Fix The EXO-45 PATRIOT | Helldivers 2
Outward 2 Gameplay Preview
Dragon's Dogma 2 Review
2 ай бұрын
@aristedes9449 38 минут бұрын
I personally think Godrick stole a piece of Godwyn's corpse intending to use it for grafting and it festered beneath the castle.
@PWizz91 53 минут бұрын
I wonder if an eclipse happens in the new DLC, and the people in the mausoleums are the followers in the trailer?
@hazymorning1823 Сағат бұрын
no future is worth the suffering of children in palestine
@dbfzato-1327 Сағат бұрын
was the same in bloodborne, i realised r2s was really good! even sekiro with held r1, i thought it was obvious lol r2 with darkmoon greatsword op
Can't help but notice that you're trying to interpret the "uninterpretable" again by getting back into making ER lore content. With that in mind this video leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, you essentially attacked the core of what the ER lore community attempts to do and then jump back in when daddy Miyazaki makes DLC. Either renounce this video or stop pretending that you find ER lore a worthwhile endeavor.
@orangerock2146 2 сағат бұрын
That spider pause was hilarious
@JWalker444 3 сағат бұрын
Jumping spiders are so cute though :(
@lllXanderlll 4 сағат бұрын
Does anybody know if you can be death blighted by the face in the basement ? I got that feeling from Rogier's dialogue about not messing with it more than you need to and that made me think that if you hit it enough it could kill you. I feel like it doesn't do anything but I can't actually recall
@spiralunity 4 сағат бұрын
Wait, you guys think 500 hours is alot?
@LordWallace 5 сағат бұрын
Id give this game another chance after 1.5 patch. Enemy density among other things have been re-tuned and it feels pretty manageable for the most part imo and I could explore a good deal of the areas like in other souls type games when I played recently. Especially since every build has good range options and the games designed around that. Id keep going just for Judge Cleric if you didnt get to her. Shes a From quality boss imo. Speaking of apparently bosses got moves added that some were missing and were made all around stronger but most are still not too tough. Game still has rough patches like enemy variety being sparse a lot of the time, reuse of minor bosses way too liberally, the way umbral works can still be a ganky mess, vestige seed system is still kind of nonsense, and the interconnected world isnt really beneficial like in DS1 because fast travel is unlimited from the getgo. But I still kinda dig it. I wasnt for the first like 10 hours similar to you but suddenly I couldnt stop playing it was odd but yeah its aight Lies of P was better but this is still worthwhile on like a sale.
@bruh7170 6 сағат бұрын
I mean I agreed with everything in the video but there’s one issue tho. Why aren’t ranni and rykard (a demigod and an empreayn open to admit their involvement in Godwyn’s fate) affected by these thorns?
@ezenami 7 сағат бұрын
But why Godwyn and not some other demigod like Godrick or Morgott, Mogh or any other - maybe its time we ask why the question why did it have to be him? IF Ranni did it all by herself - Malenia, Miquela and Rhadan would be hard to kill and Ranni seems to be cool with Rykard but that still leaves some options. I do believe Merica was involved and there is a reason why Godwyn had to go. Recently there was a video cant remember by whom about Godwym maybe being tied too close with dragons so maybe mommy wanted him out of the way for some reason. Or maybe she got disappointed that he didn't get named as an empyrean.
@theoldblood3804 8 сағат бұрын
This was by far the easiest soulslike I ever beat. I'm not sure why people say it's hard...
@DrewSunn 8 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the video! I got good news for you about Elden Ring and Game of the Year :)
@Prowz4ssin 11 сағат бұрын
6:24 did that, been there.
@vulnerablerummy 14 сағат бұрын
01:15 yo, was that an in game armor or do they mod it in?
@badrboujabar3961 15 сағат бұрын
Maybe radagan predate marika
@bobafett6174 16 сағат бұрын
maybe she was involved but also not involved, she and Radagon are the same person so maybe one was involved but the other wasnt
@pepeman69_24 17 сағат бұрын
It would be pretty cool if we could reload the autocannon mech but at the cost of smaller mags and also having to leave the mech and manually reloading it and being at risk of the mech bein destroyed in action bc you ran out of ammo
@beavertom 17 сағат бұрын
Oh man i understand where youre coming from. Resident Evil 3 Remake is an abomination compared to the original which is one of my all tome favorite games.
@Emily_54781 18 сағат бұрын
You get a snow globe for finding all wells
@evilmac9623 18 сағат бұрын
I always assumed that godwyns corpse manifested itself there because someone stole the prince of deaths pustule. It is right next to the corpse, and the description reads: A fetid pustule taken from facial flesh. It is said that this pustule came from the visage of the Prince of Death, he who used to be called Godwyn. As First Dead of the demigods, it's said he's buried deep under the capital, at the Erdtree's roots. I think it makes more sense that chunk of godwyns flesh is spreading the curse throughout the castle. It is like taking a fungus spore into your house, it begins to spread black mold everywhere.
@mackinblack 19 сағат бұрын
This video comes across as incredibly pedantic and inflammatory. The remake is better that the original in every conceivable way. You're just too autistic to appreciate it. I hope blue point remakes Bloodborne next. At least it will finally run at 60fps and not be jaggy as fuck.
@mjalbert5359 19 сағат бұрын
Could it be that this may be another reason why he may have drifted heavily to grafting? Any part of him that may start to show proof of his involvement (thorns, pock marks, flies) he removes and then grafts the parts of others. He's very obsessed with it too. He may be barely keeping up with the curse. He gives a reason for the grafting, but if he's a co-conspirator, lying would not be beneath him... All of the speeches too could be an attempt at misdirection.
@IsaacMarks_Is_The_Best 19 сағат бұрын
new ship module, mech `munitions
@Endofnames 20 сағат бұрын
My interpretation with the fingers is that both the greater will and the flame of frenzy are derived from the one great. They may by aspects of a single entity or they may be literal separate entities that spawned from a single source. Though I agree with others that the physical two and three fingers likely never belonged to one literal physical hand... I do personally suspect that they symbolize that the flame of chaos and the greater will were once one and the same, the one great. We do already have examples of two people with one body. Miquella/Trina, Marika/Radagon, and even the fire giant shares its body with the fell god. And the Ds are one soul across two bodies, so the flame of chaos/greater will duality could go either way and we have in-game confirmed examples to draw from. I hope we get just a little bit more lore about them in the DLC. Since it seems like we're gonna learn about the origins of Marika and the golden order, it wouldn't be too out of place to learn a little more about the greater will, at least.
@Neo2266. 20 сағат бұрын
Instead of expanding the magazine, just let us reload the thing with the ammo backpack. One square per gun, that’s the entire backpack per the whole mech
@Neo2266. 20 сағат бұрын
1:40 I think the restriction to look down has nothing to do with realism. It’s what they did to the rockets to stop the players from blowing themselves up, and it got carried over to the ACs as well. Just let us shoot at our feet I say, if I blow myself up, woe me
@summonstormx 20 сағат бұрын
ONly reason it's so divided is world isn't formulated or catered like any like any other MH game in terms of mechanics. If world didn't exist, and another MH game that was mainline took its place. World players would simply be any other MH player. It's more of an issue of the absolute disservice world provided to the regular games, when people would be satisfied with the other games if they were on PC + and had the new capcom graphics.
@Blindcontroller 20 сағат бұрын
I wonder if St. Trina is a Radagon like personality for Miq.
@hunterofcomedy 21 сағат бұрын
Having played the original recently, I still prefer the remake. Not for the graphics or gameplay advancements (though they are nice), but because the remake felt lived in. The OG felt a lot like dark souls, an old abandoned world where no one could live. It felt like a place abandoned for decades, if not centuries. Whereas the remake felt like a place people might have lived in only a few years ago and had just fallen into disrepair. Also, the original game had every area perpetually in night, whereas the remake felt like daytime in some areas. Latria scared the shit out of me more in the remake than the OG, because there was just enough light to see all the horrors around me. Whereas I missed details in the original because it was so damn dark all the time. Also, a lot of your nitpicks, like how they changed the statue in Doran’s mausoleum feel odd to me. If the rest of your castle is Gothic and medieval, it makes more sense to have the generic knight than the epic anime warrior, because the anime warrior clashes with the rest of the area and feels off. Honestly, half of the points you brought up were things I didn’t even notice when playing the original, because they all kind of blended into the background. It honestly makes me appreciate the remake more because everything feels deliberate, rather than epic anime warrior statue when the rest of the castle is Gothic. They made a deliberate choice, and I don’t think it’s as egregious as you make it out to be. You also make a lot of bold assumptions, like saying blue point feels theirs is superior to the original. But I feel the exact opposite. I feel like they wanted to make their own interpretation and stuck with that decision. It doesn’t feel malicious. They chose a theme and committed to it. It feels like they offered the filter as a callback to the original, not as an insult as you seem to take it. I also think your nostalgia goggles are on so tight that you see any change or explanation for the change as an insult to you. When in reality, you’re putting words in the developers mouth because you personally feel insulted. It was also odd when you said that the only key difference in the tower knight boss fight was the music and the fat official… basically saying the fight itself is exactly the same. There’s a slight change in aesthetic and because you don’t like it, so it’s somehow unfaithful. Personally, I think I could make plenty of criticisms about the original, and you would think I was horrible, because I don’t agree with you. IMO, The music in the original was boring. And some bosses didn’t even have music. The tower knight plays out exactly the same in the remake as the original, just with music that I prefer. But you spend so much time, criticizing a background character from a cut scene instead of pointing out anything substantial. And in regard to the fat officials, the fact that their mouths were always in a grin felt like a limitation of the time rather than a deliberate choice. Whereas in the remake, they showed a wide range of emotions, making them feel more like real people other than just enemies to hit with my sword. The redesign of the fat official reminds me so much of how historically wealthy officials neglected their own health because of their greed. And all those same emotions that you said were present in the OG design, I had in the remake. It didn’t change my opinion of them because they looked more historically accurate, and less like a cartoon villain (which is what the OG represents to me). There are many examples throughout history of greedy people being grotesque, because they indulge in their desires rather than maintaining their health. Maybe it’s just because I’m a history buff, but I felt the OG represented a hyper stereotypical evil villain, rather than someone I could genuinely believe was evil. I do agree that the remake isn’t exactly in line with what Miyazaki originally intended, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. 1:1 remakes are boring and soulless in my opinion. Deliberately making a choice to be different is how studios earn my respect. And I don’t think they sat down and thought that there was necessarily something wrong with the original designs or Miyazaki’s philosophy. I feel like they just made a choice and stuck to it despite knowing it was going to be different. They put their own spin on it, which I don’t feel is an insult. And you said that it was gross for the sake of being gross and it makes it less beautiful. I completely disagree. I believe there’s a lot of beauty in the grotesqueness of these designs. It fits a world ravage by demons a lot more than if everything was super elegant. But we will have to agree to disagree on that. As for Latria, the soothing voice ringing out was more unsettling because of the atmosphere surrounding it. It clashes heavily with the environment and caused a genuine feeling of fear in me. I didn’t even notice the insects buzzing in the original, and instead was focused on the fact that I could barely see a foot in front of my face. OG Latria felt like a stereotypical prison, the remake made it feel unsettling because there was soothing music in a place where there shouldn’t be soothing music. I do agree that the choice of song the Noble woman sang was odd, because it was supposed to be sung by the Maiden in Black. But I still think a pleasant lullaby in such a godforsaken place is more unsettling. Finally, this entire essay falls flat on its face when you say you can’t let other people enjoy it because it hurt you (which is even more egotistical than you claim blue point is being). I’m not saying you’re not entitled to your opinion, but your flat out telling people “I understand this game better than you, so I’m right. And if you disagree, then you obviously don’t understand as much as I do“. I can respect that you don’t like it, I can’t respect that you think other people liking it means they are wrong. Your final statement about wanting people to understand your points, after outright insulting them for not agreeing with you, feels disingenuous. A little bit of humility would go a long way. I agree that video games are art, but all art is subjective. People will look at it and feel different things. Acknowledging that would go along way toward engendering people to your viewpoint. But since you’ve already insulted anyone who might disagree with you, you burned that bridge. You can make a critical analysis video without outright telling everyone who disagrees with you they are wrong. I suggest you think on that for future videos. Also, actively encouraging scathing comments between people is solely a tactic to generate more views. Further diminishing your point. I think, having an actual debate, rather than insulting each other in the comments, is a lot more fruitful.
@ghostfayceklr701 21 сағат бұрын
yeah its good- but the idea that "its only for bots" makes no sense- the only reason the patriot is "For bugs" is because its weapons and armor are too light for the bot front. The emancipator has increased armor and weapons... or at least it should be- the armor IS stronger than the regular patriot- BUT the main Guns (Quad Autocannons) are for some reason weaker than even the players normal autocannon stratagem and the Sentry- this is weird because- why would adding an extra 3 guns of the same Weapon Type- make it weaker? Lore wise its just weird for this to be the case- gameplay wise- it sucks that it does not do enough damage on either front- bots or bug- the only reason it even works on bots is the armor pen on the autocannon- but i assure you- if you put a player- sentry and mech- side by side and told each to kill the same enemy type- the player and sentry will kill it much much quicker- its like saying- just because it works in a certain situation that its "Good" even tho it falls short on every other aspect yk? i like BOTH the mechs and its satisfying to play- BUT just because its "Passable/good" doesnt mean its done well- (FYI ive used both mechs on helldives on BOTH fronts multiple times since the emancipator so im not just "complaining" i can use them fine- and clear helldives with them- its just a matter of- why should they be this weak? when theres already more powerfull stuff out there? how does nerfing 4x the guns with 1/4x the damage make any sense?)
@GmodArgentina 21 сағат бұрын
7 Walking mausoleums -> 7 Tarnished lords at the end of the trailer. @me
@KyeEnzoden 21 сағат бұрын
Ok, in the first minute of this video I can tell that the Only RPGs played by these "Critics" have had Heavy Handholding. Imagine them reviewing OG Zelda by today's standards and this is what you get. (NB4 "But ZelDa waS MadE in tHe 80's!!) That's the fucking point! The devs got heavy inspiration for these games from the layout and play style of OG Zelda and other JRPGs. Also the worlds themselves are influenced by Berserk. That's why it's always a Struggle. I swear if Fromsoft adds Quest Markers to a Souls Game I'll never another.
@xvrqt 22 сағат бұрын
I would add that why don't we see thorns/godwyn's corpse/rotting by Ranni or Rykard, people we know were involved? My best bandaid for this is that Godrick stole a piece of Godwyn's corpse to attempt to graft it (this also unifies the grafting + "something more sinister" that is causing the mottling) [this is also how Godrick acquired the faded anchor rune, because great runs go to living bodies which is why Ranni lost hers but now I'm on a tangent)] - Godwyn's body is still alive, he is still a demi-god so it is regrowing itself and the thorns are punishment for corpse defilement.
@Fransens Күн бұрын
As for "just swap shoulder cam": Not feasible on PC if you use dynamic aiming. Because you can only shoulderswap while aiming. So you either have to change your aim keybind to be a toggle, thus fucking up your dynamic aim feature (which I very much adore) or live with the fact that to AIM WITH YOUR LEFT WEAPON you have to hold down FIRE RIGHT WEAPON. Which is downright retarded. As it stands, something needs to change because this is just not working. We either need 2 targeting circles, one for each arm; or aiming to be changed to the way it was in the past: where one circle had both arms accurate; or some unfucking of the shoulder-button in EXOsuits; ooor dedicated keybinds for EXOs. Something needs to change or this EXO and all future EXOs will just suffer the same fate as the first one: Being dumb fun for a few minutes and then everybody just collectively picks something more useful. Because let's not forget: This current EXOsuit is on a 10 minute cooldown and has only 2 uses AND can't even be paired with the other EXOsuit. So what...? You get two uses out of it per mission, can't aim the left arm properly without wasting ammo on the right arm and if you are fighting downhill you might as well eject and throw snowballs. Compare that to any other strategem. I'd rather bring AP-Mines.
@quiet_erp Күн бұрын
I think Fromsoft needs a quick command to be able to read an item description immediately after picking up the item. You shouldnt have to go in to the inventory and find it in order to get to the description.
@timothyburger6715 Күн бұрын
This video didn't age very well imo. Twinking seeming pretty justifiable considering how awful the community has become on the crunch of over levelled phantoms.