Dear Mrs. Valdes, I would like to apllaud your Report, You've managed to give all of us Puerto Ricans an Insight, that has been hidden from us. My Family Comes from Mayagüez, Puerto Rico and this City also has not seen any Progress, since the Hurricane destroyed the Island. I am Stationed in Germany and have served in Our Armed Forces abroad. I thank you and hope that you will still keep on Reporting on the Progress of our Beloved Puerto Rico. Que Víva Puerto Rico Siempre! Help Fight Corruption and Puerto Rico should become the 51st State, so that Funds can be distributed quicker. Hoping that Congress and the FBI stop those whom are stealing the Money that is much needed for all of the Puerto Ricans that are still suffering not only from Hurricane Maria, the Earthquakes and also Fiona, but on a Daily Basis - Hoping to see more of your Reporting. Que Dios todo poderóso te Ampáre Sra. Valdes y Muchisimas Gracias por dárnos este Reporte. Saludos desde Alemania un Boricua Sirvíendo a su Patria.Cariñosamente - Ramón Ortiz-Soto
@markvolker11452 ай бұрын
A lot of Peurto Ricos problems is it is the government! The power grid is government ran!! As part of the US they should be a prosperous island but due to years of voting for corrupt politicians who enact socialist poverty creation policies the territory is very impoverished!
@clivehope8409 Жыл бұрын
How do they have a scale from 4 or 5 it is the speed or what
@jj6148 Жыл бұрын
Search up Saffir Simpson Scale
@josecolon9372 Жыл бұрын
Los gue estan en El govierno.el alcardes son los gue se an robado El $$$$$$ .pero ay un pago .I Dios es El gue lo tiene.gue se cream gue Dios es loco.😂