Fate of Drakkenheim Episode 80: Divided We Fall
@chrisvossler8795 11 минут бұрын
"I'm being manipulated by 2 swords and a lich" - Pluto Jackson
@lostsemler 20 минут бұрын
I have a group of 10 to 11 people. Half of the group is the entire family. the other half are veterans that help me run it.
@jairoquinino7261 38 минут бұрын
Man I don't know if that wish spell twist was planned or a thing of the moment either way it's genius!!! So awesome
@SudsyMedusa53 Сағат бұрын
Who would win? A group of six fully equipped level 14 murder-hobos? OR The full might of the kobold 10th Mountain Division?
@christiangex2055 Сағат бұрын
Chaos is always fun :-) Thanks the dudes for the show.
@bringitonbatman Сағат бұрын
As much as I love "Take that Purple Dragon Knight", it does kinda solve your party face and party healer issue. They get expertise in persuasion and they share their Second Wind healing. Are they otherwise just a guy? Sure, but when that's what you're after that's all you need. What I'm saying is, if there was a need for a fifth, it should be the Banneret. Heck giving them inspiring leader, and they're basically on point as the Cyclops-esque team leader role.
@bahamutkaiser 2 сағат бұрын
It does stack with defense and shields
@vaughanscott4580 4 сағат бұрын
So curious about the mechanics of the lich's abilities they so mysterious which adds to the RP of the mysteriously powerful mage.
@taleg1 4 сағат бұрын
One sad thing about most dungeon is that any monsters often lack a reason for living there, people usually forget that even a monster needs food and water in most cases so access to that is need, this also changes how we think about dungeons themselves, as the core of them should be where they are for a reason, the design of it should have begun as maybe a crypt or something else, but that part should still be there even if the whole place has gone wild and turned into a true dungeon. Maybe there is only traces left, but it. If a rpg world had been real, everything should have a background, a reason for being there and so on and if so, that reason would have affected what was created in the first place. The typical dungeon just don't cut it unless it's fully a magical creation, it would have it's on ecology and so on and all would affect everything around the lair or dungeon... Sadly this is a personal pet peeve that surfaces now and then. Even a dungeon should have a vibrancy of something, maybe life, or monster lair, or worse, but it would still be a vibrancy of that type.. There would be smells, the freshness of the air would be altered and so on and all that adds to the reality of it or the feeling of it being a bit more real than the basic dungeon without any reason or meaning behind it other than being a monster treasure hunt area.
@jamesknapp64 5 сағат бұрын
Started with videos being "2 years old" and now it just says "1 year old" Making progress
@gethriel 5 сағат бұрын
Not to mention, using ancient thumb draw techniques I can actually factually nock and draw with a "full hand." IRL.
@adambielen8996 5 сағат бұрын
The best case of unintended background I've had happen to me was when both another player and I picked the Bounty Hunter background and the GM pointed it out so we decided to be partners. The characters actually complimented each other very well, he was a Barbarian and I was a Warlock.
@Bernardonogmo 7 сағат бұрын
If only Sebastian had a hound that gives disadvantage on saving throws so he could deliver his twined banishment...
@utopia2112 7 сағат бұрын
@22:24, right when Monty verifies that Veo hits the first demon with three arrows, a siren can be heard "in the the distance". #demonicwahmbulance
@alvarox951 7 сағат бұрын
You could also pick haste and steel wind strike i'm having a hard time choosing between going 4 lvls warlock and 16 bard, or 8 warlock 12 bard
@Sirfinchyyy 8 сағат бұрын
X-bow expert (in my mind) means you know how to reload the thing with minimal effort.
@igayparisjr 9 сағат бұрын
“That’s just the state of the economy these days!” You ain’t lying.. nah of groceries costing anywhere from 50-100 dollars.. 😢
@marc-andre1496 9 сағат бұрын
Mind Sliver + Vortex Warp
@kellylynch5113 10 сағат бұрын
Intimidation is 95% charisma. If a little kid juggling a dagger calmly tells someone in a bland manner, “you can tell us or I’ll cut your throat.” And shrugs, is that more or less intimidating than the barbarian who’s going to cut you in half? Or the wizard who threatens to light you on fire? It’s all in the delivery and it’s a which is why I think it’s a valid skill, however is it played that way is the real question
@petercomrie1924 10 сағат бұрын
What happens in Nox stays in Nox I’m dying lmao
@bringitonbatman 10 сағат бұрын
With TCE, doesn't the Fey Wanderer Ranger have the highest potential for natural charisma checks? They can get expertise on Persuasion checks and can add the wis and chr mods to that expertise. For example a point buy mountain dwarf at level 12 can have +5 in wis and Chr, so a +18 to Persuasion.
@iskandarthegreat0487 10 сағат бұрын
I would LOVE to be privy to the after-game talk of this episode!!! The heartbreaking yet epic tension!
@mitchhaelann9215 11 сағат бұрын
Dragon Warlock is a common ask. I created a 'Genius Loci Patron' warlock a while back, it's a druid/warlock fusion the same way the Celestial Patron is a warlock/cleric hybrid. It's primary ability it to give you an option. When you cast Thorn Whip or Primal Fury, you can either double the range (10 feet for the acid-damage Primal and 60 for the Thorn Whip) or target a number of creatures equal to your Proficiency Bonus with them. This actually gives slightly better scaling than an Eldritch blast, in exchange for still-much-shorter-range and easier-to-resist damage types, but it at least gives Eldritch Blast some kind of competition. The rest of its abilities are basically the scent monster ability at level 6, fighter's action surge 1/ long rest at level ten, and a 1/day self-buff that copies a high-end Druid spell that makes all the plants in the area very angry. Some kind of blood-magic Wizard that actually trades Hit Dice for refreshing used spell slots would be nice. I half-finished one that focused on having multiple familiars, improved familiars like Chain Pact warlocks get. They got Homunculi that had their own actions and their own initiatives, but the wizard invested his own Hit Dice into them, and when they died, he didn't get those dice back until Long Rest when he could re-summon them. They levelled with him as just permanent pets. If y'all like these ideas, send me a DM (haha) and I'll throw together some modest PDFs for you.
@thebrothersslim6056 11 сағат бұрын
Season 1 I felt the group occasionally grouped up on Sebastian unfairly, now though? Goodness it feels justified. Great drama <3
@PkBearMan 11 сағат бұрын
Good delving, always nice to see respectful discourse
@DarkBath 12 сағат бұрын
I would add, that it is pretty much always better, to make a puzzle that the pc's will crush, than a puzzle that they will get stuck on.
@matunusdonnerhammer3423 12 сағат бұрын
Some sub-classes I'd like to have: Space Jammer Pilot Artificer: Artificer spealized in flying, building and repairing Spell Jammer ships (or airships). Mad Science Druid: Mechanically similar to other druids but intelligence based and a mad scientist experimenting with mutations. Body Guard Fighter: Tanky fighter specialized at defending other characters. Fallen God Warlock: Warlock serving one of the dead deities and maybe leading a cult dedicated to their patron's resurrection.
@davidstone9624 12 сағат бұрын
Can't be dispelled? Why not?!?
@tallspike7692 12 сағат бұрын
Was in a group of four level 3 PCs, we killed a lich, and then beat another one within 2 sessions! Definitely got more lucky on the first one, and more planned on the second.
@r1ck995 13 сағат бұрын
this was amazing tyvm
@williamozier918 13 сағат бұрын
Now I see Venger from the old school D&D cartoon as a Dragon Pact Warlock, and the problem is his patron is Tiamat and he is trying to rebel against her, and that's why they're fighting.
@mitchellwelch9135 13 сағат бұрын
1:14:34 what happens in nox stays in nox…. 🤣
@EdsonR13 13 сағат бұрын
I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that this is a bad take. Being able to keep track of which weapons to use at which time and doing so efficiently can be really rewarding. Theres nothing cool about everyone having unlimited ammo hand crossbows that never need reloading. With your ignore it philosophy why not just attack with great weapon master then hit with a rapier bonus action sharpshooter shot then put on your shield to have a +2 ac for your enemies turn. Working within the limitations of the game make for a better experience.
@ashtinpeaks9972 8 сағат бұрын
I think it's different if you are actively trying to abuse this shit for minmaxing. In this case, pluto would have done roughly the same damage and had more AC. Nothing broken or abused To be honest, I don't want to play at those tables that minmax every single rule anyway. It's not fun, lol.
@patheticbread6861 7 сағат бұрын
It’s different when your trying to use it to do as much damage as possible, rather then just…swap weapons, I’m a DM, I only enforce the shield rule, I can’t imagine how annoying it is to say “uM aCKTALLy, yOu cAN oNLy pUT aWAy yOUr sWOrd, yOU CAnt dRAw aNOthEr oNe” like that’s not fun, it’s just annoying,
@jammin383 14 сағат бұрын
Hey Dudes, thank you so much for your content. Many hours of my days the last few years have been spent watching and thinking about the ideas you've given me. For a while i was just watching and wishing i could play. Basically Copium. Now I'm dming for two great games now, including Drakkenheim, and couldn’t be happier
@DungeonDudes 10 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the kind words and we hope your games are rewarding and fun!
@bubbles9829 14 сағат бұрын
If Mouse is a playable character, what class would she be? Fighter/Rouge multi class? Battle Master/Assassin.
@justinfarrugia4620 14 сағат бұрын
Just waiting for Kelly to realise he could have simply just upcast banishment to get both demons
@ronlittlejohn8046 14 сағат бұрын
Personally I think every class needs a dragonic type subclass
@AvromCrovax 14 сағат бұрын
That's why there used to be a feat called quick draw.
@drachimera 15 сағат бұрын
Awesome intro!
@Littlebasterd123 15 сағат бұрын
When Horace just...flew up and out of the cave, i shuttered in horror. Monty made it seem so eerie and no chalant. Made me think of that scene in Hereditary where the mon (who just moments ago sawed their own head off) floats up into the tree house as id an invisible rope hoisted it up. Love it.
@KevinM-ov3qr 15 сағат бұрын
So 21,000GP per day is only 14.6 GP / minute. So not that expensive per battle
@TheDOS 15 сағат бұрын
Man been waiting to hear that Pluto first round after seeing the sneak peak short, so satisfying :D
@ThelronReaper 15 сағат бұрын
The best example of how things can very quickly turn movie esque in D&D
@ullebrammerloo74 15 сағат бұрын
Can't we just say that he used the copy self spell that way he's always present but also not
@lukestreifel4778 16 сағат бұрын
Everyone in the comments arguing about whether or not Pluta can even use the sword needs to watch the full episode.
@max_2da_max336 16 сағат бұрын
It makes sense if everyone at the table agrees to a Dark Souls/ Resident Evil Style Campaign, but otherwise it ends up mostly interrupting the flow of combat/ the narrative (in my opinion).
@Mrs.Skaloskavic 16 сағат бұрын
I will always let a character drop an item for this purpose, but if they don't state they pick it back up then they're on their own, it's not my job as the DM to remind you that you drop the item, but I will remember that you did.
@DannyboyO1 17 сағат бұрын
I think stabbing someone and leaving the sword in them while you reload sounds extremely John Wick. And recovering a weapon through some clever footwork very Errol Flynn. Aaaand those fantasies are not exactly D&D fantasies.
@KnicKnac 17 сағат бұрын
Having to explain every small detail ruins the flow of painting a cool action scene.