Where’d you go - this no communication I’ll just send you love A white light over you I was alone for god It’s not hard to be alone for you I’m here now would you step on these words here’s a home for you In my heart I won’t pull the rug from under you I’m not like I’m me thankful I still love myself for 100 years
@kavandignambeats17826 ай бұрын
this hard!!
@Apekhan476 ай бұрын
I’m asking can you help me I’m getting under me Love let me know - it’s no rush we’re just letting loose A break away I don’t need an 808 so ya could hear the truth I could do this a cappella But could I even sing in front of you You love my voice then pick up phone I love this space and time I’m here for you you’re beautiful I’m still reminding I asked god for sight like his And now we’re looking through Transparency is what I hope to reach when we could finally cool There’s fire in my heart it burns brighter than the sun for you I’m here with good news like have you met Jesus I got a son for you Would it be crazy if I still want to have a son with you And then a daughter she could be stronger than the boy I knew Broken hearted given all the world plus a lovely view A happy home - we both dream about like we never knew Resurfaced grief my pops left me I shouldn’t put this on you
@Squibongii6 ай бұрын
Run it up to the top of the flag pole Leapin like a frog with the legs of a tadpole
@Squibongii6 ай бұрын
It gets mad old when u say the same thing Hope it’s you when I hear my phone ring