77 of YOUR Mario Kart Item ideas! (Nintendo, take notes)

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@KLGB76 2 жыл бұрын
This idea for a video is a lot of fun but I was not expecting to see Mayro pop up in it! Good surprise at 14:25
@BROSOLAF 2 жыл бұрын
Can You Do One But Instead With Track Ideas?
@dothemario2174 2 жыл бұрын
I love that idea
@humankinetic 2 жыл бұрын
I have a track idea! "Honeycomb Trial" There will be a section where you can choose between bouncing off giant flowers (Mushroom Gorge style), or take the wall in anti-grav mode, and race along honeycombs. Some will be filled with honey and will slow you down.
@gamingforalaugh77 2 жыл бұрын
@@humankinetic cool
@ultragameboyx7906 2 жыл бұрын
Someone needs to bring the infamous Big House track to make Nathaniel Bandy proud! (and No MK8’s Ribbon Road, despite being very cool, doesn’t count…neither does Mario Kart Live Home Circuit)
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Track ideas would definitely be cool!
@grifleep4916 2 жыл бұрын
I think my own favourite is a Naked Koopa item. It's basically a koopa you can place like a trap and it hops in any passing shell and changes the effect. Whether it changes green to red or makes them weird: like makes greens curve or reds bounce.
@doo_lissdu_lighost6133 2 жыл бұрын
Here are some ideas: The Cloud Flower: puts a cloud behind your kart that keeps you safe from incoming items for a certain period of time. Weird Mushroom: When another racer hits it, their left and right controls are reversed for a little bit. Big Bob-omb: Acts like a Bob-omb, but makes a MUCH larger explosion Bee mushroom: gives you the ability to throw sticky honey that slows players who drive through it.
@tobeyreynolds8255 2 жыл бұрын
ITEM IDEA 💡: You get a booster attached onto the back of your kart and it has a limited amount of fuel, when you use fuel your kart speeds up and when you don’t it goes back to regular speed
@strg8 2 жыл бұрын
That's just the golden mushroom
@leonpgut 2 жыл бұрын
I like those ideas, however most of them seem too broken, having a multitude of projectiles or boost effects at once. I liked some though. I'll list them here and adjust some to what I would have for their effect. The P switch would temporarily make some sections harder to navigate by turning coins into brick blocks. For example, in Ninja Hideaway there is a spot with loads of coins, which would be like a brick wall. The brick block would break on impact but bring your momentum to a halt, so in a way similar to a banana (which would also be an item of its own). Kamek's wand sending out a projectile (I'd have it as just one instead of 3) giving the player it hits one of many effects based on percentages (spinning out, shrinking, squishing or inked screen, and to add to the randomness also a small chance for a positive effect like a mushroom boost or feather jump, but no effects for other players) is also a nice idea. Rock Mushroom would be a nice alternative to the Bullet Bill, giving you similar speed but free control, maybe the duration would be a bit shorter than the Bullet Bill to balance it out. Poison/Mini Mushroom as an item that can be thrown back or forward like a banana but shrinks a player upon impact is a good idea. The Warp Pipe/Teleporter Box/Luma letting you teleport to the player in front of you. On first place it would instead set you back to the player in 2nd. I would also like the next Mario Kart to have a stronger focus on verticality and different paths, so the return of the Cape Feather as well as some item that lets you jump and then use your glider like the Propellor Mushroom/Super Acorn would help you reach the upper path. The Goomba Shoe/Ground Pound idea of jumping and then having a shock wave like the Super Horn fits with this idea as well.
@vinstle 2 жыл бұрын
I know it's late but I got an item idea and I want to share it there: It would be a shell (of any color) that act exactly like a green shell when you throw it forward but, if you throw it backward, it will target the player behind you like a red shell. It should be a rare item only obtainable on the front since it would not be nice to be hit by this if you are far in the back.
@giulianolaucello7172 2 жыл бұрын
An item idea: another use of the mini mushroom, this time it makes you tiny (in a good way) and you jump higher for a set amount of time. You can not only jump over items, but also take off road shortcuts without needing a mushroom.
@stanzacosmi 2 жыл бұрын
kind of like mario kart wii boo?
@twiglegg508 2 жыл бұрын
Or just drop a miniushroom on the ground as a banana peel tha shrinks you
@tobeyreynolds8255 2 жыл бұрын
ITEM IDEA 💡: A question mark block, when you use it you get a random item not affected by your placement
@cognizantlol 2 жыл бұрын
so just an even more luck based item box love it
@Allen1350 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not the most creative guy, but I love seeing other creative ideas! 😃 I understand the hate on the coin item. I think the problem is its frequency. If it was like a 10% spawn for 1st place, it would feel more like "oh hey, a coin." It's like 75% chance for 1st place to get it. Irritating.
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
True! Either give the coin a more significant benefit or just reduce its chances of appearing, then I don't think it'll be as hated as much
@PinkGoldBeans6197 2 жыл бұрын
I think the coin is fine because you can't get two of them at once. If you could that would be annoying. It's actually pretty useful rn, cos if you get a bomb or horn in first you can use the coin to protect it
@Mowdown 2 жыл бұрын
I think it‘s fine, it‘s one of those items that HAVE to be hated as it‘s literal use is to drag leading players that do not mind the double item boxes down by being an item that gives you no protection. Just like the Fake Item Box but much more common and not a hazard
@Celobia 2 жыл бұрын
@@PinkGoldBeans6197 it is possible, i got 2 pretty sure
@Celobia 2 жыл бұрын
yep, i ss it and i did infact get 2 coins at the same time
@jaimelabbe7445 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly think they will eventually add frenzies because its already in mario kart tour, but I think if someone got a frenzy, it would probably just be an item that isn't that good (i.e. green shell, red shell, mushroom,) and probably would be for a shorter time than i think 10 seconds in mktour (it would work like golden dash or fire flower). Maybe in mario kart 9 or something lol.
@celestialTangle 2 жыл бұрын
Mushroom Frenzy: literally golden mushroom Shell Frenzy: Disco Shell Banana Frenzy: Banana Bunch
@VVM2024 2 жыл бұрын
I have one ! The Paintbrush - When you use it, First place's screen gets littered with a paint splatted version of your driver's logo. - Opportunity of revenge when you're in first, because you instantly know who did this to you. - Basically Blue Shell + Blooper.
@nousername2292 2 жыл бұрын
Ghost mushroom: Acts similar to a boo. exepect you can drive through walls allowing for some shortcut potential. You are also invincible for a few seconds but you do not get a speed boost. (plus it ignores the checkpoint system)
@helmeren3828 2 жыл бұрын
It would be really nice if nintendo made a mario kart with every track in the series with lots of items and characters that would be really sick!
@albigoat 2 жыл бұрын
One way to make the Feather more useful in modern mariokart could be by making it deploy your glider
@tobeyreynolds8255 2 жыл бұрын
ITEM IDEA 💡: Maybe an orange shell that can target the person behind your like a red shell
@TaleOfTheToaster 2 жыл бұрын
Some really good ideas in here, and Marnie’s theme makes it even better. I’m only a lil bit through so far but I can believe the Bomb Launcher happening
@ejatkinson6 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do a poll on what we think would most likely come into the booster course pass bracket-style like the one with the songs?
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Possibly! Though it may a predetermined path with all the leaks out there
@ejatkinson6 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds good. I didn't think about that 😅
@squidkid419 2 жыл бұрын
I’d like to see double cherry- whatever you get out of your next item box after using it gets doubled with a little x2 icon. This would also work with a double item box as well, doubling both items, but not if you get two separate item boxes.
@Allzoy 2 жыл бұрын
As a matter of fact, I’d love to see a MK with all of these items, potentially with a enabling/disabling system similar to Smash Bros. They’d probably have to keep it basic for Grand Prix but it’d be cool to see the possibilities for tournaments
@StickyTrap 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s some other ideas I thought of while watching The Penguin Suit (NSMBWII) will let you spawn ice on front of you acting like a boost pannel for you to belly slide on while everyone else gets ice physics The Boo Bell (Mario party 2) Lets you chose any item you want from any player that has an available item, if no items are there you get nothing The Hammer (Superstar Saga) Lets you ground an opponent who is in the range of the hammer casing them to be unable to move for 1 second Star Coin (NSMB) Doubles your coins even at 10 The Bowser Suit (Mario Party 2) Let’s you move at mushroom speed and if you bump into anyone they will lose all their coins and items this lasts for 3 seconds The Banzi Bill (NSMB) Acts as a bullet bill except it’s a bit slower but much larger The Plunger (Luigis Mansion 3) Lets you latch onto other players and slow them down while you speed up I have many other ideas LMK if you need more :)
@LeminLimez 2 жыл бұрын
if nintendo adds all of these it would end up being similar to the arcade games
@nathanch7898 Жыл бұрын
I have some ideas: Kamek wand: Rarity: 3/5 Battle mode rarity: 4/5 Hits 3 projectiles like fire flower and if it hits anyone a random item appears. 60% chance of stars, 30% of mushrooms and 10% chance of a spiny shell. 6th to 10th place item Cellular shopper (the Mario party item): Rarity: 4/5 Battle mode rarity: 5/5 A 4th to 6th place item where after 5 seconds it disappears and you automatically get any item you can get from 9th place or lower. In battle it just gives a useful item. Poltergust: Rarity: 2/5 Battle rarity: 4/5 If you hold forward while using the item, it equips a vacuum which sucks any human there and spit them out behind them. Lasts for five seconds, the earlier in the time they get sucked the farther they are launched back. Can also suck items on the floor that you can now use. Holding back while using it equips it behind you where you push enemies out backwards and get the slightest speed boost for 10 seconds. Fludd: Rarity: 1/5 Battle rarity: 1/5 Common in races because its a 6th place only item. Spins in circles for ten seconds and blows people to the direction it’s facing. triple brick block Rarity: 5/5 1st to 4th, 2/5 5th to 9th Battle rarity: 2/5 As you can see, a 1st to 9th place item. You can throw 3 blocks on the road and when hit it either break in one hit or is invisible and no one knows. If invincible, it spawns an item nearby that anyone can use every time hit. Red star (from Mario galaxy) Rarity: 2/5 but only appears once per race Battle rarity: 3/5 but also only appears once per race A bottom half only item that gives you regular driving speed while gliding, as well as star invincibility and sharper gliding turns. Also the star speed stacks with already regular speed. If using a bullet bill, a star or any other automatic speed boost item, it also stacks speed.
@ChainChuump64 2 жыл бұрын
I remember having this really weird item idea. So it’s a blue banana that you would throw just like the normal banana item. But when someone hits it, it will not break but instead move to another spot. The second time this is hit (this could be changed to being the only thing it does) it grows legs and moves back and forth, like a goomba. Once it is hit a third time it disappears. another idea was a banana mine. It sits on the ground and is camouflaged to look like a normal banana. Once hit it explodes like a Bob-omb and covers the screen of whoever hit it.
@NeonIceyy 2 жыл бұрын
Man this gave me some ideas now. (Sadly had no ideas when the post was made) *Spin Drill:* I believe this item was even planned for Mario Kart 7 at one point? But my idea is, you get underground for a select few seconds, get a decent amount of speed, (Not Bullet Bill speed, but faster than Star maybe) until you get spit out again. You can't harm any players and if you try to go of the track, a wall is bouncing you back so it's not too broken. Kinda like the Drill Wisp from Sonic Colours but your perspective is still on ground. *Blimp Fruit:* Kinda like a feather, but you bounce off the ground three times, each time getting higher and higher air. It creates a shock wave that can hit people, but you can also gain some height for shortcuts if used strategically. *Dash Pepper:* You get INSANE amounts of speed, faster than Bullet Bill even, but you have a hard time controlling it. May be a bit broken, but it runs out of steam if too many players got passed or the timer runs out. Plus it can be a risk sometimes. *Slot Machine:* Probably my favourite idea of them all. You get a spinning roulette block above your head which depicts useful item effects (Like Star, Mega Mushroom, very short Bullet Bill or long Shroom Burst) It works like the Thundercloud BUT! Instead of you trying to pass it off immediately to a different player, the player tries to STEAL it from you instead. The roulette spins for like 15 seconds, and the last player to have it gets the randomly picked item effect from it. (Since it's just an effect, they can still hold a different item in the meantime) And lastly, *Bowser Statue:* Probably good for last place. It shoots a big fire laser in a straight line through the road, everyone that gets shot by it gets thrown into the air like a bomb and everyone that touches it, spins out. The effect stays a little so it can definitely screw some players over if they have to go in that direction to proceed. (It also acts like a wall, so you can't cheese it either) Anyways some ideas I had. (Yes 3 of them were from Galaxy 2 lol)
@Militchick 2 жыл бұрын
Mayro answering Bubble was so amazing. No, not Bubble+ even, just Bubble, best item ever for trolls.
@WiiManLei 2 жыл бұрын
*bubble but when you use it you get stuck in bubble and can't race anymore*
@GalacticSonicZ Жыл бұрын
I have 2 ideas: The Trick Mushroom - Looks like a regular old mushroom, but you can throw it and when you use it, it slows the person you throw it at down instead of speeding them up. The places it appears in are 1st-3rd. AND... The Hyper Shell - Looks like a shell with rainbow aura around it. When you use it, it doesn't get thrown, BUT, instead, you get a boost like a Super Star, etc. The places it appears in are 8th-11th.
@thesmellofadventure5370 Жыл бұрын
Fake Coin (Similar to a fake item box) Warp Pipe (Xtra Rare)(Takes you to the finish line) Gold Flower (Hits everyone) BBB (Explosive banana that inks you) Pepper (Burns up the kart in front) Bag (Steals all items and stores them) Garlic (Creates a fog cloud) Coconut Gun (A gun attaches to your car)
@Akzeli5394 2 жыл бұрын
What editing program do you use? And can you recommend a good free editing program.
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
I use Final Cut Pro but if you want a top tier editing program for free then I would check out DaVinci Resolve. It’s a little complicated to learn but once you get used to it it’ll be much easier to transition to a paid program like Final Cut or Premiere
@Akzeli5394 2 жыл бұрын
@@GWallPro Thanks. I try DaVinci resolve. I did think i can made youtube videos and i want to edit videos becouse i like more much edited videos. But not too much edit. (I don’t know if i wrote right becouse i live in finland and im not yet very good to speak english)🇫🇮
@gdmrhotshot3731 2 жыл бұрын
Ice flower is a really good item I wish was added and 1 up mushroom is a good concept, same with blaze mushroom and double cherry, and mini mushroom, and thwomp
@typhlocube9359 2 жыл бұрын
My dream item roster would be : RETURNING ITEMS : - Mushroom - Triple Mushroom - Golden Mushroom - Mega Mushroom - Banana - Giant Banana - Fake Box - Green Shell - Red Shell - Triple Green/Red Shells - Bob-omb - Star - Boo - Lightning - Yoshi Egg (behaves like in Double Dash) - Hearts (same as Double Dash) - Bullet Bill - Red Flames (same as Double Dash) CHANGED ITEMS : - Banana Bunch : They're now 5 and behind you again (like MK64) - POW Block : It doesn't make you lose your items anymore (so it's not as strong as the lightning). - Blue Shell : It got back its wings so it now only hits the one in 1st place again. - Feather : It now makes you glide, but if the game's air speed is slower than ground speed it just gives a boost when landing (like a trick). - Blooper : It now just lets you spit three slippery ink puddles on the ground. - Poison Mushroom : Behaves like in Super Mario Kart, except it just slows you down (no shrinking). - Coin : The garbage coin system is gone. The Coin item now gets you at max speed. - Green Flames : They now stay on the ground instead of moving. They are also 3 instead of 5. - Chain Chomp : It's the same as Double Dash, except that it doesn't drag you along anymore. NEW ITEMS : - Double Bob-omb : Just 2 Bob-ombs, simple as that. - Birdo Egg : Pretty much a Bob-omb shell, but with a smaller explosion - Daisies : Same as Heart except it grants you a small boost (equal to a drift boost) except of picking up the items. There's 3 of them. - Lumas : Same as Heart except they destroy the item upon contact and also reflect the ones homing to you. It doesn't work with explosions, POW Blocks and Lightinings). There's 2 of them. - Toy Bob-omb (the one from Mario Sunshine) : Stays on the ground and explodes only upon contact. - Wah-Bomb : Same as Zap Cloud except that it explodes instead of shrinking. - Garlic : Red Shell that slows you down.
@sogged_cat 2 жыл бұрын
My favourite item concepts are (and why): The Star Bill; due to the fact it would be so broken, only last place can get it and the racer has to be really far away from 1st to be able to use it. The Yellow Shell; though, it would be cool if instead losing 4 coins, you steal 3 coins from the person that gets hit. The 1 up mushroom; wonderful idea, could be really useful in 200cc. The Rocket Flower; honestly, that sounds so cool. I would love to see it in a mario kart game. The Metal Cap: really cool concept and has a bit of skill behind it on how to make it effective.
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah those items were definitely all really cool!
@mp7853 2 жыл бұрын
if I would've suggested the purple shell, I would say that it acts like a blue shell but it targets second and you can get it in first, and when you throw it it goes through the whole map extremely fast and it doesn't change its target, so it would be a great strategy item and you could also extend your breakaway
@Abejorro97 2 жыл бұрын
I have an idea, but the more I think about it, the more I think people who receive it will compare it to getting a blooper. But anyways, it would be a boombox like the ones from Odyssey. It would play a song associated with the character using it, and would drown out all other in game music/sound effects for other players. It would also turn off visual alerts for red shells, stars, blue shells, etc, and maybe remove the mini map as well, forcing players to use their rear view if they want to avoid them. I wanted it to be a special item for musical characters like Pauline, Funky Kong, Ludwig, etc.
@WiiManLei 2 жыл бұрын
Blooper fix: Just make him a playable character lmao. Coin fix: Idk if this should return as an item even with this fix but if you you press, let's say the minus button, you can use 2 coins to respin the item roulette to hopefully get an item you actually want. Thundercloud fix: Once used, it'll target the player in 1st, one place ahead of you or the player that's closest to you (idk what one would work best). From there, it will act like a regular thundercloud. You'll get the speed bonus from it but you won't be able to pass it to anyone. Some new item ideas: Grand Star: You can only obtain this in the bottom spots. Once used, all of your stats will be increased to max for 10 seconds. Black Shell: Acts like a Green Shell but explodes when it hits a player. If it doesn't hit anyone before 10 seconds, it'll just explode on its own. Super Acorn: Kinda like the feather but instead of just tricking, you'll also be able to glide. Poison Flower: Act like a Fire Flower but whoever gets hit by it, their stats will be reduced to the lowest for 5 seconds. Orange Shell: Acts like a Red Shell but when it hits someone, their movement controls will be reversed (left is right, right is left, up is down and down is up). Lakitu: Acts like regular Lakitu but when used, instead of saving the player from falling off the track, he'll send the player to your location instead. It's random on which player he'll send to your location so chances are, he'll actually send a player behind you to your location which could be bad for you. Fake Item Box Token: This is the Fake Item Box's replacement. Once used, the token will randomly turn an Item Box or Double Item Box into a Fake Item/Fake Double Item Box. Only you can see which one is the fake because it'll be red for you but for every other player it won't be so obvious. The fake one won't have a question mark on it. If player hits the Fake Item Box, they'll get hit as if they where hit by a green shell for example. If they hit the Fake Double Item Box, they'll get hit as if they were hit by a Bob-omb for example.
@ComicSky 2 жыл бұрын
here's one for the drybones shell If you throw it behind you then you will enter it like in Super mario maker 2 when wearing it you will travel at the speed of a greenshell BUT cannot turn and will bounce of walls in this state until it ends in 10 seconds throwing it infront of you acts like a regular greenshell but if it hits someone then THEY will enter it and not be able to turn this gives you a choice because if you're on a straightaway you can use it to get further ahead or cut through undriveable terrain kinda like a mushroom but if you're on a track with alot of holes like rainbow Road or something you can throw it at someone else and watch them go flying off the edge adding more strategy to mario kart
@TheTrueD6 2 жыл бұрын
dude imagine a Mario kart game with like 100+ items that would be absolute fucking chaos and I love it
@PeachyFanboy 2 жыл бұрын
the guy who wanted the coin gone: just perfect idea
@tobeyreynolds8255 2 жыл бұрын
ITEM IDEA💡: a lava bubble, when you throw it it bounces 3 times and as it bounces it leaves small lava patches on the floor, the final bounce leaves a larger patch
@WorldLoveGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Fixed Fake Item Boxes: Goombas but incased in Item Boxes. Protect against incoming projectiles and make the player spin out upon driving into it.
@3dsethgaming7 Жыл бұрын
A Cat Bell that allows you to climb certain walls for a brief period of time to reach certain shortcuts designed for the cay bell to give you a speed advantage. Also like Double Dash to the whole idea of mariokart just rather with one person driving with like a pro controller or whatnot while the other person who uses items can like aim at another cart and lock on. My point is that if turnips were brought to Mariokart you could aim and throw them at a character stunning their kart making them spin out.
@whosmorales 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, so I know that you might not make another video of this, but I still would like to share the idea of "Fusion Items" being a thing in the next game. How could they have fused? Probably thanks to Spawny from Mario & Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. But anyways, here are my 4 Fusion Items! Inky Plant (The Piranha Plant + The Blooper) [Will shoot ink puddles in front/behind the user, causing the other racers to spin out.] Lightning Shell (The ThunderBolt + The Spiny Shell) [Instantly goes for 1st place, & shrinks the racer down for a few seconds.] Rain-Boo (The Boo + The Super Star) [Turns the user invisible, & whenever they run into another racer, they cause them to flip out.] Shell-Shroom (The Mushroom + The Red Shell) [If the shell hits a racer, the one who threw it gets a speed boost.]
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Those are really cool ideas! Thanks for sharing! And never say never on a part 2 :)
@whosmorales 2 жыл бұрын
@@GWallPro :0 Ooooo?
@SMPSMLParodies_ 2 жыл бұрын
11:58 GWallPro: “Then, let’s say you can get an automatic” **Ad Pops Up** dangmattsmith: Don’t Go In There!!! 💀💀💀
@Mictheking 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Gabe for putting my idea in the vid!
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
No problem! Thanks for commenting!
@codymanthey5694 2 жыл бұрын
Track ideas: Shy guy cove: a pirate themed corse. You start out driving on a beach before going underwater and surfacing into a giant cave with pirate ships and wooden catwalks. You would drive onto a pirate ship where you would driving below deck before being shot out a cannon onto a cat walk. You would have to doge shy guy pirates throwing bob-bombs at you. You would drive out a small opening in the cave and drive along the cliff side beach back to the starting line. Chain chomp ruins: a desert themed corse. You would start in a small Arabic themed town before heading out towards the desert where you have to dodge pokeys. You would come up to a pyramid with 4 options. 1. You go left around the the pyramid. 2. You go right around the pyramid. 3. You drive over the pyramid. 4 you drive under the pyramid into a large chamber with moving platforms over a huge bottomless pit. You would drive back towards the town driving on houses and booths before crossing the finish line. Shinespright hotel: you start out in the parking lot before driving through the front doors. You drive up the stairs and throw someone's room before driving off the balcony and into another room. You drive out the room up another flight of stairs and throw the casino. You then end up at the top of the hotel where you can drive off a diving board into the pool or around pool. Then you glide towards the beach and back back to the parking lot. Basically you land on the beach after gliding and you drive back towards the hotel
@arjanvanschaik242 2 жыл бұрын
I would split the blue shell. - Winged blue shell: when fired, it goes into the air. It goes to the player in first and exploses him/her (just how it works in Mario Kart Wii for example, but without the spikes). - Spiked blue shell: when fired, it goes the same pad forewards as the bullet bill. It can basically hit everybody in front of you, when they are in its way. Then it goes eventually in the air after passing the player in 2nd and exloses the player in first. But with a smaller blast radious than the winged shell.
@SparkyWolf_ 2 жыл бұрын
These are all really cool concepts, a lot of them would be amazing in a Mario Kart game Also, really glad you put my P Switch idea in your video and think it's a cool concept 🙂
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! :)
@torterratortellini6641 Жыл бұрын
Gold bullet: a bullet bill that you can get in higher places however it will leave a trail of coins for other people to collect.
@animejuice1 2 жыл бұрын
black shell, like a green shell but if you get hit it has a blooper effect
@SebfanV5 2 жыл бұрын
Or maybe have the raccoon suit from NSMBU, this item would let u glide on whatever part of the track u r!
@gamingforalaugh77 2 жыл бұрын
A super bullet bill that is a gold bullet bill with a rainbow star effect and is 2x faster and lasts 2x longer it is also larger so you can knock over more people it also shoots out mini bullet bills like the bullet bill frenzy in mkt and then overheats and blows up launching impacted drivers into the air it also takes shortcuts and you can only get it in 12th
@Official_Birdo 2 жыл бұрын
I’m glad you liked my idea! ⭐️
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah yours was awesome!
@elvenbuttress Жыл бұрын
Honestly, for Metal cap, I was expecting like… you could take more hits, like a triple banana, but you don’t have to deal with the larger gap between the bananas
@EeveeEnjoyer707 2 жыл бұрын
It is so cool seeing comments i have read and even my own making an appearance in this video! It makes me feel special in a weird kind of way
@kirboo34 2 жыл бұрын
This is a wild pick but how about the Zapper used from Duck Hunt. When you use it, you can aim other racers thus slowing them down. It'll only last for 3 shots so you'll have to use it wisely. I know it's not mario related but I think it'll be really cool.
@smokedsanjl 2 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite new Upcoming Mario/Nintendo youtuber love the content 💯
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I really appreciate that! :)
@Mowdown 2 жыл бұрын
I want the thundercloud back but due to the presence of a lot of other items, it appears a lot rarer than in mario kart wii. Then it‘s not that annoying. Oh and lower the percentage of it if you already got it once, so it gets VERY VERY rare to get a second thundercloud in such a short time afterwards but it can still happen so funny or fail moments still exist of it :D.
@DanielP-jq4dj 10 ай бұрын
I think the coin box should just be something that appears in various spots on the track and function like the wumpa crate from CTR
@AidanBwastaken 2 жыл бұрын
Yellow and Purple Shells are good ideas. (I just want more shells tbh)
@owomelette 2 жыл бұрын
Other ideas: Charging shell:it's like a green shell but when you want to throw the shell launches 3 second after you press the button and all the players around you have a signal that your charging it and when you it someone or a wall it explode but in a huge explosion. Invisible winged shell: it's a blue shell but when you throw it, it goes up and stay stationary and turn invisible until someone in first place goes under it and then it explode like a blue shell (could be great in team for strategy's)
@teenageapple3788 2 жыл бұрын
Metal Mario with the metal cap item. Metal Mario: *Useless*
@Stratilex 2 жыл бұрын
The fake item box, but when someone hits it instead of acting like a banana, it starts a bad roulette that could either shrink, slow down, spin out, explode, freeze, reverse left and right turning, etc.
@torterratortellini6641 Жыл бұрын
Maybe an item called the hypnotic mushroom where a hypnotic wave is fired that will take the same path you took on your previous race of that track.
@cordellriemer5177 2 жыл бұрын
Item idea: The virus from Dr Mario can make the opponents screen dizzy just like it was from Mario kart arcade gp.
@islippedtheslime 2 жыл бұрын
So glad I made it into the video as number 62
@christianfrost8660 Жыл бұрын
Here's one. The Super Crown. All the power of a Golden Mushroom and a Super Star at the same time. Only the Bullet Bill could compete with this catch up item.
@FanOfAnimation 2 жыл бұрын
I have a couple of ideas that weren’t mentioned Spring Mushroom: Works similar to the feather, but it’s several jumps allowing trick shots. Boo Mushroom: Works like Boo but doesn’t steal an item. Magic Wand: Akin to the Yoshi/Birdo egg, but has a more powerful honing, and an item spawns behind the hit opponent. Pom Pom’s Ninja Stars: Spawns around you like the triple shell, but when you throw it, they all get thrown at once, similar to Mario/Luigi’s Fireball from Double Dash. Magic Paintbrush: A splotch of paint is thrown behind you like dropping a banana, but when a opponent drives into it, they deal with an effect that’s a multicolored blooper.
@somedumbo5665 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe with the two mushroom ones they can add a slight speed boost, not to the extent of a dash mushroom but a slightly shorter one
@theonlyjnockl698 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe no one brought up the Capsule/Pill Item from Mario Kart Tour, that's one of my favorite items in MKT lol
@VrtualRealityTurtle 2 жыл бұрын
Ink Flower, throw ink balls at opponents and if they hit it spins them out and inks up their screen, an adding insult to injury type item.
@scmtuk3662 2 жыл бұрын
If they ever bring back the FIB, it should be like the Mario Kart 64 version, where it was almost impossible to distinguish them. Future FIBs have been red, so it's like .... what's the point? No one's going to think "OH look, a RED one. I'm definitely going to hit that!"
@MedukaProject0 10 ай бұрын
ITEM IDEA 💡: The smash bros item that gets you a teammate, your teammate helps you to finish the race in a high place
@a3kargo 2 жыл бұрын
It would be cool if the mini shroom would shrink you and increase your speed while you're small, then you can activate the mini shroom again when near somebody to quickly grow and spin them out. Maybe you could get a speed boost once you grow?
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah those would be really cool ways to help balance out the mini Mushroom!
@flimsychip5919 2 жыл бұрын
2:42 I had the same idea except the shell would be gold
@PiegiXD_2319 2 жыл бұрын
I think the Dry Shell should turn you car into the shell, then YOU go rolling like a Red Shell and change back when you hit someone.
@gamingforalaugh77 2 жыл бұрын
Frenzies as a vs mode option would be so cool
@element1192 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like the idea of the warp box because there would be no strategy to using it and it would be broken in last place
@Lttaylortt 2 жыл бұрын
I thought of a Paratroopa Shell, so a red shell but it can keep going after its hit someone but it can only hit 3-4 people before it breaks
@NickLogoAbk2913 Жыл бұрын
Item idea:Spinner Leaves other racers spinning for 11 seconds so you can get past them
@NoIdentity62 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't saw the whole video, so I don't know if it's in, but I thought of fuzzy as an item. When used, the driver form a line by driving around and Fuzzy will start moving along it. It would be invincible and would disappear on its own after a moment.
@torterratortellini6641 Жыл бұрын
Wing cap: makes you go faster and become more light.
@edmondc6470 2 жыл бұрын
Cheep cheep: Can be thrown both directions & will bounce straight on the track & if it hits another racer, they’ll slow down for 6-7 seconds while squashed
@edmondc6470 2 жыл бұрын
The deep Cheep will work the exact same but it homes in on the closest racer to it
@TrainWreckYT 2 жыл бұрын
I know this might seem like a stupid question but where do you find these mariokart events? There have been so many that I've really wanted to participate in, but I don't know how to.
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
I just ask these questions on my Community Tab! On my main channel page there's different tabs right under my profile picture and channel banner that say " HOME | VIDEOS | PLAYLISTS | COMMUNITY | STORE " The Community Tab is placed right in between the Playlists Tab and the Store Tab, and you can find it on desktop and mobile! I do polls/questions on there pretty much every day, and I will also post questions like this with items where your comments/votes can appear in a future video! Hope this helps and I hope to see some of your comments on my Community Posts! :)
@TrainWreckYT 2 жыл бұрын
Damn it my device can't access the community posts.
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
@@TrainWreckYT oh no really?! That sucks, they should be available to everyone! I’m really sorry to hear that, hopefully you can figure it out! Like maybe try the KZbin website instead of the app or vice versa
@UltraSTH Жыл бұрын
Imagine a boxing glove item Close range weapon that instantly KOs another racer if the punch connects, having Lakitu respawn them as if they fell off the track.
@gdmrhotshot3731 2 жыл бұрын
Yo GWallPro, just subbed to ur channel, keep up the good content
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, I really appreciate that!! :)
@Michael_Misseri 2 жыл бұрын
Remove the blooper and add PAINTBRUSH (exclusive to Bowser Jr.) Get close to another player and spam the item button to blur their screen with rainbow paint! If you are not near someone, spam the item button to leave paint puddles behind for other players to spin out on!!!
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
That's a REALLY good idea!
@daydaydoo2726 2 жыл бұрын
Tiny mushroom, maybe on some levels where a tiny mushroom could be used for a shortcut like a normal mushroom.
@zkoopa4445 2 жыл бұрын
7:00 his profile picture's color matches the item's color
@notused4783 2 жыл бұрын
Dang I'm so sad my Spring Mushroom idea never made it into the video ;(
@GWallPro 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry about that I don't think I saw it there when I recorded 😞
@ShirmaAkayaku 2 жыл бұрын
The POW Block needs to be re-introduced as the Blue Shell destroyer, not the Super Horn. Back in the og Mario Bros, the POW Block could make spiny enemies vulnerable.
@JohnSmith12648 2 жыл бұрын
Wow I’m on the video
@joeybestestbest5141 2 жыл бұрын
They should add a feather but after doing the trick thing your glider activates so you can glide wherever you want
@purplepango8866 Жыл бұрын
Imagine an item that creates a crater in the ground that u can trick out of like on cheese land. It could be a drill or saw blade u throw.
@kylerobertson5048 2 жыл бұрын
New item idea: Lucky Bell Basically it works like the Super Bell in Tour but whenever you hit someone in the radius they turn into gold and won't move for 3-5 seconds. (Kinda broken ik...).
@torterratortellini6641 Жыл бұрын
Boxing gloves that would punch racers
@maxxe2108 2 жыл бұрын
The thing about Mario Kart is, there is no Item with zero Counterplay exept the Lightning
@kierangayle197 2 жыл бұрын
Item Idea the rainbow shell, a shell that one you throw it, it stays on the track the entire race and hits anyone it collides with.
@torterratortellini6641 Жыл бұрын
Maybe an item called Trio of 3 where you get a super leaf, hammer suit, and frog suit.
@ilayaster 2 жыл бұрын
Would be cool, if modders will add some of these to MK8DX. Ik, community is kinda small rn, but I think, if it will find a good modders, we can get some cool stuffs, like these. Cuz we already have an easy (not that much) CT creating tool. So yeah.
@torterratortellini6641 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps a moon that lets you enable anti gravity wherever
@maximebelverge2811 2 жыл бұрын
Mirror shell that invert left and right control of the player who gets it for a little amount of time
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