Game Awards & Monster Hunter Wilds With Rurikhan | Yggdrasil Podcast 37

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@fenyx_007 9 ай бұрын
I'm not even the biggest MH or Elden Ring fan but these two guys are just so pleasant to listen to because they're the rare amicable and actually reasonable adults who don't react for content and are instead just being themselves genuinely enjoying talking about games. Hell yeah guys, keep this stuff going, it's such a nice listen!
@vladorac6 9 ай бұрын
Chill adults >
@ogelpeace4610 9 ай бұрын
Yes indeed
@enternamehere142 9 ай бұрын
Not into MH or Elden Ring??? Curious what the games you enjoy are? Guessing Nintendo games
Slurp harder bro
@BitLyrist 9 ай бұрын
These natural discussion podcasts I love because I get to hear perspectives and ways of approaching games (and content production) that I wouldn’t normally hear day-to-day.
@blackmamba2081 9 ай бұрын
Glad to see Rurikhan back on the podcast. 1:59:40 There was a Lightning Rod item in Freedom Unite that you could use to make lightning hit the monster during stormy weather, I remember using it when I fought a Plesioth in the jungle. So it's possible they could just bring it back.
@thefraser5131 9 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the lightning rod from FU! And I finished playing FU last summer too! I remember using it in a kushala hunt because I was given them in the supply box. And that was really the only time I used them. There was a lot of cool stuff in FU, I hope those books that you could buy and read come back, which tell you about an environment/monster, also giving you tips and tricks for the map/monster they're about
@deathdiamond15 9 ай бұрын
I believe Frontier ALSO had a lightning rod item, and it was used against monsters that call down lightning strikes so that you wouldn't get hit.
@ListlessWither 9 ай бұрын
I mean Frontier was literally supposed to be a port of the 2nd Gen on PC initially iirc so makes sense@@deathdiamond15
@epic4242 9 ай бұрын
I love the Rata and Ruri podcast
@The_Babe 9 ай бұрын
Should have a monthly podcast called RataRuriRadio lol
@mf_hume 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate Ruri’s take around the 33:00 mark about how these award shows have to operate within some constraints of what will actually receive views. I’ve seen lots of hating on the format from people who almost certainly wouldn’t watch the awards if not for the promise of high profile reveals. Not that the format is ideal for me, but I appreciate that yall take a realistic perspective
@electricmocasins7789 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I think there definitely needs to be a balance. Personally I only really care about awards with games I played and enjoyed but I still think most awards other than esports stuff deserve more respect than they got this year.
@ShinRock54 9 ай бұрын
Someone made a post on the Monster Hunter sub-reddit in which they talk about a map, showing the new world. On the left side, we have the main map of MH:World, with Astera, The Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste etc. But on the right side, there's just a huge, empty area on the map. The theory right now, is that, that huge empty space on the map is where Wilds will take place. So, the next game we go further to the east and away from Astera. Probably to expand, build new settlements and exploring new, uncharted territories.
@ab2dii467 9 ай бұрын
ruri and gaijin and now THIS? we're eating good
@eccentricbeing 9 ай бұрын
Listening to you guys made me get Monster Hunter World. I haven't touched this franchise since the PSP days.
@kurosan0079 9 ай бұрын
That's great, man! Hope you enjoy it!
@parkerriggs3861 9 ай бұрын
Heres my take on the inconvenience aspect. I think its more nuanced then just saying inconveniefe adds immersion. It has to make sense mechanically and within the context of the world but on top of that you still have to have somethijg that is at least somewhat engaging. The sharpening mechanic works because during a hunt if you lose sharpness you have to either find the right time to sharpen, distract the monster with a tool like a flashpod or trap, or hope the monster leaves the zone. I personaly think the idea of having to leave the hunt to go the hub area to restock as inconvenient as that is doesnt work because if you continue hunting the same monster even if you have to find it again youre just extending and making the problem you had with restocking longer and more inconvenient without any engagement. Just my two cents :) Great podcast, loved every second of it!
@electricmocasins7789 9 ай бұрын
I like the idea of inconvenience with things like limited resources and restocking if it's done well. I primarily use bowguns so I hope it's balanced if it's something with longer hunts. I also like the idea of tracking coming back. I think it would be interesting if leveling up monster reach like in world would reveal tracks on the map rather than the monster so on each hunt you still have to track the monster each time.
@parkerriggs3861 9 ай бұрын
@@electricmocasins7789 I agree, which is why I like the concept ruri and ratotoskr brought up of allowing you to bring certain items with you on the hunt on your mount. Or what would be cool is being able to find enough extra resources in the wild to be stocked up but it would have to be balanced correctly
@kurosan0079 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's why they kinda shut the idea down after they said it. To me, just restocking from the items you can gather in the field is enough to get that immersion in. Ran out of potions? Go grab some herbs and honey. Ran out of ammo? Well, go get some of the plants that auto-combine into ammo.
@rz3264 9 ай бұрын
I like it more if the bird mounts act like secondary backpack, that only have access to things that you put in there, just like outwards.
@markos50100 9 ай бұрын
I'm hoping the hunter birb works that way as well. I want them to reduce the total number of items you can have on yourself, like 5 potions instead of ten, and have the birb carry 15. Or at least work like a second hunter pouch with another ten. And a second weapon of your choice.
@CherikoSol 9 ай бұрын
The pangolin section was hilarious. For me it was weird seeing people know they exist. I had loved them for years but everyone I knew would be dumbfounded to know they’re real.
@loayzc10 9 ай бұрын
If you have an interest in lance, do not listen to ruri, I have played almost every weapon and the lance might just be the most fun weapon, but not for what people think. Imo, the weapon isn't a "lance" weapon but rather a "shield" weapon. The whole play style centers around that you are blocking and countering. The attacks are not what makes the lance fun, that's why the attacks are so straightforward. You can jump and block at the same time making it one of the most mobile weapons believe it or not. It makes the fights with monster feel like a boxing match or something, it's so incredibly satisfying once you master blocking and become a relentless damage machine. Give it a shot.
@deathdiamond15 8 ай бұрын
I keep coming back to this video because I love you two talking about Wilds. I really like the ideas you guys present and how you talk about them with each other. I've re-watched it maybe 10 times now. I cannot contain my excitement for this game. I wish they didn't announce it so soon, but I'm still very happy about it.
@TheaSvendsen 7 ай бұрын
Me too. Could listen to these guys for hours on end.
@alanreplicant8615 9 ай бұрын
About the underwater topic. Older Monster Hunter Games you need to use some itens or endemic life to bring water monsters to the land. In 1 or 2 you can fight Plasioth taunting him to get of the water wich he will be back a lot and you can't get in, and you can place a frog to lure him as well.
@TheaSvendsen 7 ай бұрын
That’s pretty cool! I didn’t know that. I hope that they’ll get back to the hunting part again since there’s not much of it left in the newer games.
@yuhezou123 9 ай бұрын
I had quite the opposite idea on fall damage: what if there is no fall damage whatsoever, so that you could jump off a cliff on the bird mount and glide forward a bit, and then the hunter could launch forward midair to perform a super powered up aerial attack with extra mount damage to efficiently bring some of the flying/gliding large monsters down to the ground in one shot?
@vladorac6 9 ай бұрын
1:04:54 That sentence/message is so underrated and true. Without any exception I have enjoyed every game a lot more when I didn’t know much about it beforehand. Edit: „YOURE NOT AS SKILLED AS TEAM DARKSIDE“ lmao
@pepis1132 7 ай бұрын
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU! Part of monster hunter's identity comes from its ecologically sensible and grounded monster designs. What you refer to as speculative evolution. When I mentioned this in a reddit thread as the argument as to why I wouldn't like frontier monsters to keep making it to mainline, everybody started telling me I had been brainwashed by MHW. That Monster Hunter was never about that, it was just about fighting cool fantasy creatures, and it was just World that had introduced that concept. I thought I was going crazy lol.
@TheTickyTickyTicky 9 ай бұрын
I'm a bowgun user and I hated being able to restock. It turned the weapon from a fun precision challenge to a mindless spam. Maybe if you made re-stocking conditional (like if the hunts take too long) it would please most people.
@ab2dii467 9 ай бұрын
it’s interesting how around 1:20:00 mark ruri said he wants a 30 minutes hunts and dont mind it and not even two minutes later start complaining about…30 minutes anamoly hunts that are difficult i feel like alot of talk about difficulty and inconvenience can be very.. dangerous? alot of things sounds good on paper but can they be fun say 500 hours into the game when you're in the endgame ? MHWilds will be easy on release, we will be playing low/high rank and it wont be difficult, and people gonna complain about it like they did with world and rise. the difficult part will start appearing in endgame and i wonder how they'll handle it
@rurikhan 9 ай бұрын
the problem with 30 minute anomaly hunts (which I think I mention during that segment) is that you spend 30 minutes and get no progression on your anomaly level. If it's like a 30 minute hunt and I get like... 1.5 anomaly levels it's all god. The problem is that it's 30 minutes for like less than 1/3 of a level.
@ab2dii467 9 ай бұрын
@@rurikhan for that yeah i agree
@fernandozavaletabustos205 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for another great episode from the podcast!
@Omegasutoraiki 9 ай бұрын
Everything you have said is exactly what I have been trying to convey in comment section discussions full of people who don't want to Hunt but just want to boss fight. This game series is called Monster Hunter not Monster Slayer we aren't going out here just to kill we are going out to experience the world and feel like you are in this universe. So many people are not paying attention to the core value the team in Monster Hunter actually wants and just think of themselves and their personal idea for the game. Sure I love the idea of making the game exactly like how I want but I also understand the game needs to follow what the team wants, and what the man in charge of the team wants is a grounded world that can pass as real as you walk through it. Life is not convenient and hunting is the least convenient thing someone can do. Personally I want to feel like I am Hunting. My perfect version of a hunt would be starting with only the info on the quest notice about the monster stuff like Last seen location, Hostility, Basic stuff to look out for when engaging, and the in universe art of the monster to know what I am looking for. Once you get within the last seen location you character might even pull out their scout fly cage and send them off telling you without having to check the map that you are in the area to start looking. You have to look for evidence of the creature but instead of World style Scout Flies in your face, the visibility of evidence is more prominent without them and they only have small particle effects above them that when you pay attention will help you find the tracks faster but otherwise you can tune them out very easily and they aren't cluttering the screen. Imagine being able to even disable scout flies and tracking manually too once you find tracks. But you can follow the tracks until they stop at which point you either find it or it was a flying creature that flew off, you gain a little information about it's behaviors from the tracks and evidence and get a lead on where it could be in the area and go there to find more evidence. You either find the target or another trail to follow and learn even more on the way before you finally find it and engage in the fight. If you decide to capture it instead of kill it you gain more research information and can track their possible location faster. (I understand I am typing some essay level comment but tbh I am really hype about the idea of expanding the ecosystem and possibly even making the game more hunt centric. I absolutely LOVE being able to learn about the creatures and how they interact with their environment and I want to feel like I am in the world instead of feeling like I am in a huge arena like in Rise.)
@biggums5 9 ай бұрын
Fantastic timing! Andor is the set up for Rogue One, so you'll enjoy that movie/series. But yeah... it's been hard to be a star wars fan under Disney.
@megavolt67 9 ай бұрын
It's been hard being a Star Wars fan since the special editions and the prequel trilogy. The Disney movies just caused me to quit being a Star Wars fan altogether. I'll always be a fan of the original trilogy as well as some of the videogames and books, but I no longer look forward to any new Star Wars media.
@ravagerlizard9800 9 ай бұрын
What i would like to see in wilds for the "smaller tier" monster categories are for them to defend themselves properly, for example. Aptonoths, apceros in lore have been known to successfully fend off and even kill their predators, what i would love to see in game is smaller or mid tier monsters doing just that, being more aggressive and territorial not even to other monsters but to the hunters as well. Instead of running all the time i want them to fight back and actually be a bit of a challenge in instances, that could add on to the realism in the game to expand on their ecology, you know. If they bring back larinoth of sauropod like creatures in the game i want to see them actually fighting back against glavenus and other predators for example, in lore the predators have been known flee with broken body parts etc
@ravagerlizard9800 9 ай бұрын
I love the speculative evolution and biology ordeal also! I hope Capcom will never get rid of that aspect because it is one of my favorite psrts about monster hunter because they feel like real life animals actually surviving and thriving in their ecosystems. I really hope they completey flesh out each monster's ecology in this game like they do in the lore books and on their Wikipedia! And for us animal documentary nerds and biologist even add a speculative evolution tree in the game to see each monster category common ancestry, relatives etc!
@loayzc10 9 ай бұрын
FF16 was absolutely not robbed. It won best music, and that's deserved, but it was a very mid game. The best parts were short lived, and admittedly epic, but the rest of the game was, and I'm not joking, 3/10.
@leonidasvonsparta 9 ай бұрын
I just want to say , i enjoy your videos rata and i like your calm analyzing personality, you are able to transport the spark of excitement and joy for games and theorys wich i really appreciate.
@jaivettasheem1314 9 ай бұрын
Valtrax is a good example i love about monster designs. It needs oxygen to covert with its dragon energy to fly and shoot. If you break it's chest while it's taking in oxygen it combust and explodes kinda like a jet engine being clogged.
@paledivine 9 ай бұрын
1:07:49 brother… there’s a bonfire 10 feet from the boss… did.. did he miss the bonfire or forget it in his retelling I wonder
@A_Dylan_of_No_Renown 9 ай бұрын
1:56:03 A lot of people know what a pangolin is because its the animal which was theorized in 2020 to have transfered COVID-19 to humans. Now immunologists believe pangolins did NOT transer COVID-19 to humans, as genome sequences of the pangolin coronavirus is only 92% similar to the initual variant of COVID-19 in human populations-too different to account for the COVID-19 variant which caused the pandemic.
@chrono_s9699 9 ай бұрын
Rurikhan saying he wants inconvenience in MH yet he doesn't like inconvenience of using bowguns smh
@FlanzoFarrence 9 ай бұрын
RIP Ruri for promoting that trial... (Keep up the good work!)
@markos50100 9 ай бұрын
On the item capacity topic, i would like to have less or equal inventory than what the birds inventory is. This way, instead of going to the hub and fast travel, having many items on the field would be more beneficial so you can refill with the minor inconvenience of wandering around the area to restock. And maybe you can have a temporary camp in which you can send as many resources as you wish on the quest and have your palico send supply requests to the hub if you really run out.
@SuperSoulSpark 9 ай бұрын
Oh yeah. Good duo right here. The Dad and his kooky squirrel. Hi, I'm also sorry.
@Dr_Donald_Duck 9 ай бұрын
This podcast had at least another 40 minutes in it. It was a very entertaining one :)
@VoltaDoMar 9 ай бұрын
Rata, if you play Alan Wake 2, then you will understand why it won Best Art Direction
@baelGIGAN 9 ай бұрын
the best part of the game awards every year is the inevitable kojima entrance onto the stage with thunderous applause like its wwe, and for that i'd say the whole show is worth it.
@sanguinetales 9 ай бұрын
I hope Final Fantasy 17 combines 14 and SoP mechanics in a single player experience. 14 has a ton of Jobs and a great combat system. Most FF fans will want to return to turn-based which I can sympathize with but they've made dozens of turn based games and Square wants to experiment.
@markos50100 9 ай бұрын
I had a thought rehearing the podcast on item capacity. What if a new type of quest is given that does not have a particular timer that specifies a larger quantity of monsters to hunt to incentivise staying on the map for longer periods of time. That way with the more limited inventory of the hunter and the bird ride, you can feel more compelled to restock by actually roaming the map rather than going back. This coupled with no restocks from camp may be what we are looking for. And maybe we can send flares or palico to fetch more items from the hub or village to restock if you really need to.
@Crashh965 9 ай бұрын
You two are some of my favorite podcast hosts. you guys speak amazingly
@DarkExcuritas 9 ай бұрын
Fun fact: There actually was a lighting rod in MHFU. You couldn't use barrel bombs during the rain so the lighting rod was kinda like a replacement for that.
@totalwarlock9498 9 ай бұрын
replaying Tri in prep for wilds, feels soo good to go back to the real monster hunter games, no restock, long hunts, and dangerous monsters i really hope wilds goes back to monster hunter's roots
@MrSir-p9l 9 ай бұрын
OMG this podcast is so BAD you are both wrong about everything! I cant believe I forced myself to listen to the whole thing! Just kidding I it's great, I'm just trying to get attention. I love watching both your videos about certain topics to see your different takes on it. Actually having you discuss stuff in a podcast is always a treat. I dont usually listen to long-form content like this, but time just seems to fly when I'm listening to you guys!
@schwarnhild_pixel_art 9 ай бұрын
Had us in the first half, not gonna lie
@statesminds 9 ай бұрын
Enjoyed this podcast! Can tell yall were excited when discussions a new Monster Hunter. While i like rise sunbreak i enjoyed world iceborne way more. But all the Wilds hype made me go back to Sunbreak since didnt do some monsters and Amatsu is so cool. I actually failed when i went back lol
@Solfonix 9 ай бұрын
When ruri talks about the Rathalos situation at 1:40:00 I think it would also be great to retreat from the rathalos and gather more healing instead. Gathering on the go is one of the best aspects of hunting monster to me.
@mattjohnson7849 9 ай бұрын
Wha if the new mount is a non-combatant, and palamute just become helpers like palicos. And palamutes and palicos are given distinct roles like palicos assist the hunter through things like healing, and palamutes distract and help draw attention from the hunter.
@augustblade6167 9 ай бұрын
I was really disappointed by your talk about negative comments. I recently had a disagreement with Ruri and he answered my comments and we did work it out after having a civil discussion. I rarely post positive comments because if i like a video of yours or Ruri's, most people have said what i felt and you mentioned that essentially those comments are invisible to you. My point here is, I understand not wanting to engage with negativity because someone is just trying to get under your skin, but not all negative comments are like that. It makes me not want to point out issues and engage with the content creator.
@jonhard12 9 ай бұрын
🤣same with me some of ruribald video is OK but sometime he don't talk quite logically nowadays I bash him on his video if I find it funny or bad takes although he keep saying he is old but I'm older than ruribald Basically there are some out there trashing ruribald we have the rights to talk about it KZbinrs always have personas
@augustblade6167 9 ай бұрын
@@jonhard12 I think you've missed my point
@jonhard12 9 ай бұрын
Just saying my point Sorry
@augustblade6167 9 ай бұрын
@@jonhard12 ?? Why are you apologizing? I just don't think you understood what I wrote.
@jonhard12 9 ай бұрын
It's OK just wanted to say with my experience with ruribald that's all
@SheepyMcSheeperton 9 ай бұрын
Okay the flinch free discussion, I think it's easy to argue in favor of removing it when you main a weapon that doesn't have to deal with getting tripped nearly as often. I'm fine with going back to the no flinch free days, but for the love of god, give Lance a bit more invincibility against being tripped. It's kind of ridiculous.
@mikedelgrande5296 9 ай бұрын
Ok, but Ratatat literally tries to piss ppl off. 😂 he even suggests you unsubscribe and that if he didn’t piss you off this time he’ll get to you in a future video. But I always find myself agreeing with him so I doubt he’ll ever piss me off.
@SiltStrider232 9 ай бұрын
100% would watch a DS3 coop stream with you guys, the banter is next level !! Would be so entertaining 👍
@ckwi2245 9 ай бұрын
Currently at about 1:40:00, will just reply to myself for more thoughts as this wall o' text is pretty intimidating for most comment readers already. Mild problems to think about on the the "MH: Wilds Wishlist: Segment about an hour and a half in. If they go with the pure open world no fast travel, no return to hub town then a chunk of your other list items break: 1. The camps have to remain a restock point and probably gain the ability to start hunts from there, could try for can't restock at the camp while a on a hunt, but then the camp functionally becomes exempt from part of the open world during gameplay. 2. This would also hit the main hub town, since technically you would have to disable that function in the main hub town as well to keep it as part of the open world, and disable restock. Possible side effect for congruency of the mechanic changing this way would be losing the ability to offload gathered materials mid mission. If you are not supposed to be able to access your inventory during a mission, which mind you has no borders to where you can go, the possibility of gathering needed resources while chasing down the monster would go out the window due to it filling up the inventory irrevocably. You could really only gather materials during a hunt, that you may need for that hunt. 3. Second side effect, since the inventory is supposed to be inaccessible, cooking for meals from the camps would require you to bring ingredients with you since there is supposed to be no supplies at camps. After all these possible issues a camp becomes nothing but a respawn point and safe area, which the latter it shouldn't be if the world is truly open. 4. As a second order side effect of such things, one of two problems could occur with the World Maps Structure. A. All the areas are located radially around the main hub time, i.e 1-3 is savannah, 3-6 is desert, 6-9 is jungle/swamp, 9-12 is snow. B. Some areas are ridiculously far away from the hub town and would potentially have to be manually traversed across multiple massive zones between each hunt and any time you want to alter your load out. In MH: World terms this would be You exit Astera to get to the Ancient Forest, walk from there to the Wildspire Wastes, trek all the way through to the Coral Highlands, navigate down into the Rotten Vale, and finally into Elder's Recess as a one way trip to hunt a Dodogama, then go back all the way through that to turn in the hunt. 5. Another second order side effect, how would this affect the hunt clock? Or does the timer just get removed? Does it start when you pick it up? When you leave town? When you arrive at the right biome? When you find the monster? How does it change for multiplayer? Does everyone independently choose the same hunt? Does one pick it up and everyone manually follow? At least this is what I can come up with as potential issues quickly. Personal thoughts on these matters: 1-2. I don't think phasing in and out just the functionality of accessible areas constantly is a good option as a game design or immersion stand point. It's not terrible as story aligned point, i.e. blacksmith isn't working as giant elder dragon is causing earthquakes in town, so he's down for a mission or two, but as "Town breaks every time you start a Hunt" would feel terrible. Potentially limiting, or player predetermining the inventory of the field camps isn't the worst thing. Gear swap removed, and a second inventory space with finite slots and similar stack count restrictions as the player inventory isn't unworkable. 1-3. Is it worth it having multiple places called "Camps" that are purely respawn points and contorting the "immersion and hunt-like feel" to make that work? Personally think not, if that's it's only purpose only have one located centrally or at an edge. Setting up tents around an area with nothing to them but a rain shelter, seems incredible stupid for an allegedly trained and coordinated group of hunters and scientists to do. 4. I think fast travel from town to hunt zone is inevitable. As having either of those map issues from 100% disabling it would make the experience worse for me. Now removing fast travel from between camps in a zone, I can get behind, or at least downgrading them to flight paths that take actual time to get between, but likely faster than running/mounting through it at least in some cases. This case would be like the Rathalos tree canopy camp in Ancient Forest, I'd take a real minute long flight path from the NW Corner broken tree merry-go-round clearing camp up to there rather than run it pretty quickly. Edit: definitely need to ditch the teleport to camp from anywhere though, if they want to keep fast travel, at least make us manually run to a camp first. 5. I don't see them doing something to ruin the hunt clock, since a decent chunk of the MH community's longevity comes from the Speed Hunting community, and it also forces a limited pressure for everyone to participate in hunting. If the timer is gone, how many people will AFK hunt with their Flare out? Personal thoughts overall: I don't think the game is going to be a true open world, at best it will be a well camouflaged zoned world with some fairly suspicious time consuming pathways between areas, and or an adjacent area loading method which we will hopefully not find a way to cross faster than it can load/unload the next few areas, may be a quickly discovered "lie" by low end of PCs with enough specs to even run it. Given the perceived monster density from the trailer, I think we are going to be much closer to world, just bigger and maybe just more immersive zone lines to keep the amount of data loaded in complete and reasonably sized. The town will likely be an isolated hub with at least a pseudo-loading screen of the main gate closing behind you after you manually walk out. But most likely a true isolated loading hub with the possibility of adjacent zones being able to walk right up to where it's supposed to be while still blatantly hitting a loading screen to get back in. Fast travel at least to and from the hub town almost guaranteed to stay around. I think the possibility of currently unlocked hunts being able to be started and finished at camps is reasonably okay. I would suspect any advancement or priority quests would require going to town. Biggest issue here would be "force respawning" for gameplay purposes, i.e. spam finishing and starting a Diabolos quests because your farming its gear. I don't think they will do anything that will prevent the gameplay exclusive feature of target farming being a cost of making the world feel more alive and real. The gameplay vs. lore & immersion consequences of any ideas are more likely to favor gameplay being better. Environmental Effects, Consequences, and Solutions... I hope they don't return to just a check-list style of hot drink or fail, cold drink or fail. I don't mind them returning as an optional solution to problems, but I would like more direct gameplay solutions being an alternative options. For example, fighting in shade or a cave can cool you down, actually running can warm you up. Unlikely option, but I think it would really up the build crafting game (that most players would hate) by allowing the resists built on gear to affect environmental effects. For example, the higher your cold resist the slower your hunter gets cold and if you build enough of it on your gear you are natively cold immune. Really don't want to go back to intentionally failing quests because I forgot to change off my standard loadout, I'm okay with my hunt being harder for that screw up, but not abandon hunt is my only option. I hope elemental gets more noticeably better, and that players get loadout access to blights. Why can't a fire weapon get access to fireblight that has the same resistance build up style as poison. Time to continue the podcast...
@ckwi2245 9 ай бұрын
At around 2:20:00 now. The problem I think you are having trouble working through and clarifying to Rurikhan is what replaces Gravity, Soar, and Nosedive on a ground mount. All the examples Rurikhan uses in this "advanced movement" segment have an pervasive concept that assists it. Guild Wars 2 Flight uses flapping, soaring, nose diving to manipulate height and speed naturally, World of Warcraft used Soaring and Nose Diving to augment the very standard cooldown stamina regeneration to make it more fun and master-able. Spider man has the same gravity and nosediving along side centrifugal force and slingshot dynamics to replace "flapping". To reconcile what Rurikhan is hinting at with a ground mount almost makes the mount work like a Warframe where sliding and bullet jumping are used as accelerants and gliding is used as a jump extender with melee and sliding as rapid descent method, none of the "engaging" speed boost methods really work with a quadrupedal ground mount. It's literally got slow down, stop, or stop and drink/eat to recover stamina. The mount already appears to have advanced jump and gliding that those 2 Guild Wars 2 mount types have, and I don't think a quadruped can really pull off the momentum based movement of the roller in a believable way. The issue is more of an issue of terrestrially locked movement vs. optionally aeronautical movement. There is no "advanced/special recovery state" available in the movement type. Around 2:50:00 now. Flinch Free problem, I think before we consider dropping this they have to give up on the head being the objectively best spot to hit for every weapon on almost every monster. World and Rise rarely have cases where hitting the Tail with a bladed weapon is better than hitting the head. Almost all cases hitting the tail with a bladed weapon is better than a blunt or piercing sure, but the value on the head is still better than the tail. I agree it's meant to teach positioning, but if they will at the same time teach that the best position is the head to everyone, then it's a moot point of hoping someone concedes the best spot. I played Gunlance in World, I was perfectly okay shelling a ribcage all fight, doesn't matter to me, then I'd go on Hammer... Flinch Free, get Flinched by a rude player, or hit somewhere that has an objectively bad value for blunt weapons. If the point comes when the tail or legs has a higher rating than the tail for slashing consistently we'd be in a better spot. I'd even take more monsters with good value out of using a blunt weapon off the head, even if it's for an initial break, like smashing the hard shell/rocks on Basarios/Gravios to open up the tail for solid cuts. Also need a solution to "head is the only spot for knockdown/stun" which exacerbates the issue of it almost always being the objectively best spot to hit. Piercing at least has semi regularity of being best on the wings over anywhere else, but runs into the head only stun/knockdown super hard, ala sticky ammo stun meta. Around 3:00:00 now. Anti-Brute Forcing... I agree, but now we need to come up with a solution that would make me happy and not piss off the other 95% of the player base in any game. I already like and play heavy defense and support builds, and perfectly happy with slow progress because of it, Monster Hunter in a lot of cases will reject that philosophy. For example, I absolutely HATED Alatreon for the exact opposite reason the people complaining that Rurikhan doesn't like, the fight literally forbid my general concept of being an option at all. Flipping to elemental, fine, switching "moveset" to one that makes use of it, less happy but fine, changing up my defenses to match, happy to, hell I would get flashproof on to counter Tzi-tzi, having to bum rush brute force DPS it, shoot me now S.O.S. until someone who likes that playstyle shows up. Clock and "early end" mechanics train the player base against this though. Thankfully Monster Hunter doesn't have PvP so my defense and support doesn't get nerfed twice an update cycle.
@drakenzahn9149 9 ай бұрын
​@@ckwi2245 I'm with you, Ruri and Ratatoskr do lean on opinions that would harm the gameplay and even immersion experience, like you said, a lot of these would just show the hunters being incompetent: unlimited restock I agree is too much, but cutting it altogether means the hunters and guild are dumb enough to not bring back ups to their hunts. What they describe is more of a simulation than a game, and Monster Hunter isn't a simulator even in its earliest entries, from the premise alone MH hunting is different from real life hunting.
@ckwi2245 9 ай бұрын
@@drakenzahn9149 I don't think the ideals and directions are completely wrong, more the lack of practical consideration of the methods and outcomes from multiple lenses separately such as gameplay, immersion, and level of disbelief suspension required. Then recombining those differing lenses to see where the conflicts of interests arise, and choosing the most acceptable or reconciling a compromise. Like we know from a lore perspective, only the Main Story is Canon, all the extra hunts we do only exist for Gameplay, because if we didn't the game would suck. Goes back to the original example of the Genocides in Ultima Online at it's launch. Is it cool and immersive for having a simulator for repopulation, yes, but players want some leather armor, so bears extinct by end of work Friday. It would be more hunt like if there was only 1 or 2 Rathalos in the game, and once you kill them it's over and you have a ton of loot and you'd treat the carcass as best as possible to get the most workable materials, but as a gameplay point that would suck, thus why the original Monster Hunter game threw that away on the drawing board. You could probably say, if Capcom went all out with the angles presented here, the game would still be fun... for a single run through, and the story would have to be better, because the gameplay would not bring about a lot of replay-ability anymore.
@titansquirrel4408 8 ай бұрын
As an electrician, you wouldn't need a conductive material to bring current to ground. The earth having a neutral charge is what pulls current from charged clouds in the atmosphere
@Arkangel04 9 ай бұрын
I'm also not a fan of the Ringed City from a level design perpective but the bosses were amazing (except for the PVP boss)
@demontiming9095 9 ай бұрын
the part where ruri and rata talk about monster hunter wild's having a new world and tribal theme to it makes me wonder if we will have more interactions with the first wyveriens that were introduced in world and iceborn maybe we will meet different wyverian tribes as they are a very long lived and cultural people within the monster hunter games/lore which id love to dig into more
@tatu9805 9 ай бұрын
They need a mechanic where when you eat food you have a chance of it being rotten and in the middle of a hunt a pop comes up stating “your stomach hurts, you need to go have diarrhea now”. And then you have to run away from the hunt and spray diarrhea all over a bush.
@Booliot 9 ай бұрын
Now THAT would be some good inconvenience!
@loayzc10 9 ай бұрын
I left a comment here earlier about playing lance, and I thought I'd expand on that a bit. I think the Lance is a very special weapon, and it's different from the rest for a very core reason that I think I've nailed down. All the weapons treat fighting a monster with the thought of, "when can I unleash my damage". Except for, in my opinion, the lance. The lance has almost nothing to think about on offense because instead, it's focus is completely on defense and it is incredibly robust and fun for doing so. So rather than a mindset of "when can I unleash my dmg", it becomes, "when can I unleash my shield, so that I may continue dealing dmg". I feel like everyone gives the lance a hard time because they think of it's offense as simple, and simple = bad. If you were to swap mindsets, from the lance perspective, all other weapons have such simple defense. Does simple = bad?
@loayzc10 9 ай бұрын
The only weapon that truly wants to be hit, is the lance. Something I think it actually has in common with long sword, but to a greater extent. With lance, I really do feel like there is so much more to it than throw up you shield, then attack again. You are _weaving_ in your blocks, truly, to match the aggression of the monster. If you were to ever play the lance, the very first thing I would tell you to practice is your jump-blocks (side to side and forward and backward) which you can follow up with other moves. I never see this mentioned in lance guides, I'm telling you _this is THE mechanic of the weapon_
@ramadhanbenny6640 9 ай бұрын
sharpen mount problem can be balanced with longer sharpening animation and lowered movement speed. also agreed on ammo management, back then we ripped ammo mats from the field during hunts when we're out of heat
@kinetickyber 9 ай бұрын
It took me a week or so to take down nergi for the first time! My squad gave up and I kept pushing through until I finally took him down. Such an amazing experience
@heibk-2019 9 ай бұрын
Blud is actually talking about not knowing what to play next year but still hasnt played Disco Elysium
@chito2701 9 ай бұрын
me who plays MONSTER HUNTER and SOULS GAMES, it's a absolute win.
@nekomancer4641 9 ай бұрын
Im absolutely with Rurikhan on so much of his takes
@Pickle_Pee 9 ай бұрын
Anything over 30 minutes is too long. I think you guys forget this is a grind at the end of the day. Imagine having to grind a 30 minute hunt over and over because you didn't get what you needed. The hunt has to feel drastically different than it does now for that not too feel tedious
@jabbathehutt2774 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying it, im honestly glad Elden Ring Dlc wasnt announced, the way the game awards panned out im kinda glad it wasnt announced among the rest, and the longer they take, the better the dlc will be. I have faith in fromsoft.
@NoImNotPedro 9 ай бұрын
About Underwater combat: I would like it if the aquatic Monsters were reallly hard underwater because its their natural habitat, and so the objective ewould be to find a way to drive the monster to land. Fighting them underwater would be less "lets kill here" to lets survive long enought to drive to land.
@theblazingfox3271 9 ай бұрын
I feel like sharpening on the new mount might be good if there are stipulations as an inconvenience. Like double the time it takes to sharpen and/or limit the mounts movement while you have no hands on the reigns. Personally I would love it if you could turn hard on the mount but if you are sharpening your inertia would launch you off.
@BladeBloodTear 9 ай бұрын
I love the energy you two have so much. Honestly a general podcast of you two chatting or vid content would be great. Would love to see a coop experience if Ratatoskr picks it up or maybe a coop run in Grandblue Fantasy Relink
@illogik 9 ай бұрын
Dark Souls players: I don’t want to use summons I want to make the game harder. Same player: I don’t want to not use features implanted in the game because that’s how the game is balanced.
@ravagerlizard9800 9 ай бұрын
I really do hope wilds will be more challenging also
@naev0 9 ай бұрын
Hi Ratatoskr, I just wanted to bring to your attention that the Yggdrasil Podcast feed is not up to date on any of my podcast apps. It would be cool if I could listen to them on other platforms again as well.
@yarro7428 9 ай бұрын
i grew up watching a show called Zoboomafoo, all my friends are sonic fans, zoology just kinda lives in the back of my generations mind. Edit: what if you have to find and catch a new mount every time you unlock a new zone? Oh, you unlocked the desert? Here's a new mount friend that can run really fast, but only in straight lines? Swamp area? Piscine mount that swims faster. Volcanic area? Fireproof mount that keeps you safe from lava. Ice zone? This little guy has grippy little hooves.
@drizztsensei 9 ай бұрын
Lol Rata didn't know what a pangolin was ... what a pleb!
@naezjinra 9 ай бұрын
Being able to sharpen on the mount only makes sense if the mount isn't in combat. It made sense in world because you couldn't control the mount and it wasn't also a combat buddy. Palicos and Palimutes are awesome but there should be a different riding mount altogether.
@EmissaryOfSmeagol 9 ай бұрын
The KZbin link in the description appears to be broken.
@Subject19-b6b 9 ай бұрын
If Wilds does have fast travel I think going the RDR2 route is a good idea.
@xHideousFoxx 9 ай бұрын
so to get Rata to notice me. all I have to do is be a jerk?? hmm sounds just like my ex
@johnshull2505 9 ай бұрын
Just a thought based off you two’s discussion regarding travel progression (i.e. the mount gets various “upgrades” throughout the story). What iffff the progression in MHWilds is less story driven and more organically driven via how much you can travel? For example, in the beginning you can only go on short hunts that limit you to a certain area and therefore certain beginner monsters. As you progress and get more traversal options you open up more and more areas, better and tougher monsters. Definitely thinking of a Subnautica inspired progression system that still allows for a story.
@_Kakoosh 9 ай бұрын
First time watching this podcast since I just got back into monhun. This is some good stuff right here man
@nekomancer4641 9 ай бұрын
Lance in IB is probably the greatest of its iteration
@Socratezism 9 ай бұрын
Listening to this while playing mh world. Life is good 😃.
@HaZe8287 8 ай бұрын
Spider-man 2 is a poor choice to be used as an example when talking about fast traveling. If MH6 were a 10-20 hour game like SM2, I wouldn't care if there isn't fast traveling. But for a game that could be played for hundred or thousands of hours, fast traveling is a necessity. I sunk 1000+ hours into MHR and I'm sorry I'm not in the minority of players who enjoy collecting Spiribirds every single hunt. I'm sure they can make traversing long distances fun, but can they make it still fun after even 100 hours? Anyway fun podcast, keep it up.
@marcofromtropoje3169 9 ай бұрын
I think you should revisit the underwater combat. I think it DOES look clunky and awkward on purpose. It doesn’t feel as crisp or weighty as on land and that’s part of the point. If they need to change up animations or fix some other components of underwater that’s fine but it shouldn’t limit them from removing hunting in that kind of biome
@marcofromtropoje3169 9 ай бұрын
2:34:15 there is already a system like that in Tri and 3U! Albeit pretty barebones. Please play Tri Rata
@vinicius8692 9 ай бұрын
For anyone, who haven't whatch the entire thing. Just go to 1:54:40 min
@primarchlogarius 9 ай бұрын
This is such a pleasure listening to you guys. Rata, Ruri, Gaijin, Zio, FC. It’s just good clean entertainment. Rata, my guy. don’t feel sad about those negative comments. Bro, you asked for the comments to be as toxic as a Dark Souls level. They are just following your advice because they are your ardent fans!
@merlinkater7756 9 ай бұрын
About the negative comments; we need to start baiting you with negative comments, which turn out to be positive when read all the way through. The engagement of negative comments with the soul of positive comments!
@trenchmouse2438 9 ай бұрын
Hoping there’s a discussion about how Ruri and Rata feel about the topic of Tears of the Kingdom being glorified dlc. After watching most of the video, their MH talks are agonizingly contradictive. This is fun, but this is not fun. I don’t want to do chores when playing bowgun, but sharpening every few minutes is perfectly fine etc.
@BB-vp4qx 9 ай бұрын
I think those bearlike monsters are big monsters, maybe we will see packs of big monsters that we need to avoid and try to lure one of them away from the pack to hunt them.
@xcelentei 9 ай бұрын
While I think limitations on movement can themselves be interesting mechanics (outward, death stranding,) the overwhelming majority of players are like me and want the traversal mechanics to be fast and like a little minigame(Spiderman, Jet Set Radio). I hate to say it, but if you have to choose between "fun because going slow makes you immerse yourself and enjoy the scenery," and "fun because it's intrinsically fun," you're looking at 90% of people falling into the latter. Again, not to say that the slower games are lesser, developers SHOULD design to that market. But most gamers act like me and dunkey and hate/resent the game if it doesn't actively engage us. Companies will overwhelmingly cater to the Dopamine-addicts rather than the simulationists, because we just outnumber you by so much, and you can't please both crowds in a single game. I'd bet $100 that if the next monster hunter game gives infinite wirebugs and a mount that goes mach 7, sales will increase by a million and reviews will say it's the best "mechanics" to date.
@feircy 9 ай бұрын
Alan wake was really good, the series worked so well as a survival horror vs the weird mish mash the original was, I understand why it won best writing, as it has a better plot and overall scenario. But baldur's has better dialogue flat out. And if we are going by time played my goty is 100% remnant 2 as well lol
@kurosan0079 9 ай бұрын
Those hairy beast-like monsters kinda remind me of tankier PS2 Bullfango or Apceros. Aggressive "small" monsters who have a huge health pool. Although, I hope they're more like a pack-hunting species of monster that's considered as a large monster when there's a group of them.
@Zaney_ 9 ай бұрын
Here we go again, rurikhan and the ringed city and midir slander.
@Giant_O 9 ай бұрын
I think 1 fastvtraveling system that could work, especially if we don't have specific camps, would be the additional Travelpoints from rise. After exploring the map a bit,you can place a Palico/NPC on 1 or 2 out of a few select spots on the map and then fast travel there once per Quest/Expedition Maybe it even cost a small amount of ressources to use them.
@cr-volcanic 9 ай бұрын
needed somn to listen to while playin Sunbreak and Exoprimal tonight. Thanks boys
@Benri05 9 ай бұрын
The campaign for World right now also is for the console userbase that wasn't there for Rise, yeah Rise sold really good but the majority of it is on the Switch. Rise sold like 2m between playstation and xbox while World sold a gigantic amount of copies on those consoles, Capcom basically wants those people back in Wilds since a small percentage of those bought Rise.
@kevine9474 9 ай бұрын
If you really have trouble waiting/making content I'd recommend playing dragon's dogma since the sequel is coming in 3 months. Mh and DD are kinda similar too.
@salvucci91 9 ай бұрын
00:46:00 ~ I went through the same thing as Ratatoskr with No Man’s Sky. Though, I don’t believe they actually ever said there was multiplayer before it released. They also never said there wasn’t, which was why the whole situation was insane. From what I remember, Sean Murray would not answer the goddamn question! I think he maybe sort of implied that it was possible, but that the universe was so massive that the odds of you and another person being in the same place was incredibly unlikely. He gave us this false hope. I just remember the sentiment being like “huh, two weeks away from release; I wonder when he’ll clarify on the multiplayer question… Huh, a week away from release, I wonder when he’ll clarify… HUH, IT RELEASES TOMORROW AND HE STILL HAS NOT CLARIFIED.” Totally in the same boat as you with it being a release that jaded me on the industry. Helldivers 2 is going through a similar situation, albeit on a subject that’s much less significant. Nearly every one of their social media posts has at least few people ask “will this game support cross-play or cross-save,” and they simply refuse to answer the question 😅. I think their lack of an answer is an answer in itself, but very reminiscent of NMS. Just a matter of devs not realizing that saying nothing causes infinitely more damage than just saying “no.” Edit: okay I probably should’ve listened to the rest of conversation before posting lol. I need to search for the interview where he explicitly said there’d be co-op, because that just makes it even more embarrassing 😭
@nekomancer4641 9 ай бұрын
2:34:30 OG will remember fishing plesioth out of water
@dragonlotion1789 9 ай бұрын
Makes sense to be hyper focused on negativity as a potential threat to our survivability and not focus on the positive. It’s completely displaced, similar to chronic anxiety. The wires are currently crossed.
@Thesoulsnerd 6 күн бұрын
Ruri is right about zio doing monster hunter content thats a great idea
@tiagox3275 9 ай бұрын
What really bothered me with Alatreon was the fact I was a Gunlance player, but you're forced to use elemental damage in that fight. I'm fine switching weapons, but farming Safi for hours and having to learn a new weapon so many hours into the game was a huge turn off to me and completely killed my will to beat Fatalis. Still planning to do it someday before MH Wilds comes out tho.
@enternamehere142 9 ай бұрын
Rurikhan is the best quest for this podcast
@purplatypus7405 9 ай бұрын
I was super surprised octopath traveler 2 didn't get any nominations. That was one of the best J. RP g's in a long time.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Discussion With Rurikhan | Yggdrasil Podcast 40
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