Games Workshop Price Increases BACKFIRE... Over-Hyped Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Hivestorm

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War Hammer Man Studios

War Hammer Man Studios

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@buttemountain 2 күн бұрын
Apparently GW is having a “major shareholder revolt after top bosses handed huge bonuses” moment
@raistlarn 2 күн бұрын
I collect guard, tau and a few others, and I feel these price increases are beyond ridiculous. It's almost like GW does not want people to buy their miniatures.
@kannmansomachengehtaberauc9881 2 күн бұрын
Well they got what they wanted. I stopped buying their stuff 3 months ago and it just feels nice not to deal with it anymore. What got me to actually take the step was that in addition to the more than absurd prices that they are pushing for the last couple years (it was always expensive in relation but not like this) I kept receiving broken or missing parts in the kits and the customer service has become really bad. There are so many corners cut in qc and the kits themselves etc. that it’s not worth to pay anptemium price for a non premium product anymore. The rules constantly changing is also super annoying with huch much they charge for them.
@EvilBearWargames 2 күн бұрын
price is the killer
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya the prices are getting crazy. aside from the big box savings, there is almost no value left in the hobby.
@JoyousOblivion 2 күн бұрын
@@WarHammerMan People have been saying the exact same thing for the 25+ years i've been in the GW hobby. Never is actually true and has always kept growing.
@krede77 2 күн бұрын
​@@JoyousOblivion I agree. The difference today , is that 3d printing has become so common, and that alternative sculpts often are as good as gw, and in the case of the old world ,they are a lot better.
@Deadjim17 2 күн бұрын
£10 extra on Kill Teams just for a bit of cardboard is rediculous. And the removal of all the OLD teams that don't have the counters is just dumb.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its def a money grab, charging a "token tax" especially when a lot of us already bought the old expansions, and paid for our tokens, books, cards etc already.
@Deadjim17 2 күн бұрын
@@WarHammerMan I don’t even play KT! I buy the kits I want for my armies that don’t yet have a 40K box. I’m just glad I don’t currently need any Kriegers. Krieg purchases are on hold until their box drops in January
well they will be re-releasing those teams with counters in wave 2 and 3 with a New price.
@Deadjim17 2 күн бұрын
@@RAINBOWBEARMAN I'm not concerned about THAT they will get re-released. I'm concerned of having to pay £10 extra for a piece of cardboard I will never use. Like I said no Kriegsmen until January and the Imperial Guard Krieg/codex box gets released.
@@Deadjim17 yeah, I understand. I really do. Sadly they are going to upcharge us for the new box and cardboard.
@Jewus19 2 күн бұрын
I missed the part where you talk about the *BACKFIRE* . this is just a *reading the killteam preorder from the webstore* video.
@dominicharris5851 20 сағат бұрын
It's because this guy is a grifter who can only rely on SHOCKING and RIDICULOUS video titles.
@brianhall4182 2 күн бұрын
I didn't mind the Hivestorm price itself since I wanted everything in it. I really needed some actual terrain. But the price hikes for the teams themselves is awful. I went out and bought the old Scouts because I'm not paying an extra 15 dollars for new packaging and some tokens.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya i agree. hivestorm good, everything else is bad. its crazy GW basically reboxed all the killteams, and is charging a "token tax"
@tinkertoiler744 2 күн бұрын
@@WarHammerManhivestorm could be great if have the kt boxes from last season. The updated rules should refresh the game. If i didnt have those already i would wait for the new teams to release.
@JanBaucke 2 күн бұрын
The cards and tokens for the old teams should have been in a bundle together. I dislike the Idea to buy another Kit of Minis just to get the tokens for all the Teams I already own.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its pretty crazy. basically burns the bridges for anyone who has been collecting everything for the last couple editions. i will be buying none of the cards, and making my own. like you i already have the tokens and teams. so GW basically loosing one of their top kill team customers, by providing little to no value for us.
@ilikefruit666 2 күн бұрын
What are the tokens? You're not talking about data cards.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
@@ilikefruit666 the tokens are different. you use them in the game to mark various things like your activations, concealment, objectives, wounds, etc. they have generic tokens in the various starter sets, but also kill team specific tokens are now included with the reboxed kill teams. the datacards are just card versions of the actual rules. which will be released for free on warhammer community. but the cards are hand for game play, but not a necessity, because you can easily make your own.
@niccolo6865 2 күн бұрын
As always, embarrassing prices
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its gotten really bad over the last couple years
@murraymincemeat 2 күн бұрын
shit is insulting i hope their current bubble pops
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
its def in the process of popping. GW is trying to make up for loss in sales volumes, with increases prices. its barely working, and wont last much longer.
@wtfserpico 2 күн бұрын
The fact that the teams are different prices at all shows that they are priced based on what GW thinks the demand is rather than any kind of cost+ formula. I picked up the core set for $195 from an online retailer, but with the way prices are going that's probably the last KT product I'll ever buy.
@FinalHero1 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, not at those prices, guess I will drop this game or go full proxy.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya the price increases are really catching up to people. GW has lost touch with their existing customers/fans, and is trying to get new people to fill the gab... even with space marine 2 being so popular, it will never happen.
@SiliconSicilian 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely love this box and the bonuses but can't bite on it right now.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its a nice box, but lots of people passing on it! economy is slowing down, prices keep rising, dragon hordes are at record levels, plenty of other things to be working on! cheers
@jamesdarby6149 2 күн бұрын
It’s excellent value, especially with 20% discount. In the uk the box is £116, and the individual value of the box is about £250.
@davroshalfbeard8368 2 күн бұрын
What can you say as soon as your in slaved to shareholders the customer is screwed lol
@ashdog9235 2 күн бұрын
“The primary responsibility of fiduciaries is to run the plan solely in the interest of participants and beneficiaries and for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits and paying plan expenses.” Sadly GW and all companies have a legal responsibility to act in the interests of shareholders not in the interests of the company itself and especially not in the interest of consumers.
@GamingGuardians 2 күн бұрын
Kind of surprised Hivestorm hasn't sold out. Also kind of miffed the Brood Brothers box doesn't have the Magus or Patriarch for the kill team.
@benjimlem1284 2 күн бұрын
Right? I thought Brood Brothers would also have the 3 coven guys, but ofc it's GW we're talking about here, lol.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
i'm not surprised at all. GW always massively over-produces the big boxes, and under produces the expansions. its literally happened every time for about 6 years. its crazy the brood brothers is missing the best part of the team.
@GamingGuardians 2 күн бұрын
@@WarHammerMan It makes more sense now. Things like Ashes of Faith sold out because of that logic.
@GamingGuardians 2 күн бұрын
@@benjimlem1284 I dunno if I even want to play Brood Brothers, but I already have a Magus so it won't hurt me to buy a Patriarch or a Brood Lord. :D
@benjimlem1284 2 күн бұрын
@@GamingGuardians It wont hurt you, it will hurt your wallet 😹
@Bolton19 2 күн бұрын
Dealbreaker for me was the two teams, I don't like the vespid or the scions, just my personal taste
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya this was an odd choice, neither one is particularly popular.
@Gorbz 6 сағат бұрын
The "Blooded kill team" was an awful lot cheaper when the models were being sold as part of the Blackstone Fortress game expansion boxes.
@jmencalice3229 2 күн бұрын
Imagine paying 95$ CAD for a killteam without the datacards...
@MrStratofish 2 күн бұрын
I pre-ordered Hivestorm. I was planning to also get Nemesis Claw and Mandrakes until last week but decided to nope out. The balance has been tipped too far so I'll 3d print proxies instead
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its a real shame. the big boxes still have a lot of value, but the individual teams, cards, etc, have gotten out of control
@whitefrost1stgren581 2 күн бұрын
180€ for 20 infantry models is just unreasonable nah its insane
@thestranger3434 2 күн бұрын
Was worried about not getting my hands on Hivestorm. If you want everything in this box, it's a fantastic deal. Great terrain pieces for 40k too
@Dtv8564 Күн бұрын
Buying 2 kill teams now is almost the same price as buying a combat patrol box. I had some interest in KT before, but now I'll be sticking to 40k only.
@nickNcar Күн бұрын
Im new to warhammer and was in a GW store looking at some stuff and the guy who worked there asked me of i was new. I told him i was and he asked what got me into it. I told him my friend was begging me to play for months but i kept telling him it was top expensive howrver the lore and idea of the game eventually sold me. He told me it wasnt expensive and is cheaper than most other hobbies...i can buy a video game for every 1 box of minis i buy and that doesnt include paint, primer, and other supplies. Bro was brainwashed.
@3Xero3 2 күн бұрын
Happy I had an additional coupon/store credit and picked up my Hivestorm order for about $175. Didn't even bother looking at anything else, though, because of the price.
@ravensharpless 2 күн бұрын
I really want to get into the hobby and I just can not choke down the price. Recently I bought several Gundam and all of them together amounted to just over $100, I really wanna jump into a Space Marine army but it scoops my stomach out just thinking about it all. With Gundam it's all entirely manufactured in Japan, there's engineering not only on the functions but the assembly too and then there's colored plastic (which isn't a big thing if the purpose is to paint it). Those elements all put together makes me look at the price tag of $25 and think it's worth it. Then I look at 40k of which uses far cheaper manufacturing in every respect and asks for 3 times the amount, plus you need a bunch of it cause you're building an army
@jonathanlaxton5791 2 күн бұрын
I have been looking forward to the new edition and kill teams for weeks, months even. But I cannot support that price (over 300$ CAD after tax) for this set. For over 50$ less you can still get the Warhammer 40k ultimate starter edition which has 2 whole combat patrols, terrain and rules. There's more models for the tyranid side alone than in the entire kill team box. Whoever is pricing these boxes needs to stop smoking whatever they are smoking or at least share it because only being that high could I consider this at that price point. The only reason the box had "value" is because everything in it is so jacked up it seems like a deal, until you really think about what they are charging for all this. I'm very disappointed overall and will either find it on a discounted site or just get the rules and use tokens for the gear. Cannot continue to support this at the prices being set.
@ravenRedwake Күн бұрын
I hover around the brink of just throwing all my stuff away like I should have done back in 5th edition where I had a crap ton of firewarriors and like one crisis suit, should have just washed my hands of it and called it done then. Sunk cost is a motherfucker.
@benjimlem1284 2 күн бұрын
I wanted to get Nightlords KT but seein they gonna cost ~27% more than Legionaires (which is basically the same, CSM+upgrade sprue) I guess I'll pass.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya the night lords upgrade frame is nice, and loaded with cool bits, but its a crazy tax for kill teams!
@benjimlem1284 2 күн бұрын
@@WarHammerMan GW keeps acting as if it's still pandemic and they can charge people an arm and a leg for their stuff. I just refuse to accept price increases of that margin over 2-3 years. Previous AoS starter was 450pln, this one? 650pln. And their prices (after FLGS discounts!) are nearing the magical 200pln barrier. I felt kinda like a dolt paying 150pln for a box of 10 plastic soldiers, but 200pln? Yeah, no. I can get a resin 3d printer for the price of 11 boxes, and print until I drown in minis :P I wonder how long until people at large decide that it's just not worth it...?
@Daredhnu 2 күн бұрын
Their prices have been insane for about 2 decades now, I honestly don't understand why anyone continues to support GW they don't respect their customers in the slightest.
@jdstudios1912 2 күн бұрын
And this is why i moved to buying 3D printed stuff
@snakeeater6738 2 күн бұрын
There is ZERO reason GW minis should be this expensive. You paint them yourself and build them yourself.
@jamesdarby6149 2 күн бұрын
GW makes and designs all miniatures in Nottingham UK. It’s still a niche brand. Look at it like this. People shell out £1000 on a new iPhone every 18 months. But nobody kicks up a fuss about that. It’s an individuals choice on what they buy with their money. If you don’t want to collect Warhammer, there’s plenty of other mini games.
@drunkplaylists1829 2 күн бұрын
why should they be cheaper? The level of entitlement people have is astonishing.
@snakeeater6738 2 күн бұрын
@@drunkplaylists1829 okay let’s compare this to something similar. You’re telling me I can buy an entire Gundam for the same price as a single GW mini?
@snakeeater6738 2 күн бұрын
@@jamesdarby6149 you’re comparing plastic minis to an iPhone 🤦‍♂️? And he’s, people do complain about IPhones. Al the time.
@drunkplaylists1829 2 күн бұрын
@@snakeeater6738 Lmao what? I'm telling you exactly what i said. If the reason is that GW want to make more money, so be it. You're not entitled to own everything you want. If you think the prices are too high move on with your life, stop whining and get a grip.
@Happilymarrieddad Күн бұрын
I bought a Saturn 4 Ultra and have been printing miniatures. Warhammer Fantasy was my favorite game and they destroyed it. I still have the books and there are plenty of really cool models to print and paint. I printed 10 river trolls and 10 stone trolls that are way better than any offerings from GW and I think it costs me something like $15 to print all 20 models. I have purchased a few of the Old World stuff but the lack of inventory and slow releases have been insane. I think I'll just print and paint for a lot cheaper.
@Count_leche 2 күн бұрын
All the price hikes and the 3 year edition cycle have total burned me out on miniatures.
@Filthyanimal9 Күн бұрын
Lots of other games out there
@antonyleech2967 2 күн бұрын
I paid 50 quid for warhammer 40000 second edition and about 58 quid for 3rd edition
@nilsirrah7672 Күн бұрын
If they can over produce then they can lower the prices.
@stevebarnett-f5o 2 күн бұрын
Most UK independent stores were sold out almost from release....again, it is pathetic GW.
@billybirdy9507 2 күн бұрын
They needed to make sure Hivestorm didn’t sell out because players complain a lot of they miss out on a launch box.
@misfitminis 2 күн бұрын
The Brood Coven box is nearly the value of the Brood Brothers box, they were't going to include that.
@displeasedsociopath5939 2 күн бұрын
$45 for an upgrade sprue? Hahaha NOPE! The one thing I was interested in, and it's $45 for a frame of scatter? No thank you. I'll make ladders out of Plasticard and 3D print smoke grenades, ah-thank you!.
@Ironhammer101 2 күн бұрын
Half the content and twice the price of new bolt action starter set how can that be
@jarradmcdonald2895 Күн бұрын
Yeah nah, not paying $100 extra for some tacky bases I can 3d print haha
@BigDaddyDirtHog 2 күн бұрын
Locked in mine at $195usd. Plan on flipping the teams for 60-70 each and keeping the rest for a few bucks out of pockets.
@Kalemvir1 2 күн бұрын
With both Yeagirs and SM2 being 80$ CAD, i think ill get better value from SM2 right now
@johnja4922 2 күн бұрын
this is hilarious, the box is more expensive than the printer plus curing machine I just bought, have been pumping out sick models over the last few weeks, GW is just clowning at the moment, they got sick models, but the prices aren´t can´t be justified anymore in my opinion.
@bryanh28 2 күн бұрын
whats kind of crazy is that GW stock is comparable to Boeing stock rn. One company makes plastic miniatures, and one company builds crewed capsules for space.
@eyaldiskin3665 2 күн бұрын
the price of the stock is meaningless unless you take into account how many stocks are in circulation.
@bobh9492 2 күн бұрын
The plastic Models work about as well as space capsules as Boeings do at this point….
@radeadcool 2 күн бұрын
Where the new Blood angels stuff, Captains, etc.
@Wombatzone31 2 күн бұрын
@ $308Au discounted the pricing has killed my dream of owning Hivestorm. The individual team boxes are $100-$130Au which is a rip off
@Magmaxyz Күн бұрын
Moved away from GW years ago best decision I made
@wolfinstedd 2 күн бұрын
Honestly GW need go same day in 40K and kill team on release day. As get right tab for each product lines.
@ghunt1245 2 күн бұрын
So….if I want to use the official app for all the previous teams I own I have to buy those cards!!! I’ve purchased every big box since Chalnath. FFS GW don’t you have enough of my money
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its absolutely ridiculous. basically burning bridges for their main kill team customers, to grab a few quick $$
@kastlerock01 2 күн бұрын
The store I procure from had 40 Hivestorm boxes and sold out very quickly.
@paolothomson5883 2 күн бұрын
So gw is growing so we can raise the price and make less miniatures to create fomo wich will make people drop out from buying and end up with the same profits overall. Brilliant
@CodyMatlock-hd3ej 2 күн бұрын
I want to learn kill team but I only have so much time to paint minis. I already plan to go hard on storm cast and the new blood bowl team. I just picked up blood angels. As much as I want to pick up hivestorm I'm not gonna have time. The set looks awesome but there is so much more cool stuff on the way and we're only a month and some change maybe from talking about christmas box sets.
@JGburneraccount 2 күн бұрын
I pre-ordered the Nemesis claw 😭 I've been waiting so long to get some night lords but geez the price is unreasonable. I'm definitely going to kit bash the rest of my night lords so I don't spend that much on only 10 characters.
@kkeith08 2 күн бұрын
There still in the EU market so not sold out yet 😂
@xXCigarXx 2 күн бұрын
I mean,I'm glad I already bought all the kill team stuff I was interested in getting and probably won't be getting any more....but that sucks for anyone new trying to get into it. I honestly hate GW but I do like the 40k models....once I have enough for my army I think I'm done buying stuff from them though,I'll just keep playing 10th with my friends. One time investment for me and some buddies....not interested in any of thier update bs or them changing what you can use and all that,I already fell for buying a box of death company and just sold them luckily since I figured out GW's whole plan. Making a Primaris only army then getting out is my plan. 😂
@georgeaitken2719 2 күн бұрын
Was in a workshop store today they had one on display looked through it some nice stuff there
@tomasv8732 2 күн бұрын
The reason they are not selling out is because they ramped up production, where before there were issues with supply, and people were complaining. I hate gw too but this is a good thing tho
@aardvarkpepper7660 2 күн бұрын
Nice take; I never liked that whole "limited supply" thing myself. 🤔
@MajorZero508 2 күн бұрын
It's 1730 on the eat coast and it hasn't sold out.
@Zenny1220 2 күн бұрын
I think they’re cool but I don’t play Guard or Tau.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
thats a based take. good models, but not very popular teams/factions for a starter set
@Dante45p 2 күн бұрын
"free" until a rule book comes out then its pay walled see Skaven
@thebattleofpelennorfieldsp6081 2 күн бұрын
If you have to pay for the app the rules are not free.
man... didn't even give you a hardback version in the 230 version so it's worth less than 60 dollars there. lol
used to work for a box company. card board costs almost nothing. printing the ink on cardboard costs more than the material. and that card stock is not that good. it's cheap. so it costs them pennies. to compare it to something else, ask yourself how can amazon afford to send you some huge ridiculous box for the toothbrush you ordered? Because the boxes cost them almost nothing. lol And the more you buy, the less it costs overall. That markup on these tokens and cards is HUGE.
I should have added this. If a MTG pack of 15 cards costs roughly 4 dollars. And they are making HUGE profits just from those cards, How much do you think it costs to make those cards? packaging included? Very little I can tell you.
@conanlucas6183 2 күн бұрын
errrrm no to the bonuses lol. i got the box for £104 from third party.
@drunkplaylists1829 2 күн бұрын
lol this channel is hilarious.
@jchan8539 2 күн бұрын
I like the stuff in hivestorm, like most of the comments, it’s too much money.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its a nice box, the price increases are def crazy. i think most people are getting buying burnout from GW
@powrongster 2 күн бұрын
I had hive storm in my cart this morning, and decided against buying it.
@lothwitchviewing3776 2 күн бұрын
This is what 3d printing is for 😂
@thomasshaw61 2 күн бұрын
I willwaituntil fridaytoorder mine!TThey aredefinitly raising the prices,so much,thattheyare chasingpeople away!This isahobbyandgwisdefinitly pricing many people out!Icanstill aford it,butI am notbuying as muchasIusedto!
@trevoradams8675 2 күн бұрын
Wont buy any of this shit at that price. It's literally irresponsible to spend that much money on plastic.
@davidshaw123451001 2 күн бұрын
GW: OK, we need to make sure there's enough boxes for everyone.. we will do more. KZbinrs: Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh they're not selling! GW: Sigh...
@GrimrDirge 2 күн бұрын
The Stingwings were the big draw for me; the variety of the Tau empire is a major part of its character and draw. That said I also have some scions, which were calling out for some variety. The terrain is a big bonus. The books and cards I'll sell asap, since I only use my collection for RPGs, not 40k or Kill Team.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its a nice box, and selling off the extras is a nice way to make up for the big $$ tag. cheers the stingwings look great, i cant wait to get them!
@finnewar 2 күн бұрын
Games workshop is dead to me.
@capnbrunch9612 2 күн бұрын
Or its just Kill team isnt as popular as 40k... you youtubers keep on saying that gw finally went to far every other week, and their stock keep soaring.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
wanna know how i know, you're braindead? GW stock price is at the exact same level it was on july of 2020... so if "stock keep soaring" means it is at the same price it was over 4 years ago... then yes you're right. otherwise you're an uninformed moron. but i'm just using facts, your comment is clearly based on your Feelings. lmfao you sound dumb!
@steveita2162 2 күн бұрын
I'm not saying you're wrong but don't be so thinned skin if you're going to run a youtube channel
@Xfactor3521 2 күн бұрын
​@@WarHammerMan Got to ease off the name calling, if people are misinformed, then point them in the right direction for them to do the research. Sometimes I wonder if you do have thick skin or not due to some of your replies.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
@@steveita2162 while i understand the sentiment. i think part of the problem on the internet, is uninformed people, spreading bad information. its up to the rest of us to point out their ideocracy!
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
@@Xfactor3521 lol after dealing with the intenet and bad takes for over 5 years, with millions of views. i just tell it how it is, like it or not, when people say dumb stuff, they deserve to be called dumb. then they will do research, realize they are dumb, and then stop saying dumb stuff in the future. so you think i'm calling names, but i'm actually just pointing out facts. helping people to break free, from the low IQ lives they live, and actually educate themselves. my skin is plenty thick. but in real life, i'm exactly the same, when people say stupid stuff. on the internet, everyone thinks they are super smart, and need to be corrected, so they realize, its just not the case!
@georgesvideos6837 2 күн бұрын
I think the price is fine. For what you're getting in that box, you're still saving 50%. Especially if you don't have terrain or any of the other things. And you want to start a new game. Two people are about 100 each person. I am unsubscribing because your titles are misleading and they're just there to grab hype. Your videos skew towards negativity and so do your titles. You can't be balanced if everything you say is negative, at that point. You're just a hater. Why don't you challenge yourself to put out five positive videos with positive titles.
@bryanh28 2 күн бұрын
He's pretty fair in his criticisms.
@nerothegardener7076 2 күн бұрын
I mean, the problem here is that they are constantly raising prices to the point where it is clearly very anti consumer. Even if you are saving more than 50% off it doesn't really matter when the price of it is in the hundreds of dollars. Mind you previous editions were much cheaper.
@aardvarkpepper7660 2 күн бұрын
I agree about the misleading titles that are just to grab hype. But also I'd say $230 USD is a lot of money, and that I don't consider terrain good value. Players can use items such as books as hills, build their own custom terrain from styrofoam, PVA glue, and sand, more elaborate structures from plasticard including using from plastruct and/or evergreen scale models, or purchase often cheaper and better looking terrain products from model train stockists. I'd say players would do better to have more models. Also, best look at some of what else is being produced these days in plastic models, often at lower price points. Games Workshop used to really have the edge on quality, but these days other companies put arguably better sculpts out (in the sense of having better looking and a wider variety of poses) with at least the same level of detail, and again, often at lower price per model in the same size range.
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
lol i literally just tell it how it is. if you cant take honest takes, and want to live in a bubble of lies, feel free. i high five GW when its good, and criticize them when its bad. lots of cult members who do one or the other, but about 10 seconds looking through my last 50 uploads proves, this is not the case. i keep it real, but i understand people have trouble with reality, and the youtube algo just feeds you what you like. so if you're only seeing negative stuff, its probably because thats what you like, but dont trust me, trust the algo. its literally designed to give you what you watch. so you sir, love negativity, and thats what the algo gives you. dont blame me, because you're a negative nancy, living in a bubble! cheers
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
some people just cant accept reality. it takes 2 seconds to look through my last 20 videos, and see based on facts, george's statement is a lie. lmfao
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