Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian territories - Jung & Naiv: Episode 706

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Jung & Naiv

Jung & Naiv

Ай бұрын

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Zu Gast im Studio: Francesca Albanese, italienische Rechtswissenschaftlerin mit Spezialisierung auf Internationales Recht und Menschenrechte. Seit 2022 ist sie UN-Sonderberichterstatterin für die besetzten Gebiete Palästinas (englisch: United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories).
Ein Gespräch über Francescas Job als Sonderberichterstatterin und ihre Qualifikation dafür, ihr Job als Anwältin, ihre Erfahrung in Palästina und Israel, ihr Dasein als "persona non grata" in Israel, die Besatzung der palästinensischen Gebiete, Hamas und Terrorismus, Antisemitismus, der 7. Oktober, dessen Ursachen und die Folgen, Francesca bevorzugte Reaktion Israels auf den Terrorangriff, der aktuelle Krieg in Gaza, ihre Haltung zum Vorwurf des Genozids, Kolonialismus, eine Ein-Staaten-Lösung, ein Gespräch mit Netanjahu + eure Fragen
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#Gaza #Palestine #Israel

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@i.b.5200 Ай бұрын
Danke für das Interview. Francesca Albanese verdient höchsten Respekt für ihre Arbeit und ihre Integrität.
@paolosunda7762 Ай бұрын
Francesca is a true warrior.....One that does not need guns to fight.....Her passion and commitment for the Palestinian cause will inspire generations to come...
@AlleLamb Ай бұрын
And she’s not even paid for that!!
@ankon7967 19 күн бұрын
she is a passionate antisemite
@Axel-cavabien 11 күн бұрын
What an ignorant and shortsighted nonsense
@nadav74 9 күн бұрын
@@AlleLamb Not paid? You mean, paid externally and refusing to disclose the details
@sweetchinmusic801 8 күн бұрын
Europe, America:- Christian vs Muslim India:- Hindu vs Muslim Srilanka:- Buddhist vs Muslim Myanmar:- Buddhist vs Muslim(rohingya) Israel:- Jews vs Muslim NIGERIA :- Christian vs Muslim Middle East:- Shia muslim vs Sunni The biggest scam of the last 100 years run by the extreme left ideologies is to whitewash and portray the most violent and intolerant religion (whose core ideology is to religiously colonize the planet and build a caliphate) as victims, in the name of human rights and war against elitism. There are no 'moderates' in the peaceful religion. They are busy justifying the extremists and terrorists while playing victim at the drop of hat to gain sympathy. Also there are no protests against 'peaceful' countries for persecuting, torturing and killing minorities in those countries or China for killing the Uighurs. The only way this religion can be reformed or criticized is by getting out of the religion..
@robertalenrichter Ай бұрын
Am Thema Palästina scheiden sich nicht nur die Geister. Man kann auch daran erkennen, welchen Charakter die Menschen haben. Bravo, Francesca Albanese.
@DMC1982 Ай бұрын
Bravo 👏🏼
@imcid87 Ай бұрын
@@DMC1982 Und an ihrem Kommentar kann man erkennen wie Unterkomplex das Denken mancher Menschen ist.
@user-ve7hn2dh8h 29 күн бұрын
Kann man definitiv nicht
@kavehjaryani8458 17 күн бұрын
Richtig. Und Charakter kommt von Erziehung.
@Axel-cavabien 17 күн бұрын
@@user-ve7hn2dh8h kann man schon
@diamondbracelette Ай бұрын
Love the casual and fearless nature of this conversation
@solaris_42 Ай бұрын
I'm so thankful for her clear and eloquent statements, She brings structure and makes fact-based arguments. As Germans, this is incredibly wholesome, because here journalists in SPECIAL have a misconception about this conflict and NO understanding of international law and no idea about colonialism and its effects. Tagesschau and DLF are a shame for example.
@noneofurbusiness906 Ай бұрын
I don't know how much it is misconceptions, my guess would be that they have guidelines which make them almost useless as journalists.
@Selemao001 Ай бұрын
@@noneofurbusiness906 some literally have yes. But a Lot is also the structural Racism in German society that results people who have better paid Jobs usually being White and moving into "better" i.e. also White suburbs . And the Media is specifically designed to lie to this specific social class (as everyone Else poor AND rich knows its bullshit) which results in people Like the interviewer who live in nigh all White Environments without any day to day contact with Non ethnic German people living in Germany. And they never ever criticise the Casual Racism in Media and day to day reality as they are literally Not mentaly equipped to do so and are Surrounded by people who live in the Same segregated Bubbles . Thats why this group of people is so prone to say Shit Like "in the inner City i only See Arabs (or headscarfs )" without even understanding that they don't live in the inner City because their parents moved in all White suburbs If they could afford it which results in less Well off White German people living inside the Cities . Its nearly Impossible to force them to acknowledge that , observable , fact . And its frustrating to Argue with them .
@sabinehahn9774 Ай бұрын
@@noneofurbusiness906 definitely when it comes to Israel, and it's embarrassing to watch how much of "Speichellecker" the German media has become.
@imcid87 Ай бұрын
Or maybe they actually take their work as journalists very seriously, and you are just discontent that they don't share the narrative that you have adopted.
@noneofurbusiness906 Ай бұрын
@@imcid87 let me rephrase that, I know for a fact that German mainstream media has guideline catalogues for this issue which do not represent journalistic standards
@vitamahindresing6235 Ай бұрын
Dear Ms. Francesca Albanese, I pray for you. I know that you are being heavily attacked on all fronts. We all know by whom. I resent these attacks on you as a human being. I think you have the same resilience as Palestinian people. I feel so proud of you! Thank you Ms Albanese.
@Axel-cavabien Күн бұрын
atrocities of October 7th, a bot machinery on all possible social media platforms has been starting and going on to twist the whole truth and blame Israel, as if Israel was the bad guy and the monsters of Hamas were "freedom fighters" or even the victims. Has nobody been dealing with the whole history of that country which has been attacked nonstop since the very first day of its existence? What about the remaining 120 hostages? What about the most vicious hiding places of Hamas terrorists under hospitals, kindergardens, mosques and all that hypocritical stuff that they've poured over the world?
@Axel-cavabien Күн бұрын
pray for her? as she was a saint to go down on ur knees? Has the world gone crazy folks? All what's been happening since October 7th has been detaily planned over at least couple of years, first of all by Iran, which, no secret, has been wanting and planning to extinguish the Jewish state since Iranian revolution. All the proxys, Hamas, Hisbollah, huthis...r the executers. And what's the most vicious thing about it is, is that the planned worldwide propaganda scale. From the very first day, the
@JecaMasha Ай бұрын
Brava Francesca, grazie mille per tutto. Forza. 😘 * Highlight: "You Germans." 👆 This and she said what she said.
@TS-sb5er Ай бұрын
Diese UN Sonderberichterstatterin, die sich auf internationales Recht spezialisiert hat, hat hier sehr gut und fachlich fundiert dargelegt,warum die israelische Regierung gegenüber den Palästinensern rechtswidrig handelt.
@Mattheo76 Ай бұрын
Mich wundert nur, wie man das hier so verdrängen kann? Die Fakten sind doch gut zugänglich?
@TS-sb5er Ай бұрын
@@Mattheo76 Genau.Die israelische Armee schießt, in einem umzingelten Gebiet wie Gaza, mit Kanonen auf Spatzen und es gibt tatsächlich karrierebewusste Politiker, die ernsthaft behaupten, dass Israel bei diesem ungleichen Kampf das Völkerrecht einhält.
@Selemao001 Ай бұрын
@@Mattheo76 Alltags Rassismus . Und eine Bevölkerung die darauf konditioniert ist sich die Welt von anderen Deutschen erklären zu lassen . Und dass Schulsystem dass in der 4.Klasse je nach Region die Weißen Kinder von besser verdienenden Eltern auf Gymnasien schickt wo ihnen dann eingeredet wird dass sie dort sind weil sie "besser" oder "intelligenter "sind . NRW ist extrem was dass angeht aber die anderen Provinzen sind kaum besser . Gerade letzteres sorgt für deutsche Mitbürger die sich einbilden dass sie nichts selbst recherchieren oder Mediennarrativen kritisch gegenüber stehen müssen oder English über dem erbärmlichen Kindergartenniveau das unsere Auslandskorrespondenten und Außenminister so regelmäßig zur schau stellen zu können . Es ist ziemlich hart Leuten ab nem gewissen Einkommen in diesem Land klar zu machen auch Mal sich ne UN Resolution durch zu lesen oder internationale Nachrichten zu lesen. Und je nach Umgebung in der sie aufgewachsen sind auch ziemlich schwierig klar zu machen wie viel rassistischen Nonsense sie den ganzen Tag erzählen . Ich mein du hast je nach Vorort wortwörtlich Leute die Witze darüber machen dass türkische Frauen geschlagen werden (nicht dass das mehr bei deutschtürken passiert als bei anderen Gruppen wohlgemerkt) und wenn du auf dem offensichtlichen Rassistismus hinweist extrem defensiv oder abweisend reagieren . Weil für die ist dass komplett normal so mit ihren Nachbarn ect über nicht deutsche zu reden ergo kapieren sie nicht wo dass Problem liegt .
@karlscher5170 29 күн бұрын
Komisch, dass Hamas keine rechtlichen Standarts erfüllen braucht in ihrem Dschihad
@aisera1986 29 күн бұрын
​@@Mattheo76 1. Deutsche Geschichte. 2. (Zu) Starker Einfluss der USA. 3. Das Problem der Hamas
@flipper2911 Ай бұрын
Diese Frau ist fantastisch ...Danke für dieses Interview.
@karlscher5170 29 күн бұрын
@flipper2911 29 күн бұрын
@@karlscher5170 und du so? Misogynrassist?
@flipper2911 29 күн бұрын
@@karlscher5170 was hat sie denn in diesem Video gesagt? Du hast das Video nicht angeschaut, weil du mutmaßlich kein Englisch kannst ...
@karlscher5170 29 күн бұрын
@@flipper2911 Ich habe gesagt was sie ist, nicht was sie gesagt hat.
@flipper2911 29 күн бұрын
@@karlscher5170 Ja, weil Du dir das Video gar nicht angeschaut und nur gegen sie gehetzt hast. Richtig.
@SueNa01 Ай бұрын
Vielen Dank Tilo. This is the best interview with an amazing person like Francesca. I wish we could see many like her ♥️
@94icook Ай бұрын
Bravo, she is just awesome, courageous and admirable to agree to this format. So important to listen to her. 😊
@patricktaghdir652 Ай бұрын
Nothing scares us Germans more than the words zionism, Israel, Palestine and settler colonialism in one sentence. I know it, because it was hard to accept. Something dies in us when we come to realization. But in the Long Term it is good.
@toddybam7924 Ай бұрын
Kannst für dich selber sprechen.
@patricktaghdir652 Ай бұрын
@@toddybam7924 womit stimmst du nicht überein?
@editaaksoy7576 Ай бұрын
Ich habe sas bereits jemanden gesagt; die Wunschvorstellung von Israel mit der Realität in Einklang zu bringen ist für die meisten Deutschen ein sehe schmerzhafter Prozess der noch zum größten Teil in dem Stadium der Leugnung festsitzt
@parvusprinceps628 Ай бұрын
@@editaaksoy7576ich habe auch die Feststellung gemacht, dass sich die Menschen schwer damit tun, das offen auszusprechen. Sie sehen die schwere der israelischen Verbrechen ein, wollen es sich aber nich eingestehen und versuchen auf Krampf dies durch die Gewalttaten der Hamas zu relativieren, wobei sie die Kausalität gezielt ausblenden. Die Wahrheit kommt so langsam ins Licht
@janklemm1099 Ай бұрын
I feel you, but I am done with being scared and ready to face reality as far as I‘m concerned.
@MattyHerbert Ай бұрын
Francesca you are a LEGEND, absolutely brilliant interview.
@pantherpopel551 Ай бұрын
Ms. Albanese in my Jung&Naiv? *Lets goooooooo* 🎉
@noneofurbusiness906 Ай бұрын
​@@amorfati529meinst du, du verstehst nicht, dass sie eingeladen wurde, oder meinst du, du verstehst kein Englisch?
@marcos.lombardo Ай бұрын
This is one the most comprehensive, on-point and important interviews on 'The Palestine Question'. Thank you all so very much! ♥
@nouseibathabti4014 Ай бұрын
I just admire her... so much respect for her voluntary work
@karlscher5170 29 күн бұрын
ok musIim
@niklashabik8701 29 күн бұрын
@@karlscher5170 Get out L
@adastra_2220 26 күн бұрын
@@karlscher5170ok Nzi! 😏
@karlscher5170 26 күн бұрын
@@adastra_2220 Nzis waren mit den "Palästinensern" verbündet. Wollten gemeinsam die Yahudis ausrotten.
@karlscher5170 26 күн бұрын
@@adastra_2220 No, those guys were actually allied with the "Pale stinians"
@Hellosunshine555 Ай бұрын
Hammer Tilo, dass Ihr es geschafft habt, diese beeindruckende Dame in Euer Studio zu holen 🙏🏻 Danke für das super spannende Interview! Die Zeit ging so schnell vorbei 🥹
@AliKormarono Ай бұрын
Ist eine durchgeknallte Antisemitin.
@Hellosunshine555 Ай бұрын
@@AliKormaronona, nach der neuen deutschen „Definition“ von Antisemitismus und Staatsräson ist das wohl jeder und es gibt kein größeres Kompliment :)
@yawarhussain7219 Ай бұрын
It's good to see German people trying to have a nuanced approach to this conflict. True redemption for the holocaust doesn't come through a blind support for Zionism.
@Lena-fn5th Ай бұрын
Die Zionisten haben die Malaria in Palästina ausgerottet, ohne die Zionisten wären die Araber in dieser Region ausgestorben.Die Araber haben nach dem Teilungsplan jahrzehntelang versucht, die Juden zu vernichten. Versuchen Sie nicht, den Zionismus zu einem schmutzigen Wort zu machen, das ist es nicht. Sie waren diejenigen, die Gewalt gegen die Juden begannen, nachdem sie versagt hatten und sich als Opfer darstellten.
@TommyV8898 Ай бұрын
​@@Lena-fn5thnennen sie mir doch bitte eine andere Volksgruppe, welche von Malaria ausgelöscht wurde? Die Krankheit ist in Afrika verbreitet bei steigender Bevölkerungszahl.
@sakha2349 Ай бұрын
Lena-fn5th - Zionism is a dirty word I'm afraid. Zionists are not the same as Jews. There are enough Jews who consider themselves antizionist. Unfortunately the Germans are have been brainwashed by their ruling class and you reflect exactly the propaganda.
@karinamoritzen1349 Ай бұрын
you can see he struggles with it though, and he still doesn't seem convinced about the genocide accusation. it's frustrating that germans will not be persuaded on that despite several scholars of genocide studies raising the alarm.
@SybillaFreyyou_know911 Ай бұрын
@@karinamoritzen1349​​you can see a pattern among german journalists regarding this topic. The interviewer's questions are not particularly critical especially regarding Isr. Perhaps desperately trying to hold on to a certain narrative. One that almost the rest of the world has seen through by now, but the Germans somehow seem willfully blind to the obvious. It's just so strange🤔
@till_teewurst8674 Ай бұрын
Ich verstehe wirklich nicht, wie Leute hier in den Kommentaren so häufig sagen können Tilo (als Person) sei total naiv und den Interviewgästen intellektuell nicht gewachsen. Schaut euch bitte mal Podiumsdiskussionen an, bei denen Tilo Diskussionsteilnehmer ist. Da agiert er komplett anders, weil er in einer anderen Rolle ist. In seinen Interviews probiert er durch naive Fragen möglichst viele Informationen aus den Gästen herauszukitzeln. Man kann ja anzweifeln, ob der Interviewstil immer der passende ist, aber die Person so anzugreifen halt ich für dumm. Wenn es jetzt explizit um die Interviews zum Thema Palästina geht: Tilo ist sich dem deutschen Publikum bewusst. Wenn Tilo solche Fragen nicht stellen würde, würde bestimmt 65% der deutschen Gesellschaft schon gar nicht mehr checken worum es geht und denken das sei Hamas Propaganda. Redet doch mal mit euren Eltern und Großeltern über das Thema oder zeigt ihnen die Interviews mit Francesca oder Helga Vielen Dank an das Jung und Naiv Team für die sehr wichtigen Beiträge hier zur deutschen Debatte über Palästina 🙏
@meryem9133 Ай бұрын
Absolut richtig. Dieses Format ist für ein breites Publikum gedacht sowohl Rechts, Mitte, Links, deutsch und auch migrantisch und gerade bei diesem Thema muss man wirklich Dinge bis ins Detail ausbreiten, damit keine Fragen und mögliche Angriffspunkte offen bleiben. Nicht selten haben Interviewte Menschen in der Öffentlichkeit Probleme bekommen, weil man Aussagen (willentlich) anders gedeutet hat.
@dasfaultier2788 Ай бұрын
Sehe ich genauso!
@0xyelf Ай бұрын
Man kann genau an den Fragen ab ca 44:00 erkennen, dass Tilo nicht einfach naive Fragen stellt. Er fragt zuerst welchen Terror-Begriff sie verwendet. Dann beantwortet sie es und er meint sie ist politisch, obwohl sie vorher gesagt hat, es gibt keine rechtliche Definition von Terrorismus bei der UN. Perfide. Punkt.
@0xyelf Ай бұрын
In den westlichen Medien wird nicht mal berichtet was in Palästina wirklich passiert. Da musst du ganz tief selbst recherchieren. Wenn man weiß, was dort passiert, ist die Art wie Tilo hier spricht einfach übertrieben ekelhaft.
@0xyelf Ай бұрын
Weiters ist zu bedenken, dass KEINE EINZIGE FRAGE darauf gerichtet wurde, WAS Albanese genau in Palästina wahrgenommen hat. Wenn, dann hat sie zu anderen vorwurfsvollen Fragen, rechtfertigend geantwortet und dabei von Wahrnehmungen und Dingen die in Palästina passieren, berichtet. Sorry, aber ich kann den Typen nicht mehr ernst nehmen
@nerridag.8498 Ай бұрын
Sie ist eine Heldin unserer Zeit, großartig ❤️🙏und ich bewundere ihre Stärke, dass sie diesem unsäglichen Backlash die Stirn bietet, ich könnte derartige Anfeindungen keine Sekunde aushalten ✨👍👏
@mihimazrekaj8941 Ай бұрын
Großen Respekt für diese fantastische Frau, die einfach klipp und klar die Situation erklärt! Es tut mir leid, aber viele Fragen sind einfach schon so mühsam! Mittlerweile müssen gewisse Sachen bereits angekommen sein.
@coffee6783 Ай бұрын
It's truly shocking this brilliant woman doesn't receive a salaary.
@FirsToStrike Күн бұрын
Dont worry, Qatar pays generously.
@Axel-cavabien 17 күн бұрын
How shortsighted can one be to claim Israel's neighbouring are the ones to need to take shelter from Israel? I mean who could denie that all neighbouring countries are death enemies against the Jewish country especially Lebanon with ongoing rocket fire, now even more than ever, the whole North of Israel is evacuated, ghost towns. Who's in need to take shelter from Israel because the IDF loves to start a war just out of aggression and hatred against the population of which country to be neighbouring Israel? If you look at the history of Israel's wars start off 1948, just the day after the declaration of the state of Israel, and by the way as commonly known the Palestinians could have had their own country just as the Jews but rejected and rather prefered the surrounding countries to attack the 1 day old Israel. But nearly a miracle, Israel defeated the enemies. Even the six day war, which Israel started, but out of self defence before Agypt could attack which they would have intended to the very next day if it wasn't for an agyptian spy, working for the Mossad, giving intelligence information. So actually this country has been under permanent threat and for decades, wars, suicide bombers blowing up buses, rockets being launched every single day from Hezbolla, Hamas under the Masterplan of bloody Iran. And that lady claims surrounding countries are being threatened??
@halloduauchhier 27 күн бұрын
One of the most important interviews on Jung und Naiv! What an honor Tilo to see her on your show 😊
@emderkoebes Ай бұрын
Ich hätte noch Stunden zuhören können. Ihre Integrität und Haltung und das sprühende Temperament sind beeindruckend!
@Lena-fn5th Ай бұрын
Wenn Sie alle wissen, wie man mit Arabern/Palästinensern umgeht, warum bieten Sie ihnen nicht eines der 16 Bundesländer an, schließlich ist Israel von der Größe her mit einem mittelgroßen deutschen Bundesland vergleichbar. Ihre Großeltern haben das ganze angefangen. Es muss schön sein, nach der Ermordung von Millionen der Juden in Sicherheit zu leben und dem Ganzen von der Seitenlinie aus zuzuschauen
@Lena-fn5th Ай бұрын
Wenn Sie alle wissen, wie man mit Arabern/Palästinensern umgeht, warum bieten Sie ihnen nicht eines der 16 Bundesländer an, da Israel von der Größe her mit einem mittelgroß en deutschen Bundesland vergleichbar ist. Es waren ihre Großeltern, die das Problem überhaupt erst verursacht haben, teilweise mit Hilfe von Italien, wo Frau Albanese herkommt. Es muss schön sein, nach der Ermordung von Millionen Juden in einer sicheren Region zu leben, in der Deutschland und Italien liegen, mit guten klimatischen Bedingungen, und das alles von außen zu beobachten. Warum Palistinenser nicht in Deutschland oder Italien aufnehmen.Albanese müsste sich um Palästinenser keine Sorgen machen und könnte ruhig schlafen. Italien hat ausreichend Land, Deutschland auch.
@fabiankehrer3645 Ай бұрын
Was für eine Frau, mehr Macht an Leute wie sie und die Welt wäre ein viel besserer Ort. Wenn ich auch nur einen Promille von dem Erfolg habe den sie hatt um andere zu schützen und Missstände aufzuklären kann ich glücklich sterben.
@carylamari6546 Ай бұрын
Basta is the perfect word for Palestine. Enough with the double standards the apartheid and the injustice. Basta with the thinking of superiority and entitlement, Basta with the hate which is expressed and fostered by the Israeli government and perpetuated with their action. Basta is a brilliant word to describe the dynamics which revolve around Israeli/Palestinian relationships. I adore Francesca Albanese !
@AlleLamb Ай бұрын
Basta! That’s right
@TribuniPlebis 14 күн бұрын
Palestine could have had a country and peace long ago. They never wanted it because they can't accept the others. So they will get nothing, war forever.
@adambriest5257 Ай бұрын
ich gestehe, ein winzig kleines bisschen verliebt hab ich mich schon.
@TommyV8898 Ай бұрын
Er wird mit jedem Jahr schöner
@henrydorsett6076 Ай бұрын
Absolut & Nachvollziehbar
@lillyblume6076 Ай бұрын
Ich auch. Glaube das liegt an Tilo`s tollen Haaren.
@likeyouiam5996 Ай бұрын
@@TommyV8898 😅👍👍
@henrydorsett6076 Ай бұрын
@@lillyblume6076 :D
@NatalieStan-qf8yd Ай бұрын
I was so sorry when this was over - i could listen to her for days! So eloquent and human and natural. Thank you for this interview! & good questions! I wish Francesca only good things! What a noble cause in life - to take position for the oppressed!
@parvusprinceps628 Ай бұрын
35:57 that wink on her eye said it all 😂 Francescas mind is sharp as a knife, damn she is fire 🔥
@goldxahn5247 Ай бұрын
I freaking love her energy
@ondrejmayer 15 күн бұрын
"Let's stick to the facts" ❤❤❤🇵🇸🍉
@chillout914 Ай бұрын
Francesca Albanese should be the EU prime minister !!!!
@mutzikatze Ай бұрын
@chillout914 Ай бұрын
@@mutzikatze She is smart you can not satisfy all people but you can have a deal with everyone the EU needs good relations that how geopolitics works you can see singapore how it works or other countries same time you can defend your values and agree on things hate will never be a solution , look at the US they are losing many allies because of stupid decisions while the chinese are sneaky and smart even if they do not agree with many countries but they deal with it !
@chillout914 Ай бұрын
@@amorfati529 she have maybe more jewish friends more than you , but if you deal with emotions you lose , that how the world works , end the extremism and the ant semitism with good decisions not with agressions it will make it worst !
@sakha2349 Ай бұрын
@amorfati529 - being against Is*el's actions is not antisemitism. By thinking that, you show that you have been thoroughly manipulated by your ruling elite. Dont allow them to brainwash you.
@mutzikatze Ай бұрын
@@chillout914 Ich denke nicht, dass Frau Albanese gute Beziehungen zu allen Seiten hat und gute Deals für Europa zustande bringen würde. Dazu ist sie bislang zu einseitig parteiisch aufgetreten, etwas, was bei der Lösung von Konflikten immer kontraproduktiv ist.
@DanielaZurru-bi9tv Ай бұрын
Grazie mille per questa bellissima intervista ! Grazie mille per tutta la forza con cui lei dedica il suo tempo per raccogliere fatti e testimonianze! Continui così! Grazie!
@chxwv 29 күн бұрын
I can understand what she meant by not having antibodies to deal with apartheid. Just hearing and watching and getting informed what apartheid state of Israel has been allowed to get away with by the U.S. is nauseating ! I don’t think one with empathy can deal with this dehumanization of Palestinians. I hold American politicians responsible for this crime against humanity , and I hope one day within their lives they would be the subject of shame and punished by some legal mechanism
@Gerardo_Molina Ай бұрын
Supporting every single person, account, collective, organisation, commenter, media and channel is on the right side of history 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸#FreePalestine
@jokur240 Ай бұрын
20:00 "I have nothing against the state of israel other than expacting that israel behaves in line with international law, like any other un memberstates." BPK Hebestreit: "Israel hält sich an internationales Recht." Ja klar.
@zabihamidi6448 Ай бұрын
Francesca ❤❤❤❤❤
@mfrkaes Ай бұрын
grande franci. mi rendi orgogliosa di essere italiana. sei una grande ispirazione per me :) grazie mille per tutto quello che fai per le persone oppresse dovunque
@MissVirmaCaramia 21 күн бұрын
Fantastica. Grazie Francesca per il tuo lavoro, impegno, passione e forza d'animo. L'umanita' ha speranza grazie a persone come te.
@DMC1982 Ай бұрын
Grazie Francesa siamo fieri di te 💚🤍♥️
@campone4292 Ай бұрын
Echt Top diese Frau. Wann kommt die Folge mit Baerbock?
@davidzieglmeier1020 Ай бұрын
Als maximaler Kontrast? Das wäre großartig!
@shunzetsu-5682 Ай бұрын
Die wird sich nie hin trauen
@davidzieglmeier1020 Ай бұрын
@@shunzetsu-5682 vl. darf sie irgendwann in Den Haag wegen den Waffenlieferungen an Israel und Saudi-Arabien aussagen?
@campone4292 Ай бұрын
@@shunzetsu-5682 wurde angekündigt bei der Folge mit Lüders
@MCM271 Ай бұрын
Viel interessanter wäre Nancy Faeser.
@pricenaseen Ай бұрын
After listening to this interview I went to sleep and I had a dream where I was a tourist somewhere like Rome and I saw recognized Francesca Albanese in a street and thanked her for her persistent work and dedication to save human lives
@salmon9698 Ай бұрын
Brava Francesca! I didn't know the interviewer, hats off!
@gs123 Ай бұрын
Ms. Albanese is impressively knowledgeable and forthright 👍
@AD-zo5vp Ай бұрын
Wow, what a woman! I'm really impressed by her, very inspiring her clarity, discipline and determination ❤
@uptick888 Ай бұрын
She’s been speaking out on KZbin for six months now On many channels if you want to hear more of her..
Much love to Francesca ❤
@alexomar7464 22 күн бұрын
We desperately need people like her in this world. A voice for the voiceless
@Tortoize. 28 күн бұрын
what about asking her to give a speech about antisemitism?
@nadav74 23 күн бұрын
I have only watched the first 45 minutes so far and she has already admitted to being antisemitic in so many words
@PrinzMajdazari 22 күн бұрын
How so?​@@nadav74
@nukiolbartes6279 20 күн бұрын
the palestinians are the indigenous semites.. so yes theres real anti semitism by european settlers.. by milekowsky n co
@nadav74 19 күн бұрын
@@PrinzMajdazari I am not replying to sealioning. Watch it yourself and think.
@elqord.1118 12 күн бұрын
@@nadav74 ok bot
@sansnom77766 Ай бұрын
Tolles Interview!!! Danke Tilo und Team ❤❤❤
@noneofurbusiness906 Ай бұрын
Frau Albanese hat mich schwer beeindruckt.
@consciousmerlin 20 күн бұрын
This has been an incredible interview because it has brought out the humanity of Francesca Albanese, as well as her genuine likeableness and humility. I'd love to see her run for president of the United States!
@malandrinella Ай бұрын
1:56:50 "There does not need to be an email saying 'please commit genocide now'?!" - "You Germans like asking this question, don't you?" 😂😂😂😂 Imagine Tilo asking a lawyer after declaring a murder: "Well, there was no message saying 'I will kill you now'?!"
@dubonstin8676 Ай бұрын
Maybe you didnt notice, but this is a strawman argument.
@greendistant Ай бұрын
She is referring to a press conference around her published report where a German journalist asked her about the existence of written evidence for the intention of the G-crime. Seems to be a German thing from her perspective. 😂
@dubonstin8676 Ай бұрын
​@@greendistant I know. But this doesn't answer the question if there is a genocide. Neither does her report. It rather makes me question her integrity as a rapporteur.
@greendistant Ай бұрын
@@dubonstin8676 In the press conference she answered very clearly: Genocide does not work like this. It hasn’t in Ruanda, it hasn’t in Germany and it’s very likely that it doesn’t work like that in Gaza. Criminal intent is rarely being proven by written statements.
@dubonstin8676 Ай бұрын
​@@greendistant Yes, it does work like that if you want to prove intent. There are tons of written records about the planning and commitment of the Holocaust. Also in Ruanda there was a chain of command, which has been documented.
@martinwerner475 4 күн бұрын
The core message is that your neighbor is not your enemy, but the one who tries to convince you that your neighbor is your enemy! The world needs more people like Francesca Albanese.
@alionacazac6826 Ай бұрын
A great conversation! Good questions and great answers! ♥️
@bratheringofficial1107 Ай бұрын
Vielen dank 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@SometimesMagii Ай бұрын
thank you, you are giving so much room to many experts and in a format that is easy to consume and giving them the time they need better explain stuff , I will try to support you guys and your work
@derasiatelo3361 Ай бұрын
Die beste Frau der Welt
@davidzieglmeier1020 Ай бұрын
Friedensnobelpreis für sie und Khan!
@DMC1982 Ай бұрын
​@@davidzieglmeier1020 Wenn der was wert wäre würde ich zustimmen aber wir wissen wie ja leider wie das ist. 🫣
@davidzieglmeier1020 Ай бұрын
@@DMC1982 der Kriegsnobelpreis ;)
@faniarethas2716 Ай бұрын
@@davidzieglmeier1020 That one goes to psychopath Netayahoo!
@karlscher5170 29 күн бұрын
obwohl sie kein Kopftuch trägt?
@edmusicx 25 күн бұрын
@user-ov6is1nj1p Ай бұрын
Long live dear Madam ❤
@paolamora6621 22 күн бұрын
I have a question: if Palestina doesn’t have an Army, who is supposed to protect them?
@bastianjulich3267 Ай бұрын
Ich glaub ich hab mich gerade verliebt 🙂 Sehr cooler Mensch, hoffe dass sie irgendwann (bzw. das Mandat) ordentlich vergütet und mit mehr Ressourcen ausgestattet wird.
@Ca1min Ай бұрын
@blidibliblubla Ай бұрын
Francesca Albanese a true Hero in my Eyes. Thanks to Jung & Naiv to inv. her in the Show.
@uptick888 Ай бұрын
"Most Zionists do not believe in the existence of God, but they believe that He promised them Palestine “
@sakha2349 Ай бұрын
Quote from Prof Ilan Pappe
@sakha2349 Ай бұрын
Prof Ilan Pappe
@ChrMeinel Ай бұрын
In kurzer Zeit gleich zwei Interviews zum Thema, zudem mit durchaus ähnlichen Argumenten. Ein bisschen habe ich Tilo nach wie vor im Verdacht, dass er eine Botschaft senden will, ohne sich verdächtig zu machen. In Englisch und mit einer fulminanten Gesprächspartnerin blieb sein semantisches Gekrümel auch deutlich verhaltener gegenüber der Dringlichkeit ihrer Worte. So oder so, vielen Dank für dieses Interview, habe es schon 3x gehört, so bedrückt es auch macht.
@r.z.608 Ай бұрын
Eine Ehrenfrau! Sie ist großartig!
@TheComfyraver Ай бұрын
@furkan3945 27 күн бұрын
Riesen Tespekt Tilo! Ich habe deinen Kanal immer ab und an mal verfolgt aber ein interview mit Francesca ist ein Riesenhammer. Echt interessantes video
@menschmeier116 Ай бұрын
Menschen wie Francesca Albanese machen selbst Misanthropen wie mir wieder Mut. Umfassende Kenntnisse und großes Engagement!
@theskiesandme Ай бұрын
Best wishes to her and every success in her work 🙏🌼
@sunshine-nk1eb 27 күн бұрын
Bravo Francesca ❤️
@marianohernandez6294 Ай бұрын
There is a clear difference between the editorial stance in this interview and Helga Baumgarten's one.
@ArianaKa-jb6pr Ай бұрын
Not really, I think the difference is only that Albanese won’t answer the same question 10 times. He can’t ask and talk with her disrespectful, because she would not put up with that (and his English is maybe not good for a debate).
@MrRespectable-gw2xd Ай бұрын
@Jin-Kasai97 Her account was literally created two days ago....I think you can dismiss it.
@ArianaKa-jb6pr Ай бұрын
@Jin-Kasai97 I don't think she's biased at all, she makes her position clear and not everyone has to like it. We don't live in a utopia where everyone can only hear what they like. When I made my account doesn't matter hahah but I don't hide behind a fake name 😂
@ArianaKa-jb6pr Ай бұрын
@Jin-Kasai97 Apart from that, we have experts to research something explicitly and these people also comment on it, so denouncing them as biased seems very primitive to me ☺️ however, you are free to draw your own conclusions, it is not my job to convince you of what I think is right
@ArianaKa-jb6pr Ай бұрын
@Jin-Kasai97 uh sorry, are you trying to tell me that the Arab nationalist movement told Hitler what to do and what not to do?! Sorry but that is anti-Semitic! And if we all remember correctly there was hardly a country that did not work with Hitler before the war! So we don't need to belittle Hitler's crimes here! And if the Germans are all so underqualified in your OPINION, why is Germany Israel's second most important partner after the USA? Please study international law and settler colonialism, read books that were not written by conspiracy theorists! bye
@user-kc9yo7rm7m Ай бұрын
Ich wünsche mir ein deutsches Transkript, leider habe ich nicht so gute Englisch Kenntnisse und außerdem habe ich eine Hörschwäche, bitte es wäre schön !
@mugnuz Ай бұрын
es ist vielleicht umständlicher und keine direkte lösung, aber in deinem fall würde ich mal nach aktuellen AI/apps anschauen. da gibts so einiges für umsonst was wirklich aktzeptable ergebnisse liefert. vielleicht kann es helfen wenn man gerne content genießen möchte wo die youtube übersetzung fehlt oder es kein offizielles transkipt gibt! :)
@absolutelynothing6324 Ай бұрын
Idee: Kopieren, dann in von nem Dienst übersetzen lassen. Dann vielleicht mit Hilfe von einer AI z.B. gemini nachbearbeiten lassen. Gerne irgendwo veröfentlichen :) für andere
@creativekdrama4548 Ай бұрын
Rechts oben das Kästchen CC anklicken und Untertitel in deiner Sprache aktivieren.
@zefix1234 Ай бұрын
soweit ich weiß gibts sowas relativ oft für jung&naiv folgen. vielleicht etwas geduld haben
@user-kc9yo7rm7m Ай бұрын
Super deine Idee und dein Wissen, vielen lieben Dank ​@@creativekdrama4548
@rachid7974 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much to you both. You are my Heroes. 😍
@uptick888 Ай бұрын
Been listening to Francesca since the beginning of this Palestine situation with Israel She has taught me so much about the UN laws and what’s going on there I try not to miss any of her talks . Thank you, Francesca
@beverleyanderson8705 Ай бұрын
What a remarkable woman and how humanist her approach is to her way of life. I totally agree with her stance and that of other Jewish Scholars that we must be very careful not to have laws past that stop our rights to speak out, criticise and not have this deemed anti semiotic .
@janklemm1099 Ай бұрын
Vielen Dank Tilo und Team, höchste Zeit mal wieder meinen Mitgliedsbeitrag zu entrichten🤓
@christineawile9201 Ай бұрын
This woman is great. She has thousands of arguments to prove the desolate situation and oppression of the palestinians before tje 7th octobre. It's so evident, the Israelian apartheid system and the ongoing genocide. But still, the reporter constantly needs more evidence and questions things. He clearly shows that he is still trying to defend the Israelien side.
Vielen Dank für eure Arbeit!
@Dr.Martini. Ай бұрын
🤗 Mi è piaciuta particolarmente questa conversazione. Un punto culminante assoluto! Grazie mille!
@carlosdumbratzen6332 Ай бұрын
man what an interview.
@user-ur4yo3kx5n 20 күн бұрын
Have you seen the interview with Hala Abulehbdeh from Gaza? She lost her entire family in one day and didn't say a single bad word about Israel during the whole conversation! 💔 no hate, just endless sadness
@carlapiana7792 Ай бұрын
Thanks to this brave,amazing woman. One of the most reliable voices on lsraeli- Palestinian question. Grande Francesca
@brehgankage6242 Ай бұрын
Francesca Albanese is already a legend. Great woman, great character.
@albaalba2902 9 күн бұрын
Grazie mille Francesca per il tuo lavoro fatto bene
@MrMhammam Ай бұрын
Interview did go much better than with Helga Baumgarten. The interviewer didn't repeat the same questions and was much more respectful!
@gehtdichnichtsan2477 Ай бұрын
Now you should think about why !
@MrMhammam Ай бұрын
​@@gehtdichnichtsan2477you can tell me why
@gehtdichnichtsan2477 Ай бұрын
@@MrMhammamshe can speak !! I think it’s very hard to do a good fluent interview with someone who isn’t able to speak .. I’m sure baumgarten isn’t stupid , she wouldn’t sit here , if she is. But I felt like she is a school kid ! Ähhh eaahh ähhhh aeeeehh aaäää saa If
@gehtdichnichtsan2477 Ай бұрын
@@MrMhammamand Baumgarten talks like an activist! that’s why she got treated like that. I know she isn’t
@MrMhammam Ай бұрын
​@@gehtdichnichtsan2477 The way the interviewer did ask her and treat her was way too disrespectful. Many times he did repeat the questions trying to force his opinion. Baumgarten or Albanese did make at the end almost the same message. But this interview was more constructive than the other one. Not trying to imply many times that Hamas is the reason and trying to get more out of the guest.
@evakir Ай бұрын
Brilliant!!! I could be listening for days! Thank you Francesca Albanese!
@mosynergie6703 Ай бұрын
warum wird sie nicht in Sendungen wie bei Lanz eingeladen? haben die Fachkraftmangel an Dolmetscher?
@TheTjark57 Ай бұрын
Weil man Antisemiten nicht einlädt.
@janklemm1099 Ай бұрын
Simpel: „Staatsräson“
@Vorname_Nachnahme Ай бұрын
Persona non grata.
@mugnuz Ай бұрын
also auch wenn lanz krasse ressourcen hätte würde er einen bei weitem noch schlechteren job machen und leute die lanz gucken sind mit sowas wohl meist sowieso überfordert...
@funnyvalentine7316 Ай бұрын
​@@TheTjark57😂😂😂 oh man.. wie albern das mittlerweile ist.
@ubikuo 29 күн бұрын
I love her. she says what must be said
@humanitesfmira4181 Ай бұрын
❤🙏❤️ Une analyste objective à tous les points de vue... Merci infiniment d'exister Madame Francesca Albanese ❤️🙏❤️
@caiolovincenzo1717 Ай бұрын
Grazie cara Francesca Albanese per il tuo lavoro di cuore e continua così e spero di darti un po' di forze
@zahraelhatt6657 Ай бұрын
Tilo is going as far as he can as a German but one can still tell that he's the German counterpart.
@dan7799 Ай бұрын
Wonderful conversation, Francesca Albanese is a hero and an eye opener
@Ooipstronaughtilus10000 Ай бұрын
it's wonderful to see you focus so strongly on this issue, most media seems to be focused entirely against supporters of Palestine. We need more honest and informative conversations like this.
@SybillaFreyyou_know911 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much Ms. Albanese i try to follow your work and everything that goes with it in this regard and can only express my greatest respect.
@andredietisheim Ай бұрын
What an insightful interview and what an captivating guest. Great watch.
@GustavoJacob Ай бұрын
The interviewer is a bit clumsy, but the main points are put clearly on the table.
@joinedbinger2315 Ай бұрын
love her
@freepalestine7687 Ай бұрын
Vielen Dank für dieses Interview 🌹
@mkf0 Ай бұрын
She’s so amazing, please bring her back
@malandrinella Ай бұрын
Grazie di cuore ❤
@nervensaege0873 Ай бұрын
Vielen Dank ❤ sehr gutes Gespräch - eine sehr beeindruckende Frau,
@christineawile9201 Ай бұрын
Congrats to Francesca Albanese for her great committment and engagement and standing up for justice in this cause. Like she said, she has 0 tolerance for unjustice. Her 6 years mandate: all for free. She is human. Unfortunately, a lot of people have double standards. What's going on in with this settlement colonialism and Israels atrocities is so simple to understand. Why still having some doubts like the reporter?
@sweetchinmusic801 8 күн бұрын
Europe, America:- Christian vs Muslim India:- Hindu vs Muslim Srilanka:- Buddhist vs Muslim Myanmar:- Buddhist vs Muslim(rohingya) Israel:- Jews vs Muslim NIGERIA :- Christian vs Muslim Middle East:- Shia muslim vs Sunni The biggest scam of the last 100 years run by the extreme left ideologies is to whitewash and portray the most violent and intolerant religion (whose core ideology is to religiously colonize the planet and build a caliphate) as victims, in the name of human rights and war against elitism. There are no 'moderates' in the peaceful religion. They are busy justifying the extremists and terrorists while playing victim at the drop of hat to gain sympathy. Also there are no protests against 'peaceful' countries for persecuting, torturing and killing minorities in those countries or China for killing the Uighurs. The only way this religion can be reformed or criticized is by getting out of the religion....
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