re: 4:30 - there might be some success bias going on, but my stronger muscles now are the ones i remember using a lot in my pre-symptomatic early childhood - for example when in school I would always raise my left arm for questions, and now my left shoulder is only lightly affected while my right arm is highly affected. As a youth I would always chew gum on the left side, and my left facial muscles are completely asymptomatic while my right facial muscles are lightly affected. Now I don't know if that was an expression of early symptoms - I raised my left arm and chewed with the left side of my mouth because they were stronger; or were the origins of later symptoms - I didn't use my right arm much at all the right side of mouth less often, so they started weaker than their counterparts, which snowballed forward as I became symptomatic - but if this is a pattern that bears up it might deserve further study.
@tasidasilva7897 Жыл бұрын
my mom is 60 and has very little symptoms. she is ambulatory with full range of motion so its pretty weird. her dad got it at like 8 but could still walk for a really long time...prob into his 70s with canes and such. I am also asymptomatic at 30.