Game Prep Tips for Neurodivergent Dungeon Masters!

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Dungeon Dudes

Dungeon Dudes

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MONSTERS OF DRAKKENHEIM is 300+ pages of eldritch horror inspired monsters for 5e by the Dungeon Dudes.
We discuss the many ways Neurodivergent people can struggle or excel in the worlds of D&D and discuss ways to elevate your games.
NOTE: Neurodiversity is a vast and nuanced subject. We are not experts in neurodiversity and this video is merely us sharing our personal experiences, research, and suggestions from our community. We hope many find these tips and discussions helpful for navigating their own games.
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The Neurodivergent Players Hand Book by Caleb Valorozo - Jones:
00:00 - Intro
05:01 - Experiment with Different Levels of Prep
12:03 - Exploring Alternatives to Written Prep
18:23 - Taking Notes
20:43 - Consider Sensory Needs Before & During Game
28:46 - Finding Inspiration & Brainstorming Ideas
34:21 - Session Zero
40:59 - Additional Help & Advice
Purchase our adventures and player options for D&D 5e here:
MONSTERS OF DRAKKENHEIM is 300+ pages of eldritch horror inspired monsters for 5e by the Dungeon Dudes. Coming to Kickstarter March 26th:
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@katecritt 2 ай бұрын
I've found that the more I prep, the more I can improvise. I might not refer to the slab of text I produced on a culture or setting during play, but the act of writing it out prompted me to create those details and cemented them in my head to the point where I can riff off them on the fly and invent new details on top of the groundwork I laid.
@Sirfinchyyy 2 ай бұрын
Writing something down is one of the best ways to memorize that thing. Hearing and reading it only go so far.
@Sunny_Haven 2 ай бұрын
This, 100%.
@ccarter1988 2 ай бұрын
Yep. I have a friend who can tell you all the lore he has on the fly with no recall. But you ask me the name of the tavern worker...shoot idk, unless I wrote it at least once then its there. Even with prewritten stuff. I nearly rewrite it in my notes just so I recall it easier.
@tristenbigyttner1507 2 ай бұрын
@alexandercandicedad1355 29 күн бұрын
​@ccarter1988 random roll table are my solution of choice for this problem. 🤓
@max_2da_max336 2 ай бұрын
I remember a quote I heard from Brennan Lee Mulligan regarding prep: "Prep until the point you are comfortable improvising the rest". That really stuck with me, and this feels like a really comprehensive expansion of that, that my autistic brain *loves*, thank you for this, and for everything you do 😁
@letsrock434 2 ай бұрын
Honestly I had a Hell-Diving one shot that I wanted to run on a vacation. It centered on them jumping out of an airship while blasting Freebird. I struggle immensely to write things down, so instead, my version of prep work was to listen to Freebird over and over and over again until I built every part of that scene inside my mind palace and was able to run the entire drop onto a flying whale temple with less than a page of notes. Music was my neurodivergent answer.
@TotallyNotAGrizzly 2 ай бұрын
Got to admit; I have spent many hours pacing my bedroom with music blasting in my ears preparing for my game. Makes me feel way better knowing I'm not the only one that does that.
@talscorner3696 2 ай бұрын
@Sirfinchyyy 2 ай бұрын
Awesome. I wish i was there to play with your group. (Music gives me so many ideas for roleplaying so i hear you, see what i did there?)
@KnicKnac 2 ай бұрын
I have a playlist for my current character that helps me get into the mindset of a paladin away from home fighting in Avernus
@ihatecomicspodcast6813 2 ай бұрын
Every single thing I've ever written was DEFINITELY written to (and maybe secretly for) a soundtrack. I can't write unless I'm listening to something on repeat that captures the feel of whatever story or even scene that I'm writting
@nyarparablepsis872 2 ай бұрын
AuDHD here. Never have I clicked this fast on one of your videos. Thank you 💙 My advice: - Don't panic. You're probably putting more effort into prep than many others. Trust your brain while running the game! - DIAGRAMS ARE AMAZING AND HAVE THEIR OWN SCIENCE! Flowcharts and mindmaps visualise a scenario better than pages of written text. - Have your favourite stimming tools at the ready, and make sure your sensory environment won't drive you slowly insane. - When panicking, remember what Seth said: "Whatever happens, I will have fun."
@TheePIB 2 ай бұрын
One of the things that struck me when you mentioned the "do what you can" is "don't let perfect be the enemy of good." As you note, it is important for each neurodivergent GM to explore what preparation type(s) work best for them, and it is also important to remember the second aphorism-while exploring, while learning, while settling on a system that works, just because it isn't "perfect" or isn't "right," it can still be good. Ultimately, I think, "good" in this context is probably most equivalent to "fun." If the game is fun, even if you as a neurodivergent GM didn't have a "perfect" or "right" level of preparation-however that might look-then it was a good amount. 😃
@TheePIB 2 ай бұрын
WRT written prep alternatives, something that might help some people is to color-code. In other videos (and in some games, even), it is mentioned that perhaps each die is color coded which can simplify identification especially for new players (assuming they see the color spectrum in a way that allows them to perceive the different colors of each die). A similar idea can work for GM prep, where different categories of things are coded by color. Maybe BBEG-related materials have a bold red title (maybe not the whole text, but the heading), minion or random encounters use a blue italic heading title, perhaps instead of changing text color the page is written or printed on a different color of paper, or possibly highlighters of different colors can be used to make a mark on or next to different kinds of written/printed information. This could be used in combination with other visual prep, like having a yellow dot on both the BBEG sketch and next to the BBEG-related text.
@Sirfinchyyy 2 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as "perfect" as everyones idea of perfection is different. Try to involve the whole party at times and take time to focus on one at a time when its appropriate and if you can engage all the players theres a good chance your game will be fun. (It is, after all, meant to bring ppl together and let them have fun.)
@TheePIB 2 ай бұрын
@@Sirfinchyyy There is such a thing as "perfect," _if_ you account for individual ideas of what it means. I can find a perfect method-for me-for doing something. That is the sense in which I intend the word, and also why I put it in quotation marks. It doesn't have to be "perfect" to be awesome, but it _can_ be perfect _for me_ (or for you).
@KenClench 2 ай бұрын
To Kelly's point about hyper-focus leading to him creating the Portal Knight: I have a beloved Goliath character but I was dismayed at the lack of lore around the race. A touch of hyperfocus (and a lot of caffeine) later, and I had created a 30+ page document fleshing out the Goliath race, from language to lore and beyond. Not sure where I'll use it, but I'll think of something. 😄
@Sirfinchyyy 2 ай бұрын
Even if that doesnt get used as a whole, every part of that can be integrated with your game. (An uknown goliath lineage for one of the players can help your group explore that)
@tiffro 2 ай бұрын
In education there's an old myth that each learner has one style: visual, audio, reading/writing and kinaesthetic. But the truth is that everyone takes information in best through multiple media-- like Monty's "dual coding". There is an educational theory that the best learning is "eclectic": it conveys the information in as many ways as possible, like a varied diet. I think this is a really good way to think about your prep and play environment for D&D
@the.jamie.turner 2 ай бұрын
Outsourcing hosting to two of my players has been super helpful as a DM. I told my group during session zero that I felt totally comfortable having several hours of game prep ready every week, but expecting myself to have my guest bathroom clean and dining table clutter-free that often was not going to be realistic. Now all my D&D stuff just lives in a bag I can throw in the car whenever we play, and I only host on special occasions where I’ve hyper-focused on building terrain that won’t travel well.
@novadrake9232 2 ай бұрын
I'm autistic and looking forward to seeing more videos like this
@SiPistola 2 ай бұрын
I'm just skill handicapped and need all the help I can get :|
@jessielaney 2 ай бұрын
I literally came here to say the same thing
@novadrake9232 2 ай бұрын
@@jessielaney I'm glad I did and let us keep investing in such useful information
@novadrake9232 2 ай бұрын
@@SiPistola no matter how you're struggling information of this caliber would help in the long run
@gustaafargoan 2 ай бұрын
My daughter came home from kindergarten, told me she had met a boy who said he was autistic, even though he couldn't color between the lines.
@AwesomeWookiee 2 ай бұрын
As someone with A.D.D., I'm sorry to say I had to keep rewinding the video to pay attention again. It's really weird that I can completely keep track of that stuff at the table.
@ihatecomicspodcast6813 2 ай бұрын
Monty talking about the feeling of metal in his hands calming him down is the same feeling that is one of the MAJOR reasons i became a machinist.
@whirlingnerdish2734 2 ай бұрын
My main thing prep-wise is borrowed from the Sly Flourish 8 Steps, but most of the time the only thing I use there is the Secrets and Clues. I come up with the info that I expect to convey, but I don’t tie it to a particular place so that, based on what they do, I can improv something - they interrogate a prisoner, they find an ancient scroll, they see scratch marks on a cave wall. Same info, different delivery method. The other thing is started doing is organizing my notes in Notion into collapsible sections. I have my summary/intro I ready, and then I can click the triangle and collapse it so it doesn’t clutter up my view. I do the same with encounters - a section for encounters, and then for each encounter, I list the monsters, puzzles, hazards, and each of those has the mechanics hidden behind a collapsible toggle so I can see them when I need and hide them when I don’t.
@kallebuchholz2156 2 ай бұрын
When I was 5 years old my mother took me on a 2 year long backpacker journey through Asia. I loved it and I hated it at the same time. When the environment became too noisy and crowded for my little self I fantasised about being in prison. My mother was in shock when I told her about this dream and I couldn't understand myself for a long time. I'm neither imprisoned today nor do I want to be but today I understand what this dream was about.
@joeb3688 2 ай бұрын
I found out this week. Taking picture of the prewritten module dungeon map and then digital adding room notes and monsters in the rooms just helps me keep track of it so much better.
@August23579 2 ай бұрын
The brain creature thumbnails for the neurodivergent advice videos are killing me lmao
@SarcasticShannon 2 ай бұрын
The coping strategies that you use to manage your job and life can also be used to support you having fun with your hobbies. When I was prescribed stimulant meds for ADHD, my doctor said that I could use them for work but didn't necessarily need to take them on weekends. If I'm running a game during the weekend, I absolutely make sure I take my meds that day. I also have a therapist and I've talked with them about issues that have arisen during my games. It helps me to process my own feelings, which then allows me to hold space for my players and their emotions. When you are neurodivergent, mentally ill or disabled, those things affect every aspect of your life, including the things that are ostensibly fun and low-stress. You deserve as much support in your hobbies as you do at school or work.
@AlexLawngtv 2 ай бұрын
a tablet with a stylus and OneNote. Changed my world. Infantine whiteboards that you can put anything on and organize how you feel happy.
@Answerisequal42 2 ай бұрын
One note is probably the bast prep tool ever.
@bretthughes3637 2 ай бұрын
Oh yeah I have this cheap little tablet I got for like $10 on Amazon that you click a button and it clears the screen. It use it to keep notes on that are useful in the moment but probably won’t be needed in the long run
@davea6314 2 ай бұрын
Be sure that everyone at your table is having fun.
@Sirfinchyyy 2 ай бұрын
Session zero should be used to, among other things, to find out what your player wants from the adventure. It lets you decide if you go heavy on rp for one and heavy on combat, or puzzles, or letting another craft ridiculous magic items (balance that however you want) so that everyone gets their moment in the spotlight.
@mslabo102s2 2 ай бұрын
I've never seen a GM advice from this angle. Every other video might say "know how much is enough" or "don't overprep," but this one takes a step back and looks at HOW to know how much is enough. Even if you're neuro-whatever or not, this is an utterly valuable video like there never was. While I despise grimdark settings, Dungeon Dudes is my favorite D&Dtubers now, because you guys are always chill, observant and full of wisdom. I can't watch anyone else. I just don't want you guys to be screwed over by some corporate.
@fernandomoreti5568 2 ай бұрын
Death Samba here! Thank you guys for mentioning it. As someone with ADHD I had a really hard time growing up because I couldn't do things "the right way" and accepting that I need to find my own ways that work with how my mind works, not against it. I work until 8pm because I'm not a morning person. I mostly improvise games with few notes over a pile of deep knowledge I acquired on my hyperfocused mode. The important thing is for it to work.
@bobbycallaway1819 2 ай бұрын
Watching this on April 13, the night before I’m running my first non one shot session. I am terrified. But I’ve always loved the Dudes and their very comfortable, gentle way of educating us aspiring storytellers. Wish me luck.
@taniaselfindulgart3847 2 ай бұрын
Obsidian changed my prep life. My main struggle is that my memory is very, very bad - I remember flashes of things instead of information. Obsidian searchablity - and the premade vaults for TTRPGs, like the one by Bag of Tips - helped me immensely. When I have a flash "There was something with this character..." I search this character and have all the notes mentioning them and can find what the flash was related to
@roninhare9615 2 ай бұрын
I have ADHD and pretty sure I’m a neurodivergent, all of these tips were incredibly insightful, now for the next trick. Implementation…. I dono about you guys, but creating a new process can sometimes be daunting and drain your mental energy. Wish me luck! Thank you guys for helping us know we’re not alone in this whole big hobby we love. I will say for me, I often get stuck in homebrewing, be it writing up subclasses, magic items, or monsters. I often try and incorporate a story around my homebrewing. However, on that same note, I find it hard to move on to a new task, especially if I’m stuck on a homebrew. I just like creating things, and find it harder to implement it and play it with my playersz
@Chiefjumpingfox95 2 ай бұрын
I can run a session with just a couple sentences of notes but what I struggle with most in the moment is area descriptions. So I’ve started writing those ahead of time for the major places my party is going to.
@jacoblawson972 2 ай бұрын
Will the new book include ducks or just things way bigger than ducks
@jimmyheffner7937 2 ай бұрын
The book is actually only ducks
@katecritt 2 ай бұрын
I have literally used the locomotive metaphor for my brain before, I relate to so much stuff in this video. Thank you dudes, you're amazing
@familieversteegh1712 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. It feels warm
@DungeonDudes 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome 😊
@rain7869 2 ай бұрын
This is so helpful! I'm running my first game ever, which is already daunting, but I'm also neuro divergent, AND I've never played DnD before so I've been trying to teach myself. Prep has been my biggest concern because I don't have any DnD experience to draw upon so I'm probably way too prepared while simultaneously under prepared. I have a World Anvil, I made a world map, and a town map, I have several google docs (sorted with headers so I can find them easily), I have a notebook for quick writing and doodles, and I have sticky notes I can put in the DMG & PG. In general can't think on the fly, I freeze and panic, so I feel better with too much over too little.
@adultsoutoforder0104 2 ай бұрын
Oh my God, I can't believed you mentioned me! Love your work! Running Drakkenheim these days! At St. Brenna's and ready to mess with my players in the best way! And yes, we cleared the content first in all the session zeroes. Thank you!
@Sirfinchyyy 2 ай бұрын
I have to agree with you guys about Guillermo Del Toro's rain room. Thunderstorms, lightning and rain in general make me feel energized and i get some of my best ideas in the midst of that organized chaos environement.
@icenic_wolf 2 ай бұрын
Step 1: audio record your sessions Step 2: upload to KZbin (even just as a private upload) or somewhere that does automatic speech-to-text. If you run your games over MS Teams or similar, this actually works great for this (and you can skip the "upload somewhere" step). Step 3: paste the entire transcript into ChatGPT, and ask it "given this summary of game session N from the campaign XYZ, please create a deluxe summary of the events that happened to all of the characters in this game session; make a bullet-point list of the very important events that we may want to be reminded of before the next game session begins." Step 4: Profit!
@MadysonEve 2 ай бұрын
You two are the only youtube videos I've constantly watched during my time learning how to be a dm and a player. My first proper DM game was Drakkenheim. Thank you for always giving your true thoughts and advice and making it super clear to understand for people who have never played or like me, struggle to understand a true meaning behind a rule or spell etc etc. I share your name with everyone who talks about D&D!
@Kingsfin 2 ай бұрын
My biggest advice as a divergent GM and for dealing with players who have various thought patterns. It is this. Patience. Patience with your players and Patience with yourself.
@Franimus 2 ай бұрын
If you're a hyperfocusing autistic like me, my advice is not to get too far ahead. I try to anticipate anything remotely in the realm of possibilities to be at least aware of if not fully prepared for. But I won't be able to do that for more than 1-2 sessions out, because that's way too much. Also if the group gets too far ahead of me, or takes an unexpected turn, I'll either end the session early or I'll call for a 10 minute break so I can replan. This isn't to say I don't have ideas for what's going to happen further out (by which I mean some major NPC goals), but those are mainly behind the scenes and ready for me to use to drop a foreshadowing hint.
@petemarshall3512 2 ай бұрын
Exactly how I do it. It took years for me to get comfortable enough with improv and allowing the campaign direction to be open so that I no longer overplanned, but I got there. I think it really helps to have players who are active in driving the campaign forward so that you’ve some idea what they intend to do in the next session. I DM’d another group a while back who even after a couple of years were completely passive and looking to me for prompts of what to do next, which meant I was planning two or three possible scenarios every session to present to them as options to avoid railroading, and it became exhausting. My current group are wonderful and their choices inform what I plan, which works very well for us.
@banderson763 2 ай бұрын
Kinesthetic learning style tip. Go on a hike in the woods. Take pictures. Use that to inspire your descriptions and environment
@Franimus 2 ай бұрын
Great timing for autism awareness month! Not only great tips for playing, but also some great insight in general.
@LetMeintheLibrary 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this!!!! It's so reassuring to see other ways of prep outside the norm being validated
@phaylin01 2 ай бұрын
I have been struggling for years trying to find a DM style that fits my neurodivergent tendencies and my disabilities. In that time no video quite hit the nail on the head as y'all did. From the momentum of getting into prep headspace to note taking and collection of reference images. No one video has made me feel as seen as y'all have here
@johnhall3570 2 ай бұрын
Monty and Kelly, I think the highlight of this video was your simultaneous orgasmic sighs of “Rain!!” 😁
@sundiataSMITH 2 ай бұрын
I write campaigns for my autistic children. I prepare a small notebook/spiral notebook/pocket folder for each campaign. The notebooks are sectioned by campaign overview, maps, main npcs, loot tables, personal notes etc. So, whenever they have a question about a past campaign or I want inspiration for a new campaign, I know exactly where to look for that information. And creating paper minis (their characters on cut out index cards) was a game changer. - sS
@2BSemperGumby 2 ай бұрын
I am so excited for this video. I can’t tell you how many resources and processes I’ve come up with to help this. Looking forward to your recommendations!
@arkyark8 Ай бұрын
Just days ago I did my own prep notes for my first ever time DM'n. My notes are exactly what Monty described! Cheers brother, you just validated my neurodivergent way of organising my thoughts and knowledge (lore, pictures, movie scene POV style of "seeing" it work). It's FUN!
@numinositycrossing9415 2 ай бұрын
This is really great! I’m going to be DMing for the first time in a couple weeks and I’m currently prepping but I’m having trouble focusing on reading the module. I really wish they came in audiobook format, I find it so much easier to listen and take notes! Thank you for all the wonderful tips, I hope to see more content like this!
@princess20-sideddie95 Ай бұрын
So, you may have already started, and this may be too late for this module, but maybe you can use it for the next. If there is a PDF version of your module (and there likely is if it is an official module), then you can plug that into a PDF reader if you need it in audio. Now, not sure how great PDF reader quality is, as I only just heard about them yesterday, but like you, I've been struggling to get through the reading I need to do to start my DM journey, and when I heard about this, I was overjoyed to have another option. Hope it helps!
@numinositycrossing9415 Ай бұрын
@@princess20-sideddie95 thank you so much! Imma check it out!
@princess20-sideddie95 Ай бұрын
@@numinositycrossing9415 Look for text to speech instead of reader, as the apps to "read" the pdf file as text are called readers too. So confusing, but I've found about a dozen or so free text to speech programs I'm going to try out
@rantdmc 2 ай бұрын
Fantastic video - so helpful and so many moments of recognition!
@jedim793 2 ай бұрын
As someone exploring themselves and discovering very recently I have ASD and ADHD this video has been amazing. Made me feel very comfortable being more vulnerable with my players and asking for help
@chelandres Ай бұрын
This video was such a beauty! Not only useful but such a pleasure to hear all the ideas and thoughts! Love it
@connorshell6000 Ай бұрын
i recently started running a d&d 5e game taking place in skyrim during the same time period of the video game. the video game is 100% a hyper fixation and i’ve found it to run so smoothly for me since i know most areas, quests, alchemical ingredients, etc. this video gave me the inspiration to run that game and i just wanted to say thank you both
@jacobyspurnger8488 2 ай бұрын
Thank you dungeon dudes for this video, and this series spreading nuerodivergance awareness. My tip as a nuerodivergant dm is to take frequent breaks! I'm sure the dudes have covered some of this, but I find as both a player and a DM that frequent breaks help a lot. As a DM it gives me time to prepare mid-season when my players throw wrenches into the plans I had at the beginning of the game that night. As a player it gives me time to strategize with the other players. I also am a smoker, so the nicotine craving actually facilitates this. A "smoke break" is usually enough time to recollect my thoughts and be prepared for whatever new and exciting things are happening in the game. When 5-10 minutes isn't enough time, it's nice to have a sort of "lunch break" for longer sessions. If you're having a long session, having a break to eat something, away from the game, will not only give you that second wind kind of break, but als it will give you a chance to re-fuel your body.
@puffmogie Ай бұрын
W video, this channel was the main guide for me when I started playing back in 2019 so they hold a special place in my heart.
@thanekrios8 2 ай бұрын
My prep time kinda varies. I can usually prep for maybe a few hours and have enough to be able to go through 2-3 sessions worth. I'm similar to Kelly in that I listen to instrumental music or sometimes I'll do ASMR. Usually I'll get some concept art on something I am picturing in my head as like a scene setter, and then I'll take that piece and build off of it. So I'll paste the image into my notes and kinda type around it. I'm thankful as well that my group has been together a long time, so our ability to kinda wing stuff and RP together is usually smooth.
@theultronite5000 2 ай бұрын
Kelly: “ I created the portal knight subclass for myself” Oh that sounds like Magik from marvel “…based on Magik from marvel comics” Dang, I’m on the same wavelength as Kelly. Magik is Great
@DungeonDudes 2 ай бұрын
Magik is so great!!!
@thewolfpriest77 2 ай бұрын
I really appreciate you all delving into this subject matter.
@Tusitala1967 2 ай бұрын
Best part was Monty's laundry list of expectations players place on DMs. He hit every single item I could think of. It would be nice to get a little more gratitude from some of my groups, and a little more help. Sometimes I feel like a monkey dancing on a stage for nickels. 😛 I think the best advice to manage attention is Kelly's use of the smooth stone as a kinesthetic marker. Touching the stone when your attention wanes is a mnemonic trigger to regain focus, and is simultaneously soothing when you are restless. A stuffed animal which represents a familiar or beast companion (or Rat Prince!) can serve the same purpose. I don't think leaning into the learning style models as anything more than self-identified preferences is especially useful. The science (from Kolb's model to Fleming's VAK/VARK model) is not reliable, even though teachers continue to use it, and this range of theories is largely considered to be a myth. The preferences in learning with which you feel most comfortable probably don't align with the modeling results.
@vadaritis 2 ай бұрын
Love the video, and the topic is very under represented so thank you. As someone with both ADHD and Chronic Depression I found the three most helpful tips for me is as follows. 1) Transcribe the monster statblocks ahead of time, and any key info like damage or 'to hit' bonus gets bolded or highlighted in some other way. That way, all the monsters are in one document i dont need to go looking for at the table. I find background music is helpful to lessen all the minor sounds such as the house settling or the dog barking etc. But it also helps me enter into the emotion/mood of whatever the scene calls for. And 3) If I have a particular scene in mind. I will reherse it to said music multiple times. Never the same way twice so that I am comfortable enough to confidently narrate the scene or dialogue. The music also helps with remembering what i was trying to do and helps keep me on track. For things to avoid. I am very photosensitive and our game table light flickers when someone turns on the water which stops the game in its tracks. And no, for those of you wondering, the light flickers cause its on the same circuit as the electric water heater, its not a fire hazard.
@DM-Nox 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this great thoughtful video and for being so personally honest and vulnerable in your presentation. Really brave and awesome.
@rubyblack7240 2 ай бұрын
this helped me sooooo incredibly much, finally got me motivated to work on my next session for a bit. no distractions! just me, my notes, maps and books:)
@ManualdeSobrevivencia Ай бұрын
When I'm writing stories and background lore about the world I often pick a playlist with the right mood to listen to while I'm at it. One of them I find very inspiring for heroic grandeur is Nightfall in the Middle Earth from Blind Guardian.
@stevemcphail8751 2 ай бұрын
...I think Monty might be me, so many things he described about himself describe me perfectly - needing that post-game mental cooldown time (I usually refer to it as needing to recharge my social batteries) and the hyperfocus/track switching especially. 100% nailed it. Neurodivergence can definitely vary heavily from person to person but it's so... validating to hear someone else describe the same things I also deal with!
@Shonosh 2 ай бұрын
Obsidian is changing my sesh prep at high speed. Thoroughly recommended for those who think in terms of links and relationships between items like yours truly.
@H3xx99 2 ай бұрын
Obsidian is a note taking tool with a map extension called leaflet. You can add map and drop pins for every little thing on the map. This can be your entire dungeon run, or city.
@Cerif55 2 ай бұрын
I mostly run pre-written adventures and one thing that I've started doing that's been very helpful is to listen to actual plays of the adventure I am running and following along in my Foundry instance of the adventure to learn monster abilities, fighting styles, etc as well as getting more ideas on how to RP different NPCs that might be very light on description in the books.
@waapfu 2 ай бұрын
In in-person games if I'm left to fidget with my dice I Will end up losing one under the furniture, and also the clacking sound of dice can impair my audio processing. Having a quiet fidget toy that doesn't roll if I drop it saves myself and the table a lot of disruption. I actually stopped reading novels specifically because of how bad my hyperfocus gets. It destroys my sleep and my sense of time and my fingernails bc I don't notice I'm biting them and then the story dominates my brain for a good while afterwards.
@williamtaylor6886 2 ай бұрын
No tips today. Just wanted to note I’ve shared the videos in this series with my gaming group, and it prompted discussions on visual tools and other matters plus much appreciation. Also, as the husband of a teacher, it was nice to hear about Kelly’s positive experiences with differentiated learning.
@the.jamie.turner 2 ай бұрын
I’ve done the approach of printing a map and writing notes on it for almost every adventure site in my Drakkenheim campaign and it’s been SO helpful - especially sites like the Rat’s Nest where everything’s connected and I can’t predict where my players will go or in what order.
@Vast3.14 19 күн бұрын
I liked the advice of focus on what you can do rather than on what you think you SHOULD do. Lean into your hyper focus topics or skills
@willmendoza8498 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, this is full of good advice for neurotypical DMs as well. Great video. Some of your best work
@BaggoBites Ай бұрын
I find staying focused and confident during the actual session to be really hard. I've been working on my mental hesitation to institute breaks or even shorter sessions. I find that adjusting my players' expectations helps a lot here. Just mentioning at session 0 "hey, I struggle with long session times so expect closer to 2-3 hours of play time, likely with breaks throughout," sets us all up for success. I've found that my players don't mind having shorter sessions and the like as long as you've set that expectation. I used to worry a lot that taking frequent breaks or having shorter sessions would annoy my players, but I was able to avoid that by just telling them upfront what to expect. You can even systematize this a bit. I plan to set a silent 30min timer on my phone during sessions going forward so that I can track the passage of time and keep breaks happening regularly. I'll still work them into natural pause points, but I'm really timeblind so having an external reminder that time is passing really helps me take care of myself, and there's no reason I can't apply that to a dnd session
@jase7300 2 ай бұрын
Kelly. My current character is based on Magik. The Portal Knight sub-class sounds great.
@kerrystromire6384 2 ай бұрын
The most massive gameplay improvement I did for my players to help keep focus was the dodge roll. Just add 10 to your NPC/Monster’s Attack Modifier and take 10 off of your PC’s AC and now you have a modifier for a dodge roll and a DC for them to target. There are some minor things you have to tweak as well but it’s easy enough to work out.
@didsva 2 ай бұрын
I just started DMing last weekend with a session zero. So I don’t really have any real experience when it comes to that yet. Meaning that this video is pretty helpful and come just in the right time for me😊 As I’m trying to find what that works for me and my autistically mindset. Like I have trouble learning world anvil which I want to use for my homebrew setting. But I get lot of my inspiration from anime shows and mangas. Seeing how I learn things and take in information have always been much easier with the help of visual adds.
@TheCoyote808 11 күн бұрын
I know this video is a few months old now, but holy crap guys. This discussion has some how triggered something in me that makes me question everything I've tried to do to be a GM for a game. It wasn't until I was in my late 20s that in discussing with a friend something regarding his Master's in Education program that he pointed out, "You're quite possibly the strongest kinesthetic learner I've ever met," that anything even started making sense. All my life to that point, everybody had told me that the knew I was highly intelligent and I just "needed to apply myself". So out of curiosity I took a few tests on learning styles and discovered that it wasn't just strong, but it was an almost exclusive learning style for me with only a very small percentage of input being the rest of the learning styles. And just hearing you guys suggest maybe try something other than just writing notes makes everything make more sense for what gets me excited about making a new world to adventure in. Just having that reinforcement that, hey, there's nothing wrong. Maybe try something a little different to get to the same end goal. And there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
@dorianthegrey2685 2 ай бұрын
My partner and I are both neurodivergent, with them DMing a fully neurodivergent table and the second I saw this video pop up I thought back to them mentioning that prep was stressing them out a few weeks ago--I have rarely shot off a youtube link to them as fast as this one. Thank you Dungeon Dudes!
@kurtoogle4576 2 ай бұрын
Midway through the video, I'm laughing as I feel skewered. I identify so much with what both Monte & Kelly are laying out.
@allansteele4988 2 ай бұрын
loved this... one of my favourite videos you have made...i have severe dyspraxia and dyslexia, i already do a lot of what you describe but some tips ill definately try out
@windwatcher460 2 ай бұрын
I find that i do best with at least 2 bullet points per character since the party often splits. Having a couple single lines of prewritten dialogue for main npcs is a huge boon i learned from running one of the starting adventures from wildmount. I also open tabs for anything i think the party might fight so i dont have to search during the game. And since maps bog down combat so much online, and i have a decent head for spacing, i go full theatre of the mind in combat. I like the idea of getting a picture of the location. I've been trying to write discriptions to read, and its great, but i have a hard time writting them sometimes and a picture might be a good compromise for me. Taking notes of plot points while running the game helps me a ton, even if it means a couple short pauses. A separate space for creative activities is powerful and i think I'm going to get a different keyboard to try to simulate that since i don't have a laptop.
@dcoffinh 2 ай бұрын
I don't know why I didn't think of calling a pause while I take notes--but that sounds very helpful. I do record sessions, but it is...not easy to find something without listening to the entire session back again. I might have to think more about calling for a pause while I take notes, or asking a player to write something down for me
@ramzcoldlampin5460 2 ай бұрын
Kelly, you and I are so similar in our needs for focusing! Definitely close yourself away in a room without outside distractions, I also listen to only instrumental music (classical, Spanish guitar, or Asian flute), set a timer for breaks, and drink water.
@pfalcon7777 2 ай бұрын
I know this video is aimed at neurodivergent people, but I would like to point out that I am not neurodivergent (at least, I don't think I am!), and still find all the tips here super helpful, so thank you! :D
@Ilephricaun 2 ай бұрын
I started learning to draw on my dm path. When I draw a place or a map, despite not being very skilled. It helps me memorize and know what's about to happen. For me , drawing the location is critical
@ismathers 2 ай бұрын
This is kind of just an expansion of something that was mentioned, but absolutely one of the things that helped me the most was just being more open with my players(/friends) when I've forgotten or lost track of something, whether that's rules or lore names or what have you. Just as I hope players feel comfortable saying something like "I know my character would still have this fresh in their mind but it's been two weeks since we played and _I_ can't remember it," I've grown increasingly at ease just openly saying something like "you might be right, let me check my notes" or praising the players when they pull out some backstory that I wasn't thinking of just then. It helps that this has often happened in the form of them making a cool connection I maybe wasn't thinking of or sometimes even intending, but I know there's at least a handful of times in my current campaign where I've said something to the tune of "huh, you know what that IS related to this" and it's always been something we've all enjoyed. Players get to feel like they're adding to the story in the active way and I both get to draw on their own creativity AND adjust the story in ways that are more satisfying to us all. I think most people do this already in some form, but specifically being more open and up front about it (instead of going the ".....yes, that's what I meant all along" route) has been really positive for us all, I think. And again, I play with friends; we're all ok with everyone involved being human/fallible, which certainly helps with issues that come up around neurodivergence but is also just a key thing to have in a good game.
@matthewwade8849 2 ай бұрын
I can not run pre-written adventures, but I can create a session on the spot with little to no prep, but I do spend time daydreaming about possible game stuff.
@williamoliver146 2 ай бұрын
Love you guys!
@3renegade3 Ай бұрын
Guillermo's study sounds like heaven!
@jelaneytaters8149 2 ай бұрын
I definately am like 90% improv on the sheet, but the mental template thing is so true! Ill be rehearsing campaign scenes to myself at work and writing background lore that will somehow stick with me and i can throw it in on the fly when were actually playing.
@TMKing_MS 2 ай бұрын
Now, this is the follow-up I was hoping for! 😅
@storytime7408 2 ай бұрын
I saw the twiiiter post and thought 'What do I have to offer that isn't already known?" With the vast spectrum of neorodivergence, everyolne will need thier own personally built system. So that's my berst advice. Lean lots of tools,. and continue to use what works. Perhaps revisit some tools after you have more experience. A tool that seems 'too much' might be the perfect thing after you have a short campaign under your belt.
@theinsanegamer1024 2 ай бұрын
A tip for dungeon masters in general is to not worry about having too many notes, and *especially* not enough notes. I basically wing each session. I don't have any general idea of what I am going to do next session, its mostly on the players to guide things and I mostly just suggest things to them. It's a lot more hands off than one might initially think, especially during RP heavy moments, and my players do like to RP, and they're really good at it. They said to "find your niche" and, as a tip, that can help, but not to everyone. For instance, I found my niche is really good characters. One of my players even commented that I make pretty good characters. That does make be a bit better as a player as I'll come up with some pretty good characters, like a plasmoid retail worker. She is a Barbarian. It's simple stuff, but simplicity goes a long way into characterization. Start with a simple concept, then expand, that's how I make my characters. So, tangent aside, I am good at making NPCs, but NPCs does not a story make. I suppose that ties into me being hands-off as a DM, letting my players roleplay. And they genuinely seem to enjoy that as well, but my niche doesn't as directly relate to session planning and creation. It can, I have done a few sessions around a jail warden asking the players to help catch a criminal after the BBEG exploded the jail. But ultimately it's difficult. In any case, a "niche" isn't always going to benefit you as a DM, and that's okay. Just try to keep it simple if what you're good at doesn't help out much in making a session.
@lukeashcroft3798 2 ай бұрын
Fidget toys are brilliant to help people from getting overloaded. I've also found great successful with the Hanayama metal puzzles for the same effect and even managed to work some like the Padlock puzzle into the game. (Random locked chest, if you solve it you open it.)
@charlesbangs9663 2 ай бұрын
Thank for this. A lot of what you talk about i actually understand and struggle with though i need good music or a show/movie on because silence is defining do to my tenitice. I also learned to crochet and knit do to needing my hands doing something to pay attention.
@matthewparker9276 2 ай бұрын
When designing a dungeon I really like to design it 3 times. Once as a story, what is happening there, why are the adventurers going there, and what will they find. Once as a graph, how do the different areas of the dungeon connect to each other, and how can information and characters move from area to area. And once as a map, how does the dungeon fit into space. Creating a graph before a map really helps me make sure it fits together and makes sense, especially with secret tunnels and height differences.
@Calculon3000 2 ай бұрын
My go to is just checking in and making sure everyone is having fun. As a DM its easy to notice all of your mistakes, but my usual feedback it's like 90% invisible and the rest is easily forgiven.
@VolderothLives 2 ай бұрын
Wishing you all the best. Have fun and don't sweat the small stuff.
@gidron123 2 ай бұрын
I have adhd and while i love DMing my last homebrew game died as i got way to over my head in prep of all the small towns and cities and places. Started a new game and now i have a plot and vasic map i have my main npcs in each area but to fill in the gaps i started using chatgpt. It helps make a ton of info quick that i dont have to and i just read theough and cleannit uo to better fit my plan. But now i dont have to use 10 different web pages to generate a towns size, interesting people, nearby landmarks, and point of interest in the town. I just have to add a few details to the parts i like most and i can focus on the plot of my campaign and how to keep players engaged
@mikaelasmith5202 20 күн бұрын
2 things. First, I like to talk my world out, so I'll record and just talk my thoughts out. Last time I did it, I had someone taking notes cause I was just rambling. Second, listen to your players. When they make jokes about something in town, make it happen. My players were staying at a lodge called the rusty reaper, the person they needed to see was the only one working and I couldn't think of why. And one player said ghosts. So canonically the lodge is run by ghosts and one tiefling.
@mikecarson7769 2 ай бұрын
love all of your positive advice and your friendly sharing of your experiences My contribution of advice = Learn what your strengths and weaknesses are, and do to same with your friends, so that together you all can do your best and enjoy your games
@cringeking9441 2 ай бұрын
I play mostly online and I'm quite new to it. I have started to incorporate a lot of the physical tools i acquired for IRL games, into these Online Games. Finding creative and out of the box uses for things like Template Maps, Spell Cards, Initiative Cards and Physical Dice has been amazing for data collecting and storing. Dice are just numbers on a rock they don't need to be chance machines. Template Maps are great for drafting how the Online Games are gonna look AND you can take photos of them and upload them as Online Maps. Not necessarily advice for the Neurodiverse but you ARE more creative than you think.
@cassandralittle 2 ай бұрын
I love you guys. Best DM advice channel I’ve come across.
@DungeonDudes 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@carolxs 2 ай бұрын
I relate a lot to this and to be honest I don't know if I'm neurodivergent. I probably am but I don't know how to define it. My way is similar to Monty - I need preparation, even if I don't use it at the table. Writing down, for me, is the way my brain organizes and absorbs what needs to be done. If I write down what a character should say about a certain event, I will know what to do at the table later without having to read. So my process has been this: I write down lots of interconnected notes using Obsidian. I make little maps, mark points of interest. I generate visuals with AI just for my reference. I draw battle maps and code modules for VTT. I have fun doing that. But for the session itself, I prepare a few bullet points only, because they will help my brain make the connection to all the other things I wrote and produced without me having to read it.
@Bernardonogmo 2 ай бұрын
I have a table with blind players and I try to adapt D&D to them, it's been very challenging and I'd love good advice, cause they really love it
@dcoffinh 2 ай бұрын
The Mary Sue has an article from 2019 about players who are blind playing dnd; it could be a good place to start!
@thomasmcgraw8778 2 ай бұрын
My tips are more for finding your own tips. That work for you. Pay attention to what feels more natural to you. There's lots of different ways to dm but I wouldn't focus on the different types because your preconceived self image will make you try to mold yourself into one of these boxes. I feel what's better is to just try different things for your first couple sessions. Get a feel for what comes naturally to you and has good chemistry at the table. And play into that. For instance: I way overpreped for my first encounter. The reason I say I overpreped is because I had no earthly idea what a level 5 party of 8 can do (my friend accidentally invited an extra 5 people). So they destroyed all my expectations and I found myself playing into the absurdity and making all kinds of on the fly adjustments, and I had a blast. To this day, almost none of my enemy character sheets are complete until after the first round of combat. That's just how I run it. Pay attention to what doesn't feel natural to you. Some people freeze up when the roleplay gets a little too real. Some people suck at math and need some precalcs on a sticky note before the game starts. Some people can't draw a battle map on the fly with nothing but a shape and a single dimension in their mind like I can. That's fine. Just know what you struggle with and do what you gotta do to either avoid it or have the leg work done before you get caught off guard at the table If you do get caught off guard, don't panic. Try to wing it and wing it with confidence. Players aren't stupid or jerks (usually) and they can tell. The beauty of that is they will usually play off whatever you give them. And if all else fails, just tell them 'yeah I'm not sure what to do with that so we're just going to wing it.' Or as I'll often say to my players "not where I thought this was going but @#$% it we ball." As long as you can put on a smile and occasionally laugh when the curveball comes out, you'll all have a good time.
@themorganism8714 2 ай бұрын
I use memes, music, and bullet points when I prep. The discord I share with my Starfinder team has a channel for my campaign that is full of memes that only 2 people have gotten some stuff right. I just need to glance at them and remember what ideas I have planned for each point of the campaign.
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