油条 炸油条 最简单的配方最蓬松酥脆的油条做法,掌握几个窍门,人人都能成功! Super fluffy and crispy Bread Sticks! Perfect for Breakfast [No Yeast! No Oven] 配方Ingredients (12根油条 / 12 PCs): 中筋面粉500克(3.5杯) All purpose flour 500 g (3 cups + 1/2 cup) 泡打粉8克(2茶勺) Baking powder 8 g (2 tsp) 小苏打3克(半茶勺) Baking soda 3 g (1/2 tsp) 盐5 - 6克(1 茶勺) Salt 5 - 6 g (1 tsp) 植物油30毫升(2大勺) Vegetable oil 30 ml (2 tbsp) 凉水310-320毫升 Cold water 310-320 ml 油温在170 ° C (360° F) - 185° C (390 ° F)之间 Oil temperature between 170 ° C (360° F) - 185° C (390 ° F)
视频下方的描述栏里面都有标注!我复制粘贴给你: 油条 炸油条 最简单的配方最蓬松酥脆的油条做法,掌握几个窍门,人人都能成功!晚上准备早上炸,受大家喜爱的快速早餐。 Super fluffy and crispy Bread Sticks! Perfect for Breakfast [No Yeast! No Oven] 配方Ingredients (12根油条 / 12 PCs): 中筋面粉500克(3.5杯) All purpose flour 500 g (3 cups + 1/2 cup) 泡打粉8克(2茶勺) Baking powder 8 g (2 tsp) 小苏打3克(半茶勺) Baking soda 3 g (1/2 tsp) 盐5 - 6克(1 茶勺) Salt 5 - 6 g (1 tsp) 植物油30毫升(2大勺) Vegetable oil 30 ml (2 tbsp) 凉水310-320毫升 Cold water 310-320 ml