7636 18 күн бұрын
There is none.
@iamlaurengill 18 күн бұрын
@E.Nicole 18 күн бұрын
There are 117 days remaining before the election. That does not seem like enough time to run another candidate. What else is there for us to do?!
@ggu7r76g 15 күн бұрын
This discussion abt him dropping out is pointless. If he should dropout, it should be based on his record as president, not on 1 debate & not doing press conferences. Also, now he going up in the polls. The polls can’t be trusted especially this far in advance.
@gems3604 18 күн бұрын
You definitely told the truth. Thank you. It's a little late, however, for people to start grasping the truth. That's not your fault, though.
@iknight93 18 күн бұрын
Kudos to you and everyone else speaking/spreading the truth, despite the mob of ppl eager to silence any acknowledgement of reality.
@lanievangline637 14 күн бұрын
Every day I am shocked this is where we are as a country. I worked as a community organizer in 2020 and thought we all collectively agreed that electing Biden was the best way to win the 2020 election and ensure Trump didn't get another term. I never thought everyone would file in behind Biden for a second term. There are millions of people in this country, how did we settle on Biden?
@basicindiebro 14 күн бұрын
I was also a community organizer in 2020 and I am in the exact same boat. I was working under the premise that there would only be one Biden term.
@queitann1 6 күн бұрын
This video made him drop out!
@user-vq2fv1vt9p 19 күн бұрын
Why is nobody questioning Trumps mental state? He can barely stay on topic and he rambles incoherently all the time
@insightdeluxe2 19 күн бұрын
people dont question it bc he doesnt have a cognitive problem. hes giving 2 hr speeches w no notes and doing interviews left and right though.
@incognitoyo8606 19 күн бұрын
@andreabrown4541 18 күн бұрын
Democrats don't get to pick the RNC's candidate.
@shereebanks5762 18 күн бұрын
Exactly. He hasn’t been seen in 2 weeks. Meanwhile Biden has been complaining non stop
@missright9159 18 күн бұрын
Republicans get to be mediocre af and get to grab the reins of this country while it's democrats who have to be so righteous and perfect at every step of our existence just in the hopes of impressing our own side. Like now. I love Kim, but I would really like to know the point of this exercise is and what is the desired outcome. It seems the jabs at Biden's performance serve to self-gratify as a ha ha, told ya so, instead of being helpful.
@jonathansquare 19 күн бұрын
I have to profess my ignorance on how exactly the Electoral College works. But how does this polling map unto how the electors might vote and ultimately decide who the next president is?
@larathompson9797 16 күн бұрын
the electors are already pledged to him. the only way for him to not be the nominee is for him to drop out. no one can make him drop out at this point.
@lindalawson4296 18 күн бұрын
Nope. Riding w/ Biden. But go awf!
@johnmanpls5577 18 күн бұрын
@katherinesavarese6009 17 күн бұрын
Im going to take a deep breath and try to appreciate this perspective and information. Im really struggling with it! But if it turns out to be right, then this is so brave what you're doing
@viviantriana5146 18 күн бұрын
19:00 sent chills down my spine. Not an American, but fully aware that whatever happens with you guys, affects us all. Really terrifying, as a cynic and overall pessimistic person, this just fills me with a sense of dread
@animatedmoi 19 күн бұрын
I keep asking who is the alternative yet no answers from anyone.
@llllila 19 күн бұрын
@helena3631 19 күн бұрын
Both are bad options and the class whites they try to galvanize is broke and broken and struggling with inflation
@AM.A24 19 күн бұрын
An alternative should’ve been presented to us monthsss ago. But they knew what they were doing. Biden was going to try and force a second term regardless of what the people want.
@Eshacat1 19 күн бұрын
The Dems refused to have a primary, which created this predicament.
@MontserratGyal 19 күн бұрын
I’m saying! This isn’t an ideal scenario but honestly who can we replace him with this late, yet still have voter familiarity/support, and be confident we can WIN in November?
@bunnyisarider13 18 күн бұрын
I started listening to this podcast called "Shrinking Trump" where clinicians talk about how they think Trump has dementia, among other things. Biden is discussed too. This race is beyond wild and I sense Trump 2.0 is coming. I don't even know how to mentally prepare for that...Project 2025 is a nightmare.
@miriamheard8474 17 күн бұрын
My first presidential vote when I became voting age was Obama's first term. I remember the day after he won the election everyone on my morning commute bus in Chicago was so happy. What happened to that joy? I miss how it felt good to vote. I still vote but it's so painful now. 😢
@Str8OuttaMy40s 19 күн бұрын
I keep hearing about this project 2025, it doesn’t sound like it will go in my favor so I will vote accordingly
@PT-zz9ks 18 күн бұрын
Exactly, a vote for Joe is a vote against Trump. The democrats are overthinking things as usual.
@fluffysharkdatazz9460 12 күн бұрын
I just wish I knew where the poling happens, cuz I ain’t ever met no one who ever been polled 😭
@portmantologist 18 күн бұрын
34:40 "[Biden] is not an outsider". He's SO not an outsider that he went from being one of the youngest senators in US history to the oldest president in US history, and in all that time he only spent the four years of Trump's presidency out of office.
@user-ly9wr8wj5s 17 күн бұрын
Allan Lichtman: I just destroyed your video😂😂😂😂
@babyg7796 18 күн бұрын
So in your opinion….who should we be boring for? Because I REFUSE to vote for trump. It made my life in the military a living hell since ppl felt so comfortable being bigots and racists out in the open even in uniform…however Biden is not stable so wtf do we do?! It’s weird because I don’t even remember alternate candidates being put in front of the public to select from. It’s almost as if both candidates were just selected FOR us.
@pb.j.1753 18 күн бұрын
In what way did you think Trump will make your life and the country better the first time around
@babyg7796 18 күн бұрын
@@pb.j.1753 I didn’t beloved. I didn’t vote for him the 1st time-but he still won anyway and was my Commander & Chief. As it stands, we only have 2 candidates to choose from so I was asking who the hell should we vote for if both are bat shit crazy.
@brittneyk0158 18 күн бұрын
Vote for democracy or an autocracy! One candidate wants to save your democracy and the other wants to destroy it and be a king! If something were to happen to either of these candidates, whose administration would you feel comfortable being left to govern? No man is an island. Have you read 45’s “Project 2025” plan? Whew! If you have school aged children or know folks who do, please read the department of education section of that plan.
@brittneyk0158 18 күн бұрын
@@babyg7796Read “Project 2025!” There is even a summary version out there. You will surely come away knowing which candidate you should consider voting for!
@justjess6636 17 күн бұрын
​​@@brittneyk0158the problem is we need someone better NEXT TIME. Nobody is under the illusion that Trump is better, but ffs don't y'all see that Biden has done NOTHING to give the people power to protect themselves? Do y'all just think it's the President that controls stuff and nothing to do with the Supreme Court, something Democrats don't do well enough to get better candidates for us to vote for? It's 2016 all over again anf hindsight is literally killing people.
@tehutim 17 күн бұрын
however, Biden will win
@mikejaxson777 18 күн бұрын
I think it was set up to be like this in order to give Trump another chance
@ra1nydr0ps 16 күн бұрын
@BeautyinMusic1 18 күн бұрын
I think the safest thing to do would be to vote Biden with the intent that Kamala will become the President due to Biden’s mental and physical decline.
@ErthaRizas 17 күн бұрын
No one likes Harris either. She is not a strong candidate at all. Harris poll numbers are not much better than Biden’s. She is unqualified in so many ways and with so much baggage
@BlkOnyx0508 17 күн бұрын
Safe. Do you know the definition? USA has been unsafe since Biden became president. It’s awful. If you don’t like Trump, Pick another democratic candidate and convince Joe to step down or vote independent maybe? Joe is a no go for this country
@briasantana3268 6 күн бұрын
Well…. we’re gonna need an updated video
@aboutashow 18 күн бұрын
Whatever, y'all, just vote for him and make sure the people you know do too. If we all start acting like all is lost, it will be. If France can un-screw themselves, so can we They want you to be scared and paralyzed. Stop it!
@CB____ 17 күн бұрын
France unscrewed themselves by running an electable candidate
@kwhodostuff5504 16 күн бұрын
All IS lost, but that doesn’t mean we have to be
@Softdrama978 11 күн бұрын
We don’t want him
@NapTimeMusical 18 күн бұрын
What is really going on….. it’s all rigged
@sheh.9163 18 күн бұрын
17:02 Well when you do the spit screen between 2019 and 2024 , you can really see the stark differences 😂but what are we gonna do now?
@PatrickBeatty 19 күн бұрын
Thoughtful work. Loved the video and great research.
@theprerichlife 16 күн бұрын
Listen it’s not looking good, but I’m for damn sure not voting for Trump.
@itsQueMajor 19 күн бұрын
Love ya Kim ❤
@savvysojo7223 18 күн бұрын
New Subscriber and I like to follow unbiased content. Great job 👏 don’t change your message ❤
@Girlforaction 18 күн бұрын
Thank you Kimberly for this video. Its time we start speaking the truth.
@norwoodsstokes3883 15 күн бұрын
"There is no path forward"..... which is based....but asked yourself....when has this particular admin....moved accordingly to the will of the ppl & it's own voting base....vs the will of it's owner donors...🌝
@endlessunsets 12 күн бұрын
Love the way you presented this topic. completely engaged.
@millennialsoulfoodmsf7176 18 күн бұрын
I really appreciate these videos 🤣 thank you this is too real 😭😭😭
@VonGlorious 18 күн бұрын
Multiple covid infections effect every single system you need to live. It's amazing how much his own refuseal tonaddress COVID has disabled him....
@justjess6636 17 күн бұрын
Kind of ironic in a deeply disturbing way.
@ninagrace2433 18 күн бұрын
I’m voting for the Biden Administration period.
@topherbec7578 18 күн бұрын
That's the problem.
@justjess6636 17 күн бұрын
​@@topherbec7578yup, if we keep doing the same thing, the politicians have nothing to change 🤷 The people deserve better choices.
@day8409 12 күн бұрын
@@justjess6636but do we have a choice ?
@Softdrama978 11 күн бұрын
@@day8409that’s what y’all always say which is why we’re in the predicament we’re in now
@day8409 9 күн бұрын
@@Softdrama978 I agree but the issue arises from motivating masses of people to step away from the status quo
@incognitoyo8606 19 күн бұрын
IT’S TOO LATE! Why isn’t anyone talking about this? It’s too late for any other candidates to get on the ballot in many states. And what about those $91,000,000? That’s not up for grabs. Lastly, the Republicans already have legal ready.
@PT-zz9ks 18 күн бұрын
Exactly, this conversation is such a waste of time
@ForHarriet619 18 күн бұрын
This is false.
@incognitoyo8606 18 күн бұрын
@@ForHarriet619 correct, it’s false about being too late for the ballot I’ve learned. I do believe it would be political suicide for certain if it’s anyone but Harris, and still likely if it’s her. In that instance, with her being VP she’s first in line anyways. Regardless, I hope people vote for whoever it is on the Democratic ticket.
@Thoughtsbyme-ts4jz 13 күн бұрын
Biden would have been a great candidate 10 years ago. He is a president just a bit later than ideal
@marcusjenkins5371 15 күн бұрын
If a person has to be 35 to become president then why can’t they install presidential retirement ages, exactly? Like 75 years old. You’d have technically 9-10 Presidential elections to consider. If you can’t be president during that time, then tough luck
@keronramon4642 16 күн бұрын
Plz someone explain to me why I should be afraid of Donald Trump. I am a black gay man whose life was significantly better under trump and all the fear mongering in 2016 did not happen, now under Biden we have two wars , a wide open border and I have to decide whether to buy food or gas. I don't care about rhetoric, I care about results and the policies of Joe Biden are not giving.
@MrHumble06 18 күн бұрын
This is the first time, in many people's lifetime, where they had the chance to see 4yrs of one person, and 4yrs of another, and have the chance to compare many things. Economy, foreign policy, safety, immigration, etc., (some of the things Pew Researchers have stated are top of mind in America electorate today). As of right now, it's not looking good for Joe.
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